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Durham Review (1897), 26 Dec 1918, p. 7

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THE CULTURE OF Life of This Delicate Creature Fro Time It Ceases to be â€"an Egg Until Making of Its Cocoon, Few ocupations seem more delicate and kindly than that of the silkworm culture. In Japan at First Hand, Mr. Joseph 1. C. Clarke gives an unusvually interesting picture of it as seen under the guidance of a young girl in a gray kimono, who exhibited in a lovâ€" ing way the various stages of worm life. First, says the author, the shoji, or sliding door of a wooden shed, was pushed open, revealing a dusky interâ€" ijor, and a boy came carefully forward bearing a tray out of many scores seen dimly on racks within. The tray was about two feet by four, covered with shredded mulberry leaves and showing the silverâ€"white bodies of hundreds of silkworms wrighing lazily among the bright green shreds of leaf. All seemed one wriggling mass at first, but the dainty fingers of O Suza San pointed to differences. These parâ€" ticular worms, two inches long, she said, were nearing their fourth sleep. You must not approach too close to them; thevy are sensitive to human breath. They sicken with a blast of air. They die of bad odors. "They take cold," she said. "Do they sneeze?" I asked. â€" "No, they do not sneeze." Then she gave me a sidelong glance, as if askâ€" ing whether I meant it. 4 cellent for this purpose. . Jn VH® way fresh air is secured wikthout a Uraft and dirt is kept out. _ _ Sleep at night with the windows mpen. _ The body replaces the waste o the day during&.mw aix plenty «f ecygen is its first aid. It takes thirtyâ€"three days for a worm, from the time it ceases to be an egg, to reach the making of its cocoon. With every batch of worms a certain few of the finest are selecâ€" ted for breeding. These are laid aside, and the butterfly is permitted to eat its way out of the completed cocoonâ€" which it does after twentyâ€"one days. It is a handsome butterfly, ‘but it never flies. Without any feeding it is placed in a little round box an inch and a half in diameter, one of many that are laid in rows on & sheet of thicik paper. In those boxes the butâ€" terflies lay their hundreds of eggsâ€" little dotsâ€"in concentric circles. and there they begin giving forth the silk in a fine golden stream that as it Nardens to a thread they wind about them. Heâ€"or is it she?â€"has had a grand time for a month, but that is the end of himâ€"or her. About the time he feels ready to come out the farmer places him in a lethal chamber, where he is heated and overâ€" heated until he gives up his ghost. But then the glory of his silkiness begins, for O Suza San or some other fincâ€"fingered, clearâ€"eyed daughter of FApan w illtear off the outer skin of the cocoon and, finding ‘an end of the miraculous glistening thread, will place it in a little filature machine invented in Italy, and unwind it all upon a reel. The eggs hatch, and the resulting little threadâ€"like worms are brushed off with a fine hair brush, placed on the tenderest buds of the mulberry and at once begin to feed for four or five days until their first sleep. They sleep two days, and then repeat the sequence a second, third and fourth time.â€" They grow rapidly, and after the fourth sleep they are fed for a week and are ready to spin. Peniy of Fresh Air Is Good Health Insurance. + Do nolâ€"close up the house the first rold day. The best protection against colds and influenza is plenty of frosh air. Open all the doors several times a :ay and thoroughly air the whole ouse. I noticed that the worms had ftinif but pretty marking of yellowish ; brown. Ever more of them seemed to‘ be working up to the sutface through . the mulberry leaves, and surely they, did eat voraciously, their little jaws elosing on the juicy seraps like little pincers. Listening closely, I heard a faint, low munching sound like a whisâ€" per of mastication. "There is one that will be asleep in a few minutes," she said. It was not eating, but was swaying, lifting and dropping its head. "And then what?" "Then it will be transferred to make its cocoon." _ Fresh air is more quickly heated than stale, hence it saves fuel as well as health to have good ventilation,. All winter leave at least one screen in a window in each room. â€" Cover ib with musiinâ€"an old flour sack is ®Xâ€" "They eat like that alil the time for five days. They must be fed with fresh leaves five or six times a day and two times at night. Look, here is one gone to sleep!" The worm in question had raised its head until it looked like a miniature contour of the raven ships of the Norsemen with their figureheads, and so it remained. "Then they die," said O Suza San with real pity in her tone. <a Then they are placed on mats to which bent straws are fastened. They climb the straws to the highest point, IN JAPAN young girl exhibited in STRANGE CUSTOMS OF THE ORIENT wAYs OF THE EAST STRANGE TO OCCIDENTAL EYES Persians Object to Typeâ€"Setting Employ Lithography for Proâ€" duction of Books. Mohammedanism is as much a soâ€" cial system as a religion. The mosque is no more like a church than it is like a clubhouse. People do not conâ€" sider it improper to eat or sleep in it, to discuss secular matters, or to read books or newspapers. It serves Sometimes the mosque sees even stranger sights. In this relation an American tells of a curious incident, as a refuge for homeless strangers and as a meeting place for the folk of the town. â€" On the last day of Ramadan, or the period of fasting, a tumult arose in the town where he was stopping. P Reeet PeCE ‘P C (negictered under the War Charities Act) to your Local Committee, or to e Ontario Branchâ€"Belgian Relief Fundâ€"95 King "St. W., Belgium Starving Belgian Relief Fund Oover 100,000,000 People in Europe Face Starvation You can help stave off famine and make profit f yourself by preparing to fertilize your spring crops, and to t0p-£‘eas your fall wheat next spring. Write for our, Free Bulletins on Crop Increase. THE SOIL AND CROP IMPROVEMENT BUREAU OF THE CANADIAN FERTILIZER AssOCIATION. 1111 Temple Building = â€" © = 4 â€" Under Allied Flags € Immediate Help Needed to Relieve Starvation and Sufferingâ€"Cannot Hold Germany Responsible NOW ! " e eeeeeeeeeeeeeneeeeneneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee e LCE e C Montrral Railp Star. \\Ke 4 ¢ \ \ z 7 metrnamu, waunssoay. octonan 1 ie i & 4 f’ = $ 4 w é § ' sÂ¥ / p 9 f f NEe] WHAT SOLDIERS |/> hx If â€" w I M , s WANT, \ is\ M e ‘anmzem~a ince C ~ { Â¥ hg Suxgcstign 10 Those. ‘::c cZp W T t ~are sending gifts to rr m J soldiess overseas comes || // C l3 m from . Lt.â€"Col. (Canon) * // a # [M | Frederick Ceorge Scott, sag 4 WR | Senior Chaplain of the wl | § | I First Division, in a cable Pid j | received by friends in AzMM) [ / ‘JlK,. | Montreal. "He says "The | *A W / men ;.'ant playing cards | ) 555 WR w and chewing tobacco." Es s f _i\ <apec t esc :‘;‘_â€", h e ~ = \ \\< ol t _.-â€"â€"â€"// Reliable Experinmrtal Station tests show that Fertilizers have increased yields of grain, potatoes, etc., 25% to 130%. The 1917 Report of the Board of Agriculture, England, records the fact that in a general report from English farmers who undertook to grow more food, 40% of the farmers made special mention of , the great service rendered by fertilizers. . A Suggestion to whoâ€"are sending gift soldiess overseas c from . Lt.â€"Col. (Car Frederick Ceorge S Senior Chaplain of First Division, in a ¢ received by _ friends Montreal. _ He says ‘ men want playing and chewing tobacco." i ‘ P _ Don‘t Iet it be said WE let k $ N â€" Belgium starve. Let us cable A P ‘Z’, mmMi| over your offering to the mothers ‘ RPW and children of Bravo Little S P Beilgium AT ONCEI Make cheques payable and send contributions‘to _ :. > '@mâ€"W nmglup Sood" __comes (Canon)y e Scoft, It might have had a serious conseâ€" quence, though the cause of the disâ€" turbance was absurdly trivial. _ _ . A man who belonged to the heretâ€" ical Wahabiâ€"sect was in the mosque while some persons were visiting the tomb of a prophet who is supposed to be buried there. These visitations consist in standing in front of the vault and reciting a long salutation. By the Wahabis they are held to be idolatrous. This man started to declaim against the custom and fttracted a considerâ€" able audience, one of whom, a Meccan Arab, a learned man, put an end to the sermon by hitting the preacher Nothing further happened until eveâ€" ning, when a crowd began to gather in front of the Government offices and demanded that the prisoncr be reâ€" leased. When the crowd began to assemble the American was under the impression that they had seen the new moon, which marks the end of on the head. The governor of the city, who happened to be in the mosque at the time, observed these indecorous proceedings and ordered the arrest of the Arab without troubling to make inquiries. A Strange Riot. Toronto a t 2t Teronto rejoicing. F He at once sallied forth to see what might be going on, and so got mixed up with the crowd just as the row began. The crowd broke open the door and rushed into the building, feom the balcony of which a strong lunged orator adcressed themi. * the fast The arrival of several companies OL infantry put an end to his speech; the soldiers retook the building and drove the intruders out. Reenforcements coming up charged the crowd. The people retaliated with sticks, stones and anything else that came handy. Several were injured, but none seriâ€" ously. us y« The troops threatened to fire, but fortunately for the crowd, did not do so. At midnight, the whole place beâ€" ing in an uproar, the Governor gave way and released the prisoner, who was carried home in triumph and amid general enthusiasm. _ The American had been rather roughly handled durâ€" e e e s o i o k ing the scuffle, in which hecould not avoid taking part. Lithography in Persia. Type printing is unpopular in Perâ€" sia. The straightness of the lines ofâ€" fends the Persian‘s artistic sense, and he feels that in printed books the character of the letters is entirely lost. Persia is toâ€"day largely dependent upon lithography for its own producâ€" tion of books. Naturally these are very scarce,. At the beginning of the nineteenth century a press with movâ€" able types was set up in Tabriz, and a certain number of books was printâ€" ed. The effort met with no encourageâ€" m;nt, h‘;;;;;;,-;;d had shortly to be abandoned. t raireie The same taste which makes a Perâ€" sian esteem so highly the great calliâ€" graphists makes him deplore the abâ€" sence of character in a type printed book. What delights him most in this relation is a well written manuscript, and he takes the same delight in the copyist‘s work that we take in the touch of an old master. Failing this, he contents himself with a lithograph, which is usually a facsimile of the writing of some fairly good scribe, and has, at any rate, a human element in it. It is hard for us to credit the®vast amount of attention that is paid to calligraphy in the East, where men of learning devote years to its acâ€" quirement and their best days to makâ€" ing artistie copies of classical works. Although this art is to a certain exâ€" tent dying out, owing to the cheapâ€" ening of lithography, a man may even yet in Persia become as famous for his writing as a poet is for his verses. A curious contrast is thus presentâ€" ed by the Persians, who cling to writâ€" ten books, while elsewhere in the East there is a rapid spread of type printed Books, printing, bookselling and jourâ€" nalism in the Orient in the last twenty years or so having developed to a comparatively high degree. Both Cairo and Constantinople possess exâ€" cellent printing presses, which turn out numberless books and journals. s Gambling in India. An odd form of gambling has deâ€" veloped in India, for which the New York cotton market is indirectly reâ€" sponsible. Five quotations from the New York market are cabled to India every day, and the natives conceived this to be a direct invitation to them to establish a simple but none the less absorbing form of gambling. The gambling consists in guessing what the five figures would amount to and the persons most nearly apâ€" proximating the right amount wins. So fascinating did this game prove that the authorities became greatly worried over the indulgence of. the poorer class of natives in it. Efforts have been made to lessen it, and it is believed that at last som# success has been attained by those who are unwilling that the poorer people should squander their scanty funds in this pastime. "Trus, men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly and they will show themselves great, though they make an éxception in your favor to all their rules of ttadg’â€"Emerson. Minard‘s Liniment Cures Divththeria When making pléa for a change, fill a pie plate with sliced apples seaâ€" soned as usual, or apple.prepared as for frying, then pour over it a thin corn or johnnycake batter,â€"and bake. . Te Pn * / 0 â€" . Te and is always an occasion for in which he could not What a fascinating little design for the kiddie! The fulness at either side of front and back may be smockâ€" ed, shirred or tiny tucks used as i!â€" lustrated. _ MeéCall Pattern No., 8656, Child‘s Dress. In 5 sizes, 6 months to 6 years. _ Price, 15 cents. An entirely new idea for a house dress, _ The belt and pockets are in one, being connected with the back belt. _ McCall Pattern No. 8637, Ladies" House Dress. In 8 sizes, small, 34 to 36; medium, 88 to 40; large, 42 to 44 bust. Price, 25 cents. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCaill Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. "Heroism is the brilliant triumph of the soul over the fleshâ€"that is to kay, over fear; fear of poverty, of suffering, of calumny, of sickness, of isolation and death. There is no seri?us piety without heroism. Heroâ€" im is the dazzling and glorious conâ€" centration of courage."â€"Amiel. Nothing finer has come out of this war than this line from an epitaph in a British graveyard in France: "For your toâ€"morrow they gave their toâ€" d&}'." â€" Minard‘s Liniment Cures Colds, &c. Sussex. | I was cured of Acute Rheumatism by MINARD‘S LINIMENT. Markham, Ont. C. 8. BILLING. Lakefield, Que., Oct. 9, 1907. Canada is a land of motor cars, holding third place in the number of automobiles in use. In 1917 there were 199,302 cars registered in Canâ€" ada, an increase of 47,705 over 1916, while the number of new cars regisâ€" tered in that year was nearly 76,000. The increase for 1918 is expected to be on a proportionate scale. One Canâ€" adian in every 40 owns a car, and roughly speaking, there is one autoâ€" mobile for every eight families. I was cured of Rheumatic Gout by MINARD‘S LINIMENT. Halifax. ANDREW KING. I was cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINARD‘S LINIMENT. LT.â€"COL. C. CREWE READ. SHOE POLISHES â€" The Wee‘kly ~~Fashions PRESERVE the LEATHER OR OXâ€"BLOOD SHOES r shoes neat ISSUE 51â€"‘18. Minard‘s Liniment Cures Garget in Cows Where‘er you lieédn honored dust. Of you be truly said: Our comfort is the oldâ€"time trust, God rests his own brave dead. One of the squad held out his right leg by mistake. This brought his rightâ€"hand companion‘s left leg and his own right leg close together. The off ser, seeing this, exclaimed angrily: To the Slecping Heroes. For you who answered duty‘s call We deeply grieve toâ€"day. You, who went forth to win or fall, Yours was the warrior‘s way. And now at last the dove of peace O‘er us her pinions spread. Our thanks to you shall never cease, "Twas victory‘s fires you fed. â€"~ Quite a Feat. A sergeant was drilling ah awkâ€" ward squad. "_“_C_-o;l;p_n‘â€";-r! Attention, company; lift up your left leg and hold it straight out in front of you!" "And who is that blooming galoot over there ‘holding up both legs?" A double boiler should have a good large base, so that the water will not boil away quickly. o The Hospital for Sick Children FORONTO War Laid Hea\éyh.t:;;? on Children‘s Dear Mr. Editor:â€" The anmual report of the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, marks a rew record, despite the heavy bhandi cap the war placed upon its work. The task of ministering to the sut fering youngsters of this province was no light one in view of the Hospital‘s splendid response to the national call 25 doctors and 43 nurses from its forces have seen service overseas. The. tireless efforts of the staff made possible also a reduction in the average length of stry necessary for the little patients from 24 days in 1914 to 14 this year. _ _ se Yet the number of patients treated is 5,048, or 1,308 more than last year. Ofâ€" these inâ€"patients, 759 were from 266 places outside of ‘Toronto. e Little children bave lost a bigâ€" hearted friend, and the province a noble benefactor. It is for the public to decide whether his lifework shall be shadowed with a mortgage within less than a year of his passing. What think you? Bend your answer as soon as posâ€" «sible to the Secretaryâ€"Treasurer, Hos pital for Sick Children, College Street, Toronto. Meanwhile the Charity will "Carry on," trusting in your support. IRVING E. ROBERTSON, Chairman of Appeal Committee ‘These results show that the Hosâ€" pital has again paif to the children rich dividends of bealth upon the inâ€" vested kindness of its supporters. There has been careful stewardship of the funds entrusted to the Hospital. There has been savingâ€"almost scrimpâ€" ingâ€"â€"in every direction except where it would prevent the IHospital‘s soothâ€" ing the suffering or shortening / the sickness of one child. The daily cost of operation was held at the lowest point which would still allow the children entrusted to the Hospital to get the best medicine and the best of care. And yet £o bigh Ras risen the cost of every iter in the Hospital‘s budgetâ€"in labor, in fue!, in food, and, above all, in medical suppliesâ€"that the miniâ€" mum erpense of taking care of one child for one day has risen from $2.84 back in 1914 to $3.21% in 1918. Of that, $1.66%â€"â€"the amount per patient per day that the officlal Government grants do not coverâ€"must come from voluntary contributions. A If this 43rd Christmas appeal fails to rally the friends of this Charity to its support, it will be necessary to mortgage its land, buildings and plant. By the bounty of the late John Ross Robertson that property has just been cleared of debt for the first time since it began its ministry of healing mercy. During the past four years debts were incurred to the extent of $100,â€" 000, which the Trustees felt assured would be wiped out by the public as soon as the war drew to its close, and those beavy demands cease which bave been made upon the generosity of the loyal people of this province. The time has now come when it is neâ€" cessary to make known the Hospital‘s dire need of financial assistance. _ _ imans o "ONTO:O5nee4 _ ENW.GILLETT COMPANY LMITED TIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Where the balmy yet invigorating climate makes possible the enjoyment of outdoor sports throughâ€" out the Winter months. POLO, GOLF, TENNIS, MOTORING, â€" FISHING, BAY AND SURF BATHING Write for Winter Folder and Golf Program. JOHN J. HERNAN, # Manager Hotel bel Coronado Coronado Beach, California °_ Has been Canada‘s favorite yeast for over a quarter of a contury. Bread baked with Royal Yeast will koop fresh and moist longer than that made with any other, so that a fult wook‘s supply can easily be made at one baking, and the last loaf will be just ms good as the fAirst. * MADE 1N CANADA Minard‘s Liniment Cures Distemper. # official announcement issued in Lonâ€" don on Dec. 6th. Tonnage Lost During War. The world‘s total losses of merchant tonnage from the beginning of the war to the end of October, 1918, by During the same period vessels toâ€" talling 10,849,527 tons were construcâ€" ted, and @nemy tonnage totalling 2,â€" 892,675 was captured, making a net loss of fimnngo during the war of 1,811,584. ® "A true friend embraces our obâ€" jects as his own. We feel another mind bent on the same end, enjoying it, insuring it, reflecting it, and deâ€" lighting in our devotion to it."â€" Channing. enemy action ;nd marine risk was 15,053,786 gros$ tons, according to ‘v e A fQUllPrlD*Ntirlg:‘]:Ei and job printing nt in Ontario. Insurance carried :x.uo. ‘.’a c_\‘ for $1.300 on quick Box 61. Ison Publishine Co. Ltd. Toranto. GE'[‘ oUR PRICE LIST SHOWING cost of windows glazed complete, an size. _ Malliday Company, Box B. 6{. Hamilton MOoNEY ORDERS. The safe way to send money,by mail is by Dominion Express Money Order., Frarce. Will sell $2.000. eut pain by our h« «s before too late. Co.. IA4mited, Collf Mix salt and pepper ten to one in a large bottel for kitchen use. ‘vzaxur NEWSPAPER FOR SALB in New Ontario. Owner going to thet amount. 'mf}f{ H.. clo. Publishine Co., ited, Toronto. ACHES AND PAINS QUICKLY RELIEVED External aches, stifiness, soreness, cramped muscles, strained sinews, back "cricks"â€"those ailments can‘t fight off the relieving qualities of Sloan‘s Liniment.. Clean, convenient, economical. Made in Cangda. As‘: any druggist for it e NANCER TUMORS, LUMPS. ETC. Put it on freely, Don‘t rub it in. Just let it peretrate naturally, What a sense of soothing relicf soon follows! You‘il find Sloan‘s Liniment softens the severe rheumatic ache Caticura Promotes Beauty Of Hair and Skin u'n&""ye.s“" M enc clmare o ass touchglu Cuticura Ointment to first signs of pimples, redness, roughness or dandruff. Do not confound these mnnt u.:lp" â€" creamy emollients coarsely rr_wd!utes._o(ten danâ€" gerous preparations urged as substi« internal and external cured withâ€" m uic o m l ow m l ty €0A 0 Cuticura, Dept. N.Imcta-.U[&A. Each Free by Mail. Add â€" M_D:N.IM",?&’:' J. H. clo I 5y [;‘i g? 8 Jt B% h@e@

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