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Durham Review (1897), 30 Jan 1919, p. 8

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a; (j)) M? ii I) tlf A PATRIOTIC DUTY Almost as vital as that of protecting the honor of flag and country is the tt of protecting and sate-guarding health. When stre is well-nigh exhausted and the resistive powers are reduced, then is the time disease germs are the most potent and when "ttat!8tt8atrllttttt8i88tt8t8t affords splendid and effectual means of offsetting the tendency toward weakness and protecting strength. The abundant tonic and unique nourishing properties t of Scott’s Emulsion make it a dependable agent that my be used everyday, by anyone, to protect strength. A 'ttttttpate/att/till': 8t:?2sfMtjh'Q,,flit - he"! an. etoth top. all size. to " elear............ r I With the resolution to improve wane" during 1919. Our Courses are thorough '. Our III-tractor: If! experienced ; Our Graduates an in demand; Our Winter Term open. Jan. “I Our Catalog i. tree on request. Central Business College alumna and Mount Forest Start the New Irene Right IOI'I To: Blue, untied aboutoeku.... . I Bfl]1f) [MlllSl0N Women's Brown can Neoliu. " pair to clear, . Before taking stock we Are offering the people of Durham and vicinity a number of lines at greatly reduced prices for cash only. No goods taken out will be accepted if returned after last day of ale. I0 per cent discount for cash on any Goods In Store during time of Sale. Below you will find I partial list of the may bargains : My? Gun-metal Btu all tins to do". Inn'- Gul metal Blu.’ Saturday, Jan. 25th tl?.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'?.'.".: 3.45 I all outstation. 2 w ..... .......... g January Clearance Sale Only 8 More Shopping Days Successor tiG. P. Leith, HOLSTEIN Save Soup by using Washing Ammonia Reg :2c pkg..............1for35c Good 2t bushel Cotton Bags. . . . . .606 each or $7 per dozen All kinds of Tobacco. . . . . . . . . . . .2 to: Me " per ct. discount on all [can Rubbers Now is the Time to Tone up your Stock To take advantage of the 10 per cent discount on Sweaters, Boots and Shoes. Ccme in before the close of the month and benefit fun: the low prices in these lines. The best Glatsber's Salts and Sulphur always in stock at the lowest prices. R. J. ARNILL call Neolin. "tTW,",',"",',',? Btu. & . . to ' r” " high 1.22:, " pr. 2.98 I Bal Neolin '2gt,' Phat?! 18111.. cloth t , ' I W " on?“ f: 1'lee1'i..t'. 2,75 “outed 'tre,'.".' Gnu-Jud Bum-d .. . n i. .. 8.00 'era'rd',".'.T. 2.85 In. ' cloth Wane-b T"2N"'T, t , Pet t. f " t,2t,"lid,tr. " * B. McILRAITH ieott i We. Tail-00.00“ until Feb. Ist inclusive Fine weather, elarge crowd and good ricel contributed to unite Mr John Baum? ule on the 2Ut inst, a new“. His son, Gilbert ot Toronto was book-keeper. Mr and Mr! Dur- ant intend moving to Mt. Force: in the non (mare. We regret to luee good neighbors but with them henhb end hepplneu in their new home. Toronto Istdly. Rev. and Mn McClelland ot Drew, visited some of hi. oongregrstiott here 1aitly. _ _ . - Mr Vnrney Rum wa- home from Mitrte' BO: Blue and Btu. " pr. to clear at Men's Mahogany Bale. all sizes to clear. A Ill one. “Rich. 4 as o e......... .0. . SOUTH BEND We therefore kindle ask you on be- hell of this Congregation and other {riende to accept this Inn: of money as atoken of appreciation, not for its intrinsic value but " an expres. sion ot the esteem and teepoct in which you are held. Signed on behalf of the Managing Bond Jno R Philp, Cuir'n D. Allan, Secy Jno Stevenson, Treunter Win. Ecol... Tho: Melillan Donald Campbell The pastor replied quoting the words of Isaiah "They helped every one his neighbor and every one said to his brother. Be ot good courage" and spoke of the mutual help receiv ed iron: the people in the put and thanked them cordially for this ex- pression of their kindueu " ahown in both their words at appreciation and gilt. The meeting cloned With the benediction. We, the mem hers and adherents of the Presbyterian church, Holatein, and others interested in vour wel- tare, wish to expreea to you " this time our heartfelt sympathy in the recent amiction through which you have been called upon to pan. You have in the abort time that you have resided in this community. endeared yourselves, not only to this congre- gation, but also to the community at large. You have been diligent in thel discharge of your duties. ever holding l up the True Ideal whom we must on- deavor to emulate and by whom we! must attain to that spiritual charac' ter of which we have His own holy} and righteous example. We reached two holid-v card- to eorttir from he. Jam Hunt of Mot Itch. one end from Belgium and the other from Fume. Mr Allan was then called on to read the address following ' To the Rev. G. S. Scott and family, Deg Pieter, And you, Dear Sir, we cheerfully ack- nowledge, are aolicitous at all times to make that Blessed Word your guide and foundation in order that we may he edi- fied in. and governed by, its blessed pre- cepts for our soul's advancement and growth in grace. whereby we may lay a good foundation, trusted and tried for our spiritual welfare Mr Wm. Tyndall cl Bradford, for. merly at the Bend. visited relatives and friends be" m: week. and suitable time and place to express our regard for you and yours, and there- fore we just wish to give honor and thanks to them to whom honor and thanks are due. Amongst the many institutions of our land. we recognize the Christian Ministry as the foremost and the beat. Why ? Be- cause we have our blessed Lord 's example when he said "Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that pro- ceedeth out of the mouth of God," and thereby clearly showing that we have something higher and nobler than this present existence, to which we should en- deavor to attain. Mrs June- Allen. . former resident pere,_vis_ited some of but old neigh- bon'luely. In compliance with the wishes of the audience it devolves on your humble. ser- vant to occupy your position for a little. .l.r.t, haye Lt!) )ught this) a yery opportune The Annual meeting of the Hol. stein Presbyterian Church was held Friday evening. January 24th, Pastor Rev. G S. Scott presiding. The congregation was well represented. Reports were received from the diff. erent branches of congregational work and showed a very successful year. 7 Total revenue for all purposes, $2176.70. Of this amount $720.15 was sent to the different Mission Treasurers. No deiieits were reported from any of the organizations. on. cers were appointed for the year. A resolution expressing cottfidence and gratitude towards Rev. Mr Scott was passed unanimously. The thanks of the meeting Were tendered the choir, Sabbath School workers and the Treasurer. The meeting throng h. out was marked with the greatest harmony. Before closing the con gregation asked the pastor to vacate and called upon Mr D. Grier to occu- " the chair. The following remarks by Mr Grier came in due course t 1 iii7ii'iriiiiiiiiii i",',',',?)")":?',""?:"',"","" Holstein Pastor Honored and all Mitts " specioi brie“.- -__-. "w- Gtocedcs Speck]: 4 lbs Oatmeal for............ Mo Yeast Cakers.........So , boxes Starch for....... ...25c Tobacco... .2 for Met Matcher....,.. . , boxes for Me Highest Prices Paid for Produce. Men’s Corduroy Pants, reg. t.00, now..................... 4.25 Felt Shoes, MoccosigsLYool and Place-lined Underwear We have decided to offer our entire stock of Men's end Boys' HEAVY RUBBEBS and SWEATER COATS at 15 per cent off retail price. For example: Men's 12 inch Leather top, were 6.00, now... . ..'....r. $5.10 Men's 6 inch " 3.75, now...... . ...... 3.18 Sweaters for Men, Boys and Ladies, were 8.50, now. 7.22 Sweaters " " 2.45, now. 2.08 A Prosperous Congregation ‘. Ai1ingham's n. ALLINGIAM, Holstein Stock-Taking Sale Feb. lst to Feb. 15th Home Blankets at Cost. On Monday evening the anniver- suy was continued by a lecture by Mr. Alex. Stevens and Mrs Jacob Smith. received wotd the put week ithat their father, Mr John Steven. of the West and lonnezly of Holstein had passed away and was buried'on Wednesday laat. Mr. Steven was well known here having lived just below the village till about " year: ago when the family moved to Sper- ling. A daughter, (Maggie) Mrs. Fern of Toronto, died about three years ago. To the aortawing rela- tivea we extend lympathy. Methodist Annivers’y Services M. A. of Mt Forest was the preacher. T he services of the day were very largely attended and the anniversary was considered by those who remem- bered these occasions ot past years. to be the best or one ot the best at least in the history oi the church. The morning sermon "Solving the mystery" was of a very choice spirit- ual nature. The preacher showed how the powers and success of the christian religion radiated from the death or cross of Christ. The even- ing sermon was of a missionary char. acter ~very lofty in ideal and mission The annual anniversary ttertrieett were held in the Methodist church lytfuryurrrtsen Ree David Wren, The Pres Sunday School will hold their entertainment Friday evening A tea will be served after which a splendid program will be given by pupils of the school. Mr. and Mrs Will Nellon spent Wednudly 1min Durham, guest: ot In N'a brother, Mr Joe Adamo. Mr Geo. Plume of Lintowel. paid a flying trip to Holstein Int Thunday and visited " the home of Mr. In. Brooks. Mn Robt. Christie returned home lest Thursday evening from Bunt- ford where she h ad been visiting her liner, In Drummond, who we: eer- iously ill. Mr and Mn Henry Reid’e nnxiety was somewhat relieved a few day. ago. they having received word that their son Merton Who ha- been very ill in the Gen. Hospital, Regin- was improving one! a severe attack of the ilu. {amnesia The L. o. L. 1296 have purchased from Mr Elijah Smith the old Post tMies and intend fixing it up for their Hall. In Funoton of Riverview visited her patents Mr and Mrs. Munhall Burrow" recent) y. The tenders for the buttermilk at the Creamery were received the plat Week for the year 1919. Mr Richard Irwin is getting it. Miss Reta Sharp went to Durham Tuesday where she intends taking a few months’ course " dreisatnaking. Wm. Sanmwill all)” puAlitrau.ctioe on Saturday, Feb. let in Holstem. 4 youtgg horses. 20 cows. magnum cattle, 50 was. 60 to 125 lbs. Cr it to June Mt on app. loin: notes at " per cent. D. McPhail, Auct. Mr. John Leith has purchued Mr Will Crispin'a farm, $5.900 being the price paid. Mr Criopln intends buy- ing a farm near Hanover. The memorial service lot the late Russel Dickson of Orchard mil be held " that church Sunday evening. Rev. Mr. Lovegrove. the pastor. will preach. Big Stock-Taking Sale, Feb. lat to 15th' Read H. Allingham's special ade A number of the youth and beauty of Holstein attended the Rally " Dromore last Friday night. Rev Mr. Scott went to Palmerston Tuesday morning to attend : Prea- bytety meeting. Mr. Duffus of Prince Edam-rd Is)- and Par Farm was in the village the latter part of last week. Mr Herb Lamont and Miss Roleo Merchant visited over the week end with Mend. in tit, Forest and Teen- water. Mr Wm. Lawrence accompanied Mr Schram to Toronto Saturday. ..... $5.10 .. ... 3.18 ow. 7.22 aw. 2.08 binbdu mt same-1W} GGG" 101! friends to tel. A plenum enu- lu no out in and. and m Born to Iran! IuTth Bamboo Jr.. I (lunar. Illa inland Soon in spending. in“ build.“ I: Mr crnndpannu Kr and In Hugh Maximum. Emu Line, Glrnelg. lime: Ruby Pimp and Beck Dria min were visitors with the "has: Ram-go on Toad-v omn- week. Mr Geo. Louisa. teen. journcvod to Owen Sound thitt week to am meeting ot 00. Council. The Grange purponu Inning I " me us their next meeting upon “Re- eolved that the old “unto labor system in pretenbo to the New Our Co.," and mlnicip-l councillor; would nuke it a point to he peanut. or " lent take no nczi n ttttul they be" the ouzeomo end no prottt by the enligt.oment,Nt l2. Mr Thou. E Brown bu. we tor, pttrtrlussed I home in your town mace selling " tum to Mr Perot Ody. In Arthur Backus. (nee Viola Bennie) and baby girl are " present on. unit to her tttnt,dpareri I Mr and Mrs J B. Tucker. and in aiding enjoyment to the ntsiRhhorhtrod with her tine voice in nude and plenum cameraman. It in with the protottndeat sorrow nod lympuhy for sou-rowing "Imus and lriendl ot them. Neil McDonald that we than “to note " his and and reared!“ death due lunch from complications resulting trum 'tia'. Mr and Mn Wrt Harmon hue lately patch-ted I fine plum. Dur- lng the winner month. theywill ttnee manic now to who the place of the musical hum of the unto. 1nd emer- tain their Mond- u well. Some of the young people he'd n dune In Taylor's Hall on Fridny evening In: 3nd had a Inge crowd and a good time. They no donning the proceed: toPuriocio purposes. The regular mnntbly meeting of the Women 'I Institute will be beldin Tnylon’n Hall on Wednesday alter» noon Feb. Em. A good program has been prepnud and the India have for a good “tend-nee. The Findlay 'tore bu been sold to Mr Eaim of Strut'urd who “he. put- Ieuion Tuuduy. 28th Jan. He ex- pect. to move " family to the village nhortly. It Eoim wan lorlnerly in bmlneu nesr Begin- in S It. Mr Rom. Tnylor sold a line bunch ot cattle thin Week. receiving a: good- ly Mun for the ulna. The ucred ordinance of baptism will be “ministered in Alan. church on Sunday. Feb 2od. Outhotollow- ine Sand". Petr, 9th. the sacrament otthe Lord', Supper will be celebrat- Ir Geo. Laban in in Owen Sound this week unending County Council meeting. Amos church will hold In noun! meeting on the evening of Feb. 6th. ‘dr and In B. Strong at Toronto are visiting " Dan Ecolu'. They ate nlao muting unnu- ments for . concert in the neat fu. tore. Watch for particulars Date of Show Sept. 23 k :4. Following are the Board ; Pres,, W M Grout t In Vice Fret. H. A. Lemon! '. and Vice, R A Nicholson t Secy Tree... J. R. Philp ' Directors W. W. Rem- age. W. Ferguson. W. J. Phllp. N, Calder. J. Rice, H E leDoug-ll. B. Cow-n, R. Sim. A. Hunter. Honor- ary Directors t W I Ecclen, R Aitken A. Smart, P. Hutch, J. Bowling. H. Schenk. Min Ell: Rama returned to her duties In Guelph on Fridny. 24m. at tern month's holiday " her home here. ' Misc Jennie McEIchnie returned to her home in Hopeyille on Monday after t tow months'uuy at Jno. Mo- Mnrdo'u in the village. Iliu Amos of Guelph in uniting the Ferguson {Amines on the 18.h Con. lieu- Born to It and In Jae. Human The Bgremont Agricultural Socie- ty held their annual meeting on Sat Jan. 18th in their ball. The reports titutttcial and otherwise were autis- lactory and encouraging. The SO- ciety though limited to the township of Egremont alone paid in prizes $543 35 and while there in little cash on hand their liabilities are light. For 1919 with 70 members for a start they anticipate a good year having as always a good Board to took alter its interests. They are taking up crop competition in white oats and anyone wishing to compete may get information from any ot the Direc- My _Dnv_id Jrptniittm orlrtmated " Race! The lecture we. hawking and “Reactive and enjoyed by Ill. It m a compliment to the people of the community to attend I lectute in such numbers. Yet the calibre of the wetter Ind hie subject nude it II evening well spent. Rev D. Wm. entitled "Tht Cop!" The total proceedl of the Sunday services and lecture was $127.37 39347 of this amount wee placed on the plate It the Suud9y letvices with. out sped-I solicitation. Egremont Agricultural Society's Annual Meeting N0 RT" EGREMONT DROMORE TORONTO MUNRO- In Hamilton on 25th Dec.,1918 to Mr and Mrs Alex Munro, a tron.-- David Alexander. (David A. is a grand- son of Mr Chas. McInnes. of Egremont.) I with to thank my neighbor. Md friend. tor much Madam during my recent sore Mflitttion tad niche-oi myself and family Ind In lighten and little girl. AIOO for may letter! of sympathy. I feel it upechlly my duty to make "new! “knowledg- mont to Miss C. Hanna). who brand all danger ot enough In and read and kind nod (than)! 'erTNXr to u all in I trying time. rmmmm-- Let u- get a u! of Rope Traces attached to "woe old haenett only $5.00. Webb and leather been " all prices. Let no get I good Coll-t for that Colt and egood let of Lines FURNITURE s t (hold ptice. UNDERTAKING promptly attended to. Charge. moderate. C. MicMliulyr, _ ‘thmorc, Ont. Still I few of "none good HORSE BLANKBTS Ictt. AT COST. This is the time to think about you $31213 TAYLOR & CO. Store closes 6o'clock excepting Wed. and Su. nights We have I few dozen "cond-hand Grain Bags we areofferingat...................50cm Wench Highest Prices for Produce of all kinds We have a number of De Level Celendars-esk for one. And maybe you may need I new Cream Sepautor or you may know of some one who is likely to buy soon. Let us know. TAYLORd’c co. Dromore Fish Card of Thanks COLONY“! Buy now for $4.00 Sell 1st day of 1924 for $5.00 Government Security You: w-s.s. can how m .-- ...... “A-.. War-Savings Stamps Salmon, pickled, per keg . . . . . . . . . We have the Frozen Sllmon, 5 very choice and meaty. . . . . 18c per h. I tkrrietgs, Lake Superior, by the keg of IN lbs, ' These are M. l quality and very tine. 8 50 It Onlyelew,ptrkeg.............. 2 Barness for the Seeding These without a doubt are very scarce so secure your supply at once. The cheap- eat food on the market is fish. In Dromore Thrift Stamp. extet " cents each. Sixteen on a Thrift Card are gab-mm: for me War-Saving W. C mason. 's'm~Wmmnmu;u 1tt"brt'"et,trmoeoei-ua. Your Money is Safe in X'g'] In nus SIGN t woo lb. Stock Scab. new I noon» Sale. and t In lb. Fun-bunks. and d Che-lied Clone". new 2 iruet Vices. new. 4 Wire Gates, new 4 Extension Laden. new. Violin. fine tone. and. High-back Cutter. and. Home and lot in Hal-talc. This " at land manna-two feet trouble on um Btreett and on. hundred and forty {our feet deep, A period title tttmmtttttetd to um WW'Y- App'rto - - - JAN. Mt, 19itt FOR SALE . I6.00 ' oat. $7 Ml m ', V a A. S. We see. M: the up on tt" and pure: ed. loan for days. Should be Inn to...“ willmx to mu John Ken I J! Ind new" (a credibly than n: fo Markdul In! wag nut mu [hat du Our 1 Sat. L cub H mmul an ment thurh M [on me lhk- t ya. Maud HHS M " mam ‘ursda Tu M Vin. Fel I'l The it A! " M uyd tht'ul I tttform . an! l4 "etrume Rio i) sup Mm tttt M

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