West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 21 Nov 1918, p. 4

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a' THESE ARE THE CARS The Chevrolet Garage We repair and overhaul any make of car including the Ford car. All repair work is guaranteed and the prices charged are right. We can supply you with tho beat guaranteed tires. and can assist you in your choice of your Auto Head Light Lenses. Specials for . Saturday, Nov. 16th 15 pairs Men's Gun-metal latte a, Orw rt-gular lirwofbt.5()to$5.i50 Saturday, ()nly...... ... . .. ... . 15 pairs Rob Roy Rolled Oats Chieitain Oat Flakes Standard Oatmeal Granulated Oatmeal Crushed Oats Corn Chop Buckwheat ,l?J."I' John McGowan BOO) tons of No. I Mixed Chop wnm mu BARLEY Anna-awn»- tat In“ tMet. , 2at',,S'hefs/'d'ffac' Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop ~49 lie n Tun Shoe Store Low or“: Flo-r. Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour e pay ihe Highest Market Price for Oats, Peas and Barley TE‘MS, CASH. ROB ROY MILLS, Limited Cloth top, Iowl Saturday, only .. We want you to see those beautiful can and invite your inspection. When you drive a car bearing the name of either of these makes you feel eonfident that you have a car that will stand high under the most severe road test CRIMPED OATS for Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. . .. very re-ttttie rates McLaughlin and Chevrolet Business Hours.----) a. m. to 5 p. m. Every bag guaranteed. If not satisfactory bring It book and get WW money. .ambton St., Durham Buy your Gasoline and Oils Here. Women's Patent button Always on hand for sale. REPAHUN G HEATLY DONE that have ngcome famous in tho field, of motordom PEOPLE’S MILLS Durham, Ont. . S. McILRAITH 2 . ii". .'sii.z.e.'s'., $2.75 , Breakfast Cereal, Bras. l, Cracked Clicke- Corn Oat Shorts Ciansman Feed Chieftain Feed Poultry Feed Poultry Mush] Chick Feed Cracked Corn Phone " $3.75 Some sus.o'eiotss work ha been un- covered it the United States. where a syndicate ol presumably pro-Ger- mans have been receiving possession of briush Columbio lands. the vendor _ being a well-known German named Alvenoleben. of Vancouver. It is sus- pected the lands no is selling belong- ed to the ex-Kuiur. It has Ill!) been .uuetu-d that this man was so be Gov- ernor or Can-d. when Germnny won the Wu '. ! " there‘s a oqnue rod ot hand in Cnnnda owned by the head Ilium. it would be ooatiseated inet- ter. E!!! 'hsrttas gait!” "_--."". As we write German war vessels are being turned over to Admirnl Beatty somewhere on theesst c' est of Scotland. Can one imaginen greater humiliation! The great machine thatwas to smash the British navy put into leading strings and taken to unknown ports ! Ala: tor the toast. ot "der tag," drank at. hundreds ot teae's in Germany. Her "day" has come btttit has been one oideepett humiliation. What do you think? Spain was tusu1ally eelebratiNt the Allied vic- tories '. '. though she lacked the cour- age ot Portugal to declare herself when the struggle was on. We have no doubt, Germanv promisld her Gibraltar when ? ! y President Wilson will break all precedent, and leave his country tor liurvpe to attend the Peace Confer- ence. This never occurred before, and it 13 thought the persuasions ot Lloyd George and Premier Clemen- ceaw of France has brought it abon ' In spite ot the uni-tics. German tioldiets are proving true to their re- cord. They have been found both looting and wantonly destroying property " they toured. Every German soldier is now on: of France and soon will be one of Bel. gium. Allied armies follow up on than march to the Rhine and across it. The women of Germany are peti- tiomng Mr, Woudrow Wilton to use her iutiaeruse to have the Ir,t,i,tltt terms m1 dttied lor'Uelmany I slit. as. if enlm'eed will be " unspeakable disaster" toriGermany. Catt anyone remember of these women tryintt to "an the disasters to Belgium ? or protesting against the Red Cross women spitting in the soup of British p; isoners ? Why not to Berlin ? Why notchoose from each allied beligerent a snlecl butlaliazn or mo and in tall War gear match to Burlln and through it. Ger- many in 18.0 occupied Paris. She should be given the nine treatment. The only argument. she understands --foree. The Telegram any: allied victory! makes no man. woman or childl among German people a slave. D“; it require a prophet to tell whxtl wouid have resulted from a German victory as complete ? Think ox le-I alum deportation?, of Ronmama, oti Armenia, even of Russia. ( The London Advertiser the other day gave a pictuie of n spoiled Hun paradise. which an we peruse it should make us doubly thankful t What if the Allies had lost the mu? A eerie: of din-Len such as the de. struction of the British fleet, the over. whelming ot the allied defences in France. the teaching offing clasped ports might have spelled detest, even though the possibility seemed remote in the deriest hours. Bat we con picture whet would hue been the lute ot the nstlons of dem- oersey. We hove seen the Hun in his pitiless moods when the helpless werw'n his hands end we know wtuieraeltism he would have in. I1ieted bed he won complete Victory. The chains olFrsnce, ot Britain, even ot Americs. would be elsnking down the road. of history even to- day. Junkerdom established in supreme errozsnce would have been Juebbootiutt in our streets. German system would have instslled its governors in many lands. The ‘lsnn would hsve beeomesGermsu 1psrsdise and on Allied Hsdes. One need turn back only to July‘ 18 ot the prelent year to new the intentions of the Pan Germans. . It war on thia date that Count yon Boon, son ot the Prussian mlniater or, war in 1871, set forth the peace terms oi haleerism in the following lorm , German annexation ot Belgium and the ehnnnel wart to the tooth of Calais ; annexation ot the Brier- Long wy iron region, annexation or Belfurt. Ton] and Verdun and all French territory out of there forte. Restitution to Germany of all her eoloniea including [lac Chou. Great Britain mode to Germany each naval been and coding eta- tiona as Germany night denigrate; Gt Britain to return Gibraltar to Spain. to surrender in naval 41eeta toGernany, to new imam! the he: Canal to Turkey. ' Greeeetobe re-eetohuehed - no; Melamine with treatme- tUAsin and loosen!"- Grai Sum”. -_t;;|):jaf36mu’l w mm. an“! beintt a plainl- o! wk000,0ak000. Tttrr The Aftermath of War What Might Have Been bolo'te the In. NOV. M, ISIS THE DURHAM ELVIS“ b divide __ ONTARib" ARCHNES TORONTO In the light ofto-dny'n eventntheoe terms any seem 1 weird nightmnre. yet the military experts ot Germ-0y only as few months ego counted on a complete and crushing victory Would they have led the Canadian people or the American people? Yes or even the "radiel" Germans who Sir Wilfrid Laurier " London this wwk made one of his rousing calls to Liberalism. He promises when the Peace Treaty is disposed of to call athional Convention of Liberals to plan for the reconstructive period. Bring there on his 77th birthday the Londoners handsomely ianquetted the veteran statesman, who lands a remarkably vinie speech. are now revolting? has Unconditional Sur- render A British election has been called, voting on Dec. 14.90 it will be over in shortprder. The great inane seems to be the personality of Lloyd George and he has been shrewd enough to see an opportune tune to ask a ver- dict. He and his government will likely be returned. This week a great delivery of Ger- man war vessels is being made to the British navy on the Firth of Forth Nothing like such a humil. iation was ever seen before surrend- ering without a blow! It appears it was ordered out on 30th Oct., but the smiora flatly refused I Didn't want to commit suicide so to speak. 1. German armies to withdraw to east bank of Rhine. 2. .lmmediate evacuation of all invaded countries. 3, Surrender of 160 submarines, six ha tle cruisers ten batleships, eight mine- layers and iio destroyers, or upon failure to do this, to permit the allied occupation of Heligoland. Billiull Dominion Convention 4. To repatriate within 13 days all inhabitants of occupied count: es, includ- ing hostages, persons under trial and per- sons convicted. 3190 who 10!on to deliver an m- with to Germny. according to dictation. Occupntion at Frnuce and Belgium by German armies until all those condltions are met, the cost of occu- pation to be borne by the enemy. 5. Surrender of 5,000 guns, 2,000 air- planes, 5,000 locomotives, 50,000 wagons' l0,000 motor lorries. 6. To hand over the railwavsof Alsace- Lorraine. 7. In country evacuated by the enemy the inhabitant . hall not be evacuated. 8. Germany must pay indemnities for all damages sustained by inhabitants of invaded countries from Ia..d. sea and air. 9. The German high command must reveal all mines, poisoning of wells, pollu- tion of springs. 12. Allied mercantile marine gets free access to Baltic ; allied ships held by Germany must be released 3 German ships found at sea liable to capture.--Pioneerr 10. Allied prisoners of war to return home immediately. German prisoners to remain under allied duress. ll. Allies to get free access to Russia and Germany must abandon treaties of Bucharest and Brest-Litovsk. (Since Bingen on the Rhine has been bombed the old McGutfey's fourth reader has got into the war, together with other classical poems.- Ex ) An Allied aviator came gliding to his base; He looked devoid of worry, a grin was on Here is a Summary ot the Armistice his face. l His comrades ran to meet him-they saw _ him loop the loop- l And then they grabbed his flyer, and put it in the coop. Come tell us what you've been and done, they said with one accord, Oh, well, I will if you insist, he said, though looking bored ; I've been off on a journey, and I've come _ back looking fine. For I've been bombing Bingen, old Bingen on the Rhine. Don't send it to the papers; 'twill scare the home folks so ; And I'm not finished with it- I’m going back, you know. The Hunts have bombed old London and French towns by the score. And trouble's coming to them in car!otd I'm going back to Hartland; to-morrow‘ back I'it fly ; Until they're more than fed up with mun} der in the sky. ,7 1 They'll soon get all they can for, and, more too. lopine. Forwe'1luqrttmntting Simon Bin. gen on the Rhine Hisvoicegrew faintmdhoane, hiseyu beam to close. And shortly he was noting like day through his none. His rrsertmdes not and left him, and total Andpit 'nother woo dbomhuinhil Some Bings at Bingen "i,"J,rt'Lu,nouorueanoaiutiaea the sky ; She looked on banged old Bingen, and winked the other eye. She said it has been raining, although the night seems tine, . And some ones soaked old Bingen, old Bingen on the Rhine. Hilda Avenue, Hamilton. when their youngest daughter. Sarah, became the bride of Mr John McKechnie. Elmwood. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. De Rose of St. James Presbyterian church. The bride was given away by her father and looked very sweet in a handsome gown of white habitau and georgette, also veil and orange blossoms. She carried a beautiful stuiiker bouquet of Killarney ruses. The wedding march was played by Miss Mildred Venator, cousin of the bride, who wore taupe silk, also the groom's gift, a pearl crescent. The groom's gift to the bride was a handsome gold wrist watch. After the ceremony a sumptuous supper was served. Many beautiful gifts were received by the bride, among them being several checks, also a handsome clock from the session and choir of St. James Presbyterian church, the bride being a faithful member of the choir. After ashort trip they will go to their home at Elmwood, Ont., carrying with them the good wishes for their future from their many friends in mmilton.-Hamil- on Times. A pretty wedding took place on Wed- nesday, November 6, at 4 o'clock. at the home ol Mr and Mrs J. McDougall,21 11:14- AIIAHIIA Hamilton. when their Miss Margaret Derby of the Strat ford Gen. Hospital, spent a. few days last week at her home here. Mr. Jas Park is busy these days putting " In addition to his house. Mr. J. Robinson ot Allan Park is assisting him. . Miss Edith Meyer and Miss Jen- kins of Allan Park, visited one even- ing recently at the farmer's uncle. Mr W. J. Derby. Nissan Belle and Susie Grierson have almost tally recovered from an attack ot the "fla." Mr and Mrs w. J. Derby delivered tho following Red Crcss goods to Mulnck on Saturday ; l7 denim shins. 3doz tuuuikertshiefis, 1 seal- tetus bandage, " suits of pyjamas. 12 pairs socks. Miss Mabel Kirktown spent over the week end at the home of Mr Jag. Mather. Born on Nov. 13th. to Mr and Mrs Dan McLean, u sun. Miss McCracken attended the pack- ing of soldier's supplies at Mnlock last Saturday and gave in 45 pairs of socks, the work at the [miners here. Mr Elias Edge has greatly improv- ed his house by reboarding it. Mr John McDonald Jr. f1Disheti threshing on Tuesday utter a. success- ful season ot nearly three months. Messrs Bob and Arthur Wilson have taken the contract of cutting and drawing the bush on the old Collinson place belonging to the Fur- niture Co." and are hard " work. Red Crou Supplies shipped tram the towmhip ot Bentinck, Saturdny. Nov. 16th, counted of 17 denim shirts. 2 frannel pbim. 1 trench up. 3 pr wrlulets. 193 gm sosks sent as soldier's comforts. 3 pyjsms suits. 1 stretcher hssdsge. 8 housewives. 10 funnel shirts, I convalescent shirt. 4 persons! property begs, 62 hsndker chiefs, u stretcher caps tTotal val- ue of shipment $429.25. Next Sand” morning, Nov. 24th, there g,1,1tle no service in the Bap- tist elm eh. Mulock, on amount ot I Baptismal service which in to be held in the Baptist chm-oh. Durham. evening lenico " 7.00 p. In. - Pammttt to adj nrnmen: Council met " above time and place. Alt members present l the minutes of In: meeting rem Ind tatntirtned. "We, Tour committee. be: lone to report that in the matter of the devie- tion Lot 80, Con. t, we made en agreement to exehenge the road Il- lowenee of hill Ind eideline 30 to the Seneca River for the land of John Burn- required tor the aid devietion --Henrr Memlte. B. W. Ham, J. B. Chictiek." - Bhewetr-MeDoneld --'rut report oftsotttttt'tttee be accepted end that Clerk draft nemery By-lm with aid deviuion in View. tugeud. MttDoetald--mwitBmts-Tut B. W. ( Bum unwound build“ rout 3nd um 3min watt be performed a required. Carried. 't"l2l'tci'/pit'ltlt apt) all!!! of A Gun to am on“. on mod he ultimatum] out new tag (or ("the Mambo. Hoary “If. a.” lad A, a [0000.14 31.1} tot sealants! " who at! “my. Council meeting. November 4. McKEcHNiE-sicDob'mu-L SOUTH BENTINCK - mum” "in? god " "at“: an BENTINCK COUNCIL ttyme neal ABERDEEN 'ttttrtii-fhat Tho-u MULOOK Victory Loan her the Tap! 300 Millions Named, 500 Millions Mined at. A _ Almost M Millions Secured Amongst the notable victories these days, not the least is the successs attend- mg the second National Victory Loan. Not only is the amount subscribed in ad- vance of any previous loan, the number of "takers" is very much larger, and it is well that it is so. Not many years agol whena loan was to be Mated, Britain! was abplied to or a delegation went to Washington. The war shut off these Sources. and with some timidity they ap" pealed to the nation, and last year's suc" cess was the result. Some thought suc- cess was hardly possible this year, owing to the“llu," to the imminence of Peace, and some other causes, but lo ' the sum first named, s,300.000,000 has been more than doubled and the $500,000,000 named “atterly has Men exceeded by nearly I $200,000,000 It is a splendid testimonial to the finan. cial health of Canada, and it speaks in no uncertain tones of Canada's interest in, and attitude towards, the war. That it has been done with peace in sight. is an indication, that Canada sees the necessity ot providing tor demobilization and the reconstructive period that is just at the door. MeDtPoi-.-ytyro.rv-Tut A. 1rl digging ditch...... .. .....' Cytrey be pud $6 for let-l advice " Hun " Bo e Ind others, er". clam at J. Yum: ami T. Clark, Car. “unp- Cl, IT, 18, 19, Con. McDottald---BFon--That 3.W.G R....... .........' figre be paid $12 toe omtkylg) l 'rt,'gt1lnt'."lt1". and others, r notwiretenoo accord . war ' . ............'. law. Clrrlad. ttttt w By [Ed-Jicll. balm gnve_l...... Such a splendid result is worthy of the celebrations that are being held in some MeDomud-Boruon--'rut Pu. l J An Wright, formerly oi the 248th 1 J, Bumlion. n rammed soldier, be paid ‘ g 810 n he did not receive his gram tre 1 A tore going oversea. Carried. IL McDotmid--Bewitson- -Thnt John Carson be paid $12 tor erection of 60 rods ot wire lance who; to By- law. Curried. 1itutt--8uwe11-Thtu Wm. Fulton and Robert Twnmley cub be rid $26 for sheep killed by dogs In R. Twunley $1 tor inspecting. Carried. mustcMeDooald-Tttnt E. Iona- han be refunded $10.93 amount ot "er paid in error, the growl-u be. inginalndod in the G. . Railway aaaeument. Carried. Boritaotv-8tssmstt-Thnt taxe. ot Mn Lloyd and Thai. Noland-be “ruck elf Roll, Carried. Hunt - MtsDtmald-TUt Clerk be enthorized to receive all information re A. Cumpbell‘e chin end report " the non meeting. Carried. 1teDuata1d--.Beswitoo. -Tlut toi. lowlng "OtAtttta be paid , R. Melanie. re elnim of Clark 2 oo I. Ilene-lie. re Ion! adeitte.. 4 oo H. lemme. inspect. bridge... 3 50 R. Iota-Ito. re Burn. deviuion 2 so H. Momma. Fpptteiteruttn., 2 50 B. Metulfe. E. Hook’s drain. 2 00 John Rein. rep. ttrfdtto...... 2 50 B. Ice-Illa. rep. bridge " 1 00 J. 'Ntax, bridn mutton...“ l 75 t?ycc:v,..-...CT. t25 J. ll, Chittick, re look drsin , oo A. B, Currey. Ion! ulvioe.. 6 oo J. Brunt. Mine wuhou...... 9 " Wm. Palm. sheep “not... 26 oo It Ttttttc 05009 “not... 26 tl R. "-0.1 03......1 't?irlltlj','ill'ttlt Who Prevention of Spanish Flu Medical authorities agree that people who are weak and run down are the earliest victims of the epidemic. If you find yourself tired. weak and losing flesh or catch cold easily this should be warning enough. Take one of these ; Rexall ttypotrhosrhtt" Re xall Celery and Iron .. Nyels treOphos Nyal’s Cod Liver Oii - St a bottle compound MacFARLANE'S DRUG STORE R. Town Office. . " U Ending. "rift culvert“ CAI-BOW bitumen...... places. It should be a matter of tl, fulneus to ulthat Canada can do '.l done it, and plainly wills it so to by. The total reported Tuesday, and ', togohigher, was 676 millions. C): gave almost half, t330,000,0(X) “L about 8131 " every man, “mm; child in the Province. Last Liber; l in the United States figured out w jhead. “Inuit. 2 din Aovellintt.. l ( {law-(nor. , any: Ibovellmg 4 , ) :J.Bewiuon.2dcyuom...... .3 Q :3. Klan. drawintt (run. 3 .5! Fi. glut. drenatterto borae_.. a": I'), Toronto aiming at $100,000.00 I, ed $145,000,000. beating Momma tu3,00e,000. Quebec. outside" veal gave '3t,000,000. County Grey went over its big of " 000,000 and reached (s. Bruce County totalled 8.402.:M Wellington" total $1,400.000. Durham and d strict also pais iective of $301.01). by 'M". madam inthe County. ne, County town. While theindividual in manic moved by profits and percentage thin by patriotism, yet lookum regult broadly, one has to adn patriotism must have had its sha'. Iuycuesueh loans have a star. infiuerux for no man wants to 1 state that owes him money. Come to us for rates. B. “In”, 55 yards xnvel .. 1 C Ebonh. "with: culvert .. 1 A IoDonld. " claim of A Csupholl................., 1 JNnhn.rdund dotrt"...... 2 't D Inbound. refund doe E loath-n. ”(and “200.... w PtoJohu Wright. uranium. 1tl R. RIM. to Burn deviation .. 1 tt-itattat--Bt-tl--T'ttat Coum- ' ' “Intro so an: on Saturday. Dee, It It 9 o‘clock. Curried. New Books Now in. Come in and see them. PARLOR GAMES Fall Reading Carrs' Cough Cure Timber 'ii, Wanted 3 For \ -Baaorirod [lending Bolts --'rruck Tues JJI. MONK “new: "lit SALE -Akdttr Fence Posts or the children -and grown ups. if: I splendid remedy for the bropchjgl cough -iiiGrine the Fa ttdem an; infatuation. Cal-r. Tamarack & Hardwood at Ditterent Points .-50c u bottle J. B. Chittick. Clerk Flu. his fl IO 90 100l 25 00 (n 90 " In TM. ”and-y H Bit day and en ry tttted with water- hoon I tine N w: would ottit . gm d top: " all us out. gre, aw a big 1'!ch u. daylm we“ um mmey lost their named to be an”: t Glad-y Int Tito were held in our ch well unaided '1 service held Inr h “In ct the rp‘dc-u But. no: me thunkh out“); pretty wrl in; it no able to u an ouin zn (my: tst thu the " It prst the put. “to Leslie ol ( no Imp-mod twr lane! with the re wife to l’ncewll . day or two w. cicity of her ch11 mun. She v and Mrg M. Mel a time. Mr N next morning at: Iii. mummy turn him condolence gent, also totlo and family " l the loan ot I tint Jtto L. Mcli; This week we he! of the d all: oi . you vollokoo'n and bug this plate (on wu- " ' Review) Hang the h Wm “chm”. fort (or lay or Mary I “03th of Mr mm - ot than placei Conn, Cam mother and .ppeurunce and tuned mowing. We were Btedt In the eeeeEpr [ll-l. pours null t Char. MCI) lard-1‘s 1H2) Bxcwnsville , mom, pm in Charlie le" yo note from“ will hate In We un- n " ct Mr N M dn." W! iaeted re Durban homes " late J "A Mi L- I c Inch . I uh Va. questiur troat um- , nouor ink IOII'M‘ ' uwny und the ope-nu Mr Dan") -oetdettalli, of sickIIn-ss. shone mum dudfnl in her had during l an! is asst-n m. In G r M PRiCEViLLE AM) ttow l Mr Ru h tended th Dan Helm We were sh .wy grain mm to Mr Didi-III trom .lax River. Numb». um of When! butch to the nu “we. Jotut A Norma: MFiIHer hns pl qua-icy of 11nd m a II Pdoevillu and " n way pretter well I T ml lob '(IId like t wand him Mr: throwing or pluugh; Mr Thots chhn brazed in the " ateds to live ott I. tome debt on t tt to desired to h' " possible. Ma tttest intetts' u pynem ot in": -;king 1 willy work to let Mr debt [I paid. PRIC Death of Mrs. 30V. 21, 10 Ask to see Tweed Rail Far . Trio n m ml ll

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