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Durham Review (1897), 16 Jan 1919, p. 8

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Fl .'"'"""'"J'-"-"er. -..-ia-it ThoRovicw and tho F-milv Ber. dd Ind Weekly Star for 1 ya: Tho Mia. and Weekly Flu has for onoyaa................... Tho Rum: and Daily Adrerrtis. "toe o"""........................ The Bow aw 1qu Toronto Daily I.“ Ind Emma " I you...... The Breim. Ind Toronto Daity gm foe I "ar....................... The 30th and Wotkly Sun foe Tho-Buic- u-d Toronto Now-1m on. "v........, The RE}: Giriii; iiiiii,ririii: you“ for I you... . . ....-...... Tho lioviov Ind Daily Fro. Pm. The lavitv and Toronto Nily Globe toe ty-....,..............:. , be Bun u n 1) Toronto Daily World tor P"..................... The Review 1nd Weekly Witness I "Br.................. fort "ar............ to"! mun..." Mr Tomato Ind Ontario: _Treuum -.trnt ”HERD WALKER IAHES ':'i,ttat:atiatnt..ep:at.at, svat,sutisare.sii _ -_ -_-_.- u...» v: Lu: IOIOICI'S' ununl‘ 1 AND PERSONAL needs-needs that are imperative. It has never made a general appeal for funds to carry on this work until now. Give and give liberally. If you are not certain that your contribution will be taken up by a canvasser, send it direct to the Hon. Treasurer, Sir Edmund Walker, "oronto-subacriptions will be acknowledged 8!88tNtlNttttttNttttt8t 10 per cent of The Salvation Army is equipp1 URGENT AND PERSONAL The Salvation Army Million "nt- --i_---, f Dollar Fund Soldiers Home Clutbirg Rates What the Salvation Army Has Done It has Provided comforts for fighting men since the twelfth day of the War. Hundreds of thousands of parcels of food and clothing for the boys. Tens of thousands of beds in Hostels in daily use in France, England and Canada. 197 Huts for Soldiers. 1.200 uniformed workers. " ambulances. Thousands of War widows cared for. Looked after tsoldiers' families. Labored for the Master. Helped to preserve the home ties. Given the MOTHER touch to lonely men. Successor toLG. P. Leith vvcl were and over here, so that they in body and soul, contented that we at What sacrifice can we make for the bt thing for us? It is absolutely necessary over there and over here, Men’s and Boys' Cars will go at per cent discount for any of them. Wishing {cut-pawns will be tffeted at 26 per cent off reg. prices A Few Ladies' Furs and Coats and Children's Coats The hoh'day scan!) now being over, in order to make rot m for our Spring "all, " will ttfer all our Bot ts and blres at a 10 per ctnt uductz} c (Bum; Jammy). We are also mm: g out all Sweaters at a similar reduction. MAIL YOUR CONTRIBUTION TO ONE OF OR TO COMMISSIONER RICHARDS, 20 ‘_-..--., .u. a"%B4M6"M,4 W8 ""o-suDacrtptions will be acknowledged. "God loved a cheerful giver" SALVATION ARMY MILLION DOLLAR FUND COMMITTEE Headquarters: We nun-nun"... Highest Prices for Fowl and Produce "nun-nun... . J. ARNILL MUST provide for the need of the Soldier and his family! Duly r'pamns a Prosperous and Happy New Year, January necessary to ensure 525 525 275 250 _ , ‘I' H w. 585 4e0 525 525 equipped aryl organized to passed the nauel mtdingis. The blanks were filled in with the nemee W W Remus and W. J. McDougell. "ltsrriruseried in by-lew $12 nah. By-lew No 355 for the eppointmen: of- member of the Bd of Heelth we; duly passed. The name of an, 11.] McDoagell wu Inserted In by-hor. The members of the Bd. of Health for 1919 ere " follows ; De Sneelh, M. o. H., she Reeve end Jen H. Me- Doug-ll. mth the Clerk as Secy JAMES iiri:iitiii'Gii"' Bank of ComrchLJohn,N.‘$ Council met Jon. 18th, the follow. ing members being present and Imp. ing taken the oubaonbod And necess. or, dean-lions ot tpuUithsatton and oeus, took their salts as members of the Council for 1919. Reeve. Geo. Lothian ; Dep. Raovo. Nichol Me Dougall ; Councillors, Alex Allan, (lllbert McEachern Ind Geo C Swan- "on. By!" No, Keep the Hostels open and open more, so fighting men that every returning soldier can get a clean Nae. bed and wholesome meals " a price he Tels of food can afford to par. t Hostels m Provide comforts and safeguards for our ttttd Canada. boys, advancing into Germany, as well as those coming home and needing a place to eat and sleep. in Halifax, St. John, Quebec, ed for. Montreal. Kingston, Toronto. London, Chatham, Winnipeg or Vancouver. ties. Guide and assist soldiers' families, especially lonely men. the widows and orphans. - all Shoes EGREMONT COUNCIL I!!! - Brunswick t ‘. IVA to appoint "ditom HOLSTEIN certain safeguards and comforts to our boys EV man In- ..- -_A_Lu,y . . _ - - - -"'---_- -.. - van UV,’ ey may be re-established in Canada, strong at home have stood by them to the finish. boys who were prepared to sacrifice every- What Remains to be Done OF THE TREASURERS BELOW, ». 20 ALBERT ST., TORONTO Coming Campaign 19th to 25th ' ' take cart of the soldiers' Treasurer Nova Scotin: DONALD MacGILLIVRAY Bank of Commerce, Halifax, NS, M u n '1 Drsir tii, Ji." 1.80 o'clock p m. c, "-._.-. vita" , uuuuuulura pay sheen $15 ; J MoGuth use of council room $2. Carried Council adjourned to meet Feb. 11 at 10 o'clock I. m. for general busi- IPI and as a Court of Reylsiun on I McEaourn-. McDougIll - The: ‘Mun'l Drainage By-low No. 1 A, be now read I first and second time and the by-hor shell be published by set- yioe according to Section 25 of the Municipal Drainage Act and the Clerk shall perform Blld service. Carried McDougull - McEnohern - That the following sects be paid ; J. Brown W Leith, W H Rogers, c. Molnuee. IJ. McLechlan and P. Keith. undo}! ; Jud expenses as D. R. o. $9.50 cool); Alt. Philp. use of lull nomination meeting $i ; Clerks regti'trtatton of B,, M. & Du $19.40 ; Man'l World $10; W Allan, sheep killed and injured $50; 8. Patterson inep. sheep $1 ; C Ramage & Son. printing att'tst 326: J hteArthur.trxpemG to meeting in Durham $4.25 ; Councillors pay .L-n.a1r I u n _. - $1fii, also mom $14.41. I McEnobern - Allan-That the Reeve investigote the correspondence ‘re Robb fence and report to Canon l " next meeting. Carried Allan-.. Swoneton ==That Walter Smith be refunded $8 poll tax on oo- coupv. of being . taxpayer in town of Mt Forest. Carried Come McDongoll reported John Dory gruelling Es" and Proton I. L. M.trptmgair-amihsarn-1tut the Clerk be instructed to order7oopies ofuunioipnl World and 6 copies of Man'l Act. for members of Council. Carried. ma U and co Kenya sid,lm,, Wrs't Lu 0. ts. Bond um tooth to Mt Forest ; Div. No. 2, Com'r McDaugall arm's 10-12 and west half of can 14 to blind lune. Con'a l2 and 18 and Culder’s exdrlme to o. ti. Road south of Halle any}! sideline inclusne ; Div. No. ll. Etys2 Swwston, the and; “vast quar- wr of Township divuhog a’ “be blind limo between the 12m & 13'!) con's running an! end we» to 10A side- ‘line ; Div. No. d, Com'r Allan, the northwest gamer of the Tp consisting of Game 16.18-20~22 to o. 3. Road, lOth sideline inclusive. Carried The Clerk repor'od having received from J A. Ferguson, Co. Rd. overseer. the sum of $12 M In payment of tile received from township. illf,,,f,?,,,,llefi1rllii1tir, Liiiijiiiii=ii=i H DAVID ALLAN, Clerk a -o - unugnuvuu J. u. gravel supplied 66c ; Court Yopens u An ertttutsimrie meeting of Yeovil Grange was held on Monday owning last in their hall there, the object be. ing to hear the reports ot the dele- aueo to the U. K. o. Convention rucenvly he'd in anumo and also to h Ir Mr John Philp " Ho rein Bet (nth the. aims and object of the new Fa mars‘ Daily pnppr which “sought t; be eatatt ishc d. He spoke " some‘ length, and dilinhnred literntnre re hung thereto. A woe in: llkun with nniv two distention bind! held Ipint i8 Lime urn out, to in“ Mr Gs. M Allan is busy u prenent getting one timber tor his new. blrn which he intends ereetintt this sum mer and has Mr Lorne Allan unis:- mg. Real estate change»: Mr Thou. int. rison has recently b. ugnuche 50 nerve across the road, econ; ied ty Mr Peter Daley, on Con. 21, Mr Daley in tum having bought Mr Tim. Brown's 100 Icrefnrm lot 7, con. 20. Jan. 13, 1919 I beg leave to thank the elec- tors of the Township of Egremont for their hearty support in the recent election. GEO. C. _8WANSTON, Holstein R, R. No. l Anniversary Services in the Methodist Church will be held on Sunday, Jan. 26. Rev. Mr Wren M. A. of Mt Forest, will conduct the services. Those who heard Rev. Wren last year will remem- ber him as a wonderful 'speaker, his message being one of power. 1 ’ Sorrow is expiessed and deep sympathy is extended to Mr Wm Dickson and family in the death of Russel, their youngest son and brother who died Tuesday morn- ing of last Week from pneumonia following influenza. l Mr and Mrs Shoes moved their household effects on Tuesday to Hanover where Mr Show has a position in the Furniture Factory as a varnisher. Mrs Petrie and Miss Anna Carrs visited Mrs Eedy in Har- riston recently. Mr Geo. Leith received word on Monday that his brother-in- law, Mr Thos. Knox had died in Guelph. The remains were brought to Holstein by G. T. R. and taken to Swinton Park for burial. Mr Wm. Tyndall, formerly of Letter Breen, has purchased Mr John Leith’s farm' adjoining the village. Possession to be given the first of March. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed this Sab- bath in the Pres. Church. Pre- paratory service will be held on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. The ,ourdpeopie are enjoying themselves these nights skating on the mill dam. The cement foundation for the new handle factory is completed and they are now building the walls. We wish them good wea- ther, good success, and lots of teams willing to haul gravel. Mr Wm. Cockburn was unfor- tunate the past week when both a horse and a valuable pig died. Mr Wm. Great has purchased the Latter Day Saints church and sheds on the 12th con. Miss Ross returned home the end of the week from Detroit, where she had spent a month visiting her sister. Rev. Mr Lovegrove, Messrs Wes. and Melville Hunt, were initiated into the Orange Lodge Monday night. . Miss Ross returned home the os..." A! 1' . A Mr R, Irwin had a wood-bee on Tuesday. John Mith had his buzz-saw there and about 25 cords of wood were out. Mr Geo Burrows visited his sister at Riverview the past week Miss Edna Hamilton is visit- ing relatives in Toronto. Several members of 2296 attended the Distri ing of that Order in Mt on Tuesday. - M r David Allan has had a tele-. phone installed. His line and ring is 24--33. The new books in the Library are ready for circulation. The list will be published next week. NORTH EGREMON T Mr Erie Sharp is spending two weeks in Guelph where he in ta- king a course in "oek-iudtrimr. The new Council for 1919 held their first meeting on Monday with all the members present. Miss Sadie Hamilton returned home on Monday night from Lis- towel where she has been visiting her sister. l Card of Thanks _Lp‘cAL juiiEiiii"iriiii' mmo REVIEW District nick: . Forest Fred l. Dillon, o. McPhail. . l Pigs-t big Yorkshire brood sows. It suckers Just ready to wean, 16 fattening hogs if not previously sold. Aquantity of Plymouth Rock Hens. I _ . . ' .; Implements, etc r-iWtssey Harris Bin. t ) der, Massey-Harris Mower new. hay I rake nearly new, manure spreader nearly , l new. hay loader nearly new, wagon with “shelving. box and seat nearly new, lwagon with both high and low wheels," ‘Zset boh sleighs, steel roller 9 ft, disc ' harrow. set iron barrows. 2 furrow wall. (ing plow Verity, 2 single furrow walking 1 l plows Fleury, 2 top buggies one nearly I new, cutter nearly new. new: harvester", ' revolving rake. 3 horse "iff-tro'h cultiv.n later. turnip sewer. Muffler, l3 hoe Mas-i Hey-Harris drill, fanning mill, turnip' lpulper. l2 Inch_Burr stone chopper, big [straw cutter with carrier, jack, long 4 inch leather belt set double harness, ht t plow harness. 2 sets six ale harness hay rack, stock rack, wood rack, wheelbarrow stoneboat. sugar kett'e. crosscut saw. and all the small atuif ususally found [ around a farm. I A quantity of Household Goods will ‘also be sold. also all Dairy Utensils. in. cluding a No. " DeLavsl cream Separ~ ator. A quantity of extra choice potatoes I A large quantity of Grain-peG, Barley land Oats all free from weed seeds and (fit for seed, oats all o. A. C. 72, about 20 tons of nice Hay and several hundred i bushels very ane Turnips. No Reserve " farm is sold. ', Terms-mo and under, cash. On sums over that amount. ten months cre- dit will be given on approved joint notes! 6 per cent per annum discount for cash. Hay. Grain and Potatoes cash, or on note " 7 per cent. interest. Sheep-as choice Leucuter ewes, ewe lambs, ram lamb. at 1 o'clock, the following : HorseteHeavy gelding 6 year: old, heavy gelding 4 years old, heavy mare 3 yrs old, Agricultural mare 8 year- old, yearling itlly Cattle-g " old heifer, cow, bull calf 6 mos old, all pure-bred Pedigreed Shorthorn stock. a good Milk cows. 1 Just fresh, the rest all milking and all in calf to pure bred Shorthorn bull, 2 yr old heifer in calf, 20 head young stock. Meera and heifers from calves to 2 yrolJ steers that will finish up nice by spring. a..-“ M _. . . The undersigned will sell by Public Auction at lot 17, con. 10, Egrtmont. on Hermon. The body was interred In Mt. Forest cemetery beside the re- mniua at his mother. Thus wh.) at- tended the lunerel from udismc» were Miss Nellie Dickson and her uncle ot Ripley, Mr John Dickson. Hespeler. cousin of the deceased. He leaves to mourn his loss beside. his father, tour brothers, John and of g yhappy gathering He was: gran fund its nmoug the young pet - pie um will be sorely missed in the community. The tuner-ll took plies from his father's re?.ietree _on Wednesdav " Russell was born in Orchard in June 1900 and since resided with his Who! here. He attended Orchard school and Sunday School and VII “in”: bright and rmrl.Cmetntmr of; The community received smelt shock on the morning of Them”. Jan. 7th, when they learned otthe death from Iniiaenzs of Russell, the younges: son of Mr Mn, Dickson. 6 octave organ in for sale. Apply to Mrs Howell of Findlny'a store re- turned to Toronto Monday. lent. Rev. B. M. Smith has been visiting in Simcoe and other places forlome days last week. , Miss Acne: Renwick visited Mend: ‘in Mt. Form the junta part oflaet week. T The Secretary or the Ptttriotie So.‘ ciety received a number of letters] from the have at the hon: thin week, chunking the Society for the boxes‘ Wednesday, Janna/Zia __ --"" v. IVIUI III]. Proprietor _ Auctioneer Geo. Reid of Webb, Bask., Brrired on Sunrduy, llth Jan., Iron: the West to visit his father who has not been in verv good health “My. 5fr and Ire Alex Illlne received . eeblelram horn England lent Tnee- day, 7th JAIL. tellinnr of the death at their eon Pte. Wm lune tram donhle :pnenmonie. They have the sym- ipalby at all in their eorrow in the loss lot their son. he. Milne was born [and brought up in Dromore and for some time worked in Taylor! More. 1 heaving therefor I. position in Winni. ‘ per from which place he enlisted in) 1917, going to England the rame year. He spent some time in France but III! lnvelided tO England more then I your ego end bed never recovered I his full strength belore " last ill-l nose. AUCTION SALE Stock, Implements, Etc. --- Ve"'-""""-"."-"... sue _ business of the meeting In: (one numb with in an ordorlv and ex» podium. manor baton the npnm note given “the clan of which: short program Mann we then try Mr Role" and omen. the tthair being occupied be Ir Nail Calder Pres, who bu to amount Secrets”: Mauro Earl Reid and Chas McGilli- way. The mturttstwtship is over 100 i Mean-s W. J. Baker: Ind Jas. Mo 1 Dual! were the doing-tea. I 'ttetitrsoiy,G' up behalf of the we for ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO )an McMurdo, Dtomore ORCHARD DROMORE good condition Amidst the verbal din, . w. Rhetoric clashes, vocal bouts, " Cn Nomination Day we hear l . Many divergent views, l . For that's the day we all go out " To get the Township news ; a. When I','.'"' and George, and Watt, and Gi ' I: And Charlie have their say. 6, It's wonderful how much we learn b. On Nomination Day. ' . 1 Some men would like Macadam roads W In front of every gate, l, While others for a little while Are willing yet to wait, _ I Until we fill the mudholes up l Away down in the Ease, e While others want the roads all fixed And taxes not increased. We hear about a doubtful deal . In com the council made, And how it put the profits oi , The dealers in the shade, , And furnished meat for soldier boys, Who bore the battles brunt ; !, And finished many bacon hogs, I And stopped poor piggies grunt. f; Some people say that things are turned i I Completely upside down ; i i You never know what road you‘re on 3' Until you get to town : l With County roads, Provincial roads, .5 And Township roads galore, ! . And roads you'd We to leave behind That stretch along before. With County roads-one here and there, ', And statute labor gone l j i We soon won't have to work at all If things like this go on : , We're yearning for the good old days , When in the gravel pit, We wrought, and sweat, and blethered, Till we nearly took a fit. And thus we hear the Ins, and Out's HARNESS A memrrlnl service will be held in Orchnrd Church Sunday evening " 7 30 since, owing to the nunre of the illness, no funeral service an: held. Roy " home, Norm“ our-en and l By some who weren't in ', Bert uh? bu latest y smiled. 11Tr.' And as we see the battle worn, sisters . to survive " no. Hell I Emer in fr the f r Inn, Elbow. Sub. 'iii Cho Nelson We "li'2','lh'2'ht ”Jae "tlu" of Region and Min Nollie ot Ripley. I On Nomination Da . A memrrhl nnr'ip- -ill In In“! I- y. GREAT SACRIFICE SALE AT DROMORE ', McMILLAN, at Reasonable prices Sleigh Bells Furniture..., Blankets at cost, well-lined . Blankets that were 85.40. red " 4.15, red E Oyster Shell 2'ti' lie TAYLOR & l Store closes 6 o'clock excepting Wed. and Sat Be sure and secure some of these at an earl y date Nomination hr Ydu need this in feeding calves, also for young pigs. It is a wonder for growth and fattening. Salts and Sulphur Now the hens will pay their way and show you a handsome profit, if you do your pm: Oyster Shell supplies them with the tteCesF-- try to form the shell and helps digestion. Only 2e per lb Stock Food TAYLOR&: CO. Dromore Yours for Service. 1919 =l:],' TAYLOR & co. 5. These are necessary for the stable ; may save the life of a valuable animal and every hoof in your stables deserves the best of attention Help tone no the system Of that run-down animal. By so doing you one suing a lot of Feed. We have Herugeum, Royal Purple, Bender and Cough mixture that has no equal 3.90, reduc nuns prices. an, Phone 3.4 on Is AO, reduced to.......... 5.00 .15, reduced to.......... 3.50 so, reduced to.......... 3A0 .................¢rectly reduced ...............ct the old prices ----. - uu‘syctku [that if they had any British prisoner: .working for them, that they should use i them well. In due time a letter was re- isxived that I British prim was worli- f ing for them, and that he was the son at fthe farmer who was employing their Sun iin Wales Reads like a fairy tale, but inevertheleu it's true. Repairs a England oonvalescing from wounds in received in France.. While in England he was given I letter of introduction to a prominent farmer in Wales. While visit. ine this farmer he noticed I German sold» ier prisoner in his employ. In reply to his query regarding the faithfulness of the soldier. the farmer gave himasplendid reammendatioettutd told Capt. White, head the known; remarkable story Which Ibows that facts are sometimes strangeu tietioa. The young German soldier wrote: letter to his parentsin Germany telling them how well he war used by I Welsh farmer, and suggested _ The following story of a remarkable an incidence in connection with the great war is from The Bruce Herald and Time, Walkertm : ' Capt. Roy Whitehead ofthe broken up 100ttt Inn-lion. in enjoying a rest at hts home in Wilhelm when he arrived home in Walkman “are he arrived from England last week. He had been ll: Wand oonvalescing from wounds In received in France.. While in England he Strut ford and with the resolution to improve yourself during l9l9. Our Courses are thorough : Our Instructors are experienced : Our Grndotre are-in demand: Our Winter Term - Jim. in! Our Cat-log in tree on request. With the Start the Central Business College DROMORE l little " JAN, 16, 1919 Specinlty. J. A. F., Holstein, Jan. lulu u how well he Way m. Ind suggested my British prisoners that they should use time I letter was nu Mount Forest l nights " tet [and a hot: Mum u Rocky has James u, Cl ',700 Ito, will be gt'v, Scans luv: David Lem “an lo Mr Pure gteiehl John Kenn Is appealing to theJ . voltrmary tsilver upwards to buy a u on her mm a and it I [me young was! in ever ythtrtq and is Worthy m M to be tteett to Sr FA to "oet.-Treas. ot d Feb. can throng! tions to Ont. Wavrs A tiuni, "eadeie.otuoverd nd your favorite )oumal. Sow church paper nectior IT WA tur y ”Tiff hum to t md new llh ttay Ma nat M rs beer ertt them M “(if Saw Irexhn et Sunday next TIM. ill he W ARM CHANGES or MI VOL. ‘IY'D ‘01) I -“. "Er, K A- I M IT ink: U R Mr ll M SI " "I u tl I hurt; ll " (inI In mat At M

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