" tt Ana-mu 'tttought-r-ttree. tbee1a1rtnNetitt. V '""2'lke'rf,',e"lteh'plehu' 2'f."t John McGowan Every bag guaranteed. If not ttttti-or, bring It back and get your my. Low Grade Flour. Rolled Oats, Breath" and. Btu, Shorts, Mhhttiags, Corn Chop, Clicked We. Con BOO) tons of No. I Mixed Chop WHEAT AND MRIEY Wheat, Barley and Oats (3th Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour Outing Shoes for See our Ladies' Pumps in Patent and Kid, at popular prices A fine assortment of Trunks, Club-bags, ete., always on hand. Repairing as usual For the Hot Weather Down Town Shoe Store CHEVROLET GARAGE The Chevrolet Garage McLaughlin and Chevrolet We close our Mice at 5 p. n. my day. No goods are sold or given on. of Hill aftel 5 p. m. ROB ROY We have a good stock of Oat Shorts and other Feed on hand that we are selling at special prices for the next few weeks. All must be Feed CR'MPED OA.TS for Horse Peed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at... very We met; We are still showing a large assortment of THE PEOPLE'S MILLS (‘wm in am] get " demonstration on the New McLaughlin E 1four-3S and F. Six --r I. We are agents for the famous McLaughlin and Chevrolet cars. We want you to see those beautiful can and invite your inspection. When you drive one of these cars you can feel "tutud that you are driving a car of tirst quality that cannot be excelled. We repair and overhaul any make of car including the Ford car. All repair work is guaranteed and the prices charged are right. We can supply yr a with the best guaranteed tires, and can assist you in your choice of )uur Auto Head Light Lenses. TRY A CAN OF HERSEE'S LENOGAS. A beaspoonful with every five qallrrri, " gasoline will materially increase your mileage. and prevent car- mn, and u if} also assist in removing old carbon. orders for delivexy around town paid for before they are delivered. Men, Women and Children Buy your Gasoline and Oils here Pic-c6? Following ere the qmtltiec ot wed which one might expect .' been, 1 or moi-col. perpleet; com. 3CDto600 kernelc per ear ; cucumbers. i to X on. per cpeclmea ; letmce. x on. per pleat; mukmelon. non on. PT specimen I onion. ' on. per plum; pea,4oa.pee8tt. or row; paper. 1-16 to l on. per specimen ; red h, 1 on. per pleat ; epic-ch. " oz. per plan: ; couch, Imell needed. " on. eceh; cqueh. lame needed. a on each ' tome». 50:08“)th ; Inter- melon. , to 3 oz seen. i The need at telescoee tor home use ehould be and from the plum best- ine the largest crop of only end beat mm. Where a quantity of seed ls saved. the tom-toes may be on In hell end the pulp preued mi into some veuel. adding shout mtethird ra volume of water. Pat in I dark room and! fermentation new in, which will he in than! “to days. when the and will apex-ate readily' from the pulp. Wuh on: And dry where the Inn does no: shine on it. Splnaeh, if thinned to II: lnehar, Will product an abundanee ot aeed. In laying home grown aeeda. lt ia important to dry then u aeen " poa- able alter they are rlpe. then clean then, and keep the. dry and! need- ed the following aprlng. Pena and henna wlll aoon be spoiled (or naad tf they do not dry rapidly in the pod altar hula: harveated. As aorn aometimea has to he pulled before it in quite hard, it la duairable to ace that there la a good circulation otalr around each ear. A good plan in to hunt the care and then allot each one no ntely on nalla driven Into a Maura“ far enough apIn M) that the ears will not touch. The seed nuke of lettuce ere thrown "li, alter the bends ere tall grown. he need ripen: rather un- evenly. and, in order not to late any at is, each heed should be picked over nit than white, plants on, how- ever. he pulled and hung up to dry. Hume Misha ere left “pulled. alter tterirttt may tor nee. they will econ throw " lulu. and good we] will dam For beet result- the plum d Mat lent It: loehee cncunbers. I ; issttusi, 8 plintl ; me: lam. l was. tr ft. ; "dishes, 3 punts, gpinugh, a plum†aquuh, l ; tom:- Either reserve a low feet of the I w of beam. or, better mil. mutt I tow productive plants {matron disease The following minimum number ot feet. plants or specimens to be saved is suggested " being snmcient to sup ply enough seed for the home garden in 1919 '. beans, 5 ft. , you, 1 our t It in better to mark the beat plants Ind ave the seed from them rather than to save the and which rem-in utter the plants hue been cropped. While rigid selection from year to year is necessary for most kinds of vegetsblea when grown for seed l and while to keep them pure the different varieties have to be grown some dis- tance apart, yet most of the seed grown in the home garden is likely to give slmoet or quite " estislsctol y results or even better than that which is bought. and, " some seed msy be dimeelt to chain next year. it is re- eo-mended tor eeeh person who has a gsrden to let a low plants or speci- s",",",',,',."""" irons whieh seed esn be save . Every Gardener His Own Seed Grower while there is danger of a Shortage in Vegetable Seeds iFtte 'htrkattt 'letsiett, rThelhrherrri%t Case of Run on Wheat MMMMdh- [.3an Street, Man, Ontario JULY 18 ISIS m mum Ttlmnlt% â€Minnie! ptitrtster.John McKechrtie,torrharta new andac madman. Emu: now Wed Ttsir 9th. 101 Duetts were given by Mm. McFadden and Mrs Stonehouse and by Misses F. and J. Kerr, Mrs. A. W. H. Lauder gave as a solo, "Mary of Argyle" two sets of quar- tettes followed and all were cleverly ren" dered and pleasing In ‘Sussex by the Sea,' a patriotic choir number, Mr Telford took thesolopartand the chorus partby the company lacked nothing in vigor. A clever humorous recitation by Miss Me- Allister given in Macadam was another bright number of a tine pronto. God Save the King cloned the proceed- NOTICE IS HEREBY WEN that the Mp heretofore isting be- tween the undersigned has clinched by mutual consent. Mr W. L. Falkingham followed expres- sing pleasure atthe fine fraternal spirit displayed. 'Setvice" was the key note of his fine speech, there was no place for pessimism if we but recalled such pm ice: as found in Isaiah 48, "Fear not for I have redeemed thee. Ike." He dwelt on the importance of having something to do for ottthhgtsnretl as ourselves, and his ideals of service were irttprmaively given. Durham choir added to its laurels by several numbers which wete well received and genuinely enjoyed. Their glee, "Smiling Mom" was: one of their beat and loudly applauded. ONTA all Rev. Mr. Schnedar of Ayton spoke on the Blessing of Ideals. Having an ideal was a help in building character ; we be- come like what we think most about. So our church life should become an ideal and inihteoce others The manor woman with high ideals though unattained, will gethigherthanif they had not idealsat Rev. Mr, Scott was present Monday also and opened with some delightful iacetiae, but said Monday was a poor day to catch a mlnister. He had some war thoughts thathada true optimistic ring about them. He said it was not correct to say that Britain's darkest days had come in this war; Between Trafalgar and Waterloo 100 years ago, were darker. tor then Britain stood alone and enemies all round. Bad though it is just now, there were no fears of the destruction oi our national life. No man in the history of the human race, has ever achieved world domination and no man ever will. There were many riftsin the cloud. For 250 years there had been few persecutions for righteousneas' take. but now in the war men were standing up for it and even dy- ing in the Christ-like spirit. _ A meeting owes a good deal to it, chairman. Rev. Mr. Smith occupied the position, greatly gratified that he was en- abled to be present tor a week before he had been quite ill. That he was better was evident. the big gathering inspired him, he was brimtul of appropriate pleas- antry and had some practical thoughts on "The Church Member." He outlined the good, the bad, the indifferent and hoped his Knox people would always measure up high. l Knox people have proved that interest and attendance with them does not de- pend on the picnic pleasures of the dining table, for this year in accordance with the spirit of food conservation they eliminated that feature and the church was crowded on Monday night, and the sprogramme presented was in many respects the best of recent years. There was a fine blend- ing of speech, song and recitation. the order from first to last was perfect and deserved the enconiums which the chair- man handed out at the close. I Sunday and Monday last the Anniver- sary gathering of the Presbyterian con- gregation of Knox, Normantir, took place Splendid weather prevailed on both days and the church we: crowded on all oc- casions. The preacheron Sunday was Rev Mr Scott of Holstein, and he has left behind him memories both pleasant and profitable as an able preacher, a workman who needeth not to be ashamed. The collections for the day were in advance cf last year. Thebmi-iiitteagtinuedatttse ' but“ monvheeuueid to have canned in Cumin in 1916. and “or, you hm nuns no the an. my. A long communication from (men. (altottertltesr, beyond out upon) unen- thin. end given no interning review at the whole subject. Knox, Normanby,‘ Anniversary new peeple toreeee the utter ex- :inction ot the nu: menace in Cenede by the eredieeslon ot the hat-berry plem which it eeeme harbors run end gives it off egein. Already eem- pnigns tor its extinction are being undertaken and meeting with good results. gazi‘gw‘é‘j‘i MET-m .. Sanger Wheeler, a genius at the Luther Burbank variety. has been "breeding" wheat and has produced a brand which he has named “Red Bobs," that maturesa week tcten dass eurlier than even the mat-(gum wheat, so with this when: and the death of the barberry plant. there “CHIS reason foe optimism in regard to the cradisuion ot ducrnosive rust. Dissolution of its? TORONTO Min Kathleen Sullivan of Dornoeh is spending I week with her “at. In he. Welsh. The young people of thin vicinity intend taking in the gydon puny " Mr Colin Mtrhrthtse'd on Wedneodny evening. Min Laura rraax of Dun-hum spent the week and " the home of her pu- enta, Mr Ind Mm J. B. Tm“. Wedding bells no main bend in our burg. Min Susie Lonahon of Toronto is spending I while with her cousin Mm Nellie Show". Mr 3nd MN George Fullerton of Sullivan visited the Clark and " Donald families on Sand-y. Mr and " J, W. McKechuie and Maater George mm near Durham ripen; Sunday with Mr and lira D. an . Mrs J. W. Smith received a letter from her son Linea Corp J. 0. Smith Inst woek. He bu arrived in Ene. land but wu quite sick with men-le- when he wrote. Mitra Isabel! loQuarrie spent a. few of her holldayn with her cousin “in iuthtrr McLean of the Rock y. Mr and Mrs Arch. Ferguson of Swintou Park visited over Sunduy with Mr and Mrs Jamel McDonald. Mr Jsok and the Misses Annie and Jessie Clark visited friends in Chas- worth In: week. Mr Match and his men of Elm. wood no working In the bush here. Mr James McDonald has sold " upper farm to Mr J. S. Davey of Kin. cardino tor a handsome figttre. We welcome Mr ttttd Mrs Davey an neizhbon. ( hone on Thundey. Jely mu. In]: " ledleeptueot. Collection amount- ed tn $8 90 Mel: pelt: of each were given in. Next meeting will be held in the 'tshoolhooeoet'rhtuudBy, July 25th. “in Beagle leLoen will re- preeem the Worker! " the Angus: peeking " Unlock. Ml- Juli- Oink. touchst- in Muz- koh. and [in Annie of No. I, Nor. manby. are spending their holidays githktheir parents, Mr and Mrs Neil lar . Min Vera Indoe of Southampton visited Mr and Mrs John Lynn tor I few dcyl. _ The ngjku'ljm ft, up who» Miss Isabel MsQnarrie and Master Peter motored to Owen Sound and visited their friends there. Mr Alex Fletcher visited his sister Mrs Wigs of Cayuga last week. Mrs D. Lamb, Mr Boy and Mien Mary visited friends in Guelph last week and. Sorry to report that our mail mm, Fresh Groceries arriving every M. The mttheat Price. PHI â€Nun _ WBLBECK. , f?etttrairiverriatn-mrreia-ust unbought before the adynnce. Buy Months advoteeis plies. which ummtttrertene. We have: number of Rage left in the men designs in the antes: pattern" and in the nicest Offend shade. hevlvg all the appenmee of the Eaten: Rugs, but u great deal cheaper. 3m: I: "B.....-.- 3mg N "r-. ".1“ 8).; 1 "g........ trat 1hiKahnie'i! Weekly News m." We Vac-w It.“ Boots and Shoes qrasr-'"tmanol.r.....".." Ken’s Blacks.................. Ra’s "htehh.tt-ee....... In Join Vale. in Wuitu Clark and little Jenn of Rocky Sauce: vio- ited Tuesday with Mr and In Ed. Ilium Margaret Petty and Winnie B 'rber viaited over the week end w th the Hay family of Proton. line Jes- eie returned with them to visit frienda for a few days. all! John Baekua of Poplar Hill spent a few daya laat week with her daughter, In John an in Holstein. Lent week the Red Croat women net " In Thou. IcNieee'e and thin week " In Ju. Patty's. It Fm]: Snell†of Toronto spelt Int week with his father, It Geo. Sun-11mm. Mr and In T. leAlllotet went to Fergus [at Saturday to attend the funeral of a “lulu. naming on Monday. _C"eIlIIESi,il Mr J. Bong intend. ailing " barn on Thunduy. Heur- Wm. lothy “me. McArthul of Mukdde motored up Saturn, evening Ind culled on the farmer's cousins. It and Mrs Jul. sth. Ilia: Nellie Bury 3nd brothers Junk and Michal ot Dornooh upon: Band†with their “at, In Fred SMEL: Mr Stanley Poetical but hop to has! of his recovery noon. NORTH-BAH NORMA NBY J, McKEGHNIE MacFARLANE’S DRUG STORE Nyal's Dyspepsia Tablets contain Diastase and Pepain and other digestiveo. Bat what you like, these tablets will do the rest. Sometimes the digsstivs machinery gets any off. No kind of food looks good to you. Pepsin will digest eggs, meat. ete., but has no effect on starchy foods. Eat Whatever DIASTASE Is the thing Town Oihee. The new oerUe requires everyone to have their ticket before bonding in: Price Ilic and 50c indium WALL PAPER areinthe ttenAotttiedtnadian Par ttodtieondmsttte tnaintitteoftttec.1 adianNritieRaii-y. atstomNnrtngatthe Bub and L, e Maryann-Glut. JclrY2'tt,tu,"WdWst)), "I . “In? yupto vl.o, apart: "retximtipto9c.t...31. '1â€, Resorts in the (Insulin Pacifiv "iiitriiGi%iaiiiit"rojrr - mama". youtoany iioiprbrmi0trbet. R. Mainline. Town Ag 1.: MILE Tum hm been appnzr'ud loan! Md above Railway Comp. 'd. and is premium in: tickets v. ..2 ttointsEastartd Wut. Call and tAt' 13:1 tantalum Kill Annie cm ha been re-err (ageduteuhah s. tkNo. I man nauseous; hulafy. mania ti; ulna}: months w.“ hee Mater, Mm Bury Wilkinson T-‘Hi othet (than. The Alllmmicet Were -. .. 1 alluded tut Sandy and Ry. Spy q an}. were and; appreciated As ye editor was recent loudly trr.t, we will have the writ: up to him. MILL-h Lough. Field god Gla - Canadian Northern Railway It mm Dabyof Vansouu' '9 in purified sud ground un- til it ii perfectly fine an. smooth. It keeps the H. l.') clear And smooth. pron-m \ us well as heals. Deliqh', ful nftar bathing or mun Jonteel Talcum b Powder Don't ask. the mistake of thinking all talcum powders are alike. There is an important difference Flesh or white, price Jir. JONTEEL / 1918 the aim“ inx the In! for Mob Dr. protest of CIC until I Mit Ira l The line- Simpsc to. moutb'l hand“ at. In ucAnhur I Word has be A. Daub“, J. Jones have-n ten IT Mn me M MrN Inc-N throat "to principal-mam we the (out: my tl Tlet an Owing tot is believed a seller alike to; endorsed and t critics. The public merchant in spoctive busin RITCHIE BRO J. D. IORGAN F. NIXON. J. SINCLAIR T. McINTYR}: J. SYDIE, J. GARDNER T. FENKELL. RUSSELL ERG D. A. STletw Human! I Judgment " 1mm. “Mew “cumin! GRAH HY. CAtf MARK W General w. B. HOW ARE CONN; " PRICEVILLE II [HE] "ALA M FRENCH POINT A BOW]! UMITII'S SEVERE BUN liCll JULY 1 Res the don ‘trticulnl rm it tit