West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 May 1918, p. 7

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r Great w, " I‘d-M III-nu. $31238 DOING. a in.“ sapphire T The remaining T, brilliant din- xmnuds, 147 It“. [ 16 sapphirw Dbies. Con ining and ’05 I slightly - an. “WIS. among and the War rrvolt, who 1915. with t C Unit, 1. (-30 is t n to Ed in (ml, ‘9 11.11.00. te A.D.M.S. New West.. the forty, Ir that city. make Mm. Wage Act" precious ril 6th. - ha not“ "ss by ti. wu decor- ' at Buck- hat Maier. l has died . Mark'- E. Lord, n special it“! men-nt- My trar. prova- alum;- tt " new. Victoria halibut mom its taiti.. w indov K in]. vaud- e Let Int tho LOGO in pr med an 1035.” nt 0 of I the men in e " ham r tho he WI P. ho "o. Wood from Anil- e tty- can ban W". had r90! mg “I. he the was 01 had. $2,- 10 m CHILDREN IN THE WAR 10M: Earth ities in every direction, the shrieks of the children. " they mt- tcr and rush into the can“. ring our. an the commanding voice of the a.-r-geant-majnr reverbentu thrown the air: Aim-raft guns no busily may“. f C thr-re ig a hostile machine high uy in the air. Yet one can hear the merry clutter arm! childish lsughter of the linnI' 12m- ones. They seem oblivious of tho Get that there ls my W. Three year, they have boon hem. Thvre is one little child just three yrars old. She was born link!“ the shriek of the shell and the boom of the bombardment. Small wonder, then, that this little one does not real- izr, the danger. Raining Death. I' H Late in the afternoon. The men have not yet "turned in" to stables, but several are working in the {can nhmi. All of a sudden there is a crab. "Maise non, momleur. All that re- mains of my home is hero," he ex- plained. "I had a good with: ht I big house in - This is all I have left'. No, I won't have it all behind. No one would buy it or come to live here. Beam..." he “and, “I want to be as near 'her' u pouiblo." Be towered bio voice. "You Bee, man-10w, she is out ture-any triri--rrty r 'i'tle Gobrlollo!" a. poued lull ma c.cr'u:,.e, his forehead. "She m in - u‘nvn the war broke out," he continu- a. "ihad and and paid for he: " ucation at the school. She no men- teen then, but now all. I: twenty, if PM: is olive.” "But have you not heard from here." I asked. KIDDIES t was interested, and questioned him. iv is a doubtful point, but do those people know, or is it "just a way they have”? Here is the village blacksmith, tall n'ui handsome, 3nd troy-boarded. For three you. he has worked la- boriously " his forgo day after day under shell flre. "You still remain here," I said. "You must realize your dancer! Sure- ly you could be further but?” lndnmilahlr Character " the m people W ho Bide Misery With a Smile. N' It a word," he wanted in a low , :.»per~"not . single letter. BU rm, be alive, the may be dead. If I tr" s',', only know!” You no, she in so ymng, so KI",,',; BO inherent! I hate to think 0 it, man-1m. We Ohrttrw the Hun, Ind when t think of it-- Mn'. Dian!” [he little clock on the anatomic” r', win! the second hour after m0 _ Tue Frenchman straightened it up forced a smile and shook II. by the. hand. "To work, monsieur-M to " tsork'. It is the only thhsg whieh helps me to forget!" lt is "just I my tiny have,” M <nme cases " many " four or thm xmals-- the horses are guided away m the danger acne. Than again comes that ominous Mia. but the shell has already "'ct. It falls among men working uh , forage shed. There will betwo we aching hearts in Eighty to. Stand to your horses!" Another order is given, and with nurkable eeleritr--one nun lending y horses are placed " the Izth of the battery in less than xany seconds. It we: amazing quickly the horses were removed safer place. but there no still . ugly shell holes to mark the F " tragedy. The following morning I had oe- "'r m return to the shelled em, l. would hardly believe my eyes " l, l across to the shattered sheds ' wur brave lads hsd fallen the sr-.'-, afternoon. Attached to a 1 “Lit-h was still left standing in f wage shed was a rope. Seated :r. swinging to and fro, In: a of My, laughing merrily, an ex- _ an of perfect happiness in her , eyes. Several other children around waiting their turn to I awlng. !, parents love their children, and would imagine these little mites d be warned not to approach . apparently " dangerous. And 1 group of women stood at the er watching their little children dorm, "n, men have been wounded, and um to yourself an open m w two working mines, It! MI mung in the rat, a villm st 'ri.t, and you have the battle- , m.» of the most humus bate hin lis' WHO LAUGH AND PLAY UNDER SHELL-FIRE. What Matter. It? was no doubt they Ward on- thomsolves thoroughly. And t hateful boom sounded in tho . and still the shells whistlod artillerymen fitthtintt In The rumble of Ihellee an dininctly in the distanee.-. mysterious whistling sound passing overland and the as they bunt in the line. Business u Usual. wonderful French! This k . splendid play suit for the boy. Mchl Pattern No. 7710, Boy’l One-Piece Blouse. In 4 rim; tl to 8 yem. No. 6990, Boy's Knee Ttm-. In 8 than; 2 to 14 you". Price. 10 Foulards are proving very popular thin season. McCall Ptttem No. 8071, Ladies’ Overdreu. In 6 sizes; 84 to " bust. Price, 20 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall denier, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St, Toronto, Dept. W. In boiling potatoes allow just ough water to boil dry. T PUIOATIVI WATIR . to the Meat. sun-t 3nd moot cannula! may for in euro. It mtatteq tho "new“. and mu the ”continued waste matter Wilda under» we. health ll!!! gum 1m. BONSTIPATWW _ On Cal. Jazmin: " out: the bottle. “DOA PURGATIVI WAT! CO. ' tl RI GA" Seasonable Designs Solemn Hoepitul Recovers Fifty Tons Monthly from Ween. At the extensive base hospitals near Salonika, approximately 100,000 pounds of fats are recovered each month from diehwater and table scraps. This quantity has been ens- ily obtained without depriving the men of their "dripping" and wet, and ls suMeient to producé about 80,000 pounds of hard soap, 20,000 pounds of soft soap, as well as considerable quantities of dubbing and glycerine for the manufacture of ammunition. "his in Is obtained from the fol- lowing sources: - _ _ _ Now Going to Waste in Canada to a Large Extent. The by-products of the lumber in- dustry constitute an enormous amount of wood material which, for the most part, are now going to waste. Utiliz- ation is retarded in Canada on account of the scattered population and limit- ed markets as well as the technical nature of many of the processes. It is estimated that the logging waste which is left in the forest represents' about M per cent. of the original tree. Obviously the opportunities for utiliz- ation are limited, and the main prob- lem in Canada, at present,.is to rigid- ly enforce the proper burning of slash in the wet seasons to remove this serious fire hazard and leave the woods in better condition for second growth. Other losses in the forest are due to fire, Insects, fungi, wind, thick growth, scattered growth, local pre- domlnance of Inferior species, failure of mature trees to come up to cutting standard, inaccessibility of timber and land-clearing operations. These are some of the problems which confront the forester, and the importance of the forest protective movement is em- phasized when wspemember that for- est fires in Canada have destroyed perhaps ten times as much wood " has been taken out by the lumbermen. The federal and provincial forestry branches and the various associations have done a great deal to safeguard our widespread forest resources and to secure the eo-operation of the public In overcoming carelessness in the (I) All the bits of bacon rind and other (at: that are left at table. (2) The skimming: from stew. (8)' Grease from boiled bacon or ham und fat from pans in which onions, toma- toes, or eggs have been fried. (4) Bully beef tins. (5) Bones, especial- ly marrow bones. (6) Grease from diahwater. The grease from the dishwater Is recovered by means of a simply con- structed box trap placed near the wash sinks. All animal fats are care- fully rendered in large caldrons to prepare them for the uses to which they ere to be put. . Such materials should be conserved in Canada. They are of great im- portance and the waste In large ho. bell and restaurants ls very consider- able. Watching Them Go. Alone in the crowd that was watch- ing them go, Unobtrusive and silent she stood; But the look on her face as the troops passed below, No one could forget, if he would. Her head was held high, and her eye- searched the men For some one familiu and dear; Her hands were close-locked when I looked once nttain,' And I thought that she winked back Then, all of a. sudden, she flung out "And there in the crowd that wu watching them go, Unnoticed and silent she stood; But the look on he: Nee as the troop: passed below, I would not forget, if I could. t.tt-toommoeoiGeiiierrttte her am. And waved a small kerehief of white, While into the face I thought lacking P in charm, There crept a new, wonderful light. "My two boys," she said, "they are lowing to-day; But I an so proud and so tgladl" And she left me there standing with nothing to lay, For her smile was so brave and so sad. Two eight gallon in! will hold thirty dozen em put Mn in water Whenever there 'tts WO. 310:; back fences and mud the M 'mdootoftho wnrtsrotmthatettttt utilized. grow moth mum seed for poultry feed. " Old hens, young punch and chick: should not be allowed to mowed:- er, u the smaller one: will not be able to get suifieietrt feed and will nul- fer in consequence. ARMY HOSPITALS SAVE FATS. BY-PRODUCTS OF LUMBER. a tear. MONTREAL. Every appeal to the German peo- ple over the heads of ita leaders, every attempt to impress it with the good faith and disinhreatedneu of its opponents in this war, every as- surance that we are fhrhtimr, not for the extermination of the German people, but for their right to de- velop their gfeat virtues and mani- fest genius in the humane forms in- sured alone under the influence of free Institutions, pre-suppose in Ger- many the existence of " least a ker- nel of the sort of thought which we describe by the phrase "publie opin- ion." But no one who has been long and intimately familiar with the in- side of German institutions, with the ways of thinking in typical German circles, whether liberal or conserva- tive mailed, with the whole politi- cal atmosphere breathed by radical or reactionary within the borders of the German empire, can hesitate to say that there never has been in Germany any such thing as public opinion. One Thing Entirely Leaking in the Empire of the Km. In a normal season, the cultivation of corn should begin by harrowing lightly before the corn comes up, and this should be followed by another harrowing just after the corn is nice- ly through the ground. If the plant- ing has been followed by rain, the first harrowing will break the crust and help the corn to come up. These early harrowing, will also help to conserve moisture by stirring the top layer of soil and forming a mulch, which is exceedingly important in a dry sea- son. LEMONS MAKE SKIN Mlke this beauty lotion for a few cents and see tor yourself. What girl or woman hasn't heard of lemon juice to remove complexion blemishes; to whiten the skin and to bring out the roses, the freshness and the hidden beauty? But lemon juice alone is acid, therefore irritating, and should be mixed with orchard white this way. Strain through a fine cloth the Juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle containing about three ounces of orchard white, then shake well and you have a whole quarter pint of skin and complexion lotion at about the cost one usually pays for a small jar of ordinary cold cream. Be sure to strain the lemon juice so no pulp gets into the bottle, then this lotion will remain pure and fresh for months. When applied daily to the face, neck, arms and hands it should help to bleach, clear, smoothen and beautify the skin. The spike-tooth or smoothing har- row is an excellent weed killer if used " the right time. Weeds + most easily killed when they are very small or just coming through the ground. Hmowing at this time is much more "lelent in destroying them than deep- er cultivation later in the season. The ordinary spike-tooth barrow is well adapted for this purpose, but, if the tilting barrow can be used with the teeth tilted back, it will give much better results. Weeds are enemies. They steal plant food and moisture, and often choke the very life out of the young cultivated plants. In their own way, they are as bad as the Hun: and should be fought as determinedly. As the machine gun in trained against the enemy by the soldier, so should the farmer train his machinery against weed enemies and maintain eternal vigilance in his fight against them. Any - druggist will supply three ounces of orchard white " very little cost and the grocer has the lemons. BARROW CORN TO KILL WEEDS. Eternal Vigil-nee I: the Price of Good Dalhousie. I cured a horse, bldly torn by a pitch fork, with MINARD'S LING MENT. St. Pour'l, C.B. EDW. LINLIEF. MI round In horse of I had swelling by MINARD’S LINIMENT. Btthurst, N.B. THOB, W. PAYNE. I cured a horse of the Mange with MINARD’S LINIMENT. CHRISTOPHER SAUNDERS. tioml service 5y gown}; their experi- ence Ind “Mame to farmer: in order to relieve the farm labor short. To open or clone 1 window without leaving one': bed, or when the wha- dow is out of reach, attach . strong cord to I screw-eye in tho top of the lower nah, extend the cord upward through I null pulley or screw-eye in the window frame It the top, 1130 iiroukh one below in the sill; Con- tinua to I place convonient for muni- It in im'med that the amid and to” character of the British is due to much outing of beef. An excellent mp is made with milk, and pontoo- and onions, and scanning of par-lay and celery leaves at for M's I“ “to no other. Retired farmers are numerous in GERMAN PUBLIC oration. 18st No. 20--'U WHITE, SOFT, CLEAR. You say to the drug store mm. "Give me a small bottle of freezer." This will cost very little but will positively remove every hard or soft corn or calla. from one's feet. A few drops of this new ether com- pound Ipplied directly upon a tender. aching corn relieve: the soreness in- stantly, end man the entire corn or callus, root end all, dries up and an be lifted off with the f1ntrers. - This new way to rid oneh, feet of corn: was introduced by a Cincinnati mm, who saw that freezone dries in a moment, Ind simply Ihrivell up the corn or tsaihu, without irritating the surrounding akin. Don't let'mher at. of infection or lockjuw from whittling at his com, but clip this out tind/tttslr, him try it. If four druggist hasn’t any free- zone tell' him to order I am]! bottle from his wholesale drug house for you. M's than.“ I-unhrmn’n nun. Teacher: "Why no you so his?" Bor. "Please, miss, I started Ute." Teacher: "Why didn't you start early?" Boy: “le, miss, it was too lob. This urchitectural oddity was built about Mtr years ago by an old lady nomad Jupp, who lived at No. 9, for occupation by one of her servants. She had u number placed on the street door, and so endov§ed it with a ato existence as a house. Illum- when: not by mustn't. to m early." . Do not move little chickens hum home to house except when it is ab- noiumly may, no moving retain their growth. Msko vegetable gardens in the warmest, sunniest spot possible. Plants need warmth and sunshine to grow well. Large trees rob the gur- den of sun and the roots draw “my the moisture that the vegemble plants require. A clump of trees or I. hedge to the north or west of a garden will not u e wind break, protecting the plants from cold winds. A Good Ream. Ir indietlnguiehnhle in the ein of e British my surgeon who in expel-l- menting with . bell made'of artilege u n eubetitute for I metal or glue one. A sphere of and: construction when put in place eetebliehee connec- tions with blood veuele and the sur- rounding tissues. When thus fixed in the envity it in supposed to be upeble of movement corresponding to that of a normal eye Ind furthermore tills the spice no that there II no depeeeeion. u is invariably the cue when n ehell in need. Although time must yet prove the practicability of the echeme there in reason to expect that the war he: brought forth another triumph in British Army Susan'- [Ive-ti- Doe-Aw” With “Gk-y Sure.“ plastic surgery. Just o word from one who con un- dentand; And we finish the talk we long had planned, And we lone the doubt, and the fear we had-- So little it aka to make Ill glad It Tulsa So Little. It takes so little to nuke u: glad, Just a cheering chip of I friendly MONEY ORDERS. Buy your out-of-town uuppliea with Dominion Express Money Orders. Five Doll." cont: three cents. Emrs from water glut solution will nanny remain good for two week. car being removed from the pn- genitive. urn: ”III -. "" nu. - - W. r. YOUNG. P. tr. " "than "glam“. Cu. Immune Ind Abmque. 3.. m we In Cub TORONTO To make the nrtiiieial on practical- mm-umcumm ARTIFICIAL EYE MOVES. WiFir6tFtttots um -iiiiiiii4iiiN* mes ,mhmm WEL: ' :QUP’J’ED t NFYIPAPIB on o pr- nu nu: a In Outgrlo. “laymen oatriod 91.509. :33 11th.: kwydoubt about to {Mm-MMWwbemd MMhamdtro-huter. If -tnuitiar-blrttmh. We,',',":,', NEWSPAPER IN WIT- ern thttarfo. Damn)“ bud. a... but: of - " on (In “that. A not! chum- tor u mu: with - _Apply 20: 0}. Wilson Publuhln. 'it.itl,i,riitjti',ii ___ mm": cur-runs AND urt- men want Writ. Goo. M. Paul. I ' View!“ Bt.. Scrum. - _i,'siiiiiht "Li.edeetid le in: to d tt?ri'e.ritiil.l'i, Wall.' tidrgl',rga urthStt? CINEMA MEALS MINI EBZEMA So Bad Could Not Sleep. Red With Water Blisters . and Burning. my 1egttM'p1"ptg"g2tfN.* “woo. I had the would: foe only two you". In“ about Cuti- an Salad Ointment. an? I go: iiria." "riser' did me e dim any. and now I an g',ur'tu'tt'/, (Sigrid) In. Peter “chunk. Much Rm. my" Al!!! Itl, 19113 -. -. “Ilium lob-Almond M. tttir-dongs-tttess tttidttemmrtrodrnothtioyid -d1r-rtrirelqttt-nd [India on lubed. My tuett-t" Garland t'tl'l'd'l."u1Trl,"llh"CmrG'a' ”in; How can ouch dice-Ohm dUfigo ttrhtg akin mu. might be invented g way-day we at Outta?- Soap-n6 1mm for " calla rllr,"lt [choc Sample Each y Mull ad. tgt,t"lf.'h'.t "Ctttieura, Depth U. B. A." Sold when. Lian. ruuom. Luann. no. lug-rm! aare. alumna - 1'}? iii" imiw" irirku J.'"tiol S,',', Ablhhfnli If,'.'. Leiutt him]. imam. A Cure for 2ttt1htt,thN'Aard Whal- ot-do-n Loud.” "rrteah-aou, Hm‘dfii h so Air-p3 that “lo. doc-pp}!!! be! Wind-to and” odor. SN. .J U100 We; Do not My substitutes. Got tho gumbo; "ttfit-tttours/diritti',',','.',) Writ. , I“: Dr. Bellm- In!“ ' M in...“ In. BadBrcath body were worn out. 'tttina/lr Mod tat tn: EydinE. Pinkh-m Vegetlblo Com" pound and It nude . we“ wanna of me. I an now do pl] my Work miaiiC - WEI?!

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