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Durham Review (1897), 20 Feb 1919, p. 10

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" {a u' p . I m- l 3533.; ‘A l(lF'lii8flllh8lf SLAUGHTER SALE GLDSES FEB. 22 f fiii'lttltrl'tlttlt,?lr,n Central Business College Station! and Mount Forest With the "solution to improve youru” during l9l9. Our Com-n are thorough : Our Irustructor. we experienced ; Our Graduates an in demand; Our Wrnter Term open. J... “I Our Catalog II tree on request. Start the New Year Right 250 tins No. I Simcoe Pork and Beans, row. 2oe., for.. 200 tins Baking POWIIO‘P I lb an“. ro-g. 300., tor..... . 125 swab-rs Hakim: Pomh-r \I'A] lb silo . r03. 35c., for 60 tins N0. , [milvy's Coitee ii tit sizra), reg. Me., for.. 73 mm Clark's Tomato soup, rm. We, for...... ... 300 pau'kau-w Laundry Starch. mg. Ki., for. . . . . . . . . . MI) parknmw Hum Marl-h, I'm. ta'., for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .500 Irackahig Washing Ammonia, rug. Fun. tur........ 400 parkaw-s Eddy?! Hilrmt M-nlvln's, reg. 40e., mic...... til) ths Smukwl Roll"" Meal, l'r'g. 380.. tor. . . . . . . . . . . . 90 lbs fnnry War 8mm! "invuits. reg. 20“., for...... 210 parka-gray large silu- Scull”. N17. 350., tor. . . . . . . . . . . . 375 parkagow Purity Rolled (has. rug. 35e., tur...'. .... as tins HM Dull-h (Reamer. or Drudge, rrg. Mie., for.. to quart bottles Malt Vinegar. reg. Me., for. . ........ no quart bottles Tomato (hump, ring, tse., for........ m but! Ins l‘nfrrmenlwl Wino, riioe., for. . . . . . . . . . 200 lbs best Black Pepper, reg. 60e., for.. . . . . . .. . . ... . 39 tins “Snap" Hand Cleaner, reg. 250.. for..L....... KO bars Castile Soap (large size), reg. tlk., toe. . J. . . . . mm: Rangoon Riee,res.t3e, mrs................... to bolas Laundry Soap (any kind)kets 90...... ...4 MI Small quantity Gold Dust and Pauline, as, 100... " " I200 tins No. I Burtord Canned Peas, reg. 200.. tor.... I000 tins No. t Rurfurd Canned Tomatoes, Peg. 250. for 200 tire NH. I Crawford Ppaehe "3 th size) ro-g. Me. tor Im tins No. t Crawford Pvaclws (2 m size“, rag. 250, for 200 tins No. I Burbank Plums (2 lb size), reg. 2%. for I00 tins No. I Bartlett Pours tu' th an» ' r02. 25e for.. A Few of the Many Specials This is the last week of our Sale: have you saved yourself any money? 1 A Money Saver in Groceries, Provisions, Flour and Feed MRS. I... BEGGS & SON, 1"ther-On Friday, Feb. 14th, to Mr and Mn Jeto. Mather, a son. The Egremont Agricultural Society announce a change in the date of holding their Concert which is now to be held on TUESDAY. MARCH 4th. 1919 At 8 o'eloek in their Hall at Hol- stein which will consist of speeches. reel muons. instrumental music. songs, quar- leuos, etc. also a lunch will be served at the clone. If you wish to spend a couple of hours pleasantly and profitably do not gusts it. Admission adults Mc, children Entire Stock is Ct to Cost Price Changed Concert Date ' I'Pg. 250 for.. 'tur...'..... 3.150.. tor.. ur.......... 'tor........ or.......... or..;....... ' tor...'..... ?lt?l'j-.'s"tlii,,,f1ii, :1: .,......4 bars for 'tht 100... " pics. for Mtt 14c 121/20 120 Me 170 19c Mie 180 Mo 21c 29c 11c 240 29e 150 30c 396 “c 190 We 10c Our Stock is complete yet of clean, new goods, not old stock that we are trying to pawn off. We have satisfied a great many new customers in the past two weeks. We sold at the prices we advertised and gave value for ev- ery cent received. We thank our many customers for the way they responded. Sine“? "tnpnthy itt tyt.eedtd to' Rev. Mr Wren of Mt. Foreatia the the relatives 9‘ Mr Lorne .B.aird. of Mt preacher hr the Yezvll Anniversary Forest who died “at Friday in that a:rvic.es next Sand". Feb. 23, " 3 town. Interment took place Sunday i p. In. and a m. Miss Irwin and the to Amos cerr"rttsry. , Male Qaarteue of Durham are expect- Mr and Mrs Henry M. Reid of j ed to he were ,2 to provide the special Guelph, formerly of Holstein. brought _ tnrmc. On Monday evenmg Mr Wren the remains of their youngest child ', will lecture on "The Human Iroiee." who was about a year old. to the vil. 1 Adrmulou 25o. Iage by G. t R. Saturday night t Itoptrt of work d me by Yeovil Pa- Intermeuttook place Monday morning , triotic Such-3y lor I918 : During the from the home of Mr Hugh Reid to l your 11 bales were packed. total val. Reid's cemetery jne $418 30, also quite a number ot Bargains at 25c " lbs Crystal Sugar 4 ms Oatmeal 2 lbs Icing Sugar 2 cans St. Charles Milk 5 lbs Cooking Onions 2 packages Luz 2 tins Gunn's Pork and Beans 3 lbs Corn Meal 2 packages Macaroni 2 packages Krumblea 2 packages Shredded Wheat 2 packages Grape Nuts 2 packages Health Bran 2 packages Corn Flakes 2 packages Laundry Starch a lbs Graham Flour 5 lbs Epsom Salts 2 lbs White Beans 20 lbs Oyster Shells 2 plugs any kind Tobacco 2 packages any kind Tobacco P.e. Bert Dyer and wife arrived here last Thursday from overseas. A: Mrs Dyer u the tirat war-bride to arrive here we extend to her a very hearty welcome G.iiidiiiiiiiiiuiii.' u2"2d'dh'u22'2'l,'d2 Miss Louisa Ramage of Harristou visited with friends for I than time last Saturday on her way home to N. Bgtemom to spend over the week end Mr Frank Jordon has sold his farm on the nth to Mr Harry Watt. Those who told us this we; going to be a bad month for cold and storms were mistaken surely The roads are fine and the ' lime Ford can ramble right along " Cars are out on main street every day Meson M. Icky and Thou. PUtield at Mt, Forest visited " Mr Chat. DHIIIIIII'. on Sunday. Means Bullet and Bubner went to Toronto last Thundsy on business. returning Friday. Mr Douglas Cameron returned to the city the latter put of last week Mr Wm. Crispin has purchued I farm out Hanover and will be mov- ing “only. Mr Wagner o' Mt. Forest was re- lieving " the station here the latter part of lait week. Mr Rife being m. diapoaed for a few days. Mr Arch. Baird spend New dass with his family lately. Most of our citizens have their ice crop harveued for the coming year. It 2911 very good qulity. Messrs Butter and Brebner went to Listowel Monday on business in con- nection with getting new machinery for the Handle incloty. Sympathy la ext nded to " Petrie she having received a telegram Mon- day stating that her brother Hon. G. W. Brown had passed away " Regina that day. Mu Petne left on Tuesday morning for Regina to be present at his funeral. Mrs Crosley returned to her home in Harriston the end of last. ween aner visiting her sister, Mrs Pennock. HOLSTEIN LEADER Sympuhy is extended to Mr and Mrs “only Reid ol Guelph. who on Suurday evening tumutnthe buoy oftheirhule child to be buried in "heir plot in Rdd‘s cemetery. The ,lnuerul took phce Mona-y furonuu tum the home of Mr Hugh Reid, the gobua'u mandibular. Mr Theo. Fiddler went to New and! last “and”. naming Friday accompanied try hi. wile and child who had been winning relative. glue for n couple of who. Nun: Kittie of - in nursing It the home of Mn Juno Dyer. Mr Robt. Barton I“ operated on one day last Week by Dr. Hewitt of Guelph for varicose veins in his lower limbs. He is doing as well " cu: be expected at time of writing. It has been considered advisable that the churches be not re-opened on Sunday next. but on the; following Sabbath Match and. it II expected that services will be held " usual. Mrs R. Wilson (nee Mill Mary Long) of wound in amending I low holidays with her mother and brothers. Mia. Walker of Mimo is the (out of be: aunt. Mrs R A. Nxcholwn. . Spr. Gordon Scott. non of Rev. Scott, anivui " his home here In! Thursday night. Bpr Scott enlisted last May in Toronto and went over- seas at once It is a pleasure to see our boys lemming back to their homes. Miss E la Matthews spent last Thursday 1n Durham with her gand- mother. Pus. Bert Dyers and " English bride, who unwed (rum Englnnd In: week, we expected to Vitfti Irieuds In all!“ 'ttsitthborttocd this week. Mr June Hunt in quite busy mk- ing cement we in " tutor, here. Rev Mr Losregrove, Wm. Hunt and T. J. Red all hid wood-bees last week. They. all wood-bee (would be) warm. Mr Tyndall and 1.111in lane moved the past week from Bradford to their new home which he recently purchas- ed from Mr Jno. Leith. THE 008.31. REVIEW GOLDEN SYRUP 10 tb pails, r03 1.i0 for .98 5 lb pails, reg. .55 for .49 This in an exeeptionrtl value, as it cannot. be replaced to-day for that price. PURE CLOVER HONEY 10 lb pails, reg. 3.00 for 2.70 c, ll, pails, reg. i.50 " 1.35.... 500 ms Easifirst Shortening. t lb bricks, reg. .34 for .30 Limited Quantity. Get in while it lasts. 20 lb pail Pure Lard, reg. 8.00 A SLAUGHTER Cash Only. YEOVIL A SNAP “in Catherine Widemnn. Mt. For. est. i. visiting " Mr Hugh Reid's. Just I few items to let you know our little hlrg is still olive. "ttr. Ind Mr: Rov Iteidhtre visiting their nuny friend: here this week. has. mum-loom- “in bor. Tho hid naked 122 pain In“. " day thing, " an: pvjunn " his". 24 _ and " pillow out... There were the 2 quilt: for Balm-n Belief. Mn'er Elttin Schenk bu the 'tia.' We trope he will won be aruund iju. 7 5. Receipt-torus ”arm as follows: Cog-nu gm;...,. "e" ..... “1999 Min Agnes Thomson. Hurriston. wished recently with he: friend. Hazel Ecol". can“? bid ruined We have fine billets here-couldn't go into a hotel in Toronto more up to date. It Is one of Knipp's establishments, mun- ition factory and billets, used to employ 18000 workers. mostly g-rls. so you can imagine the size. We have a mess hall m one urge sitting room where 8000 can sit down to one table. I am tsatisfied to stay here until we leave for Canada. I expect- ed to see worse conditions The people are well dressed, have good leather shoes and look to be well fed All the store windows are decorated for Xmas and look Very pretty. Some things are very scarce especially in the eat line, certain articles none at all. In a recent letter from Thorsdorf. Ger- many. w. read the following : "We had a very stiff march but I would have been disapp.oittted. had I mined it If they had carried out the schedule we were to follow --rnareh two days and rest two-it would have been much easier but we marched five andrested one and then at it again. We got along Me considering the amount of troop. and tame that were on the move ind very seldom had to wait. We had a certain time to fall in, rest 10 min. utes in every hour. stop for dinner at 11._50 and moveoff at l, so yousee we had a time-table to go by. The okra of 1918 intend limiting the Bed Own work. You have no idea the conditions the Germans left the railroads in between Valenciennes and Mons. Every bridge we: blown up and a charge of gun cotton had been placed under every other joint on both rails. The rails were twisted in all shapes and blown even on the tops of houses but now everything is fixed up and trains running on time. There were some very costly bridges blown up-such a shame ! Even after the armistice was signed and we had passed over, off would go the delayed mines and up would go the bridges. The Canadian Engineers exam- ined them but could not always find the mines as they were carefully concealed. For about tive days there was one crash after another " munition dumps, mines, &c.. went up. A great many civilians were killed or injured. We extend our sympathy to Mrand Tull MAPLE ROAD Frozen Qualla Salmon per IL, Fresh 19c Please do not ask for credit. UN I Amu ARC TORONTO b698 .......... 17t Ts ...C..."tu698 Everything in this store at cut price. " 18 ( MeDusherrv-isDtil-Thatthe ‘repon (t the oncineer re the mph " imeu: ot Nun‘l Drain No t he referred l, back to him for rereormideratimt and .thu the Court rt Reviuioo be ud- Jrarned to var nu: meeting ot emu» ion. Carried Council resumed. C Continued on page 4 “In R. M. Reid, Guelph, in the Ian _ at their little, Ion who died on Friday might. The lnnenl VII held at the l. home of Ur Hugh Reid on Monday morning to Krid'u oememv. I The auditor- presented their report munch Wu adopted on motion ofMrr kutshern-Alltut, .150 that they " com 817 each tor their wince. and that 200 oopiel be printed tor dumb- lution. 40 kegs Lake Superior Herring, 100 lb sis '. goingat.......s........... ... The clerk produced statutory dee. lurenun eel-mung the: the require- menve of the Act reepeecinz service at By-lew up m the emu-d perm-e bed been fully complied with. The Court by resolution deeidtd to but Ippeule of parties interested in aid drain. Amelie were received end duly own-id: red. Mixed Tea, per lb. . . . . . . . J. .u. . /.".' . C." . "e 1000 tins choice Brit. Columbia Red Salmon 33e 500 tins, good pint, British Columbia Salmon Me 900 lbs 1 lb. p gs best Seeded Raisins ... Ityie 600 lbs best Griffen Seedless Raisins . . . . . .t2yie Council met Feb. 11th, member- all present. minute. tutopted, Cotter cillur Allen repmted tuning touch- ed the Registry (mm re Lreunrer‘l wrath-s Ind tound them uthhcwry. gtsDoatttul-McEherhertt-_Ttt" the report be received and Couucmor Allan receive $1.50for " service; Carried. _ -- Cuuncil (armed mama-Ive- into- Court of Revision on improvement of Muu't Drain No 1. " members at Court subsumed to the required dear. Infusion. itlastsC... ...... o...."."..'...-.". 500 lt? chgicest Ceylon black, green or Com'r S'Illlton "ported The. Human repair bridge 33 50:Ju Lothian than!!!" now $Lti0 l com. lees $4.50; 000': All-n twp-nod i day spun: employing men 0- the up- ;uigg of roads in winter, com fee: L . Some Big Grocery Inducements A few dozen Florida Juicy Oranges. at A few dozen Lemons at.............. A few dozen Valencia Raisins at..... A few dozen chilies Ping IL... ...... 75 190:1b bags best Granulated Sugar, while 300 'lrlt, bags Milvertou Jewel Flour. at per bag 275 98-lb bags Pine Tree Flour, It per bag .... 50 'oo Sacks Oatmeal, at per sack . . . . . . . . A Limited quantity of Bran . per cut. . . . . . . . A Few Tons ot Shorts, per cwt.. . . . . . . . . . . I40 Barrels Windsor Fine Salt, per bbl.. . . . . . . . . C. "CHINA“, tgouaeeieaning in n laud- " you tind you would like something new. just come and idea it and we will de. liver it at you! door. Promptly and courteouly attended to EGREMONT COUNCIL furniture Wndcrlah'ry Terms of Bale: Hay. Grain, Fredinr Steen and sums of no and under. cask Over (but amount " mo. credit on fur niching approved joint notes. a per ccn: discount for each m lieu of notes. _ " Corn Cuttivntor. Iver. intt I hone Cultivator. Deermf Hay Rake. 2 Wauom, gravel bots, , urruv Rudmg plough, Fleur; long plough, Wc kineon Ion. plough. ”mm; mull. Stet land roller net Toltou Harrow- " hull. on Sleight. hay and and: rack combum 2 sets tum haunt“. ttet plough hnrncle net uncle humeu. berrelchurn. nelava Cream Separator No, Is nearly new I i hone (incline Engine, up buckets hay knife, My fake. neckyokenmhupph trees, lugging chums. grain bags any other articles too numerous: to menuon Sale " 1280 shim. No Reserve Everything must beach! " propncw has told hi. (Inn About I50 bun Barley, than! Mo bus Outs. about no but. Mesed Gram. abou'. 20 huu Marqum Wheat. " tom of Hay, Wm. Mikel. Proprietor Spun Black Mares. supposed to be r foul. Buy Home rum; I year! old, Rom Mare rising s yarn. well broke. Rom Mare rain; 8 Levine”. Heavy Mare no ing 2 yum. 2 own Fdliel rising t year 2 Coultfivm' milk. 8 Con due i March. 2 titers in calf. 6 Steer. "mm, 2 can old, 4 Heifers rising 2 year: old. 4 guer- ."1'N, " old 0 Heifer: mung I yr old, I can Calm. " choiu Feeding Stun. . I Sow due before ulc. I “are Pin. 6 breeding 8m. About u Hens. Maud-Ham. Binder , ft CULMIW) Harrie own 6 ft cut. Man-Hum: Hay Loader. Mam-Hum". Stet! Drill, ”dun. Mann-Hurl- pnc 119mm I hero' Theunderigned will all by Public Au than at Credit Auction Sale We have I large of [lone Collars J [or spring work. on shah notice. and oil then if you wish. wk have Pratt's Food at 9.25 a nil last M, Con. 2, 'g%','J,tti, (t mile north of Ho stein), on Tuesday, March 4, m9 The following valuable Farm Stock, & . for” Collar: We ween»; & 'Vt"' Fm Stock, Implements, my. Grain, Ac. é. mum.“ m .'.......... to." m.” we I .... a." ...... 4.79 ...... 2.00 ...... 2.25 ...... 2.39 ' . "thr, ' dor for Se tlt& up D. McPhail. 5.74 4.79 3.00 Auctiouu r 'hh Harduw, and A Eula Burnett [ Duet, Mr Sh rerittttton, M It KKK MI prop “I H "It M VI was held it, tary mung nemh. " "NW' nd Mrs attime 1 ad mart-w " t PI“ tore advanl h, M m ther sun . h VOL. XL Ila) q Mt Tl at th lh (In " mg to"! Th Jul W. " Mn M M Mr 'ttt D II? ' "" Or In mending rvsiuon M " R + ll " " Mes M m Is! Sum M H ll the "

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