West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Dec 1918, p. 5

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An Dunn despstch "" the Gov. eminent intends to utilize Csmp Bor. den in connecnlon with demobiliz oi tt and also in the hospitalization m in- valided eases (tom averse-s. lt is adapted to this Imam psrticnlsrly in summer. The onensive buildincs will be titaed in surfing pan ot the VI“ insanity of 'qaip.m.tt the soldlers '%ftsrine Mei in: them. Camp Borden May be Used DEC. lit, ms oy a War-Savings Stamp for $4.00 and ttffix it to space No. l of the Certificate that will be given you. Fill in the nameortreuGiiGrui"vywyt,,ttte,ty?f?2t,; mu Oift--the most desirable of Gifts, for it may wett _ “A " L..e.:.. " 'rhrut, (ha 23:1; "ici,iiiGeaTG GGk a man of stepping stone to th-B. The Certificate In otrerhttt your gift you could say, “If you invest your savings regularly in War-Savings Stamps, you will soon Bit this certificate, which become: Canada's pledge to pay you $50 on the first day of 1924.” "With every " cents you save you can buy a THRIFT Stamp. 16irfwttichmt aThriftCatdwillbeW foe a W. -S. B." "An excellent investment for and! Fi'tTrffirtlfffttt. Gerfao WM" SIR THOMAS WHITE MWAT “on. ”mu-d wwm'.”bhw 1:4!":urum‘unr! mm ll EfiEiiiEEaEi rile!!! immune for small and a Mr?rg mum: to I Lot No. 29. Con. 2, w. G. R., Bentinck 1100 acres, M acres bush, well-watered, tair buildings. school within a half a mile and church convenient. No incumbrance. Immediate possession. Bargain to quick pehaser, Apply to Militia policy of the future is yet to be determined, bat the. location and equipment ot the camp suggest its utility no . oeuurnl training ground. Imam [ilLvirrlllirrl "Il Farm For Sale James McDonald, Aberdeen "li0/!lliil'll) _ you We“ _------- 1rrTiiGT,iLrT,rpJi'il It is and that too msny cooks spoil the broth. Bo "tto msny budgets from this section of the country may do likewise u sometimes they they be luding on the old psthwoy "swelled tot yours sud sometimes msy he more of s disgust to the resders than s plenum. House: site: tending the Globe (which is double the use on Ssturdove) we come to the conclusion that we should send some tstuff or other to the Review again this week. So In" thinking I whiln and wish- ing we had the Ability of our country man, Peter Mehrthur (the Globe's corresponden') we could write on small subjects to a Inge extent. We ere personally Informed by e person who spent the whole dey yest- erdey churning (i. e. trying to get Butter) bat alter using ell hll strength turning the crenk for 7 or 8 hours. he geve it up for e bed job. And it our old lady friend who deperted this life meny yeen'ego wee in the lend of hnuermehing. she would soy " wee hewitohed euro. The old ledy had greet faith in bewitc'nery end we believe she wes e good christian. She bed no educetion. could not reed bother hushend who wee e good res der in the old highland lengnege, the Gaelic. reed to her daily portions from the good book end eftcrwerd she could repeet verse by verse of whet she reed and could quote Scripture hem Gen- esie to Revelation. But to come to hewitchery egein. This old ledy's mother some 90 yeere ego bed left hell drzen churninge in succession end could not get my butter. Bo of oonree the crew: wee hewitched end the butter teem awey by some witch or enother. An expert wee sent for end after churning for shout en hour he got. the eix churnings butter all in jlnmp till it burst the lid off the churn! This she and she sew with her own ieyee! We simply told her we didn't be lleve it. "Oh" she said. "I am tell- ling the truth." All this was in the old land of the heather. So to end our item on buttermekmg we would defy all the witchcrahe fron here to the Isles of the See to “he butter from ereem. Bo some other matter must be considered. Miss Jessie Buck. teacher of Top tshire school. who was celled home I week ego '0!) “count ot her father and sister being laid seriously ill with the the M, is new herself laid up with the disuse. She writes under ilifti. cult oireumattuureg, being hell inclined in bed. Miss Bleak like A dutiful daughter end sister. left to tube cure of father and sister and now she is laid up herself. But we hope she will be allright by the beginning of the New You to resume her duties again " Top cliffs school. We attended Council meeting of the Township Officers of Glenelg this afternoon and when viewing the old Town Hall which stood the test for forty years. it reminded us of a Verse somewhere in the good old took which says, “Howl. desert, for the cedars have leilen." The wells of the old building are standing erect but like the cedars of the desert the roof has fallen and crumbled into ashes, Those that occupied it monthly were kindly taken in by the good Samarium Mr John Felleise. where they were comfortably seated this day, doing business u usual and winding up the year’s affairs. We notice " the Council table one member missing, Mr Turnbull, who II, it wee and bedfeet. So we hope that tt gap is not to be made in the number of oititfaht of Glenelg for 1919. The " is not a thing of the past yet Miss Black. catcher. says there is I funeul nearly every day in Chea- Iey. Mrs Thea Melanoma, our dumb- not. writing from Rivera. Manitoba. says there is some 200 cases of fin m chit small town wbxch is only 18 yrs old, but only 14 devils so far. ht the note taken on Sunday. the 15th Deo., after the service in the Presbyterian church, to Mr Matheson’a call to Mono Mills, the vote was ul- moat anew: to have him remain as pastor i e (azure. M'asra Peter Muir and Colin McLean. elders. Were appointed delegues from Prieeville congregation to the meeting of Pro. byaery held in Ornngeyille unnexk. Miss Tenn Christie went to Toronto 1m week. The memorial monies for the lute Robbie McLean yesterday was large- ly Intended, the church bang tilled to its ntmoat. Mr Mathew“ ptenoh- ed a fitting discourse for the departed'! soldier. Beautiful weathet is outs, Excel. lent wheeling 5nd naming too. The R. C. ' C. will meet thie Thursday “he ,G. H. Gilkes', to peck necessary boxes for our soldiers in Prince. They will not meet again until after New Year's. Council meeting and tax day Mon- day caused“ quite n stir, the tinal meeting for theyeu. A goodly number of our youth and beauty went to Salem Hominy Ct e nry'ce am Dun-mic Club will give their palm!“ Play "Jonah Conn- PRICEVILLE AND LIMITS 7~i$$f PitittEVtLLE an: flOPEVlLLE ship in the Hall Friday night: 20th. _ Before lowing for the newheme in the villege of Priceville e nember of friends and neihg here gathered " the home ot Mr and Mrs Jno. G. Boston to wish theme pleasant future. Dur- ing the evening " addre- wee reed by T. B. Binnie and rocking eheire were presented to Mr end Mm Beaton by Chas. Kennedy end Mart Molli- hut, while menienre sets were L'r.T sented to Misses Mabel end Elsie whoi go to Prioevillo with their perente. Mr Boston thenked ell for the gifts and, while sorry to lee " the locality extended to ell en invitation to visit them in their new home. Meny ot those present spoke the sorrow oi the neighbors at losing Mr Benton end family end hoped for e plenum in tors in Priceville. The sddrees iol- lows : To Mr and Mrs Joe. G. Benton : Deer F'riends, - We, your friends end neighbors. have learned with regret that you have decided to move iron: our midst and make your home in the village, where yon will be relieved from the worry and work ot the farm. You heve lived amongst " the greeter portion ot yonr lives and we will miss Mr Hockridge’s store will be closed Xmas Dag. Open from 3 to t p. m. tor mail. Sunday will be xmnnduy. Xmas music will be tend . you. We will mill your and and nym- pathy in all our trouble; for so sure as there were tilfr1ett1tie, in our way you were elweye willing to give us whatever nuisance you could. Your genial company will be miss- ed tar your home Was always A place where we Were lure at a welcome and ot a pltuumtnevenintt'sinttsreourse and amusement. Your honest sud upright lives were to us an example to “go and do thou likewise." Your place in this community will be hard to till and we wishthu vou may long live to enjoy vout 'teelinintt you: in comfort in your new home. As a sllght token ot our esteem Ind Lretttion we would ask you to accept. these chairs. May they be n rem na- er to you at your friends here end our hope is that you both may live long to enjoy their comforts belore the hearth In your new home. To Misses mm and Elsie we pre- sent. these small gins as a reminder of the good times end associations , on had here. We hope thet the good things at this life mey come to you ebnndsntlv and that you 'narlive long to enjoy them. Signed on behalf of (Honda and neighbors, __ - --- . On Dec. 10th a very interesting meet. ing was held by the Saugeen Workers at .thtt home of Mrs Wm, Kenny. Seventeen ladies were present. Some clothing for the Belgian children. 2day shirts and 2 suitsof pyjamas were made. 3 boxes were packed for the boys in France. A collection of $4.20 was given The next meeting willte held at Mrs Colin Mc- Arthurh, on Jan. 7th. M 1Palllllllill FURBE Regardless of climate or environment, Nature exacts her toll of wear and tear on the system and there is frequent need for an effectual aid to restore strength and vitality. a systemic strengthener, free from harmful drugs, nourishes and replenishes the needs of the body naturally. Scott's may be used daily, in any climate, with benefit and strength to the body. Take Scott's Emulsion- it builds up the body. Go od-bye to the Batons SCOTT'S EMULSION We have gone carefully over our mailing list this week and would like to know if .we have made all changes correctly. We try to be exact but we are human. In View of coming changes in subscription law, we urgently ask all subscribers to seethat they are not in arrears and to those who are, may we not ap- peal once more asking them to rectify the matter at once by a remittance ? Many renewals are soon coming due and we take it a a great avorrf these were atten- ded to before the usual New Year rush. Scott a Borrtte,rorortto. Ont. Watch Your Labe'l Renewal Season us smi)ut REVIEW Thou. H Binnie, Mart McMillan. tlr-tt Mr D. McTavish. any: the Flesherton Advance, is busy these days, " he has been for some time. getting the machinery for the new hydro extension down to the power house. The contract called for the transportation of 65 tons of material. With what has already been transported and that waiting at the station there are 104 tong. In this, are three pieces weigh. ing Irb, 85 and ll tons respectively. The lighter piece has already been delivered in the valley, but the two heavier pieces are still to be taken down. The tratuporta" tion of these heavy pieces required some engineering. and the speed 1 mit over the road has not yet been overtaken. The pieces are twice as heavy as anything taken down for the first plant. When the new extension is completed the Hydro ex. pects to have an increased production of the power now . produced, ot around 75,000 horse power. Badges For Food The Organization of Resources Cum} mittee, representing the Ontario Govern- ment and Legislature in their plans for encouraging the production of food as a war-time service, has had prepared a Food Production Service Badge for awarding to children and others who have done good work during the past season. It offers the badge to War Production Clubs, Agricultural and Horticultural Societies, Resources Committee Branches, School Boards, Teachers, Women's Institutes, Sunday SchooAyubs, or any other group of responsible persons. at a fraction of its cost for distribution locally at public l, meetings In the distribution of these) badges the purposes are '. To commemor- ate the sp'endid response made through- out Ontario to the Empires call for ( increased production in the season of 1918 ; to stimulate community interest in local achievements, to recognize deserving effort in national service, and to encour- age a continuance ot the work next year and as long as the world's need ot (mod is urgent. The badge may be awarded for other services besides gardening. Boys or girls who have helped materiary in farm work during their holidays ; those who have worked with their parents in a worth- while home garden schenie, or those who have raised poultry or produced pork will also be entitled to the badge The badge a sample of which may be seen at this office, will beciierished in after years as _ a very interesting war-time Souvenir. Fied A Lewis, piano tuner exp-ct; to be in Durham in January. _ V m Hospital for Sick children TORONTO War Lald Heavy Hand on OWN. Charity. Deer Mr. Bditor:--. The tunnel report ot the Hoepltel tor Sick Children, Toronto, lurks A new record. despite the be"! head!- cep the wet pieced :1an Ita we“. The task ot ministering to the sut- uring youngsters of this province wss no light one in view ot the Hospitsl’s splendid response to the nstionsl cell " doctors and " nurses from its forces have seen service oversees. Yet the number at panama treated is 6,048, or 1,308 more that lut your. Ot than In-pntlentl. 759 were from 266 pluces _outsid? ot Torpntp. . -- Will Have 75,000 h. p. The tireless etiorts ot the It.“ made possible also a reduction in the average length ot say necessery for the little patients from " days in 1914 to 14 this year. _ _ A -- These results show that the Hos- pital hss again pull“ to the children rich dividends of health upon the In. vested kindness ot its supporters. _ There has been careful stewardship ot the funds entrusted to the Hospital. There he been "vttte-attnoat Beritrttt. ing-in every direction except where it would prevent the Hoepitel'e eooth- ing the uttering or shortening the sickness ot one child. The daily coat ot operation was held nt the lowest point which would still nllow the children entrusted to the Hospital to get the best medicine and the heat of cure. And yet so nigh has risen the cost ot every item in the Hoopitnl'l budget-in Inbor. in fuel, in food, and, than all. in medial supplier-tint the mini- mum expense of um; core of one child for one day has risen from $2.84 back in 1914 to 83.21%, in 1918. Of that, $1.ii-the amount per patient per day that the official Government grants do not cover-must come trom voluntary contributions. " . During the past four years debts were Incurred to the extent of 8100.- 000, which the Trustees felt assured would be wiped out by the public as soon as the wsr drew to its close, and those henvy demands cease which have been made upon the generosity ot the loyal people ot this province. The time hes now come when it is no cessnry to mike known the Hospital's dire need of titttutttittl assistance. _ -- It this 43rd Christmas eppeai fails to rally the friends of this Charity to its support. it will be necessary to mortgage its land, buildings and plant. By the bounty of the late John Ross Robertson that property bu just been cleared of debt for the first time since it began its, 1nfetiatry of been“ mercy. Little children hue [out 1 " hearted friend, and the province e noble beneNetor. It in for the public to decide whether " lite-work ehell be shadowed with e mortgage within leu than a you of " penning. What think you? Send your never on - a pot- eihle to the Seem-Wet. Boo- piul for Sick Childron. Collogo Strut. Toronto. luauhile the Charity will 'Carry on." trusting in your anon. . am . molar-ox. Chalm- ot Anon th-ttttns Production Service You will tUsd Toys of Mt deactip- tionl here. Toy Books and Dolls, 1100 Doll Cuttings. Cradles, etc. Also some good Parlor Games. A good “nonlinear of Btu-h and Comb Sets, Jewel Cases, Perfumes, etc. A159 a well-mend stock of Btu: Jarditiieretr, Fancy China, Pusey Cups and Saucers, Wood Trays, Table Beta, Berry Sets, Water Bets, Fancy Ju- diniezes. Extra-Wines This Week in Papetrie; in Fancy Boxes Bee our Ladies' Hdkfs. in Enveloues for gain! - (Something New) How about a Box of Neilson’s Chocolates ? ONTARIO ARCHIVE! TORONTO By thrift and industry the French peo- ple paid over the huge war indemnity of 1870 to Germany in an incredibly short space of time. .The same thrift and in- dustry. if exercised by Canadians now witl reconstruct and make Canada a pros- perous country. To achieve this end there must be individual vigilance. Watch food advertisements. There is always a best and cheapest place to buy any com- modity. By watching the advertisements of food stuffs in local papers. much can be accomplished. Merchants do not adver- tise unless the price and quality of the goods are attractive : they know they cannot retain the business of the public unless they "make good." Help the most progressive merchant in your locality by following his advertised prices and patron- iize him. Competition does more to regu- '; late prices than anything else In the nurmgate Court of the Candy of Greg. in the matter of the eu- tate of Norman Molnlyre. late of the town. of Durham. in the Court. ty of Grey, gentleman, deceased. Notice is hseby given pursuant to R. S. o. t914 Cap. 121 Sec. M, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Norman McIntyre, who died on or about the 15th day of November, A. D. mm. are required to send by post, prepaid, or otherwise deliver to J. P. Telford of the town of Durham. Solicitor for the Executors, on or before the their names, addresses and descriptions, and a fulltrtatetttertt of the particulars of their claim and the nature of their se- curity (if any) held by them duly certi- fied, and that alter the said day. the ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have not- 2it1ted the 10th day of December A, D. 18 - -- _ ‘_ _ _ _ " Hon. live,fob..... 17 25 Butter............-.. 42to 42 Bags " an 55 b‘lourpercwt....... 540to600 otsttmtalpertuut-... 5 75 600 Chopper tmt........ 30000325 oatit'smd............. 72to 76 Oats. milling........ .. 72 to 76 Barley................ 95tot05 Peal................180to230 Flourpercwt ....... Oatmesl pet-mt. ... Chop per cm....... oatiteed........... oatsoniilintr....-... Barley...... .... ..". Peas ...... .... .'... Goose Wheat...... .. Spring Wheat....... Full Wheat ...... ... Poutoesr..... ..... This is Toy Week _gqtrsiriFiMteseit"itt4br'ere (l; Merry Christmas 'l' Trc. L. The Variety Store R. L. SAUNDERS, Prop. ir,hnrr New Year in. wwwwtw Durham Markets. 2nd Day of January, I9I9 at Me, 40c. NC, 85c. 1.10. They make a nice gift. - Call here for Your Xmas Candy. Take advantage of tit, our bargains in Men's 't Underwear and insure Ah Thrift and Industry DUBEAI. Dee. 18, I918 Notice to Creditors If B'lc..-.... uwwoov d............. 72to 76 11ing.......... 72to 76 _............... 95to 105 .............. 180to230 "tent.......... 200 Wheat......... 208 "at........... 213 II..............125 150 J . P. Telford of Durham Solicitor for the Executors to all. GRANT l,' 'uqhett" con-calm!" m on. - Readout " all noun. b-tta." J. G. BUTTON. 1.1).. O I. BBIDINCI: “all has.“ d - Munmuumn Bore, 1e,Wgf, Tomato till“, " Dad-:11: um um 051:4 - vel- Jenn" "tteq ad on... I“. Post. on»; wf memo n. o s., L n s ons Jameson & JyttEtttt% cmcl H An-ttttrt' I“- HONOR GRADUATE a in... Unlvonity. palm of d 00” of Deon-l Surgeon. of 'Mat', I“ Over J a l HUNTER-s New“ lurker. Solicitor in Sun- COurt - Public Comm Mn. um Amoco-ont- to! unl- . mam AIL-Innhonmnn In. Inl- - mm ten-um hon-ado“ no - G Sete,Durtt-. - T.'?f.rttrt't== more. or new.» P.0.. will In "and“ M). “any!“ h o... MoPHAIL’ C. Mr new In I “when. ll lb I min Ceylon. Girls and boys who have been rail ing hard on the farm during the en.- mar should have achuue to in”: their education thin winter. Circulul free to any addreu. G. D. Feming, C. A. Flemin‘,F.C_.A. Secy: pit, Mention this paper when writing. - and Inch-onc- l'm wheel in tummy “up” Inc: will”. In ens-nu! no mun-nu- . “any. .0... to! lull Juno! hung m - Mn won. In. allowing “you“ n no In chug. t T508 A LMt map“. Ut Clan (m “Mann rum-1 Culture. In. new; Mame. Immanuel nod and“ MUN J.WE1R. B. A., of Queen Uni . abscess: Sattn,.Art, [Amer-um. ttoa, Ewing, umphy. Auden MRS. L. $035!. s'lat:; P'erld,1T,_ Epoch " n or!” On . smut-cu: mg. Gr-r, 'r,,'o"Sh%i. a (null-n History. Composition. - 1mm man“ would - " a. DUI ulna 01mm“ poulblo. locum- I... mammalian. Durha- In.“ mdeeOown. mung n . no" and. pine lot muslin. {new of theSchool Inn-um I. Interim one. The mums “Maw melon." and - no pun-mucous“ um pup“. have every fatM2r, the - "salmon no mammal: of - Mil litttBtlll, K. I. '.Aillt, The Double Track Route Mtaatee0ou-'t hm oat-I- MCI: o 1. P. ' Maura.“ 0 " i'allll'uaii.,' 3:... u Sleeping can on night Tram Md. Parlor Care on principal Day This. Full infatuation from my Grand, Trunk Ticket Agent. or 0 Elm District Pnuenger Agent. Tomb. Finlay Graham, Town Agent. Telephone No. 3 The t',tt,'1'htf, begs to mum to retidenta o Durham and surround- 1"il'1','t tli'gd !',tlt, tutd1tl'i"'if, prepared to has 'l,',',lUli'l,') SASH, DOORS. ad a“ kinda of HOUSE FITTIIGS Shingles and Uth always on hand at right prices. CBS“. Sawing promptly attended to DURHAM PLANING MILLS Also Bole Agent and Desk? for bun sud viclmty of the J. F.GRANT 0.0.8. LO..- DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL For intern: of M‘Mim-hr'm - "hm than nth all! M- Iuy to WI. Out: with n “I by on; (I Cannot h. " - lud No did at - 0.” and no (or you.“ Lironned Auction“ tor 00. an on Lanzhou St. - ' wupow. am' WINTER TERM at the - Thu-alt]. 10...; um Cancelled dining out urvioo. Imp: My. J. P. TELFOBD HEW FIBRE BOARD ' mum-v Laws: “9.35.. D. “PIA"... Ceylo- or to c. MIME. Dunl- Ills: is month In - between Montreal Toronto Detroit and Chicugo ‘._|'.. 7-4..- tssé-gg..:t§: _f,s'a,'fi.i"'_',.rtjil)! sag; Mi

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