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Durham Review (1897), 9 Jan 1919, p. 8

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Cttel m “a Weekly sGiG i Fa; Tho Bowie. and Weekly Free Put. foe omyan.....n............ The Bovxow and Daily Advertis- ufov an.your........................ Tho Rev ow um! Toronto Daily Mail and Empire for t you”... Thgpoviglnqd the Familv Ber. The Review and Weekly Sun for Thy BAOViow and Weekly Wstueus he Riki and the Puma“ A d- - Ion yum... ............ TEQBAnkw Ind Daily Free Press The Review on! Toronto Duly Now-(on on. "ar.................. The 1treiow sud Toronto Duly The 30th Inc] Toronto Daily Globe toe tYeti...,...............'. Th clinic. Ind Toronto Daily t your............... '?ti'.itit:,gt.gtt'it,agt.tp:ti,tgt, s?l':?lt?lt:.?ltjtgayiiiir,'i" gm lot t "ar...-..:..:....-."."'.""."..'. (all v-............:...:. Wald for "ar..............-..-.."..'. .... “avl\€ m we oawanon Army, founded on sacrifice, demonstrates the'true spirit of the Mach tor. It is directed to the extension of the Kingdom of Christ. For two generations the Salvation Army has stood out and out for God. It approaches practical problems in a practical way and achieves RESULTS. It cement“ with alFrovertap. none. It recognizes neither color, race nor creed. It is always in action, day and night. No organization does greater work " less coat. To carry on its great work it moat have figtarseint help, and on in behalf members of the Dominion Government; busineaa men and returned adieu endorse this appeal for funds. "LET YOUR GRA TlTUDE FIND EXPRESSION IN SERVtCE" ' m3 SALVATION ARMY MILLION DOLLAR FUND coimmz 12 ""’~"‘ -- --- The 1tr',lt.ftltt Salvption Amy, founded Care of the Wives, w PrPhaat, of Soldiers crisis is arising with “It 6653? coming year has been Prepared. _ activities, which include: Bagels for Soldiers We]! ceypd do, to, the The Salvation Army Igiiiiiiijiiiii"iir Fund wwwmwaxtwagmgffigLSTEmIEIADER ___ ,V._...._...-.. "um“, null, nosteis and Rest Rooms, providing food and rest for tens of thousands of soldiers each day. 1,200 uniformed workers and 45 ambulances have been in service at the front-in addition to taking care of the needs of soldiers' families here at home, oyuyhting t:: {More and orphans, and relieving distress arising from the absence. of the soldier head of t ami r. . . Notwithstanding all the Government is planning to do, notwithstanding the pensions and the relief work of other organizations, hundreds of cases of urgent human need are constantly de.. handing the practical help the Salvation Army is trained and equipped to render. The Salvation Army has for 53 years been organized on a .ncrifice and service. It is always in action, day and night. It has maintained Military Huts, Hostels and Rest Rooms, (bounds of soldiers each day. 1,200 uniformed workers an " the front-in addition to taking care of the needs of sol Oh. n-IA-..- ..-" --' _ -- ' Star. and hundreds of use: could be cited where sol- ‘cn oversea the been comforted by the assume. - the Salvatimt Army has stepped in to relieve their Mitt from dire need As an instance. I mother with is children is We furl. weather freezing. food Ind $tmds clhuutrd by sickness and other thubles. Thy are taken to Salvation Army Emergency Reeeir. h. Hone. Wit" and 300.000 gelding ramming i""-tuamukahtiriGiiatritCa%'rC'"a,'J.' Clubbing Rates Nation Army Hostels are Viwa aw m... and comfort oi the aoidier a I ttt places between France Ind his l In“; There HoateU-<rr win” t - food. dean beds. wholesome on!" price the sohher an attorAp, my. If th, but I Hostel to W, to. i's'ihlit'g would Successor to:G. P. Leith Wishing {our pahtns a Prosperous and Happy New Year, I Men’s and Boys’ Cats will go at IO per cent discount for any of them. will be tffeted at 25 per cent off reg. prices We are also cleatirg out all Sweaters at a similar reduction. The holiday season now being over, in order to make room for our Spring stock, w e will offer all our Boots and Shoes at a IO per cent reduction durirg January. A Few Ladies' Furs and Coats and Children's Coats - 10 per cent of on all Shoes oldiers Home Highest Prices for Fowl and Produce. . J. ARNILL “FIRST TO SER VE-LAST TO APPEAL" ml: are Vinny necessary for the m of the aoldier a the many stop- i France And his home here In ateU--or unitary boteir-rrovidd le v‘holcsome t?ttrtayttttertt n I yridows, Dependents and SALVATION ARMY le return of the 3io.tiiifaiiGii. "hhii"t;ii'i9et' prepared. A million dollar. must be raised 'ork and After-War Work of the ' - l With Geo. Lothian elected Reeve, and Nichol McDougali Deputy-Reeve 5 'd,5 I bv acciarnation, as great interest " usual was not manifested in the Coun- ‘cil contest alone McEachern, Swanston and Allan were elected, thus 2 50 making the whole Council well divided throughout the towulhip. The I figures are : T 2 75; For COUNCIL Allan's Dromore Holat’n Yeovil Mt For. Drewry's Total 2 90“Gilb. McEachern 18 " r): 49 " " 31: Geo. Swauston " 46 77 45 34 30 255 525 Alex. Allan 52 33 54 " " 16 186 Erwin Robb 8 5 55 " 39 39 I75 i 5 25 Matt. Hooper 47 34 36 2t 12 r s... 490 525 525 ttf; 1t1rtatitArtltr, that carried on Messrs R. Irwin, Geo. Calder and Geo Bye were elected Police Village Ttustees on Monday. 53 Years been organized on a military Ivan- in g...:.... .1-“ __, _. . McGyire-on January fgth to 25th Aura Peari Cuuire-on Jan. Sth, 1919, on the 17th Com. Egrtmont to Mr and Mrs Nelson McGuire, a daughter, Anya D-n.‘ 30h didUri they go? HOLSTEIN The Vote for ligrernat's Council. When t Ket.pinr the" Fagnily Unit Intact personal help alone is of IvaiL Consider, too, the my“ complex problems arising out of the we of ooldun’ “idea: and orphans. “m. m: up: numewnru-bound soldier is mmblinhea in civilian life. will you not help the Salvation :Army to combat the discornGrts Ind evils that beset his path? hen the Soldier Needs a Friend The Salvation Army Lusie provides the boys with hot toffee. the pies. chocolate. ruining. writi materials. and the spiritual eomfort whie the boys 'i',','h'Y, need. Until the lad humewnrd-bound soldier' is reestablished in civilly? lie, will)“ not help the suntan" A"... .- - - _ - t“... --.. ”an... The dwomen y, I" Salvation Alrmy on the; mun ' accompi~ the a parcnty imponi ' dischargcd soldier out JP,', job? They End Is the wife sick. the home-work piling'np. the neglected? They nurse the wife-, mother the wash and scrub. ls there urgent heed for L clothes or medicine? They are supplied. money. of course. but more important ia ll spirit of service in which the work i- I'M- without any general appeal. Now tin __ L..j_4‘ I . ‘ 34 Coming Campaign " course. but more imports-6t is" tsiUGi'G service in which the work " done. - ____, nu".-. uyy=au. now In: budget for essential work during the raised to continue the after-thi-war 7. a“ m - wvll yum; up. ule minaret: They nurse the wife. mother the children, trub. In there urgent heed for food, fuel, medicine: They yrs lumligd. _ [Lakes eeeee t Lou M. In Mel with Mrs E y In Perm tlt lire Tho C spent over In Chen. . .. The cem ' the new H b" on: has hir progreuin Mr L. B. pm; every . tor. Thu many farm , chopping d _ Mro‘Kilt Mr Jno. D . . Miss Am morning to Word ha: - per Harold _ ' from Franc ' “throat wh 7 Miss Bu, I ' number ol 7 " Yeat's part ' was apenti C d the wee an: , ' Miss Ret; " morning ic , ' studies " I . ' Mr., Willi : In Mt Pores Mr Linda ' Allingham _ Mi 1 a 193 Lou ' F Saturday fr 5 . has been vit . Mrs Hugl ' " ed her con , ' Monday be a . new home it . ' Mr and M Holat’n Yeovil Mt Por. Drewry's Total 91 49 " " 313 77 45 34 30 255 54 " " 16 186 55 " 39 39 I75 36 23 " 5 157 Mr Robt. Dixon, son of Jas. Dixon formerly of Yeovil, arrived here Mon- day from the West and is renewing acquaintances in this vicinity for a couple of weeks also. He has a mar. ried sister living in Toronto. Mr Peter Fiddler went to Fergus on New Years, returning with his son Arthur who has been sick in the Fergus hospital. We hope to soon hear of his recovery. Mr and Mrs Rife and children re- turned home the past week from via. iting triends in Detroit. Mrg Hugh Baird of Markdale visit- ed her cousin, In Wm. Geddes Monday before proceeding to her new home in Toronto. :20 Albert St, Torégt; Miss but: Hunt returned home Satutday from Wingham where she has been visiting. Mr Lindsay Irwin is assisting H Alliugham during stock-taking. Miss Reta Roberts left on Monday morning for Toronto to resume he: studies " Normal. Mr, William Geddes spent Tuesday In Mt Forest visiting friends. Miss Bnelnh Bilton entertained a number ot her tr ends at a New Yesn’s party. A Very enjoyable time was spent in music sud dancing till the wee aml’ hours in the mornin'. Word has been teceived that Sap- per Harold Baird is on his way home from France having been wounded in the foot when a mine exploded. Miss Annie Cans returned Tuesday morning to Whitby Ladies College. . T _ m Donna amnw Mr L. B. Nicholson is busy chap- ping every day now " in the eleva- tor. Thin will be good new: to the many farmers who come here to get chopping done Mrg Kiltie of Mt. Forest 'visited " Mr Jno. Dyera recently. The cement wall is being built -tor the new Handle factory. Herb Lam. ont has his engine there and wotlt is progressing. _ bata--imrred to hardship. Mn, Thompson and two daughters spent over New Years with her slate: In Chu. Drumm. with an Stanoby, is]? {rant-lg}: In Peacock. In Nelson who LOCAL Mo PERSONAL ioyrr.tile7iGiiui" 0:2 9tir tisitir.w ghe 57156; HE; ha been livipg We received interesting letters tron: Mr and Mrs bun Hunt MN Dtko‘l. The weather there was l mild, no snow. sun ah n'ntt brigh'h; ‘01:: lo and homo roamed the fields and picked their lie " until ubuuv thr. end of D.oelnber. Their bor Willard has been with UDCIOSam’s fUitstt squadron tor can"! mutter and the plus to which he is attached form" one of the lounecn an: r _ New York to no President Wilton (m to Fame and accompanied the "I I sell tltteen miles. We understand that Mr Elsmore Rum ha- leased the Walker farm. Sorrv torotte ourttood neighbors, Mr and are Durant but hope they will no: 20 far from the Bad. At the school meeting Mr Sharp was re-eleclcd trustee. Mr and Mrs George D. Hunt enter. mined some ot their triendsonOFudav evening. ad in”. A very pleasan time wan spent. sun _ Shining on Durham fair, While the Unitn Jack, the nation’s pride Floats on the clear cold air; May the venr whose udvent is so bright Scatter rich blessings round 'Till ought but happiness and peace Can in the land be trand ; Lone may the meteor " that floto O'er a pe pic free and bun e In triendship twine with the aura and "ripe' Across broad Huron 's wan. Mrs John Eurie yism d her giver, Mrs Waters at Kaniiwdrth to: Sun:" i dun last week. l A bright New Year with the golden I nu “ow Du . ts A funeral service was held at. the {socks came d Crumb-bank realdence on Sunday sf (feet over there Leruoonc onducted by Rev. Mr Walker, I Ile Wrote from and on Monday the remains were tak E Arm!" w" l en to Mt. Forest for burial. "till m the lr “I By her second marriage to Henry Tucker who died seven years ago. there were two children ; Dr. Robt. Tucker of Kingston, and John of Tor. onto, both of whom were present hrt week. Mus Tucker had been fading in health for a year pass. She married John Cushuie who died in 1879 leaving three children ; Geo. of Mt. Forest ; Wm. deceased : and Mrs Crulckshnnk of Paisley. On Friday. Dee. 27th. Mrs Henry Tucker passed away at the home of her daughter. Mrs I. Craielritunk. Paisley with whom she hsd made her hcme for the pest seven years. The deceased was I gentle and kindly per _ son, who made msny worm friends where she resided. She ms the eldest ole family often her melden none being Miss Emma Burrows. Five of these still survive her. She wee bom _ near Hamilton and spent most of hot girlhood m Holstein. In early chill- hood she united with the Methodiat church, of which she remained a can I sistent member until her death. l aim, and Class; Mrs R. Sim, 3rd Class: Mrs Hostetter, 4th Class; Mrs Rev. Scott, 5th Class; Miss Mary Christie, 6th Class; Mr Jarvis Scott to take up collection. Miss Rolena Geddes resigned " teacher of No. 3 class after a period of two and a halt years of faithful work. The election of officers and teachers for the Presbyterian Sunday School took place last Thursday evening in the Pres. Church. and were as fol- lows. Supt.--Robt Christie; Sec’y-- Miss Jessie Allinghsm; Treasurer-. Mr Lou Woodvard; organist-Os Ruth Reid, Mr David Greer, teach... er Junior Bible Class; Miss Jennie Adams, Infant Class No. I; Mr R. Sim, 2nd Class; Mrs R. Sim, 3rd Class: Mrs Hostetter, 4th Class; Mrs Mr J. W. Philp of Arthur, former- hr of Hoisteiu, called on Mr J. R. Philp last Thursday. Mr and Mrs Philp were on their way home after spending New Years with their daughter, Mrs Ed. McRobb. We are sorry to report that Mr J no. Whalen is sick at the home of Dr, Ellis. Mr Whalen has sewed in the war and lost one arm. He is still confined to he room but we twat he will soon be around again in our midst. The Women's Institute will meet on Thursday, Jan "itheat the home of Mr: David Allan Br. at a 30. q Sub. ject "An afternoon with some Cana. dian Authors" by Mm D. P. Coteridge. Selections from Canadian Authors, Madame: Boatetter,Tuck and Leith. All ladies cordially invited to attend. Death of Mrs. Henry Tucker Miss Mona Rice of Tonunndn and Miss Anna Rice of Oshawa visited at the parental home during the holi- days. Miss Kate Baird started Monday to attend the Durham High School. We wish her success. Dont forget the U. P. o. meeting at Yeovil next Ilondny night. Dele- gatee’ report wilt be given and other spake" ue expected. Mr Geo. Armstrong of Ventry spent Sunday so a guest of Mr Geo Calder. If Fred Dillon of the toth ot Egremont has cold his farm to Mr Robt. Barton Look out next week for new: resuming Mr Dillon's sale of Live Stock Ind Implements. Have you had the "tlu" SOUTH BEND btiea 6 octave was in good condition foe ale. Apply to John Melinda. Drona: 2 Mr. Geo. Hartley, an honored mem' ; her of Dromore choir some six years 'ago, with his fair and accomplished lyoung bride, are at present spend- Hng their honeymoon" amorg " 1 many old friends here. On Tuesday evening of this week the Ramage family were favored with a visit from them, accomplnhd by Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Drimmie Oar newly elected Reeve, Mr G. Lothian, wu also pres- ent. Needle" to any the welln‘n rang for some pleasant hours wit” music both vocal and ittstrtunentai. l, Mr Bart e) on the violin end iii/ winaome bride on piano werea treat i on either old or brand new pieces. l Mr and. Mrs. Geo Lamence were the happy recipient. of . flae baby boy since outlast budgeta few Weeks ago, Messrs Geo. Lothian and W. Ram. age. Thus Homshv at.d Miss Miriam and Mr and Mrs W. J. Wilson of these parts took in the farewell oervice of Rev Mr. Matheson on Sunday last ttt Swintqu Park. A comparatively small number turned out to the election on Monday half of the interest being lacking on account of Reeve and Deputy Rave oeing in by aeclatnatton. The re. sult leaves the Council more equally spread over the township than tor some time. On Sunday last there arrived at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Jas Lawrence and Mr and Mrs Nelson McGuire, n young lady visitor each who we hope will remain for a considerable tune, met over there even ittbe war is over. He wrote from Mom and W. Mc- Arthur was with him. John was still in the lr spin]. Clarence and John R055 wish to 'bank the Yeovil Patriotic mociety to' the Xmas bnxes which thee leceived in good sh :pe. Clarence says the socks came in fine as they have cold '_-s-___., A 7 Misse- Florence Kerr and Blanch Reid are busy instilling ideas " Nos 9 and 10. Congratulations to our citizen G. Swnnaton and our ex-zeacber G. Me. Exchern on their success at the polls m Monday. We hope our Cane" will find 1919 awe-um and good ye 1r. Harvey Grout spa able days In: week Guelph and LisLowel. ’ Mrs J. McRubb nod son rt Dnndulk uni Mr T U'quham of Toronto visit- ed " P. Reid‘s the pan week. ” MisaJooie Whyte returned toGut lph O. A. C. on Friday me upon. d by her sister Myrtle. Josh's h, Lays began sooner than she expected ow- ing to the premature closing ofthe O. A. C before Xmas on account ol the 'litt.' The Miguel Annie and Mildred Rogers ot Toronto and Annie Riceti Oshawa hove returned to their res peeling duties liter spending the New Year With their parents but Misses Mona. Rice of Tmuundn, N. Y. ' nod Nettie Rogers of Toronto are remaining 1 few dayl longer. Alter tUI there is no piece like home-eut. my. home in best. Mr George Bart'ey and bride (f Curievale have been the guests of V Alice end J. Drimmie. We wish them many happy years. We wish the Editor and all our readers: year at happiness, peace and prosperity. Mm Annie Keith of Toronto spent Xmas " born; tad tit. naccompnoied try her mower went to Golduoue to visa her sister, ‘du Blanetuud. Work done during 1918 174 pairs socks 112 shirts 7g pyjama suits 132 bandages 21 towels 30 face cloths 78 handkerchiefs " vermin suits 12 pillows 12 pillow cases 37 boxes and 30 parcels sent to the Boys overseas. Margaret Leeson. Treasurer Carrie Wilton, Secretary 'yceirrtr.....-...C.r.......a 771.99 Expenditure............ "............ 63554 FINANCIAL STATEMENT pn. lst to Dec. 12th, 1918 Mr Albert Mormon troiritre' West in vbidng with his sister. Mn Hurry Graaby. Varney Red Cross Report, l9l8 Mr Jun. Kerr in muting prep”:- tloy to build in the neu- future. mi. Ionntni ' the caution being to present m- Ilonmnin with a puree ot money for her eervicee u organist in the Methodist church. The Varney people ”with a men giggle qvgning s: the home of Mr In. Katie L Kerr returned to Sanford Sunday to resume her undies n the Nonnnl School. The Varney Sunday-School upon: I very enjoyable evening at the home of Mr Fulkinghnm ot Durban. Big. John C. Kerr lea for Toronto on Satordoy moron): when be ex Perm to get his discharge. with: $663186 11; 36:33.. sour-om Button-cl. Ilia Florence Kerr returned to - touching antic: near Holstein. “1.1"?! Leeolt, Mt NORTH EGREMONT ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO _Balance on hand 3142,25 YEOVIL VARNEY spent nfcwenjoy- ". with friends " Toronto, Ont., Dec. 30.-A circular is- sued by President Hanna announces that effeuvegan. I, all government railway lines heretofore known as Canadian Nor. them. including its eastern and western lines. and Canadian Government Railways composing the National Transcontinental lntercolonial. Prince Edward Island. will be known and operated under the nome {sum but mmmed wuh gold hoe tad} l black velvet. 'ths their return Mr nnd _ Mrs Lore mil reeide on the. gnom's farm on the 16 h Con.. EgremontJ The" many friends and ueigbbon‘ jam in Imbiug them along 3nd happy wedded life. [ "Canadian National Railways” With Headquartcrs in Toronto. Outs the immediate relnivee of the brute Ind groom were present. owing to recent heroevemeul in the groom's tonly. The hnpry couple left on [he afternoon train foe Tomato. the bride travelling in . navy blue amt mm pink goorgeue blouse end corn calmed After congratulation the happy company portook of o sumptuous wedding breaking: and conspicuous among mony good things was I five storey wtdding coke. the wort of the bride. The presento were numerous and costly showing the high esteem in which the bride is held. ht 12 o'clock noon, the bride enter. ed on the em of her tether. Mr Dau- gall MoCennel and In prowl, dressed in white silk crepe ae above and georgette trimmed with pink ro=ebude. She wore . [title veil and her haquet was of white tsarnotiont, end mendeu hair fern and wore the groom's gift a wristwatch. _ The common, In: potormed by the Rev. J. A. Muhuon under an not: of evergreem, decorated with alga sud Chtibtmll Delia. The homo of Mr John Mchnnel. Dromore, Ill tho "6rte of I prom] wedding on Cbriumu Das, when his eldest sister. Jennie Florence becnme the bride of George Thoma Love, fifth son of we late Henry Love. H_orse Blankets.... Single Harness.... Team Harness...... Sleigh Bells, String Pratt's St. Food.pail Harness ou, quart Team Linea m'....... Plush Rugs....... .. Clearing Sale E Stock Food MN“ ’&U‘m-‘< E Oyster Shell to MgMILLAN 5.233243% h Christmas Wedding 2trie TAYLOR & CO. Store closes 6 o'clock excepting Wed. and Sat. nights Be sure and secure some of these " an early date. Salts and Sulphur Calf Meal TAYLORé’c CO. Dromore' L0i'E--MtstMNNEL EARNESS Photte 3-4 on ii These are necessary for the stable ; may save the life of a velueble mime! and every hoof in your stnbles deserves the best. of attention You need this in feeding calves, also for young pigs. It is a wonder for growth and fattening. Help tone no the system of that run-down animal. By so doing you me swing a lot of Feed. We have Herbageum, Royal Purple, Bender and Cough mixture that has no equal Now the hemr will pay their way and show you . handsome profit, if you do your part. Oyster Shell supplies them with the necess- ary to form the shell and helps digestion. mail I " Yours . for Service, 1919 " 50 24 00 ts At Dromore , In Win. Hopkins of Saskatoon united recently with Mr! w. C. Caldwell. I Report of last quarter of 1915 S S ‘Nor. Red Cvou, Normanbg; to meet- ings were held, “can: attendanu 18. Wore done: 35 day shuns. 2' lull. prim-u, " tom-II, '6 pr. but inch, " pr. loch h it, 6 doz. per you“ property bags, '3 caps; 24 led lcoppeu. collection $18.54. honey sal .55 cu. one sold 3: co and ferriwv'. itrom Vuney L o, L. $13 86. Tots, $3.t 95. Packed " boxes for iu-u oversea. Cooling $13 oo ; collected L t boxes $32 60 t bulnnce on hand ics' fr trom Valley L o, L. 5:3 tk 533 95. Packed " boxes over-cu coating ‘23 oo ; col boxes " 60 t balance on he A quantity of galvanized iron an: number of tin boxes for sale. Apply at Registry on Iron Beds............ 36 U" Springs................ 4 23 Mattresses 4 00 Rocking Chairs.... 2 25 Kitchen Chairs.... l 00 Couch 20 00 Inna-ion Table... 10 00 Badman: Buite...... tt 00 Mr John Backus bu been on the nick list this Int week but at mm- (I with; is improving. In Win. Hopkins of Stskatcon mg“; ---- -. . - "Canadian National Railways," head [marten of which will be in Toronto. In ROM. Walker and tour children of Owen Sound returned home after spending the bonds): with het falhn I... In... " - " ' Vouett. It Wanna-i “nth; ia; Smith . All omen are requested to use thc. 'tarneanditiedeaimtge that the puhix. and railway connections adopt at um. this new title in their business relation. with the Canadian National Railway a. With the resolution to imprm t' yourself during mm. Our Counc- Irc thorough . Our instructors are upcnem-m; Our 01mm" Ire in demanc: Our Winter Term opens Jun. 6th Our Catalog in free on request Central Business College Station! and Mount Forest Start The W. P, NORTH-EAST NORMA NBY taxation: JPettr "fiTkeriiii Alina JAN. 9. 1919 Only " per lb S .ofKnox meet this New Year u oo 4 25 4 00 , 25 Of In Alex John Kelly. 7nd amR " " VOL. li "' '0 " " “I I! NTHI u M a

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