“I (i,,, Advantages of the Chevrolet If 2'."t John McGowan BOO tons of No. l Mixed Chop we“ no can.“ ".ntrtoNottrrahs bought at an“ price. Special Reductio- Gi'iiirnaruierhfteitse. Wheat, Barley and Outs (ihopca'ts' l CR'MPED OATS “Horse?†at mt' Prices I CHOPPED OATS at. ... wry "at-ttite rates Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour Every bug guamteod. If not satisfactory bring tt book and got your my. Low Grade Float, Rolled Oats, BretKtiegt are». Bran, shorts. Middiiags, Corn Chop. Cracked Chicken Corn Outing Shoes for Men, Women and Children See our Ladies' Pumps For the Hot Weather Dow n Town Shoe Store Conddering the number at annual [mom poa- aeaaed by the Valve-In-head motor. it in not my wonder that the type beaming locked! I My]! place in the minded-great manymmm-Idiheeuno ing morepopulareveryday. Tough: with, it one. genuine mieerly. "diti-edi.mrt-tin the lean. no it in any to aee ho- thia typed power pint would bemuehinde-dterdsr. Tounderetaod the advantagea and routing. ol the Valve in Head Motor. It in not neceaaary to have my technical knowledge. {or the plan ia aimple and it ia Wandahle by anyone. In the common method of (â€dine engine con-traction the gawlme vapor in many introduced into a aide chamber-n sort of wanting room. There it explode. wrth a (one that traveh in a Mam way until it stake: the piston. The Chevrolet Garage ROB ROY MILLS, We have a good stock of Oat Shorts and other Feed on hand that we are selling at special prices for the next few weeks. fine assortment of Trunks, Club-bags, etc., always on hand. All orders for delivery mound town must be paid for before they are ds'irered. ’ Feed Wv are still showing a large assortment of THE PBOPLE'S MILLS Wt close our office " g p. m. every day. tels are sold or given Moi Mm after We repair and overhaul any makool our mending the Ford car. All repair work is guaranteed and the prices charged are right. We can supply you with the beat guaranteed tires, and can assist you in your choice of your Auto Head Light Lenses. in Patent and Kid, at popular prices Oatmeal Millers Repairing as usual VALVE-lN-HEAD MOTOR '. S. McILRAITH Limited Phone 67 More than two hundred thousand Che'vrolet can are in me to-day. This, in itself, is ample evidence that the followers of this type of motor are imming each day. In the Valve In Head motor, It is different. ln this type, the gasoline vapor is introduced dir- at'ly Into the cylinder head. and the explosion scours directly over the piston bead, and the cy- linder. being without corners to collect cases. the Mist tteneftt is secured by the explosion. All the "saline vapor explodes and all its force goes to the f1rreheel. It is for this reason that the anve in Head is powerful and dependable. All Chevrolet models are equipped with this type of We would add a fourth-The execution as common criminals of the parties chief. ly responsible- even though it be.the Kaiser-for the Lusitania, the murders of Edith Cavclj and Capt. Fryatt and the bombing of hospitals. Harvesters Urgently Needed in Western Canada Harvest hands bound for the Canadian West, go by the C. N. R.-the People's Road. Its lines traverse the Good Crop Country, and pass through the Fields where harvesters are needed. 2-0ccupation of Berlin and signing a peace treaty at Potsdam. 3 -Most important of all she must pay to the last penny. the expenses-her out- rageous conduct has cost the Allies. Information of value is given in a leaf- let entitled ‘Harvesters Work and Wages' to be had from any C. N. R. qult. Threshing, Time We have jun ths --Strong everyda Cops & Saucers ‘ Platters, Fruit ' Also so Dinner Conan Doyle believes the war will change very suddenly from the appear- ance of a close drawn struggle to a Ger. man surrender. He insists there are 8 requisites for peace ; w o 7 a as, Spam Values In Glass Pickle Dis B, Spoon Trays Water Sets, B ry Sets and Table Sets. The Variéty Store I-invasion of Germany, something she has not thought possible. always pleas as a gift. When/in need Dishes of any kind, don't forge I. The war is not won however. Ger- many yet holds much that the overran since March t8th last, but sinceJuly 18th she has been beaten and baMed, her sol. diers are tiring, 120,030 prisoners have been taken and hundreds and hundreds ot guns. Everywhere the Allies are victorious ; the British have Bapaume, French troops took Roye and Cambrai and Bt. Quentin is now the objective. General Cnrrie is the hero of the hour, for his troops, the Canadians, were given the place of honor in attacking the Hin. dcnburg line. They were not found wanting, they reached the line, went be- yond it and are now further east than any allied troops since 1914. Such is the description of some recent work by the Canadians and Australians, but it was chiMy a Canadian battles The "work" praised is an advance which for gallantry under dimculties, and results of the action surpasses even Vimy' Ridge. - putllam 3tetsiett, Biggest Thing in the War is the ime You Neld Dishes OUR FANW CHINA Lambton Street, Durham, Ontario J. P. Telford, Agent, Durham AUG. 29 1918 fykind w."' need ware m _ Plates, Bowls, 1 Saucers, Etc. sr" Cheap [Tea Sets , Mrs W. l Derby mud Hrs A. Cor. bert canvassed this line recently fur Red Cross funds and the following are the contributions t Wm.J Derbv............... $10 MrszJ. Derby........... h Mraud MrsA.Darby........ 20 Mrlnud John Corbett........ 8 Wm trierBott...,............ 15 Brsisie Grituson...... ..... .. 5 Jan McRonuld .............. 10 Edmund Jotmitotr..... ...... 10 M5358. Potter............... 1 JusPark Jr..........-.. 5 A. McLean....,.............. 5 Ju 13lurltott................ 2 Jag.W. Mather............. t0 AlexGrieraon...... ......... 10 Geo, A 'Nrnball,..........., 5 JnoMilligan................ 10 Arthur Derby 50e Mr Tom Corbett has returned to London after spending a tow weeks at his home here. Muster Donald 00 per left this week for " home in Waterdown to resume his hieh school studies. Mechanic Jaa, Smith of the Royal Flying Corps, Desuromo, visited one day with his uncle: hero. Word was rezeived here that Pte Eddie Barron had died ot wounds in France Eddie spent pert at his schooldnys in this section and was well known in this looaliny. Miss Mavis and Manner Ivan Cooper of Brighton are spending a few days with their aunt. Mrs. A. Derby. ME, Alex. McLean left hat Thurs- day tot Bigger. 8ask., where he ttV tends spending e few months. Miss Doris Whitetord of Hanover, visited last week with her friend, Miss Effie Milligan. We regret to learn of the sudden death of Mr John Contra from the re salt of an accident on Monday morn ing. The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended scribe bereaved wi- dow and family. spent en evening with Mr and'Mre T. R. Lawrence lately. A Very “caudal garden pert: wee held on Friday evening on Mr. John Bailey’s lawn by BentlnckWer Workers of the front line of this see- tion. Among those tasking part in the prnzrun Were Meade from Dar. ham, Hutton Hill, Allan Park, Hen- ovet and Lamieeh as well “local talent. Rev W. L Feltinghnm oo- enpied the cheir and Hon Dr, Jamie eon delivered an excellent uddrou. Ab at $25 was realized from a cen- vesgnd the sale of two quilts. Cutm cillor Hunt being the purchaser The net proceeds of the evening amoun ed to over $90 Hi- lmha Torry of Dnrhun lg Eolidnymg with her sister. Mn FM Mr and In Ju [array of Eaphra. " townlhip. mowred'over and upon: Band†with lilo Hattie Linton†" her homo here. Ilia Boyce of Crawford visited Int week with her cousin. [in Annie annbull and mended the Gnden Party. The majority of the farmer; in this vicinity have nabbed harvesting and sure-hing In ubom to common... up and My: lethttr Calqugell SOUTH BENTINCK You spied for the Day, you lied for the Day, And woke the Dav'a red spleen. ' Monster who asked God's aid Dunne. Then attend His new with the ghostly mine ; Not all the voters of the Rhine ' Can wuh thy foul bonds clan. Yon dreamed for the Day, you trtshermrd toe the Do] ; Womb how the Doy mil go, S‘oyer of oge and youth out! prime .. (Defenooleu shin for never I crime). " Thou m steeped in blood " o hog in Ilium. Pairs friend and oowordly foe. You hove ororuHor the Day. you have grown for the Day, Yours is the honest red. . Can you hear the groene end the ":nt crlee , Con you see the beep of elein that liee. And eightiese turned to the Gtnesplis skies The glee‘ey eyee tot the deed ? You hove wronged ioe tin Dar, you hue longed foe the Thu lit the tutu! fume,' [Dey 'Tie nothing to we that hill and phin Yield eheevee of deed men amid the grain k That widow: mourn httheir lowed one. mm. And motheu com thy none. But one: the do, there'e e price to ply. t For the deepen under the nod. . And Re you hove mooted for men, e ar-- loieten, end halibut . be! to I" ; “VENGEANOE 18 MINE, I WILL REPAY" . Whet on you a, to God t . [For years before the war Geiman offii3eta in convivial moments. drank to the toast "The Day." meaning the day in the future when they would humble Britain. The “day" is receding as time advances and the following tmbgnifhrtrnt poem iits in fine With the fiartse, fighting in Flandera' Beldg. The author is Mr Henry Chappell. a railway porter " Bath, England. Mr Chappell in known to his comrades as the “Bath Railway Poet." A poem each " this lifts him to the rank of a national poet,] You boasted the Day and you toasted the Day. And now the Day has come. Blasphemer. braggart and coward all. " Little you reek of the numbing lull, The blasting shell or the "white arm‘s" fall. As they speed poor human'a home. om: r..... ..... arby...... .. rbett.....,.. 1...... ...... TORONTO 'rire? :3: $141 50 THE DAY a'll Mr, W. Vesaie'a throwing otttfit 8 {rnmthe Rookv has been in and 15 _ around Knox Corners the past week. iil The Mink lumilv nf'sullivart Sun- 10 dnyed a: the McA‘liater home. IO, Quitea number fromthil linert. 1 Itended the funeral of the late Mr. H. 5 Storrev in Durham In: Saturday. f', We extend sympathy. a} We are glad to report that Mrs A. 10 Backus is improving. Nurse Whit- Y.?iiii. returned to her home Int m,Thursday. Mrs. Baht. Marshall. of Durham, {manta few 6335 last week end at the Backus home. Mrs Evdect Boy returned Wed. need“ to her home in Welland after spending three week: with her par- ents. Mr and Mrs T. McAllister. Some of the farmers on this we got a load at basic' slag trom J. . Wil. ton 's curload on Tawny " Varney. Rev Mr Smith is visiting this week on the 2nd and 3rd concessions. Misses Catharine amf Jessie Smith of Toronto are visiting their mother. and sister at the post roitie.tt. The worker! met " the school- house on I‘hnredey. Aug. 22nd. with 12 indie. patent. 16 p‘eiu of each were given in and collection amount- ed to $8 00. A number of letter: were rend which the “more had rewind from My: in France thunk- inz them for each received. Next meeting will be held " the school- house on Thureduy, 8ept. 5th. Annmber ot the farmers here are finished harvest, othels are nearly done and soon will commence the strenuous work gt threshing. Mr and Mrs Nail McLean of " lock and MrsJuu and Miss Maggie McLean cfTonmto, visited Mr and Mrs D. Lamb last week. Mr Pratt is still buy drilling wells in our burg. He is now " Mr Arch. McLean’l, Hardening Mr. Alex. Fletcher. the proud possessor at a 1lowing well. floiwintt well. Mr. Jae. Ewens. Mr. and Mrs. D. Lamb, Mrs. Whitain and her two boys motored to Dromqre on Sunday and visxted friends there and in Eg- remont. I Messrs Duncan McLean W. and S. McCrack'en and D. Lamb sold a fltlt, bunch ot In: [cattle last week to Mr. -- of Chesley for I good figure, Mr. lanolin loneohnie und his mother of the Rocky Ind cousin from Pittaburtt, united the Neonatal: family on Sunday. Miss Ruth Scent: of Swinton Park visited her friend, Miss {Jessie Clark In: week. In (Dr) Wbiuiu ot Danforth, Ill. inoio, sad her no soul Intern Benj- unin and John Don-Ad. no visiting Mr brother. It D. Lamb foe I couple If ween. Inch eympethv is felt toe Mr end In Patherbongh who‘reoexved word In: week that their eon Robert in missing. We sincerely hope their Inxlely will soon be relieved by heel-inc that " is On duty main. Ir. and In. Dania our: sud baby ot Gleuelz. visited the tormer'a mother. Me. J. D. Clark on Sunday. NORTH-EAST NORMA NBY ABERDEEN --- ill G. RAMAGE & SON, ii, Et _ The Review, Durham 1: 'haat-.aitiiii:i:""iii."i..i.i.."i.i'.'i.i' a? ginvest in VICTORY BONDS . 33532-133 5333.3“ assesses-es- . a? V . It Romania's toll of deaths for the period she'was in the war numbered 600,000, or about 11 per cent of the total popula- non. Custom Sawing at the Sub and Door tuc tory.-Zenus Clark M. GLASER, Durham For Old liens, I will pay from . . . .. .l6c to Ilk per lb. Bring them in Monday or Saturday. We pay for Mixed Scrap...... ..........75c to $1.00 per I00 lbs. Cast Iron and Stove Plate. . . . 1.00to l.25 " Mixed Rags from........... Moto 3.00 " Rubbers from.......... ............ S: t06c perlb. Copper, Brass, Horse hair. . at prevailing market prices For Beef hides, Horse hides, Sheepskins Calfskins, I will pay the highest market price. All these goods to be brought to my yards, and I will "give the very best prices. Elem-clan one. trom HELP SAVE WESTERN CROP Special than Borvlco: Regular trains to connect with No I from Tor- onto at 10.00 p. m. 70' 'ettortnntgtm Be... J. nun-on. C. I. line-t. Dirt..- , orqrgitq Gourd Pumnr Dept., " King St. B., him. on. u __"'"""""' In at was" an“. m: 20.000 Farm Laborers Wanted , 8 1 34p _ Winnipeg Rekall Orderlies Are for Your General Good Healih ' . Humorous and (unprot- discus " mull from the who: of ooetetipatiott. We “lion mu . an the but "may for the trow-trd that their on will be per MIMI“, tmetefitrial. Unlike bud: ulu and pursuant their nation it nulls and they will Imus to strengthen ttte inteetiemt none. Bud munch: nod to promote better spin: of mind Ind better health 1.1301! in nothing (but bu not. do“ upon you hall}: d led; and mind than the condition of you bowls. We - The Ben" Benediee of which there ere 850. end we With to eey to you that we believe Ibeee ere the non honest, puree: end moat eftstrti" remedial ever pleeed before the public. Bee on assortment of MacFARLANE'S DRUG STORE In vest pocket tin boxes ' 12 tablets, 100 l 36 tablets. Me; 80 tablets. 50c. Comfortable Through Trains. Special accommodation for W W$W§ï¬Â§ï¬ymm’aw Iron Wanted We have completed arrangements for purchasing - for investors - Victory Loan Bonds for five, ten or twenty year periods, to yield better than 6t per cent on the investment. Interest payable half yearly. Se- curity the whole of the Dominion of Canada. Will be pleased to furnish further particulars personally. by letter, or by phone. \All enquiries oonfidential. Ptua h," I can [no mite bar-and. Returning, half . cent per Inâ€. to Winn pea. To be delivered in my yard here REXALL ORDERLIES Just now and marked to sell. DURHAM, Aug. 30, Sept 4 and II Garafraxa M. JAPAN ESE CHINA In. Lunch Service at modern. m Women and u Scenic Ram by 0.1.3. Mr]. P. Telford has been appointed 'mal Agent of above Railway company any! " prepared to issue tickets to all young Ira? and West. Call and use him tor rates}; Canadian Northern Railway GiGiiihs mm. we. Stir, 19†Exxxxxxw Both The Fam Have y AUG. 29, " in our " my bat in m be bong of. supply q 'hlt: Wine Cid" vrne W. Snug " stock row, We ban loll; and Bacon. I needs “or Flour labs! to be bough lug Flour. [All at d " always on tr #3333 Fresh ( Flour, Substit Itlstri1 PRIC We help. c ands wood Tery Tl re Uni quaNe his a De ron TH I et tl