N. M Good cumuuon followed by up. mu about the maid]. of Jun tat (km: than: " menu tupart " the nu ot 1% pounds per are. pro- vides a menu ot amounting peren- " troubled with mustard in grain crops, way with the M p.c. solution or tron sulphate. " In ot Iron lul- plate to each “not: od water). It In]: Imus u to ho elective It an» In done only not. trturq tho an: mustard punts In the new are coming into notâ€. A -- I gtrEmd%atoBadWeed.. ll C. RAMAGE & SON, as The Review, Durham It " 'rt'tt.srs:srtt.ires.r..ua,,:e.aia.:a:a:as.s.s ' delicate ot adjustment. so that to be eucu‘sslul the operator must cxerclio some mechanical nbllity. and strlct care and attention to the needs ot lo- dlvidual cows. Without these the milking machine has always proved a failure. It can hardly be said that the machine will get as much milk tram the earn as good hand milking. but properly handled, it will give better results than the average hand- milking, and there in no doubt ot We being a great economiler or labor end tune. The machine has its place on the terms or durymen who mill more than ten cows. it being doubt- ful economy to Invest no much money Ior n smelter herd. lt my use he qtmgtttfut economy to metal the ma. ane in e herd of pure bred- where much omelet test work. involving mun: three or more tltnee per dar. 3 being done.--A. Lotion. B.S.A.. Dunno Agricultural College. Guelph. M d But. al that cc delicate I considerabl I" the Ital PM Will Find That They Are Vety Profitable. TO MEET LABOR SHORTAGE l.- to Pavel); the. t5trttrmtatq- "tarts for the Gardener nod Datrr. man In JumbMdhod. by Which to Destroy TruuMmm Weed». (Contributed by Ontario Dam-mm... " IABHINES FOR MILKINB TRELEAVEN & RANTON Ptim Creamery Call at eifher place and get your can to-day. Cans supplied and spot cash paid. Cream received any day at any time. See your cream tested while you wait. Lil. tltUtMt not twitch - a at A. S. HUNTER & SONS, Durham or at J. W. BLYTH’S STORE, Varncy Cash for your Cream Invest in VICTORY BONDS a wen "and this " good I 1 you HE med " Ont-um Dov-mt ct Arrrtcuttur_ Toronto.) In. mach it We have completed arrangements for purchasing - for investors - Victory Loan Bonds for five, ten or twenty year periods, to yield better than 51 per cent on the investment. Interest payable half yearly. Se- curity the whole of the Dominion of Canada. Will be pleased to furnish further particulars personally, by letter, or by phone. All enquiries confidential. Staten D at that the milk. as baa now be- ruetleal prowl- 2w be made with teti chesper pensive; than, sea the :ne- _', NOTICE is hereby given that l have Aransmitted or delivered to the persons 1mentioned in Sections 8 and 9 of the 'Ontario Voters' List Act," the copies frequircd by said sections be so trans ' mitted or delivered of the int made pur- isuant to said Act of all arson: appear- ', ing by the lust Revised ument Roll (of the said Municipal, to be entitled lto vgte in the said Municipality, at lclections for Member of the Legislative Assembly and at nieipal Elections. Ethat said list was " posted up at my 'Ottice at Holstei on the lath day of July, I918. and re ains there for inspec- l . l tion. Elector are cslled upon to zexamine the s d list and it any omis-i "ions or any other errors are found (therein, to t e immediate proceedings : to have the id errors Corregtedtuaatrd. ( ing to law. Will the customers that have placed their orders tor Spirella Corsets and those intending to purchase, please do so at once. Mrs J. C. Nichol. Spirella Corsetiere. For Sale- Shorthorn bull rising l year old of good stock. Apply to Wm. G, Henderson, lot 25. con 18, Normanby or R. R. No 2. Hanover. band f Holstein the 10th day of Ju ly 1918. Mr. and Mrs. Juo. Orchard ot Bol. ; stain and Mrs. Taylor and grand-p daughtet from own, visited one day last week at W. T. Pmder'a. l Municipality oi the ,Townshib oil Egremont, Co. of Grey _ Mina Grace Finder of Torontoia spending her holidays " be: home here In Jno Douglas Ind son John and Mr nod Mrs Will Nelaon upon! Sun- day at Robb Carmount‘s neat Clifford. Miss Katie Kingston is visiting Mr Adair'a " a few ween. Min Sadie Bailey and friend from Dun-bum visited the tlmt otthe week " W. T. Pinderi. Mr and In No. Lewis Wind Mr. Tom Kirby 's Bandâ€. VOTERS’ L151, 1918/ DAVID ALLAN, Clerk of Bgremont at in, is given regarding every phase ot the water question. To further u- sut those who mu wish to make improvements or tatatatuttotus the authors of the bulletin will sadly give pen-soul nttention to my quen- Ie., W' “in: which mu be sent. To give such information is the purpou at n bulletin now presented to the tarm public ot Ontario by the Ontario Department ot Agriculture, Parliament Buildings. Toronto. Prac- tical information, on complete as POB- sible, 3nd so unused u to enable each reader to ilnd quickly the par- ticulor problem he in most interested The question of cost is important. Many improvements may be made, however, such " safeguarding the well from pollution, install- ing a hydraulic ram. septic tank, gravity system, etc. which are not very expensive and when the iarmer is able to do a good deal of the work himself the cost in reduced to a point where thousands can ttttord the in.. trtalatlontt. With a practical work~ ing knowledge of the principles ot term water supply, water â€Items, equinox. and sewage disposal few. indeed, who have impure well water and ere without household and stable water conveni- ences but can mote improvements of a most benenelnl nature and " A “it which they can alord to expend. In the stable much the same con- ditions exist. The task of pumping water by hand tor a. large number of live stock in slow and artiuoutr--. wasteful of time and trying to the temper. And ln cold. stormy weather the stock when driven to an outside tank or an ice-covered stream, will rarely drink sumeient for their beat performance or development. Water systems in each cue pay their way in dollars as well as in conveni- ence, comfort and health. City Conveniences for Country. The desirability and importance of an ample supply ot pure water on every tarm can hardly be over emphat- sized. Perhaps more than any other tood element it determines the healthy and robust development ot the body. Inversely, deadly disease germs lurk in the impure waters of contaminated wells which may bring death with little warning into the family circle. Without great expense the water supply on the average farm may be so protected as to prevent contamination and it surely seems the part ot wisdom in every case to ensure an abundant supply of pure water for than and beast. Where the household supply must be drawn trom it well or a stream at some distance trom the dwelling the physical labor involved is great. It may be assumed that when no plumbing is installed an allowance of ter-lions: per person per day tor all purposes is necessary. With a family of tour ttotneone-otten the house- wite - must carry 400 pounds of water a day, or over one ton a week. The particular name of this sys- tem is the Bunker system. It con- sists of a small room a few feet square with a. bunker or box or rack at one side tor holding the cakes of ice. It is separated from the room by a partition which is kept a few inches oft the tloot. and likewise from the ceiling. The bunker has a. stat- ted tloom with pan just below to catch water which is disposed of readily through a drain. This ar- rangement provides a natural means tor the cold air to drop down to the floor, escape into the cooling room proper and tor the warm air to pass up over the partition to the tee, So long " this bunker is kept supplied with ice there will be a natural tiow ot cold air through the storage room. if the room be well insulated it should be possible to maintain a tem- perature of about 40 deg. Fahrenheit undafalriy dry atmosphere. Those de- siring plans for constructing the type Just outlined or any other type may receive them free of charge by come municating with the writer. inform- ation and assistance will be freely xovcn to all applicants. Write us.- R. R. Grahm. B.S.A., Ontario Agricul- tural College. Guelph. l There are many ways ot providing a small cold storage on the farm, but with the exception of very large fruit or dairy farms, the same principle applies to all, namely, that ice is used as the means ot cooling. The method of applying the ice to the best advantage constitutes the prob- lem in each individual case. This is why no one system can be recom- mended tor all cases. It is my inten- tion to describe brieity below one type which should give good service in many farm homes. good business and economy to have the cold storage on the farm? This applies to our (arms particularly since they produce such very per- ishable products as milk, b.utter, eggs, fruit and meat. If there was no other advantage in having cold storage on the tarm than that it pro- vides a place in which to keep the daily victuala cool and sweet, there would seem to be a good reason tor inclndtng it in the farm equipment. Simple Ind Went Running Water Systems for the Farah-Bow Full Directions Regarding Equipment and Installation May Bo Secured. 'Contributed " Ontario Department of Agriculture. Toronto.) COLD storage is a room or building, depending upon the size, cooled by ice or by some mechanical means. In short, it is a place‘lor keeping food products cool in the hot weather. Since the farms produce the food and since the cooling of it should be donc quickly and immediately after its produetiott, say milk for example, in order to keep it in good condition as long as possible, would it not seem good business and economy to have Small, Efficient Plant Does Not Cost Much. FARM alll STORAGE Nt'r Mr J no. Manny’s team ot horses exceeded the speed limit on loudly leaving Mr G. P. Leith'a More " top upen d, scattering lone freight along. At the Push term ehnxch they m: in on the eidyewelk. bucking the tie poet In front of In. It Secure mi- deuee. No mate harm was done harm. The only conclusion univ- ed ttet the heel yen tying to to at “It "uGiiauiTFdi'iii'l. The Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs Dr. Elllnlnst Thursday. A vety pleasant time we: spent. After the general busineu. helpful suggestions of “How to plan our weekâ€. work" Were dimmed and recipes were given by In Wm. Ged- des. Violin selections were given by Mrs Dr. Ellis Ind elm by Mr Wm. Troy. Refreshments were then ner- ved by Mu Ellie and emit! hour spent. Mr and Mr: Phil Thair went to Galt last week to visit with friends in that place and in Kitchener. Roy Graham, a young lad living at the home of Mr Wm. Criapiu, met with a very painful accident last Sat- urday. While turning the tanning mill his arm in someway, got taught in the cog of a wheel and was badly Iacerated. Dr. Muir was called at once and the am bandaged. He ha- gone back to theChildren‘s Shelter in Stratford until the an in healed, Mr and Mrs Id. Hoy enjoyed a t ip to Eugenia Falls one day recently. No use saying anything about those who were laying in a supply ot wood In: week with the thermoneter registering around 90 degrees. It and In In. Dingwall of Pro- ton were visitors of his brother, Mr Tom Dingwall on Sunday. Mr Wm. McTaggart and two sons, Messrs Elmar and Emety of Noble- town accompanied bp Mr and Mrs J. Hershey and daughter ot Mt. Foreat motored to Holstein Sunday and were the guests of Mr and Mrs A R. Her- shey's. Mrs Dave Gillies of Woodland is at present staying with her parents, Mr and Mrs Jas. Ecclea. We are sorry to upon. Mr Eccles is not improving as rapidly as we would like to see. Miss Myrtle Allan of Vnrney visit- ed the past week at Mr Archie Baird 'tt home. Mn Penis of Hopeville and Mrs Jas. Wilson ot Proton called on a number of hiends in the village last Friday. Mr and Mrs MEI-tyre of It Forest and Mrs Stiekiney of Toronto motor. ed to Holstein Sunday and visited with Mr and Mrs Jos. Hilton. Mrs Crosby of Harriston is visiting her sister, Mrs Pennock. Miss Nettie Rogers returned to To. ronto last Friday utter a month’s holiday " home. N Miss Annie Troup of Detroit is home owing to the serious illness of her grandmother. Miss Mamie Rocha of Toronto in I visitor ct Mr and Mrs Wm. Nelun. Mu Robt. Christie returned home Thursday ot last week from Toronto. Pleased to report In Christie's eye in much better since receiving treat- ment. Mr Jno. Hamilton started last Thursday on the Cream waggou in It Wm. Cobourn's place. Will has started to farm. Messrs Geo. Hoetetter and Elijah Smith-have added new cement aide. walks to their property and Dr Ellie has put a nice cement block encloser in front of his residence. All are hielping to beautify our enterprising e ty. Mr Arthur Kerr of Toronto is here for a two week’s visit at the home of his sister, Mu Alt. Bullet. Mr and Mrs Glenworth and daugh- ter of Hematon were guests of Mr and MI: Rife last week. Mr Merton Pettigrew ot Toronto spent last week in Holstein with old acquaintances and was a guest at the home of Mu Juo. Brown Br. Mr and ms Jae." Wilson of Proton spent a day last week with Mr and " Geo. Calder. Mr G. P. Leith went to Toronto Tuesday on business. Mrs Arch. Baird entertained a few ladies at a quilting one afternoon last week. Mrs Frank Adams and daughter of Dromore spent last week at the par- ental home, Mr and Mrs Jas. Eccles. Misses Tens McDonald and - new Vicar of Pricevil1e are visiting the former ’s sister, Mrs Jno. McGrath. Miss Ola Cameron is visiting at the home of Mr Hugh Wilson of Swinton Park. Mrs Wm. Rife and children are en- toying a ten day's holiday at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs Saddler of Wharton. Miss Maggie Swanston is visiting at the home ,9! him Robert Dodda near Mt Forest. Mia: Elizabeth Ross of Detroitla spending her vacation with Miss Mary Rosa. Hot ian't it ? HOLSTEIN LEADER LocAL AID PERSONALS RIO" ARCHIVES _ I TORONTO A Ford or any other car in A tine thine, solong no they any, on the road or don't attempt to climb a rela- ttmph pole. That ran rather a try- ine experience by one of our young men the other night, when hiecer took a header for acme Mae eeder brush in the awamp " the uncanny hour ot midnight. Nelzhborn were appealed to and toned out or bed, the third one getting the neee-ary horae power lrom hie lnnheet " hay "ld. One wea thought ancient but two had to he need. to ttetit where it on» to he. Finally at 8 o. at.allware relented to normal. whanallentnretiredtobeginthalr sleep night. We hear it said that the revivalim are again contemplating holding meetings and are iixiott " an old building in which to hold them. Miss Glad†Tucker is " present homefrom Toronto on her holidlyu with her parent... Mr tttid Mrs. Thou. Tucker. At . meetinc in Amoe church on Monday evening it wee decided to hold . Jubilee service on the 220d of September (or therebontr as any unit the openers.) 'rorntneenort"irnt the ti0th anniversary of its lounding. You will went to elip this item on and place elong with your "aircre- tion tMyrtilUate in its vent pocket"- cepzacle. Some noted speaker or proteseor in being sought for the at onion and all previoue mime'ere are expected on the evening tollowing together with noted musicians if possible. There is no mange" to behnrned so I modernbe churn of 25ennd150 in these dry: of high Values In only elked tor. Dr. Grave. of Fergus. was called upon Monday morning in company nub Dr Snead), Droucre. to Derfrrrm an operation upon Mr Jae. B. Tucker for appendicitis. The use was n very cerium one but " time of writ. log we are ttlad to know the patient is doing nicely with the very capable Nurse Fence in attendance. Cmgrnmlstgons to Miss Ruth Earig who successfully passer: the Eutrunce examinuiwn to the ugh School. Mr. and Mm. N. Williamson at limo were guests at Mr. J. Eurigs' some time ago. Mr. and Mn. A. Eurig 0.8. R. and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis at Orchard, visited n It P. Walls' lately, On the 14th inst a. you} gentle- man nrris ed " the home of Mr, and Mrs Edgar Gardiner and of course is the principal personage in the nub- iishmont. Cour-minions. Congratulations and best wishes to In Wilkie (nee Miss Gardiner) I former teacher here. Mr and Mrs B. P. Sharp spent some days in Banner visiting friends. July in gorgeous beauty is here With nelde of weving grein. la tints of lovely green end gold Spreed o'er the fertile plain. Bat in the outer homes of Englend Is hand the unnon'e roar, And deadly bombs ere sutured On he: once peaceful shore. Mr end In Jno. Hunt of N. Duh on vielted reletivee end lriende here lately. Mrs o. M. Soil: and children of Bradford visited her brothers, Mean Dunn and Geo. Hunt recently. Min Union Tyndull susodt Brad- ford Vllitod rennin: and schoolmates Bales-On July 20th. to Mr and Mrs Scott Eula, a daughter. Dyera--0n July 32nd. 'to Mr and " Geo. Dyers, Proton, noon. Holstein getting more like De- troit every d . Mr J. M. Matthews has this week stalled a new gasoline street pump al tr with a 460 capacity gasoline tank a has just had this filled with beat mler gasoline. Mr Matthews has ale lull line of best Motor Oils and p Grease, also Spark Plugs and ot r auto acc'esaor- lea. Car driven will o well to stop here and get their wan supplied. Mr Hannigan of Guelph accom. panied by a number of friends motor. ed to Holstein Sunday to the home of Mrs McPhee. Mrs Hannigan return. ed with hip to their home. V Good kiln dried corn may be obtain- ed in Holstein. Pirst.elass feed. Apply to J, R. PHILP, Trees. Tp. Egremont Rev. Mr Scott is leaving this week for a month's holidays. Dr. Groves, Fergus, passed through Holstein on Monday morning to per- form an operation for appendicitis on Mr Jas. Tucker on the goth con. Egremout. We are pleased to say that at time of writing Mr Tucker is doing nicely. Emmet: are very busy at their hay- ing which is a very good crop in genaml. Mr Tavlor, Barrie spent over the week end " Mr Inc. Orchard’a. Mn Taylor accompanied him home after visiting with friends for a week. The line. McQueen and Martshn11 of Durham spent an evening with the Ml- Hamilton lately. BORN - To hit and Mn Geo. Dyes. a NORTH EGREMONT SOUTH BEND t -.-.- J"G'U" - ,._.. “W... "W. w my“, a 3 tdom M. Ij',or,,y,.r,?hAy A sewing bee is being held " the home of Sim David Hamilton uthe Lake on Wednesday uteruoon by the Red Crcattkeietr, Mr lune Hooper has treated Mar. self to . line set of steel truck wheels, what every tumor should hive Ind than I". the lining ot any ton: “anally. it it could berermnptited. 9043943041 WW4) Mr Farr Lawrence has about com- pleted the mingling ot his flue new hip root bun. There will be no Mn. eing of the witch“ or anything e’se on this root. Mum Wm. Haulage sud Abe II Hooper hue each put up 11 wire team with a View to improving winter true! and Are receiving commend-- tiota on in tiae appearance. Mn. Anon returned to Toronto on Sunni-y In! after about a month‘- Imy with her sister Mu Hahn. A plenum time was ha " the choir picnic on Thursday Iaat l the day was ideal and the lake belltilnl though wet. as ever. Mr and In [not Ecol“ had oath the aorrowl'ul remind-r at their son Roy's death, who made 1Msroie.lly the supreme tsaeritieo in Prune, by receiving lowly their son“: will,» gather with odeocripcion ot hialut resting pine and " other efreeta. The nonhcr ot his plot bu yet to be lent. It is I melancholy saturation mknow he was well token care ot sad received a decal burial in: beautiful loucion. ii Wire , For nl Best quality granulated--- Sugar In 1001b.. 20 lb. or 10 lb. sacks Half gnl......81.75 Imperial quarttr......8i.40 Jars Pints ......... 1.15 Wino quarts.......... 1.20 To make your jun Para Wax airtight ................ 20c lb. . Rubber Rings " Screw and gnu tops. . 33:23 TAYLOR & GO. Store open Wednesday and Sum!†Evenings TAYLOR & Cl, Hay Forks For better service and for promotion. The call of the hour is for 'alfiitsUnor," otherwise "'rrairu'tur." We mm you to be eminent. 1. order to render better service to yourself. your employer, and your country in this strenu- ous time. Enter any day. Call or write for free catalogue Rope Central Business College Stratfard, Ont m. totem at. Binder Twine Preserving Time si', r Phmte 'a-" Store close: " 6 p. m. except Wed. ad Saturdny For " kinds of Fencing. We have now on hand a large stock of Crimp Wire, 6yic a lb. Also the Woven, in diifereot heights. We have large assortment in all different lengths of Handles, of the very best brands. We can also sell you the Louden Hay Fork and Track for barn at close prices. We have the pure Manilla in all sizes. Re- place that old Rope before it gives you any more trouble and it may save you valualfe time in the middle of a busy hay day. Let us supply your requirements ' We handle the 600 tt. only, in Plymouth and Deering. This Twine is evenly spun and guaranteed to average 600 ft. to the lb. Our pricesgre cut down fine. Secure your supply early " it may be hard to secure later on. Getin Linc Mr Allan and Edgar Brown were the "on otthoir friend, Mr Wm Autism ot Drawers on Sunday. We will tt"otttratttlate In: Its) .' Matthews on troeintt her Entrance examination in No 18, linemen. Mia Alias IcKelyie ot Durban: spent the Em of the In“ Mm h, r sitter. In Jno McKenzie. We nre tarry ta PM that Mr. B. Tucker in Very ill " prey-m. l " derwrnt In operation fur hpprf‘r chin on Hominy. We hope tur weed) recovery. The farmers are certainly mak in no at the canny anâ€. Mr And In. The. Moore Sande) with Mr and In. Dnid Lone. hand, She has wandered into an unknown i And his left us dreaming how very It needs must be since the lingers the: Think ot her faring on. u dear In the love of there as the love of hr! Think of her still as the same. I say She is not dead. She is just away C' who did July 2hh, 19:5. “I cannot say. and I will not say That she is dead. She is just away With a cheery smile and a wan: In loving lunacy ot Marr R anage LOVERS’ VALLEY Dromore m MINOR“. Dr omore of d h tailoring. Durham IE daunting and pruning one tailoring. have re on ttuit or mount um he and-aha. G Canning hm Party on h and Lana of Forduich ill p and a p. m. Wm. I Brasil, Canadian of ville Dachau mu gi Adminim as and 15m. Wno'n Wm " Local In in the Ontario beans“ (arms. twenty-u: III! Maren. tive manna men lam, four ll two “Within" two I taker, In “cum. on: [any agent. an .ahNtrt I contractor. a mu dun-n. day. August' . Wlh “that. Brine, mud in you! Uno- Souucu - Int. It cue " Hid Presbyterian bud the Ptmbyterian church in Methodist church meal will be manned ti No had to WI Tacoma Aamao.-l trays in um town h- "ttteriatein amps nod ttteirmttetterbotte- mummy. mail M 'tmttt,therhnee unmet Madman!!!†tt [out the bulb but a and: Ilittle dnttettter unit's. H the W n1 on. the MN: will! will. and pirate. CAI - Haw (ii m by the Band that perms losi tiatteeetiti-hould ll totheCentml Raisin“ union Board. Ottawa, When making such atrl should give all the mm as to the number of thi nameand address ol tl It Work My do Jun amied I new-X an Gianna. Ruby m naturc must I VOL. XLI, wa “theme: Aidofthet Cmpurp) inworkand med and the Indian oft use work we vase of Minna: on under Adam R vase realm Mt:Gowa slituu ct W M Wow M iss three dd them viewing Mrs Brosn's over 300. and also of t a be " Mrs S " “IS en my sppeec" ed A plea IT ver " ‘I’IMIKX addex it " MCI WI et M le (at Your IN Md)