if " A1thhtdrof tumult“ W price. Speck] Reduction '"'Sl'a,'t,S'zthxta. Every bag guaranteed. If not satisfactory bring 1t back Ind get your money. Low Grade Flour, Rolled Oats, Breakfast Cereal. Bran, Shorts, Middlings, Corn Chop, Cracked Clicks: Corn Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour Wheat, Barley and Oats chop-ks 2/.'1'i John McGowan A fine assortment of Trunks, Club-bags, etc., always on hand. Men, Women and Children See our Ladies' Pumps Outing Shoes for Dow II Tou n Shoe Store THE PEOPLE'S MILLS For the Hot Weather CR'VIPED OA.TS ior Horse Feed at Pair Fakes CHOPPED OATS at. . . . very reagttrtahk rates ROB ROY MILLS, Limited Oatmeal Millers We close our office at ti p. m. every day. No goods are sold or given out of Mill after 6 p. m. The Chevrolet Garage We have a good stock of Oat Shorts and other Feed on hand that we are selling at special prices for the next few weeks. CHEVROLET GARAGE McLaughlin and Chevrolet Feed All orders for delivery around town must be paid for before they are delivered. We are still showing a large assortment of tons of No; l Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEV of first quality that cannot be excelled Come In and get a ()0er ctration rm the New McLaughlin E Four-35 and E Six-rc). We are agents for the famous McLaughlin and Chevrolet can. We want you to see those beautiful can and invite your inspection. When you drive one of these cars y m can fool gtstauh'ed that you are driving a car .I.C_UA..VAA,"A A' . . H I We repair and overhaul any make of car including the Ford on. All repair work is guaranteed and the prices charged are right. We can supply you with the best guaranteed tires, and can assist you in your choice of your Auto Head Light Lenucs. TRY A CAN OF HERSEE'S LENOGAS in Patent and Kid, at popular prices on: of gasoline will materially increase and will also assist in removing old on Buy your Gasoline and Oils here Repairing as usna! '. S. McILRAITH 6/6. Hosea? A teaspoanful with every five e your mileage, and prevent car- arbon. “Mint any price when; iiiGii; 'harris minnow tarantula: I (Simcoe Reformer) I Messrs. Quance Bros. of Delhi wrote the "Food Board of Ottawa to get a ruling up- fon the yarn circulating to the effect that I it was illegal to save wheat for seed, The l answers they received wee as follows '. i "Replying to your letter of June 18th, ; there is no regulation eitheron the part of (Canada Food Bo-iortheBoerd ofCrein Supervisors to prevent or dim any- one from retaining necee-ry adequate applieeo! seed wheat. Special regulation: at the Bond of Grain Sttpervuo" lulled hull their 06m. Grain Em Winni- I But greet no Ford's practice] work afar the wer has been hid phllenthropie effort, to nine the mndnrd of living by generous treatment of employees [and the reformation of men who hove gone wrong will mice a plane side by side with his mechanical achieve- :ments. Just a few days ago he don. lated to the American people a1 $3,000,000 war hospital whioh is lexpeeted to take . large part in irehsbilitating American soldiers Ewonndc-d overSeas. The gift We: 'made without much oetentation. and 'is probably the most Intrest-tst pre- sent to Uncle Sam sinea wnr began. Jfenry Ford, the humble mechanic! 3whoee magic was dy1sloped through ; ‘the force of his own industry. sets the l pose for those bornto riches. He has. struck a new note for energy end tttsttermitr---Lottdon Advertiser. l Recently this manufacturer who hen tranetorlned the world of trams. portation and bids fair to reVolntion- in agriculture launched the that of hie "eagles," the (ant craft whioh wl l swarm the snb-lnfeeted seal. Soon three commerce protectors will be coming from the shops with the speed of his standardized motor care,and o - her war work in which the Ford l plants ere engaged will have added thonsanda ot unite to the forum of y Uncle Sam. Before Iona. it the iight- ;ing continual, emotive invention or Eadaptatione upon which the Ford ‘genine has been direewd will have ‘been brought to bear in an attempt to brine the men out of the trenehee in the only trmrotire way Mr Ford hae 7iiGti'l'G, by crushing iirat of all fthe enemy who is dent to tea-on and [on] y responsive to (tree without stint. The positive vmuee of Henry Ford have not caused poets to angling their harps and sing his palace, bet if I great mechlnio do" not lupin are“ poetry, the wondertul romance of the men stand: out in bold reiiet even among all the masterful cheruters who have come into the centre of the stag: through the war. The country might be able toget along in spite of such a largeliatol the ministerial f'miseing." but when to this is added the {not that some 24 of the country‘s foremost journnlllta have let: our Dominion to name, there is cause for heavy heart: and leadeh hopes.--. ‘ With him are 110:1.an Molahon Howell. Calder, Mowbnrn. Kemp and ',Balltrntyne. Sir George Foster is holidaying on the Bay of Chalenr. Hun. Hugh Guthrie is attending a conference at San Francisco. Hon. A. a. MacLenn is somewhere in the far east ot Canada. Iron. Arthur Sifton in still ttontitted to his bed through illness. May gave Seed Wheat a??? Damian: 'letctett, Henry Ford in the " locating the Government Sir Robert Borden in overseas Lambton Street, Durham, Ontario JULY 26 1918 THE BUREAU KEVIN 7,, --9- . --'MI... use ' 0:qu Rivenlake Mainaw Districtand Kwar- thfaeatetveetientlyrmrhedviatheca "dianNcitie Railway. Ptrticttiarahm, CtmdianNcitieiut Manama Summer Resorts in Ontario The Match Lake; Point an Dari] “cam Bay Resorts; French and Ethan! Riven ' Rideau Lakes; Severn We min the Post tMitre hm since it closed on the 16th " we Inn to go to Durban with our main. Mr Wino: Glut tnd the misfortune to Ipnin hm ankle loot weak jumping oftaload of boy nod will be Ind off work for o few days. While drawing poles out ot the mill dam here last. Friday, Mr Dir- ecein'e teem got excited end jumped into the dam. Getting entangled in the homes: they wete unable to free themselves and were drowned. hi. though it leeblg lose. Mr Dix-stein tookit with his nous] philosophical menner. Muster Hugh 1roUn spent he: week with his grandmother, Mrs Me, Arthnr of Glenelg. Congrntnlntions to Mines Laura Clark and Mary McQuarrie " planing heir Entrants to Hugh School cums. The ratepayers of the Banach Sep- crate School have on hand most of the material requilite to the budding of their new taboo! in the immediate future. The building will he can- structed not only with an eye to all ‘eaaentiel lectures and requirements, u an institution of learning" but the de- sign will be such " to inculcate an aathetic taste in the young minds and will also be c credit to our little town. Much sumac to on: sister section in this commendable more for the better-‘ meat of education m our midst. I Mr Peter Tiihsny purchased a flne. blooded drum from hie brother-in. luv recently. Pete can new make the daily tripe to and from his farm 35)th of his abode with and and up- i ity. J. M. Robertson reported tor ser. vice It Military Handguns". Niagara on-tho Lake. Int week. But Coffey and Louil Grnhlmnnn hue been given amended [one of ubsenoe. R H. Ledinghnm And us. Sullivan have each purohnsed Ford cars. Country life " no longer backward and-dull monotonous grind batia keeping pm with the choosing con- dniona. ' . ' . -' 3/ Upon the liberal use of Bor- their lrlende, the Ftrth Ind been) ‘deaux mixture. From 50 to 150 gal- wood lemmas. whomotoredlrom Mon Ions ot Bordeaux mixture should be on Sunday last. ;used per acre at each application. After A well-eernsd fortniglot'g fur-j 4. U13" thoro‘unsb JrTdlys','11Q 1 _ . ‘means 0 cover g e cry tell With hia [mums here M.r John I of the plant with the Bordeaux mix- on ey tere' Ilu?! ,raalt to Jotn hig I ture in the term of a one mist. This trumng ship at Hem-x. What won-3cm; be done only when the solution der 9tsobitsejatsket receives the glndjls applied with good pressure so as bend on every side 7 Their Presence _ , mama '"'vp'g',"dit"7,,t,rg,t suotnr a: . . . 8 an . Invertebly recalls the mtghty deeds “Jam-twins are obtained when potato 1ysgouynyreetormed by BrottutotrtyT""lsl'/r'i'ytr'fl are used which are titted the glorious tmtrr--mloroo deeds thetfwnn T-joint attachments, so as to kept Brit-m imriolate end made leer!“ insure “we“?! Wth‘surtaces at the umptre possum Ind that new in thurl, eayea at eac spray mr. titanic Guiii'ori' world in arms with ti. Upton tspraying before rather . an alter prolonged rainy periods. en moentwe to the waders ol’_the Infection of the plants tahea “we deep to uphold the glorious, traditions during or soon alter rain. Therefore of bygone days, it ls of the utmost Importance to R. g, Ind Mrs Corlett entenmned their friends, the Earth and Green- wood families. who motored from Zion on Sunday last. Mute: Roll and Miss Mxriam Parke returned to their "Huge home after a two week's outing swung friends in Hamilton. Mina Buck Luona'a inatructreas during ths put yen, accompanied by her girlfriend from Chesley. spenta few plenum days' was} " the home of Mr and Mrs Dunc“ MoGIHivray. " I“, muatunu mun» W U“ WU ""H"" Messrs James and Bryce Dnrgavel , than; the spores reach them and the attended the funeral of their gun; Mrs i surface of the leaves and stems must Thus. Dlrgnel who» remains were; be covered so completely that were interred in the Rmrton cemetery on 1:101? Sf J,',W/tftti"""' on which a Monday. P9"hant J. H. and. Mrs! Emcient Bvraylng ot mime. de- Ptsrke were prawn n the obsequnea oi; pends: an esteemed friend an the same town! 1. Upon tho use ot the proper on the “me ar. fungicide. Bordeaux mixture has so Ila“ .....-" 6n kn AL.†n-“n _..Al..t_ -L__.. I Mr and Mrs John Ipnt,for.merlr of Dornoch but now of North Dakota, called on friends and relatives in the village and aommunny the fore put of the week: Mr Hum leaves for his home on Friday but Mrs Hunthl enjoy an our. month's women around the scenes of hee girlhmd days. Miss anie MtKhllieray is paying her sunual summer vim to her par- on" here. haying arrived from the Queen any on Moudhy, The hey crop is being garnered and g I although the meadows are not yielding I the grant quemiee they dad dunug the y 'it bumper yeue of 'IO und '17, yet thef crap IE e fair avenge and the quality ( "c excellent. , in Old Sol in MI. the uni with the antral but "nonhuman and the hum-km on "during 'nooth bio toend toâ€. What o eon- uus on: uncon- ptooonc t The winter brings in intense said " “mall: on a to" and. in perfume um! yeti], the rigid condition! of a {an mambo use would “(men the word upon the lip,"' tun now this shoal-mot temperature rec-Ila to our mind Gen. Sherman's deiimtson of war. Could someone des nse a plan to Imprison this surplus heat. and “MUZS " daring the heatlesa days oi grim old winter, he would be a real benefactor to humanity. ONTARIO ARCHIVES ' TORONTO ABERDEEN no. to tho 'niittiiiaTGr "um cum on hee 'l','/l"ut'dy Itt 'retn.r-.G. A. mt-.. 'h-ala, _-_-- -_- “cw-luv" III "I to the tmportanea of the runner meeting, held Wat June, when the delegate (tom the Dogma: In in “madman. ah. ha tho has: tw tonmuon on In subjects at lam m In nu "-.,.1. --= . v _ 1-.....†v. Ink: vuqu "rock waikerton Ol I' The children in the rural districts [Thursday last and clustered on the tot I must 2fret't2"t'ttt,tetafh,'g, mug“: branch of a large maple tree in front o l tiittr,PG,"i'd are to: soon 'lr11'li {Mrs James Watt's lym.aeon Victoria stree (upon them. Their education must {mused much sutfering to some loca I mat be mamtEd- f,hr, If“? no; be (youths who were present when Paul Jones I handicap!) y p ytnca mpe eo-i , 1"ll,l'lt Subjects ot impertance to the littfanspted a '1"ic,,t,a',"2,r capture Pmt, 'child must be discussed and menus! "l.) e ree w wan holding tt ladopted to improve conditions. The basket while Paul shook the limb, swayed _ Medical 2ftrt',h a: tutti tab?†{slightly in the excitement, and missed the and the n on tong o- , . . has]: . men's inatitute are doing much to ngnch of stingimthdthe . et.ailo tng improve comm“; it em to speed yan droomamass onto The girls also need attention. we lthe urchins below. who .nnnounoed the are not to tenet the tiri- in fPrarrivaiofthebeesinan curiouschor- anxiety for the boys. Their lives and G of “Wye!†and 1:2,“ pam' the their prospects tor the lotus m be- . . . . . I" in: atttMtted by this m. Hence It/iiciTiiiiii fiapper, mam tPrtto tf'J'tl'l/dg for study. 'at,ttrd stay the onslaught and Imp. as it were, for dove oping that: ta ta to the hosti' ... t start, . tttti, mturt tte “mm them. Man, mailman? broke Jthgn '31: at these opportunities my be new. ' ' . . . ed through the Institute. guard unopened I muted demure on t Barely with tr/Ah', ot such vita the exposed Madurai: Immanuel; moortsnoo as ertr-Petioiiiir. . . down theirnecks . alt meeting: should be worth “as. tt1'l'd'll',t2',tl,',' .l,'l"t'gi.'e, iii w: T,'e?1teLrett1atisaiii"iii !"T'ety ___ 'tahhirig inthe In f " sum-s-_-- " -L~ The great demand by the Allies tor certain toodn luch 3 beef, pork, wheat and sugar has caused the housewife to chnnge her method. of pro-war days. She must now learn to subotitute and to eliminate vu- ious terms ot wants. Pembnble (code must be more widely need. not only in summer. but also in winter. _ These must be conserved through‘ proper storage, canning or drying. Such subjects to there may be dio- cussed at the meetings. An expert n demonstrator may be secured from I the Department to give information l or a practical demonstration to mini: I the housewlte. The members my club together and do their canning] at one centre with one are it they , so choose, and in addition to the; work accomplished may have a so- ciable time together. I Since the war began Red Craig and other pus-tom: work bu. of course. received that consideration. The allevlouon ot annexing seem: peculiarly woman's work. The need to greater to-dgy than ever. l A series ot meetings which, to the women or rural Ontario, have “my; proved worth while, and increasing. 1y so the last you or two. in the Women'a Institute meetings. The“ are important because they no no tar-machine in their nature. They afford the town and country women, no nutter what her denomination may be, a channel through which one can be of all-round service to hu- manity. The Empoetamy! of Women‘s Institute 6. Upon spraying before rather than after prolonged rainy periods. Infection of the plants takes place during or Boon utter rain. Therefore it In of the utmost importance to have the spray mixture on the plants when the rain cornea.---) J. El. Hewett. thttarto Agricultural Col- lose. i 2. Upon timely and repented "praying. Spraying should be com- Imenced when the plants are trom In ce eight Inches high and repeath at [intervals ot trom a week to ten any: ithroughciut the growing season. ‘From three to seven appllcauons {will be required, the number depend- Aut upon the weather, the wetter ithe weather the more frequent the _ spraying. 1. Upon the use at the proper fungicide. Bordeaux mixture has so tar proved to be the only satisfactory spray mixture tor potato cinema. _ In combating the great majority of flungue diseases methods or preven- ‘tion only are practicable. Spraying (potatoes is not done to cure but to prevent disco-e. In other words the ’ object of spraying is to cover the NI"- tace of the leaves and atemn'with n substance, poisonous to the spores ot fungi, in which they cannot grow. and penetrate the plant. Spraying. therefore, in order to be effective, must be timely and thorough. The spray mixture must be on the plants before the spores reach them and the surface of the leaves and stems must (Contributed " Ontario Don-tuna! at Atrhettltttrs Toronto.) OTA'I‘OES are sprayed to m vent such fungus disease an Early Blight and Late Blight and Rot. These diseases are caused by plants known as fungi Those fungi which derive their nourishment from living plants insure them in so doing in union. ways and thus give rise to what are known as fungus diseases. Can Be Prevented by Thorough Spraying. Women'l Meottngn In Full fhehte-. The Summer Institute Meeting Arc of Beoeftt to Every Woman Who Atteodo-hpks to Be Du. cused and Work Planned. GREAT POW!) WASTE tion here," the boys tuned to bath elsmrttem,tmtittook- hard spam, WWW“ the lanthanum: Mama When teen later than.†would 'mdrarur"ttrttteirexveeieiG It5teye.ty tiaiLiUi"iiiiiiT) tripping down their necks and carriiriiiii ttsecretwarfiareby subbing theminthe backs. Recalling that “pain is our por- --"e' ".u annulus I basket while Paul shook the limb,' swayed slightly in the excitement. and mined the bunch of stings with the basket. allowing them to speed by and drop in a mass onto ’ effect. good going any day up to Sept. 30, (a good for return up to Oct. 31. Come I and let us figure out your holiday trip for I you to any point by rail or boat. ', R. Macfarlane, Town Agent l MAI" Sumo av Fauc--A strange ‘swann of bees which struck Walkerton on Thursday last and clustered on the top branch of a large maple tree in front of Mrs James Watt 's home on Victoria street caused much suffering to some local youths who were present when Paul Jones attempted a spectacular capture stunt. 1tfe.yt.ttivtoAiiiidiTi""i MAI-AL .__I_:|n " . . _ - _ Illa Jean Long ot Walketton and Miss Gladya Panama of Iatkdale winked " Wm. Fulton‘a thin week. Call again gnu. Mr Ian. and Miss Annie Hopkirk accompanied by Mr and In D. H. McDonald and children visited Owen Sound friend, on Monday. Rev. P. Ashton attended the gun. day School Convention in Durham last week. W --9-_- w- - r.-\:‘- Mr and Mrs Duncan McLean of Aberdeen accompanied by In " Arthur of Glenelg. In Cameron and Mr: Hunt of North Dakota were we]: come visitors in our burg recently. 1 Mr Joseph Porter motored Mr and In Erwin Brown and It and Ira Bohr. Mig‘lton to mum Sunday the 14th to attend the {aural of the late Mu Dan Pattetaon of that place. congratulations. We also extend congntulationu to the was Myrtle and Hue] Bailey of Hanover. tome: pupils here. I Mr and Mrs James Billion alto {Robbie and Misc Lena spent Sunday Ywith Mr and Mn Clark Tony and {family and attended unlock church i Sunday morning. Mien Luella Anthony returned to her home in Palmerston Saturday " t r a pleasant two weeke'hollday with her friend, Min Margaret Lnnney. In the recent South Grey Entrance results we notice that the “one. Elsie Boyce and Jessie Manley have both been _ancceaetul. We extend; MISS Margaret cure,' nurse in training, Stratford, I: spending her holidays at her home here. If. and Mrs. Wm. Jno. McFadden; and non Freeman ot Gieneig. spent i $elnd and Home Departmem Sunday with Mr end Ira Jno Bailey. i " paper girl: {“5“ B ll Min ord Lhingeton‘ ara; at n ten . y ll" " A Mo dnyeleet week with her Sat, 'si;ll/2t, tl the! DttrluitmGleneie S s lHenry Cross. Hanover. - i "oe non ttttt week; l, Congratulation to all tour pupils! Perrhape by making I 1somparlcrr from thin school who penned their!“ the two Ire any be enable-1 tc Fr“ recent high eohool Entrance exam-1"“ 1RhttM)etitrtt linU. umione. I la the Sunday School. just or" 5 Mi†Mary and Caroline 1“an ; hour each week i. given to reading {of Durham, visited their sister. In'Pr'N' prayer attd etndy. nnd yet I"? it, H. [antenna on Saturday lut. Ctttt1l.p?t time men and women. bu)! -itrrte, _ LaiGuiCiiUrned T, _ and girls til over our Dominion Ree; Fieeherton inst week after mending E it? along m may, Prepare for " two weeks holidays " his home here. i.tte.'.'."ht',' L'. Sui}! Ioeiyle at a; 3 ' Rev. F. Ashton will exchange wel pits with Rev J. Leypoldt of Hnnoveri Sunday evenlng. July 16th. We will r be pleased to hear Rev. Leypoldt ( again. I ', P. R. Summer tour rate- are now in C. P. R. Town office. The new MacFARLANE'S DRUG STORE 35c, 65c, & MS Take a little every mor- ning and feel good all day An 4sffeethe combing- tion of Saline Laxatives 9nd Tonic: for Rheuma. tism, Urio Acid Ailments Stomach and Liver Trou- bless, Biliousness. Kidney Affections and Skin Disease. Rexall Liver Salts MULOCK VICKERS tice - _-- ---%" "In Upl limo. And it it u ham: tor m: 3mm '. that Pyttseti-eaiiGiiitiii; Hun" :gDepsmnent why not the father also ? " The t"li','flt,e1ei,t.e Home D19- payment on omyarinGlene g and Durham]: u tollom: Dunn Pestuurat.......... 66 !Z|on *.t.trf..ut.V.Irc."."y..': " EdgeBiHUn-on Ststtatl........ 17 lbs-cur In orat...... ...... ll Duh- Imbudh........... .. " tu9,UnioetiuGi.y..:.C.". ti and it 'leqt.red to - W513?†mam-ave; Ctilamueehim karmic. Mr]. P. Teltued has been appointed haiku-cot upmpwny comm). The new order requires everyone to have their ticket before boarding trat __ r-.... """...._" “NV DU†t en honra week or an minutes per .dayinthe uldyofthe leaaonisthe I nae-beam.) :pledge. and yet some people any they really have not the time, while othora tell no they can atndy theleaaon without joining the department which ia very true, but the point la tttatt if there are no children in your home. do the child» ten oi other homes know you are in tereeted in the ieaaona alloted to then: ' There in nothing that helpa a child [ll;; than the fact that they are du. ing preclaely the aame " the grown ape. not when they ere nwnretha? the adults have the habit of etndyn g the leuona. they are much more t an Ir ioiiuermied to prepare the lesson for themaelvu. thie little girl was heard to remark that the Home Department vlaitor Ina mammn's umber. thu we see the interest ct the child been†another was n pup‘l ' And to h t. 5-..... . _. - MEI-humi- a... mum f HoweVer. we might notice aim Ftl;ere ere two classas of people in on .teudeneo st the Snndsy &saool,-- 1. l those who come prepared to tekr- part >r'in discussion or memorisetion and ll l therefore enjoy (Very minute oi that it ' hour. Then there Are those wt; iconic because others do so, and the. II,mejot'lty in this class usually come I 'uoprepercd. We all know thet these are the boys and girls. who unlcta they ere uwekened to u some of their it responsibility in life very soon drop V out of the Sundey School. : Why these two clenseeoi pupils end whet isthe reeeon for there being such distinction I One mum is, that l in the homes at those who stey with . the Sundsy School, the Bible isa l well-known book not only by precept but by exemplc. while in the homes , of the children who ere ittditferent, s the Bible is rerel y ever opened. The ,' perents in such homo usnelly ettend _ church osceeionelly end try to keep the children in the Sunday School but the noticeebte feet is this, that the children do not se'e the example of deily Bible Railing. noroi regular church ettendeuce end youthtul days ere (one with these hehits uniormed. The Home Depertment is that r- tion at the School which tor VENPOOHS rcesons rcmeins et hone end yer pluses the study ofthe lessons. The einot this dopertment is to extend the work of the Blade, School as far “possible cues to reech end help every individuel. In elusost every malty there ere (enmity some luv-lids. mothers With intent child- ren. ttet to“ work nukes it impossi e present st the time Mitte Bentley School session end in ell ot thesethc Bentley School ought lto healed toga with whetever help it he in its power toxin. only hell to hours week ftp n-. ma--.“ 'e-e, Candi-II Nutter. Railway never fall to be prdaiGTtifi't 522s? [Connection Between Sunday jiScbool and Home Department t.--a- Gut "That good Shampoo.' Large m for.... FF. "_FFr. Violet Dulc Shampoo Crystal At the same time, ask us to tell you about Many new styles to select from at from 50e to 61.25. Come to us and get one of our new fashionable Before you go Bathing Swim Caps m: " 1918 pimiy per " A a ‘5 We hear fr Heis still in John L. McK the Flying Cor John joined of sad all Wish hit Masters Ji or of Toronv friends in thi at present. cousins-x at ham . Miss Anni" friends here ti" . while this “ Master Earl N spent m Mr. Donal: nor. student. PM. Church Sundays in A nephew of M I Mes. N. MCI Park. Its a ; young boy cl cupntion to I; gospel. A fe only a little with his pare here. “his Jessie three out of honors. Conn Allan. Of (a girl that (cite (“appointed I pl. fail somm w. .. H0“’ARD. DI: Maul Change "ALA Muskukn H FRENCH lilVl-Tl: POINT AU 1:.â€ou noncn'omx h SHITH'S “In I snvsnsmucu l Box scum Lulu-1 ME comma] IA w over one evt our resi‘lenc Neil McCall Mr and Mrs moved to Du rhur n wool: with {rim We are pleased t improving after health. Mr A. It and Mrs Me ham in his car. not of the Inni I has done a big fits, entertains. Mr and Mrs ’I'- RITCHIE Ill? J. D. MORGA P. NIXON. J. SINCLAIR T. McINTYRl: J. SYDIE. J. GARDINEI T. FENNELL RUSSELL Hi- GRAHAM HY. CA1 F} MARK WI There iln't m in; ret-only (a A“ made a star and some this n. in general Is li meadows, not ha of farms but new is fairly gm d 'ttatt" are putting me. Its as ha them an of the l ' Owing to ll " believed the seller alike to It endorsed and re critics. The public is merchanta- “New apoctive basin“: The CashS [VI July weather n ultimate. us throwui mucus worn sum" I Monday night I '0 might haw- .m tl, morning. Cropc an well and won-l 1 t'.r V ' ting a sprinkii; i', . ' We congr Puticulsu from C PRICEVILIJ AND Resorfs ma " Bummer Tu) IO'. In: