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Durham Review (1897), 30 Jan 1919, p. 1

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DR & CO. o. Dromore may need a me DROMORE " itt rt the duce of all kinds tral '&'& JI‘IJ. V JAN. 23, P trtttoTtm'" be New Year Right ll 30 HARNESS SALE and Mk each Sat tt 1919 College Jan. 6th who 13 prove eam um I). Will his for 'ron mm . heain " ah In! the "t" y OI m at "IF. and ttttt th In. h u Bo Clerk and Mrs Chittick, Remind. have had a great and in the death of their son Herbert Johnston on Tuesday of this week. A fall on the ice over a year ago resulted in injuries to the spine that at fected him ever since. Specialists were consulted but human skill proved unavail- mg He was 6 years. 6 mos. old. a brim: lad, and has passed at an endearing ag Two Ions and a daughter comprise (M family now and sincere sympathy is exu tended to the sorrowirg parents. The funeral will take place at 12 noon on Thursday to Hanover cemetery, Rev. Mr Remington. Methodist past: r at Lamlash conducting the servx‘es. "mover: Wren.coMrtD Su.otERs,-- An enthusiastic reception was held in the Town Hail. Hanover. on Monday night to several returned soldiers. Mayor Taylor presided. Among the guests ot honmvvere Capt Jack Wilson, Lieut. Norman Helwlx. Lieut. Arthur lielwht, Pte. Gross. Pte. Schillemore Lieut. N. Halnig gave a most interesting account of his life as a prisoner in Germany and Capt Jack Wilson. who lelt with the first contingent. also had a fascinating story to tell. The minim-n of the town and some leading citizens voiced the appreciation of the heme folk, of the gallant work oi the soldiers After the reception a social evening was given by the l. 0 D. E, “000 PM”! eon Noniiunv DFFAUL‘I' nu~ Withnut even interrupting his farm mark E F. Plana, a resident of Norman- by, near Neustadt. it said to have success- luily evaded the military police for seven months. Plan: was prosecuted in Toren. to Police Court Friday ', and Public Representative w. R. Smyth. K C . made the statement that tne police had spent $500 trying to arrest him. "Why, it's just like Tipperary up in the district where this man comes from .. he told the court. They have bush telegraph: so well fixed that whenever a stranger ap- pears the delaulter has Jt','ly, of nine to take to the woods " axistrate Kings. lord itnpoaed upon Plan: a fine of moo without costs. on Tueaday of this week. ad proceedings were stayed tor one weak to enable him to pay the fine in lull. WIINIPIG Cummo Hortm.--A neat of Bolshevtlt agitators was diatrvered in Winnipeg. Returned soldiers broke into their apartments, discovered bundles of traitorouslitetature, and even and flag of rebellion. T he stuff was soon reduced to ashes. the premises wrecked and em- pkryem given notice that allsuch aliens must he dismissed. The mun ed soldier will be a power in the land. Bolshevik- ism will not have a healthy growth in Canada. U.S A., and England. When ordering your favorite magazine. your business journal. your daily newspaper or your church paper. he asks that you order through him. Address all communica- tions to W.S. Farquharson, Agincourt. Will Farquharson writes that his con- nection with a Toronto firm authorizes him to take subacr ptions to all magazines ?.rt1nrrpaptrsIub)ishfd i_rICanadst, the V., on Feb. 5th, 1919, atap. m. tharp. Admission35c. All seatsreaerved. Plan and tickets at Saunder'e store, Proceeds to go toward a Memorial for soldiers hav- 'JL fallen in the great war. Returned so lets are requested to call at Saunders' store for a complimentary ticket to "The New Minister.' be a hard fought game as Darham must win to continue in the race. Another even had" contest mil be with Cheney here next Tuesday. Don't mm either of the-chm gtrmes,--it's the first senLor hockey hue for years Admission 26 and 20c. "The New Minister" under the aus- pices of the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist gnarch gill be given the second time ID. tf you with to buy Victory Bonds, last year's or this, or sed those you now have at highest market price for cash, call at '32:“ phone the Review Mfice about t . Wham and Hanover hockey teams willmeet Friday, Jan. 313: in the Rmk per: (or melting this mason. and it will Fon Su.a.-2t Leicester sheep, all young, law 5 yrs. old due March 14th. Apply to ___ - -_ Chesley won a Northern League game at home on Tuesday night from Hanover by H to 0. Mixed barley and cat chop " 50 per cm. "5.00 per ton sacks included._ Rott Roy Mills, Limited The Ladies Guild of Trinity Church will bald a sale ot home-made baking Pet, Saturday. Feb. lat. In Bean's store. Re- freshmeitt, also served 1 VOL. XLII. N0 5 ifls,Cilll 'i-iii-il,.)-),'?)?'?:'-;'-'-') Remul Gob Pins now on hand, .. Maetariane's Drug Store. New and Sword-hand Machines for it Stanza I. column ' 7 an 'tt an swam BANK DURHAM BRANCH, b, DUB t W. J. McFadden, Durham, C. SMITH & SONS Your surplus earnings in our Savings Department earn inter. eat at current rate. ,,. MAD OFFICE - TORONTO We pointed out last week that a Re- ception Committee was needed to tel. come returned soldiers. The commiteee has been formed with much enthusiasm. but not under the auspices of the Town Council as wasdesirabie. The Patriotic Society, of which Mr Calder is President, felt the urgent need of action and on Wednesday e ning called a meeting in the Library wrich was splendidly attend- ed and a workable organization formed WAR AND THE "FLUt"--The two deadly agents have struck the home of Mr Don- ald McDonald, Wheatland, Wyo ' severe- ly. His son. Duncan Neil, in his 30th year died in Franceon 5th Oct . having left Wheatland on July 25th His daugh- ter was married toa doctor three years ago and has been left a yidow by the fiu. So we learn from a letter from him en- closing remittance He says "I read with interest what our dear friend John A. McDonald tells of old friends passed away and brave young men who have died in a strange land." and then he te‘le of his own loss. Grief is a common pos- sessxon. To Meet and Greet Returning Soldiers Mr Calder was made chairman of the committee, Mr Thos. Allan, Secy. Treas. The committee rs composed. of the min. isters of the town. two members from the Patriotic League. A. H. Jackson and J. P. Telford, M rs Giibert McKechnie and Miss J. Weir, from the I. o. D. E. ; the Mayor and Reeve from the Councit _ Miss Laura McKenzie and Mrs Kelly hom the Red Lross Society and Mrs. Goa McKechnie and Miss M. Hunter from the Ladies' Aid at the Pres. Church, Jas Lloyd and Ed. tlcClocklin from the Anglican church ;T. McComh and Allan Bell from the Barth“ Ch., R. E. Richard- ardson and H. N cCrae from the Metho- dist church. H J. tinep, and C. Ramage from Pres Ch ; F. Lenahan and M. Mc- Grath from the R. C. Church. Reception Committee Formed Demobir:gation. is taking place very rapidly, in Britain at the rate of 30000 a day it is said. Every few days a vessel reaches Halifax or St. John with Canad- ians aboard and the very air is iullol welcomings to the returning brave. Fears are c'pressed that demobilization is too rapid, and likely to cause congestion in placing them suitab'y in civic life. But to the average Canadian soldier, whose steps are turned Canadaward, it can Marcel" be too rapid. The boys love Canada and Canada returns the love, We trust the collectors wil) .meet with a generoys support from cmuns who were not present The next meeting will be held on 2nd Friday in February, badges are to be worn try the committee and simple "wel. come" arches erected at both stations. I The "Edith Cavell" True Blues Society will hold a box social in the Town Had. Durham, on Thursday. Feb 6th. A good program will precéde the sale of boxes, and dancing will close the evening's en- joyment. Admission Mc. Ladies bring ing boxes tree. elite' The "Canadian Greys" I. o. D. E. are holding a monster carnival in the Rink on Tuesday. February 11th. An attractive list of prim will be offered. Seebills for list of prizes in detail. Admission 25 and Lie. Band in attendance. Refresh. ments served. Proceeds for patriotic work. A letter of some length, from Pte C C Ramage, describing the situation of the army of occupation at Cologne on the Rhine wi I appear next week. He expect- ed to be in England by the middle of January and possibly home by end of February. bonanza“ ii/iii"t"siiirri/iau'i" “#1 ( $356012? Ammxe a; le:', _ _ vi.' reassumg is er obert dtrrac1eirsa'rcatoorte,botieg,geesid tici/titil.,; was?!" farm. met his! day. January 25th and clqses Saturday ' had jnlst 15:313.. 31 $31233; if :32 night. Feb. lst. For particulars "eaditrryi'tnfaninguirie branch was broken on page t, luff and rebounded back struck Alfred to A number of Durham and locality sol- '?rtl!, c.rysh.iryt his S.h.est and breaking diers are expected any day this week. I his should" b ttdee. This was at 2 o‘clock} They are Berg't Tom B adley of Allanih" med.“ 3. 5 and.was COUNOSPW Park. Ptr 3 Frank McKay Jas Lloyd and of the urn? Hte “Mt“! sent 'iriiiiit Wm Hazen. _ W31 ur love and skill were pow-l A letter of some length from Pte C C 1e,rlet:g'.gi ,h"i/'/e,"12yyE,'e. theRageof _ r . . ' . . ’ ',' . " e " WINK. nyce. 3:11:15? Digitizagg gleCSITUGUOD “at“ yiriitiiiiilraiii' one daughter Audrey to Rhige wi l a e, next w (l "r, on r' e ( a mother 9 care, The sad event has cast ed be . 'ft {I nd ee . 9preJ-ia g am over tht community and has cali. to In nom. by the middle of edforth emu-s runs of deep sympathy to £99,???“ and possibly home by end of _ all the chief mourners. One barrel of fresh Columbia No. 6 batteries just arrived. at C. Smith& Sons, Try Carr’s Cough Cure for that stuff born cough. Me at Macfarlane's , THE iii1tt ii3ttttrgiitt tibtgittt,t Messrs Jno Morrison. Dr.J F Grant, Robt McFadden, Dr D B. Jamieson were elected managers. Mr. T. G. Lauder was afterward elected chairman of the Board. A bonus of 825 was given to Mr. R. Milne and family for r'i,flici,'i'a in caretaking. An increase was ma ein the salary of Mission Secy. J. C. Adams. For three years in sucression Rev Mr. Whaley has been turned out of doors to enable the congregation to give him a piece of their mind and some other things. Mr W. J. Young was made chairman pro tem and the result of deliberations was to grant unanimously an increase of 8150 to the stipend, which is now '1550. Mr Young recalled the pastor and fittingly informed him of what had been done. to which Mr Whsfey replied expressing, with feeling. gratitude for their unexpected kindness and general harmonious co-op- eration in the work of the church. Enquiry was made as to the date of in. troduetion of, new hymn book There is a feeling in some quarters. that in view ot possible union with other churches, a new hymn book at tht.s juncture was a mis- take. However as the old edition can not now be secured. there seems no help for it but to one the new. The question was left with the session. A committee was formed to represent the church at the homecoming ot return- ing soldiers and another committee was formed to carry out the desire of the c,pnirregatipn thgg the ld soldier, op the The Ladies' Aid Society had its banner vear also with an expenditure on Red Cross Benevolence of 81200. This me- ioty has shipped in the war some 22000 articles of war comiorts, made at their weekly meetings. Sis o'ciock having arrived adjourn- ment was made to the basement where the ladies had tablvs spread beautifully, and where nearly two hours were spent in fine nodal intercourse. An impromptu program, chiefly musical was then carried out with brief addresses by pastor andhx Thon Ailan. C. Ramage. Lieut. Bell. S, D Croft. T. G. Lauder and Andrew Derby Perhaps the chief leature of the year has been the Missionary activity. The pastor appealed tor increased Iiberallty to the extent of 8500. This was secured in one dav and in a short time was exceeded by 8300 31684 was allocated to the schemes of the churrh end this included 8800 to Foreign Missions and 8600 to Home M issicns, For three years in succession the sum- mary of contryoutions for all purposes has been greater than its predecessors each year being the largest ever up to that time. For 1917 these totals amounted to " 521, for 1918 there figures were in. creased to $6310. almost 8800 in advance. All liabilities were met, there is nodebt of any kind and the Treasurer's state- ment shows a balanceon hand of 8451 13. With such results no wonder there were smiles and satisfaction. Thanks were Riven to the choir. coup- led with regrets that Mr J. P. Telford was temporarily laid off with throat trouble, to the ushers, to the ladies and the meet- ing adinurned. the pastor pronouncing the benediction. By a votenf 26, to 10 for Reeve Mc- Kenzie of Anemia. John McQuaker of Owen Sound was elected Warden of Grey for 1919 at the opening session of County Council on Tuesday. He is the fimt o. Sound man Warden since 1839. Mr Mes Quaker is an ex-maynt of the town. with long experience is both municipal and county affairs. He is a splendid type of citigrn and will make a most capable With all departments of church work in a progressive state financially the An- nual Congregational Meeting of Durham Presbyterian Church held !ast Monday passed into history as one of the most harmonious and successful in all its sixty years of history. Have Buoyant Annual Meeting $l50 Increase for Pastor Deceased waa a member of a large fami y all wen-known here, brothers he- ing RobL, Arnold. George, Joseph, Wm ' Fred. John and two sisters Mrs Chas. Lawrence. Hatton Hill, and Mrs James Lawrence. Egremont. Thefuneral takes place Friday from his brother Robt.'s place to Durham cemetery. January 31-Httnover at Durham. January 28 ~Hanovet at Galley. February 4-Chesley at Durham. February 7mm at Hanover. McQuaker Warden of Grey Durham Presbyterians Killed By Falling Tree an , HtjRt'YDhr. JANUARY 30, 1919 With which la incorporated the Holstein Lender L. G. Bovington came to town Thurs day, also a passenger orrthe Aquitania, L. G. was one of our 147th boys and previous to enlisting was employed with Mr. Mal. McKechnie at the Rocky. Pte. Wm. Munro (Scotty) arrived noon trainonMonday and has been warmly welcomed. He enliued in 1916 in the 147th and saw service in France in 'ttttle of the stern engagements. He came home unannounced but none the less warmly welcomed. - Mr. Chas. Kennedy Bunessan. went to Toronto on Monday to meet his brother Serg.C. D, Kennedy. who returned on the Aquitnnia landing at Halifax on Satur- day last. He left Toronto nearly four years ago with the 19 Batt. (the. Queen's Own) and was wounded at the battle of St, Eloi. His wife and two children have been living in Toronto. and they are ac- ctyppanying him to his old home ona wait. Pte. Pearlous Sherk who returned to his home here on Monday. enlisted in March 1916 in the 16ch Bruce getting, at Cheeky. He was then living Dornoch. He spent many months in England when his battalion was planned as a nucleus for a 5th Can Division, but it was broken up and he went to France in Feb. IBIS. He was wounded in the foot at Lambrai in the fierce fighting there on Oct Ist last, and has since been under treatment in England. He reach, ed Canada last week on the . Empress of IBoriiatiln" and ION appears to be in good teat . Pte Vernon Elvidge arrived in Durham Thursday, a passenger on the Aquitania from England. He suffered a severe groin wound last summer and has been confined since in a hospital in Wales Vern. joined the 147th Bm early and has consequently seen many months of active service for King and Country. The town is glad to welcome him back and trust he will regain his old time vigor. "._.. _..,. ...... ... mt. nun, allu gut wounded in a? arm with shra neliaane of the melees. Estonia 1",1/i',ft1 will be remembad wan killed in action. a tsevetrtTow to Georgia for the boys were seldom separate. Many Heads and well- wishers met him at the C. P. R station on Tuesday and felicitzted him on his homecoming. Pte. Geo. Ledingham. a well-known Dornoch boy, son of Mr and Mrs James Ledingham. arrived in Durham on Tues. day. He came over on the Empress of Britain. but was storrtrbound in Quebec with mow fora few days. He enlisted with .th?.lt.7th in Ge}: 19m, and got Gunner Brock Grant, youngest son of Mr and Mrs C. L. Grant, arrived home Tuesday evening Brock is one of the war's veterans, having enlisted three years ago with the Met Howitzer Battery and trained at Petawawa Camp Two years last August he went overseas and after completing his training in England, crossed to France and went through most of the important engagements. He was ill in hospital at Basingstoke, England, when the armstice was signed and was there till he arrived on the Aquilama in Halifax Saturday last. Brock was on the staff of the Bank of Montreal at Cornwall when he enl-sted and his place is awaiting him whenever ready to return. Pte. Stewart McGillivray also of Dor- noch neighborhood. arrived same day as above. He also eniisted in the 147th and saw stern service. He came in the 52m? boat and was all) liven ahearty welcome by friends and relatives. PM. W. D. McIlvride arrived from overseas at his auntpr, Mrs Wm. Mount- sin. [at Thursdav He enlisted in Dur- hamin winter of 1917 with the 248th batu‘ion, r.nd was at the than nine months before he was wounded in the left thigh on Aug. 8 let at Amiens,-the first day of the Cynthia-n, drive. That con- eluded his active military career, but he hm now recuperated end it looking well. Gunner Arthur Knidey who served‘ with an American battery in France. has returned and is not visiting Impound tIn town. (I The Women's (actuate .iil hold their . monthly meeting at the home of Mr. J. 40. Nichol on Thursday, Feb. um. Rec. H “Cole will give an addzess. A fu I at- -,‘lendance is requested. . I ‘british were licked and they knew it" i mu” 5 return 'rom overseas land that "before either of his two boys) Mr. J. P. Telford has gone to Toronto would go to fight they would die in their l to secure specialist advice regarding his 1iiiiiiiii store," Ream /e,W,'vlv,tsboe.ar of‘ throat which has troubled him of late. eusta twas arrest in an en Sound e . . 1tit on Tuesday by Constable Ca'son, 1,eisee, WES.“ J,i'cc,',f,i/g'it1,iteiNg,i,1 followingthe inaugural session of Grey/iiiii'ii'di. at "Mr. .,'lf?i,' M th non Co.Council,of which Reeve Weber isa'gze.SS 8,/'f I RP.. U. u y n up. . r . uesday Na il became a member member. The two warrants cover fiyeliii the Stand; rd bank taff charges. all being alleged breaches of thei, a s . MiLS.ervict Act and War Measures ActI Pte. Gordon Gun, who reached his at various ‘tmes Reeve Weber was ad. home at Newmarket over a seek ago, mitted to bail on two securities oitt000 cameto Durham Friday last to visit his each, provided by Reeve Holm and ex- grandmother and Harris of his old home. reeve. S henk of Normanby township. He looks tit and stalwart and was since He will appear for a preliminary hearing; last July with the Royal Air Force in before Magistrate Creasor on Feb. 15th. I England. Pte. Roy Cross. who has been at the front oeveul year: and was wounded. has returned and is not at N: home here with Mr and Mrs John MchuMe. NHUSTADT Rave ARRESTED, - On the authority of two warrants, charging mm 'mth stattrptntt to the effect that the f Goou CROP IN Dav BEur.--Writinsr ‘on Jan. 23rd from Webb, Sask., Mr Kohl Reid says, while sending his suwaipnnn for the Review: "I hav. taken the Review for iii years, since I came west, and wou2d not do mthuut n. We have had the best winter I ever saw either m the west or ti e tau. No snow of any account, and only a few days to remind us of winter. Tin, was one of the dry bets last summer yet [ those “ho had good summer follows, had ', a fair crop. I thrashed ttoil bush. of No I l wheat, - not so bad for a dry be!t:' Wishing you and staff I prosperous year." l - Soldiers Return ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Neil was an industrious young man of irreproachable character, and in his 26th year. He was popular with his compan- ions and well-liked generally. Thursday last he spent as usual. the family noticing absolutely nothing strange in his manner or actions. On Friday morning he rose about 4 a. m., an vttusrtal hour, and not returning after some time. his father, who had heard him go out, not up to investi- gate. Not finding him in the house or around the bam the mystery deepened and,he went across to a neighbor to ac- quaint him with the situation. A search was instituted and " daylight came tracks in the snow were noticed leading to a swamp near by Following these tracks the searchers found the body, cold in death. his throat being cut and the razor employed has since been found. Why he took this course isa mystery. He had just lately had the 'flu' and pos- sibly some complication has produced a depression causing temporary insanity. As far as known he left no writing or other intimation of his intention, and this strengthens the insanity idea. Few event, of recent years have cast such a gloom over a wde area of South Grey as did the death of Neil McDonald of Proton. on Friday last by his own hand. He is a son of Mr Alex McDonald and a brother of the well known John L Mr, Donald one of whose interesting lettexs we published recently. Tragic Ending GAHaN-CoUrqir.. On Thursday, Jan. 21 at Bloor St. Presbyterian Church. by RevJas. Wilson. Elisabeth, daughter of Mrs and the late Mr. John Counts. of Bentinck, to Mr Jus. E.Galnan. of Toronto. Ycreywr--.wettr. - In Glenda. / on Wednesday Jan. 29th, at the home, of Mrs his. Whitmore, by Rev A LHardy of Durham. Miss Annie Whi l ymoretoMI-Chas. McDonald on; . f Misses Allie and Edith Grant, Toronto l are home on the occasion of their brother I! Brock": return from overseas I Mr. J. P. Telford has gone to Toronto I P secure_ medalist Mstict regarding his The tragedy has called forth unwanted manifestations of sympathy to his parents and to his sister and this was reflected in the verv large funeral on Sundnv last to Priceville cemetery. Th _ services were obnducted by Rev. Mr McCarten and the situation made them doubly impressive. To add to the poignancy the mother and sister were both in at the time. but are recovering The measure to the lone "sy brother overseas will be a painful one to sender and receiver. HoRsr-In Glenelg, on January. 23, 1919 to Mr and Mrs Fred Horst, a daughter. Messrs Fred Runciman and Wm Sack- ett. Toronto, old neighbors, came up for the funeral. Miss Nellie McKechnie is hum from Toronto on a visit tor a lime Mr. A. A. Catton is this week in Owen Sound_at the January session of County Council, Mrs. John Burgess, Durham. received recently the following appreciative letter in response to the gift of I thin made by her through the Ladies' Aid Society of the Ptmbyterhm Church. Another instance where the boys {game uppties sent and this time a Der boy receiving it. Borden Camp, Hampshire, Dec. 22nd. 1918, Mrs. J. Burgess. Ladlel' Aid, Pres. church, Durham. Ont. Dear Mrs. Burgess,-- l have received with great pleasure the eel of good thing- and the kind rem- ake”- you have um. " is always n to know that ttroeeof one'sown town remember you and keep you in their ham Plate convey toail the ladies my 'ineet thanks _a_nd test wish“ for ttk coming yet. Sinougly Amy}. Pte. Gordon Gun, who reached his home at Newmarket overa seek ago, came to Durham Friday last to visit his grandmother and hiends of his old home. He looks tit and stalwart and was since last July with the Royal Air Force in England. Mrs. L Horne of the High School staff, had a painful fall on Monday evening on returning from the Presbyterian church when she dislocated her shoulder bone Mr. Luther Falrnghartt. of m-‘smd-t ard Bank staff. leaves Saturday for Drum- Miler. Athena whele he is moved. Mr, d Mrs. Guy Kearney uturnod1 132i~ k Pom their wedding trio to St, 1 Peter g, Florida. and Ne x York and , otter ims en route. l Mr., Melbourne MacKay of St. Marys, I was home for a few days Gift Appreciated it??? MARRIED to a Young life .---- rely your R. a mi Just west of G. T. R. station, cumm- ient to lumiture factory two 'ttorey in good repair. so". and hard water in kitch- en Good shed. could be used as stable. Property must be sold. as owner is mov- ing to the city. For termt. etc., apply at house to Mrs M. Ryan, Durham Also a good coll heater, an organ and some other furniture for private sale. Ap ply at residence. It has been decided by the local physi' tins of Durham that. in the future pres" criptions fot Irt.uor w." not be issued exceptingthe patient us actually under treatment for disease and being protes- sionally attended. Emmett - . J. L. SMITH. M. B., M. C. P. S. 0. By resolution of Town Council at reg-', , new Watson ular tnretintt on Monday. 13th January. 1 tslightly m... 1910. the -lX roll was extended to 3rd sawing machine February neat. After that date I list o' 1 now Lister I unpaid taxes will be given to the collector C to collect by process at law. l "". 12 hors, V and Lambton, opposite old Poet Ottice Otflce Ho"rs: fr to II a "t., 1.30 to 4 p. m ' , to I p. m., Sunday: and Thu" lay afternoon excepted. Won't Prescribe Liquor as Booze Omer and midrnce. eorrtrcouote" GEO. McKECHNIE. Mayor 14th Jan. 1919. t L Store where Quality Reigns Supra me Aims crisp, fresh and appealing. Telfers l "Th Buy WordNrBiseattts Fucked in " tight pack-cu. For sale It all grocer-t. Graham Wafers We have still afull range of Penman's Polar & Arctic Brands Underwear for men Polar Brand Penman's. $1.35 per garment Arctic " .. 1.75 per garment We have a full range of Men's Suits now on hand at prices which cannot be duplicated to-day. Drop in and see our range of Worsteds, Tweeds. and convince yourself of the values we are offering, as compared with other Clothing of the same grade. S. F. MORLOCK Now is your chance to procure a Winter Coat at a Special Discount. The above Coats consist of Tweeds, Velours. Beaver cloths and Plush Coats. all at spe- cial discount during the next two weeks of Stock-taking. How about (hat New Suit'.) House For Sale SPECIAL DISCOUNT TAX NOTICE As . nourishing school lunch lor a child- or with cheese, or with milk in the evening -Telter’s Graham Wafers are unemlled. The nut-like "vor is due to the maul sweetness of selected tiour brought out by perfect baking. LAD] ES' COATS UNDERWEAR D. B. Jamieson D Jamieson, ' J L. Smith, I J. G. Hanan. I During Stock-Taking on all ' new 6 K P. lairhnkmllom Coal Oil Engines. In! ' H. P. Fairbanks-Mom Cami Oil Emilie. I new If H. P. Pariah-Mono Gut.- lino Pumping Engine. 2 new 4 H. P. Lilo" Canuckn Coal (M Katina. t " h. p. and Gil-on Pumping Engine 1 and I K P. Barrie Gan-ohm Engine 1 It“ " h. p. INtroit (ll-Olim- Eng" " [qu " h. p Dunnvilh " " l In! Wuhan Gain Crusher. I and B in. Curl-din" Fairbnnko-lorw Grinder, with bug" I new Wi" Liner Grain Grinder. , - Watson Bowing I'M-him». l lli‘htly mod PairtrtrnkrMor,ie woo/ 1 not Lister Erudie blower In“ " bone Ivan power. I and Empire Typownwr. I and Pump Jack. A quantity of boning Call lad get our prices and him. d.momrtratod. When your daily paper tsubscription ex. nites. renew it thmh the Review (mum and take rdvantage of our clubbing rates Newand Second, hand Machines for Sale Public ~‘thh .101 60."! 0 BA ’ ' RON mun-m by 'q SMITH & sons. therttamfhu. Jil, price-amine

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