rn iee NV..- rd IG BR WISH rod produc- thousand farms. and schoolboy; village“ f the ILA n ram..- , cloth. no After tho h airy]... he pum- 009M w†quich- pacioua In- hy one the , means of RCI'OSI "' with my M tre of he tho ID at BULGARIA INVADED BY BRII'BII - CAVALRY IN MARCH (tlt IMIB A “patch hon London an: The reportu received on “My In- phuiud the domination a the Bulprluu who are "tmating In mum. lowing behind III nor- mm amount of materUt, and wob- ably many thounnd: of whom, a the nllied troops stain every - to get to ljakub and thereby make the vretory complete. It in pointed out that the Balm- inn "my, estimated to W 300,000 men. in in a m: po- sition, but the victory '11] not be do- cilive, in the opinion of the militia rxpcrts. until Unkub. the coat" of all the enemy's communication linen. u captured. If that la "eoenr1inhed it is believed the victory VIII be num- ‘nured among the {ow dad-iv. om " the war. - . .. , markets of the lhtrlil The renewed "than gnu-inn reatzuntdl and Herman rcinforcanmtl hatre arl W's Toronto. Oct. L~Manitoba wuv-- To. 1 Northern, $2.24%; No. 2 North- "Jr, 33.21%; No. 3 Northern, 82.1T%t in. 4 wheat, $2.tt%, in store Port mum. not. including tax. Manitoba may-No. 2 C.W., 87%c; xtra No. I feed, 8Mie; No. 1 feed, tSc: No. feed, 82%e, in store Fort 31 to Me; rolls, 8?. to Me: breakfast wan-on. 41 to 45c: bavks, plain, 45 to hiâ€, boneless, 48 Co 50c. cured meau--L'sttq clear bacon, 30 :0 31ct clear bellies, 29 to Mc. Lard-Pure, tierctrs, 30 to Mt,iret rubs, 80% to 8te; pails, 80% to 3174.2; prints. " to 88%e. (alumna, tierces, 35% to Met tubs. 26 to 26%et pails, 26% to 26in prints. 27% to 2thr. Ir, cantons, " to 59c. itresaed poultry-Spring Chickens, ‘45 to 40c; roosters, Met fowl. 30 to tte: turkeys, 40c; dueklings, Ib., Sire. than! - Canadian, hund-gicked. hushel. $7; 31113., hand-picked, urma " Indian, $6; span. $7; Lima, 19e. Honey new crop -gtrtrined, tio-lb. tima. 26c; Mr-ltr, tins. 27et 5-H), tins, 28e. Cdmbs---Oozen, $3.75 to $4.50. Manual Markets Montreal. Oct. I. -0ats, Canadian Western No. 8, 93c; extra No. I feed, â€The. hour, new standard grade, sit.36 to 811.45. Rolled oats, has. 90 lbs., $5.20 to 35.30. Bran $37.25; Shorts, $44.25. Mouillie. $6d. Hay, No. 2, per ton, ear Iota, 'ti'. Cheese, finest mums. 24he. Batter, choicest crummy, 47 to 4&- Eggs. ,,.iceted, " to 'Ate; No. 1 stock, '04:: American con .ied nominal: ied, nominal. Ontario oats, hire, Te, to 78c 'c, according n Ontario wheat ‘Imtll lluul V '" u ... 'a""'"". . - --, up. $10.75. in bags, Montreal and 311;“) wronto. tempt shipment. â€7.00 l 'srf'i'lltti2'fll'll'r1 lots, deliv.eed adont- I 230% H 'rrositdoosr--Nhousale Smoked meats-Mama. medium, 37 J 39c; do. It_epvy, 20 te82iy, coplfed, Ian-icy isac; Holidsi, " to " Martraripe--31 to Mc Enri--No. l sPra'r _ renewed resistance of the Bul- n marge-rd. and the "rival of an ruinforcemenU In Macadam not wee-ceded in stemming the (Mighty, io per tor c; twin, 26 to 26%c. tter-Fresh dairy, choice, .12 to creamery prints,_fresh made, 48 tly “PINK. 9-9--‘"v - v ~r----nv basis in store Montreal. __ No. 2 nominal, at $2 to 82.50. rwaalHng, new crop, $1.05 Spri d stony Re1nforeegrtenta Full to Ste- Allied Ad-800,000 Bulgarians Doomed if Allies Reach Uskub Ptrst. eorn--No. 3 ygllow, _kiln ar "d, new crorr--No, 2, 78e; No. 3 white, " to it to freitrhtcqpt!ride. I â€MNJM‘T GET mt IDEA or GONG [ am To EAT WHEN _ NE “Av: PANs‘l, FR; mo la A New“! I ee COOK 30-. xv I h J-LNor2, Winter, per No. 3 Winter, $2.27; $2.26; No. 8 Spring. Mum: huh at “it IDEA or GONG our To MT wen _ we um: PMS“, {we mo}; , mam! l wags $19 sdon an: Th0 l'hursdly em- iution of the retracting in hind An enor- rinl, 3nd prob- to 4.- y'eiibw.’ kiln n 0 $20 per ton ton, track, Tor uded: Bran, , $41.40 per .0 to Mt l new-IO 30 trat l The Serbian, who are taking the leading part in the liberation of their icountry, are " the gates of Iahtib t (one report says they have captured ( the town), and their cavalry, entering ,the town of lsvor, has cut the only ,remaining road noitttward--thnt run- ', ning from Prilep to Velea, and along f which a large body of Bulgarians are :reported to be attemptinitrto "cafe. i Unofficial reports also state that <Ve1es ha been occupied. This pro- ;bably will lead to an abandonment iby the enemy of the Babuna moun- tains, which are considered virtually impregnable. 'Na. 2 stock, 49c. Potatoes, per has, cut lets, 82.40 to $2.50. Dressed :hogs. "Uttoir killed, $28.50. Lard, â€are. vood pins, 20 lbs, net, Mt', to great 311M Minna. British an!†on Thunday entered Duluth, oppo- sito" Intuit“), than “(Ming the Bobchim mountains, which it was {and might bu its progress, whilc tho Sex-bins, French, Greek, and Bri- tish troopl routed the Bulgarian: from either side of the Kraut “Hunt, which now stretches far into Serbia. 39.50; do, medium, 87.76 to 88.25; ‘do, common, $7.25 to $7.76; stock- (ers $8.00 to $10.50; feeders, $10.50 'to £11.00; cannon. and cutters, li',.;','),', to $6.75; milkers, good to c oiee, $90.00 to $150.00; do, com. and med., $65.00 to $75.00; swingers, $90.00 to $150.00; light ewes. $13.00 to $14.00; yearlingr, $15.00 to 315.50; [spring lambs, $17.00 to $17.60; calves, good to choke, $14.00 to {$17.75; hogs, fed and ‘wa‘tered; $19.50 {$17.75; hogs, fed and watered, $19.00 to $19.75; do, weighed off cars, §$19.75 to $20.00. _ Montreal, Oct. 1.--Choice steers, $11.00 to $12.00: butchers bulls. 237.50 to $8.00; butchers cows, $7.00; 'sheep, $12.50; lambs, $16.50 to $17.00. Toronto. Oct. 1.-V.xtra choice heavy steers, $16.50 to $18.00; choice heavy steers, $14.50 to $15.00; but.. cher's came, choice. $12.75 to $13.50; do. good, $11.75 to $12.50; do, me- dium, $10.50 to $11.25; do, common, $8.50 to $9.00; butchers' bulls, choice, $10.50 to $11.00; do, medium bulls, $7.25 to $8.25; butchers' cows, choice, $10.25 to $11.00; do, 320d, $9.35 to TR SiN FERRY French rmlv over regular cenlly the fi ferried arms The ferry i laid on deck, A despatch from London says: A train ferry from England to Frame has been in operation for some time. Coaches and wagons for use on the French raiMays have been going over regularly for months, but re- cently the first passenger train was direct from the The train is bro! made fast on th reaching its deal bled and proceed $56 BIH'IISH ('OMMISIONS FOR 3.833 CANADIANS A dcspatch from Ottawa saysâ€: Canadian military headquarters in; London state that up to August ,1,| 1918. 3.833 non-.commiissioned wo/lt'.','.'.?,} and men of the overseas military) tovces of Canada had been given com- , missions as officcrtt in the Imperial‘ army. This substantial number or, recognitions to the rank and file of the Canadian overseas army does not l include any individual Canadians who i came on their own responsibility to, England and joined the Imperial‘ forces without being taken on the; strength of the overséas military forces of Canada. l '0tl r You suPPOSE INKE A LITTLE CHANGE once an A mun? You HAVE Nihttt mum Dom TEN CAN ID VS, NET LOSS TO DATE â€5.306 “E: A despatch from Ottawa says: To Aug. 14, 1918, the net losses' in the Overstas military forces of Canada in England and F rance were 115,806 oCwcrs, non-commissioned officers and UIIIYUIB. "voip.-...""'""'" V.-.~V,, - men. This includes those killed in action or died of wounds. died, miss- ing. prisoners “of war, discharged as medically. unfit, discharged to take up other lines of war work and than non-commissioned ofheers and men given commissions in the Imperial army. "" It cers tion are S It does not take into account om- rs and other ranks wounded in ac- m who have rejoined their units or it still fit for service overseas. Lis e Stock Markets ry is a broad boat with rails wk. which receive the train 'm the dock of departure. is broken into sections and L on the feryy's rails. On its destination it is assem- proceeds on its journey. ACROSS CH AN NEL The Doings e I'LL We AN ousrea cocKTML, some CREAM m TOMATO, some sTvFPao CELER‘I, AN mus» MUTTON mop, mum men POTATOES,FRERCH PEAS, LETTUCE SALAD, coFFEE RUMANIA RESISTS CENTRAL POWERS H'f13‘23333iziï¬it53~"\»“j?"{w’- i?it'9itk?. 'iiir,iiFG0Aio.GTi:"f,f if; 7 .ith"li.i."iiC,etN . emu-mm . "up "yi0Pifpyy Iri'tijijh'ft I --:4.-.Niifiijféfkéi’"3531555=5::25.3'1é=52‘¢1*E='=;::-.“€255?:iz..‘:;.;r::=¢aiiiéi§zi %¥éh?§?i’§éi:. - 'u:i?r.:ij':ji?.i:rfji'i:jiji:.)j,' 'r?iiiis.3,.fiiiii.itifi) Routed The Turks-General Allenby, who reports a smashing defeat of the Turkish army in Palestine. Many thousands pf prisoners were taken as well as many-guns.‘ The British have captured Haifa (shown 7iiiie 1iari)%rilrh is the “terminus of the railway to Damascus. Victories of the Enlente Have Made the Peasants Restless Under Teutonic Rule. A despatch from Rome says:-mtel situation in Rumania, according to‘ information received here, has be-) come alarming for the Central Pow-, ers. The Rumanian peasants made' enthusiastic by the victories of the Entente countries, are beginning to resist openly the German and Austras Hungarian military. Local revolts hove occurred at a number ot places and the Rumanian Government has sent agents to Ber- lin and Vienna to obtain a mitigation of the AustroWungarian rule. The Rumanian Government is reported to have pointed out that if its request is rejected in, will be unable to guar- antee the maintenance of order or avoid the eventualities of a sanguin- any crisis. There were the degrees of frost at Saskatoon on the third and 9otato tops were blackenéd. but this will not materially affect the yield as the erop was near maturity. 5 Canadian Brigadier-General and His Staff, in from of a eaptured (German camouflaged shelter, examining a new short German automatic I ritle, capable of forty shots, which its owner in headlong flurht left behind. wb------- NEW $BllllllM ARMY 0F 200,000 30,000 Offieers Available to Lead Conseripts--Army Under Strict Discipline. A despatch from Washington says: A despatch to the Russian Embassy on Thursday from M. Golovatcheff, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Omsk Government, said that an army of more than 200,000 men had been formed in Siberia by con- scription, and that there were 30,000 officers available there to train and lead it. The army is being organized on the basis of strict military discip- line, it is said, and will constitute an increasingly powerful force to co-op- erate with the allied and Czecho- Slovak forces in Siberia. Out of the chaos which has existed in Russia since the overthrow of the Kerensky Government by the Bol- sheviki there is emerging a central authority which officials and diplo- mats here hope will be able to re- establish order and renew the fight against the common enemy. A good salad is made with cold tongue, potato and creamed horse- radish. TORONTO liiriiiiiriirtiitijpNggt To l 3mm ma SEA or mums tish troops operating in Palestine are extending their occupation Shout the Son of Gulilee. They have oc- cupied Tibet-in and Semskh, on the borders of that m, and Etranenra, it wt} tMeialiy announced. Occupy Tiber-in; glad / _ Pushing on the out of the Jor- dan, the British have occupied the Itntegic town of Amman, on the Hedi» Railway. The British casuulties during the ofrenitve were less than on-fifth of the number of prisoners taken from the Turks, the 'tnnouneement states. The Fourth Turkish Army on the Palestine front in virtually 'surround- ed in the region east of the Jordan. and flees tuutihiUtion by General Al- lenby'a forcel. - The annihilation of the Fourth Army, now hoped for, would complete the clearing up of the Turkish forces in Palestine, accounting for about 80,- 000 men. WORLD'S BIGGEST LOCK NEARING COMPLETION The precarious position of the Fourth Army may be seen from the A despatch from Sault Ste. Marie says: Work on the new Government lock here, which will be the largest in the world and will connect the up- per and lower levels of Lake Superior and Huron, will soon be finished, Only the installation of the 1,100-ton steel gates remain to be done. The foundations of the lock are built into the solid rock floor of St. Mary's Falls. The work of excava- tion was commenced in 1912. The total cost of the lock will be $3,000,- 000. REIGN OF' TERROR IN RUSSIA DISCONTINUED BY BULSHEVIKI A despatch from Amsterdam says: The Russian Bolsheviki Government has issued a decree rescinding its reign of terror. according to the Min of Moscow. The question was dis- cussed at a meeting of the Central Committees of the Soviet, the news- paper says, and when Premier Len- ine expressed an earnest desire to re- turn to orderly methods of govern- men!, a majority of those present supported him. A desputch from London says: We BRITISH SHIPPING DIRECTOR FOR CANADA titMtiyaiEREM moors IN SUCCESSFUL ATTACK m CHAMPAGNE A despatch from Ottawa says: It is terelvweré Laugh: in greater (IE officially announced by Hon.. C. C. the former by 52,10t; mt. aâ€; Ballantyne, Minister of the Naval , m. bv 12 vsi (wt. Service, that Sir Arthur Harris, who, . ' has been acting since 1916 for the; " Canadian Government as director of, Acid Iaos hate must be d overseas transport, has now been l as" th' :3 ii? 'rid ff .'3, made director-general, British Min-1L?“ L ta] far!“ l“c‘l,00°r gr: istry of Shipping, for Canada. Sir: ‘Lungoo ess £03m .. 'd,'"il'i"t Arthur has, however, consented â€Inert, f in“ hpouhn s " R‘ keep in touch with the Minister of the W: “2‘;- "ff p olitat,e. Naval Service and omeinU, and to'? 03p ate 1: the next best f eo-operate in every possible way. ,(100 to 1.0m pounds per acre A despatch from Paris F’JyHW-I Marshal Foch delivered a nev- attack: on Thursday morning aguimt the: Germans in the Champagne on a" front of 40 miles, from the Suippe, River, east of Rheims, to the River} Meuse, just north of Verdun. The, offensive was launched in a dense for., after six hours' artillery preparation.) The Americans advanced to an aver; age depth of seven miles, penetrating', the defences to a depth of nine miles, at the maximum point. They captur-E ‘ed 5,000 prisoners and 12 towns. The, iFrench made a gain to an average) depth of four miles and 3,000 prison-' (iii have already reached the cages. ,The enemy, anticipating the attack, ihad voluntarily abandoned their for- iwaed positions. The Americans at- stacked on the right wing and the l French made their assault on the left. i Taken in eoujunetion with the " I'lied offensive which has materially kept back the German front in Flan- Lrii, Artois and Picardy and along 8.000 Prisoners and 14 iGi,, Captured on 40-Mile Front-Ad- vance of From Four to Seven Miies--Menaces the German Line in That Vast Territory. iitiliir iriiUiU East ’or the mad. Gl%inlrtiA-rrr Faces Annihi- Net thnt Amb cavalry end New in north of it. Arab end British forces cut of it, and British troop. to the south. All these ere pm inward on the enemy, while the Jor- dan, with the croulw, is in the hands of the allies. _ k powers. The full Turkish strength in Palos- 1 tine is not definitely known, In iiFi-l, 1y two Turkiuh divisions are of the'; some site or organization. It in; known, however, that the cilia Ind' to deal with 18,000 titrhtin. men west! of the Jordan, with about 1,000 men; on eommunieuiorus, u well on may; thou-and: out of the Jordon. I A despntch from Lausanne, Switz- erland, says: Public irritation in Con- stantinople has become so great, BC- cordlng to a despatch from the Turk- ish capital to the huunne Quota, that rumors are again spreading that the Ottoman Government will neck a lapel-nu peace. The Sultan himself, the message says, would fnvor a separate pence if he could obtain Inv- onble conditions from the Entenu 10 FISHING BOATS SUNK BY SIB - l P. Bocklil, [Incident of the Lon- . don Fnculty of Insulin“, he been Gamma Skin,“ Sulered Dur- elected chairman of the London In- '" Atatitutrt. nut-nee Committee. . r, with n familv of A despatch from Ottawa Bt0i.-- , man atted 4 ' . . ' Cnnndiln fisheries suffered a material tteat 1ft 'grttu!'a,'t'""1!,'.f loss through the activities of a Ger-1:3": I" the grout; {hut he u d man submarine oreti.tyr " the At-l already done good service for the lantic coast during the month ofi nation August. The monthly statement ofi . .. aearftshintr results issued from thei of,2,rhu.i,,eiogt2t2,e,1rtt Department of Naval Service shows; Eon Committee on Trusts that nine vessels from 2.'tih',r,fi A pearl from each of her five chil- County,_N.S., valued at $264,000 and‘ dren was contributed by Lady Mad- ‘laden with fish worth $U6.il00r.e'ere) den to the Red Cross Neeklnee. Lsunk. One Yarmouth vessel with _ The sudden death has been an- iEOOd catch 3f fyh on b,'.',".,': also‘qf'e‘ll: nounced of Cuthbert Willinmsun. " .prey te.t e (fermim rm fr. ' o _ member of the London County Coun- 'iwitltt.tn1iyr. its great Loss. mow-i1 for Dulwich. gquantity of t.'otl. landed by the Lunen-i The American flag for the United burg fleet during August. was only/ States hospital for soldiers at Ports- :4,800 t'wt. less than during the same: mouth was unfurled by sir William .month lust year. |Osler. of Oxford University. 3 Acid phosphate must be depended on ins the fall fertilizer for grain crops. iUse not less than 200 pounds to the More; 300 to 400 pounds is better; IO Ptr cont. acid phosphate. Raw rock [phosphate is the Kex't best fertilizer, The statement shows that the total' w" value of sea fish, in first "i,ii;i'r,I, o,' caught in Canada during August, wail, th, $4,260,388, an increase of $139,177 ha over August, 1917. The quantity of, cod, haddock and bake landed on the) th Atlantic coast was 66,068 cwt. less! de than last year, but herring and mack-l, erel were caught in greater quantities.‘ at the former by 52,166 (wt. and the lat.. b, (er bv 12.495 cwt. 11d the Aisne, the new drive of Marshall Foch in tho south will hear important) fruit if it meets with success. Drive-; ing northward the entire western bat. tlefrom would be shaken and of ne-l, cessity be compelled to readjust, it-! self. Lateral railway lines of great' importance to the German positions} between Lawn and Verdun lie direct: ly in the path of the advancing Franco-American forces. 1'ouxiers,! an important railway Junction on the' main line from Loon to Meta. is but 12 miles north of Bervon, which al- ready is in the hands of the French. The Americans through the capture of Gercourt. north-west of Verdun, are in the Mouse Volley, which leads northward to Sedan, and a little fur- ther west at Varennen, have won the Aire Valley, which winds in . north- westerly direction to Vouxiers. A successful advance along those two volleys for any upprecinble distanee would be disastrous to the German Illness from the North Bea to the Swiss frontier. ;trom drowning. I Mnior Bnhtrthther'st colored draw.. .ing of "Oid Bill" realised one hun- l dred and twenty when in lid of the Iliad Crou fund It Guilford. mumumw Mackinac-Ir- â€Walt mum’smmntnum- oil-Trent, consisting of 6,100 um 'riiibe-t1dttr-tie. . The [my Jared to hut-vests" by the Holden-mu Agricultural Club is $1680 u ,eek_tritty heer_:nd tea. _ Six of the Vindictive heroes was. decorated It the King's open-air In- vutiture at Buckinglum Palace. "raai acidic" of Radium In- VOIM‘ - in war bonds. The London County Council in ex- perimenting on the eoetversUes of tummy can into goods truth. mu Mariorie Dickinson, of Wind- sor. plunged into I swimming bath in the Thames and awed I little girl Colonel Eirkpntriek, of the British Army Medial Com. has opened on - to the American Rod Crou- Hospital, Imdon. to be used by both British Ind American omens. Six girl pupil- of M. Winnifrcd'l School. Hunger, recently swan acres: the Nomi 6min. The sudden death has been an- nounced of Cuthbert Williamson, member of the London County Coun- cil for Dulwich. The American flag for the United States hospital for soldiers at Porta- mouth was unfurled by Sir William Oaler. of Oxford University. More than one thousand two hun- dred past and present students of the London Hospital are serving or have served in the forces. Sir Donald Nuclear: has stated that the London Appeal Tribunal has dealt with 62,926 cases. Large crowds attended the funeral " All Saints' Church. Ascot, of the two airmen who were accidentally killed while firing in East Birks. The death occurred recently at Luton road, Chalham. of Mrs. Eliza- beth Wood, at the age of one hundred years. The sum of Si7,000 has been rais, ed for the Clifton College War Mun- crial Fund for the education of the wns of fallen soldiers. All members of II mittees Bre to go November 9th. and are to be appointed November 9th. and new committees are to be appointed at the same time. The Veterans' Club have bought the Royal Forest Hotel. Chinstsford, as n convalescent home for soldiers. The King had appointed 1Gar-Ad. miral Lionel Halsey a Knight tim.. mander of St Michuel and St Gun-1:0. Edward Hood, Royal Aircraft In. upector, was fitted 220 for having in his posseuion negatives of military works Ind nircnft. ', A deapntch from London 'se'.-" t Bridal: nil-plume: on Wednesday lped bomb. on the German city a :ankfort‘. according to n {mutant “and on Thuudny an. ; ing by the War oeiee, Five ".1 5 machine. we" choc down. Four B iUh ail-plum m mining. Samuel Rimmer, an maximum ship's cook, wu sent to prison for two months for throwing six hundred pounds of fish overboard. CAN 1ith's I917 FIRE A despau‘h from Ottawa says; The report of the Superintendent of In sunnce on fire insurance eompunies, just issued, states that during the year 1917 the amount paid out for flee losses in Canadn was 816,879,102. which in an increase over the amount paid in the previous year of $1,265.- 089. Cull received for premiums by the 60 tim immune companies doing business in CAM u ountod to $31.- 246580, an increase 033.462576 over the preview yes; trRA.MiPoRT BONDED BY BRITISH AVIAN“ In mom fruit or vino at!!! from a “Mocha: by Owl“ on! ovor I bowl tt " ttttt m mu: pound over it "my tet at merely hot wafer very often the min. WWII.“ LOSS AN INCREASI‘ 'ood Control Com- out of edict on od oat it