up» anon " m BRITISH TAKE MANY TOWNS, . NUMEROUS GUNS AND 5,000 PRISONERS Ol in the turning and ma WJ out the day, English and Audtrdicn dinning driving deep into the ene- my (mien-93. The ground over', which rho British troops fought their', w’y aging: the inevitable swarms of ' Ina-chin» gum var Rated with Ger! man dead. _ The a,lvautee hm reach] a depth of ; about fim miles st its Open, and if foliote that; the principd Hindenburg' 'tefsrwts here have been mattered. "AH, few hour». may see the British " the way on the other side of the ("at Herman Momba- system. l The Auetrakian Hoops an Mltymri hay-om! the Beaurevoir tine, at Winn-| ott.rt, Ln Moue Futrm, and brilliant, ix. tiw St. Quentin sector. The Brit-. in. Lmopu haw reaehed.tho ootaAirts y" Mun: Breht'm. thus the landonburg {Nam has been tkrfhrittely passed. I lllndenburg Line Defenses Smashed Between St. Quentin and CambrU-Haitr's Troops Have Reached Outskirts of Mont Brehaln. BRl'I'lSH SEIZE l deopatch from bondon an: Seizure by a British expedition of GOP nun mining property and other de- wiomment plants in Spitzborun. in- cluding a " wireless installution. is wporied by mu Express. with the in- timation that. the Work of developing immunsoly rich iron and coal dapoaita m pros-coding. it is laid they will be of tho (routes! importance to Great Britain and tho allies. The expedition to Hpnzhergon soiled a law months ago and" the prulecliun of the British navy " Ems!" Shackleton, the famous Antarctic explorer, was the toututandor, but he was subsequently “Mind to have. '" take up other 'oNriau commitâ€, The expedition, Mr. Jones said. took a large numb“: of miners, an enurxuous quantity of mining material. and t,ttprlieis madam tor three years. and work In now going on on a large Ital". Capt. Wild, who was with Shackleton In thi- Antoretie, Is in charge of operations. Mr. Jones says the expedition ttttrt a-Nu considerable tlifRettltir. and "ttttttor, including err counters with sight German submar- ma successor, F. W. B. Jones, who n-Lurned to London. has given an en- rhrtiNutir. dmtcritrtion of ttus vast min- "rtel wealth which has hitherto been awn-Ky tapped to a limited extent by British, German Swedish and “Nor- In , rt sir I ire Spit A tleapateh from London says: An "iciat statement on Palestine opera- tions an: The ttxt of the statement reads: "On Wednesday Australian mount- ed troop. operating in the vicinity of Kv.bbat-et-Asafir, 17 miles north- out at Damascus. charged and cap- tured an enemy column, securing 1,u 5w priioners. two guns and forty machmo guns. ’ ‘Emmy tshtlrome and railway es- tablishments at kayak were heavily bombed from the air." Rani I. on the railroad line be. mccn Damascus and Beirut, 80 miles noxthm-at of tho format place. NH. EN BY COST I \ l' F,S TRiMPH IN PALESTINE he .iraTte" Prize Taken From Ger- many by British Expedition. w. Ocean. dial-"vent! in 1533 by Hugh Willoughhy. who called it inland, suppnsiug it to be a part " western continent. In 1591 " visited try Hurt-um and Cornelius. Dutchmen. who pretended to be original diseoverertr..and called it thergen, or sharp mountains. from many sharp pointed and rocky mains; with which it abounds. , archipelago in the 'uverod in 1533 by hhy. who called it In: it to be a part ninent. In 1591 " S. Jones. who 1 Beaum'uir FRENCH SMASH llllli0ll9i8llllil LINE 1LiLaadtvetoreowrfromthe hurricane of British shells. A: the irdrsr.try gained ground, tha Britr.h gun:- were constantly movel up to position; from which they could rontrinue pounding the Germans. The mats in th: general direction wet. of Gouy are reported full of transports and men, and game bodies of troop; have reamed Mm at least five miles in the rear. No new Ger man troops appeared In the battle here. although the enemy certainly This is 3 sign that cannot be ignor- ed and one in which the British oom- mndera ttnd considerable Wuhan). must; have Gown that the position was bound to be attacked. W‘An’wng the towns captured on thin 'sar.t!efront were Gouy, Le CatMot, Ramiuourt. Sequehart. Wisncourt mud Cross Crozat Cannl After Occu- pying St. Quentin. A despatch from the French army in France says: Gen. Debeney's troops in the region of St. Quentin on Wednesday began to smash through the lines of the Hindenburg position over the entire front of that army. r . Those lines were 2% miles deep in some plaees and were supported Ivy several strongly organized woods. They were defended by machine gun mections which proved unable to check Gen. Irebeney's advance. A breach made in the Hindenburg line east of be Tronquoy was widened to the outskirts of Leading. Further north the French troops in eonjune- tion with British forces took several amnll pieces of timber land in the face of vigorous resistance. _ The west bank of the Crozat Canal north-east of M. Quentin is now in French hands as far as Lending. Gen. Debenoy’s men have occupied Omissy. A footing also has been gained on the east hank of the canal " Morcourt, the western part of the town being in French hands. With St. Quentin and the suburb of Isle in his hands, Gen. Debeney has mule further gains to the south, ob- mining a foothold in the enemy's trenches west of Neuville St. Amand and Itnncourt. Several lines of trench- \ dPlputvh from Winnipeg says; 'llie Board of Grain Supervisors has omen-(l that the price of No. , Quebec wheat shall! be $2.26 per bushel, basis in allure. Montreal. This cancels a former order. To arrive at the price at shipping point it is necessary to deduct one cent a bushel to cover the mat of putting the wheat in stone at Montreal. and deduct local freight charges. based on shortest through mileage to Montreal. whether it pas- ses over one or more railways in transit. plus whatever fraction of a tent u bushel may arise when deduct- ing the. local freight rite from the ttsed price. It is provided that eastern "our xuillers may par a licensed track buyer or licensed commission "itierch. ant a maximum or one cent a bushel for buylhg wheat for them, but no other remuneration shall be allowed to them or any other class of handlers. WHEAT PRICES FIXED FOR ONTARIO AND QUEBEC tt were conquered in that region by the French after a violent struggle. Another order makes the price of Ontario No. 2 wheat 32.26 t bushel, cancelling the previous order. with the same regulations to arrive at the price at the shipping point as in the case of No. , Quebec wheat. The by-products of coal valuable than coal. The Doings of the C1EDmat.fEsa, are more HELLO war l MUST TELL You WHAT HAPPENED To ME on THE WAN Home nus enume- THE cm was momma AND SOME on: mental L Me IN The Lee -. LIKE. TMT-- r"'"'""" "ii' I , {TOMMV {Allies Have Taken 3,669 Cannon E and 23,000 Machine Guns. v ' A despatch from Paris says: Dur- i in; the period from Sept. 10 to Sept. :30 the allied armies in France and ,Bclgium have captured 2,844 oMeers [and 120,19'd men; 1,600 cannon and Whore than 6,000 machine guns, ac- :cordlug to an ofheisal statement is- i sued here to-night. T Since July 15 and up till Sept. M, MM allies have captured 5,518 OM.. cers, 248,494 men, 3,869 cannon, more than 28,000 machine guns and 1 hundreds of mine throwers, the state- ment sayi. - ._._ EiFitttsc mm urn-1s. Thits French oftieinl photograph shows 3 huge I the Lorraine front. This is the type of gun that the fortresses that are guarding the city of Metz 120,000 PRISONERS IN TWENTY DAYS cr, Fd ‘HO-SHH‘ Ali TROOPS CA PTURE K AZAN A despatch from Stockholm says: Petrograd despatehes of Sept. 80 an- nounce that the t:'zetho-fly.tutt cap- tured Kaznn, which the Bolshevik re- Ir.rted tt fortnight ago that they had taken. and show that the Lettiah Hoops fUthting for the Bolshevikl are abandoning the Red cause. The Lettish troops were the last really well organized force the Bol- ~lwviki had. They numbered about 17,000. of which nearly 10,000 were held in the vicinity of Moscow to proteet the Bolshevik leaders. Ever sinee the Czech movement began on the Volga the Letts have objected to fighting-there, because they did not regard the Czech: as enemies, and furchermore objected to the dis- organized. unmilitary style of fieht- ing the Bolshevik oMcers outlined: The Invalid Soldiers' Commission does not wait for its patienfs to get out of bed before it starts to teach them new avocations. . Hiere Y' a pic- ture of a wounded soldier weaving on a bed loom while still m hls_hosplt- al bed, The work is not only useful, but it keeps the patient's mind oft his own troubles. LEARNING A TRADE IN BED. AISACE TOWNS BEING Iillhi1Jh'llil) Inhabitants of Twenty Villages Sent to Bavaria-Uprising Feared by Germans. A despatch from Geneva says: German military authorities haw be. gun to remove the inhabitants of AL sane, according to the Democrats, in expectation of a. Fraaro-Atner'rcan at- tack on the frontier. CANADA " SAVING announced that conservation measures and voluntary saving in the homes have reduced ('miadian consumption of flour from 800,000 to 600,000 bar- rels par month, as compared with pre- war consumption. This means a saw ing at the rate of 2,400,000 barrels per year. or, counting the saving by length- ened extraction of milling, of 2,640,000 barrels per year. This in equivalent to a saving of "Purly 12.000,000 bushels, of wheat. The inhabitants of twrnty villages including: Ferrette, Goutnvon and Winkel already have been sont to Bavaria. Some of the villagers have escaped across the Swiss frontier. Fear of disorder is rampant throughiut Alsace-Lorraine, not only among the civilinns. hut also lumen}: the military forces. Food is scarce and little is available. Tlie German authorities in Alsace- Lorraine, the Demoevate adds, are afraid of a general uprisimtsin those provincos when the allies (4mm the frontier. Monster ferns, now extinct. form the chief basis of coal. I huge French gun in action on gun that is being used against despatch front Ottawa says: It is MILLIONS IN FLOUR A than“: ham Lombu msrrt--m" Germam have talk: back three miles In their W along a. WA!“- timu line Both Lou and Amun- night. _ - W -- 'nterGemtaaa,Airsseotrmaa- tekttrktkinarstr'aient,b-tam- tmat ortprxulattr ataA-. 1herssctorand-rtobeinfuat (Nhr mmwmpmnm Lem. ' .." if" -7 Aubars Ridge, mu-th'of Armentieree has been taken, and ihe British an 1s-beero, $14.25 to $15.00; choice heavy,' ar ets o e or ‘steers, $13.50 to 814.00; butchers" 'cattle, choice, $12.00 to $12.75; do, --...- 'rood, $10.50 to $11.00; do. medium,' Breudltula - £9.75 to 810.76; do. common, P..00) Toronto. Oct. 8.-Manitoba wheat-Ao $8.rr0; hatchet-5' bull.“ Mtoice.i No. I Northern, $2.241,i; No. 2 Norbh-‘uo-W to $10.60; do. medium bulls." em. $2.21%; No. 2 Northern, $2.17%; ‘ 39.50 to $9.86; do, NM bums. 37,25 No. 4 wheat, $2.11%, in store F'ori:ttt $8.26; butchem’ cows, chance“ William, not including tax. â€10.25 to “0-59; do. ttood, $9.M to Muniwba oats-No. 2 C. w., 8mm)“; do. medium, $7.75 to $1t.25; No. C.W., Mlyie; “a. No, 1 feed'fdo. common. 83.25:» 57.75; mick-en, 8033c; No. 1 feed, 78%e, in More Fan‘s-00 to â€0-003 feeders, $105“: to William. $11.15; gunners and cattery. $5.60 to American Corn -No. 3 yellow, kiln‘36-7D; milkem, good to choice, $90.00 dried, .nomimslt No. 4 yellow, “Into $160.00; d?. corn. and med. $65.00 dried, nominal. ' {09 $75.00; springers,890.00 to $160.00; Ontaria oats, new crodeo. 2 white ', light 4rW'ea, $18.00 to 514-90; yearr 76 to 78e; No. 8 white, 75 to "dim, $15.00 to $15.50; smug lambs. according to height: outside. â€16:00 to $16-50; 'ttlets, ttood to Ontario wheat-No. 2, Winter. poriehofim $14.00 to Sin-50: hogs. fed at lot. 82.31: No. 3 Swim. $2_22_§and ,vrtertrd, 319-25 tp $19W; fp. I B-citrus, FPrime, bushel, $6.50 to $7.50. oreign, hand- lpicked, bushel, $6.75 to S7. 2 Comb Honey-Choke, 16 OB., $4.50 'po $5 per dozen; 12 OT., $8.60 to $4 sper dozen; seconds and dark comb, t$2.50 to $2.75; bulk, 25 to Mc per lb. I Maple syrup-in 5-g'al, tim,, $3.25. cut of tlvrre. InctYartion v. are m: w-ant'ivg that the Germans have been forced to begin one of the war's gnu:- est retreats. Gen. Plumer's any is rtsportad to he only two miles from Turcclmr, 7% miles tttttheart of Lille. Toronto, Oct. 8.--Nanitoba wheat-.. No. I Northern, 82.24%; No. 2 North- ern. $2.21%; No. 2 Northern. 82.17%; No. 4 wheat, $2.11%, in store Fort William, not iru4udiryr tpx., ___ The troops commuting with the Belgians have taken villages neg: BELGIANS AND BRITISH SWEEP _ THROUGH FLANDERS PURSUING RE Mum-m oats-NG. 2 C. w., No. C.W., Mlyie; extra No, 1 £9349; No. 1 feed, 78%e, in More Ontario wheat-No. 2, Winter. pal car lot, $2.81; No. B SDrillZ. $2.22,l basis in store Montreal. l Pera-.-No. 2, nominal. . ; Barlaty--Malting, new crop, “.08: to $1.18. _ Buekwhei-Nominal, l Rye-u-No. 2, Nominal. ! Manitoba flour-Old crop. war qutaty §11_.35, lyyonto. -. "* l Ontario f1cur---War quality, old crop $10.75, in bum. Mont-rad and Toronto, prompt shipment. Miafeed--Cse lots, Mvered Moot. red heights. bugs imhnied: Bun, $36.40 per ton; shorts, 841.40 per ton. Hw-No. 1, $20 per ton; mixed $18 to $18 per ton, track Toronto. British Oeeupy Lens and Armentieresr,-Gea. Planet’s Army h Only Seven Miles From LtiU-Gergtutattg Apply Torch as They Retreat. Butter-Creamery, solids, 47 to 48e; do, fresh made, 48 to 50c; choice dairy prints,- 44 to 45c; ordinary dairy prima, " to 4.0e; bakery, 39 to Mc. Country Prod-Whole Etntw--No. 1 storage, 49 to GOe; selected. storage, 52. to 53e; cartons. myhid, 6hto 58c. -. . ‘_ . "iiheeee--rasw, large, 23% to 24c; twins, 23% to 241he; spring-made, large, 25%_to 2fe; twins., 26 to. M':0y stAi-ds,. ion} $9 to $9.50, tuck Toronto. F "b‘aom' . Aral-in; (best grade' ) 32 to Me. A, A -eie -- Provisions-Wholesale Bundled ttteats-piled, pork, 348; megs pork, $47. - - . . . _ . Smoked meats --Rolla, 32 to Me; hams, medium, 38 to 89e; heavy, 30 to 31e; cooked hams, 53 to 54e; backs, plain, 46 to 47c; backs, boneless, 50 to MK. Breakfast bacon. 42 to Me, Cottaerp1ht, Ill) to 369. . "iii/v'" 7832121, Meats-Long clears, in tons, 30c; in cases, 80%e; tlear bellies, 2ieto 2859; fat backs, '218t, ... "tGariiieits--out of pickle, 1c less than smoked. - Montreal Markets Montreal, Oct. 8.-0ats--No. 2 C. W., Me; No. 3 C.W., 80Ue; extra No. Heed, ir01gc;No.1fecd, 78lie; No. 2 feed, 75%c. Barky-No. 8 C.W., $1.06%; No. 4 C.W., 81.00%; re- jected and feed 95c. F lvt-No. l N. w.c., $3.88. (Em, finest mm... 22% to me. Butter, choicest cream- ery, 48 to 48%c. Eggs, No. 1 stock, 58 w.60c. Potatoes, ,per bag, car lata, 82.50. Dressed hogs, abattoir IMUd, $28.50. _L_ard. gym, wopd pils, 20 Lard-Pure, tierces, 30% to 8le; tuba, 80% to 31 uc', pails, 81 to 8Mie; rim. 32 to 32%c. Shortening, tiemas 55% to 26c; tubs, 26 to 26%e; pails; 26% to 26%e; l-lb. prints, 27 bo 271he. ibs. net, 311 Live Stock Market» 1 {£630 Toronto, Oct. 8.-Extra choice heavy el',?,,':?,.',,,,', "m'"'""""'"'"? 33c. 310:; Leave is in full swing again. In†'te;'! the Paris correspondent of the Lon. >roes§ don Times, in spite of the continuous mm: fltrhtintr. The British Leave Club is â€50-: crowded with men - to make the most of their first visit to Paris. Ono _ sees them everywhere, on foot, or in 2 (glam waggonettel, in tramway: and NO-l metros, conducted by lady guides in ,‘O- _ the neatest of uniform, drinking in j‘Wfl the wonderful history of Paris in the 'n' 1put Ind gay decades. One day re- mu" cently over a thousand dinners were Grit served to our soldiers " the club in K. " two hours-all honor to thou who lots,‘ did it; it wan no light task. The Mod, English theatre ll crowded at every n 20 ' perfomenoe. Tommy is delighted to {hear his own language, Ind also to ’be able to follow the whole enter- ltaiument without the necouity of Roda! after but! duet flghtine. Thy have fond the Germm welt ueliand-atit1troittg. 111.60:- unmmustgdout ofthe Belch! Lria -irtirioaLoa, I aim- vanes hem continue. a it (but 1'vt'ry sign ot doing. - t _ . A Man almond cit ha mend- ed in aeSer4rte Router. and has mumm- ed day to it. own linen. main! to the Belgian ofrh%t communication gums, 816.25. ( Manual. Oct. 8.--Choieo heavy [sum $18.50 to 814.00; choice but- letter swan. $12.50 to $18.00; lower ctrrnld 88.00 to 812.00; choice haw _l,'ll'fl,%'J.ilt'r"., tower grade», $7.25 to [$10.00. Butcher com, $7.50 to 410.00; hogs, $17.50 to 819.50 per 3mg; lambs, 16e per lb, .69.. Gem when In the Ar. mention-s sector they are applying the torch whenever they have the time, and their when: in marked by Stilt explosions as ammunition stereo are (he “toyed. It is known that (he German: no becoming so show of am- munition that many of the higher of- fieem In alarmed, but in the tetreat tho deattuetion of dumps has been att- oohtely "mum. TEUTON FORCES . LEAVE ALBANIA ltglians Occupy Berat--cttpture Prisoners and Much War Material. A despatch from London says: Austrian troops have been withdrawn from Albania, the Austrian War of- ftee announces. Bent has been taken by the allies. The Austrian statement says: "We hnve withdrawn our divisions from Albania. Thin wan rendered ne- cessary ty "vent, on the Bulgarian front. "Berat fell into the enemy without a firht Italian troops in Albania began an energetic advance on Tuesday in the sector between the Adriatic 1nd Osum. The ltaiian columns in the evening had occupied the village of Fieri and tho line of the Sement' from Sterbui to the, Metatt bridge and several hbights. The Austro-Huntrarian forces re- treated rapidly, burning their depots. The Italians occupied Bent on Wed- nesday. They have captured I num- ber of ptisuners and a large quan- tity of war material. " utirs, $19.60 to $19.75; Tommy in Paris. hands of the NEWS FROM ENGLAND N"! " MAG, All“?! mus BULL AND III PNI’LI . Ocan-c- a the land 'het Reign. Inn-o h a. Con-c- a! Wadi. Knot-Genus! Mr David Mercer Etna“ Appoint“ an A.D.C. to the The resident. of But Hun pro-ent- od LaneeA3oerorul B. Idiot-d with B800 in War Slvingl certitientaq in recognition of his having won the Vietorin Cross. i Sir Philip Sassoon, M.P.. inn-M .£l7.000 during War Wuponl Wool [at Folkestone, making I total d £200,000. l The boys of the William Ellie School. Halve] Oaks, gave a perform- ance which realized 282 for the Red Croea Soclety. Aide“. m plentiful throughout England. though other - fruits have failed. Thomas Lovegrove. of Bututimthill, Ascot, has had four sons killed in the war, two uriously injured and on. discharged through an accident. The Queen willâ€); inspected the Brock Hoapiml 1nd the ambulance station " Blukheath. The death took place recently " Poulbon-de-Tylde. “Rubin, of Wil- liam Beiler, rhUf coroner. Lipton: iLimitedt were fined $20 " Great anmouth for selling bacon above tho maximum price. - The death hug oecGred u Ascot of A. G. Bessemer, Int surviving son of the late Sir Henry Bessemer.. Thr Ancient Order' of Foresters meeting at Cambridge. received hear ty greetings from Admiral, Batty. i in. Dim-ton Hogs. who died re. cently, wn the widow of the founder of the Regent Strum Polytechnic. -- Tho deaiitt is nnnounced of David Kenton. the Independent Lnbor cun- didnte for the Abortillery Division. John wanna Mend n. tine4 no for taking one match Into the Royal Gunpowder Factory It Stamford Hi_ll. Wheat in now tieine grown on the moon to the north of Bolton " n height of one thousand feet above as: level. Bub..Lieutennnt Wutéon. it.N.D. South Tottenham. has been presented with n sword by his former compdot. One hundred and "tvent-even tttousand members of the new. of 03k Benefit society have joined the colon. - Edward Nield, of Lynsdnle. Eceles, has bequeathed seven and I h." per cent. of his estates for missionary Ind pence efforts. General Sir William Robertson sold at Pitaford. in aid of the Prim" of War Fund, a cloak once owned by the Duke of Wellington. More than five thousand of the employees of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway have joined His Majesty's forces. Col. H. W. Thornton has entered on the duties of Deputy Mininm of Railway: and Movements. There I. a general desire among the members to open the galleria of the House of Commons to men and women Inputially. .. For the ninety-nix great towns of England And Wales the death rtrte for one week corresponded to an nnnull rate of 12.1 per thousand. When u slightly (hanged balloon fell into the dock at Poplar, the pilot jumped into the water and swam “hare. Lord Milner has appointed Lieut.. Col. W. A. T. Bowly. M.C.. Boyd Wnrwicluhire Regiment, as his pri- Tate secretary. Tho Ministry of Pemions h, cram» in. the "sitstance of golf clubs to provide {militias for training dis-bled Ioldkrl. â€While a woman wu carrying her baby up a stair in Grim-by. the trip- pod on her apron and fell, killing her and The Katuer's greltelt war prom; come from the Krupp gun-works al E00011. Just how Inge his holdings Ire cannot be determined, an ", e Krupp concern refused to show in books in the recent profltoerine in- vatigation conducted by the Reich- Iuc, and thnt body has no power to enforce ita demludl. The statement, however, in and. on tho authority of Geneva We" who recently rotun- ed from Frankfort that the hint bolero the wu- had been a [up shareholder in Krupps; In Net, on. of the - holders of the that. next to Frau Bertha Krupp von Bah- lcn. Binee the war began the Kuhn in "M to in" hem-d ta M In the work. by purchase. amounting Knitter in the Greatest of War ProItura. to 15,000,000. That the hisâ€, long before the the mount “I. was an enormouaiy mm m was norm denied. An King of PM he eatiorsd a civil tut of MM I you. E. ii tho nut 1334mm in Punch. and Ian an immune print; income. His grandfather left him 3 fortune of (20.500900. no bu many cuties and when in vuiom M of Gummy. upon which}. bu mt.ud, immen- aunts. Ho ho" pmdcauy the entire expense of â€Wining and conduct- mm th-tat opera In Rodin, all '30 te-gud on u. ttttt I!“ Mm m It not I A DOOMED " DR'I'l' N " In hi, lil h