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Durham Review (1897), 23 Jan 1919, p. 1

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Dromore a 1919 11.16. 1019 Dr we: «as: 3808* at an early date I and every hoof best of attention st th War Sm am & CO. w New Year Right iARNZSS MORE SALE may save also tor Nth and 0 zhts In a] er 6th n his 'te Cd ‘n n Rexall Grip Pills now on hand. Machine's Drug Store. When your daily paper subscription ex- Pires, renew it through the Review othee. and take advantage of our clubbing nun Reduction sale for remainder of the stock for the month of January at the Spirelh Parlors Mrs J C. Nichnl Banana in Chinanow at Mae.'auane'tr. The Ladies Guild of Trinity Church Will Mid a tale ot home-made baking on Saturday. Feb. Isl. in Bean's store. Re- lruhmems also served All persons having act-cums within: plane call and acme as T am anxious to get my books straightened out for the Year. J. SMcliraiih " you wish to buy Victory Bonds. last year's or this. or sell those you now have at highest market price for cash, call at writeor phone the Review office about them. Mrs. Arthur Hunt and family who have been residing with her parents. Mr. and, Mrs. Rom. Lindsay, moved inon Tttetrt day to Mr Jas. McNaIly's cottage east of MacFarlane's drug store. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed in Durham Pres, Church onSunday next at " a m. The prepara- tory service on Tuesday evening at 8 p. m. will be addressed by Rev. Mr Hardy of Trinity church. VOL. XLII NO 4 Will Parquharson writes that his con. nection with a Toronto tirm authorizes him to take subscriptions to all magazines and newspapers published in Canada, the u.s A., and England. When ordering your favorite magazine, your business journal, your daily newspaper or your church paper. he asks that you order through him. Address all communica- rions to W. S. Farquharson, Agincoutt, Ont. WANTS A SILVER 9Howmt.- Lady Hermie. a Government House. Toronto, " appealing to the people of Ontario for a voluntary silver shower oi five cents and upwards to buy a present for Princes: Pat an her wedding day. The Princess was' and is a tine young lady. took a great in, terest in everything Canadian while here. ; and is worthy ot how All moneys are l to be sent to Sir Edmund Walker. Toam- I to Hon.-Treas. of the F und, before 20thi Feb. l Fun cosa.Norra.--As will beseen byllie N. E. Normanby correspondence, Mrlin David Leith has sold his fine 170 awrelCt lam to Mr “LG. Porter, from Swinmni Pte.ttneiirhtsorhood. and is looking Iota! l ho-iin town. Mr Thos. Scarf ol the Rocky has also sold his large farm to Mr James Lawrence for a consideration of N 81.70.) 00, and in both cases main!) c will be given in a month or two. The Ix Seals live beenon the farm for 37 vial, . and bank made it a fine property. .'Tam' Cl" and bis sisters are also intending to 'l lindahom In Durham and we extends 'll welcome toboth parties and hope they bl will be able to locate homes among us and enjoy our citizenship. bater.--We " learn Mr Leith has bought one of Mr F. ll Lenahan's fine homes on Garafrasa St. I: issjsci'sal "js;.:.'-:',---..').;,..':')::'"'""", h Was CLosa AT Mmuu u.tr- A sex- tette of Durham lads drove to Markdale on Monday night. and almost managed to win an exhibition hockey match from the Junior team there '. to wm which would have been some feat for a bunch who newt previoualy played together. or in a same with another town. The score at full time was a tie 6- 6 and on agreeing to continue until one team scored. a lucky Fhtt barrel of miter previoualy played together. or in a same with another town. The score at lull time was a tie 6- 6 and on agreeing to continue until one team scored. a lucky ' shot in a minute or two overtime lound‘ its way into the Durham net. and Mark; dale was one up 7 -, 6. The Durham lads are an aggressive team. and will be heard {min a yearor two in Junior league company Markdale team will be here in Feb for a return game. The local line-up can : Goal-Albert Kress. point-Lorne Sikh. cover-Cliff Buschlen. centre-- Clarence McCain. riglt- Wine: Snell, left :Erbcn Elvidge. Harper McGirr was referee. iliifiiiil $nlllliWltlr8Mllt IIT'D 1013 fresh Columbia No. 6 walla-C. Smith& Sons. DURHAM BRANCH, h. our: -_.__' This Bank offers every facility in the conduct of accounts, of manu- facturers, farmers and merchants. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT " - Brunch. :35 HEAD OFFICE " TORONTO Try Carr's Cough Cure " thst stub. born cough, tVrc at Macfarlane's Big clearance sale ot boots ard sine: at Mcitranh's shoe More, Sale begins Sat- day. January 25th and closes Saturday mgnt, Feb. Ist. For pm ticuiars-seead on page 4. No such mild Jhnuary as we are having :' same tram, ana all were ncaxuly appmuu- has been seen tor many years. Rain to- , ed. day and continued thaw is Spoiling the} . Mrs Bell heard tum St.Jobn of the ar- sp endid sleighing. Farther south In On- 3 rival of her son an mother love prompted tarto there is no snow at all and the fuel ' .her to meet lim .m Toronto. and lhe mfet: situation has been put on easy street. 1 mg and greeting" may easily btppried . I was of warmest and tenderest kind. Alex The "Edith Cavell" True Blues Society I was in a few dangerous spots in the war will hold a box social in the Town Hail, _ and it will be recalled from one of his let- Durham, on Thursday, Feb. am. A good l ters we published. how near he was to program will precede the sale of boxes, ideath but for one lucky incident. He is and dancing will close the evening's am looking well and is not yet discharged, joyment. AdrnnsGoc 25c. Ladies bring, l though expecting soon to be. W econ- ing boxes free. ‘gratulate him for the honors he has won l m. m "A." WA tes 1.2 A. A: m. an". 1 and on his safe return. he. Wm. McIlvride who mined in the 2am ban. is expected to arrive Ihursday at his bomb Grey home, Mr Hm Mountainy,southottown. new been cvnvalescitu in Enipantt since being wounded Ian summer children. the oldest about 13 years. Col. David C. McKenzie is Mayor of Fort Frances for 1919, having won his greatest victory over the only man who ever defeated him (C R. F itch, a barrir ten) by a vote of over two to one Dave, an old Durham boy, is a lighter and we congratulate him on possessing municipal as well as military influence. FAREWELL PRESENTATION.- Before their removal to Durham, Mr. and Mrs John Collier, Edge Hill, were most kindly remembered by their neighbors on Tuesday evening. About sixty gath- ered at their home and spent a happy social time with them, the chief function being the presentation to them of an up- holstered rocker and arm chair, a parlor1 table. a jardiniere and a jardiniere stand, l Messrs Thos Ritchie and John D. Me) Fayden presented the furniture, while an accompanying address signed on behalf of the neighborhood and appreciative of the :worth of the recipients as residents, was read by Miss Kate McFayden. Mr. Collier appropriately replied, warmly thanking all for their kindness. Games and dancing' pleasantly p.assed the bal- ance of the evening. Mr. and Mrs Col- lier will take up residence in a few days I Rather inauspiciously for Durham, the } Northern Hockey league series opened in 1Chrs!ey last Friday night, when the local :boys were given the short end of a tr-lt in the late Mrs. S Scotty house on Countess Street. score. However as a bad beginning makesl a good close, we may look for a stirring‘ finish where Durham is concerned, and the scores reversed. Before leaving thel boys expected results as they turned out. so are yet by no means downhearted over their prospects. The strongest line-up was not available, as it will be for later games and with poor ice here and none till the week of the game. the Durhams badn't the condition. the practice, and the opportunity to develop team work neces- I Stanley, Chesley'spoint man from Pais. i Icy. was probably the outstanding player} l on the home team, while Jim McUachlan I ' was the bulwark for the Durhams. The‘ I lineup : l Durham Chesley i 1 Durham Chesley l Johnston Allen goal Mair l J. McLachlan point Stanley (N. Zimmer cover Kreuger l Robt Saunders centre Wettlaufer E F. Morlock right w. Johnston [ Eric Elvidge left w. Elves Reieree -s. Bums, Palmerston. sary to win matches. They feel this will come however. it the local rink is quickly make suitable for games. as with bags stored there. the ice space is materially reduced in width. Chesley Took first Game iiilitt 1itittttti: THE ------iH------. Lt. Alex. Bell, M. M. Welcomed Also Hes. Pinkerton and Pique: Durham Grand Trunk station last Sat- urday nihht was jammed to discomfort with crowds waiting to welcome Lieut. Alex Bell who saw some very strenu ms work in his three years of warfare. As it happened the welcome was shared by Ptes Pinkerton and Piquet. who wereonthe same train, and all were heartily applaud- ed. As a private Alex Bell enlisted with the 76th battalion in Toronto in July 1916 with his cousin Ernest McGirr, so they are among the veteran soldiers of this dis- trict. The boys trained that fall and winter at Niagara ard Barrie went to England in April 1916. and together to France in October 1916, where they were placed in the 49th batt. Alex. apparent: ly bore a charmed life in the ba tlefieids, as he came through Vimy Ridge, Hill 70, Paschendaele, Amiens and other Canadi- an engagements, was never wounded, nor was he off an hour through illness. His work earned him promotion to Lee, Corporal. Sergeant, and in August last he was sent to England to take out his lieu- tenant's commission. which he completed after the armistice was signed. As a clmax to his splendid military career, he was last fall awarded the Mili- tary Medal for his work in the Canadian drive last August. Pte. Alfred J. Planet, though yet a boy l in years. is one at the veterans ouhe war. l He used to reside here when a little fellow l, but the family moved West, and he .enlist- ed as a bugler in Regina in April 1915 when but 16 years old. He went over- seas in October and we at the front in February 191.5. He was twice wounded forst in the face and again on August flth last year, when in the infantry the lirst day of the great Canadian .drive, he was injured in hand and head. He has since l been in hospitals and convalescent camps and still carries shrapnel in the head. He goes to Toronto Jan. 31st for his dis- charge. Mother and sister here wicked on has arrival, and hope to welcome his father Sergt. A. F Piquet, who wasa prisoner ofwar, home also, almost any day now. Pte. John Pinkerton who returned Sat. urday evening enlisted nearly three years ago in the 160th Bruce battalion. but did not get to France until last spring. Pte. Stewart Grant, of Varney. arrived home last Friday, having received his dis- charge from the American army. Stewart enlisted in Detroit about l8 months ago, asa private in the mounted police, and was later a sergeant in the Ordinance Corps. He has been at training at a number of U. S camps, and was discharg- ed on Jan 14th. He purposes taking up a Business College course. Cadet Gordon Gun who has been in the Royal Air Force in England latterly. ar- rived at his home in Newmarket on Jan. t3th, where his father, Dr. A.. Gun is Supt. of the Military Hospital. Gordon enlisted in the 71st batt. in October 1915 trained at Galt, and in England h‘s father then at Orpington Hospital, had him transferred to that staff as an ambulance driver. He transferred from this to enter training as an aviator a few months ago. Owen Sound Wants At a combined meeting of town coun- cil, Soldiers' Aid Commissién and Vet- erans' Ass'n in Owen Sound Monday. it was proposed to erect a club house in o, Bound, as a memorial to those who have fallen The building is to provide more ation rooms, baths, etc. for the returned mem Also a museum of war relics. and incidentahy a hall that, would beavail- able for public meetings and concerts. The possible cost" was placed at $100,000 and the Ccunty would be asked to join and pay half, the town paying the other half and the maintenance. Such if built would undoubtedly be an ideal memorial but from this end it looks to be too much of a good thing to ask the whole Cour. y of Grey to pay half the cost of a concert hatltreneficial to Owen Sound and a building for re. turned soldiers which can be used only by thou residing in Owen Sound. Returning Soldiers 5100.000 Memorial THURSDAY. JANUARY. 23, 1919 Win: which h- sncorporated the Holstein Leader hold Tuesday February ttth. A .z.! .. ;.;:,m that of prizes wid he offered. Full guru culars may. ucck. ' F . No GAME Fmbw. - The scheduled N H. L hockey match here for Friday night Dur ham vs. Hanover, bad been postpon ed”unt;l a week later, Friday, Jan. iil, or account of the poor ice in the km! rink it is hoped before that tune gorrd in: wil, be available The first gathering of Edge Hill ladies Iinre ttew Years for Red Cross sewing. met atMiss Maggie Edge's last Thursday. Owing to illness in the district. only " ladies were present, but they accomplish- ed much completing 3day shirts. 4 trench caps. and some articles of clothing for Belgian children. The collection was " 25. STRICKEN WITH PAreaLysig.--Rela, lives and biends of Mr Arch. Davidson have had an anxious week, owing to him being stricken with paralysis on Wed- nesday last, He has had periods of im. provement that promieed bettemess, but he is still in a very critical state. His son Archie is home from Port McNicoll. We hope their anxiety will soon be re- lieved and the genial Cierk of Div. Court restored to his usual halth. SILVER MINI; IN Owen Sousa-A real silver mine that paid better than many in Cobalt was discovered a law days ago in McClean's grocery store, 0. Sound. Their big cash register refused to closecompletely. and it was thought‘ some part was broken. On taking out} the drawer. at the back was found 21 collection ot silver coins amounting to 8437 25, certainly a prize windfall as the firm were unaware of its existence. A couple of small cracks were discovered in the rear partitions of the drawer through which quarters and half dollars had been slipping away for years back, and though the till was often short, no blame was attached to the clerks, and it was con- 5 dered mistakes had been made in mak- ing change. Other merchants in the town overhauled their TS, istere on hear- ing of this eilver mi te','t,",'t' met with no similar success. Reception Committee Needed Among the appointments to Municipal i offices we suggest there is room for a ' Sol- 1 d ers' Reception Committee.' Soldiers 1 will be returning at intervals for months yet and the appointment should be made at once. The possibility of them stepping from the train without recognition is mo t repugnant. We cheered them when they went away .' there is equal or more reas- on that we should mark their victorious homecoming. It would be impossible to have the band out on every occasion but we think that a stated gathering in Town Hall, say once a month is desirable to welcome all who have come home in the month previous. Were we sure oi all being on hand when the last man arrives. that would be a good time to celebrate but the chances are many wou d be absent. Meanwhile the Reception Committee should take shape, and Mayor McKech- nie would be justified in making the ap- pointment at once. South Grey Ag, Society Out For New Members The Annual meeting of the Agricultural I Society was held in the Town Hall here on Saturday last, To boost the member ', ship it was arranged to hold a contest. Each present member is to serure " many new ones possible as soon as possible ; each member will receivo two entrance tickets for fall fair ; and the two members getting the mostnew ones will he appoint- ed delegates next year to the Fall Fairs Association. It meets this year in Toron- to on Feb. 13th and 14th. and Messrs D. Edge and W. W. Ramage were elected l delegates. A committee was also appointed to ar- range for attractions for this years fair. who will report at a subsequent meeting. The fair this year will be held on Sept. 25 and 26th. Officers elected are President-Wm. Calder. lst 1rice.Pres--Dan Edge, Hon. vice-Pres-I. Firth 2nd Vice-Pres -J. W. Blyth. Directors '. T Bentinck-Jas Mather, Herb Hunt. _. Glenelg--Geo. Ritchie, R. T. Edwards Normanby-Rich. Barber Thos Young Egremont--W. W. Ramage. Matt, Barber. Durham-Otter Petty. Assistant Diréctors-Mrs. Robt. Bur- nett. Mp John Mason-n. Mrs Thos Petty. ‘ Amrtutrs--ptter Ram, Tho: G. in: ‘amman k rug“; WTKRIO ARC TORONTO " i' 1- ' . p. .3 Mrs Allan McKinnon, Upper Town Mrs Sam. McComb is visiting her daughters in Pranttord for a few weeks Mr. Jno. A. Black, Chesley, was a guest at the Review Office for a few days this week and is visiting relatives and friends near by. He is recuperating from anvere attack of influenza which has kept him off work tor-about eight weeks Mrs Finlay Graham left thawed; for, a month's visit with friends in Toronto and Buffalo. ', ' Mrs. S McComb of Pehnerston, visi. trd over the week end withher niece. Mr and Mrs E. W. Vickers and lime sons. of Sussex. New Brunswick, returned home on Monday after visiting his father who is in poor health, and other relatives here. Ted is now District Manager for the Maritime Provinces of the Renfrew Ma6hinery Co. Mr. Arch. Davidson of Port McNicoll, came home last Thursday for a few days owing to his father's illness. Sergt.] L. Stedman has returntd to town, having received his discharge last week from the army Mr. Murray Legate, who last week re- ceived his temporary discharge from the Royal Flying Corps at Deseronto, visited at his aunt's, Mrs. C. Ramage over Sun- day, before returning to his home in the West. Miss Amy Kelly is spending a few days with Toronto friends this week, Mrs Robt Lindsay, Jr, returned to To. ronto Monday, being ill recently at his parental home here. Robt who returned a few weeks ago from England, expects to receive his discharge in Toronto Wednesr day. Mr. Geo Reid of Webb. Sask., an old North Egremont boy, was in town Satur- day, while at present on a visit to his parents' at Yeovil. At Christmas Geo received his diachlrge from the militia, having served over three years in England France and the United States, to which latter country he was sent from France to act as instructor to the r newly organized forces at Camp Sherman, he then holding the rank of sergeant. With aerr Kin. nell, iormerlyol Proton as partner, George conducts a general store at Webb in times of peace, and they have branched out by I acquiring stores in two villages as well in L that locality. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the parsonage in Toronto Wednesday, Jan, 16 between Miss Audrey Hoy and Sara. Edward Hoffman, Rev, Mr Davies offr dating. They will reside in St.Cathar- Misses E'la Renton and Agnes Ren. geick oi Dromore were guests at the Re view Office on Tuesday. The former re- turns to Guelph today to resume nun," _ ing duties. ines. " France. M's Peter Hepburn went to Fergus Thursday to see her son Gilbert who is still seriously ill in the hospital there. BORN WATSON-In Detroit. on Monday, 13th January, 1919, to Mr and Mrs A, s. Watson. a daughter-Jean Holmes Watson. McCohuaw--In Saskatchewan, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. E. McConkey (nee Susie llalpenny,) a daughter-Elda Irene. Cains-0n Jan. 19, 1919. to Mr. and Mrs, Robert Cripps. Hanover. at the , homeof Mr Wm. Torry, Bentinck,a Chesley trimmed Hanover in Hanover Tuesday by 7 to 4 in a Northern league hockey game It was a splendid match and was witnessed by two to three dozen from Durham. as well as numbers from Walkerton and Chester, The rink was crowded and over $10" gate was taken in. Durham must now win all its remaining games to have a chance of capturing dis. trict honors from Chesley. Grey Lodge No. 169. t. o. o F. held their annual installation on Tuesday when District Deputy C. J. Hill and team from Palmerston. Messrs Carswell, Ed- miston. Rnnum, McMaster and Hess duly installed the local officers for the coming term, following which encial hour was spew with refreshments. addresses and game's. The otticer, are : Noble Grand-Wm Ritchie, Vice Grand-Chas, Ritchie. _ Rec.Se:y.-W. B. Voila. _ Fin. Seen-E. D. 1kchttnelin. l Trams-A. H Jackson. The groom has just returned from l. 0.0. F. Installation iliiltt:ritrjtt,, oi----- A conceit under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church will be given in Town Hall. on Thursday ev- ening, Jan. 23rd' The program will mn- sist of music by Misses Cole, tecitatiorts, quartettes. and An Operetta entitled “The New Minister" Methodist ladies' Aid Concert CASTE : Prof. Topnote .....r. ....... Mr Richard.» Rev. Brown............-. Mr.Miatele Sexton....... ...... ........'... MrMtCase Ralphy Banter........... ... Mr. Glen Seth Perkins.......,........... R. Saunders Odelia Hasbin................. Miss Wolfe Mm Delaney.................. Mrs McCrac Miss Lovejoy....--. Mrs Knechtel MrsSpicer...............‘..... MrsCauon Petunia Black................ Miss Aljoe Doctor Hoosick............, Mr Hay Crescendo Flatt ..........'.. Mr. Knechlel Henrietta Sharp........ .... Miss Wilson Mrs Wind .... Mrs Sherk Old Maids' Clnb udies"Aid Society Miss R. Irwin, Accompanist Admission 35c. All sat: reserved. Plan of hall at R. Saunders' store. January 3t-Hanover at Durham January 2% - Hanover at Chesley. February 4-Cherley at Durham. February 7 - Durham at Hanover. Store Where Quality Reigns Supreme SPECIAL DISCOUNT on all LADIES COATS Now is your chance to procure a Winter Coat at a Special Discount. The above Coats consist of Tweeds. Velours, Beaver cloths and Plush Coats, all at spe- cial discount during the next two weeks of Stock-taking. We have a full range of Men's Suits now on hand at prices which cannot be duplicated to-day. Drop in and see our range of Worsteds, Tweeds, and convince yourself of the values we are offering, as compared with other Clothing of the same grade. How about *at NewSuit'.) We have still afull range of Penmanu Polar & Arctic Brands Underwear for men Polar Brand Penman's. .81.35 per garment Arctic " . . 1.75 per garment S. F. MORLOCK Telfers For Breakfast Parked in air tight packnges. For sale at all grocers. Hockey Schedule "The Bay Wordfor Biscuits’ Nothing more uppetizing or nourishing than I bowl of delicious TELFER'S GRAHAM CRACKERS. Takes the ptneeotordinnrv braid“! food. Sweetened to the avenge tarte-- aways crisp and light. "ll w, l " r", During Stoclr-Taking 1lli' i; Pttbluhe0Weekr.,e u $1 500m: O. BA'IGE & SON ', sum" , Just west " T. R. station, comm: ient to furniture factory. no Morey in good repair, to" and hard water in latch en Good shed, could be used as subh . Property must be told, as owner is mov- in; to the my. For 1mm. etc. apply a! home to Mm M. Ryan. Durham Also: good and heater, norm and some other furniture for prince me. A; ply at Issuance. By resolution of Town Coundl at reg ular meeting on Monday. 13th luau-r). new. the en roll was extended to am February next. After that dale a list o' unpaid umwill he given to the collector to collect by process at law. GEO, Mctiric'li.NlE, Mayor Mth Jan..19l9 Not Sold --Bre boned with the indrutvuctibk Spire“: stay-the man nuahie and run- ilent comet boning m the world -- [unr- anteed not to break or nut In one year of corset we" Goods cheerfully demonstrated by calling " Parlors. MRS. J. C. NICHOL. House For Sate TAX NOTICE Spirella a Corsets Box in. Durham 'rtr7 in Stores " M.

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