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Durham Review (1897), 30 Jan 1919, p. 5

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II'lR pm South-East Lross Workers le cure ITS ves MNrs of bed sock. _ , sums ct child- Itren,' under “- Jr, 'eet of coupon for rates follow, aders 2N meetings have we attendant.“ ORE SO we n "tr 019 915! " P made : 89. mks. " at. l towels a: wash cloth. rwar* is! i'ac?,u't','. tem "o. . Pun . Sec .1"... )n (as He "u " "42% l 106 JO h " tttO 95 " iaut+ra.qsoqaF.t" i; c. L. GRANT fl,' f' _____i,,, t Flannellet tes if t, and Hosiery: out. the executor will distribute the ante of the aid estate. having regard only to the claim. of which he haa had notice; and he will not be liable to any person of who“ claim. he then had no notice. Dated the lath day ot January. 1919. J. P. TBLPORD. Durham Ont Bxxutora‘ Solicitor eon: having claim. against the amen-ed who sited on the 4th day of December last at Glenelg. are required to lend to the undersigned. mlicrtor for the Exec. utovl. their name. and nddreuee. with partuculare of their claim“ and the na- ture of the securitiee. if my. held by them. After the on day at hm ooir"trit"eetr666rrtt Cilia and by. who have been voti- ing hard on the (arm during the num- mar should have a change to improve their education this winter. Circular. free to any address. G. D. Flsming. C. A. Flaming; P.C.A. _ Becr ." - was”: Mention this paper when writing. IN THE MATTER OF THE " TATE OF JANE WALSH. late ot the Town at Durham. mar- ried woman. deceased. ferns. mu. Arman-nun ttte an. I to “M att.. In" boll-don the Inflow Ot Geo. Durham. I, (Mo-vomit“ mm more. or no (nylon P.o, will no may" “and“ h. III-oo- unite-non to - I! warn." In a Icky-om In MI n dance!" Onion. F-tture. t-ttra. 14ml- Tilqrtso-',orrvamumttom have” 010- a WWII." um J. G. R0TH!0N,M.D., C M Pres. Kettle D. MoPHAIL Mum's. Coll... flay-cull O“ In...» - ()P'ltrl: Our J. P. lellorvi'oolna. In ' " opposit- Wu" o In. Atnlhlxcl: Second hon-n mm o! with on“ on can do. on Alum OI. on“): nou'u A. S. HUNTER &60N Cross-cut Saws, 5; ft MAKE are SAVINGS an: NOTICB it hereby given that all per- Liced Auctioneer for Gr. UN) WINTER run at the - Thursday, Jan. t, "" Milk and Rice Boilers we are calling your attention to our Special Value in he: 2 pints, sale price...... .... J, Lance tooth In addition to our JAN. 30, 1919 Underwear both good values. D, IQPHAIL. Ceylon or to C. IAIAGI. Durhm Coveted Sauce Pans, t qts., Ad Seamleos Granite Ttrter Pail, “1., ‘_ dale price. . . . 3.35 8 qu., sale pr., Water Pail .....'.r.'.".6r 't/ii,ilii, ii/ii",??:'?; n_ I l') ":1 with? 33.2% ii/,'por)hi',1 ',tith'd ' I 'j,ii'i',s,1 _ iconduc AS The tuners! I!“ on Sunday to " Neil's bemeury. Bee. Mr locum. conducting the service and preached u vety comfoning sermon to the ad- denod “win: The pill bear." were Jr. r., F9133»: frt? For Ha loam to not": his untimely devout" his Inner. some! tsmt II.- tor Juno: and one brother John L. who I: ovexuu To than we extend deepen cy-ptby a '8" u to all the other oorrowiettt rolnlvu I»! who anon Ind sympathy were not Mn: ot mm- t the but“ who] from m “any 3 n or" in In DI: doll Mend. l I Ire-1h “on ttut like. Baotou. for. non forgot him-alt in anxiety " mother .nd ulster and no over-taxed nerve. and meant: ("a any and in o woman: ot walnut. the tub "t 'l! commimd. a. was jun: muting from an at. tuk ot the 'tia' when " mother Ind mm- Janet been). ill and intend ot resting mime}! Null; bin Tgnaesltutt. iiiiaritsd F'. let) odd. Gordon McDumld. [in Iaxinnoo. John Poinon. _ - On Friday Homing thueotntmtnity In “noted and saddened when my new. no; thread: the neighborhood an Neil Edwud McDonald. ascend 390 ot Mr and In Alex B. leDon-ld had committed amide. Neil um I partial"), bright you: Inn sad about“. and . {norm with old and Fini." Us . Mighbor. be In all anyone could be. We congratulate Alex. McLeod for being eppoinud assessor of Arum-in this year again. But we don't envy him his iob at this reason of the year. no matter how favorable the weather may Iii-s Mildred Beott paid a visit to hot ttrandparertts, Mr and In Bush hit" Kinnon lately. Run Nichol ii away to County Coun- cil this week. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pierson, 83rd January, . daughter. Both doing well. Min Charlotte McDonald, hum. in home after attending to Councillor Tu tn- bull for a month. Mr Alex McDonald of But. write- home to his mother, Mrs. Chas McDon- ald that he is getting along fairly well. A kind neighbor lady is taking care of hie motherlese babes His mother ex- pect: to go to his wiltonce in the near future Alex says that two Other young men lost their young wives with the flu the same time on he did, leaving Imell ones also The reference here is to the late lam- ented Neil McDonald. son of Mr and Mrs Alex McDonald, N. W. Proton. The funeral on Sunday. 26th January, was one of the largest ever eeen in this part to McNeal'l cemetery. Rev. Mr. Mc- Carten preached the funeral sermon. meking reference to the led occasion that brought so many together topay their respect to the femily and departed one. To the hereeved ftunilr we vouch the sentiments of all near and fer away in sending condolence to them in their sad and double Borrow. The pull heeren were six young men of the neighborhood. Personally we knew that boy from child- hood and always marked him for the making of a reel gentlemen. I The tttte January weather etill coatin- nee. ttood eleighing and generally mild. I A good old natured bachelor was contin- , ually tormented by his younger an by eating him when he was going to be married. He made the reply "wait till ' You see what February will bring about ( in getting a wife." February came and l went but no wife for poor old bachelor 3' till he was laid in the grave where there I is no marriage or giving in marriage. Bo l we do not know what February will i bring about by having severe weather i for there is no use in propheaying that , the winter is going to be like January l all through. I The congregation of Priceville thy' I terian church greatly mince: their former j pastor, Rev. Mr Matheson. The loee i that ia sustained by his removal is rea- _ ( lined in a manner that is hard to be pue- I ed and the appreciation of hie peat career _ I in Priceville is felt more eince his remov- I l al from ue. But oh, the sad tale must be told. In- fluonza, that dreadful disease, affected that noble boy's mind and in a fit of de- Spondency and insanity got up in the early morning and entered the nearby woods, ending his life in a fearful man- ner. m, think of that poor father hur- riedly tracing his boys steps through the snow and oh what horrors met his eyes when he found his boy lying cold in death who only an hour or so left his room to the place he laid out for the aw- ful deed. What a trial it was to the dutiful mother who with her daughter are both bedfast with the disease also, when the news came to them of the non and brother ending his life. That Ion who committed this awful deed when able.to be about, attended to his mother and sister a few days ago. In thie life there ere trouble: and trials of difurent natures. There are diap- pomtmente in worldly matters. our ex- pectatione often prove to be failure: We sometimes see matter. only on throufh a glue. our imaginary View: quick y vanish out of eight and the rea- lintionie only " bubbles on the deep ocean. How many a poor father and mother take great pride in their fine boy and think the world and all of that noble Ipecimen of young manhood. That young boy proved himself to be a favor. ite to all who formed his acquaintance. In manner probably that boy was a real gentlemen. he knew how to act when duty called on him to mingle with his fellow comrades. His manner of speech was always appreciated by his fellow companions. Latrt Sunday a boy of some 20 yeerl preached and did well for one of his use. So we hope that disappointments in ttet- ting a supply of older men in the future will not exist if possible. Rev. Mr Me. Loan of Hanover' is expected probably next Sunday, Feb. tad. PRICEVILLE AND LIMITS 1'fttGEviLiCii""",ii"cii","i","is SWINTON PARK Ford Car, 1917 model. Democot Buggy. Cart. Cutter. Set nickle- mounted Show Harness nearl new. Set Team lumen Set Single Brivin. human. Robe, Two ter, Spreads. Hone blankets. " feet ubber Hone. Mail box. Pipe Wrench. Shot tter. Brace and bits. 80aap buckets ech- yoka. whillletreeo. logging chain. aho. veto. torha and_ other articles too numerous to mention. Sale commence. at one o'clock ohnrp. " Reserve a Proprietor bu rented farm and in going Wert. Tum: no and under. Cash. Over that amount " moo. credit will be given on amend joint notes. Five per mt per annum din-punt for cub in lieu of Heating nova. Singer Sewing Inc hine. Parlor Suite nenrly new. Two Rug. nearly new. howl. Henry J. Minuet. B. McPhall, Wooden roller. Peter Hamilton 12 bull Iron barrow. Cockahutt Riding Plow. No " Verity Walking Plow near r new. Stock rack. 2000 lb. Scales. Pinning Mill with bagger nearly new. Verity Scumer nearli' new. 6 h. p Fairbank- Mone Type coal oil Engine. 9-inch Plate Velaot Chopper nearly new. 24 inch Circular Saw. Buzz saw. Stone boat. Wheel barrow. Grindatone. Gravel box. Melone Cream Separator. 2 Sugar Kettles. like M. Knox, teacher at S. S. No. 13, use home Wedneedey eve to Swinton Perk to meet her brother H. Wm. Bookkeepu. Heur- Andrew end Creighton Rid- den were in Forget the only pen of Int week to we their mother who underwent e eeriou amnion in Fer- gus howls-l. the following, viz t Brown Registered Clyde mare. I year. old supposed In (all to "Sean'- Hero", bred from imported stock pedigree fur- nished. Aged mare Hosted In foal to Silver Strand'. Btu]; riving mm It If,,')'? old. named m foal to 'Barrie y'. any mare rising s, by 'Fortune Teller'. Bay mare rising 2 yr. by 'For. tune Teller.' Gray cow I ycm old due March 12th. gray fe' sart gld lawn-e4 in call due in ar." Six yearling hiitera. T'Wreai. ling steer; a spring culvee. a well-bred Ewen. 2 Geese and a Omelet. Collie Dog. Massey-Harrie Dine Drill nearly new. tt Hay Loader " MauHar. " tooth Cultivator " Massey-Harris Binder No. s, 6 foot cut nearly new. MasaerHarria Manure Spreader. 'eeTird2i.'u, to ft. Steel Rake new. Steel ruckl. Truck wagon. Our second hungry thaw bu caught . cold but Kill lane- In good Ileighing. - ' t _ Gray cow Sign old luppooed In cal! due May And..., ed 09w y " oldguppooed Credit Auction Sale Auction " -- ' . Lou O and 7, Coo. M. Preston, on Mr Arch. Beaton Sr. is visiting his daughter, Mn Jno. o. Greenwood, Ebordsle tum. Pas. Jack McKeown. son of Mr Thou. McKeown and onhe 147th Can- adian Greys. arrived home last week. We hear he look- fiat, and the thin In: met by s has: ot rejoicing friends and neighbors. It is with deep sorrow we learn ot the ad tragedy that befell Neil Me Donald, south ot Priceville, and with to express a) rap-thy to the narrowing pureutl and tumily in their and be. tenement. The wuther continue. tine. The Ilexgnlng in Iplendid but verylinlo bouneu in bung done in the line of tennnng. The intitumza patients are all better again. The linen! of the Inc W. B. Arrovmnnh took plum on Monday nllernoon. the 20ttt,to the Ennluh cemetery nenr Durhun and "I lnrxely attended. The damned gentleman mu I member of we Eng- lish church and " funeral "nice tun conducted by the English church pacer. the Rev. Mr Hardy ot Dar- tum. The banned widow, funny tutti Hand. hue thelnll sympnlby of the neighborhood, In John mm» returned to her home After two month's any with her daughter. In Noble of Toronto. Mm Mari-l Bacon spent from Thom-y till Saturday in Toronto. um Mlllnr returned whet home in tht tity.., _ _ _ In Mr Arrowsmitb's obituary in; week there appeared the initial ' which should have been 'H.' Glen-lg Centre Baptist church is beine closed for the bulunce of the winter. It Jno. 0 Neil I. buy preparing tor the creation ot In immanent shod this coming unmet. onto: a wreath from Mm relatives: 3 wreath from eon-inn ; o wrath tram ttis. J. Buck. Among thou tron: a distance who “traded the funnel-l were Mn Jun. L. McDonald. Ohwn ; Mrs nod Mia Meaduugh. Dead-ll ; Mr and In Wanton Dundalk ; Mr and In Fred Rnncimnn, Misse- quie and Ema Mchnnld. Miss Molly Ferguoou, Mr Wm. Suzhou, all N Toronto ; Mr and In Jul. McDonald, Aberdeen: Mel- srs John Me0iltivray nod Weller, Ind Mn Dun, Klelnbnra. Farm Stock, Implements, Etc. The, undersigned will all by Public Tuesday, Felmury ll, l9l9 GLENELG CENTRE HOPEVILLE ‘. -.. A number of our youth Md but, ttttood the ally in Dream Friday ll. Mu Ichhoie returned ttrm Mt Fora; bid” on. night. Ilia Fanny Chrissie bu takmta position in the city. In addition, The Toronto Daily Star is alive to the entire news of the world; and it presents this news to its readers in so graphic a form that the mere reading of the papér each day keeps them well informed upon all ghose things that every man or oman of the world should be con- smt with. Send your subscription in now. We will mail The Toronto Daily Star to you each day at the following rates: For 1 month, 25c. For 3 months, 75c. For 6 months, 81.50. For 12 months, $3.oo. You cannot read The Toronto Daily Star for a short rule without feeling that it is "the paper you need." The truth of this is shown by the thousands of people, who, sending in a trial subscription for three months, re- new their subscriptions for a year before even the three months expire. l7 Wires Run Info Our Office ran DWI um THE TORONTO DAILY STAR To Publishers: Toronto Daily Star, Toronto: Name in full Please enter me as a subscriber to The Toronto I please find enclosed stamps or money order for $. . . . . . . . Dear Sirs: Not since the Christin Era has any event so changed the course of the world’s history as will the 1.?yi.sio.ru of the Peace Conferences. The keenest journalists in the world have gathered at Versailles. " thEr ingenuity and resources will be exercised to get vital news first. But among them all there will be not finer group than the twenty-four men Wm; The To, It??? Daily Star. Some of these men also represent the Chicago Daily News. So you may judge of their can re. How T11e_Toronto Daily Star Illustrates Making Over the World ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO CUT OFF THIS COUPON AND MAIL rr TO-DAY . . . . ..Addrcss . . . _"................. m-e-u-ia-TCC."';-.".."..,".-;;'.'..'. _ Outs-tool W on My tor them an. the. Christmas holi‘ up. Our nclnt did no: up their“: In an plan-d may the - people an honor and but to work. m- Marion Int-non who under- went an 0mm foe appendicitis in For”: lupin! A than time ago. is nbleto be home. The Wilson Bron. are buy during How The Toronto Daily Star Gets You the News of the Greatest Event in History Toronto Daily Star for ........ tntxtths--for Hourly while the Conference is sitting our men will cable us. As these cables reflect each possible change in the map of Europe, so will they be recorded by despatch and illustration in The Daily Star. Six o'clock at night, Versailles time, is t2 noon Toronto time. in our office at 12.30, a map showing changes will be drawn. At 1.50 it will be engraved. At 2.25 it will be on the press. At 3.30 the paper will be on the way to subscribers. By six Of seven in the evcning Inityl Toronto Daily Staksubscribers will know what Irs: pened at Versailles up to and including o o‘ehrk 1.2: same evening. Peace Conference News fuel-u]. "can IcDmld and Campbell‘ iiUiricii,u are buy unto; wood “the upper calling " Futon and ot the lino. MRS J l 'tre D. Lmb upon: Friday Itch . . Mi- L. McKenzie In Durham I It and In In. Boone-Id won: to Mann. on Iitit1tr to be promo: ttt her popho'. Mr Neil IoDonnld'I ttod and Ion In. an old Collin-u but to but... II- I“. rmhnu one" Ber. rio in whiting with If. Dons!!! Stow. The Teyoggla Daily Star Has the F astest News Service in the World --sge boned with the itdqBreritiMt Spire!!- otar-<he most with“ I.- ilent comet boninain the Tofd-- (can attteedmtttotrre or rut Home" of corset wear. (let CM?!” detmtastrated if Not Sold MRS. J. G. NICHOL. Button-i-

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