West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Nov 1918, p. 6

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ti? O messed pottltrr--Sprine chickens, 38 to 40e; roosterp, Met fowl. 38 to36e; turkeys. 40et dueklimm, m., 35c. Swabs. dor.., $6.50; geese. 80e. B.ans---Canodian, hand-picked. bum, $7; imp.. hand-picked, Barmn or In- dian, $6; Japan. 37: Lima. 18 to 18%e. Honey. new erop-Steained. 6041). tins, 26et "Mb. tina. 27c; brlb. tins, Beter-Fresh dairy, choice. 46 to 480; Home”, prints. " to tilk; "E",'.',', solids. 52 to 53c. . arttarhte--34 to 86e. E.gs---No. l not-go. tn to 62e; selected store, " to Me; new laid, in Mons. 65 to 67e. Cheese-lui, largo. iiir,tctir'iie.,' twins. 26% to 2734c; old, large, 28 tof2tP.ie; ttrin 428% to 29r. Wholes'ai'ers he Selling to the re- taiLtrade t! the.foliowijttrtrieesr-. m, cllulh'a. W1. 151.00; 29539, ZOO. Live poultry-Roosters, " to 20c; fowl. 20 to 23et ducldingn. Ih., 22et turkeys, 27 to Me; Spring chickens. 2639 2tfe; geese. 20c. Dressed poultry-Spring chickens. Mt to 82v: roosters. 25c; (Md, 27 to ate ducklinKS. 27 to Me; turkeys. M to?” squgka. 027. $4.50; mac, Me. Butter-Dairy, tubs and rolls, " to 395 prints, 40 to 4te. 50 G ms --No. l, mixes. $20.00 Toronto. Straw-Car tmek Toronto‘ Ptse--No. 2, no Barler--Maftinp $1.07. Bueianheat--Na 'tro-No. 2, not Manitoba ilour quality, $115.50, Ti e $10.7 ' in mum ttour--. Toronto, prompt sl 1triItfeed--Ciir lo real heights, bag 837.25. per ton: ton $1 Toronto. Optat io oats, new erxt--No. 2 white, 73 to 78c; No. a white," 74 to The, ac- cording to freight, outside. Ontario wheat-No. 1 Winter, per ought. $2.14 to $2.22; No. 2, do. $2.11 to $2.19; No. 3 do., $2.07 to $2.15; No. l S " ' $2.09 to 32.17; No. 2 Spring, £36 to $2.14} No. 8 Spring. $2.02 to $2. 10, fall... shipping points. according to height: Pu; -No. 2, nominal. Barleywnzxkim- new crop,'$l .09. to Markets of the World 'oronto, promp Minteed--Cii, “can. Town-bend, the British enm- Iandnr, captund " Ttut-eb-Assam, ms liberated several days Tttttt by the Turks," Sir George Cave, the Home Secretary. unnamed in the Home of (owns on Thursday, "in order to inform the British admiral in com- mand in the Aegean that the Turkish troverhrnern asked that negotiations be opened immediately fur an areis- RFC. . " "A reply was sent that if the Turk.. r4.t Government .sent {any unedited plenlhotentiaries. Tke-Admiral Cal- thorp, the British commander. was empowered to inform them of the con- (19.9079 upon which the allies would 3. $10.75, in Marin thour A despateh from laden MVB'.--- ‘hn-kcy on Thunday unconditionally -retttlerqd to the an”. The and» tke was signed by Admiral Calm on behalf of the Entente " Mudm, on the Island of Lemma. INl0lBrltmi1 $IlltlltliiltIElt0f'mtllfliir : (Ml60hltnltllill,uisT'0hiulls Term of Armistice Include Release of All AM, Pri.--- Entire Turkish Army Captured by British in Mesopotamia --British Fleet En Route to Black Sea to Engage Country Pmdttee--WhounaIe, elm tte2t-uN0minal. .mNo. 2, nominal, mitohu tuur-Olet crop, war ty, $11.50, Toronto. $10.75, in bags. Montreal and tario thour-War qaulity, old no, prompt shipment." Ifeed--Car Iota, delivered Mont- heights, bags included; Bran, 5, per ton; shorts, $42.25 per "onto. No. tk-Manitoba t Northern 32.24%: No, 52.21%; No. 3 New hi (o. I feed, 80%e. can eortr--No. 2 yellow. $1.79; wallow. $1.65; No. 4 yellow, maple. corn, feed, $1.32, track No."t wk William, l a otttsr--Nt I, 822 to $28 per ton; I to $21 .50 per ton, track BreadstttiN lot [ll a he free passage o Cs through the Bosphora Sea; (2) The oeeupatim ' Dardanelles and in tin :essary to seem-e the pa: hips, and (3t Immediata i . YES IT; 2 w m RAY" Wm! 211mm?! CHILLY (eer, Tun: mu. _ ( FOR A l a... , T 'iii!..);.,., $)i, gt, (i I - P I EN! - ttt f. . FzFq “fag: - mail 5iiialtt a In]: , - M 1 . all"! r i, " Fd " I'll") _ fun ' extra No/l feed 90mm: hamim Manitoba wheat--. 10.00 to $10150 Wt No. 2 North- 3 Northern, at, 82.11%, in " including tax. ---t-..-i-- German Naval Forces. unedited The ( in! Cal- nlso is i nder. was gel wasi If the con- war beg lies would phorus,' and could been “3 conditions country store, e. Sark. n rus don am I Montreal. Nov. ik-Choice steers, 'Sll.00 to $12.00; good steers, $9.60 .to $10.50; medium. $8.00 to $9.00; Ieommon, down to $7.00; choice butch.. jer cows, $9.00 to $10.00; good cows, , $7.50 to $8.50; medium, down to $6.00, ‘and common, $5.50. Canner com, "t..50 to $5.00; manner bulls, $5.50 to >$7.00. Sheep, $9.50 to $11.00; Rood (ryyty, $15.25. Other lambs, $18.00 to "15.00. Choice sel ct hogs, $17.00 ftp $17.50. s"li"if/','f calves. $15.00; jrass--fed, $6.00 to $8.00. I " 1 Toronto, Nov. Ii.-A'hoiee heavy utters. $13.00 to $13.50; butchers' wattle, choice. $11.00 to $11,75; do., igoml. $10.25 to $10.75; do. ‘medium, 158.85 to $9.50; do. common, $7.75 to $8.25; butchers' bulls, choice: $10.00 _ to $10.50; do. medium bulls, $9.50 to "9.75; do, rough bulls, 87.Mto $8.25; iirutchiri' cows, choice. $10.00 to‘ $10.25; do. good, $9.00 to $9.50; do, .mcdium, $7.50 to $8.00: doféommon, I$0.50 to $7.00; smokers. “$8.00 to ”10.50; froders, $10.00 to $11.00: warmers and cutters. $5.50 to $5.75; lmilkers. good to choice, 't0.00 to !$l45.00; do. com. and med., $65.00 , to $75.00; swingers. $90.00 to $145.00; flight owes. $13.00 to $14.00: year!- ‘imrs. $15.00 to $15.50; spring lambs, i$15.25 to $15.60; calves, good to ivhoice. $14.00 to $17.75; hoes, fed and watered, $17.75 to $18.00: do., wtirhed oftyyrs, $18.00 to $18.25. A despatch from Paris says: A despatch from Athens to Le Matin says the "soU remaining Turkish army has been concentrated at Bulair. a town at the neck of the Gallipoli Peninsula. The Tchataljn positions ue being prepared as the second line of defence _fiCitutantinople. SOLE REMAINING TURK ARMY CONCENTRATED AT GALLIPOLI Montreal Markets Montreal, Nov. Cr.-A9ats---Extra No. I feed, 98c. Flour-Near standard grade, $11.50 to $11.65. Rained oats --Bars, 90 lbs, $5.10 to $5.25.., Bran, $37.25. Shorts, $42.25. Mouillie. $68.00 to $70.00. Har-Noi. 2, per ton, car lots, $25.00 to $26.00." Cheese -Finest easterns, 255510 26,' But- ter--Choirrest nutmeg, 49 No 60e. Eggs-- Selected, Me; o. rstoek, 49e. Potatoes-per bag, car lots; 21.60. Dressed hotrs-r-Arattoir killed. ' 5.50 to $26.00. ve" Lard-Pure, woadpaihs, 20 lbs. net, 31% to Me. _ Lar/i-Pure, tierees, 31 to 31 %c; tubs. 31% to 82c; pails, 31% to 3234c; Prints. 33 to Ml/ae. Compound, tierqes, 2M 'YP 38v. Combs-Dom, $3.76 to $4.50. Provision-Wholesale . Smoked meats-Hams, medium, 37 to (we; do., heavy, 30 W32“ cooked, 52 (o 'ole; rolls, 32 to Me; breakfast bacon, 4t to 45c; backs, plain, 46 to 47e; boneless, 50 to 52c. Cured meats-Lung clear bacon, 30 to Rio; clear bellies, 29 to Me. The rrstiro. Turkish force which has been opposing the British on the Tigris ha- hem captured, it Wag ofrieial1y amvc-um-cd on Thursday. The text of the ..,'cdeittettt reads: "The hard furht- ing on the Tigris. which began on October fri, ended on the 30th with the capture of the entire Turkish force opposed to us on that river. The pris- chem are estimated at Yrout 7,000, with much material." sis. The Germans obtained one up- er-drcadnought, several battleships of the pre-dreadnought type and a score of fast destroyer}. The German battle cruiser Goeben also " in the Black Sea. Ibis ves- sel was in the Mediterranean when the war began and escaped to the Bos.. phorus, where it wan. reported to have be?!) “sold" to Turkey before that county entered th: war. The cruiser' was 'oc/dy damaged several times, but) full-”1:. reports said it has been re-l paired again, taken over by the Get. mm; an! withdrawn to the Blackl . The announcement that an armistice with Turkey which permits passage of allied warships through the Dar- danelle, already in in operation led naval officers to believe that on allied fleet if it has not already started, soon will pass through to the Black Sea to snark the German naval forces there. These forces include ships of the Rmzsian Black Bea fleet taken over by the Teutons after tht collapse of the Provisional Government in Rus- repatriation of allied prisoners of to Me; tabs, 26 td to 265ie; prints, 2 Live Stock Markets here tt was re; d” to Turkey ntered th, war. Th e I) 011153 a e BC to 2 27%. 26 'Ac; Pails, Feeding milling wheat or its mix- tures to live stock or poultry is for- bidder, except where grown together, containing not more than 25 per cent. of milling wheat. Orders Nos. 81 and 40 are repealed. The order allows anyone to have on hand 100 pounds of flour, or tmmeient for present daily ordinary require- ments, while any farmer whose home- Crown wheat has been ground by or exchanged directly with a miller, and any person living more than five miles from a mill, or licensed dealer, may keep on hand 200 pounds of flour, or what is tnmteirtrtt for 200 days. Stolen But Not Taken-Here is a pile of books stolen from the libraries of Montdidier and billed "for Berlin." But they never reached the "Land of Thieves." The German getaway was too rapid to allow of the carriage of mere books, valadhle though they may be. Buy 1 Victory Bond in gratitude that Caradian libraries have been spared welt pillage. . I A despatch from Ottawa says: An order on wheat flour just passed by the Canada Food Board defines the only four wheat flour substitutes as oat, harley, corn and rye Rours. 4ll consumers must now take one pound of substitutes to four pounds wheat flour. A despatch from Amsterdam says: There has been an outbreak and a panic among the population in the Rhine provinces, arising from reports that the authorities were prepared, if necessary, to allow enemy troops to occupy Coblenz and Cologne, accord- ing to Berlin newspnpors. FOUR WHEAT FLOUR SUBSTITUTES ALLOWED A despatch from London 33:71: High-placed German off1eiuls at Cols. enhagen Thursday afternoon received information that the Germain Emper- or had abdicated, according to the Copenhagen correspondent of the Exchange Telegraph Company, who adds: "Nothing is said about the Crown Prince." Uprising of Population in Rhine' District. ABDICATION i)li KAISER REPORTED "The Prints ot Pea: ace."---)), puts his foot in itdaTn The two" generals then shook hands, gravely saluted, and parted company. The reply greatly amused the gem eral. "Welt, my name is Petain also," he said; "and I am very pleased to have met you!" your name'.'" "Oh, I am Gen. Petainl" replied the boy, who had no idea to whom he was speaking. , The sight of the little faces, almost lost in the real tioldieris' helmets, am- used Gen. Petain, and stopping the car, he said to the leader of the file: "You are. brave fellows! What is A story isRtold that throws, a pleasant. light on the distinguished French general. He was driving in a motor with an equerry past. a town near Verdun when he came upon four little boys who were marching in single fue, arrayed in sdldier's hel- mots and carrying rqal bayonets. "Household furniture, telegraphic and telephonic instruments and ap- pliances from many towns have been sent to Germany. The railway lines have beqn stripped, only wrecked and useless cars being' left behind." "In White Russia there are no hes:e.. and no cattle because the Gennnns have taken them all. In the regions where evacuation is pending the fields remain unsown because the Germans have left no seed. CFildren are dying of starva- tion. Milk cannot be obtained. “From all regions now in German ocvupation it is reported that the German military authorities are car- rying off everything that it is pos- sible fo take to Germany. They are drvvsctutinq the country. A despatehhom London says: Con- ditions in Russian territory occupied by tho Germans are described in an official Russizfn wireless message, which says: GERMAN Y IS DEVASTATING OCCUPIED RUSS. TERRITORY Two Pomins in the Field. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO 't" The aesassination of Franz Ferdi- nand and his consort at Sarajevo in June, 1914. afforded Germany the excuse she was looking for to com. meme the world war. A despatch from Basel, Switzer- land, says: A Vienna despatch re- eeivedNere says that aeeording to the Austrian newspapers the King- dom of Greater Serbia has been pro- claimed at Sarajevo, Bosnia, and that the assassins of Archduke Franz Ferdinand have been released by trob. diers. Horses, 3,808,315; mileh cows, 3,- 542,429; other cattle. 6,507,267; sheep, 3,037,480; swine, 6,289,682; fowls, M,- 324,498; turkeys, 1.058.981: geese, 879,177; and ducks, 884,034. ----.-9----...- KINGDOM OF GREATER SERBIA IS PROCLAIMED Wheat, 210,315,000 (233,742,850); oats, 456.733.900 (403,009,800); bar- ley, 83,262,500 (55,057,750); rye, 10,- 875,500 (3,857,200); was, 4,384,700 (3,026,340); beans, 4,588,200 (1,274,- 000); buckwheat. 11,409,600 (7,149,- 400); flax, 7,695,000 (5,934,900); mix,. ed grains. 32,303,000 (16,M7,080); and corn for husking, 6,915,600 (7,- 762,700). The estimated numbers of farm live stock, based upon the returns re- ceived, are for the whole of Canada'as follows: _ 1 Wheat, 17,858,902 acres (14,755,850! acres); oats, 14,790,336 was (13.313,-‘ 400 acres); barley, 3,163,811 ‘acms' (2,392,200 acres); rye, 555,294 acres? (211,880 acres); peas. 235,976 acros' (198,88r acres); beans, 223,577 acres (92,457 acres): buckwheat, 548,097‘ acres (395,977 acres): fiax, 921,826 acres (919,500 acres); mixed grains,! 1,058.120 acres (497,236 acres); and. corn for husking, 250,000 acres (234,- , 339 acres). I The estimated ,total yields of these.' crops are, in bushels, as follows: 1 The total areas sown to the princi- pal cereal crops are as follows, com- parative figures for last year being given within parenthisis: ' Italiu troops have rescind Ponti Dene Ali, northeast of the city of Belluno. thus definitely dividing the Austrian armies, said an oMeiat wireless message rewind here on Thursday night from Rome. Over i50,000 prisoners and more than goo 3‘ guns have been counted, and thous- Fands of additional captimes are com- 'iine, in. "The success of our armies :is becoming more and more stupen- [dous," says the despntcii. The fight- ging is on a front of 100 to 120 miles a now. ! Ahm. Diaz, Italian Commander-in- 'chief, has issued the following bulk. 'itin to his troops: _ Estimate for Year's Yield of Y arious Grains and Legumes. A despatch from Ottawa says: The Dominion Bureau of Statistics an- mum-es the renult of the cuilection of the area. under crop and the num- bers of farm live stock throughout under arrangements made jointly by the Dominion Bureau and the Provin- cial governments. They are publish- ed, subject to revision, in the form of a press bulletin as follows: 210,315,600 BUSH. TOTAL WHEAT CROP "Soldiers, forward! In Italy's name we will place the wreath of victory on the tomb of our glorious dead. Forward! Our beloved country calls!" In answer. to Austria'ssnnourree- ment that she was ready to evacuate Italian territory, Italy has omeiaily replied that the offer has come too late. It is assumed the Italians will endeavor "to drive the Austro-Hun- gariar“ from Italian soil before an armistlce can be signed. The Austrians in the north are menaccrl by the movement northeast airove Belluno and an Italian army marching froth the south toward that A gespstch from Rome says: "The success of our suns is assuming great proportions. The routed enemy is re- treating esst of the Pine, and can hardly withstand the élose pressure of our troops on the mountain front," says the official report on Thursday night. iiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiii" ", . I ,7 COMPETE ROUT: Sitiltuhnllllt© Vanquished Envoys Otter White Flag to Italian Commander- - Italy Will Dictate Terms on the Field. - vii " sue MT You We ' h' _io',liijj??.."ij. Jil I _ 1 iii: _ A ' , lil I in ' [ billl gt, - L.-.,., Rll A Ri ar- 1iei-fiiiire 32,; - V'Z’, LI ex Of the 10.000 German guns operat- ing July Ili, the allies have captured I third. A despatch from London nyl: Ger- man Itasca since Jan. 1 were leni- offtcial1y estimated on Thunday'at 2,500,000, of which one million were permanent. places tltree miles broad, LOW eovdal, the level ground before outpots. i l The largest Inundation is between; ,Valencimmcs and Condo, where the, :Scheldt guns are practically in arl ism-night line for nearly seven miles? [It joins the Mons Canal at Condo. and; the latter has [um-tinny disappeared! ;in the flood which stretches beyond t Frame-s toward 'i1sivenecm:, and other' Hiltages north-east of Vaysneiennesl gTher-e are lesser fhycda and ”when: 'of water varying in size between the; iComte and Maulde, where the Scheldt‘ [passes from France into Belgium. I GERMANS "AVE LOST 2,500.00” THIS YEAR i Thus the 22-mile front linking ‘Tournai and Valmcierznes lies against 1a water barrier fm. 'Lv.'o-thir'l.; cf the (way. The tioMr, are not deep, in some places hardly more than a foot, but obviously they cannot easily be forded by infanhy for .‘ny distance. German patrols hold the upper floors of buildings, which rise oat of 1hese lakes and cover the western bank of the Scheldt Canal with machine guns, Release of the waterways enables the enemy to economize men and hold l the lake district lightly. There an] apparently no more than three divi-l gions thinly strut-g along the inundat-i ed area north of Valenciennes. A despatch from the British Armies in France tsayirr--A wash of waters confronts the British First Anny north of Vaiemicnnes. The Rana have breached the banks of the Scheldt Canal and blown up siuices to give their rear guard additional pro- tection ard a great ttrtificial lake, in A despatch from London “yak-In; the region east of Courttai the Britishl delivered an attack on Thursday’ against the Germans, trained all their] 'objectives and took I thousand Ger-l man prisoners, according to Fieldi Marshal Haig’s communication issued. on Thursday night, and which indi- cates that the British are iuruinal, right on the Schetdt, and are probably' across it at an important point. I l A despntch from Vienna nan: The!I lWar Othee issued this announcement t'to-nirht---"The high command of tiiil .amies, early Tuesday, by mean: of f a Parlementaire, established com-l Imunication with the Italian ”my, l command. Every effort ls to be made I {for the avoidance of further useless l (YYY/ly,', of blood. for the cessation. ',of, hostilities and the conclusion of In: gamistice. Towards this step, which {was animated by the best intentional lthe “than high command at firgt 35-3 l sumed an attitude. of unmistakable', irefusa}, and it was only on the even-f I ing of Wednesday that, in accord wtth' !the Italian high command. Gen. Web-i jet, accompanied by a deputation, was? marinated tn brass the "hting line ifor preliminary pourttsu4crtr. It? wherefore, the crueltics of wart-ref must continue in the Italian there, ‘of war, the guilt and responsibility,' will have to be ascribed to the en-, l The Austrian. have been complete- 1y routed east of the Pine, an earlier {dupntch said, and. An: yith great "iiBeuitr auntsining the Income gpreuure of the Italian troops in {he :mountain region, in the Main and ih" “he Alpine foothills of Venetin. En- I emy masses are declared in “stream- i ing in “infusion" down the mountain valley in an actempt to reach passes ‘on the Tagliameuto River. BRITISH TAKE .. ..- 1_, 1,000 050000.03 Waste of Waters Confronts Bri- tish North of Valenriennes. ony." The other Austrian army is menu- ed by an Italian drive moving south- east. In this cue one fork of the pincer: is the Adriatic Sea. .' city. hlt:tWf: -. _ 'rrt Cgb"rtr, m” n " , Tir, "P'-, , F 'Ai" 'to 5aEltt"alillih u. ,.. . if': "re' r - ,. lrrMENi' ' g 1'Mya s. "iliL'"'se' nee has been left behind n “We. The line will - u found to have moved from out to west, which in pet-fog], good proof that every- '"te.'rie In: In“ the other way. lo “a.“ will be exactly par-tile! with mark. tt the line hagmem to be parallel with a crack in the tloor, or wlth any stationery obit!" in the room, this will serve as wen. - Leave the bowl v.ndieturbed for . few hours, end then observe the Position of the black mark with re- ference to the object with whim it Wu normal. It will be found to hove moved in the direction ottposiic to that " the movement of the war”! on ttn “is. The earth is simply rm "Mac. has eon-Sod the wear and "writhing clue in the bow! round with it. hat the powder on the 'tor- he In: be. left behind . little. Having and. this little mark tv "h the chareoat Mr on the am“.. " of the mm of the howl. lay down upon the Boer close to the how! a stick ”fainter straight obieet. |Proof of Earth's Rz-volutiun Cam Re y Obtained With Bowl. l Take . good sized bowl,fiui,. haw. 1y full of “in, and ulna- it ”mm the thtor of a room which it ttrt Cut posed to shaking or jarring- from 'tlos street. Sprinkle our Hm FUN-w" (I the water I outing of h coa.;12,.m powder, which can be obtaimd ut a} moat nay chemist. Then upo.. 'h-t writes of“ coating of mwdcr III-kc. with powdend charms} a straight black line, say In inch or in: in length. . I Capt. G. Hunter, Hawick. has four brothers in the army, ont of them “a the Canadian "my has Avi: won ithe MOitary Medal. i The home of Lord and Lady mu. manner. It lnnerleithvn. has been “given us a convalescent home for (Canadian omens. Siam Nellie Mackenzie, who hm been awarded tht Royal Red Crows. is . daughter of Mr. Mat4cenzie, " Hill Terrace, Inverness. The Kilian? Mtdal has iutre awarded to Sergeant John Btewrrt Gordona, son of the late John Stew- art, Louiemouth. Capt. Frat M. Mccafon, Sta. forths, killed in action. was the youmrelt Ion of Mr. and Mrs. McCal- lion, Donne Conner, Domini-ton P. Bell. schoolmaster, MurZLIr':. has been notif1al that his son. “out Thongs Bell, Its.F.. has been Etil‘e] in action. The Marquis of Grahrm. when opening a fete at Ardwell. said the workingmcn at home had ream!) to thank the men on the battletusld. When retiring from the position of Classical Master of Peebles High School, William Mncqueen was pre- saluted with a wallet of Trcasv.ry notes _ The parish church bell will rim each day " noon as an invitation to the inhabitants to pay for the. sun can of the Allies. Litut.-Col. Sir Ian Colqlxhoun. VIC, has been awarded the ns.o., is tho chief of clan Colquhoun, Ros: Dh-. Loch Lomond. Lieut.-Coi. R. A. Wolfe-Murray, awarded the 0.8.0.. is the cult-st sun of Commander Philip Wolfe-Murray, Crinttlette. Major R. Scott, Alton. M.C.. R.F son of Rev. Thomas Scott, Livi awn, has been atrard% the Croix Guerra. Mu. McIntyre succeed- ber is!" husband an clerk and treasdrer If the Ardehattan and Mm-kairn Sluol Board. The oldest of the fafrnere in the Eirkintil1oeh dishict passed away in the person of William Laird, 't ho Dyke. By the death of “out. Odo L. D. Simpson, Sherwood Foresters, there is now no living heir to the. l-aronvtcy. The presence of n white crow in " householder's garden in Pitlochryh.vtt attracted a good deal of attention. Buchlyvk “in. with a popula» tion of 800. subscribed over £13,000 p the local War Savings' Arsor-i-x- tion. ctrektmrnspiith, Berwickshire. ha twenty-two inhabitants. whose agr- ury from seventy lo ninety years; GEEK. Robt. Halley, son of m;- Bailie Halley. Perth, has been award. ed the Distinguished Flying Cross. INTERESTING EXPEIU M F.N'i 's" Brockbach Farm, Kirkpatrick-Dur- hm. ha. been purchased by John Briggs, 8heMeld, for £6,800. - Major vieior Fortune. Black Watch, Blcngaim. has been promoted to Bri- tpu1ier-Genaeat. _ - The D.S.O. and Croix de Guerre have been torarded to Lieut. Harold G. Gnmpbell, of Colerain. ttrd Count“. of In and Kellie opened . Women's War Service Ex- hibition in Stirling. Capt. Jotufrodd,' R.A.F., Forndene. atred nineteen. has seventeen new. plane: to his credit. - have been guided to urgent D. Hogg, EtrkdMertnuir. edit: by but. and may: fishing boat crew in 298 yuan, One hundred pigs from Lord Bou- bery‘s bend mum over 35.470. MES or INTEREST FROM an _ BANKS AND BRAES. What I: Coin On In I... Rum.“ and "rruads ot Add From Erin's LIKE BY " LAN!!! , Inning. in in being up (nan of Du! The death Sir Henry Vania. Bah. "If clip of you ie Mar, tl " Ii "ttce 'or and " ox, Irte lh U Dr. Jo opt, . Tr “If ll " o ht the Mid 0 R “Helm rkir " 0 sum! at r. th 'rt" U ttt ma " "I 1i!

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