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Durham Review (1897), 2 Jan 1919, p. 1

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.y. I . tiM l he Bishop f Huron has appointed the kw S G. Hardy of Londontobe rector on Durham and St. Paul‘s. He is young. "umarried, and this ishis first charge. INe hope he will be successful in winning 1m {and will of his people and that ttis uhun'h twill grow and prosper under his “no, Next Sunday he will take charge , , 1hr services. mm is being said chine by-hv nont- mg certain exemption. to the Cement “Min to be voted on neat Monday. q may like: "earphone (except when th y come one'a own way!) But this in a use wh-ch should It“ everyone to mu tea, Jun an we" to remember Mr. t yum} injunction tt Be good " you!" M " her 28th. Heappcarsinlm picture urnmcers on the an! q the Canadian Hospital at E'chinghill. Lyminge. Kent. Lnuland. My an unanimous standing-vote ofthe rreuoyterian congregation of Markdale, Rev, Mr Conn, their ”not was request- r-rl not to allow the call from Boston ' hutch to go any further. and he will re- mam with them. l good photo of Capt. Dr. Arch. W. Hunter. son of Mr and Mo A. s. Hunter. appeared in the Torono Star Weekly of Houses Wat-.--t will buy a wbod clhorsesin Durham on Wednesday 8th January. Found in Mir O'der special price paid ior good heavy mares. M. Segal, Toronto. Lieut. Alex Bell. who lately waived :13 licutenant‘s commission in England after athree mrnthf course. has been boarded for Canada, and is expected 10me within the next ten days. _ Dr E. Morell Oldhom. ayoung Tara nhysician. son of Dr. Oldham of Chats. aorth. died other a log illnesalaet Satur. '"ay, which commenced by contracting 'nfiuenaa last October. w. N MILITARY MEDAL --We are “leased to longitude» Corp. P. G. Me.. Humid, a Beminck boy, who, for trav- ery, has been awarded the Mllitaryl }E ”\E FARMERS -, - Advances to farmers are made . "I” m. a special feature by this Bank. 23: DURHAM BRANCH, 1051“». one 7, ___- than Mrs. All. Tucker desires to acknowledge with thanks on mm Ebenezer Red Cross Sewing rude the gift of 811 from Glenelg Orange Lodge No. 1192 All petsom having accounts with me please can and settle an I aim-axiom to get my books straightened out for the year. J. S. McIlraith. An important meetingof the Daughters ot the Empire will be hid in the L bury at I p. in next Tues!” evening, January 7th All the members are requested to be present siustrieq Fociiux-Ptrt of a stove front. Owner I may have it on paying fur this notice. i When your daily - subscription ex- I . :res, renew it than“ the Review office, I and take advantage of our clubbing rates ( than Bc-..-, rural mail courier , u as robbed of $100 in Starboro Township y three masked men in broad daylight. I New and Second-hand Machines fort pale. See page 4, colunn 5. I n 'â€" ty' ~ Gi' 'd 's _ ' .3. 8 . i I .1 t f. I cl, am u" VOL. XLII, NO. 1 dal 'ist-surf,-)'-."-"'""""'" .d, due to calve. Apply to Mr, Edge. One barrel of fresh Columbia. No. 6 atteries just arrived, at C. Smith& Sell. Pte. " Memo, a Hanover boy who was prisoner ot war, in now officially report- I "died " if: n, . st, rs" L {a 5:1 (rr at, 1l1l0llll BAN It Fog SAL. IT,", can. 4 and 5 years ' quwtly on Christmas Day at the a parsonage the marriage was cele- th my Rev. Mr McEwen of Jennie L. all to Christopher Wm. Wheeler of tlle. The bride looked beautiful in l u: wary crepe de chem hand em- n-d carrying a bouquet of sweet 'rrwCs" and wearing the groom's gift l nevklace. There were mattend- l reception was held " the home hnde. Mr Jas. G Marshall. when in‘ wry immediate triettds were r A dainty luncheon was served. u cre number of useful and buuilul aiming to the popularity ofthe n the town and among her friends. l' cu-' ‘1 W l "33; C. SMITH & SONS MB Barnum Trusting to be favored with your vote and infiuence, thanking you for past favors on many occasions. and wishing you a Happy New Year, I am, Yours faithfully, This year I Jot connected actively with any institution or business, and if elected, intend to give more of my time to the'interests of the town than I have been able to do in pa-t years, as I am a large property owner, and vitally inter- ested morally and financially in the wel. fare of the town. The working men compose the large portion of the town. A: ore who is prepared to pay reasonable wages to the laborer. I will advocate their interests on every occasion possible, ‘and will do everything reasonable to see that a fair and living wage is paid, thus ensuring a more prosperous. happy and contented town and encouraging our men and iam- iliee to remain in the town. DIM!!! the year hundreds of soldiers will return to the town and county and it is our duty to see that these are provided for as far as possible. As one who has sacrificed much for the war, I will deem it my duty to do everything possible for the returned soldier. The Town Council will be composed largely of new men and my experience for many years would be of material assist- ance in financial and town affairs gener- ally. One of the most important years in the history of the County Council is before us in reference to the Good Roads System and other important work which has been begun. and with which I have been in- timately connected during the past year, and I believe I can be more useful for the interests of the Town than a new man. l have bun nominated again for the position of Reeve of the Town of Durham and have decided to allow my name to go to the ballot for the following reasons : Wt yd To the Electors of the Town of Durham Ladies and entlemen '. Vote tor W. Calder The retirement of Mr Wm. Laidlaw IJ] Council life is worthy of comment. [ He first entered council in 1882, thirty-iive l years ago and though his service has not been continuous. he has been one of the 'moet prominent municipal figures fora long time. He was first elected Mayor in il89o,and held it for some years. From i 1900 to 1910 he does not appear, but later entered the arena again and altogether has been May» for 10 years. He is still to serve his town as Hydro Commissioner, We have not always agreed with Mr Landlaw in his attitude on public ques-1 tions. but his career has been on the whole a worthy one, and we may express the hope that in his new sphere, he may still beable to do good service for the town. Who died in London (Emu Military Hospital, on Dec. 9th. THE The Late Pte. The! Ichonald. Wm. laidlaw " Reeve lor l9l9 W. CALDER. l Reaching his home in Weston about _ Christmas time, Sergt, J. L. Stedman ', came up to Durham to renew old friend- ships here last week end. He was em- I played on the Chronicle staff when he j enlisted in October 1915. He signed up ' in Walkerton with the Tlst battalion, I trained at Cult that winter and went over- ', seas in the spring. He had been about ' three months in France when an exploding shell shattered the dug-out sheltering him, killing three, while he escaped with an injured knee and leg, which was struck I by a falling beam. After nine mos. in English hospitals, he was made a drillil- structor at Witley Camp and rose in rank to Sergeant. He was notified for return to Canada shortly after the arm stice was signed, While here Jack exhibited to us the pocketbook now well worn, presented to him by Durham Choral Society Of which he was a member, after his enlist- ment and which he has since ever carried on him. He went to London Tuesday to spend a maple weeks.' = PTE ROBT. LINDSAY last Saturday Robt. Lindsay reached the parental home 'tvot, of town, Mrs My We him from Toronto" mediate: in the mm: but: ion about three years no. training to Owen Sound It had been a pleasure to be Mayor for the two past years owing to the harmony at the council board. There had been He flattered the citizens on the good pos.tion of the town financially, no over- draft as had often been, buta comfortable balance and an interest item among the receipts of nearly 8400. Few towns were so well situated. Mr Laidlaw wished the electors the compliments of the season, thanked mover and aeconder for placing Ym in nomina. tion, and the citizens for the confidence given to him in the past. He referred as did an the speakers, to the happy peace situation, as compared with the past four years. Reviewing his career he said INN shly he had made mistakes, but he did what he could to the best of his ability. T Clerk Vollet was continued as Chair- man of the public meeting. Several of the speakers referred to their disappoint. ment at the small attendance only some 50 or 60 ratepayers being present. We are inclined to think that there must have been general satisfaction with the work of the retiring council. There is always a crowd when there are " crows to pluck. " For Trustees :Grant McComb, H. Al- len J. P. Hunter, R. Aljoe. Mr McComb retired, leaving others in by acclimation, For Hydro Commission: Geo. Kress, Wm. Laidlaw. John McKechnie. Mr McKechnie since has withdrawn, thus electing the two first-named by acclama- tion. 8 For Mayor : Geo. McKechnie, Dr. J. F. Grant, Wm. Laidlaw, Wm. Irwin, For Reeve : Wm. Calder, A. A. Canon. For Council : John Murdoch, Joseph Firth. D, C. Town, Jag. A. McLachlan, Dr. Grant, Dr. Wolfe, Geo. Kress, Frank Lenahan, Edwa-d Kress, Peter Ramage, J. H, Harding, R. Burnett, Alf. Redford. Dr. Pickering, S. P. Saunders, Jas. Lloyd. At the expiration of the Statutory hour on Monday night Returning officer Vollet had before him the following names for the respective offices ', - MAYOR Mr Geo. McKechnie is Mayor by ac- clarnatiott. the others having retired. He has had a good share cf municipal exper lience and will most worthily fill the posi tion, which, as it should be, is a case I where the office sought him and not he the 'i,trffice. We tender our congratulations. I REEVE i There is a contest on between the two lnominated which is likely to be an inter- Ieating tussle Both have experience of E council and county work. Calder for many ,6 years. Catton in 19l6, and both are vital- 'llyimerested in the welfare of the town 1 which must make its choice. Both have l agreed to have no personal canvassing 9 COUNCIL _, For the six positions seven (7) Candi-' 1dates are running, which is unpleasant, ', for the defeated one has no company. 'Four of the seven have experience and’ the new names are likely fellows to make good. The name as they will appear on the ballot are '. Firth Joseph Harding, J. H. . Lenahan; Frank Lloyd, James T Murdock, John McLachlan, J. A. I Town, D. C. More Soldiers Return SERGT. J. L. STEDMAN Durham Nominations Continued on page 8 DURHAM, THURSDAY. JANUARY. 2, 1515 With ‘hich is Incorporate! the and“. Leader PROTON . Old Council elected by acclamation. u Reeve-E/E. Hockridge Dep. Reeve-w. A. Richardson- Council-Those Robinson, Jet A. Fraser A. McTavish. ARTEMESIA The same Council as last year elected by acclamation. Reeve-T. R. McKenzie Dep Reeve -Alex Cameron. Council-S Batchelor, Fred Mathews), Jno Barnett. " NORMANBY Here Michael E. Myrray, once forme' ly a reeve, and Chas. Holm will fight it out for the reeve's chair, With no deputy reeve for the ensuing yeat as a result of a decreased voters' list, And Filsinger will run for councillor, along with Rich. B::rLer, Jas Booth, Jno Whiteford,Jno. Fischer, Wm Miller, Wni. Umbach, four to be elected. Mews Geo Binnie and Malcolm Black, i $330335: itnteutuutenmii,ergt,',' referred to the question of a soldiers’ that should haie been but otherwise memorial, and favored having a memor. . t.. '." ial tablet placed in the rebuilt Township ( every discouragement given _ Hall, in preference to a monument any- l, ..Manro/ W. best men are found on our where. This will probably be the mem- f Library, !'eblic and Huh S.chool Boards. orial approved of by the township. each _ doing good work m pence and l pleasantness, whereas the positions of NORMANBY {Council are: very often no Ueuing for Here Michael E. Murray, once forme' ly ; some one to fill them. There is a cause a reeve, and Chas. Holrgywill (i/fe,? out I for this which the citizens understand. I..- qua, -M....'- .L.:- 1.c _A _..‘..l GLENELG It's the last two reeves in another con. test for the reeviehip, At a quiet nom- ination not well attended, Arch McCuaig, who has filled the reeve's chair for two years gave a report of his stewardship in an address somewhat over an hour ln length. His opponent will be former reeve. Thos. Nichol, who was not present, owing to illness whh the flu. Six are in the running for the Council. the four now in office-Mal Mclnnes, Mal, Black, Geo. E. Peart and Thos Turnbull, and two new municipal faces from the north of the township, Chas Mortley and Albert Liv- ingstnne. A committee was appointed to ascer- tain the probable cost of such a building and bring in a report to the Council. The Council would then have aby-law prepared for this purpose and submit it to a vote of the ratepayers at a later date tor their approval. The committee ap- pointed to report on the proposed town- ship hall is comprised of Messrs Wildfang and Dodsworth of Elmwood, Don Mc. Lean, Frank Smith, H. Brigham, Wm. Adlam, Wm Vallett. The leading topic of ditcussion was as to what form a soldiers' memorial for the township should take. Contribu- tions to the erection of a monument in the two adjacent towns, Durham and Hanover, or to the support of a hospital were not favored. Mr. Robt. Brigham suggested having a memorial window in each of the townsh p churches to which the fallen heroes belonged, but the mem- orial which met with the approval of the meeting by a standing vote, was that a township hall should be erected in which the soldiers' names. both those who had fallen and all who had enlisted. would be) inscribed. l For the Council, five names were plac ed in nomination; three of last year's Council, Alex McDonald, Jas. Hewitson Herb Hunt and John Hudson and Geo. Fischer. Mr. Fred Shewell has retired alter several years' service. A representative meeting of the town. ship ratepayers at Lamlash brought out Jwo eqrerienced candidates for reeve, Henry Metcalfe who has filled the office the past two years, and Geo. Brown, his predecessor, who was absent owing to illness in the family. Nominations in the Townships the sum of Moo has been exceeded by 8300 a buoyant condition that has made the good pastor walk on air. As APPEAL mums RssPONSB.- Rev Mr Whaley informed his congregation a short time ago, that the Presbytery had allotted to his congregation as its share of the mission budget a sum ot “300. As this was 8500 more than Drevious giving he asked them to face this sum if possible, Without any collectors or other pressure GUNNER 10ml c. KERR On Saturday Dec,yist Gunner John ty Kerr returned to his home in Vamey' trom England. John was employed in the Dominion Bank at Uxbridge, enlist- ing last Winter and going overseasin May, He did not cross to France, as he was some months ill in England with pleurisy and pneumonia, though he was again in training when the armistice was signed. He is lookimg well, though he has not yet regained full strength. and Borden and going overseas in Oct. 1916. He was some months in France but he has spent most of his overscas service in England 'lhrough illness. His mapy Iiiendsvin town and district ate pleased to welcome him again, ingood health. BENTINCK For the 'above ream! feel justified in soliciting your support in this contest, and if elected I would have nointention or desire to seek the ace over a period of two years. . Wishing all citizen , My New Year Ian. mey.-_ ii' During the eighteen years and over, which [have lived with you I have er.- deavored to live as an hanourable citizen. I have always supported with my time, and money, all good and worthy objects Should Ibeeiected, I will give in the interests of the town the same good ser- vice and ability which I have exercised in connection with my position as manager of The Durham Furniture Co. tor nearly nineteen years. New and younger men should be allow ed to share in these honors of office. _ I find a strong feeling existing that the honours ct these officei should not be en- tirely monopolized. and the spirit of se1fithttetm so long dominant should cease to exist. At the present time I am carrying a heavy load of responsibility, and my time fully occupied, nevertheless. I felt it my duty to yield to the request of these citizens. I At the request of many citizens of the town, I have decided to otrer myself as a candidate for the office of Reeve tor the year 1919. as Reeve for I9I9 To the Electors of the Town of Durham: Ladies and Gentlemen ', On Sunday last, Dec. 20th ult ' the death took place at Nmagh, of Mrs Mal- colm McPhee. aged about 90 years. She was buried on Tuesday. She leaves as chief mourners, two sons, Donald and Archie and one daughter Nellie. Vote for A. A. Canon Reduction sale for remainder of the stock for the month of January at the tipirella Parlors Mrs] C. Nichol It you wish to buy Victory Bonds, last year's or this, or sell those you now have at highest market price for cash, call at write or phone the Review office about them. Congratulations to Mr Guy Kearney and Miss Mabel Middlebro, of Owen Sound, formerly teacher here, who were wedded on Naw Year's day at unborn: of the bride's parents in Owen Sound. Mr Gordon Barton of the C: P. R. staff has been sent " relieving Agent to Corrie. Mr H. G. Mistele spent over New Years at his old home at Rodney, Mrs Mistele and baby dimmer returning with him. Mr Eldon Runciman. Toronto, spent this week with friends in Durham. Mrs A. D. Knight and Mrs. S. F. Knight, Collingwood and Miss Stephen of Washago, are guests of Mrs. E. L. Knight for over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lauder are accomp- anying the latter's mother, Mm. W. Black to Toronto Thursday. where she will enter a Ladies' Home. Mr John Bell, who recently received his discharge from military service, alter training as gunner, has been engaged as teacher at South Bend school south ol Holstein, for the ensuing term. John taught here l'ast spring before enlisting. and tro much did the section appreciate him that he was given a 8150 increase in sahry now 8760 to resume the work. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Allan, of. Mon. treal, were holiday guests for a few days of his parents here. Miss Ruth Stewart of Swihton Pa: k, is spending over New Years with her mend Miss Jeanette Kerr, who had been visiting her. Mr. Joe Whitchurch of Toronto is visit- ing atpong old friends in town. Mrs. R. Marshall and Misses Zena, Janet and Marion are spending over the New Years' holidays at the home oi daughter and sister, Mrs Wm. Heughan, Port Hope. Mr/Wm G Lauder leaves the end " this wqulo spent! a few weeks with his sister'in Lorraine, Ohio. LBPJKBID. ""'iillil't, Rrrav- In Benlinck on Monday, Der. 30, to Mr and Mn Geo. Reay . daughle. [am a candidate for the Reeveship of Normanby for year1919 I will not have an opportunity of visiting you pemnally and therefore take this means of soliciting your vote and iMuence. My aim if elec- ted will be to consider your interests and guard them as my own In Township or County Council matters Normanby's in- terest: will be uppermost in my mind. Wishing you all a prosperous mm, I remain, Very truly. M. E. MURRAY lam a candidate for the totfiee ofcoun. cillor for 19t9, and herewith respectfully solicit your vote and iMuenee. I do not intend to do any personal canvassing but should you elect me, I will always en- deavor to advance the best interests of the town. D. C. TOWN. To the Electors of the Ladies and Gentlemen To the Electors of the Town of Durham Ladies and Gentlemen : sing. will not do so. I am "tufted to have the electors use their judgment. and if elected will always do what I believe to be in the beat interests of the town. To the Electots of Durham Ladies ind Gentlemen : Iam a candidate for the Council for 1919. and as I do not approve of canvas- TORONTO F, Packed in " wick-1a. Sold by all“ Store where Quality Reigns Supreme Oatmeal Crackthri S. F. MORLOCK Election Cards Once you have tasted the} of Telfer’s oatmeitjriiijii, will do as than? 0%! do, keipthim Kid 19:44 o business can succeed without N the co-operation of its friends and patrons which in our case has been most cordial and through which we have attained greater success than we had anticipated. PPRECIATING the part you A have contributed to our suc- cess, and hopimpto merit a continuance of your support, we wish you the compliments of the season and trust that the New Year will be a successful one with you. Tow nship of Normanby ITEI the near approach of an: W other New Year, we again come to our many custom- ers and friends io tell them of our continued success. GREETINGS B SRN 1 W mu w» J. H HARDING. llllloo Goods cheerfully demonstrated calling " Parlorc. d, T MRS. J. 6. MM Paw-bod Wth at I! Mon... 0. an“): t Bott Puts-u- , --sre boned can: (in vac-sunny Spire": Btay--the mt pin-bk and b item corset boning in the world~ - amen! not to break or rust In out put of corset war " v', Not Sold The Variel y Store a. L. swnoeas. m regular 3.00for........,.....au0m, All HM Trimmings clearing at ......lOt a See our Ladies' Fancy Collars It tPr, an. Reg tod Writing Pads......... .....2 [at lie Reg tu: ttkgs. Envelopes ....... ..2 tar IR Ladies' Dun Cape at.........,......., ......Met Special SnieChoeroutes, reg MK tar... noel Also a number of other Specials for that days . Pthttolive Satan"... ........ 10c per cake Infants Delight Smtp............... I far lie Bonny Bright Kitchen Clem-r. 3 " 25c Scotch Fingering Yam, 4 - only Specials tor Friday & Sat. oniy To Start the New Year Right we are adoring ' " 3 Spirella Corsets V Bouts. beau-r ' in Stores

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