i, m; ill be pol air notion II none. I: hum: s, 50c. a.lth d :0. Ind honed. nblio. ealih NA not»! RE lb yalxg5tlXgXlxlgl " sip/e you Spring Chickens ready for Market? We buy Live Poultry on Tuesday and a y. . Thursday of each week. a 'ye 0 . ;~; KARSTEDT BROS., ..- Priceville a ix3xxxzxxaamxmaxxagzsmxgamuflsxaaaaï¬mxzs Pres-n: â€Maribel“: to this - any have The Family Ber. ald for the lame period toe Forty calm. ORDER NOW The Family Herald and Weekly Star If} Boil, papers until January 1, 1919 for 90 cents' K Midsummer Bargain in Newggpggs AUG. 29. 1'18 It is our aim to noel the very best in Gm that can be bought. Thom.- on‘l apply of um XXX White Wine and Budd Cider Vinegar. pickling apiece. Syrups, Honey, on. in stock row. We handle Smoked Hum. Rolls, and ulna long clan Bacon. Get your thinking needs from no. We carry a In]! line ot Flour sobetitnteo that have to be bought when purcha- ing Plout. We have Maple Leaf erd Five Jewel Flour. always on hand. Fresh Groceries Flour, and Substitutes PRICEVILLE’S iii; GiiTGoG iGrd6rie Torn Truck todar. WW1, um, - - """"a MF-r-e'- --_____ ~ . travels, the time it saves, and its 10w upkeep cost appeal Very musk toyl PSP, o.ttltt,,?ltry 1r,ies.F lf 'tNI tieed up deliveries, and saving for human needs the food that the horses would otherwise consume? The motor driven truckmnr work constantly at maximum load under the burning summer sun, or in the coldest weather. Unlike the horse it needs no rests while working,“ eats only while in actual use, and when the day's wo, is done it requires very little 1te,irggl lava {in free tot other "Chores" about tttthit en, it can housed in one quarter the space of 0 horses, wagon and harness it replaces. 1ti-nistaunideathatt_truegrieetuipy1rfor.drivintr uponpaved made. Thelfmdean beehivenalloverdieofgrm, and used for hauling gram, pom fruit, roots. taming; wood,stock,milkoranyothg'ï¬:duct. Thirqteedit travels. the time it saves. and its ttp1rtstipfptst appeal ARM help is scarce, but this condition can be relieved F to a marked degree by using machines that accomplish more work in a given time with less man power. Why should the farmer cling to homer-a slow, "grgtg means of power-when every other business. is optgng the truck and thereby rpdutinir.the cost of 133111an speetlmg Dealers Montreal, and THE DURHAM REVIEW “rug-Hutton!- . SMITH a SONS THE REVIEW, Durham Pthneraton............... .....Sept 18, 19 Priceville.....................(ktober 3, 4 Shelburne..................... Sept 24, 25 Toronto (C. N. Ex )...Aug 26- Sept7 Mount Forest.....-...)) 19 Owen Sound........ ...... Sept 10 to 12 London (Western Fair)...Sept. 6 to 14 Markdale .....................October 8, 9 Meatord........................ Sept 26, 27 Hanover-..........-.; 26, 27 Harriston ..................... Sept " 27 Holstein.............. ........_ Sept " 26 Kilsyth........ ...............October 3, 4 Flesherton, THE UNIW CAR Ono-To- Truck 8130 Runabout . q u EQRMM Fall Pair Dates, 1918 ........................ Oct. 2, s n..... w............'. Sept 26, 27 - "f as, Quid-upswing. 'sits Mrs Williamson and son Gerrard ot 1'oroatvrhave returned home utter visigiuz M Mr Joseph Young‘l for longtime. A few of the young pesoihs took ia tho garden puny at Domooh on Thursday nigh: and Bll report . ttood time . V , The Lauriston Sewing Circle met at the home oi Mrs Jno McCarthy'e on Wednesday In: when eighteen boxes were packed for the boys over sen. Atthe close of the meeting. Mrs McCarthy and three daughters served aduinty lunch. The next meeting will be held " lire Colin Paint Aug. st, â€18 goal. live,fob..... Ifiiitrer-to,.s... 5 1hio 5 id Sorry for 1h: fellow who was learn- ing TO :m- , Fo; l and uufortuttdtely landed in the (Ltch. having a big stone to tstop t Lucky no one was hurt. Stews the roads will have to be made “idcr to travel in safety. . s: of the numeral have Baished h urvegung. Mr and Mrs Jos. Lamb: and Ive daughters. spam Snuduv with Mr. Ind Mrs John McNully. martfa's on Sept. Nth. M: Geo Haw and family visited on Sunday at Mr Thus. Hunter's, West Luther. .' Miss Mago,ie McCormick is visit- mg in tins mug. Mr.and Mrs. Archie McLeHun ot Durham app-1L Sauday with Mr and Mrs Dave Lung Mr and Mrs J H. Parslowmatored to Markdulc (.u ts' mnday evening. Miss Juno Haw, of Toronto is vis. iting at her homo here. Mr Watt Knox spent Sundayat Mr D. h'rcPhun"s. Harvesting in these parts is nearly a thing of the past. The wet weath- er of the past week delayed it for a few days. The crops are excellent. Miss Ethel Christie at Port Elgin is visiting at Mr D. Campbell's. Miss Jessie Campbell 18- holidaying in Toronto. Miss Ruth Stewart is visiting at Varuey and Durham. We would ask you to accept as a mere remembrance this sight token and with it go the best wishes for a long and plea- sant life together. Signed on behalf of your friends and neighbors : Mrs Coulter Mrs G, W. Harslow And to Mr Weir we would say that we will be very sorry if it becomes your duty to leave wife and home in defence of your country, and we assure you that we have every reason to believe from your past life that where "duty" calls, you will not be among the missing. "We, your friends and. neighbors have gathered here to-night to show in some small way our very high esteem for you. For years you, Mrs Weir in partic- ular, have always been in the midst ot us. and though not moving so very far away, yet we feel it our duty to show you how we appreciate your past life in this neighborhood. _ You will be missed in all our social gatherings where you were ever ready to take apart, also in the church work where you have been a willing and efficient help in all that has been for the benefit of the community. After a few hours of enjoyable chat and music, the [chewing address was read by Miss Annie Wright and Miss Jennie Coul- ter presentedthepurle. Mr and Mrs Weir each made a fitting reply, thanking the friends for their appreciation and stating that they had each felt it a pleas- ure rather than a duty to help in any way. Sarah, " Mrs Weir is familiarly known, will be much mined in Salem Church. where she had been a faithful and efficient organist tor many years, as well as one of the main chime in the Red Cross and Ladies' Aid Societies. Many were the wishes expressed that Mr Weir would not be called overseas as his family has already done welFfor KingI and counrry, two brothers now serving. The oldest. "Jim" being overseas almost since the Mart of the war. Following is the address: To Mr and Mrs Thos, Weir: On Friday evening. the 16th of August there gathered at the home of In Weir's parents, Mr and Mrs R'B. Heard,' num- ber of friends audneighboum to spend once more a pleasant evening at that aocialhome, andtowinhMr and Mrs Weir a long, happy married life. madman†Durham Markets: PRIGEVILLE tm,',',,,',' 0.000. 0-0-0. SWINTON PARK ...- .....;.. " w 80 t--Piough Shallow next Spring then mum...“ so to so _ __ ' WAUOBY f Weir Honored an MBA! REVIEW " .3" -_, am A Heeling hlG 333 lg I? 2--aerep down all growth till ammun- than plough thoroughly. - 8--Mamtre during the vim. \ Millions of $$$ Annually Wes and lath always on TIME To STOP THE LEAK tamd at right tht; Custom The following mothod will do it m! Prmnp y "tended to On Grain hrlitg not seeded dawn to Clover Ind Timothy: ttttttdes/thir'" foe mar. I-cultivate or plough shallow to B ll M0 p... orpii of .... am Owni- .,.,e.ll!!. !.'ll!l,t,,Ulllej] ... Palm Brush Printed notices containing (a her information us to conditions of pmpoued Inna mly be seen and blank forms of Tender , be 0mm- et u the Post c)ftiees at Durham nd Domed: and " ttle oak-e of the Post om Impede: Toma». Post Dulce hammers oitiee Toronto, Austin 6th, 1913. SEALED TESY'l-Il addressed to the Po“- muter General, wiil received " otuwn until noon. on Friday. the cuneth Septemher. Witi for the conveyance of s )Xujeny's lung. on apropoued Contact for our yes". 81: times per week on the mute Durham Rural Route ' . 1, via Dornoch from the Immune: ueuenl pleasure. Whois going to run the Farm? The funeral of the late Katie " Kinnon took plaee on Friday, Aug. 33rd, ms; Juno’s cemetery where interment took place. We have no particulars regarding this ledy'e death more than she was a dauzbwr at the late John McKinnon. 4th eon. Gleneig and died at the home ot her sister, me Haolen McDonald ofthe same con. Mrs Watters, whose has band was at one time proprietor ot the Central Hotel. Darum, is I ail- ter, and a brother Dan residing In London. We extend our sympathy. Me John Morrison of Toronto In " present waiting at the old bomeatud in Swtchcuwn. J mu is as chatty " ever and likes to engage in to occa- sional light. argumsnu. His: Annie Dunbar Ins returned tothe any. . c,...-i.. Mrs. Geo. McRae and MriW. H. Arrowsmuh Sundayed ;with Dur- ham friends. ' Alt? little rain showers during the week‘s em delayed harvesting con- siderably. Sue turmers had the luck to be [human whuc the major- ity of as pazxcmy wait for the we.- thet man to favor us mm a few more good days. There was un- doubted†mum tine tieldg of grain but owing to he..t_and drouth ot- iuw weeks 82â€. the, grain ripened much ttro qmckly and the sample will no; be so goud. Mr. Patriek Hdev took " separa- tor to Mt Forest to be repaired. A regrettable end meet pethetlc accident occurred one night lately to In yt,'!, indy on the 6th eon, In Study McDonald. When ehe wee retiring tor the night she had turned out the lamp that an on e and cloee by her. then turning to enter her bed she leaned over tot-est her bend: on the bed but missed and tell on the tioor. In this tell she broke her leg near the hip. Her eon ROI». in the next room heard her moons and was quickiy to her aid. A Dc. trcm Merkdnie was soon " he. .d and everything passibie was done for the aged "iferer who is over iottr score and ten. Min Kate Smith of Toronto, is hot. idaying at Mr Lwan AtMitttton'a, In Joe Blue; Ind um _ - Toronto no on I month‘s visit " her tubers. Mr John Mehurt. I:- John Benton returned to " home [at week after six week- with with his delight". In Jae Edge. alto with other friend: and relntivee in tbsW. We have not had the t portunity of speaking to It Benton since his return bat we learn he an crops are better thnn reported. In. Ann-b9] Andoroon of Toroqto In. home on u week’s vim. Sow Thistle Bladder Campion Rag Weed Thistle: WEED CROPS COST jumpingâ€. and all kinds MAIL\CONTRACT THE FARMER ? ONTARIO ARCH TORONTO ttRI. A. “mung Pouomoe peetot 53H Chicory on lama-- "cu "r“! “I announce IhtMes , â€raided/u: 'lri7aiiill sud cut-round- tgiit'gt'g,; that be [In hie Pinning I! and hctory fully 'r,'.""" and a ma to take orders or er Gardens call for small (qua, early baring fruit trem, Asparagu. Rhubtm Hannah: Che demand for Ornamental stock in m:- nnd villas. in large. Secure a paying Agency with liberal minions. Experience not neceuary , DURHAM PLANING MILLS Local Agent Wanted The Review and Weekly Free Put. toe onoyou.................. The Review ind Weekly Bun for The Review and the Familv Her- dd and Weekly Star " 1 year New: for one "ar..........:...:.". The Review Ind Toronto Nilr alobertot I you..................... Tho Review And Weekly Wuhan for 1 'tar.............................. The Review Ind the Formors' Ad. vocate for I you... . . ............ The Rev ow and Toronto Daily Mail ind Empire for I you...... Tty Review and Daily Free Pres. World for r-..............:...'. The Renew and Daily Advertis- " or tor one5ou........................ Tht Btrity and Toronto Daily N.' 1%.th ' Toronto Duly Bow. Lake Louise. Field and Glacier are in the heart of the Canadian Pacific Rockies and on the main line of the Can- adian Pacific Railwav. TleBttitor Ind Toronto Daily Lot No.29. Con. 2, W. G. R., Bentinck IN acres, 35 acres bush, well-watered. fair buildings school within a half a mile and church convenient, No incumbrance. Immediate possession. Bargain to quick purchaser. Apply to - _ _ 7 Resorts in the Canadian Pacific Rockies 'itmtltmirthattrs0ai---ant- "ttieatserrtttm.. _exsusaledtiititsOu- -t'ttg deo'em--Govem- union's food M-M‘I wodd-hmd band-Ali) "hthitadtitteartr-ANDhtgatU2ar, trmER8hictALhTmhCrToteL t "V........-..-.. Caveman chitin A Patriotic TM!!! in my to“ MOVEMENT _ , LIFE " SPLENDOR 1tu'.'gh'tme bags to announce Imp!"- n [Mn-kgnn and --a Mada of Orchard trees need re Canadian Rahal Aug. 25 19mm for 1 "ar............:...........,..... gttt toy I r-.....................".. Consult your local - roux-dug. like“! (are. I 300,000 “mission. to!!!†day ot alumnae. and 'rtt..1"hetrtut?thegmrttt4, utimoohlonlntboum'f madman; I 'The Heme? 'of Britain" STONE & WELLINGTON, Price of gdmlsslon I; {HOUSE FITTINGS FONT HILL NURSERiES mamma- mind» For the "Old Reliable" Clubbing Rates Farm For Sale Etstablushed Iss7 'e dun-vac - u TORONTO, ONT. J " McDonald. Aberdeen. 25eene -- Dali in gray, blue t'ifti'ii'i', green and black â€MI: at $1.80 m It Peryard y ttllei%"d'g,'Mgrd Wm _. 5 26 mutual. " MW“. 4 w â€and at that: " one. New y '."g'fttl, 1:.de n every: _. 4 40 $ii"iii'Sti'r,riii'i': 410 525 440 ,50 75 Full informwlon from my Grand Trunk Ticket Agent. or C. E. Horn- ing. Diane: Pun. Agent, Torontd. 20,000 Laborers Wanted for Harvest Help Excursions $12.00 to Winnipeg Plus 1-2 ct per mile beyond From Toronto and nation "It. And couch thereof in Ontario. f'e"bihieieieostniemt, - a. odiiii Ft7iiiirr" r"FiiiitiiTcGhiiiTi'oiG". “I. m Wren" toe no. i- to“ an...“ ty-fin' the Review m ttti,','3rltor,tPift?eifihir my... aiiaa to. "iWiiaUii'oiiiiui'i to B. MetPBArL. Ceylon or to c. “AGE. Dumm- mu mg... m. mm, th, MoPHAILJaO - Inland! Inn-m. on. in In â€lacuna. "I ItTieesFiiiFidaaTiir'" "cum!- Ibonud at III-Ochoa In In. - I a “atâ€. 2fe1'2rg'sttgifit"if'di,fE no u led e ',',Wv"af22'3lPddTi; p .mmmmmww _PPPiir. umnmuum Mon annuiri it}; of 'iiqttEi'iii of Outta: Boo-o 0'. J .1 W! N" am M and “up.“ aw, n: tle,',,",,".', no It?,".','.", 1lrlttl Iltt “In“. on" loch“ Jun mung.“ I“ III-mm. the following can...“ on 3!. III m l mos Aland. Principal. In Chum “We“: " Ply-In! calm “b- uck; Bdéloé. [unendin- on] Inuit-c. I16! 5.9mm. B. h. of Qum- Olav-w. m; uettt,art, Humane. Col-pd. an. lacing, empty. Am: 81‘]. MRI. L. noun. B. A., Mm Unitedâ€. am in lode-m and nun-7. Msbleer. ht. alum-u. Pro-uh. In“ a Mn Hm. Coupe-man. “with; germanium o.ns..Lns H1... I. G. HUTTON.I.D.. c I. ms. JANESON & JAMIE!“ on“ Hun-Inn n"...- man-mum mm 2gli1'a"d'g','g22etei.F. We“ new -tmqlttd In... Mtrttmt In I Imam PP2ey31P2yey, any tt . not - DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL "er-et Alwmjw Co. c. L GRANT; Finlay Gnhun, J. EGIAIT O. B... L. D. .. 'a'l'li"iataWargTlt " m Return trip " from Winnipeg. as was molt-n. - . ti,"itt.t'i'5tittl,'Jttt", "I! an. a". ta. why non: “LP. Wu H â€Mid-10... n New Saille Silk J. P. TELFORD [ant-ton mu , 'd'IUt't snug: Q AUGUST 22nd mm W. Ola an “mun-ll Iâ€. “mg-cm quepttoiiriii. a in Sun- 7-...-