West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Feb 1919, p. 3

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Health yah b3 th Scent-o! ; in the an has. " Croat n (1", 911'). " ' - nt so. all the VOL I Atte s. At They mu 'ht m and. hm “I 6: m "tion of A", lip. "awn" Lid!!! oe “may 'atteeett m th h nav- ml! the it an Ott it _c" "i DRS. JAMIESON & “mason l ' T, McuamMariorie Md: st","tt, ' Mary McLean. Sr 3 -. ac Ch 1'tehUsoes,Atbeet Btmer,BeltaMc. , c L GRANT t t'a'l,'lrv"l',flf'a' mum Jr8ed-iiene I', . Ft'g,'i"iltt,'.l'tgrt Lily uneasy. :Robbie atatm,D-tdMrctrtrteti. r . "sara.""".""'".)'",',",";".."?:;'""":'":'.,";," wan. mama... I' Ptannetteftes 'tf and Hosiery qresitrttr66aibil+ilriwr Beer." p, Mention thin paper when writing lulu finally, Jun. t "" Girls and boys who have been work, ing hard on the farm during the Bum. mor should have achange to improve their education thin winter. Circulars free to any addrcu. G. D. Fleming. C. A. Fleming, P.C.A. Sccy. Principal ”I’ll/M stjjli:cjec(l'tiv'irs,sfirfifif - It I rPtt sll In I about)" " M. n dang-r In (nylon. 1m. moan-u, Amuse-om. lot In“ I locate! 60.. - be I“... the lower Ot loo. Durban. It Correspondent minute: there. of lo Ceylon no. will In pun-pm .lloude'i 'o, farm on “tyne-Ital a o. MoPHA IL Ipee annual Ttmtrtttt Univ-um. an ail-o loyal can... Donal m Dad-win a In no... om :4 - "' Javelin It no ad 0990 on. Post. on“. W.f. PICKERINO o. o 3.1. as HONOR GRADUATE of Tonto. University. graduate of Ro at "oikqge of Doom] Snmnon- of Dahlia Rooms that J a I HUNTERS Now Boon but” can” Ply-tot... "dim mum ()VYIIJB: On.- J. P. "tro-tu" re. m I, on mm Rum" o he. _ RINDIINCE: Renaud noon non": of light: ole. on tsat" no. 0: Alba! In. omen noon 9-". I t-ttta. 1-00.. 2m Comwlnlmtbn Dunn Ole- " 'ta.idtmeo u Bil noun. a. G. aux-roman.) once and teitdenee..eorner Counteu nnd Lambton, opposite old Pol! OMee OMce Hours: . to " B. rm. Lao col g. m., 1 to tt p. m., Sunday. and hunday alternoon excepted. onlo- H an»... .00.: 74 IV..- - “I WINTER TERM at the Licensed Auctioneer tor Co. any we are calling your attention to our J. F. GRANT B. 0.8. L. B. In addition to our both goon values Underwear SMITH, M. B., M. c. P. S. o. later. Solicitor in Supt-on ttotarr Public Conclusion» Money to than. u on Lambron It... oppodto WWI Shun. MacFARLANE'S DRUG STORE Borne unmet. In room-lots u I buggin. New Wall Papers " you WM" . bugam In Scribblers, on our nightly dun-god on" It. . . 2e Int! ar We km. s {on D IePHAIL. Ceylon or to C. IAIAGE. Durham . P. TELFOBD Fresh tittyler's and Liggett's Chum” _'. P. R. Town Office Come bad on tho left a 4, the regain Gee, m. 13, mg " tsto, Presbyterian Methodist Hymnal; For Valentine’s Day ...3camtic ’exau‘ Storrs NO 3, BENTINCK. 4th I! Milligan, G Reay. D Mather, V Mervyn tir 3rd-M Reay. W Park L Bartman. N Gmnon. Jr grit-S McCul- loch. R Johnston. A Barman W McCul- loch. Sr 2nd--G McCulloch, M Charlton W Alexander. Sr 2nd- N Mervyn, L Mervyn, M Johnston. St lst-P Alexan- der, H Hopkins. Pr- t Rear, E Mervyn R Reay. W Mignon. No. l, GLENELG Jr 4th -Ada Browne, Marie McArthur, Margaret Smellie, Neil McArthur, Archie McArthur Jr 3rd -Haael Beaton, Mar- garet MacFarlane. 2nd -Reggie Finney. Ist-Mary Beaten. Annabel McArthur, J. D. McArthur, Lily Moore. PtA- Marybel McArthur, Frank McArthur. NO. 2, EGREMONT. Sr Ith-it Barbour, D Kerr, E Wilson, A Noble. Jr 3rd-- M Aberdein. K Allan, V Aberdein, S Noble, J Campbell. J Mar- shall. Sr 2nd--R Campbell, V Kerr, M Lennox, A Lennox. Jr 2nd-L Allan, R Wilson, M Noble. Sr lst-J Allan. Jr lst-G Aberdein, A Campbell. Sr Pr-- N Watson and P Watson eq., M Wilson, 1 Allan, E Kerr, B Allan, T Allan. ' E A Edge, teacher. D- Virlet McLean, Victor Hinds. George Noble, Marie Aljoe, Charlie Mc. Kechnie C-Ada Holmes, Eddy Miller, Arthur McClyment, Ethel Graham, Wallace Thompson. B--Orma Burnett, Helen McAuliihs Jame Traynor, Ellen Hay, Norma Gag- non. A--EI,ie Willis, Carrie Mitchell. Josie Falconer, Merida Havens, Jean Collinson. Number of pupils enrolled " Average attendance 31.8. Sr Pr-Ellen Marshall. Raymond Mc- Girr. Florence McDonald, Maude Kelsey, Lo Falkingham. 5th --', Jr Ist-J. D. McAuliffe, Helen Knight, Elsie Kearney, Rowena Boyd, Jean Hard- mg. _ -- __ --- Jr 2nd-Seaman Havens. Effie Catton. Margaret McAuliffe, Elysbeth Living- stone, George Hind. Sr tst-Cecilia McAuliffe. Martina Simpson, Freda Falkingham. Florence McCallum and Harry Ryan .eq. Roy Matthews. Pupils who attend irregularly Arthur Holmes. Alvin Gordon. Miss A. D. Halliday, teacher. Number of pupils enrolled Sr Pr. 48, Jr. lst 25. Total 43. Average attendance 38. Number of pupils enrolled Sr lat 20, Jr 2nd 25. Total M. Average attendance Sr Ist 17.7, Jr 2nd 21.5. Total 32.25. Jr 2nd-Jean McCaughey. Marjory Eifkeringu w McClyment, M. Dean, Sr 2nd-Marearet Yirrs. Adeline Collin- son, Lottie Dean. Hilda Boyd, Christine Marshall. Wallace "McGowki, Jr 3rd--G. Hay, N. Lloyd, 1. McKech- nie, W. Marshall, E. Kearney, E Falconer. Miss A. C. MacKenzie. teacher. Number of pupils enrolled Sr 2nd 29, Jr 2nd 10. Total 39. Average attendance Sr 2nd 24.5, Jr 2nd 8.9. Total 33 4. 7 Andrew S. Morton, teacher, Number of pupils enrolled Sr 3rd 27, Jr Grd t2. Average attendance 32.10 Sr 3rd--B. Levine. K. Milne, E Bur. nett. N McGirr. M. Lauder, I. Sharp. Jr 4th--Loyd McClocklin, Esther Mc. Combe. Willie Bryon, Cara MoCrae, Mary Saunders. Sr 4th-Ne0ie Falkingham. Amalia Blair, Verbena Ryan, Wilhelmina Collin- son and Carrie McGirr eq., Reta Law- rence. Number of pupils enrolled Jr 4th 16. Sr 4th 29. Total 36. Average attend- ance Jr. 15.06. Sr. 24.7. Total 39.8. a! Cr' Durham P. s. honor Roll i off Eng. Dinner Ware Open Mock designs ', oft French China Open stock designs China Sale Closes Saturday Come to us for rates NO Me- . PROTON Shel Reports Miss M. Mackenzie, teacher Give I ainty piece of Chin. " I Vulemine We mil hue some lphndid “In”. 80. our big ”pennant of Cup. and Smears. n 25 per cent reduction. Miss Norah Lowe, teacher E. M, McCuaig. teacher Miss L. B. Walker, teacher M. S. Kirktown. teacher Jr 4th-Myrtie Fridey night the neighbors re- peated their Visit to Mr Ewing'- to pro-ant Sgt. Kennedy with a -torttainingahanaim" an of muggy to thew their apprais- tim, of His services. On Wednesday night Serg't. J. MoKeown was presented with a purse of money by the section and In very enjoyable evening was spent. Beret. McKeown is the proud possessor of the D. C. M. which he won for rescuing e wounded men from no man's land" under tim. The past week will remain un- surpassed in the history of this part as a week of revelry. Tues- day night a monstrous reception for Sgt. J. Kennedy was held " the home of his sister, Mrs W. Ewing where Jack was heartily welcomed back. The evening wss'pleasuntly spent and every- one went home tratitrfUd with e good time. Mr Angus MacGillivray at- tended the Loyal True Blues' box social on Thursday night in Dur- ham. Mr and Mrs D. J. McArthur visited Sunday with her father, Mr Neil MacGillivray. Mr T. H. Binnie had a fine pile of wood cut on Friday last with his steam engine and buzz saw. With February half over we are optimistic enough to look on old winter with contempt. . M r Frank Haley has purchased the frame barn on the premises rf Mr Donald Black and intends to have it taken down and erect- ed on his own farm this coming summer. Mr Thos. MeRae was the latest farmer here to join the Ceylon branch of the United Farmers of Ontario. He shipped his hogs last week with the Club and was completely pleased with the re- sult. Mrs Michael Burke left on Wednesday to visit her people, the Doyle family in Paris. Mr John Black of the 6th con- tracted to furnish a year’s wood to the Separate School N0. 7 and with the aid of two younger bro- them in a few days had their 20 cords snugly piled in the school ynrd. Pte. Laughie Dunbar of the 147th Batt. is expected home in March. Mr and Mn Patrick Fogcrty are now enjoying Victrola music in their home. The instrument was purchased from a Durham agent. Miss Violet Fallaise is at pres- ent holidaying with Mulock friends. Mr John McVicar Br., was un- der the weather fora few days but is better again. Mrs Chas. McKinnon is at pres- ent visiting at her father) Mr Michael Burke. Her husband was detained on business in Guelph but will join his wife here in a few weeks. I Pte. Wilfred Campbell of the i147th batt. who had been in Tor- onto the last few weeks has been honorably discharged from the army and a few days ago return- ed home. A big welcome and presentation is being prepared in honor of the returned hero by his many friends and neighbors in and about the vicinity Wednesday evening of this week at the home of his father, Mr Geo. Campbell, Pomona. A week or so ago Mr Chas. Me- Clocklin slipped on ice and fell severely hurting his side. We are pleased the fall did not prove too severe and he is able to be about again. Miss Flossie McVicar is visit- ing her sister, Mrs Joseph Black of Toronto. Mr and Mrs Hanlon McDonald accompanied by their friend, Mr Angus McCormick, last week left to visit friends in Sagine, Michi- gan. The former had resided there for many years previous to moving to Glenelg a couple or three Years ago. No doubt their many friends and acquaintances‘ there will be pleased to see them. l 1 Jr rv-Ruby Blyth, Tacv McCabe, R McCabe Kenneth Kerr. Sr HI-Fred Matthews. Jr lll~Mary Keller. Ro Wilkinson, Ruth Allan. Elsie Grant. 'll ll -lsabel Matthew, Landds Wilton, Roy Finnigan. Sr I-lla Wilkinson, Sue ie Eden. Arthur McCabe, Florence Grant Harold Grasby. Sr Pr-wilt- Crosby, Jr Pr-Harry Matthews. Ion. Effie McCanneH. “wag-Ci; Haw. Pt A-Ru-l Haw. SAUGEEN VALLEY GLENELG CENTRE NO. l, EGT. & NOR. M. Ruth Stewart, teacher. M. M. Kerr, teacher Jr lfCanadiansdonot save Immune“ itwill not be through lack ofasyatan that makes saving any. Nothingcwld bebetter than the War Savings Stamp Htnreroeatartert to use War 'ttg and Thrift Stamp. ? Unot You downtown. “WNW it matters not whttbeir amine power maybe. To argue this point is hardly - _ A Have You Started , THE TORONTO DAILY STAR Name and address in full Please enter me at a subscriber' to The Toronto Daily Star for . ....... please find enclosed stamps ot money order for it. . . . . ... . . . . . . . Send in your subscription now. We will mail The Toronto Daily Star to you each day at the toi. lowing rates: For 1 month, 25c. For 3 months, 75c. For 6 months, 81.50. Fat t2 months, 33.00. Dear Sirs: To Publishers: Toronto Daily Star, Toronto; You cannot read The Toronto Daily Star for a short while without feeling that it is you need." The truth of this shown by the many people who, sending in a trial subscription months, renew their subscription for a year before even the three months' period expires. E. Percy Noel Lowell Mallet: Will Webb Miller Paul Ayres Rockwell Frau Paul Scott Mower Jurtius B. Wood Fred Edgar Ansel Home: A. R. Decker (In London) F. A "Windermere" Edward Price Bell Edw John de Gandt T. Murphy Euni Henry T. Wood W. J. L. Kiehl Rem WillianrH. Bnyden Ernest W. Clement Will Lacey Amy Rosamond Boultbee Tho, and the full service of the United-Press and of the "Chicago News." The are assured not only first news of what is happening in the world, but clear tions as to what the happenings mean. E. Percy Noel Webb Miller Paul Scott Mowrer Edgar Ansel Mowrer "Windermere" The Daily Star's Peace Conference despatches are exceptionally complete. The service of the Canadian Press and the Canadian Associated Press-alone considered sufficient by many Canadian news- papers-are supplemented in The Star by cables from the following and other exclusive airrcspcn. dents: . ' V,,,v,_._ _--."-, "no nu, IIIUDL ulncu Ill Ulcal untaln America. So because The Toronto Daily Star "covers big events in a big , foremost reviewers to interpret the strategy and politics of war. To cover the war meant not only to tell what was happening every hour, but to explain the signi- ficance of each event. The occasion demanded skilled men; correspondents who could get news and interpret it, and others-war experts-who could piece together the happenings on the battlefields and in the capitals and weigh them all for the benefit of the reader. vvucn me manic was sunk, The Toronto Daily Star " York to "cover" the story. When Ulster threatened rebellion get the facts. When the Halifax explosion occurred, a small to get the story. When the Titanic was sunk, The york to "cover" the storv. When Hid; ran Donna um Of guch experts, Hillaire Belloc, The Star policy is to cover big events in a big way. Ut Off This Coupon and Mail it To-day 'oronto Daily Star Has the Latest News Service in Ontario -Badertt, Germany'- bland nt- thip, bu jut been turned on:- to the Bridal: and s total clean up of aab mnrinu a nearly completed. lie For“: buanu my Stamp, the which“): Guam 'rf1ttpar 85.00 in 1924. Ttrents-tim cant: buy" Thrift Stamp. " of which may be "- changed for 1 War Suing: Stun. Guild anythingbeeaiaer?This form oi-ing, is also profitable, paying 41 per cent oom- J pounded half-yearly. I a o . coo- . a o o 'o"'""--.---., r"-"'-----..--.. " In the 'r. wag tht most n_o_ted in Great Britain, and Frank H. Simonds in Capitals TORONTO I (minnow at! Tueagte Duly Wald toe m..................... Tb. 80in ml mee, WM The BMW all the Mod Ad- - (on not... .. ........... Tho Sui-w sud Duly In. Pm for! P-.............................. The m u TI Club for 1 my-“ y Star rushed seven members of the staff to New 'ebcllion, three Star men travelled 4,000 miles to a small army of photographers and writers went ef Europe [go News." The Toronto Daily Star readers world, but clear and authoritative 4:me. Edward L Keen Eunice Tidings Rene Feibelman William R. Giles WiItiam Philip Sims Frank J. Taylor Fred s. Ferguson " ' mum“ and the Funny me. A "l dds-d Wily Burial ”at it retained mesa two a. In" and Tomato Daily Id nu E-piutor I "M...... Tho Bub. In! Town» Deity The Boviow an! Weekly Sun toe It. “I and M DAB; lulu on "B................... Ttte 30m and 0.19qu a it no you”... own-nun". ...... no..." " for it

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