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Durham Review (1897), 13 Feb 1919, p. 6

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r1 j', i c a was we: iiirtriiiiii:ir" ji] maven mum 'r011E2lilllili a; I! In ope-Hog of Mon. u. city 0!,” mm papal-don. [night my " bu 'ld Dentin! resident-- and Madman IN, buildings and also a nilvny I anion I 'to! that mum Into inhuman“ the ( [moo Depot M Tavern and Toronto at in we mood lumen at" In and: gm The Boobs had and. prepannon to' pl: dnamlmhomion in Moon but the tirt Canadians min: a notch too quick 'Sttt TI.._ . odSeoeuisusedupoetitsaltundant '2,1iat't,"htti _anditsattilitr tolmild-etgth. "iiUGiiLL J- iaiii, - aiiT,uiiiraJTi L :.......- *' La, ttt.t2tt,', elm}: nndweat and tearofthebodr. b.t.hritntittet of Scott's isbuedupon its abundant“ ttry ana IV""'".' maaea ("'0 tar httlly la the evening, the re) linings were Deal and human. as the ccokhouu! manned. the narrow streets were l mu " a: ' broke' an usual. but densely packed and "all went merry I“ mar» fun-mate an i 'rpomted' on no a marriage bell." Great tstrreird Percy It as of [luluein for dinnerand German verey lights and nutshell; Ernest McGirr nod I no from the had been collected and were so: " "(no mmtin for anprr! [also In! all our the town, making a night Edgar Reimlck and red Pony and pertorautnee ot tlroror" " the Tor l envied the quartet" their any in onto Exhibition a lame display in Mons. They did nol bother chain: comparison. A month previous. our Hung than days but I fancy more uldxe'a watched Iimilar displays ot will be heavy naila between Canada Bitte Ihella and lighu under onlirely and Belgian when the boy- return. i1t1rytttt condition In the wardayl What is done in childhoodda s to enrich the blood and build up rugged 'tAX often makes or breaks the man of tomorrow. The growing youth, with nervous energy overwrought,- needs constant are and TOMORROW’S MAN Food prices were high. In one re Mann: um at my pile paid 32 tr'ea. tor I Inc-gr. Inn! and when they ruched the am: they were “ill bun- ttry And " once mules dive tar bully heel and bind!“ It the ccokhouu! The 3rd Gen. Division had beenl there " nearly A week end were "inl jute" wlth the people. The iiiiiuiiil eonld not do moon tor the Cannon? nnd when annoy can found In plen-. ty among the ”mam we found they _ could glen nine their price. to our The Inwr In n public letter, depre- I outed this "liUtt not on the part up the big march-nu. The restaurant; were wido open, waiters in white' from: and {rock coate. tlp40ed lbw!“ " nan-l. No one would gum ttttul times new hard nod that the city was; peeked with p or relaxer. en route to' their bones; surety knowing when; their next monl the to come trum. in; (be “non Bomb!) border on 15 Not. an panning through :9va [0in down-ted towns. we touched the vicxnicy of the pretty And Mitoti- ul hula city of Moon on the 18th. A section of the Inge bridge serous the Rhine at Cologne. known " the Hohenzolieln bridge. In his letter accompanying, C. C Inn-u up 'ttttr ist Division marched across in full battle strength, taking seven houu to emu the bridge." in the distance is seen the lemon Cologne Cathedral. A. a sauna my I might may that our march to the Rhine covered Your 'uIOInd wan-moons and Mix-ins It in nude in cold. wet weather and our "on." speed In: 25 tin m. l “on per dry. “In rm tille In. " 63; o'clock, hm“ u u 7, the much a?" u a. The rominn of the ft, 7 and 8l o'eloelo I” on regular “not: u that rieirqt at the um und, in the have. whenever I Magnum” anabon’ "mud in suction. I will reed“ the norm-a mum; Mon or the Maurie-I Ar bile " other Fritzlo. To "no. I Inn's tamper here, nil mm hum-n b to "r bt 6, 7, 8 " They[ are ray-word. now. In . "can: letter l Ipoke at our kind Inception by the Belgian people and the noun-banned cannot in cute!) they teeelved as. In um um up I propooo Munch upon. in on sun]; . - no ponible. I ten Inci- dent. of our 3004a”. zigzag lump norm Haitian; nod thrxr'f'rertnarty no In I. the Rhine River. Then per up. a law data“- ot me "an ot cc- upouon nu ol the - Gum-n river and the “made toward: the papal-don nod their relation! to on Ill!“ be iettasreatiea. Du! Ftlendl. Meets S. tire: Boy a at Mons- ammuu Scenery en 'tottte-.No andships Alumni uith German Girls-Christmas at Cologne. I! ditrr tong-fun! - "ot (7-513-110- deUred three In.“ Kr he! ot 'paee-Ed) ' th bub. Nut Cuban. Gunny. Dee. 27, ms “Ammo-mom. One of the moat mutating night. at Niven“ um . park of SOOGermm gum nod a huge urodrone with 250 Platte in it. These comprised the tirst batch at implement: ot W" the enemy had turned over under the " immovable statue tfeieUis ia'. Ice when a bright light went up. But 'to-ttat I contra“ ! in zpo when”. one id dr, Real}; The next mun ot importance we "opped " In Niwllea. abom 110 miles south at Brands. Here we re- oeived a wonderlul reception and on Sunday a celebration waa held in honor of "Lea Brena Canadiene." Preparations ior the Fae were on a moon» unto but unfortunate”. m brigade received orders to march torn-rd the same morning and put a damper on the enthnaiute. Never- males! the few hundreds who re mained prttini'ttMs day of cheirllvea. Nothine was too good for as and curl money was worthless. We were bs deed with Belgian ribbons, iriG/ '"__iW'._9.. "nu ug.---u a-uwul. “III Ind buttons. One suldier In: good tor 3 dozen mm any time and they were extended on: six on each arm. and the parties played "crack the whip“ in the main squire ot the town. reached the Rhine. The human" of the country. old and young. over- come the cobble. by wanting wooden shoe. called Babes“. It in " Imu- ioz “(In to watch them IIOp around in than. Mnrching eastward from Mom. we paiusett through 3 titte lertile country. ‘R 'lime leads and the long Munch” To! incline and decline were waning I to the eye. Ir. in not monotont as new cry tor it is intervened wl h woods of verdant evmareen. Fume" Bll lthrouab Belgium have been prosper- was, despite the House. The line inomee tell their own story ot would: end on even head. the owner: Ihow. ‘ed pie-tare " the coming ot their 'triende by tht ir decorations end the Jenny “lute u we made the much Butch. cobble-none fonds are the worst future of the .omtrr-"re u-llv n to tired marching soldiers More 1 large; I In: to "r, I won out one pair of boots on the lone trek and was wed into 3 second pulrot and Ind cobble Hamper. whoa we tor Heine and owed the odithse from deg nation The enemy had played area has! 0 with the ullw-y Inna. mad. uni briagvs Mount Mona. Bun lurlong ot nil wu blamed. the ("on road. and [real rent-In than Ind an m mum bridges werodown. There In plenty of work tor Basin can and Railway troops and they nonnpl‘uhed wonder: in ne-eolablisb- lag [in luau orttomatttttuurtioet. Thole Omani-n Coouruotlon DINING!!! can- not he mrp used when it comes to an trtrtt'rttBttrW. The men mu their in IUper. Weatern Germany is alertile rolling country and there ere some fine vice e to be obtained. The country in den-s.. ly populated bereebonle, viii-gee end ween: being never more than three milee open. At one point on the march. Icnulcl count " meny an " towne. Church spires and tecnory chimneys broke the eky-lme " nnmw Giiri lawn-Ia but " for the placee themeelvee they ere u much ellke on Monday and» Tueedey. “etching thronlrh eeoree of them in oil due without pen», one een - few dietinctlve tenures. On the “that December we new the Rhine for the are: time In on lives end knew we were eloee to our Jonrner'e end. Two deye later the let Divie on merched through the city of Cologne end new. the greet German river in (all battle 'trarest" The prueeeelon took even been to em- the bridge end lt mule " Impala; ebowlng ot our mouth. ( Gen. Home! of the 2011 MM Arum Gee. Carrie ttt the Cenedleoe.‘ w " the trddttrrheadpasd reviewed t nerd: peer. The dlvlelon wee heeded by e loom] Mullen bend when pleyed "When we wind up the weaken the Bolle.”en Aachen haunted wer pend: on the has. Get-n a. . Ween-ewe“ eetheeeee "éitegtrer, paler- We missed Liege. Nemur and Cherlerol to our meet regret. We olpecially wanted to see the forts " iGi; esthev ere renowned for the l heroic defence of the city in August 1914. We croseed the hn'der into Germany on Dee, 6th. eehort dlstence north of the state of Luxemburg. It was e strange feeling tor all of he to pesethetblnek end white pole end the armed English (nerd et the zeta way of the enemy’s country. Yet it was e feeling ot victorv and that the efforts ot f at years of struggle bed not been in vain. The firat night in Germany We lpentin e villaeeschool- house as e billet. It wee warm and comfortable with plenty cf straw on the Mor. About the only thinzll remember now, we: e framed picture‘ at the Kaiser on the wall, whzch one of the boys took down end hung in the lavatory lecing the well. Anor- tist then took oolored enelk end sketched the Union Jack on the black-bond I Notwithstanding the (allure of the cumin-inlet with cumin end ad. vene weather conditions. the trek l through custom Belgium wuextrem- l y interesting on account ot gorgeous scenery in the 1owerardemto. The reeds wind and curve continuously at the bees of mountain end hill. Fre quently the mil would burn oboe on the loner circle ot n eurvlnz range of bille. ellowlnx the head oi the column to be but e Itone'e throw tram the rear ot the party. The ions-est climb wee!) kilometres (over 3 miles.) It was raining " the been of the mount- nin. bell way up we were wreathed in mint end. " the top the sun wee shining brightly. The villages in the mountain area ere very old laeb- _ ioned end the people more than ulunlly kind to the crusaders. P. reqtthed fourdayuotrek through the monumn are: and in thnccime we hnd our fill of mountain climbing. Incidently we cursed the Kaiser more than ever. Not satisfied with that we strall'ed King and Army, Ind one dav when food rations failed to comr, the trocps sat fist and reinsed Io march. Napoleon said “An army marches on its stomach," and we know now he Was right. When ra- tions failed, there was: general re- turn“ to march u we kneWIhe sub-ti- tnte. bully Ind hlwnitu in poor ummach we. The supply column tailed us again n week later, no we were two days hehind nhednle I reaching tht Rhino. i Thlongh the ees'ern aide rt Ber ttion we had nrennonl marching *dnye. We came to (hO’MOllIO river. close to the pretty city of Bur, which neme- In 1 [hm river valley eimilnr to tite Kimberly veliey in En! Grey, We tollow the river med. uranium It the toot ot are“ preclpteu and then again wilhtn n yen! of the IW|IMDK river. The scenery in ltMF, no!” line end it he!” one to (urge: _ the {Milan ot the march. Every win In the road presents a new pun- own: tor no to ndmire and than we come to the Valley ot the Lonrdee. in the Lower Ardennes. e mountain area which becomes high " you pro- 1 seed umber south. dill altar“; tiiiiis a; s-lu‘i'mul 1biemtt--nstd In“ mining their “no“... In ' The new drone nub. lanes: 1 our law. and we plum wand superior types. Some were mall um. testers". prov cy u humeral“ and annually mint- ed. The Germ-nu hue a llllllil for brilliant coloring on their flyine ma- chiucs and the work “wanted on some of the“ uracelul bira- resem- bled Futurist Art designs. I tried tor ' relic for a louvenlr. but lulled. as the napkin Ira closely guarded from nub would be souvenir sniper: as I. Our road, however. I'll tttttt Qu- cro Bras, where Wellington was re- pulsed and towed to retire before the big 5 magic took place. On the Mld there ia n monument of A British lion, in heroic more. erected to the mem- ory ot Britain'l Ions who fell there We were surprised to see this piece of ocnlpcnre nownohed try the enemy. tytleu.te1ttediytrry The ttattlMeld of Waterlopuabotst 15 mlleo from Niven” but no oppor- tunity was IVIlllbIQ to visit the his. torio battleiteid of 100 yam ago. Howuor I was. told the Buns had not destnyed our touched may at the Km: uncommon erected by Englnnd Franco and Rania In memory " the heroes ot liberty nnd of thou who bled for Napoleon on we decisive tield of Waterloo. _ us you“ REVIEW The bridge serous the Rhine at Bonn. General Currie took up n pout on the centre of this bridge to take the salute In the boys marched over wiah fixed bayoneta. Some.South Grey boys have crossed over this bridge, ot which they have sent home picture post cards. Bat really, lriende. this in on 3'nt country tot good out] ,rel1-ttuarotioned toldit-n " be in I New, " on you can get my 'drift' l on going to 'anow ' reel hard Being in on enemy noun try, discipline Imong the troops in strict end the military have ' verboton' that soldiers have lady friends whilein this country. which is. ot course, eon. may to the law of true love. The blond lassies are most ed noble. one friend d‘scribing them "pretty us A peach. round as an apple. sound as I dollar." He went to church Christ- mas morning with two 'Frnultene' who live in the house where he is billeted. That oloyed his plesaure. tor he woe seen. brought before the colonel next morning, sentenced to three urn pick- on and made to cheese " billet I The language in of courae,another barrier to friendship Ind in canyon-- tion . mixture of Englilb. Punch. Dutch Ind a limo Yiddish in pawl up. The "tuition from French " Two trio do and mm“ are bllleted will a small tomily i, thin village nod we would not not for a boner tome. In one sense we will be sorry when we depam in n we“) tlme Knowing the people no we do, it would be unduly attrett inju ice to lay the charge of crime- and cruel- ties It their dotir-mtber put it down to an cranked lymm of “worms Pmulanhm. in; (uni-on duty. Thu-onto Seoul: New Zealot! tad English troop in our um. The 2nd Candi": Divbion in at Bonn. 20 Illa. south. the Bel gins are north of as around Dttttil don. the Auction- uro n Cable»: and the French warding the from!" n Mains. Frauen to the Swiu bor. der Thu Iith Germany's military store. In our lunch. the bulk of her any surrendered. her air tieet turn- ed over, the Raine river. the pride ol the Germ-n people. guarded by our Irma. the great chain ot commeroinl and industri-l cine: on the Rhine. which we" infiaence. power. In 11th and national intercu- to .he Hans, behind as. the; do we feel ttotttitttutr, that the enemy in paved“. to renew war nczivitin ind that his I: Mi m lies I darelict aad ttelples cripple In Al. lied bands. A tow pnrnzrlphs on our lite here sud how we find the Germ-In. Tu betatr. we can only judge the maple u we and them "unite." Tney "a not so buck as they have been paint. ed. Thor have been kind and cour- tennu to In nod will so out of their my to be kind . d helpitubla. , Nine months IguGermnnv immin- ed the murin the zenith of hor power und hut the Inn than: lor her mum. How quick and tremendous ttto chungn! Germany'. sun has so; and it in due to the military genius and strategy of one mtut--rotstt, I could write more of our life here but I am euxious to finish and Idon', doubt you will never reed to the end of the ecraed. We bed 3 jolly Christ. mee Dey and the joy wee enheneed by the thoughts ot e speedy return to our home friends end to Cemde in the New Year. The food question in yet to be deck with: while toad is "ftitant for the met',',' more it not an Madame. a the, hue in of poor quelily and they no euxnouly aamitiettpst" fultil. meat of Pres. Wilson’e prom-u to and them food. People who see our white breed and army mtione, look longing” n them; weir chief food home ta be pontoo- end they be" spade tor elmou every meal; tneat in eeeree and deer end they never lee white flour. . Commoditin like soup Ind choco- late no " ulpoo ' ; 303p of In inferior Q'lllll’ coon five mull. I bu and they had'm mated choeolueu tor three yrs. until we cums along. In closing I with all kinda . tmp- " uni prosperous Nor Year Ind hope that 1910 will top all the Jun. We have bed seveeel fine tripe to the city of Cologne. 600,000 popnle~ tron end the queen of Rhinelend cities. It ll e beenttlul end welteonetrneted city. "bstotially built end edtlleee of modern style. One greet drewbeck to the nerrow etreete in the humane lee-t tlon '. they would not everege more then 40 lest. We were there during the Christal“ eeeeon end I mll eey thet during this period, the German P ople eeemed to throw " ell thought of defeat end of the lance of the wet. The, entered into the spirit of Chriet- mes with greet kernneee end wronged the etroete end ehope buying gifts " we do " home. There iolotl of mon- " hors-tone of It. The people "tr, well dreeeed. women perede In may fore. the glittering jewelry etoree were elweye crowded end the " reetenr- eutu. eelee end eeberete were ell doing; well. Every lentil] hes e Chrietmel tree. decontee It levlehlv with tineel end eovere it with preeente. One thing I here noticed ie the elmoet en- ttre ebeenoe of eutomobllee; the in owing to the ehortege of rubber end petrol in Germeny, oepocielly rubber. '_higuq- we an “Mn In. Form”. inc-00m village! '00thth him-ad I and to the Indy bf the home " Area was I had fur Ichlnlon." (Bus you a bed to sleep in f) Hot "ply in a this of the bend added to some gibberish I could not underlined. There WM I pnir of us. GM is not hut-tooling for in Sine-rely. Chan. 0. B. “Md... tt Gama will... I ll” and I and to o " Area vonl I (Have you a bull 'oply won a duke+ some gibberish l", I. There was " I aul fiat: trips sill I, 600,000 populn- a f Rhinalmd cities. l Watson-(meted : tilt and OdlIOQI oti great duvback " i u I the Maine. new” ot “cage moral wore were during ll m Ind I In“ "rn --Prfms- Puricia. the popular dinner of the Duke of Connnuht. is to be 'ttthied in Westminluer Ab. bey on 27th February. -No favor than 5611 doubt occur- ed ttttie-liens, by airplane mid. on Britain. A reception In tendered Pun. Wm Knox and Tom [Inst-n on Tend-y night. Min Junet McDonald bu under. gone In operation for uppendieitiu and n time of writing I. progreuing nicely. Min J . McMillan ' vuritiig rel; (in! on the Ihh. Swinton Perk Presbyteriens intend luring their Anniversery Sands] end Monday Feb. 16 end 17. Rev. Mr Thornbugh of Shelnurne is expected to be the preeeher BuntNy shernoon end evening. Monday evening there will be e tee followed by e progrsm with mmie by the choir end speeches by different clergymen and reedlngs by Mrs Patterson of Dundelk. Ad. mission 26 and M one. [can A. M. and Wu. Burnett at- tended the funeral of an old "quin- “one, It McLean. Prioevillo. Mood-y In W IeEIehnie end Klee Elle Bat-net Halted our the week end with Durha- friends. The B. C. S. C. will hold their em an! meeting " In EE Hoekrldge'e Thmdey. 20th in“. Will than bev- ine yen. looks or eewlng. kindly return “no on or before that date. Mia Nellie Haw upon: but I with her than n Swinwn Park. A lociel evening wee given in the hell loudly evening in honor of Lt. Etry Goheen who spent nearly four veers over-en. winning " commie- eioe. He lave. Tulle, to Join hie mother in the West. Spr. In. Gordon in e welcome Geller In our be!" loud”. Jim he. jut retuqed_ tron over-en. hevlg been wounded our d your in. I; leave. for the Was this week. Beautiful indeed bu been our Witt. ter-u record brother. we believe. I!" Geo Scott is visiting her niece, Mn M. Bell. Cedarville. 'toeaeoeae-.,. R‘RN‘“ i _ - I OVERALLS & SMOCKS c. manna, - â€" -"a. Let u get I In of Rope Trnea "tnetted to than old hula. only $5.00. Webb and lathe: an. at on m. ", Let ll get a good Cellular that Colt and and one! Lino. . wanna“ u the old trHee. UNDERTAKING 0MP“! we!“ to. Chm- Inn-Inn‘- Still a few of those good HORSE B] AT COST. This is the time to think that you $332.13 TAYLOR & CO. 1 Store closes 6 o'cloek exeeptinfWed. and Sat. nights I Highest Prices for Produce of all kinds MEN'S RUBBERS TAYLORé’c CO. Dromore SUITS SWINTON PARK Our New Spring Goods tte-rrrviq In all lines. Last week's budget HOPEVILLE Harness tdr-the , o " U DDDI‘J We have some rubbers left in all sizes and kinds. These are the Lifebnoy Brand and we will clear them out at a discount. Price 1'13 .We have received the new Spring samples. end ere ready to take your mature. They are excellent quality and the fit is guaranteed. The prices are reasonable considering the quality, Price from $24 to 65 00 We bought these some time ago and can show you excellent value and we will guer- antee them to give you the best of wear. In Dromore ‘, 2.50 and 2.75 ea. - -7 ."".'."."_N." woo “um-lune... Dun-u math Ete9efiirikTE In“. " a non autism: tr/tat 1'rfls.-,d tn In I mono. 1iiiiiiiiiih'itSi we“ mum-l tteee_tyriaGGl'ii"t'tTt but um 'A"Lhtl'd can 11'fftrt'Sed now may! munch or owned“ "It. when“ tn Munro mm num- - , "_"---. "I - In "“00 " ple!!?., II. J. {an}. "IQ! mix. M III Equipment. the who! u tummy m n. "Mum “any. ttt one-um m ,'fp2'llk'h'lhtgi I',',', ttttnik .13.. lulu] Junior mung mu Munc- cum "I. in “no“. 'tthr"tettwsnt ml no In cum u 180' A LAN, PNuslpat,t" Clan Certittmtes, 'lutetu'fa21t Physio-l culture. an» you; when. lam-um and Spelling. use J.Wlil B. A., of Queen- (mummy. alum-ha. Art, manure, Co poul- uon. iiUu7é', My. Auden: 'llh'lgl as L. noun a. b i . I "tiHFa"ii -. at a: "li2xPgetotetern, Pull informntloo from any Trunk Tick-t Agent. or OER: District Puaonger Agent. Tom Sleeping an on Parlor Cars on Prine lhelkdhrmh Route E. E. HOCKRIDGE DURHAM - HIGH SCHOOL -mm m lodel'lll 0nd mii, sunk-an: n ‘Onmlnu. french, & will) Bar, Companion. Finlay Gnham, Store, Property, Stock and General Business for sale. Apply to Hawkers nu Unexcelled dining car service. ”an“ I.“ Id fE4lttttp,'at.t -- '2M,2tee,t h.” I J SPECIAL Bopeville, Ont. "I.” 1919 on ni ht Trlim and incipnf Day Trains. T'eiepttoiiiriii h, hind! doth " WM m.“ o We m ks & lead to M du w It of ll U atteteeti the air, Flight! When In “I “lit In 'AIGIV‘G "THF: It It Having lot-Led TI "

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