n? 'i' . c P'" L Col-ulna July and. when all present. Hill!“ domed. also mum» at a spacial meeting held JIM 10th. Oom’r Bunur'e donned antenna: for audios end gunning wee $26080; mpair ot culverts $20.50; grove! male 830 22 ; winter work on roads 841.05 ; allo Hy. Bowen bonus wire lenee 28 rde. $12.60 ; Jno Moore do 20 rd- 89 00; N. chmuell bt rue $22.95 ; Wee. Halliday do 50 rde. $20.25 ; Com. tees 813 23. By-Law No. " appointing Tax Collectors mpusod. The nume- of Alex Calder and Erwin Robb were inserted in the Bv-Law tor the north and south divisions respectively, ul- My $40.00 each. Oom’r Fem guys . detailed duo-on! at the uncut od my car. pended in his division tor mad In- provement " Minus '. grading and gruelling $277.75 ; repair ct bridges and when; 33 60 ; crave! account.- 813.32; alibo W. J. Ferguson bonus wire Lance IO Ids. $4 80 ' Com. lees 312.00. Can’t Brown‘s detailed statement ot the anon: expended in his divis- ion tor eroding and gruelling w" 5480.75 ; repair at bridges and col- voru 88.00 ; grove! Imam: $41.04; also Alex Allan bonus wire lance 26 rd: 311.70; Rob: Wilson do 10 rdl " M); W. fl. Banter do 80 rdst24 ', Com loo-sud menacing work 022.50. By-Law Bo. MT authonziug the Reeve and Trauma- to borrow money In: pm. Fergttsoet-Br6mr--That the hl lowing account. be paid : W. A. Reeves, Assessor tor equalizing Union Schools $P2.r o ; C. Yake sheep killed 32.00; C. Ram-go & Son printing By-Lawa and Ade'tC't. at Rev. 33.00; D. McDon-ld gravel 1916 not 4 80 l Com'r. Brown com. work 3.50 ; Reeve do 5.00 ;Clorh do 3.00 ; Tren- urer )4 "an allay, pot. Ind order: 62 69; Clerk )4 year's alary, pct. Ind tel. 150.64 . members of Council toe l "tttti" and 2 week] meeting: Com'r Mtshuttalt's donned stale- mena for ttmdirttt Ind gruelling wu “65.75 ; repair at bridge. â€12.53 l gnu] scamm- $27 62 ; winter work on roads " so ; Com. tees and over- ueing work $24 oo. MeDoil--Brown--That a gum of 8253.03 be given to the Executive Committee ot the Pauiotio Societies so be distributed Among the various Societies of the township. Carried. 2: C. RAMAGE & SON, it) T The Review, Durham wt"'"'""'"" E EEEEEE ""t §lnvest in VICTORY BONDS 'iruitt:r:r:.r.t:r.tr:r::e:swa.a:a.aass.s.a 255'" at A. S. HUNTER & SONS, Durham or at ' _ J. W. BLYTH’S STORE, Varney Cash for your Cream Call at eiiher place and get your can to-day. Cans supplied and spot cash paid. Cream received any day at any time. See your cream tested while you wait. TRELEAVEN & RANTON Palm Creamery We have completed arrangements for purchasing - for investors - Victory Loan Bonds for five, ten or twenty year periods, to yield better than 5k per cent on the investment. Interest payable half yearly. Se- curity the whole of the Dominion of Canada. Will be pleased to furnish further particulars personally, by letter, or by phone. All enquiries confidential. Save your quarters for Victory loans Knitandsewlorthearmychape; Fly your banners ; Eat bananas ', It yom'Gemmn, mind ymrmannen! Save the wheat , Save the meat Corn and fish are good to eat, Thompsonize ! Use local supplies , Give your bankbook exercise ', Help the splendid Red Cross crew ; Help the Belgium babies, too. Save the fats, And the butter-pats ; Go a little easy on your shoes and hats. Boost for beans and Victory bread ; It you don't like beans eat peas instead The boys in the trenches must be fed ! Save the oil ! Save the coal 1 Don't play hog with the sugar-bowl ! Work more ', Play more ; Watch and pray And do your best for a kaiserlesa day. Good kiln dried corn may be obtain. ed in Holstein. Phat-class feed. 8000tho. I061.“ macaw! room 2.00. Carnot Council adjourned to moot “and 6th tor genus! bullion. Apply to Promotion Examinations No. IO, EGREMONT. Jr 4th to Sr 4th-Mary Drimmie, Mur- ray Henderson, Melvin Long, Wilfrid Bunston. Sr 3rd to Jr 4th--Hazel Nel- son, Rutherford Henderson, Donald Mc- Arthur. Jr 3rd to Sr 3rd--Aima Bunston (H), Irene Drimmie, Evelyn Hamilton, Flo Sinclair, Archie McEachern. 2nd to Jr 3rd--Mary Mclnnes. Arthur Robb. Jr 2nd to Sr 2nd-Ronald McArthur, Stella Robb, Mac Henderson, Isabel Lamont. let to 2nd-larrraine Swanston Stella Drimmie, Jean Henderson. Ernie Hamilton, Russell Nelson. Jr 1st toSr lst-Marion Henderson, Donald Mc- Arthur, Margaret McArthur, Johnnie Long. Pt. to tst-Maxine Swanston. Sr Pr.- Ella McEachem, Ella Nelson, Jean Lamont. Jr Pr.-Elmore Hamilton. War Advice Mary M. Findlay. Teacher. J. R. PHILP. Tress. Tp. Egremom D. Allan, Clerk. Tl. average yield of potatoes per acre in the Province of Ontario tar the past thirty-six years has been about 116 bushels. The yields vary greatly. In 1917 there were vari- ations in Ontario from twenty-tiee or less up to seven hundred bushels per acre. People are realizing more and more that :or high yields of po- tatoes conditions must be iavorabie. it is important to have good fertile soil well cultivated and to plant a liberal supply ot seed of the beat varieties at the proper time. Seed potatoes somewhat immature which have been produced in a. cool cil- mate, and which are comparatively tree trom disease, are apt to furnish seed ot high quality. Even under these conditions it is well to care- tally inspect the seed before plant- in; and to thoroughly rogue the growing crop. A potato held ls rogued by remov- ing the undesirable plants. A thor. uogh roguing ot the growing crop once or twice during the summer is one ot the moat etteetual ways in ridding the new of a. number ot the potato diseases. This operation would also insure the immediate removal ot the weak and unthruty plants which are sure to produce underwe- able seed. Potato growers sometimes go through their tUMa and remove all plants which no not true to type. Thorough rogulng is one or the beat methods of securing pure, healthy seed ot high qusuitr--Dr. C. A. astr- ita. Ontario Agricultural College. 3. All pans, strainers, dippera, milk bottles, pitchers, etc., which come in contact with the milk, must be thoroughly washed and preferably steamed, or be rinsed after washing in a. chloride solution, which has been found to be one ot the beat germs- aides. 6. "Lou over†milk trom meals should not be put Into the general supply, as this causal the whole lot LO spoil. . . ir." "Lott over†milk from the “ck room should be pasteurized or do strayed, as it par spread dlaese. .. The rem running during the crest- er part ot the year with the main btCt get: plenty ot exerclu, â€pecul- ty It the breeder in aiming for n crop ot strong lnmba, and lets the tioet out-Me ttr_urever, dag during the winter. Tbe'bouwlll do but on am plot with plenty of - dun" summer, And tn 3 non provided with n null yen! dam the winter months.---- It. King, B.tkA.. Ontario Axrlcnltunl College. Fortunately we have (ll-coma! comparatively simple method. of combating the tttmeta ot what an called pathogenic (dunno-prod» lug) bacteria. These my be and In a few short rules as follows: 2. As soon u the milk ia drawn trom the cow, it Ihould be cooled to 50 degrees or lower, and be kept at that temperature until consumed. 4. Milk would not be exposed to the air any longer than absolutely necessary, as this needs the milk with a fresh lot ot germs. This means the keeping ot milk in a closed vee- sel and not in an open duh. T ig one of the anomalies of "to that the sources of our greeted pleasures and smote“ mean- of good, ma'y tutto be sources of lue't, greatest pains .nd moot harm. um . s can in point. um: I: the but some. of Mo'- greatest need-- proper and â€Mom food. It my tuaotrets-ofthtrdeotrueUort of tita.t-ttmarbeeromethtr home at feeding ground of those death-details organza: which no tsowreootptiaedaathtreautseotttmo. “any 81) deaths, except than due to accident or old age. - - 7717. Milk which I: consumed In tb raw condition must. be drawn only trom cows which no healthy. 7 t. Milk at all “me. and in all places should be kept "clean" and "cool."---) H. H. Dean, Ontario Agricultural College. Productio- ot FirstA2ttst, Seed Pttatoe0xreamYklths.- 'ii-ei-r-astra-teh-mats tCoatrtbotsd by Guano Monument of Agriculture. Tomato.) Exes-else the Mg stout. Exercise is amend tar all mob breeding suck. At certain seamen ottlMsrsaritiaansaarmattarto arrange toe mph exercise tor the stallion, the bull, the boar, or the ram. At other Lime. It is rather du.. tieult and frequently mac or no exercise I: given, or It given too much freedom occasionally, harm to the sire is the result. The bait should not be allowed to run loose in the pasture with the cows. In the first place it la th dan- gerous custom, as it glvea abundant opportunity tor the bait to attack a person unawarea or where escape is dimcult. Further, a record ot the date ot breeding ot the cows cannot be kept and no hard can be handled to the beat advantage without these records. The main points to be observ- ed in keeping a bull In good condition so as to retain his breed- mg powers are to avoid excessive use when young and to give plenty of exercise and a moderate rattan when mature. A good bouts“. about ten " twelve feet, gives freedom in- doors, and it In well to arrange tor I strong paddock outdoors with con- venient pas-axe between the two. Two or more hull; of my age may be kept together If they be ashamed, and the Manage ls that more outb else will be token. The amnion on a route usually get: plenty und Mmeumel too much exercise. At other time. modem. work of the man and mam MutrtatiBeGivenme-tttes Stamina! of tho Herd In to Be ONTARIO ARCHIVES Regulus Potatoes. TORONTO unitary In manna. " home He MI lately been stationed at Orton, Ont., and is to handingâ€! theAnglian pulpit†' Mr View: Lewis and two daughtem of Mt, Fore“ visited Mr and Mn Joe Bowling Sunday. Mrs Robt. Christie and baby went to Toronto Monday to spend . week. Nurse Mather is at present " the home ot Mr Jan. Ecoles who, we m sorry to report, is not well. stein. who timt enterUTi%ii ministry in England. hishome. I lately been mtiongd at Cum, Ont Mrs Backus of Bentlnck is a guest of her daughter, Mrs J no. Lelth. Quite a number of the young peo- ple have been present at some of the camp meetings held up on the aoth. They report large crowds and a rather exciting time. At the regular meeting of L. o. L. 2296 Monday evening, there were four members took higher degrees in the Lodge. Mr and Mrs A. B. Petrie of Hamil- ton were guests of Mrs James Bruce on Sunday. They were accompanied on their return home by Mr. Minnie Petrie who will remain their guest for a few weeks. The Women’s Inuitute will hold their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs Dr. Ellis on Thutsday, July 18th Topic "Planning the week'- work" by " Geddes and Mrs D. Bruce. All the ladies are invited to come and take part in the discussion. Mina Edith Seaman ot It. Forest is visiting this week with Misses A. Cam and R. Roberta. Miss Doris Irwin, nurse-imagining at Oshawa is spending her vacation " her home here. Mr Lindsay Irwin of the Aviation Corps, Toronto, was also home ova: the week end. premises to CAMPBELL BROS. Two Methodist ministers from the Hamilton Conference were yesterday or- dained at St. George's Church St. Cath- arines, by Bishop Clark as dmone in the Anglican Church : Rev. A. C. Eddy, late- ly of Bemsville and still later of Mt. Forest, who in to be curate of St. George" Church and teacher at Ridiey Cullen. Ind Rev. T. H. Ihhott, formerly MHot. Miss Iujorie Rocks of Toronto spent put of [at week with mud Mm Wt11 Nellon. Mr Richard Irwin "eo-Med by Dr. Ellis, Mr Jules Hunt ad [in Made In“ nomad to minute. In: Thurtday. Mr Bull: Ind daugh- ter unwind to pay a visit with her daughter, In Will Deny. Mines Reta Roberts and Ann: Cm. spent over the week end in Mt. Forest with their friend, Min Edith Seaman. The Ilium Wilson of Proton visit- ed Sunday with Miss Helena Calder. We are verrv sorry to learn that Pte. Will Orchard is in hospital " Niagara-ou-the-lake suffering from blood-poisoning. We hope to hear of a very speedy recovery . Mr Malcolm McNicol has left the Commercial Hotel here and gone to his home in Listowel. Will he no come back again. All roads lead to Durham on Prldnr July 1 ath. Pte. Charlie Merrill of Niagara-on- thelahe came home Monday evening to visit friends, returning Tuesday " 4.15 p. m. Min Rolena Merchant spent over the week endagueat of her mach, Mr J. Geddel at Bro-on. Mr and In J. M. Coleridge Ind daughter spent a new dayl the [nuts of It and In D. P . Coleridge. Mr and In J. R. Philp and Mr and In 1110. Rice left Wednesday tor a trip to friends at Tonawanda. Mr Geo. Burrows returned home this week from visiting friend. at Riverview. Mr Lorena Thompson of Lintowel is visiting " Mr Chance Drumm’a. Pdulpal and Mrs Allan and Mrs Captain Icilroy of Durham spent Wednesday last at the home of Mg J. D. Roberta. Mrs Pollard of Guelph is visiting at In Arch. Baird's. new. Mr Seott preached moot ac- eeptnbly to the numbers of L. O. L. 2296011 Sunday evening. Bis text In: in Judges 7: 7. A hearty vote of thanks is extended to Rev. Scott for address. In Ed. Johnston has so far recov- ered trom her severe sickness as to be able to be moved to her home in the village. We welcome Mr and :Mrs Johnston to our community and trust they may both enjoy a number of years in our midst in good health. Mr Chas. Drumm accompanied by Mr and Mrs Fiddler motored to Neu. stadt Monday to the funeral of Mr Fiddlet'a sister. On Saturday July t3, at a o'eloek, N, C. Coutta will sell in Holstein. 30 head young cattle I yrnnd 1 yr olds and 6 fresh cows. all well-bred stock. 6 mos. credit on approved joint notes, with bookable interest. FARM FOR SALE.-ut 21. Con. 3. Egremont Tp, 100 acres. Apply on the HOLSTEIN LEAPArll8. [DIAL AID PERSBIALS D. McPhnil. Auctioneer 'ee the new Thursday evening. July 4th, a number a! the neighbors and near relatives assembled at the home of Mr and Mrs Walter Ferguson. 18:h con, Egremont. to spend a social ev- ening with their son. Private Burton Ferguson. who is now wearing the khaki and who is home for two weeks on leave. As the evening was wear- ing on towards 11 o'clock. the meet. ing was called together and in a few words Nelson McGuire stated the ob. ject of those present. to present Pte Burton Ferguson with a small gift, a purse ot money. An address was also read expressing thoughts and best wishes for a safe return. Thee. D. Brown made the presenta'ion of a purse containing about $18 and the following address was read by Mrs. McGuire l . To Pu Burton Ferguson. Dear Burt _ We hon olwoys found you to be I faithful, indlnrioul you; nun and it you had not boon culled ow". Inn apparently on the rod to 0.00000 and hoppinou. But not you on all“! to the hilt.“ duty. to the deUrree of your home. native lend, honor. and Oh." I. '" Mignon ; against I nonhuman. merciless enemy. when (on! and. own“ help “in our in- dignation mad our wish to In“. then washed to o ninth mum. When In. your neighbors out! clou Lego-intone". learned of your inten tion to Icon " uglin for on iudetia. ite period. we desired to meet thi- ovening in your home in order to con- voy to you our kindest tog-rd. and harden good Wilhel. e" lla- Kelth of Toronto is 1ttf,tf. her holiday! " be: home on e nth. The construction “In. of the G. T. R. m unit: In Holstein. They are It present putting in lune tile under the track north ot the village. 1tuo Eunice Tyndall of Bradford in visiting her ttrandparetsttr, Mr and In Wm. Hunt. Mn Richard of Listowel visited her niece. I!!! J no. Dyer on Saturday. The Woman’s Intitute of Holstein were entertained " the home of In W. H. Inter on the 10th on Wed. nesday. A plea.“ time was opent. A number from Holstein attended the {Inn} ot the late In Dickson in Mt. Porettt lat Widay. In Aiken and daughter of Court- night are whiting " Mr Alex Aitien'l. Holstein Publlc Sch. Promotions Name- in order of unit. Br Ht to Jr IV-lean Myers, Aun- tin O'Connell. Addie Haas, Bernice Petrie. Jr 111 to Sr m-Hoe Ellie, Emma Aitken, Grace Baird, Agne- Evana, Clara Matthews, Tom McKen- zie. Br II to Jr 111 --Wi1lie Ellis, Ruby Lewis. Robena Haas, Matilda Christie. Marjory Keen", Georgina Fidler, Edna Dyer, Edward Brooks, Michael McGrath, John Matthews, Gladys Rice, John Heaney, John Me. Kenzie. was Minnie Shenk returned to Piekering the put week after upend- ing at hee home here. I to Ir-James Christie, Jack Irvin Isabel Hras, An Brookl. Primary to I-Margaret Christie, Jae. Calder. Charlotte Smith. Elmer Bilton, Isabel Leith, Cora Dyer. . Recon). to Br III-Bertha Bilton. Owing to sickness at the time of examination, John Calder will be promoted to Jr III on term'o work. No. 9 School bu been roahingel- led and loch quite ninproof. Mr. Ind Wm. Elhott (on Paul Lnngdon) and children of N . Arthur, span: the week end with relatives here- Since reporting the June weddings we hue bend of the mnrtingo on J une 18th in Midland of Min “It, Long to Mr Bobt Wilson of “Mind. We wish them much hnppineu. A number of remivea motoring from Cheltenhnm, motoring to Chun- worth, visited ll Mean Smoluin’ the past week. John Mun", und family of Toron- to visited that: Manda here and were accompanied on their homowud trip Wetlands, by Thou Bunston. 1ury 32d Ada "Illinod foe I long" holi- y. Mr. O. Melano- took I buinou trip to Ninauwondho-Luko last not. Flaming Reid and Envoy Gum received "itat won! that they need not report. spin until they ruoivo further notice. Mrs Catherine Clark and family wish to thank all friends for their kindness and sympathy shown in their sad bereave- ment. It'ghardjo part with ones we love Mrs. Watson, Prioevillo. bu bun the gum: of he: daughter, In. Goo. Drimmla. - -Tiidisgh tig/t days must come But let us . ope to meet above For this 15 not our home. Presentation to Card ot Thanks Pte. Burton Ferguson YEOVIL ndfotd u Mr and riled her rday. med to r spend- Holstein e of In " Wed. Ll spent. I Paro Wax '2a"itt1..T.1.r...ir.' g Rubber Rings Screw and ttla , JOHN M. FINDLAY PM“ bt-." An I slight who of our interest in you sad u s romombnneo ot your old neighbors Mud kinda. we uh you to map: this gilt, not [or m worldly "In. but for the uh of the kindneu that prompted the union. Sign“ on bobs]! of I“ you friends ; Nelson McGuire. 2lel1ie Ferguson. Thor. D. Brown, In Ferguson Gil-3;. Ecolu F lettuce Benwiak a Store close: at 6 p. m. except Wed. and Saturday 3 a wowona pononon 0410430 ,1: We um that the end in not fer dielenl end when peeee in dealer-ed we ehell be" e glad opportunity to welcome our boy- end nureee too, whom God bee kindly epend. to our Oenedien home egein. It will be our preyer that you. elong with men, ot our other neighbor boys wlll be neon; the throe ot returned heroes. In the nemwhile me, God“: protee- ting era eupport you end keep you sets in ell your journey end edyen- tune. You. with may of OI! mum boys on oallod to to intone the " miel of out have Onondaga: who hon gone baton you. Mon, of those who voluntund their services hove paid tho mount "erititre but they hove tinny won hte Condo on undying none. The" boy: did their duty without counting the can but now it (all. to the honor of the boys who come one! than to any on the fight till the tug of pen. in unfurled not! on! blond [no hood from the honou ot war and it. oeiageg. I u E Wire TAYLOR a co: Hay' Forks Rope Binder Twine For better urvioo and for promotion. The call " Hm hour is for "ENeioner," otherwise "Training." We Hum you to be "ieient, a order to render better service to yourself. your employer, and your country in this titrt w- ous time. In.“ my day. Coll or write for free catuh we Central Business College “wand. md. Kt. latest, Cat. Preserving Time r Store clam st 6 p. m. except Wed. and Satu rd " More open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings 3.13 TAYLOR & CC. We have large assortment in :11 differc, t lengths of Handles, of the very best bran, We can elso sell you the Louder: Hay F , A: and Track for Urn at close prices. For ell kinds of Fencing. We have now hand a large stock of Crimp Wire, 63: c ;. Also the Woven, in different heights. We have the pure Mani“: in all sizes. Re, place that old Rope before it gives you any more trouble and it may sue you valua‘mje time in the middle of a busy hay day. We handle the 600 ft. only, in Plymouth C." l Dating. This Twine is evenly spun M' a: guuauteed to avenge 600 ft. to the 1b. f , ‘- prices ue cut down line. Secure your “H Z , early as it my be hard to mun later on. _ Let us supply your requirements : Htlfxul......$l.75 Imperial quarts....) F t Pinto ......... Boat tummy tgranulated--- In 1001b.. 20 lb. or 10 lb. sad Get in Line 1.15 Wino quarts...., in Paternal: In dam-g ht sis at In Jon. Moore a pres-L In. Mildred Wilson visited h 1 friend, Mi-ret Limo-cc cm day In! Watt. _ - _ _ _ - Count-nun†to Mr, and m. Jouph Willem who joined hunt “ml hand on Wednesday, It. and In. Arthur Wells w n Sunday with Mr had In. B. INC/lr, It. 1ildgnr lawn in engaged 1... the have: - with Mr. C. kw? A few young people of the Vlty took in the Bone-nu picnic and tty ported a good time. Wedding bell. ntonwectly ringing. W. John McKenzie mummy} nicd by Mr. And its. Thou. Duxley. Pact M In. That. Bailey Sr. motored L0 We! on Sunday. Screw and shes tops 1srqntr_g,armh-d-iph' brttrrehtti. and ' troubles. but _ “i “on I. (Iva: "only“ 'tmM-ttttttoth-tns t .ndamste.riehttioodto build t ttpthedepietsd toexxtc \ ulna-museums...“ ’ Hutu-MMn . LOVERS' VALLEY Dromore Dromore 20c lb. qtt iih Jr Cam Yon! PAPa-u.< “in come (muble in Fltt.tg men who do not cu M animate or eer NNntted my cum and fi Inn eaexme. One man u “I locum put in kht w to Mum till he Iva W. G. Elastic. Trasun an: .cknowledzes re: In. S. S. No. l (Camph moo [ram s. S. No. “35 (mm S.S. No I “Croat work. Gaunt Tn Aqua- w otfemive started on dies ot alums. No cm thtmgh and he is being in Americas Med wand! .d not only drove them Unwed and took I000 ll “(at isatill on. !perhap hnttie of the war. Mr Angus M " out of 12 pus tour with honor: mtAhe4ake. Auden party in} Whitdmd's 'iiit'i?iif, ataqiem on Friday. ' m provided. la to . p. m. Admission Mo- l"oul.-A diet begill Mr Don. Mcilvride. guilty. on Monday last. min the barn the fork emaairtettisttok3ehisbait titled. As bad luck we! [at preceded him and tim. one piercing rim l unable. He Cot "ti militant-e. and will l tdr-tirate. Wehopt speedy recovery. I'M Public induct - has. that wrote on the Er home. Noun-l School cumin patted in Sutudly's dam of this locality we all this mm. Wet ulntium. unsuccessful Linda Tune. Crawford ence, View i Ruth tit: at llo'dut VOL. XLT, 1 law requiri Park ; Lavina Marion Mamtd Maidment. Non limited third cla the ma next yea IL Ink. Your Lulu anon it "I the town at meadow jw, rol run oat. Mr den and was torbr apply It only t, tested Mine is can! to him by au He made the 70 n in three qurteru Production Pour" Can-(n day next Rev. Mr W Methodist and Fresh at " a. In. in the M Rev. Mr McEwen t , I) p. m. in the Pres "kitty exchanging My [ououinn Mr to the mild oongrei this after which he din. Rev. MrCol holidays) will then ml Jot four Mich It Whaley wi Thisndvice is for the 1 old menus know the My non. when thou hegir we nottheancient lat swim: the anthem. not natal! the hymn ; the that pertained! unto a lad. torbehNd there t heir eye unto the com righteous. Therefore u Idl)’ until thou art a pmrshet'st-uthertattat totheroototth- with“. Buxnowul Immune“ dis-lat Mt, F \EROI'I we, tttE " WY“: NI mSu sch $1 “I