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Durham Review (1897), 30 Jan 1919, p. 3

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GENE? I "rs fl RAMS [lD-FOHST N151!) Ac. [ tho mk- mid. er, but! 'md- th, Incl: tand? Amw-zn- Muck otr,'t Jiite; 3 tram up- but! an“ m runny ml. The upland soil b tte praduct of Marine. both the mhzrkrg of rock: and cf vegeta- sma' he Hamptibk to disuse. In fertiliz- ing for general (rope on muck -ttoil, we a fertilizer with a small amount of nitrogen in uder to start the crap. on vigorously. a large amount uf vhozphoric acid,~10% to 12%,-- and a medium to “madam. supply of potash. under normal conditions an Marin as 3 to 5%. This of amuse, shank! be worked into the soil thor.. ought, at the time the crop u being mm. A - f _ M. P.:---" hat in the cull value of well rotted manure. by the manure “under load, allowing seventy bushels for a load? This being mil rotted Ruble manure. An-rr-lt. is very hard to state tirs nah mine of well-rotted mm, t,rthtrmararrespremutr load. lithe mum has been exposed, the proba- hn‘ty ls tha' it will carry no more 12mm tr to 6 lb. ct nitrogen to the lon, prdey not are re than 2 or 3 m. Wric acid. and 4 or 5 than. pot- ash. It is nc. (air to “the this at the who you weak! have to pay tor it in fertilizars, because im fertilizers these plamfocxis in in a madly aelable and eoneonttated form, Wm in manure the probhiflity is that the material which remains con- tains a eorviderable mum of plant. I'm-d in the unavaillble (mm. Well- Kept (ammo is highly “fumble, but" At should alwsys be kept in mind uhei quality of manure u directly dbpcndq rut upon its =Lumge, and the Mint: ot' the farm an’mais from which it was obtained. Director Chats, D.‘ Woods of Maine. any as fo'hows:--. “Phantom! in manure is not so quick- ly nor so ccmpletely avaihabla m ht the better forms of Ml, but astu- and! mum; of was and was, it has become (muddy accept- ed that the comma-chi! value of the pheatfbod contained in the only de- “I“. thiog about a jam mm by much we an Inc/same its uric-amt and mum vstut." . _ 'ool thu aiigikrs suxlemersteat by “at st Dirqotor Theme. hr 25 wars {he hut tro days Swond 50 days Thin! 50 days The CiTirrJiiiGiaiiGLtourtu of a surface oi the earth. 2. --wm you kindly t'xpllhl in Wu, muck no" diners from up- ufd +, best way to fertilize Luci” - - - Fertilizers PAY 4......- M...“ __---""'" 7 no but. Wtreat . a. Average of I; _ an. iii-ed! what should be used will _ - iiiei',',chi'h'.e,li but " any an it iaorld a "who"! not it mu '" Own " my Mm! ago-u: d [utility on "a! In (An in with": it an. have ,.heat Mat': " eh to nab high ”a " wi nu tequila Incl bans. in the Hold to any!" Iim|lmtir1< m..- -M..\ T Wuulahmhu Imiverrttr, Indian; Fayet'mIenul Tested Ynulims Increase Wh Mul- Yoot4io", d_1:;:3nmdiua Fault. Aeneid.- T "" Talc DJ... Tan-b 9| all: h- FunHIPH Hams-u! Tests: . Nia-riougrk l'nhi ‘- u " bu. Fail ' 1 has. 'tsei Soil and Crop smreoverygttPyttt.e l 1 his. Swing Cm .. " erase ot l yun' my.” Sal-c9229?!“- *â€" -------.--..-... I-" v." v" =ee H 3"... m toath " "a; , ' m Ian-um /1'ests dim-.- that use Wheat Yielil Fi Jml F.' twin“ oatfrttoat while “but Find a as fo'2ows:-- is nct so quick- avaihabla " ht my, but 1.020 [.140 1,260 Inn: in to place l advke o! in “I lining to soils tbl Pyofeusor {Iggy 22 . 4-25 23 . 9-27 .Fo T It is wiser to we the chemical ferti-l _ titers mentioned than to buy mute."{ ', Manure which “a sotmbernearted byi (y to 60 'dyg. at acid phcspbate to the a ton has been found to be highly nin-é able, in fast, yard manure which would correspond with that which you: 'describe nomad with 401bg. of) 'acid 13-me to the ton of mum, or 820 lbs. of acid phosphate per am, give 11.64 bushels more corn to the lune and aha-oat 6 basin): more ‘wheutpermumavmof 16 ' your trials at the ohiohEzperimssnt c'/rcutoi. of obo Experiment 'bastion,', who says in; fothws:--"Af- more; than twenty ycau’ work in the eom-l: who" of 3113mm ' chewed fetti-s 'irc, "n many mop; the station is not able to may. mare with any stthii. beyond that of the nitrom. plvpscho: as. potreitum and time which it carries. When mum mm more than $2.00 per ton spread on the bud. S. Rc-Wilt you please advise me how to destroy quack gran? --- Amswmv.---Quaek grass is very dif- fieult to destroy. About the only sure remedy is to work the ground; early in the spring, following the) piowimt by diskivng and ranks and heaping the ground fallow until after midsummer. Every time the quack grass gets a good start so over the g-nund with a horse rake, 1‘31an out at! the root stalks that they have started, and taking these when you can dry and burn them. Fohlow this work by Iihaotintr a cultivated crop on the land. Constant ea'gtivation will 16)] oat the weed. W. F.:.--) you tell me how to pre- vent silage from spoiling? My sil- age seems: to mold and get hot. Do you think it L a good idea to put water on, it? Attswar:--4ydage shou'bd not spoil K. the .ih, is “Might and min; of the silage We evenly. The. presence of mold show that either) the mflatre is too dry and tmlkr, mow-3 Eng for big air cireuution between‘ the spams of cut cornorthe asrizatta,l of the 932: have not been Muzhly: packed. The heating of the 3:30; shows that active fermentation is god ing an. Ot course to quite an ex-', tent this should no on, because it is felmenmtkm of the silage which pro- dueca the eamHiotts which account for its preservation. However, the fermentation should not go on to the extent of destroying the ssnElage. I weak! not consider it good to pour wa- ter on {he silage. It would tend to make it sloppy and spread the destruc- Con of'bhe silage by washing the spare; of mold from one part of the silo to the other. It the silage is very molsdy you will! have to throw awathe my pare. on top. awittAt moldy part on top. LB...' Will you please give me a balanced ration for a dairy cow? Also for fattening cattle if a diluent ra- tion is needed. Answer:-iteeker of Minnesota gives as a ration for 1000 pound cow as fellows: Crude protein, 0.7 IM.; cwc'ccrutydmttm, 7.0 IU.; fat, 0.1 lbs. He suprihanenrted tthis with consider- able figures suggested as an allowance for the dairy cow, provided she was Light in The Poultry Home. l For same time it has been a ques-i tion whether 'trtifieial light in theI poultry house was a benefit or no” And to help solve the problem. ml Poultry Division of the 1mm} Pam: have. tesed It for two 'd'e'd't,) durimrtheueiterof 191647 with m‘ pens (40 birds in on) of Barred Rock pul'ets and daring last winter with; m pens of Rock pom and two paw of Leghorn pullets, (40 birds of Car, breed). I In each Light pen of twenty birds two mm 40 watt lamps wen used. They were turned on at 6 an. and left til daylight, then tumed on axiom in the afternoon before (talk and teft till 9 pm. This m can!!! in November when the dnsa bowie short ma command and! the middle of Mach when tight was tummy. in the 1916-” test the may pa} In the 1916-" (at the an: pa: laid 1106 eggs with I total value of $54.93. The east of feed was $22.53, the east of tight $230, & ml coat of $24.73. TMs gave a 12mm our cost of feed ":1 m of $30.20 or , m1 per (has! eggs of 26.8 cults. @PoV/IM 04-2 .35 "T 17-2 - . 62 18.t-20.4 J9.4-22.2 20.2-28.8 The dark pen laid 686 eggs with a’ total value of $29.46; cost of feed was' $21 .09. This gave a Minuet: over"; cost of feed of 8.37. The cost per; dozeo eggs was 39.8 centi. l, In 1917-18. the yields were not high' in either Carle, and the total (“Rename in egg yie'sf 'm the tix months was by no means huge, but the tarty binds with light gave a better revenue than the forty without light. This differ- ence was made up an the t'ane that the eggs were remix-ed. Those with the light gave their heaviest yields in December and January, whiz: by in: “~er ---~ -___'_-__e__ir_ -- n ,, . t people had no spirit to brave the pri- mam manna and hardships of such a ha“ don't-nay. ’chax 1148. Bread from Heaven. ."A.t/t1tt. ‘even ye shah! eat flash." The flesh P.'m came to them in the form of flocks tlion 'of (nails. These birds are still Coen- and "non inthat country. They tty in the? T ‘spr-ing in great numbers new thewa ‘Gulf of Akabah, and are often soHt i :f-wtig-ued after their ions Bight thambeu "trG'"aiVFGit0'd_eiimhtyirk'tued.fe. lcorhpare aim Num. IP. 31-34. ,vers 3 "In the morning ye mm be filled' 18-f :wvhh bread." In the morning they} l found "a small round thin. man miss, I the hour frost on the grouod." ltybe: was "like coriander seed, white; and‘ 3 , tho taste of it was like wafers madegpat ! with honey" (v. 31). Corianderi,thei ! seed is a small fruit, srtraw-cd'.orU, kep , about the size of 'a pepper can: In tab nNurm. 11: 17 the'manna is who said Coe Lesson Y. The Giving of The Manna, Exodus 16: 1-36. Golden Text, Matt. 6: 11. 1-10. Hunger in the Wilderness. The exact Mation of the "wilderness of Sin" is unknown, bot it must. have been a barren plain or vainleys near Mount Sinai. At the best it was a hungry land throyrh which t1r.edetrl .......,., .._._ "'""e"eTW-" __ _ Wives were passing, very different from the abundance of Egypt. Long years of aoNeetiop and slavery had sappyd :the, mahh?o.d. of hrel, and thy 8.3003035}: tlillllrflli1l.lIfllt v ' Jon MAKERS OF 9231 MAPLE SYRUP AND SUGAR Open to all were of our well known ' - - " . . ; in. 'rl'Ptel', , " " champion Evaporator We have began) "omen n! 1918 whit-l We ofrrr Cum Prir. Syrup and m to: viririco.rtd, wtticl We haw Guided fr, ”max. c-. a uxzer stale. our vary pop-1hr Priz- ronteuv " "I: whirl is.'r-.ee'ted so many Nevin Syrup and Hutu match; '..'e onrr Cul, Pr'.r.ms to the \‘Iao of an.“ m ot this for Syrup and W for Bug“ -P.:v.en In hum chug! kinda! according to um’nl- scored. which we hermit-M by cn'.cr and tucor. Cut-(enun- an an" in ohm-r the, Syrup a: Sugar coinoqtitton, or both. Fall pqrtieuttsrs In be mo try writing for on: upevial “mo cum:- 0W." continue! one.” m -. "" is the “M1110." Ina-manor " the only tum-him: curable of making me best syrup, o8r'.e:s of {IL-res not posulsfng mm alum d Set husr and "Mar one right away. B.; so Grirstr.Otu will hate a Munro: wir:rrluq a substantial prize. thug :edw-h‘ rust. of the machine. I?!“ it one. amt! g; and Sugar VompeJIimi "ttrl ""rruriiiiiiiii MANUFACTURING COMPANY " WELLINGTON ST. . - - Moy? thard Champion Start at the Guelph Winter Pair, exhibited by Mr. T. A. Bunsen of Toronto. "Clear the Way 2nd” is the perfect typedoteer for beef. Ho was awarded the Grand Ghampimrdttp for sheen of all Claus at the new“: We 's'C,i,'ii" Vs‘uZQVEMGM'15â€"66;"Qfiéigm'w‘whc trad m . ' w, ce h: ' he camlfe‘armmit some of the‘by the Ebersl rt.T, tttht,'," It becitardrmapgoatmdiacaosdtt He‘breed . . r cy ’ by It was who Grand Ohaan . l 'ee." an importing the, best pun . Non at the bred are: the ld Ila-d: I (bum Nam Exhibition T l . . m . The) ttttto, and tad]: . . in a; or-Q gunman lite swat angina-w, ts' for Shtrrtho Iva-sired steers at the mi o ' tSet.'..' to (113mm, has " Stock Slim in Chicago and m 2t,ia2?l. mm“ mm tqbad‘the “M of a herd of three minds, ' M “In? iiiiiiilG 'gri'ctiugi,f'g mm, per- . prim there as (he beat iiiGiid,Ay, of Baum; are Mei-Zn: 1 sired herd. He WSL' also ttmt "n his! F _ m atttle to the " .. (extant cf 38,000,000 head. INTERNATIONAL LESSON FEBRUARY 2. THE BEEF THAT EUROPE WANTS "Clear The Way 2nd" i The total figures from the mo peas wizh the J"altt were; Number of eggs. E2470; value, $136.32; cost ot feed, "r55.48,. coat of light. $3.20: Ir.ryarvees, 3377.64 or a' cost of 28.5 ccNus per dozen. _ _ These without light laid 2242 eggs; ij,t'i1ae'.1gl'ifli' cos: of feed. $M.01; Ibtrar, ' $58.94, or a cost of one dozen i.etrtts, 82.1 cents. the heav'est months for the Logltornsl, witUat mm were March and Am“! and for the Rocks January and ici/cl, valued for an immune." The peo-‘ ple “Maxed it, and gum it in mm: or baat it a mortars, and seeth- ed it in pota and made cakes of it; and the taste of it was as the tarte cf fresh on." or oil-cakes (Num. 11: 8). They had no name for it, so they iravd. "What is it?" which in Hebrew [is "man hu" or "men m." and so (they core/tnur, to mil it. i What is now eailed manna is “an? lswoc-d juiee of the Tarfa. " species) Ft Marisk. It exudes in summer by, ln'gm from the tmuk and branches, l,atrd forma mam. rourd, white grains, Avhieh parity adhere to the twigs of fthle trees, ind partly drep to the; inound.” The Arabs gather it, boil, 'it down, and use it on their broad like Money. The Greek monks of Simi (sea it to travellers. It could not, However, have served as food for a Imulitimde of Pearle, for it consists when em1rely of sugar. The "manner which fed the Hebrews must have been of a (may miraculous ’ch-anacter, unness we any suppose that fthe memory of this Tarfa juice was 'prewved and that it grew in tradi- Wort to swimming very much more to have been like 1rdelium, that is} The sun? has a very high wine far us as or ancient Isa-art, in that; it ib1strsles most sigrtN1eytuy guur beautifully God's care for His peoplm Comm” newt. 8t16,andthereetierl! 113192501: of this story in Psalm 78:; -2 . t honey. The Greek monks of Simi; _ t . 'e'2 it to travellers It could not,_b¢fr:? 12:0 to 'ty w uteri} num- I howe‘ver, have served as food for a game page“ if? the -beans ', rematch of people, for it consists} bl ' F m P W beans on the l almost entrely of sugar. The a 'tey) can at tho pot. Arrange, mama which fed the Ham‘s must. the puotm around it ard letter them have been of a truly iiiiiiieiiieGr,AyB, d,D,ttornutttotktht. Each ehareeter, unless Ff my suppon that player takas five beans from the pot the memory of this Tarts juice m. and puts an hands under the an)" I Emma and that it grew in tmdi-- A beg-ins the game ivy clove n.” I um to scsnething very much moreitete band and brinm' . h J'attt 'r, “Rattan ‘table in from Ji B who 1&2: hum: am has a V0!" hi vain r,' ~ . ' ' ie' 0-“ .tor. us as Td amicm 1'i'iilt'lt,, an? my has; it hogs. if B s “a is" it Imqstrates most signNicranuy and: comet. ' iftf, arg the'boms m the Myrna God's care fer His people.( Emmi; but I his 1ruty as above or ill, comes Ptyf, 8: 16,atHthertretVal saw the number m the hand, then Incl version of this story in Psalm 'iiir:Wet A the dittersnce. For ex-': 113L253. " gamma, if A holds three ham: and is', 36 An 1"'lt'i, a head. Compare v.- Wellies two, B mast give him one; ifl, ' The tettth part of an ephah would he guesses five, he must give him two l be ahoot 6% pints in A mm: mm and n u 'l 31-35. The Pot tsf Manna. This number up to iii, he mwcg 211',' any page! manna, a preteens memorial of his M) L' A 1177‘. Its m e good their pOJoum in the wilderness, was B g1. M. Osai5 any beans and. kept m the mes-t how place of the guesaea none: ho mum: give the tabernacle. in tract. of the sacred nrk.- we number mart A holds in his", Compare Heb. 9: 4. “and. It A bald: tune and B gunman" none. A must Lah' five to " for Mai H5211 grade stack is he W12 m tbrthtrexroettmde. In Viewolthe European alumnae there is an im- mune opportunity for both mm of the live stock wintry in this why.” if _ “Cleu- the Way 2nd" rammed: perfection in fem and fir.hh {a (hum beet. It is said ' that wine Argeryduce beef realm: the British market of quality will to Canadian Mamas beef. The Ar- Irax-'d!ce gym or " MONTREAL ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO I AH thoughtfu‘. parent-s are Look‘ng‘ Ital-ward to (he com! " of a new eral l in the history of mankind. The pm; l, year was thmngod with ssaloserr'eg [ events. but 1919 may Mtge: tremen-l. I l on: changes. As you say,' “kings can never rem to {the 02:1 th've'. PeapXe we de- manding mom ot their cottunuoities wnow than ever before. They wart ibeeer schools and more maxim Memes. They are attaing for soak]. J centre hiis an: places of amusement. ;\'l‘hey are ‘nsistinc upon better roads [laud manketlng bulimia. Above all they are damning that and: com-' munity give them some of the ad-. vantages of the city, in order that' 'ite lite may have a Male less ,idrudgery, and a have more wholerunme, :fiiiiii'/iilii in it. What Its your cam- ., murky doing to tttcet the growing de- .’manda? Have you a social centre ', where your people may go for enter- t"tainmeettt Have you a pubyre play- V; ground suihrt2y equipped for year irichirai'reet in whoa” Do you ever ', have a municipal holiday and general (rcrr/:vcateyrt H you Ewe in one of 32 these ocetymatrit'es that y, doing things if for its people, please write and lou Nathan an: "ttttttters or att - If. -- lawn“ a writ. " thtt “Dim-non: mum. only will to mm“ um: nah caution and m mun! " i mun o! tttostiftegtttort, Inn mu turn. I“ “an" mun In gion In a!” Utter. Writ. on on. “do a - any. Antwan will In mama direct W "ameed and “tinned cunts-.9. to union‘- Addrnnn I" corrasmndenno for tttle 66gtartment to Mrs H.100! LIN. 2” Pmtrrscs:--qhank you tw your kind wards. This depattateett has been crowded out far seven: weeks be- cause of hck of dance. utters, have been answered by mail. “in? JiiuUJiGGiaa (or “It. d6trartment Wecdbino Ava, Toronto. B guesses none. he wont give the same number that A holds, in his hand. It A was tune and B gun-sac; name, A must pay five to ll for his correct gum. It a pCayet' does not have enough beans in his hand to make good Ms guess, he draws five tttan the pot. After he pays lhe play goes on as 1sefcrtr--fmm A to B, B to C. and so on. - - sires, tithe n player has more than flvrs beam in bo hands, he Ups the extra one: on the tartits ht front of An absolute necessity in trapping fox .5 a good mil scour which the trapper must rub on the soles of his slams Hid on his ttloves mac-1 working award the traps. The fox is per- haps the hardest of aid wild animals to trap and is very auspiczcug of the human odor. The trail acenL helpsl w Is.“ this odor. Traps should be, sprinkled with blood to which the" trail scent bu been added. or should be boiled in heated: water. Traps would be set along the fox mg“ or when they are most liilar. V to and. The taps should be not than two {out from a fairly large mo; any should be wdi covered and Ache sttrretuetdir1gs made tn look as m- /t.etl u possible. Am ttve feet GiislGirtrtteteyedmsxs.otftt bed: to: hit down he mimic-d, {thew We the mm In ill-Minx for “a hit the fox will be caught an ‘thc _ _ . _ Or . stake about six tect in}; may tld.iveainusttaseuz1tsot1a:;t'A chads five feet high. A amt: Would bepueedmstmsrtCaes9utt:i., few dmpts of the fox bait placed on it. Tm dhttuld be net on either Ede at the has: of tho Maud (Jetted will vim {any "ht math, otx Thr, method muck; foxes from great tSs- -1350; should be eased tcr side out. in raeraeirtr (R the mnkut. Ccti mum dunk! be our! in s/av.trh, m. Periativefa no "e. " _." x". tioar1shppuutssod b:.'.' .0:- Methods of Trapping Fox. THE TRAPPER. blunt-32w. Thtmetmsy notbeueed “in in the gum. Whenever a [Daya- a out of ham he takes five automate”. qhettameetm- mm: until one of the playex s has mm mm beans in hit hand and limbs the pot empty. When that mun. each flue:- ruts .11 the beans he holds into his tay: and counts them. The perm who hm the lax-mt may vim the game. r; you qd sh to make the may Warmer. ":tterease the number of ham to xsevcrrt-fivc or a hundred. Com. rice. marbles, or any other and! objects will of mum Im in the the: of beans. Patriot: --I. The first contingent that teft Canada. totalled 33,000 men. 2. More the war Crest Bum had . pence any of 162,251 regular. and 261,195 terr'itoriMs, or may mined troops. s. The am’tsi‘éloe “as et'getes1 at Semis, swmwat of Com- nhama. m. 4. When noon in We. “no. B. When noon at Ontario it is tr pm. in London, 6.09 pan. in Paris and 12:46 am. (next day) in Peking. 6. You m right-- the firtst CUnadian Willem to land imrFrmce wuss the Princess Patricia Cam-diam Light [Mum-y. 6. "The mama Story of tht fPr" wyulfi Igood. You an show how, by ',ee-l If»; balanced mrtiona, your chaircar may grow up to be strong ma. ihetEithy. You can teach your dtlddrmg limow to take care of their health. Have you not problems in your community' list you can map mm, such an bob, Iver sermon, clean anus-mum, and no“ fcrtht Wouth’t this mean that, lynx were heipinc your children to keep their ham and mrods mm; Smut how you can make your home _ attractive ta the boys and gidl. Show." ho-ri-mother-let-tsome: of her household duties that who may 1 l be . bum mum to her children, _ EsymreNmt writer. "l have to write a - for our club on this subject: ‘My Second tytenee-_-My Children.' Can you help met" . - mir essrrsrkst.r'am would be min". you show how you an max your crildten to await! making the we mistakes} you have made in your own life; howi you on) inatilt in them your mm high idetata. Fem there me things that: you souredf have Banged to dot You can bah) your madam to attain these 'thirtgs m! thus be "tirdted through! than. Maybe yvur own mm is not! With these few suggestions you can devdrgt a most interesting paper all: cool planks? expand to ran, cents) ' or “in. bone in the for. Li,' L'iii, . . .' V,' gm shock! be removed to tmrid tum-I “gym: s sahi "m I “an: dmen at 10 c hag. RAW F088“m '" “M W who. to: RAW FUR! and GINCENG ROOT R. "iiii.iiEit' wag-x21- 'riri"WriiiiFFikts 'ii'i,It/ry,rfiyiltt?. to an. G Quaint “an”. We pay the highest price. lilo enm- uare. Try out and you no aunt“ a “notation. “Dionne! _ "" Hun. him! run gaming} no .5me ioncml, no. " yarn of renal. (new; Rcroroncc-‘Umon Bk. of Canada Writ. for Price List {no Tu. loin manuiacture" and not ham to u. alludnpuumeohehhut (ruling and be high-It nub! who. Quick "tum" qereiVroaer. Ko'duhimdbutntmuiuh Wyn-Mum: anal!” "tey' RAW FURS In humou- for " in”. of Rocket-n. " "iitfeUt" noun“; Md It" but. m 5: flnrt not b PM. ml. I - hare hn an tte-irq cm a. mud teo6-,rtattttotdteefadi-tirtuent 1m phat. w the Nest. AMast most .rmniiatearrAi_ cum 'unetmlie. I wound Mt I Mrround duper sack with this earth. and who ‘it home with Me, nanny dad up in an karmic wrapping of heavy paper. Nu imam if people did think I was ci. .in: home my marketing that way. ll When I had a; mash earth as l ineedmi, I as us“. tf to took fc, 'pores; for some t' e I Lad [new nu " cumuut,imt. mm"; t.1 g4mmxi ctr'. n. 'Isuoh tte ate used '11) avian ink on );mu(‘i!am- f.-r ofticas -‘ " ribs. Tho" “were abet: mil Cot “Mac. sur'." pr I, yard bciaw my mum “Tr lou whltt 1 M s%e. right to we Li‘ 1 633M. ' Mod the boxes with a mixture " M dint dark v. '1 siuxutyed fatal m . uc-‘uhbodw (me. am! I“ mold (tom the phestr'ncre phat _-AMY M mud: of the Itt‘icr al tlist, Th and: Was rirt:l naked; than I v'r, but, and coma the in no. of broken glass aide. Thron.en sunny was hot mute for my it was army, co'd, an. all an old awning over extn eoveHet. , In due the they our» up-MO WM Millikan. I v-ect-d. aun- ned, od strcl/ered thcnr As won as they were an ineh high. I tnrefur.y dam one ftmn can}: hill and that“ it by Tuna". I traded up the bit of backyard . mmttmofeetdeer. Ittookne . long time to do it. Every chip. mot, and bit of ruhb'sh was c-Jmfully nip ed out. It In very rrrnfft, n I had to still my summ- Phe'. The, ma crest. dodgy. Iumricm m bending. I erfal then Pf'..--" m. at 25 can a doBmt--tit neighboes, 1“» test I Wanna! for mywi'f. excel! ’n M that I gave - I looked m the. the but thin every mm beta" I want to work, 'iansrtutirstttcmryset! I came in" tttpt At lsat they begun to but. I I no!!! tha fue chine madman. m ityretr?ruttUtS"; at tr wants. he the bert mum in m. i,ute. I and “an ml! for “In! /ae-e!tttrttt5eot! mum t-ietrLatetrrtf"dlire_ ‘a dozen n the m named. When my crop mu at Its high I 1Waminnz. IMupmqu-md i ham-m;nd 20 botties of eatmm. l, ember, mm; a light best, .{ound my bush.- oovered with - "ruit. I gathered a "1d made up . "quantity of preserve: and chopped Miriam. - . " . l gum- D Of course, an. a no way of ml- ,cer the exact not“ of pun-um I I waived in. my was. an the pun- lutrle improv-ot in mm; 9nd (- ,W I gathered from trutCaw van on the km” Mter a fash‘on. I l lmow that in than my alone my pan- mu were hm satisfactory. But iiktotaerGtimnhreo'ro"t my View 'tmeet-tb- Plants now (16 (loan at 25 mamaammmzr. "udthettot1Hon hand) 10 {has of chopped pickles, worth80esot'a unit. has cost of vinegar und spice; .. "umspoi4rieriem" SOLDIERS AS Pttot't0l'rs' British Gems!- Wh Worked " -_- Exact Tint-1‘3“». It would be interesting to hear Sir DotO" may: predktion u 10 the and of the In. Sonic of his panacea”! iu (nomad of British - have been In good trrettets. 1W. Lord Woluley nid he would hoist the Union Suck At Comm-lie on Feb- mry sun. but he did it on the 4tht the and of the campaign, however, he: predicted exactly to the by. In was: he said that be m“ bunk Am14 Pulm‘i Power on September lulu, but It w” m the 18th that lc. nt- tacked all beat him It Tet.el-kebir. Lord Kitchener, too, worked to n exact time-table in his sandal: can. pitgn, Ind Lord Reborn predicted that he would enter Tutti: on " lath. hut-wan unavoidnbb- M iinmneriekru1d 68:5; 12 5mm (om. ml ”I, “so heat (a sen-mg ($2.00» ...... Not prom. .. mm B. aw. June-133th. 'tit them; that my. a mach earth a I red on took fcr tl e l tad but! " l.a..:~bm’.l ta1!tt'ctv, PM ought for tiv 'py tomb. see menu and: l . of and. T when! I found out Days, 1 bid I ssavs,f,_e, When dark. I tuck- new. mart. lees I. - with sum m. soon!- fury like an lute hl and tam ' 4.00 “I.” 10.0. 5.00 7.00 $0

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