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Durham Review (1897), 13 Feb 1919, p. 1

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? very sure: so ce. The cheats. tick HIM 50c and 60c each “be liquor as Booze :3. 8. I919 of all kinds meats & CO. " 'romore a new 7.98 10.71 M. nights 33c 48c ask for who 18 850 10.00 " ream M 0 "hh r lb. ph h pres waned under o, The Ayton Advance is advocating tt public building erected there as a soldiers' memorial. when: .r a child or man can so in and have a game of billiards or roll a ball down a good alley or read a good MM. or where a young lady or gen- tleman can work off their surplus energy going onto parallel bars, horiaontalUr, etc.. or where you and I can to and havel a both. where you can have your meetings. where mothers can meet. where a maven-l ine picture show us and our children! something entertaining and cducational."l D u R H A M ”B'R'K'N c J.or.r1rSe1l.e____, can Avalon Sau- Ihtutsettold Goods, etc Abe Ford car if not previously sold. at) "dance of M. Ryan, opposite Pete lectory. on Saturday, Feb. 22nd at 2 p. , m. Property of M, Ryan and P. Lena-h han. See bills. Propdeton are leaving town and everything must he sold. 3 R Brigham. Auctioneer.) Markdale Junior hockey team will playI Dltham Juniors at the rink here Thur! day night. As Markdale won only 7--6 at home after 20 min. overtime, the Dur-) ham Lads. who are an agressive lot. are l cotttident they can turn the tables. See I the game. 25c admission. I I Durham monthly Horse Fair will be hold on the am Thursday in every month. The next Fair is on Feb. 20. It is the in- tention to make these Fairs a greater suc- ceu than ever Farmers are asked to cooperate with the buyers. bring in what stock they wish to dispute ot, and they l will receive the highest market price. 1 A.S. HUNTER & SON, Durham 'ett.t.r:st't.t.r:r.t:sasss:aa.is.sar.i, Mr Donafd McCormick of Castor. Alta under date of Jan. 26. say: they have t most beautiful weather, just enough my " mining, and old timers any it is the mildest winter on record. Horse. and cattle rustle for themselves and don" we? come near the barn. [ Mr. W J McFadden of Glenda ban pur- ebred the old Wanton property at the west end of Lambton st.. as a pasture lot, Man Mr. Jag. Watson. executor of the es- talc. - 53.3553333353m3'g " you wish to buy Victory Bonds. last year's or this, or cell than you now have at highest market price for each. call at writeor phone the Review Mice about them. Noun» All member: of the I. o. P. no mounted to ttttend t mum 1 In the Public Library on harm-y. I». m at 8 o’clock. No 52 Gun“: like Boiterr..67e Gland: Water Pails. 'w.. .. 67e Reg , 4opr... Reg. 1909: . February Specials "T'tt I018 _- smmnn BANK VH1. V Rice Boiler _ XLII. N0 7 Skates A: r) 'iiirhi Our Savings Department gives you I guarantee of absolute security and interest at current rate. m TRUST FUNDS ___- _-_._..... gnu-III?" nay-Jack ”006V 2p I Very suddenly on Sunday. 9th Feb., RACES , the call came to Geo. Cuff, one of the . . . . . I",','; pioneers of South Bentinck. at his home ”micsAlaps-Anme McGirr, Ottilie .on the gravel rondalew miles west of . . _ leer lDurham. He had almost reached the!,wxelocn'k8 laps-Harper McGirr. Frank “foursome years and had retired Sunday I . . . )layievening in his usual health and before SHEEN 6 laps-Cliff Buschlen, Wiliet urea-midnight his spirit took itsflight. He, . . 1-t; had had trouble with his heart for some!. Durham band rendered flne mustc at ht. time and no doubt his sudden cutting off l intervals during the evening. The I o, l are l was due to this cause. He was a native i D. E. conducted rtrireshment tables at See of Ireland. Four daughters are chief east end of rlnk which netted them 'IO, 'mourners : Mrs Wm. Picken. Mrs Wm. and with their share of the door receipts , a Cud both of Bentinck Mrs Metcalfe at over 8153, will have tsgood balance to ' , ' . . ' their credit. ers ‘Durham and Miss Maud at home. In- ____.. l Roi terment took place to Hutton Hill ceme- . I II a j tery on Tuesday. t A Treat Comma I Miss Mary Jessiman. who is well known ‘, in Dornoch and neighborhood died Mon- ' i day last from a stomach trouble and was I interred in Lalona cemetery on Wednes. Iday. She was 65 years of age and is sur- ', vived by her mother. age M, and one I brother, John. I K inch n able and 3"'o‘e! Spud ...... ..... 89c t as and 1 30 "luer, all churches for Divine guidance to the men entrusted with the remaking of the world at the Peace Conference It will be duly observed here. Poor. Room BUSINESS SOLD -Mr Wm Cox this week disposed of the pool room here to Mr Thou. Johnston, north of town. who takes possession on Monday Mr Cox in partnership with W. Rabb opened up business here about five years ago, and latterly has conducted it him-I self. We learn he intends returning Ll Palmerston. his home town. I All Leather Halter " pr. Lined Mitts N axon“. Dae or PRAYER. L. Sunday I next has been appointed by the Dominion I government as a day of special prayer in g is lengthy but has someinterestine Pointe, See page 6, one of our two extra pages We are indebted to the Walkerton Her- ald-Times for the two bridge cuts W. D. Hobson is a master of wood. craft and possessed of a marvellous gift for imitating the calls and song< of all the birds.-Mait and Empire In Town Hall on 20th February. Mr William McDonald has bought the late Mrs Sam Scott's house on Countess St and moved in this week. Miss Doro.1 thy Burns has bought back her old home and has taken up residence Her brother Walter, at present in a Toronto ho;pital. intends to reside with her Cold Bum Hockey- Cheslev vs Durham, Durham rink. Monday Feb. 17. Come and see the two leading teams tight it out. THE M tss MARY JESSIMA N iiht "". ii3tttliitiii. GEO. CUFF Obituary. .... .u‘u uuu ml. women nd Empire I - 2 tie. Then tollowed Hm Hall on 20th February. i with winners as follows McDonald has bought the) Historic or National Scott's house on Countess‘Maude Kress (Joan c in this week. Miss Doro. I 9emrtataaaisitars Much! hurl! 1..- -IA =L., - - - - 939 ; The Annual meeting of Grey County ;South L O. L. Was held in the Odd Fel- liows Hall Tuesday, Feb. 4, 1919. Dele- males from MtForest. Conn, Cedarville. 2 Farewell. Holstein, Normanby. Egremont j and Glenelg lodges were present. Elmer Weber, son of Reeve Weber of Neuttadr soul to jail for, ten years for desertitat. Such, says the O. S. Sun-Times ly ofC -Geo. Nuke, 62 Durham. lst Lecture-- Wm Lytle, 633 Mt Forest. 2nd Lecture - Wm Ritchie 632 Durham Tyler W. Morrison, tT Farewell. At the close of the meeting iunch “a; served by Durham lodge. The next An- nual meeting is to be held in Mt. Fof'est. Stiff Sentence For Young Weber County Master--) W Blyth, attrirar. ROY. in the chair and gave a good lengthy re- port of the work of the Orange Order. After the general routine of business had been gone through, “r T Allen, Mt For. est took the chair for the election ot om, cets Election of officers then took place: da speak of his great lecture as at ont: instructive, entertaining and amusing. Good music by Presbyterian choir and others Admission 25c and 15c. Coupled with this he is a pleasing speaker, humorous and entertaining. Be- sides a collection of very fme views he exhibits a number of interesting speci- mens. Prem notices from all over Cana. Mr Hobson is a recognized genius in all departments of nature,. can imitate the call of any birds known to Canada and reproduce their songs. Mr W. D. Hobson, Woodstock, natur- alist. will deliver his illustrated lecture : '. Lessons from Nature" in Town Hall on Thursday evening, February 20, under the auspices ot the ' Willing Workers ' of the Presbyterian Church. " Master- Scott Orr, 633 Mt Forest. Chaplain "s. Lloyd, 632 Durham. Rec. Sec.--Jchn McGirr, 1192 Glenelg Ttrag.- R. J Eden, 639 Varney. Fin. Sec. -- W. Blyth. (3.) Vamey. iLimin - l Men, 8 laps-Harper ,vMorlock. Best dressed couple, lady and gent-? Miss Grace Hunter, D C Town. Smallest girl ircortume 'ie,eitf Harding. Smallest boy-Jack Laude RACES Best comic couple Kearney, Misses E Sadie McDonald. Comic costume, lady ~Nellie Levine Gent-jim Rutherford. Boy--waard McDonald. Girl under lr-Dorothy Pickering. Boy under 12--Leonard Mcp Comb. iffe. Bc Clocklin. (Bo peep.) micaiiGii'ixiiiiiii Gent-Earl McDonald, J. H Harding Girl- Marjorie Pickering, Katie McAul --'s-" Historic or National. gent ~Howar¢f MrDougalL Harold Ramage. Girl -Sadie Hartley, Kathleen McLean Boy- Harry Kress Martin Lauder , Annual Meeting, L. o. L A burlesque hockey game between the fat men and fat women ? resulted in a 2 - 2 tie. Then tollowed races and judging with winners as follows : l Historic or National costume. ladv in his accustomed place " Director "J events. J W. Blyth, County Master, was l 0. I). new if , Was Big Sccess Fancy rostume, lady Boy-albert Kas, Lloyd A Treat Coming 0.- "--.-..- Ie- Mr and Mrs Guy Edna Patterson and. ady --Miss L. 'ttal 2nd - Minnie Limin {r -- 'r'lkrwirttr stock '. 15 head two-year .: mom and haters mod Durham (y. cl . 7 txmsdue tocalveshortly. 20 good A .ding ewes. Terms: Any time up to f r mo; credit given an appmved joint ', m . bearing interest at 6 pet cent. seen in potr1ochGrijituia'/y iii."%1itiii'i' reward for his recovery. Arch. Thomrson, R. R 1, Durham Fergus Ont . invited Harry Lauder to via“ the Aberdeen of Ontario but Mr Dude": Secretary answered lfmost in I F' "'-hrase of a Lauder son! : 't' nito to not up to Fergus For 3300per nicht. Pr , it's nVer to stay in Toronto . , "or so 000 per afternoon and nicht. I has will be raised "ivhiGGii"r'iGiri"iir't'ti'e' old-time enthusiasm and prominence. Now that the team: have developed the proper Sporl'ml spirit A" ben clean con- tenders On the ice, with all enmity banish- ed at other times, we hope to see it gener- ally adhered to in cummer sports as well, and thus ay iyer.ett.andtutbor.t in sport: :uuasnu FEBRUARY“; ( Both sextettes played the game to the limit, there were few penalties imposed by referee Herb Henning of Hanover who i gave general satisfaction. and the spirit of l animosity which more often than not has prevailed in the past at a Durham-Han- over meet. was entirely absent. In fact, off the ice the players fraternized like long J lost brothers and the Durhams speak in! glowing terms of their treatment in our, ester town. They were the guests of the E referee at an nvster supper after, and had! other favors offered. l The local line-up was somewhat Chang ed from the Durham game, Johnston Al. I len occupVing the nets, Bob Saunders playing centre, and Eric Elvidge left wing and the change strengthened the team. as those replaced were not in their old-time condition for a gruelling contest. It was exactly the same line-u as played at Chesley. the others being Elm McLachlan, l who was the back-bone of the team at) point, Zimmer at cover and Morlock at right wing, both of whom showed a dash- ing game. Lost; A black and tan Though Durham is not in the running through the loss to Hanover here, when Hanover's grand showing coupled with some lucky goals and war condition of the locals earned them the game. still the local interest evinced was almost as great, for about sixty Durhamites accompanied; the team to Hanover, and did their part I from the water's benches. -.1 ;at second. 3--2 ; at closentie3 -3; first overtime a tie 4-4 ; in second over- time Eric Elvidge entered the hail of fame by scoring Durham's winning goal, 5- 4. I In one of the most thrilling and exciting ockey matches one could wish for, Dur- ham alter twenty minutes overtime took the deciding goal from Hanover last Fri. day night, and this broke into the "won" column for the first this season. The score was 5-4 at the finish. The tense- ness of the game is revealed when neither team could pile up a comfortable lead at the start, as in the Durham game ; when rather it wasa ding-dong battle all the way, with little to chance from between the teams, and throughout the score wasI either tied or only a one-goal lead for! Durham. At first period Durham led 2 F dit Auction Sate ofStock ‘0 in held at home of proprietor at two wk on Fuesday, Feb. l8lh, l9l9, u ita l Arrangements were completed to-day, Thursday, to play the postponed Chesley -Durham hockey match here next Monday night, Feb 17th. Cheslev are district leaders-dont miss this game. I Both the accused and his father, who was present at the trial, denied that they had made any statements attributed to them by the witnesses for the prosecution. Chesley Game Here Monday ii For the promuleation of the sentence:5 Weber was placed in the centre of a hol-l low square formed by soldiers of the Gar. riaon Regiment. to which he had been! ( eredto report. He was "under close: rd. the men bani; iu.l. .. ma with ti res and bayonet, Lil; "w, t ‘n :r: ntinned by tlw (lunar; J L. , l, wa, cad by the adjunant of the lit-gimmm allowing which Weber was taken any 'l l nder guard to the detention barracks on , I I he grounds. and later will leaveTor King- I I ton Penitentiary, " The sentence comes as the climax at a I l sensational trial before a Genera! Court- ( t martial, which took place at the Armories I Mr R. Davidson, who appeared for the,) Mini,ter or Justice, produced evidence tola show that in addition to the act of deser- I tion, Weber had made unpatriotic state/u, meats He is allowed to have threatened I d frat he would shoot the lirst person at- a tempting to put him into the army. l m 'onin Overtime on Hanover Ice was the sentence promulgated at Exhibi-x tion Camp on Wednesday of last week. ' Shewell, Chas. Shcwell _ -- '_"""v Ptoprietur. Auctioneer. tttteo 's 'ncorpor:u¢.-. ENTERIO ARe TORONTO hound. Was _-___. I Instead of complaining over the actions l of their more successful sisters who have V k (,i,ieii,iir",i! and are nurturing by the thaw- toc ands. the hearts o Cat-adians, let the. lgixls of this ad other Canadian towns, ' at two [ consider where they tum! l l " Isn't to be wondered at .that young' I9, imen are Tun: Shy ofynarriage in um. gmuntry, or the girls have made than 1"hyeariafraid of the expense involved. Nowa-, Durhamdays; giri is not content to start We mm 3 where her parents started. flfefetyt.erei, M up.to , they leave off _ Ste “its to start life on; d plutgascale that it Simply ruinous to any; t. ”on. may. except those earning enorq ewell summaries. and there aren't my cf, . . thtseheeeabouts I mace. Girl. Malays are demanding M " E" The February meeting of the Institute l, I was held at Mrs J. C. Nichol'e Thursday t l last. Owing to being called to Brantford t I for a soldier’s banquet, Rev. Mr Cole - could not give his address but Miss Weir , I tilled the hiatus ttetely with her paper on I!" Ideas, not Material Things are of the bICreatest Importance in Life," and that I I Education was a concern of greatmoment. _ A plea was made for greater interest by I parents in the works! the wheels and in seeing that children were made to realize Itheir importance, The mind or the child 3 at an early age should be directed to- wards high ideals and a suggestion was I made to have reading circles and to read I along lines of state matters, so that wom- l en could be prepared when the time came l i' to vote intelligently I ' Reports of the Provincial Convention were read A song by “Ls Winnie Blyth and instrumentals by Mrs Cole and Miss Florabel Nichol were pleasing numbers. Plans for the annual At Home in March were discuued. so was a dainty lunch and the meeting cloned Ioyally as usual. Actingon this suggestion the Inuit! asked Mrs McGirr to prepare a paper long these lines for next meeting in Det Mrs. A. Marshall on Friday night last entertained socially over sixty relat ves and friends from Normanby and a numb er from town also. A very pleasant even- ing was spent until an early hour with games, and nodal intercourse. Mr. Jas. Watson. Normanby. left last Friday to spend a few weeks with his sons in Detroit tiergt.Archie McComb. lately returned from overseas, me up from Hamilton with his wife last week, to visit his parents Mr and Mrs T McComb; he is well now but was badfy gassed. Miss Maggie Ritchie of the 3rd con. Glenelg. returned home Thursday last. alter a pleasant two months' visit at her aunt’s. Mrs Wm Buchan, Dunnville. Miss Jean Allen of Toronto returned last Friday alter spending a month at home recuperating after influenza. I Mrs Mcilraith left Tuesday for Crom- arty to be with her father who is ill from the effects of the "flu.' At the last meeting of the High School Board Mr Hugh Mche was apbointed Chairman for 1919. Are the Girls to Blame ? Mrs. J. P. Telford and Mr W Hoig. who lately arrived from the West on a few months' holidays and his little daugh- ter Louise. left Saturday for a visit to Mrs Hoig in Chatham, and Mr. Tclford in To- ronto, ‘ i Mr. and Mrs Thos Moffat, Port Mc- (Nichol, are guests of many old triends and relatives in and ahnut Durham. Mr John McEachnie of Billings, Mom tana and his little son Earl, arrived Mon- day to visit his sister, Mrs David Allen, after a continuous a.bsence of 27 years in Manitoba and Montana. He will also visit his mother, brothers and sister neurl Hopeville and Fairbaim for tr few weeks: before returning to bis Western home I Mr Wm McComb of Rainy River was lately visiting his nephews and niece, Messrs S. and T. McComb and Mre Mc- Kinnan of town. (Wiarton Canadian Echo J Glad to know that Mr J. P. Telford at latest new: is thing Well. Women's _ dutch are demanding to be 1919 Beam. Insti tute Grinds cheerfully dcmomtnted calling " Parlors. -ve boned with the indestructible Spirclla 'ttay-the mm! pliable and res Ilcnt com! boning in the world-. .uat- i antced ttot to break or nut I. one year I of corset wear ' Not Sold Ftnu- In Durham on Sunday. Feb 2nd to Mr. and Mm. Wm. Firth. Upper town. I daughter. In England it is probable that the "get. rich quick" craze rasn't reached our stage of magnificence. The girls are probably more human and so our Canadian girls are Icing out They want too much and in rendering marriage impossible. taken to the best shows and nearly always I desire one of the more expensive seam? They want diamond engagement rings.i d anything less than a 810 or "5" C ristmas present is scareely looked att' there are motor drives, boxes of f c elites, a house furnished on a costly / !e when it comes to marriage. and soj ' until it is no wonder the Car-dim! outh fights shy of marriage or keeps! poumning it. They cannot stand the, etrpetHe. i " Low rubber Sunroof. reg 3.50, C, " Low Gum Rubber, reg 2.75, now, " 4 buckle Ovenhoe. reg 4.00, now " Overahoe Rubbers, reg 2.00, now Come in and got our prices on Boys’ am Men's 12 in leather top Rubbers. n3 6 oo, Menu 9 in. " E "" Men's 7 in. I am offering at MRS. J. c. Store where Quality Reigns Supreme Saturday, February 15th We have still afull range of Penman's Polar & Arctic Brands Underwear for men Polar Brand Penman's. .81.35 per garment Arctic " . . 1.75 per garment S. F. MORLOCK We have a full range of Men's Suits now on hand at prices which cannot he duplicated to-day. Drop in and see our range of Worsteds, Tweeds, and convince yourself of the values we are offering, as compared with other Clothing of the same grade. '"tH"ta l a"--"-"-"-"-"-"-----'-"--------------.-- . [ S irella . , p Mt Stores y Corsets , ed with the indrstuscttbte f - --the moat pliable Ind no main. in the world-. 'uttr-, I break or rat In one year ' Not " he t ll demonstrated b g . warty y Prie I. J. c. "mm, I Box 98. thnm I Now is your chance to procurv a Winter Coat at a Special Discount. l'he above Coats consist of Tweods, Velnurs, Beaver cloths and Plush Coats, all at sno- cial discount during the next two weeks of Stock-taking. How about {hat NewSuit - J. S. MCILRAITH. ' SPECIAL DISCOUNT RUBBER SALE leptiring a Specialty LADIES' COATS n reduction my entire stock of Rubbers. During Stock-Taking L; Special Scencr) n -- - r,' Not I Moving Picture Show on all z.w,now.............. .._. 1.65 Boys' and Youth” Rubbom Price, Children, 250 W.” " 5"." 0 “MAG. O 80! P-... Uncle Tom's Cabin ----gUST ONE NIGHT Saturday Evening Feb. 15th TOWN HALL DURHAM The Palmer Amusement Company presents the Spoctnculur Production of I. now. IN FOUR A CTS u now Adults, Me Heavy 85 25 , 4.50 , 3.60 3.00 2.40 was: u [I

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