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Durham Review (1897), 6 Feb 1919, p. 5

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Red Front :ing given lg. ("Rum-hm r Leaders " on JI',',, Pipe Polish nt of Silvana" . at any prieo d :Ives ITORE LB. 6, 1919 H for rates H "t le :ure r1ces we 'ttr al Id Blast r lung. " RIGHAM cut, nearly rake lo It.. tor, wow ck wa . navel-g. dnubk-ful- 's, G arctic. annmg pill 2t camera. hnlbanov. a quantity m ewt Yorkshire I! hem. Ma. le. v has. ' his man t lancer sch 98c ll"; ".50 rats old. I in can. feta sup- Id neon " plow dnubb Names wt tles mm articles 00 SIC " ar- 'er Mm luau Pensacola bu rel-root] homo from Toronto " mum) to dot u at bum-t on "count at be m that bonus the miMoetuae to bust hot sun. “in Mum. loNul-y [on this Monday to the queen City. Mr A Wright in bid up u pronoun wilbl con leg. the result ot. kick from Dan's bone. Duo DO'dl I long trip to new» ttmt drint. The lucid. and neighbors of Mr and In J B Ianlty presented than with . kitchen shower. Mr bad In B Hoetstertatned the about of the Prubyunsn Chute]: on Smithy Honing. They provided I dusty uuppu ad the In: at the non- my I" upon: in (not. Mr Wm Aldeom "rived here on Monday In: in Civilian cloth“. “in Jenn Aldcorn out Mr J Ken. med, ot lhvoryiew open: tho week and as Mr J Aldeorn's. Pm J Fax Ind tale "lived here on bus. he Fox wu of tho 147th but. and had unwed In Eoglund u I prof. cook While in many England In took a Mo pant)" home was]: him. At PIG!!!" he " in Toronto 3min; bio dnscbugo. Ir J Aldcoru'a "le on Friday, 8tst In I good success. everything [on]; as I goodly lam. he W J Km: of the 117m Grey Um: amnd In In» on Jun 22 n pas- At new ot iha Dynamo. he Knox :oks hale ma bent]. He ... wound- od m the mile on tttels h of October but sud bu - the to“ cl In. "we no England and Ind clown dun have to lreltnd Commencing with Tuesday. Feb. 18, 1919, we pur- pose closing our Store at 6 p. m. two nights a week, Tuesdays and Thursday nights. We hope our cul- tomers will co-operate and arrange their shopping to suit this change. KARSTEDT BROS, ANNOUNCEMENT National Light Coal Oil Empress Shoes for Women li) per ctnt Reduction in Rubbers OFFERS : Special in Yarns Priceville'tcpusy Stoke mtg». SWINTON PARK This in highest grade of American on. Bette cleaning of glttasets.-. better burning test. t tilled with it. You'll Il'lyl buy it if you do, Those need no introduction. We'm and no shoes on the market have gi and we" than this make. We have to hand which are part of our spring you them. They'te good. We're otrerirnr Leather top Rubben n in. high. in tint quality tops, usulat 6.so for...... .... .. ..... $5.85 pair And Sponsor Redman. 4 eyelets, veg. 3 so for...... 3.13 Pour buckle Ounhoea In an. Jersey, reg 4 so for. . .. 3 98 Just " I little buoinm stimulator. Inn's Woollen mm Yam in two " at ..... ...... -- Highest Price Paid for all kinds of Farm Produce um stimulator. we're caning Huber- Yam in two and three ply in all colors , Dr Gt, Fauna ..--.- it viliting his mother, In Wm rams. Illa " lil- ton Miss Tom. Mrs N E MoEubnio In Ju Henderson and old “quint- I we". Sunday wan surely I record bunker for the 2nd olFeb. mild with beautiful sunshine with excellent Ileighmg. ; Mrs J W Armstrong visited roll- :me- in Toronto In" week. In Wm Donald and It Funk Boon won in Hamilton and we I" " g'ld to apart Mr Wen Donald in great- ly imptovod. Min Janie MeE whaio returned home Monday, having bun tome (ow Mus E p, Dunguull is in Dundolk this week naming Iii! M MoWilliuna of Dundnlk who " ill. Tommy u, found the trail over to the 19th. It B Martin Ind Misc Hutchinon vintsedtho Intern homo our Link dale on Sunday Bull and Billy go home new vi: the lirh, We have a nice artAGriiii our spring order. Let " chow . We've sold them for years, . '-, _‘~__“, . _ More, Property, Stock and General Business for sale. Apply to . E. HOCKRIDGE -'-e V_.... - J“l-, have given. any better mvice SPECIAL Hopeville, Ont. HOPEVILLE at tl.6T, lb Better light, -..leM t. _ Get your can Priceville ...... 1.67 lb 3535 pair .... 3.13 Henry J. ginger. B. McPhnll, Terms: 810 and under. cash. Over that amount ll moo. cred“ will be given on approved joint not”. PM percent per annum ducount for cub in lieu of l w.“ nncel narrow: Urindstone. A number of friends {tom-this put 1 Gr‘avel box. Melottc Cream Separator. attended the lune"! ot the late Mrs I 2 bugaf Kettles . . Catherine Clark whonr wwmalns um ,’ .Heating Itove. Singer Sewing Mae brought from Winnipeg '" hm 010 l, ante Palrlor Suite nearly new. Two l home at Dmmote l u nnear an- , " Fgord Ca:.ncl9l7 model. DEmocat' MrJolrn ItcArthu, "r'arttiety tiatrr ‘Buggy. Cart. Cutter. Set mckie. dy.) after spending a “a”: twuttshi. (mounted Show Harness nearly new. I Btttteraiet Guelph und Vmdo,t. I i Set Team harness Set Single Driving ______.*___h '. harneu. Robe. Two butter Spreads. . l Horse blankets. " feet Rubber Hose. I An Apology 7 l [gull box; L Poe Wrenfh. . Shot jun. -- , r, "'i"v... guy. gull. Brace and bus. 30sap buckets Neck. yokes. whifnetreea. logging chains sho- vvels forks and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale commences " one o'clock sharp. No Reserve " Proprietor has rented harm and is going West. Gray cow 6 year: old due March 12th. Gray cow 5 yrs old luppoeed in call due I May 2nd. Red Cow 3 yrs old euppoeed l in calf. Six yearling heiferl. Two year- l ling eteere. 3 epnng calves. l 8 well-bred Ewen. ', 2 Geese and a Gander. , Collie Dog. i MaaaerHarris Disc Drill nearly new. f .. Hay Loader bt i Mas. Har. l3 tooth Cultivator " lMaeeey-Hama Binder No.5. 6 foot cut I nearly new: Massey-Harrie Manure . (Spreader. Mane -Harrie 10 ft, Steel , Rake new. Steel Tu'lld'. Truck wagon. Wooden roller. Peter Hamilton 12 bull l Iron barrow. Cockshutt Riding Plow. l No " Verity Walking Plow nearly new. Stock rack. 2000 lb. Scales. Fanning Mill wnh bugger nearly new. Verity" ScuM.r nearly new. 6 h. p Fairbanki. Morse Type Z Coal oil Engine. Winch Plate Veuot Chopper nearly new. 24 inch Circular Saw' Buzz saw. Stone boat. Wheel barrow. Grindstone. Gravel box. Melottc Cream Separator. 2 Sugar Kettles Heating Itove. Singer Sewing Mae lgne Pa'rlor Suite nearly new. Two I the following, viz ', Brown Registered Clyde mare, I year: old supposed In foal to "Scott's Hero", bred from imported noel: pedigree tur. niohed. Aged mire IupBoud in foal to Silver String'. Black rivin. mare " can old, wppoud in foal to 'Barrie ht'? Bay mare rising 3, by 'Fortune Teller'. Bay mare mm; 2 ya by 'Por. tune Teller.' The undersigned will all by Public Auction " Lots o and 7, Con. M, Proton, on l The Red Crnee meeting wee held in the heeement of the Presbyterian Church Thuredey lent ard the prizes were given the lollowing ladies for having knit the mneleocke in the putt ex munths ; Mn Ken McArthnr end Mn Jnn. Cempbell weretiee. the lor- Iner receiving e bible, the lettere bot k written by Harry Lauder ; urn McKee wan eeeond end Mn R In- Eeehern third. each receiving e hendeome bedepreed. In the pent yeer. lire MoArthnr hen knit one hundred end ten more end we think she elong with new more he" done their bit tor our boye over there end eleo encoded their other dance Credit Auction Sale The Annual meeting held in the Prel- byterian church on Wednesday. 29th Jan., was fairly well attended and came off harmoniously. All the retiring officers were re-elected by atselarttation. Finan- cially all the branches connected with running the church were in good stand. ing. The Rev Mr Kendall of Dundalk presided and put every matter through in quick order as he had to catch the 4.30 train at Ceylon going homo. Balance of thin buaget crowded out till next week. Pu Hector McDonald in writing home from Wales, England, aid if 311': well he would be home some time in February. Arch McKinnon (Hugh's) expects to be home in Feb. also. We extend our condolence to our friends Mr and Mrs Donald McDonald onyom- intt in the denth of their son and eon-in- law from the elect: of the epidemic. The sou-in-law mu 3 doctor and contracted the epidemic from his patients which end- ed his life in a short time. Farm Stock, Implements, Etc. The Rev Mr Rodden of Toronto preach- ed a powerful sermon in the Preebytermn church here last Sunday to a crowded church. The proubilitiu are that he may be receivmg a call but nothing dertin. ate yet to that elect. Mr Rodden in a middle aged man but nevertheless his ee- tivity in the pulpit did not appear to be any on the decline. He may be the preacher next Sunday again but likely there will be some one else for a trial. ( Died at the residence of " brother Mr l Samuel McDermid of the South Line, iGlenelg on Monday, the 3rd Feb., 1919. [ Mr John McDermid. aged " years after I a lingering illnese of some years (more or less) from the effects of persiysis which be contracted when n young boy of e few years old Mr McDermid was born in the township of Erin, Peel County, came to the, South Line, Glenelg. with his father and family about forty-five years ago. During his serious illness, he was tender- ly nursed by hissister-imlnw, Mrs 8 Me- Dermid Mr McDermid wns oonecious to the ending of his career. The funernli will take place Wedneeday of this week l to Priceville cemetery. I 'iiGiiy"," iGriiir'; iiG'G' Mr Dune Creighton " in Fertto this mek mondnng the voiding ot his mum Jamie to Me J Moirat, Pee. gus. Om Mn Jm Schmidt an {.3in m to Eugenio to join but huh-d for a foe monthu' vim who is “mod with the llydro there. lnrdo. tr/GG; PRICEVILLE AND LIMIT; PRICEVILLE VILLAGE PtttGmttLirir"'""'""""ic",'iicii" m. Iquo- I alsodesire to éxpreu my deep that for having made any such statements. irtiaiiiikGiriiGiia' I "ifirfiitGiii'tT, anyyay refUcted on you- character, in tegnty or veracity. I heFetiy unrmvedly withdraw all statements made by me at the meeting of Hag cor.gregatt?n of St guiumbar Church, FF". muuvxuncuL. I” mm “is The following apology tendered to Rev I their son and brother, Neil. J. A. $5.:me st, tam. Wm. Alchorn is ace t n t cp y r "o'h',,. m mo NO. 5. GLLNELG Rel. J. h. Mathews). Sr 4th -Evelcno Cook and I We extend hearty congratulations to Mr and Mrs Charles MacDonald, of the South Line, who joined heart and hand Wednesday last. Mr and Mn N. A. Ill-Queen vioited " Mr and Mn Walter Ewing, tiatur- day last. - wvvv -..- v-viu\l " b g. D Kennedy, returned home Satardny accompanied by " brother and tam- 11v. Mr Chane: Kennedy who went to Toronto to meet his brother Btt't J. n v-__-1‘ - - . . _ _ I wonder what happened the parties who started for Proton Friday night and turned a wee bit neuter home ? A reception is being given Sgt. Kennedy Tuesday night end Sgt. Me. Keown, Wednesday night of this week. Ont two soldiet bays, Sg’ta. J. J. McKeown and J D. Kennedy who u- nwed home teeently are exalt": with being home and are being exalted in by host: ot friends. While many like Gene-Stratton Potters "Jimmy Malone," are enjoy- lng their catches of mutt-t in the little nee] tmp by the marsh or fol- lowing the to: mm with dog and ttttoe" have been running high, with heat ot alelgh-tiding down hula. to lay nothing of the enthnalaan: ot being that up to make anothct dea- cent ; akating on the ice on the flood. ed atreanaa '. or anon-aboeing on the {nah {an of new through awarded meadow landa. Beautiful mild, bright weather still prevails. With what prmrentltnetstts of an extremely severe winter, Ilmllll' no Int years. did we enter upon thin winter, but how pleasantly our [can lane to far been dispersed. Old Bruin would usuredly lee " shadow yen- terdny and we'll be quite aatiatied to have him return to hibernation for “other nix ween. Here we are again after " abaeeteq Int week. PM J J MoKeown " also home in the Glen end doubtless our friend. the Glen scribe, will be writing of his re. caption. Jeck wee eleo e echool chum of the writer'e end I kinder truer young men never liyed then J. J MoKeown. Another of our brave Ioldlon has rammed In the person of J. G. Iten. nedy of Banana who in welLkuown here " tvirttttttolhsllow mud n jolly highly respected young nun. Are caption is bemg held this Tuesday ought " bu ainer'a. Mrs Waller Ewing. We have no doubt the Ger. mun: trembled us they saw such a Canadian ginut uniting the parapet. Mr Get I!" W. N. Turnbull upon: Band” with kind. in North Egre- mom. Mr John McGilhvrly n ensued “wing wood with Mr Geo. Collimon. 80m. of the Ortega-on of this pm “tended the reoopnon for Brother Alex Ball Ind report a plenum noon! "ttut - _ - Noun Tom Bell and Th B. Iinnio hue been as work in the Villa, with Iheit gasoline angina and emulu av “id have left good unppliu of wood n J. P. Ittr0jllirmr'r, Nail lchIHi. vuy'l Ind Inn Helium's. Ir Noll Kai‘ndon of Owen Sound in winning triads in Prioovllle And Promo toe a few (In. J. J Pattison Ind Archie Sinclair of Ceylon mended the naming Pri. dny night. Ir and In Jon. Harrison upon: a few dun in Durham in: week. Iiu Laidlnw otT'uemto and her linear ot 'rilliaatstoert, vultod wi‘h their nin'er, In Mather, the begin mug of the week. Everyone In planned to unicorn. home two more soldier- mm 147ttil, but... Jack IoKeown nod Willie Oliver. both io:kiog halo. hearty And happy. A nosing In held In Wat-own Hall on Fruit, evening to about 'raving n lemon-l tor our who heroes and also we Hydro Electric problem. View any to live o.aetotrkssd “we Enn- lcheen'e mum in our In“: " about we Xmutm ecoeple I each ego but viola to auto "rend-uh. [no an excellent palrlmic recitation and did her pan lpleudid. SA WEEN VALLEY THE GLEN You" truly; TORONTO i Sr 4th--Eveleno Click and Hazel Firth equal. Jr 4th Millie Edwards, Mary Bentan and Herbie Hollis eq . Charlie Robson (absent) Kate Firth (absent l Sr 3rd--Clartt Greettrood, Mamie Firth Jr 3rd _ Beetle Benton, (II) artin Haley Gladys Firth, Camemn Robson (ahenw Jr 2nd Iona Benton. Norman Haley Sr lat-Irene Hattie, Catie Haley. Arthur McClockhn .Jr at. Grahame Carnelian“. _ r Mr, and Mrs. m». B MacDonald and? NI, 21, family. Irish to express their deep grate I ttlow No tude to all the friends who My: show" 1ator o I them kindnem and s) rppathy..in Lnr " 'lid'.;,' a." 'cent bereavement: in all; franc death of I mum With best wishes for the prosperity of your Society. I am, Faithfully Yours. Alfred Hall. Senior Chaplain for Canada. I Some day perhaps I may come to your district, and I should be willmg to give a Sea Sermon in your Church, and an mus- trated Lecture on the Navy in recognition of your kind thought for the boys in Blue. Lady Willison desires me to acknow- ledge the kind and substantial Gift of your Society for our gallant Sailors, and I enclose the receipt. The donations to the Salvation Army Fund and Sailors' Guild were much ap- preciated. The following letter speaks for use" : To the Ladies' Aid Prttbtterianpturch, DtarNts9fckenzje,, - Expenditure........ .................. .. Balance in bank....................... Total expenditure..................812l5 29 Amount raised 19t8 ................ 81200 81 Balance tNr.................. ......... 306 73 Grey Charmi'l: Fi." irk..C.".r."." Printing oryear.........,............. ii"irvriiiyi'rii'iriiiriiirtii"iriric 130-6me Viii "tUL.'.'.?.'..".'.'.'.'.".".'.".' Exp-annuals Red Cross Supplies............. Members' taU.C..r..TCT..T.r.rr..".. Interest on deposit................,...... ~vw| awolylh, can: u: LI‘I- nu..." Goods and yarn sold.................... Subscription: on articles donated by Mr: Thompson : Rev. Mr Whaley...................... J. P. Hunter....:................. ...... . -Mr.and. Mrs R. MacFarlane..... Higii -siaaiiFiariiiir.'.' 'i.'..'."..".'.'.'.'.'.'.'. Grey Chapter I. 0. D. E............... Iota! rece.iptw sale_qf tags. ........ Artn'iver%ri" Lecture Tea: and Sewing: '. Mrs Thou. Ritchie..................... Mrs Arthur Edge .................... Mrs Dan McArthur......... ........ Mrs Fred Kelsey......................." MissesScarf.............. ............ Mrs Thos. Tumbull.................. Mr: Alex Morton..................... ltr.scrupehley...............L.rC.r. Miwes McFavden ........ ............ Manse tea. sale of articles ........ Mrs Thos. Ritchie.. ................. Skating party& social eve ........ St. Patrick's social................,... Donations : Mrs John McKechnie....... ......1 John D. McFayden.................. Thos. Ritchie..:................. ...... Robt. Ector.. ......... .'..'............ Dan Edge...-............. ......... -ulltayfi, Moffat ..... .............. Total receipts. ...... Is steeped:......-...........-, 73 M: Totalreceipts........ ...... ........81507 " Anise Annual may. oldie Laid Aid Smitty. Main Church. a moot ntidactory you”: work was reput- ed. The conch-'01: of the fourth you of Red om. work Mind the Society to be in advance of former years. both ttnan- cially and work accomplished. A dona- tion of fifty dollars (850) each. was made l to the Queen Mary Sock Fund, the Sal-l vation Army Patriotic Work and the 3 Canadian National Ladieo' Guild for, Sailors. Two hundred dollars (8200) of 3 the balance in bank wan set aside towards the Soldiers' Memorial and the remainder i will housed for Patriotic work. Follow-I ing in the list of supplies shipped to head. [ quarters. Toronto : --Tosels 904. -Piliow cases 62. -cRitglt,t 6. 0 - in bandages 27 . H'etr.er Wilma). . Iv“! ,"""""te "r'"............... Mrs Blackburn. ............... ....... .M.rtAno McCoy“ Mrs gar-magma Mn Thom" - 61.2.": C".'.".".'.".".".."..".'.. duos: Supplies..................I Sen Mary _Sock Fund............ fiedrgs Riaid.y.C..T..T..C." Mr and Mrs A. belii: Mr apd Mn Arthur Jy.trtiy.jtt'iV.C...C..r.r.."..'r... Jon" ouiid....1.V..r., Mathew mm 'rtmtrrteehrtta-a,m' Hoet.-Ptm.--Mm Thos. McGirr, Pram-Mn Jno. Smith. lot Mite-Mis Hepburn. 2nd Vice-Mrs Rama, 'iecy.--Mi" v. Caldwell. Tress. --Mim A. Ramage. Margaret L. Hunter, Secy, TREASURER'S REPORT Rae-Ins OQitxrsftsr 19t9: rj'l'J,'Jl'ir “m m}. 7 - can. Ppperty I! 0. - Handkerchiefs 576. - Field shift: 2IU. - chks 1034 pm. -.Mitts 8 pm. --trpfants"d- 14. -Wotttens' dram 20 prs. r-Quilts tar Belgians 3. Parcel: tor loldien so. Card of Thanks . 81507 54 Isabel Mackenzie, Treasurer. _....._............31043 13 ...............81507 64 _.......-........... II vo ar......... ........ 9 00 Dirham, (in; .."......o..r... 5 00 D .............. 2iric.c:.c.ll) 00 ................. 2 " _............... 8 35 1216 29 $10 00 10 00 1600 1000 1500 5165 725 261 1000 tsoo 2800 33tt 3035 2t 00 78 35 tt l5 12 " 737 ~|ugh. root pulper, 20 rod bundle fence wire, sickle hay kmfe, whrffb "ea. neck. yohe, forU, chains. rain and numerous other urticlco. No Reserve. Proprietor bu Odd hi0 farm and in moving to town. Te’mu: All new. of .6 and under each Garth» amount " weathered“ given mama joint noun. ' mouldin- eount far can in lieu a! noun. - Lem. -' _ J" 6513mm. l tteefriiine I yéai tldrpaGrirliii better my: lyr old, Calf 6 mos old, t calves 3 a 1 month old. Durham bull 13 mos old, registered, Pure bred cow, roun._reg d. 3 yr old heif- er, in calf, cowmilkmg supp in calf, cow fresh, 2 can making. heifer 2 yr; due in August, heifer min 2 yrs. old, man heif- er rising Zjuat bred? 2 "e" riling 2, y'n. The uy1tPt)Ped will It" by Public Auc- Credit Auction Sale Farm Mock, Implements, &c. In Boylan nod non tram Idinto, ttr And In All." McLeod of Bar. riuon. the In Elliot of Wmmpeg nu pro-om " the {uncut i he her dying wlsh her body won 1 token to Drum m for bun-l in Amo- {ngeyord helldG her biz-bond and two woo. Donna and Joni. came with the body. The {liner-l wu lugs], wooded by old nine {mods and Migh- bon ot docemd who met the tuners! icon". n " orrived from Holstein union conveyed by Undonuu " Ilillon of Utomon. Tho union wu oondnotod try the Bow Mr load.“ of Dundalk, her pain! while hm. Sprays we" given by It and In F l Woloh, aim El-nhth and En, Mr J not: Smith nod Aloe. In Ionnel. Wrath. try he! grandchildren .' Tho; Port Rouge otiue" Btatt, Coo-din [autumn-I Roilwoy sod Boo nod Kohl. Deacon a wrench of munch. luv”; . beautiful pillow of to... lilliu 5nd 0th.: Bowen, . perfect bower of bonny. won ("on try the family. The pollbeoron won Nail Glut. Nail McMillan. Noll MOW. Neil A MoQueon. Angun lob-0d. " Boll“). . She wee untied to NeilClert. Deo. more. on July " 1880, when “I. lived until she moved to Winnipeg nix were ego end [mod then until he: death. Her huehend died Jan li, 1908. They had nine children born to than. he girls end (our hon ; we bop peeled ewey to that round. the late Nell daed July 26. 1908, end the late Areh‘beld bound died June 18, 1918. She lean-e to mourn her great was (Ken) In Geo Smith, tioerhng ; (Mari'] In Chen Soon, 5mm i I .d " Ute Herr, J Lucien. Winn!- pee ; hhube-h. Joule. Duncan and Angus at home i elao two austere In Emnlt. Winnipeg; Mrs John Boylen. Into; Ind and brother, Mr Aiuui McLeod, Hun-ton. F 6 not. Her mu Chm-mu M. won but may Manda. an. n. loving md kind to all who know hee and won I mu example at a laying. kmd so! falthlnl mother, when manor, II" our Ill] ("on In out how. Bite wu a (mum! mambo: of Prosbytotun Church. I nnivo ol lulu. Scotland, 1meno to Canada wlnn uhild with her punt- wheu they lived m link). W. extend our ”mum, to _ ed “may at In Catarina Oink who _ pound any .1. her home 698 Ellie. Ave, Winnipeg. from In and: of pneumonia. follow a. infh"rua, on Jun M, 1919, u the .39 ot62 yem. I a -.-- (1-- .--- m, _ . . C. McMILLéy, - promote, Let II get a " of Rope Traces attached to those old lumen only ts .oo. Webb and leather (noes at nil paces. Still a tear of that: good HORSE BLAHKETS left, AT cotrr. hub in the time to think about you Lebu get a good Colin: for that Colt and atom! at of Um. FURNITURE " the old price. UNDittirAKtttG promptly attended to. Chame- under-b M, DROMORE Harness fer the Seeding In Dromore I; C. L. GRANT 'i igiWO: 3: Flannellattu ft an! Ihtiersr 'rFlrttri)rqtt;iF8rttr6ttrtr. i NOTICE la herehy‘iven that all - aona having claima again“ the “one. ‘who died on the 4th day of Dead. laat at Glenell. are required to and b the undeuigncd. lollcltof for the Ben- utora. their namea and «can; u“ pnrticulara of their cl.im.. and the - tare ol the marina. If any. hell h them. After the “I In, " I‘m next. the executor will distribute t. auct- of the and estate, having reef only to the clnima of which he han In. notice; Ind he will not be liable to may pereon of whose claim: he then had In notice. Dated the l3th day of January, IMO. J. P. TBLPORD. D "him. Ont IN THE MATTER OF THE IS- TATE OF JANE WALSH. h. ot the To" ttt Damn. - ried voila. deceased. Girls nnd he” who have been II. ing turd on the (um daring the.“ manhould have I chum: to improve their “nation this winter. Canola tree to any Ida-cu. G. D. Fem“. C. A. Fleming RCA Mention this you when writing. - urunnsu n... “hp-oi. In In: dual-0.71.. --Ne boned with the inm' Spirelll "ar-the moot plinhk mu m ilent can“ boning m the world- .1.- lnteed not to been or run Ill one in lest mt Ive-r. Good. cheerfully denim calling at Purim-I. hr MRS. J. g. NICHOL. Bos Cl. out. '-tt s. I 'u-ter-o-tstare Mm Uiiii; “but." Ivan J. a. automaton a: 1*an all.“ P1108: One t. P. talcum.“ - o te napalm my Ola. ammo-z: mam-o.- a In. clown on due on not" " J. L. SMITH. M. B., M. C. P. " one: and midcnce. 2ortter_Wo-. and Lawton. when“ Pan (h Ollec Hm: I to " s. m., I... g. In.. ' to O p. m., Sunday. - MIMI! them ucepbed. we are calling your attention to our WII‘I'EI TERM " the lech- “not”. Jae. l I”. In addition to our Underwear both good when. B. lePllAlL. Ceylo- or to c. nlAGl‘. Durh- . Charges nodente. outer. loch. Spirella Corsets . "9.. Executorl' Sol“ 1-4:-

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