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Durham Review (1897), 30 Jan 1919, p. 4

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*3 I Li k. " Mt " ity. " “mambo-gnu what price. spew mug. amthu-m. Every In: muted. If not satisfactory bring It but and get par money. Low (but Flor, Mal Oats, was: Cereal, Btu, sun. “It. Can Chop, Cracked cum Con Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour BOO tons of No. I Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop -afs Highest price paid for Oats, Barley and Peas. All kinds of Cattle, Hog and Poultry Feeds for sale at the Mill We buy and sell all kinds of. Grain. Rob Roy Rolled Oats Chieftain Oat Flakes Rob Roy Wheat Flakes Standard and Granulated Oatmeals THE RED FRONT HARDWARE, Durham DO NOT ASK CREDIT ON SALE PRICES. Lined. 1" 50010! ... ...F'.. ... 398 .. 460lot.4.... '....r.. 848 .. 425 hte,...-....... 828 .. 400htr... .._._ -.... 298 Pare wool “all. Blot-h“. " tioohrr...... 398 Luther Hone Co Inc. 6.00 tor. 4 GO Hot Wttipc.-.., .,-r.. 25...“. Carry Combo Ind Bumbag... 400 pnir co. Two _r___. .. F 35.2030?) Sale from Saturday, Feb. lst to Feb. l5th inclusive, but a great number of our lines are necessarily limited, so get yours early. 1hitetmitttrt' Sttkllrdahdloirrt " 1 Mt tor. .. l 25 for. Gamma. a. 8.00 Gr .. lt 00 lot. Glenn. "3 2 " for. .. 1 00 tor .. l 00 to: Pull-own. I... 2 00 tbr .. t 25 tor, Stock must be reduced by $l0,000 in two weeks. SALE LASTS FROM FEB. lst 'ro 15th inclusive. but time does not allow us to make anything like a complete list. COME-c- See Lined Inn. to. ft 00 tor '. l 75 (or Mitts and Gloves ROB ROY MILLS, Limited Durban, Ont. t John McGowan CR'MPED OATS htrtiorse Feed at Pair Prices CHOPPEDOATS at.... very reasonablentes THE PEOPLE'S MILLS Horse Blankets Business Hours----") s. m. to 5 p. m. 3149 1.19 1.10 2 Pd 1.10 1.69 .76 .69 1,49 Roby High-obs" attachment. reg 175 for... .. 1.15 " 3 M) for... 2.48 Bag Truck; reg r, 50 tor....... . 410 Oil Com; G gal. reg 2 50 for ... . 1.75 lhl Cam 5 gel, my 2 00 for ...F.. 149 No ft Dan Chums, reg $11 for 8 7.5 Wuhing Maohion. reg 12 00hr 8 98 Ironing Boards, tag 8 00 for ... 2.15 Ash 8 he”. reg Ma for '.. 250 Baby Hammocks wi'h 'tamd, _ Log Chaim. reg 8 M? for .._...... 2 " .. 400tor...... .. 35.5 An! (Samson gun-Mood) tag, 200 tor _..... 1.60 Am (Dom/a gust.) tag 2 00 tor 1 60 Axe bundles job lot ..........150 "tth Garden Rakes. "g 1.25 tor.........79o Carriage Haters, n3 4 GO tor... 3 48 y cut Bun. reg 6.50 tor . .. 6 00 tor . " 6 50 for . " 4 50 log. Saws, Axes, Etc. at THE RED FRONT HARDWARE nag 6 00 tor 3.25 Ir'r. I. lul- spat-(owl lin'iu"uTl'lUtnh'Slf, Thule almost Fem-r, and Mum in. Denounce Wu pram ---- weelber II will cannula; mild. during the winter. I “The lk Whelher old winter bu "rrsetttintr The ulnryol the Tum.- up“ up no: sleeve or on tension to be teieedto ”75m. I TheLediu' iii 'mn' k The Clerk wee intruded tonnd‘d' hutch ed The Bone.“ Bed Cro- Worken ut_c IPI'. Iml n In Geo. Blenle'e on Wednu-l toe , 'ttttiss of the 'trutiarlpat World. tttrrt,if,"ritfi a: [an luv. end ace shrunk 3 good deal Reed Conan-loner- for 1919 will Thclull ,ragtiiled (ttf work. mm. m euendnneeil nu be no follow: Word I, Thou. Tm. mdum "tein In Inge an formerly. the India have btgll :Werd t M, Melanie: Ward a. completely gatigfie mill on interest“: the work and rmu-,ttotoltn Black; Word d, Geo. E l “a”. aiarire llze as General Newborn up “the Pent ; end the Reeve tor Ridge; 'and IXMrer' all an P" i. not over "t." 0:denon Treuerer wereulollowe: thechurch from tl It Geo. Colllnecn delivered . load Pee. Jno L IleKlnnon $8 on for don. ”1.3:" clan“). T lori'a"ai1i'ii'r", with” oorr.ider. uion: A. lean-is '3.3pforlooki" fl ftrdtf'r'i'd,2", able over: we end had “not been up timber tor Hall. seeking to pro- with the baton. ' WI the drop in price would In": pure the Mendel Statetttettt nudue- diaettagiat . ( ltrimtti.t . “WWW. P". The plttem Hwy onion for election 'tewtgtittuteruttmr1 i In eplte otthe dieezroeeble weather on Thnredey. e number tron thin t',t attended the - ohhe lexe _ re Arehle MeAnhnr of the Glen ' Ire lnAnhnr wee well-known to ell lend wee noted " hlndneee end hoe- yum”. She wee en nrdeu lover ot the “one end will he an» Inleeed by - old Meade end when. n In Geo. Binnie who bee been needing e " weeke with her ttattebter, In Beer at litehen. le It Geo. Colllneon delivered a load of hon teeently. weighing eoneider- eble overuon end Indium been for the drop in price would In": brunt: e aha-Intel Inn. The Ill-p in “pom-ion bee trnttaed a. good deal ot bewilderment to box return. It and In it. T. Gel-pull of Owen Sound openteiew den lately with In On. tether. It Neil IGOR“- Trar. .. " . . If and Mn mm heroism: an m w. R. Tun-Ira on 8n- M. Mr ind In A. Dertrr visual Tau- day In: with the man mother. In Jno. Cooper. Hunpdon. A number tron hero wooded 1 new»; of III Fumer‘u Club which In recomb- cranked» Allan Pork and trom which In“ good in ex The gixll of ml. vicinity had a quilting bee in aid ot the Red Croo- u the home ot In Jno. lung-n one day In! week “q had u very plou- wt time, ll- Inbel Klrlnown Tiqited friend. on the line "Gently. Mr Will Huber while out with a lining ptrrty u limpdon loudly night Ind no mlolonunc will! on the in and dlllooue his shouldqr. Mr Occur Elba of no" Aron all. " It It Alex Grlenon'l Wednesday It John Corbett disputed ot tomcat " (on. to It Function ot Glonolg. Mr and Mn Wm. Huber and full. ite ot Pduvillo viniwd rel-tint bore rmntlv. I; Til: Quit - up. an SAUOEEN VALLEY 6 " 4.98 4 " 8 55 ft " 3 55 SOUTH BENTKNOK of the highest quality and can give you some surprising values in hand-made goods. Tin Nils regal-r 8tht tor... .. 19a Tin Dish Pans, reg 55: tor... .....380 do 40.: (arm. 29.: Heavy ruinnui Di-h PM". 8tior 653 do 500 for...... 840 W. & W. Emu]. Water PA". do 000 tor...... 44o -. reg 1.65 tor l 19 do Mo for...... 433 Col. Enlln Woter Pails. l 50 for 990 do 85a tor.,.... 59c Nilguo Sproyeru. reg 90e for... 650 do 950 for...... 60o Earth Sprayers, reg 1.00 for...74o Tin Pails (Queen Dairy) 1.25 tor 89.: --.---- do (Hercules) tag 1 25 far 89o Wrinseu. regal-r coo for...... 4 98 do (Iron clud) reg 1.2,5 for 89o Buck an, regular 1.25 tor...... 80a Golvnnized Pail. D qual., 60: for 44a Gnlv. Tube, stnsll, reg 1 75 for l M do do 70e for 493 do medium 2 00 tor l ,50 do do 80; for 540 do large 2 2,5 for l 69 do I" qutl., 80e, tor " ' Boilers, rpg 2 GO for.... . 1.89 do do 900 for 640 do 4 00 for...... 3.15 do do 1 00 for 74e Snow Shovels, reg (30; for... .. 48a 1hsif Stuiner Polls, reg L10 for TN Bread Boxer, reg 2 25 for...... 1.51 do IM for 89a do 200 tor...... l M Tin Nils regal-r 8tht tor... do 40.: tor, do 500 for... . w: , ii; k' iriia mg m. TINWARE, GRANITEWARE, ETC. We have recently purchased a bankrupt such of 33:11; a: it "u“ _ J.""' Ei i Thereia alarge cute in the operatt OM ' one tor Undue. 'and covers all hunches and agencies (ff . enon Trou‘ror woreufollom: thechurch from the new minister down Pte. Jno L IcKlnnon $8 oo for don. to the nexton. The play open- with tt along A. McClain $3.30Iorlooklu choir r.e.hearyai and Prof. Tm (Mr up umber tor Hail, auh'Ingto pro- R, mama“) sum” tiii,ji,etr,i,ii,r,y,' pun the ibtatteiai mane-z Ind " e- tt,teh, the bato.r:. Durhtg the rttal a the mos-an: orders for election ','/rglf,'i'ld'/',t,1,lhtJ; ah: QWimmm upsw- $82 Tlr; 0. Ram" 86.85 Ralphy 'l'.2rte'r"h"v"il/'lh%" beams!" . 'df, t2'21tcd'.r?Mfie,',tE 32.25 Begum minister) would haze to £33? l mat'g Ho. [enthusiast to make . Toemsto$t0.ar,Jottes leKinnon thi the VFW" while the 'f2d'1ytte"g,'grr on road " oo, Ialeolm McLean m. were.insistent that he be young and pro- vol 81-50; Patrick Dolley, yum" mV°- . ' . . Lot L 00314 “0.00; John “CHI”, f Pt Ladies Aid Aociety m outin satin: Ion out at the road Lot 7 Con V the str..ength. at their “W' to dim 10 't00;Jstnt Pall-ha not . (gaming the new manner. Their tuna-dubs 33.00. " PP. (WHM J Tuscan i'G nun weft-gum aehemer and - " 0. pumped: o . . mg “10-... j M titydiiiiiiiii, to 51w 321:3:th . dun-ea the m .4 J. a, Blot. Clark. '2edl'ft'n'tdU2tl'fgtg,'g,S"e'1 o-w mum: ”JV-ulna WIID. " in arrUd t tterthirif “like! daiirreF. " Ion. " 'z"ll"ct',r,'flel by the ,','l',',f,lrV,'SP,tdrtii . 1.8. Bluk.Clork. renderedandttemuhtfdrthap- ( -"--_---..--. "Th. Old Mag: Club" of fang! doaen"teeet"aee . I poqedeeed " " . ,orpniaed again anthem he M new tr',ta mm coming and ”an! M 'tl trt.ting.qtesteV.toyr.tttorrrutitter-iL" ' my ablehude. Qhttt mama-non. That an hm’ “jam ' -rfedtheat.3trovirtg voted‘ Ito-abysuecluacglmnvaimz'bttm! ,') F<eot.ltatuvett-at-st iitiiiiii.iiil MEL Har, M. Kngchtel. III to]ou.Boyle.acm.‘no(MnJm‘Cmm£sz.Cole.mthemmmum Bani-ck. all} I with. tows BtMeliiiktitityehhjetidi.irjieTie"iiiGlii; but, of that tmmettt% ttttnigh tttici-dems later lbw-In The Bow. Inn Instructed to no that I“. Inhomo- wu pram during the winter. . The Bone. Goo. E. Pun 3nd Halal. Bluk wore appointed an “and“: Committee for the abund- ml at the Mall. Mittttttm of iaet tgtetetitt ".d .nd '"'HP""', “I. um lupyly plwzclu. tll‘ll troMrtrted. 8td'lll,1'll'lio,',', on vu- I 'l'J11"lh We. 1'38 "gg',,'t'ft,lfd'e, (I): ion “Neon having been read, It. T. I Southern Russia. Then came by way of Edwards end W. J. Ritchie weal Paris new: that ' Col. Joseph Boyle. a appointed auditors end 1oeal so.” ot I Canadian officer from the Yukon had be- ..m. toe 19" mu nomad u (allow: I come a popular hey? in Rtttttaniaynf had Dr. Hence. . o It, Thou. mum ben awarded the highest Mm"- decor. and George Binnie. member. . J. B. lrye.1 the goidett. Crowr, by the King for Block u Bear-nu. and R. J . To"! I 3mm“ 1tt'g',',te'A'.rtgt,Lhie,e, pad W. A, 3“”. u 1$amitary Itt. the title Duke of Jauv," "atiaat honor. opener- and Br In!" 589 Ind 590 Than there's a Lady Boyle, or Duchess of ttttrits. their ”pollutant. was l Jan-y. or Noe Boyle's wife" as Yukonitee read chm timeout! paged. I at” fall thtrg'tfer,tl'eY"2t ion able to . The 80.". No. E. PM" I ter " I I on Intercom Inimi- Bluk were appointed ttf t,'e,St"r'tt,hr 'i',,','.",',.',,"',,', 11,222?" 'Baildlu Committee for the mbttitd. lot in g competitors inheriting tt in. ot the Mall. "' father's love of sport. That', record The Been wu lmmted to an "toutdo for mm“ tsurely. The Council met January 13 h. Member, pruont : Thu. Nichol Esq. "no. Mulooln lclnnis. lunch: Blush. No. E Pom. councillors. Mr That. annbull being elected. was unable to “and on noon: of “loan. Altar Inning deeiaratiom of oihe and qulilutioo they took their was the more In the chair. In and In W. N. Turnball visited will: In Tumbnll’l pawn:- Mr and II" Joseph 1toore ot North Egronom. THE D038“ DIVE.“ GLENELG COUNCIL Wringou. regular 6.00 for...... Back In", regal" 1.25 for..... Gnlv. Tube, smnll. reg l 75 for do medium ft 00 for do large 2 25 for Wash Boilers. reg 2 50 (on... . do 400tor....., Snow Shovels. reg 60: for... ' Bread Boxer, reg 2 25 for...... do 200 tor...... Tin Dish Pans, reg 55: tor... .....380 Heavy rotinmd DH: Pun. $1 lot 653 W. a W. Emu]. Water Pail. - reg 1.65 for 1 IO dist church named a distinct 89cm in their operatta, "The New Mining" in the Toim Hanan Thur!!!” night last. The hall was fillet) to It. utmost capacity and we feel safetn saying that all wen completely gatigfied. ikGii it hid. He Vai hot hard of min till March 1918 when he turns up in Southern Rudd: that gang byway of Be went to England in August 1916. and got the notice of the Imperial author- ities, who put him o.n an (Advisory Board dealing with Russian railways. Just as he arrived at Pttmgrad, he wu asked to help golve_tlu‘loo_d_ supply problem. then. kWh was born in Toronto and educated arrived. had to much advice to hand out in oodetock. :that it frond almost the thin and of the This Jeep? like his l',i.utiini,Tggkg wedge orhim. waeannno somepush. ‘stinuie . Lwei mum isthe himself at school and College. In: ilftjll2iit,er,ii)irg wheel may? the ground, entered the Kiondiie In the gold- [action and proving to have . mterior rugh dayajmd w" ey.tr.emely fortunate .itt l voice (as was shown in her nob!) wins I the ppmnt of the shgmug_ metal, and In I place in the choir and the action. 'eCurttW and “WW timber Y,tgtt) At last the much heralded minister Then the war called him, aryl the "er.tey l arrives in the of Rev Mr Brown ,t,',e2rlitt'te,',', tom ouht m ',',fi'Te'."i (Mr H. 'ldlteelrllld' iGiG . warm '"dl"l1tA"f'e.C'.,'f.e,"fl'"'aef.e.'l.5 'I'),,, 1.9mm ttiecmttrtegntion. securing and handling timber receives. Then the war called him, and the money he had began to flow out in organizing war units, supplying machine guns, Ae. Th? Lagiu' Aid. Society of the Metho- N. P. MolllhlrlllPrRllE S. IlMllolllll)ll'1lrYRlllE “The New Minister” Sloiglu. regular 2.25 for .. ... 1.60 " 2.50 foe ...... I " " 2.75 tor ...... 200 Sledn. " 1.25 for '..... 8N " 85a for...... "it " 60a for...... 86tt Bury Cotton. re. 4 00 for.. ... ft " " 5 00 for. .... 8.25 " 600 for...... 400 Baby Cutler] with hood, 9.50 for 6 98 SUIT CASES 75,3251} reg $5 for...3.65 reg $6 for... 4 " Sleighs, Sleds, Etc. to. 7.50 for...5 M " $6 for 475 rel 5.00 for...4.10 reg 6.00 for 4.98 SKATES reg tr 00 for 8 98 rag 3.50 for 2.93 reg s 00 foe 2.48" tag 2 00 tor l 48 TRUNKS tg,U J2,ittttit?ii'ieiiiii,iii"iiii iri net be: 1 mm 'll',', duett. Mn Rev. Cole in a camber-n number with a tragic ending. and I qw- tette, viz. Mean Mche and Glu- and Madame: Knechtel Ind Cole mare-em- t,g respectively the owl. crow. parrot and The ladies of the church have their funds enriched by 8110 by the concert. 'ras_a1arge factor in the 30063881}; am._fchgpo Mr. _H. Mche's fine solo tsikeatoirTGuirt iii iiitiiTii'GGG'. " "a: with work mom than othera.t _,ft9ttspeasine of .the 00m I that mixed that Mia- Lovejoy has named him being an old acquaintance a much to the char-in of all. They all move how. ever the play dae- br nit. giving the happy couple the handshake with heat wishes " the future. Miss Rita Irwin was accompanistand was a larcenfaptor iy, the 0990!“ of the Mrs Wind(Mn J. H. Shark) isthe mmunity aouip and relates all Ihe hears as well as what the decaf! but to Mr. Brown. mud: to his d.el.iattt.J?) TheOld Maid Club girls are View; who istosbethe happy choice among them when unduly Mr. Brown alumnae: that Miss Lovejoy has tempted him Rang att.oMptyiudLntanta much to MacFARLANE'S DRUG STORE in. A few of our values follow, See for yourself. P. R. Tm oiid. some Come and see for yourselves As we intend making til" terations after Feb. lat, we must move out the bulk of our China, and in order to do so, have cut deep. :93 tll tor 8 50 [as $10 lo: 6.98 Alteration Sale ya any"; iiiirar. Now is are time to secure I pieces cheap. 3 only three-burner Oil Stoves. All Oil Heston. Coal Heaters. Combination Rance: must be sold. Ask pricoc. Royal Purple, Grofatst Calfmeal, Saturdnyl only... " per cm. A stockof Brooms. .......75c each A Inge usartmont of Silverware 16 don ounmnteod Cold Blast Lantern- at...................) Lantern Global. short or long, _..........................' for 250 A Few of Ttttat “51 07 The [Maniacs were made : H2; who! ttri-, " day thins. 34 sur. mm 70” can. 21 towels. 220 peemgtat my but. and: cloths, "ng 40 painolbedoocksr “piled-leaf Inch. 8min ofchild- whim " “raw under gar T"".'-"'". Mfee.tof coppers were [an in. ' Wttasemrt-g, the u it ,4'l'i'trle'l"lr'id'lu'tdr8uh1tt. 'ltetrtomli.aetdrmiimdiorthedtg20. Sin-d. “all; My. Pres. , MM. Hm. Sec -Trcas. Out otoritt-iat..............d.. Taken (mm Treasury for gum R.dCtmsSoeiety.8t42 m Gum» tu.uneru...... u co Total __ _ 3151 67 Since May hh. 1918. as meetings have been held with n - attendance ot Wot Aw quilt......... 52 " Final Report Iro- South-East lie-tick Red tlht" Workers Come to u for rues o..........". Our Leaders ......u any price 38522 105 . lulu flu-II _ Girl. Ind hon wt mg hard on the (an mar should but a l their cane-hon this free to Iny Iddrm. G. D. Flynn“. C. can hum; chum . who deed on the " Int It Clutch. am the widen-gm. not otom, their menu I particular. of that c (an of the mama then. After the “I out. the new“: mm of the and ed Only to the chum. d ounce: ; and he welll pawn ol who“ cm notice. Ducd the mm a J. P. TELPG IN THE MATTE TATE OF " of the Town l tied won". Ste, .- Menhoa this paper - It I ‘I'hll denot- In union - ma Am tout-u ac.. mm inn ”Jinn-n at ml that. oe to Ieylon P. M1 *3. Mom {"QWRWWWR‘ B-tta I Wow ' Hana 'r or and J. G.EIUTI‘0 ‘ullblth'ttlt V um - on .51 do TC. L. éem¢++ Pres. Kettle A. S. HUN NOTICE no here O WINTER ( p2r ttttR) 27/0104 Cross-cut [icon-rd Anew let-humus“ " Milk and PFI'TI we are ct attention u le a pints, a Special In ndditi SA Ilnd both g" ortttC use: to JAN. D IcPl OFFICE and

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