33 ".' .;ltgtJlriiiiii"f'diiz6iiE i "Rlb1 bliiy,l)1l'f1i,=lltll1f,t,flt,, “any†we! with lame musags and stittened Joints because blood impurities have invaded the system and caused rhumatism. . To um rheumatism it Is quite as I-tant to improve your general health tere,, your blood, andthe and in in ScmzkEmulskm is aBeenexty blood-n er, while in 'a'gg'hu',2',,.,tf,',','fi't' strengthens the tn expel the im uritiea and JITh your strength. fry it. _ tteMt&Brsqma.TYoeettitho.0e'L . bod Ming, bod communion 3nd bod distribution m an patriotic let. yiou ot the minor! importance to the .130]. community. Stores Clo-o it 4 p. m. Portag- ln Pnino. Ihua., under- nonda the importmoa of suing the when crop. Stem close " 4 p. m. during Aunt. md men lays for the have“ tkids by 5 o'clock. Three boon of (hyligh: remained. From 200 to 800 mm go out our, ovenmg ind hum" 9., at the rate of 80c an no hour. Bag-r Conservation Urgent. Nut to "ring the bums: the most up! load Ionic. u the mount mo. unt in to an luau and the Food C'ilrijUIGiff ARRESTED “yo-hum by tho Mombtoovoryloyol Goodi- A-tmi-ttouta-tmot on to do ovorything to eoooorogo hworwdooo’rodoooouonotodto‘nimilor ooooerrotion " others. Thin who" hotwooo so end â€million u ohoolotoly noooooory to order that “to. Thu you'o production will our oyoilohlo uni, of not dutch be two or three tinoo - thou until thooropo hecono ovoilohlo end 3 0n the but! the won gudolo that it ho equitlhly diotrihotod. " Condo thto you how produced. A Puodox any-hm hon $40.000.000 to $90: ' Prior to the War" ooid a: n. B. P1k.000 worth of "itaasd toutobloo. l'l‘hompoon. Chairmen of the Oouodo Tobe. o emotive view of there i Food Bond. " Condo had barely beef Rpuee, the - M00 ttrrrduetion in ', enough to eotiely homo needs, but to- Conodo lor 1918 ohonld be worth " 2 any becomes of incensed conurvotiol bout 860,0to,000. tend other factors, this country is this It would be o positive shame. if " [ to export enough to food on any of tens†the worh. time, money and mo- 1‘ 600,000 EO'dleti " tho front. 1 “W 'trant upon than guduu. d Must be no Slowing Down 1 'IU,':,:",,'?': ot the "OP' 1"ff al." I " Only a reosounhle reeeryo but yet f to go to '“u tor 're 5’ dietri. 'been accumulated. The opinion ot "tion to â€mum“ tt " trnpooiblo I the men who know most end who on for the “m", of tha WM SUM“! w'responoible is that there should he no oonoumo, in many coon. more than olelawing down ot the effort! to "" function or the "tretou' and No.95“ to produce." an Dr. Jim! lv, hio garden boo prodnood. Amntouli floNartaon, the sweat food epeeioliet “done". in numeronl coeea hove Burp WIN†flag" 03â€..“ (hone-mu no unwilling to . aâ€? om, .thied 'd th Pt'ipgt . 1 saw u to on o - ooll M lupin Vogetohlee end from 'dl. 'A"llrdl'lll,' ot boll o tcoepoon. notconng to tohe the position oigrow ju' . cup " Utt tmdi"olveil in the Inc cordon trneh toe money. " such : bottom of 12,000,000 cups of coffee. more would {or-woo: their delitw ’ ten Ind cocoa used daily in Canada. a, in thin mutter. recognising that the woeto would be 120,000 pound. than ore war times, and the shortoge "rg"d,', day. ibili t f . of m. t ..u M mm wide, “1.08;“, TolU1fl'f,h"Tu","l'd would ovoid o oenooo danger of waste. ’ on“. Food Bond. I'"".?" con diopooo at their ttl "tr" OeetiNmtag Ao, author by " " Ir gliteSto their l Proprietore ot public noting pieces I“. qrslluutgtatod neightxmr, thor f throughout Canada have been notified ohonld tohe pleunrotndoing so. The ( that they mutt obtain o auger ttertifV ootnmnm'ty in being cloooly knit by the f â€to from the Conodo Food Boot-d by was» at .... m produetton, i te.tteh'.tt.t,,tcte,t, I,.".?.!,,),.','. Taking . cont-noun View of there Isuzu. the Ill Man pmduetion in CIIIIdI {or 1918 abound be worth " bout 860,0t0.000. Lmt you it VII "th-ted by the Malt-n] than. that tho also at to u tmrdeem' product summed to “than have“ so sad 80 million “a. This you’- ptoducsiou will to no or the. limo. pester than b. tht thin tmais the In suds" " 0.5.3. this you have produced anywhere from $40,000,000 to 890.- 000,000 with of tmit And vogeublel. Northern Business College C. A mm Phdeigt" OWEN SOUND Tho Northern Business College with a good an! d -taetn" tgr Mr! will teach you what you aeedtoio-ttMtohtagtttttow “do“. Theeoet will be very moderate. The hum which!“ M M. has tor the put tea m3. tunnubowlezodowmnehasm biannual-um?» 'rlr--'rt"r have not t'.mt--ymg washout-d Mum 'taamtstttorondrtostertrMtutdtinttietotk mug-mun mum at ettteteat manufacturing and Inc-name om. ummnbyourpammm dutrtodorsqtrt" We Are Rgady To Train YOU _YotrNysrBteTrainesl to Be Ready When He Leaves to Shoulder a Gun P,l1,,e.,si,ep2r,e,Ftll2,liiroete,,pt,P!, The tender clover and timothy plum require 311 growth possible " I winter trrototttion, THEREFORE keep all Lin Stock od New Madam BECAUSI " Paulina After Emu: The Young Plum An Bo Wenhnod THAT The Canada Food Board has an extensive food conservation exhibit at Toronlo Fsir which visitors would do well to see. " In there I possibility of saving sugar in YOUR home .9 " ttakg the Canada Food Bond. Sago! tlegtithmtet, Proprietors ot public eating places throughout Canada have been notified that they must obtain a any" ttertifi- cate from the Canada Food Board by September In. otter 'blch ll will be both illegal and impossible for public eating bonus to obtain man without I tsetilitnte. Winter-killing is the Result ful I cup " left “dissolved in the bottom of 12,000,000 cups of coffee. tel Ind cocoa used daily in Canada, the not. would be 120,000 pound! of up: per day. Points Worth Remembering After the Grain Harvest Thar Inn Money To Yon WHILE ON THE OTHER ‘a If a strong growth is left for pro- tection. winter-mung in avoid“! and nanny big crops ot hay no harvested the following lesson. The muncttrre ttnd supply of tuberculin In kept under the Don- lnlon Government control. It I: re- quired that 5 vrtorhtnrtnn be em- m by tho tumor to mks the Mqte--a'tqte. mu. B. Jonas, Ontario "hgrttrrmt can“ Ont-IDI- ._- 6th. That they “any the tuber- culig apt to every new punks-o od 6th. IhattNrttqrdtteteatedsrtttt tum manually. _ 8.tehdr_ Win IN}! they“ unmanned from tuba-unlu- mother: " soon an dropped. and feed them on milk from healthy can or on their mother's milk anes- It has been properly pu- teurhed, La., after tt In: been heated to 156 603.1 tor in: an hour. When an animal is shown to be when)»; tt should not he allowed to mix with the rent ot the herd, When cutie are patch-bed to add to thetterdit.houhdtteoutrwhosttrutr. tect to the tuberculin test. " cane my have every was Indication of good health and yet be tum)â€. the ding-e not,“ having (lenient! It In then-don strongly _ recom- mvnded that tax-men lot. Have their herds tested for tuberculosis wm: tho tuberculin test. 2nd, That they slaughter the tutr. tnahsthathaetttedtm-intMtg4 to that I whlch or hog cholera, the farmer does not realize the lose that he endures by having tuberculosis in his herd until one or more minim develop the dis- ease in an advanced degree and die or are slaughtered, when they are at once seen to be rotten with the dis- ease. Such animals will have had the disease a long time without it being suspected and will have been giving oft in their milk, saliva and drom pings. large numbers ot tuberculosis bacilli. In this way the bacilli are spread around. the food, water and atmosphere in the stable get con- taminated with them and other mem- bers of the herd contract the diseaee from the†contaminated materials. The tuberculin test will indicate whether or not an animal is tuber.. cular long below any clinical symp- toms are visible, thus enabling one to deal with such 3n animal More it becomes a dangerous apreader of the dbeaoe. in development but] does not induce sudden death. like anthrax. black leg ham. B.S.A., o. A." College. Own. One reason why tarm.ers Md have their cattle tested for tuberculosis ta the tittanMat loss which they Butler by having tuberculsr animals in their herds. weds 50 feet. and " teet might be taken as an extreme length for sizes ot mm suitable tor tarm eondltlons. " too long a drive-pipe be used, the was friction in it prevents the water from swung as heavily or as fro- Quently as with a drive pipe Just the right length. The cost ot installing a mm is not great. For the smallest size ot ram it will run in the neighborhood of $25 to $35 and about $15 extra tor each hundred feet between tho spring and the mm. Thus if they were 100 feet apart tho total cost would be from $40 to $60, but tt 200 feet then from $56 to ttur, and other distances in proporuon. Tho largest site of Md ram can be installed at about $100 if tho run and pump are 100 feet apart, and $125 tf 200 feet apart.s-R. 3. 9ry Generally sneaking it is found that toreaeh 10teetottiftthoretgtMNtld booetetoototheut.buttttersiatt limit-tt is seldom advisable to m- stall rtuatgwNtrettMyttatdiitttttan any two feet. although they have been known to work with as little as 18 inches. The length of drive pipe shouldnot be less than three-quar- teas ot the Vertical lift to the build- ings, nor less than tHe times the fall hom the spring to the ram. It may however, be longer, but seldom ex- Number of gallons per minttto-82.s divided by 32.6-.-1 gallon, which la '-10ofthowatorsoopuedbytNr supposed Bpring. Numberot gallons mwdar-AN x " -1,400 gallons (about 29 barrels). Consequently with tNe feet or head and M.6 feet af tttt the ram will deliver at the bananas 1-10 ot the water in the spring. The quantity that will be delivered with other heads. um and 'oring-t1oms may be calculated, in a gamma: m. Energy In this case 66-100 3 to x 5 toot-gauoasr---82.6 root-gallons. Now divide thla by the height of the buildings above the ram and we have the number ot gallons the ram will deliver per minute at the buildings. If, tor example, the height in 32.6 Wot! Oahu-to D-tart-t " Lariat“ Touch») HERE conditions are am able for an hydraulic ram it is without question the Mt and most satia- tactory method of pumping waver. It has one dgawtxMyh--tt wastes far more water than it pumps to the buildings, and hence can only be in- stalled where the supply ts from tirs to twenty times as great as requlred at. the buildings. The etNieaer of theramiafrom 66to90pereont., Le.. it use: " to 90 per cent. ot the energy ot the telling Inter. Suppose the spring supplies 10 gallons per minute and the tall from the spring to the run ia the teat. Multiply these together and than take 65 per cent. of the product. and we have the energy available tar driving water to WhesotsndMow2tfsU-b--dhtmplete Ittforu6thonGNeet--'rtetteemt- Com . Men-co to Iremlth-iow Nowiteatgrtimdhsttteat-st PtmertorptrtrMrtg. Mi l muu RAM 8rd. 'thit they *etramtf' the cattle Itttteexm5oatarttOsttH. to In I, sue run-a - as"? Hum-g ammo will be under thong-mus if ter up. B. mm}; 571561 Mu. " no "I. ad nll hr- Wanton-lama. D. J. Uncommon. - B. 3;}. MRI. The†requhhg ttl are toque-ad to lend the amount nd grade united to the undersigned I "on " pos- Bible. Mou-a%el done tor. bid all!" con] to t hut-(wood. 1N0. R. PHIL? Ppel Commiulonu tor . Egtmt Anyon wanting ma. pleaaa put In your ord We are making up all orders an an "quired. Hana send in yo order " one. W. HUNT. Ronni: Illa Plant Miss Agnes Evans, while a guest the past week at the home of Mr and Mrs Peter Match, fell from a horse, breaking her right arm in two places. We hope it will soon be well again. Lovegrove--In Holstein.-on Aug. 26th, to Rev. and Mrs Love- Miss Jennie Morrison and Mr. Herchemer Poymts of Mt Forest visited the former's mother. last Friday afternoon. Mr George Schenk met ‘with a painful accident last Friday while threshing at John Wagner's. He fell some distance, cutting his forehead in two places and hurt- ing his left leg. Keep your registration oertifr. cate in your poelret--you never know when someone may ask to see it. Miss Edith Orchard of Mount Forest, is a guest at the home of Mr and Mrs J. D. Roberts. Mrs MoElroy of Durham, was a cues; of Miss Reta Roberts the first of the week . Mrs Petrie returned home on Thursday of last week after en- joying a two months' trip up the Lakes with relatives. Mr Earl and Miss Edith Ding- wall visited friends in Proton on Sundsy. Mrs C. Ramage of Durham, Miss McIntyre of Dundalk, and Miss Enid Coleridge of London, visited at Mr D. P. Coloridge's on Tuesday. Mr and Mrs John Manary, Miss Ada Manary and Mrs meson visited friends at Gold- stone the first of the week. Miss Edna Haas returned to Toronto the past week after vis- iting her parents for a couple of months. Mr G. P. Leith ape nt an after- noon recently wit his 'brother David in Normanb - Mr Arch. Mekav, a former G. T. Agent here, spent a day tho past week with Miss Ross and renewed old acquaintances. In a letter received by his par- ents the past week; Pte Joseph Bilton says he was blind for three days after he was wounded but had gained his sight again though still weak. We hope to soon learn of his recovery. A number of our young people attended the Gardert Party at Varney last Friday evening. Among those who went to Dur- ham Monday evening to hear Premier Hearst were Messrs R. Irwin, Dr Mair and F. Allingham Mr and Mrs Jno Orchard, Lon- don, are guests of Mr and Mrs Orchard here. Master Donald Yeomans of Mt Forest, is visiting at Mrs Alex. Hamilton's. Mr A. E. King, Manager of Bell Telephone 00.. Harriston, visited Mr D. P. Coleridge re- cently. Mrs John B. Gordon,. of Listo- wel visited her parents, Mr and Mrs Alex Hamilton, the first of the week, and was accompanied home by Lloyd and Wes Annie Hamilton. _ Master Russell Hershey of Mt Forest is visiting his uncle, Mr A. R. Hershey. Miss Margaret Brown is visit- ing with friends in Toronto. Threshing has commenced in this locality and the grain is re- ported good. Coal toil Egremont Silo Ftthtg--aover grove, a son. (stillborn) H0LSTEllN LEADER LOCAL AID PERSOMK Notice I _.t'it'W" TORONTO i Every young man and those more ma- (ture, in every community in Ontario, in- ]cluding our on, should get away and :canmake this a great opportunity to ':-etttecnuntryina practical ny.and atthe same time be oi individual bene- 'tit whimeelt. It was an interesting, long distance journey at low 'Iaree and a chance to see and study the immune new country served by Canadian North- ern-the People’s Reed. Final Excursions try Can. Northern, tmimkrtvirtgTheuetto 10 p. l ' Angel 280:. m, Sept 4th. and um. Herve.- m ttratuartalde was to an 'xatrtretirte er“ to‘rm - Reports previously published regarding the damage by frost to the cops in Sank. were unduly pessimistic. Frequent nhowers and favorable weather have changed the outlook and it is apparent that the great Provinceot Sank. will have a normal crop. This is evidenced 'by Western demands tor Farm Laborereas not less than 10,000 are required immed- iately for harvesting. . Mr and In B. Barbour and family visited Sunday at Mr W. T. Finder’s. Mu R. Robertaâ€: visited hee mother, Mn Smith, Mt. Forest, over the week end. Western Crop Damage Reports Greatly Exaggerated Mn Dough! and family visited Proton friends Sundny. Mr and Mrs Chas Aunts, Toronto, and sister, Mm Gertrude Wilton, Walkerton. Ipent one day Iaat week " W. L. Plnder's. Mr- ot Elem, is visiting his cousin, Mr Wm Dickson. We are sorry to hear Miss Annie Stewart is very til at present. Hope to hear of her recovery. Mrs McKinley and daughter, ot Peterboro. are visiting a few weeks " Mr Jacob Smith'a. On Tuesday the and news arrived that Pte. R. Wailing had died of wounds on August nth. Dick grew up in our midst, having spent ngood part of his life with Mrs J. Reid and was respected by all. The whole g',,',',",','.'"'"' will regret to hear of his oath. Agnes Evans of Holstein had the misfortune on Saturday to fall off one of Mr Match’a horses, and break both bones in her right wrist. Mr, Mrs and Miss Nellie Match motored to Toronto Monday morning accompanied by Ethel, who had been spending a fortnight at home. Nellie will remain for a week, but Mr and Mrs Hutch intended returning Wed- nesday, bringing Mrs Muteh‘s aunt from Gait home with them. Miss Josie Whyte is having a months’hollday at home before te- turning to Macdonald Hall, Guelph. Her cousm, Miss Ethel Langdcn, of Arthur, tccompanied her home. Beat wishes to Mari Ferguson who recently became the tide of R. " Phadden, Mt. Forest. Rev. Mr and Mrs McCulloch of Carluke, visited In F. Reid last week Mr, lira and Misc Gillespie of Ces danille and el-Police Impector Mil- ler of Toronto, were recent guests " W. Grant's. Mr and Mrs Robt. Wilson (nee Miss Mary Long) ate enjoying a vacation at her home here but expect to soon leave for Toronto Exhibition] and other points before returning to their home in Midland. Harvey Grout vhited Mr and Mrs M. Haul: (nee mu Mable Storey) on the 6th con. on Sunday. In Dickinson married to her home in Toronto after a few days with her friend, Mrs N. Long. Mrs John Manny and children who have been visiting " Mr Wm Brown‘s returned to their home in Toronto on Meade r. . A number from around here took in the Garden Party " Durham on Monday evening and listened to Premier Hearst. Miss Marion Petty visited " Mrs Jas. Allan's and with Miss Maw Findlay. Preparation: are being made for the Jubilee of Amou Church on Sept. 22nd. Mr and Mrs Findley and Kenneth accompanied Mr and Mrs Alex Drin- mie and Norman on a motor trip over the week end. The former visited at Morriaton, and the latter with friend. in Galt and Hoapelet. Mn Wm Batter and non Bdgu, of Toronto, no spending a week with Mr Robt Renwick. Mi“ Flounce Renwick, who bu been in Toronto and Brussels during the hoiidnyn, returned Tuuday. The Women's Ytit'ttl will] nee: Wednesday, Sept. 4t at the one o In Pinup. A good program in be. ing prepared. All ladies Ate Invited to attend. Want ttr,000 Hummus at Once ORCHARD DROMORE YEOVIL C JOHN M, 5.993“ Arthur ttetd Fan William Stun-hip "Eeeqratin' and "Aminibttia" will mi] from Pm McNiooll Wednesdays and ut. unhyl mails June Ist. 0am lakes Steamship ti-ia, ChmdianPtactficStettmghip ,eisstttohgt mlecveanen Sound tMop.at.atctt NW mo Q J A Few Specials 1 Howard The Muskokn Lakes, Print an Darn andGerrgian Bay Resorts; Frenchand PfckemIRwers: RideauLshes; Seven River ;Lake Masinaw amend Km thattreeonvetientlyrmchedvfatheC- wiianPtciiic Railway. Winn CttnadianPacitieNast MmaEB SttmmerResortahtotio S0hl's---uttndrr bars. .80 Toilet Soaps. Io & Ito DRIED PEAS COCOA PORK & BEANS I pkgs. tlk ilk md It 20c CAMP. SOUPS SWEET VICKI.“ PEANUT BUTTER TEAS-while they last'. .. . . . . . Buck coo. one. 55: SALMLA few tins only of the "Tip top Brand". . tlic Other Brando..............--1k and Ana (Egan Change of Time, July 14, I918 BALA (Muskoka Lakem . FRENCH RIVER WWII and Pickers! Rivers} POINT AU BARIL [Georgian Bay Resorts] BOBCAYOEON mam Lakes] _ SDIITH‘S FALLS [Hideout mu] SEVERN RIVER (6101108500! Pool] BON ECHO [Lake Mummy]. Eta. ARE WNVENIENTLY REACHED " CANAIIAN PACIFIC Now we will have Tomatoes and Plums the week. Expect prices to be lower this week. Phone or leave your order and we will deliver if you cannot ' find time to come. The quality is alweye the best and the price the lowest. †. BtnttB---t, I: V Store open Wednesday and 1iatania, avail. Vinegars Phone " TAYLOR & _ ol, Leave or phone your order for TOMATOES which we expect to arrive within the noit two weeks 1.te3lic 4lk pet at Ilk mi iii Particulars from Canadian Pacifie Ticket Agents ‘. B. HOWARD. Dist. Panama Agent. Mano "treesio-"6tsun.-tNred.-tt-atr Resorts in catario Pickling Season Summer Tourist Fares in Bltrbet , We handle the very best quality b XXX White Wine and Cedar Vinegar These are unsurpassed for quality. You are sure of your pickles being No 1 quality when you use XXX. We have the following: Curry powder, Mace, Tumeric powder, Mustard seed, Whole Ginger, Celery Seed, Black and white pepper, Cayenne pepper, whole mixed Pickling Spice. You will need some of these and perhaps them all. All sizes in these and prices right. Al- so Rubber Rings, Nol quality which is 'very important. Also JhsrUin We: to seal the too. TAYLOR & CO. ummnmc Including A. cannula. roam than“): â€mono: M" on. .folouo. Alan-cal ms. SEALED TENDERS. ntSttg-d .0 the has! 'rtaatqte Gcnenl. will boron-ind " Ottawa unm noon. on Prim the humid]: Sept-uh" hm. for the convey-un- of In. Majesty: Mom. on x MM “all.“ totlour "In. " m 1n weak on the Mk Holstein Rural Route No. 2, via Dromore Inc: the War Gun-nu pin-nu. was no!†mum huh- Dianna ion on Io Mm; ol m our-ct my hasten.“ blmhI-adm-nheob than no “amount mm Dro- I... and " the on. a the Pot: Ottie Inâ€. Main. nootooc-ooo. MAIL CONTRACT â€cuddle .tt Is Far PM“. In all .stkhe Your Ul VOL. XLI, the price omRt can tr, cents. , [gave you! order wil ly that new tailor made than guaranteed. Help ing will " the E th While Hamilu cream wed or appearance ot your Glenn who is an nut! and individual Hair? stration. An operation far l fumed on Mr Adar Ire-day. at the ham John Lung. "tr, rem-Wm. . ted ad mum-ed I owing wine and] moved, it was a set a critical Into fr happily not out of um: had that a tt e was pas ' . J ' 39;? 11cm" Inst. met at Not Tt The Red on the Town " th, both dim )nsto be leit .that day. h tere " " rt John Kelly. khaq 13$ “I After M an cut. 1 y'q "" mole: canditiul " " " u tttt " But