West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Feb 1919, p. 1

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cial Sale of 7 piece Dinner Sets toe some mac no- cements Variety l.SA[NhtRS per hag FIB.“ 1919 54 10.71 23c 33c "c BEND 00 M " " " friend an)". Duly ' mu lrtt, " Friend ‘I m as: and hep to reelpr ac some Store- Pro p. n more hat min Canad 24.00 Or “.50 re H d, trout In. N 80.9 Ianco ti Huh nth an " " te D, _',] A.S. HUNTER & SON, Durham t "it s................:.............,..-.--.,'.' gs' 5333333333915 " ..1F'.6..:6.F.i.F. qt. Gl tis' Money Orders and Drafts are _'tr,,l',,l,) issued by this Bank payable in "7'0 'BTT all parts of the world. :34 DURHAM BRANCH, {91:3 Kelly; 7 U B D Mm Won Love Wag Hor.--White a COP 'ick swam and a lady friend were drivmg home from Walkerton last week, the youth lit a hie black cigar and uncon- sciously threw the man h into some straw m the back of their cutter. Like the boy 'n the burnine deck thi, trent mud: In an: ultural rcpn s nt alive for the County of Lincoln, and Is securing I residence in Lt. Catherine. He was formerly an. re- oresentative for Rainy River, Mrs Mc- Filroy. who is at present with her parents Mr and Mm Thea. Allan. will leave in a nan. Sec bills. Proprietors are having) town and anything must be sold. I R Brigham. Auctioneer.) Armmnn Aamcuuunx. Io,.]...) Lieut. McElroy, re:ently returned from;' overseas. has been apminud district, atir.it.uttu.ral row ' ttt alive for the County Fort SAcrr.--One good Coach Horse, weight “00 lb. 7 yrs old, well broken. Will sell cheap to quick gurckaselr, or will exchange In young stoc pp to Adam Holley. énkely. (Half way between Dornochand Berkelyn Auc'rms' S at: __ Household Gouda etc. Also Ford car if not previously sold, at residence ol " Ryan, apposite Furniture; factory, on Saturday. Feb. 22nd at 2 p. l m. Prypttty.oi M Ryan and F. Lena-l hon tune for her' iieV/iiGii, 50x social in the Towrfjai%iriiiiii,' Feb. 25 Program commncon at n " Feb. 224 Program commence: at 8 00 p m. Dancing afterwards. Ladies bring- lng bones free. Admission Mcttt. Every- me ercomc. to Rev. G Graham, B. A wood Pres. congregation his Danton“: and Rev. W Hanover is interim mode" Hear Charles McCarthy Cornetist and Piper att Mmh 6th. Mixed barley and out cut. 843.00 Dcr ton sad" cm. $43.00 per" Mia; GFaiii." '" Rott Roy Mills, Limited This is the last week of our sale. Have you saved yourself anv money y Big carnival. under the Hanover Hockey Clubin 1 Friday. February " Don't fail to hear Car Harry Lauder and the Juv March tith in Town Hall. Drum,“ Cow FOR SALB.- Five years d. Guaranteed due6th March. Apply I Newiil F alkingham. Durham Road, Opposite old Creamery St. Itt,er,rs R. S' Clu_b_ are. hpldinga February Specials VOL XLII N0 8 i(1.'.i, “grow a '(isiiliiiii,)s8ltrti? A cut Price on every artich _i_-t"i",,1ii-iill 3mm“ BANK congrggaliqn bag 4 resigned ck this gent stuck ti) Tner men would have Beggs’Store. McCarthy. the clever boy Piper at the Town Hall, under the auspicrs of the y Club in Hanover rink on moderator Canada', Juvenile Jy van): Pipe Band ' shop . 12-50 per I. McLeih b? of the Elm (e in our More Beggs' Store. stuck ti) 67e 67c HEAD OPPICI . TORONTO OF CANADA Already predictions are being made as to his successor as Leader cf the Liberal party. We will not be surprised should the choice fall on Hon W. ti. Fielding, a very dear friend. though with many others differing with him at the last election No statesman since Sir John McDonald h 1d the magnetism ot Sir Wilfred Laurier. LosT.--A black and tan hound. Was seen in Dornoch on January ai. Suitable teward.ior. httyecovery. - I Flags ark at half mist Warm tributes are being paid by friends.yui former or} laments. the remains will lie in state in l the chambers that rung so often with hit (eloquent voice and interment will take l place on Saturday. his country. ngill be sincerely Viz-1&1}; ed, his noble service for his country hon- any admired. and. his name will long be an inspiration .ty. his co.unttyrG) of all ryuio.nttlities. His place m Canadian his tory Is forever assured. There are no children in the Laurier home, but m a senge he wasthe Father of his cgumry. ile.will beyincerely mourn. F or 50 years he served his country tto- bly and well. For the filteen yeais inliowing 1896, he gave Canadians" and Canada such a government as she never had before. He was the greatest force for unity amongst the divers/e elements of our population that has been for several gen- erations. and the influence of his work, it may he hoped will long continue to be a guiding beacon light. . l v - I All events in Canada are this week ', overshadowed by the death at Canada's ' Durham Beitate.d greatest son, Sir “iitred Laurier, in his! cltesle Nth yea; f'tnti,ttt,e,tao'dihae, attended thei ---- guest ta e att e , na ian Club in Ot-' lawn and left for his ottices taking a street ni 2ta/'gf2rt,1c2avte car. Un Sunday morning while preparing I “g Chesle as winnin y sl i fo.r church. a stroke of paralysis seized 1‘ 'heduie 1y ame 'l'lf,nsl him and he was laid low To his wife he :h i fl T and bt said ' C'est fini," "it is the end." and she 1 vi fJ/'JIn It was Ches ' was with him till the end came on Mon. i ‘th as; Owen Sound Ldny afternoon. He passed peacefully and ' y. ' - ( without ain I them in OSound by 4 p . 1 match. But for that Thus he had his wish --to die in harness. ,’ night here when Hanm His last public speech was on Nth Jan. 1 overtime, Durham wouh last. but he was busy every day prepar- I off with Chesley in Han ing for the work of the sesuun which l trict with good pretpecl begins to-day Thursday. He will not be , wasa grand game to w. there, but the House will meet as called, l though so close was th there will be neither right nor left, and at , neither side found 0pp01 once adjournment wi I be made over the ', team work Durham week end. I “Janina-.4 M-.. -." ----- 1 Jd 'uch Double and smr r speC'll ...... ..... 89c l " and I 50 values, Special....... ...... Lanterns, Cold Blast . All Leather Halter " pr. Lined mm Arch. Thornpsoff, R. R 1, Durham. THE (we e iiiiiirtriit' .._ J,1CU'r,1',"h' ""‘” m U" T In a hard fought game here on Monday 5:13:35???” a str.eet I night Durham hockey team put a crimp roke “[3 'lr"aul'vli'Pldir,"et in Chesley's winning streak"; the tina, laid low pTo hi “if”; schedule I game, also they tmnmed the '"lt is the end ”Sande 'd {champions 5 -4 and broke their run on lthe End came 0 hi', e ; Victories. It was Chesliy'g second " He ‘sed c f l 'l/li this year,Owen Sound having defeated pas pea e u y an [them inOSound by 4-3 in a tierttefinal . 1 match. But for that unfortunate oft is wish --to die in harness. , night here when Hanover won IO-it in [ peech was on Nth Jan. iovertime, Durham would now be playin, i busy every day prepar- l off with Chesley in Hanover for the dis- k of thc ses‘mn whichltrict with good prospects olsuccess. It hursday. He will not be I was a grand game to wwtch throughout. The will meet as called, I though so close was the checking that III? III? t "Inf 4“. ..-" -A _ “A:.L_d _tM, I I . . ' M Goodness knows when I shall be get- ting back to America. We have a lot of work to do out here yet and maybe another four months on this coast. No doubt you will be having cold ‘weather in Durham now. Here it is like June weather. We ha'l quite an interesting motor ride last week when we went to a place called King-Williams town about 30 miles inland from here. In the whole 36 miles I saw only one cultivated patch of about fifty acres. The rest is all grass land with plenty oi fine cattle and <heep and thetre seem to have the whole coun- trysde tormm in for l.didn't mono fence. not even alongside the road And there doeen't seem to be any ereeJnhu-ei with speckled trout in them ether." l We are on our way to Capetown now and shall then know what the powers that be are going to do with us. At present We dont know whether we will be sent home or whether the “Salaman- der has yet some work to do out here I hope that the Great Lakes are still there. With luck I shall be back in time for the opening oi navigation Dec 2tst . Have just come out of the hospital here alter an attaca of the Spanish Flu. It certainly did shake me up. I have had two weeks of t. Altogether there were sixteen viour crew with it and there are eight stil! in the hospital here. Extracts trom letters to his mother from Lieut Cecil Gordon Gun, R N V. ll Cecil is on H. u, S. "Salamander" off the coast of South Africa, Dec. uth. In addition to his legal practice, he was a successful farmer in the west controlling and operating 4000 acres and was also an authority on live stock. One sMer, Mrs Petrie still lives in Hol- stem and three brothers, James, Alex and Tnos. are in the West and all have been successful. Lieut. Cecil (jun in South Africa This most noted son of Egremont town. ship was the eldest son of the late Thus. Brown for many years Treasurer of Egre mont township. He was born in Holstein in P300, got his primary education there and later attended Toronto University Graduating from there he entered upon a law course and became very successful He wasa pleasing public speaker, much in demand at social and economic gather- ings, and entering politics, soon made his mark as a rising politic ian, well read and a student of affairs. He was appointed by Sir Wilfrid Laurier's government as Lieut. Gov. of Saskatchewan, served the usual term and later retired to Toronto, Sal” retaining membership in a law firm t ere. A " hours before Sir Wilfred Laurier this prominent Western Statesman passed away on Monday iorenoon, 17th Feb V, - __ - ___ ...- -..--......., ...... _ neither side found opportunity tor much , team work Durham started off at a l whirlwind pace and rurprised the chant l pions oy holdingha 3- " lead after the first period. Play was more even in the second, when each scored once and at the opening of the last Chesiey had the ad vantage and scored twice. That evened things up, 4--4 and the situation was ser- ious and tense, but Morlock shot a minute afrer. It hit the boards and Elvidge on l the rebound was on the spot and slammed ‘in the decxding counter With all the ', boys playing a strong game. Johnston Allen's good work in goal is perhaps w 3r- thy of special credit. T 0 us young Tommy Wettlauler was the vision bright light. The te ims were Durham C hesley J. Allen goal Mair N. Zimmer pt in: Kreuge; Jim McLachlan cow-r Davidson Robt. Saunders cent-e Wettlaufel Eric. Elvidge left wing Elves Frank Morlock right w. Hetherington Munro, of London. made a good referee but he ought to be with a $25 fee. Gnr. Brock Grant irdrGfaieiaiC'iiiii, soldiers and Regent Mr, Dr. D. B. Jamie- another moved by C. Ramage and Rev Mr Hardy to the ladies of the I O D. tr (or their kindly thoughtiu!netrs in impress :[lg Ih'e welcgme by a,.su.mptt/oys. [99;ng a Cross, the room was attractive with pretty tavors and fiags and being bt. Val- entine's Day, hearts were much in evid. ence Justice was done to the viands, and Rev. Mr Cole 1n mung manner mov- ed a vote of thanks to the soldiers in ap- preciatiun of .al.l lye); had done, and il' By Banqueuing The double function of Friday evening last wrll be long remembered by the elev- en returned and ers who participated. The Daughters of the Empire of the local chapter honored themselves by preparing a splendid banquet in the Library base. ment to which were invited all returned syldiers within reach and immediate rela- Hun, Geo. Brown is Bead Welcoming Returned Sdiiers' The taro)es were arranged in the form of Continued on page 5 DURHAM, THURSDAY. 'iuimuumriiiir"iiirii- Chesley Champions and Presentations 1 and immediate rela 1'y"Tmov- I years would have diers m an: lauto tour m the l, A..nu P.... in the evening. an nied by some Durham friends H "military gun: was given the honor .wnquet. follow- ed by public speak In addition to the guest of the eve _ addresses were given by Hon. Dr. J son, M. P. P. He closed bv tttak" and" references to those who sleep in F A we and Belgium He made tte of Mrf" fine poem "In Flanders' Fields" tttr -.v poems of Kim ling and cloned hv . that the men given him from Cw 'rt take overseas were in Kipling's ph' Gentlemen un- afraid." Musical numbers b s M. McFadden and Mr “istele were res of the after. noon much enjoyed. _ Col. McFarland a" . an to Hanover "And now," he asked, with much im- pressiveness. "what are you going to do with these men who have won the war ? They had to be trained for war, now they must be trained (bv vr‘m to he civiliars. They must have svmnn'hv and help over the reconstruction paw and God knows they Pererve it " Srr'e were bringing wives home and thee. .ranzers must be welcomed. The German attack of let March 1018 "when the hosts of hell were let loose against us." was made very vivid : also the ruses Foch employed and fairly out- Izuessed the other fe lows. The fame and suCCess of the Canadians. led to their he. ing used as shock troops, and even as decoys to frighten the enemy. The 5tth batt. contained about half of the crew and they did a great part in 'he battle of _ Amiens. He praised the spirit of the men at all times and told how when returning bedraggled from the front, someone going in recognized him and shouted "Next ttfa. tion, Markdale !" It was such spirit that won the. war. the men from Durham, Glenelg and S Crew. from S Africa. Aus tralia and New Zealanrl “that’s who won the 't ar "and the Greys were ever notable for ueet’ul co-operation between men and officers. 1 He was through the attack on Paschen- dacte "the most damnable attack ever made over rotten conditions of mud and shellholes." He related the story of how Tommy Holmes. an o Sound boy of lil years, won the V. C. He told of trench raids, the capture of pill boxes, and of. the ruse of Lieut. Jucksch in using his german to put the enemy off their guard and then capture them ! ! The enemy would have done the same no doubt. but such ruses are not pleasant to contemplate. People at home, he said, knew more of strategy than the soldier at the front, for he was ignorantof the plans of the higher command and knew nothing of what way going on a few miles away. He gave a running sketch of the movements of the 147th from organization to dissolution. and at every dpoint he had praise for the character .an efficjency of the men, than whom no better' Gidfifr; GGafiiii' wgr Monday afternoon the Town Hall was comfortably filled to hear Col McFarland under whom the Huh butt. was organir ed and commanded until broken up if England. This was the first time he had spoken in South Grey since his return and his discourse and his per8 mality had left a fine flavor. Col. McFarland is none of your carpet knights. for when it becamt knnwn in England that he could not re- tain his rank and go to France he quick ly reverted to lower rank and got all he wanted of enemy strafing. l'asehezidacl; mud, bombs and shell holes, a. McFarland in Durham With will“! I: Incorporated the ' BrAT MAKKIMLB Hrute-Markdate's fast JLnior Hockey team played the return game with Um ham Juveni.es last l rhuruiay here and again there was the closest margin, _ one goal, but this time Durham was up, 4 to 3. It was a great game all though and Markdale at the end of the second period was ahead " A l {lameness was the Durham lads middle name however for they stuck to it anal when the game out of the fire with t. more goals in the last period. W. Snell did all the Durham scoring. The local boys from goal out were Albert Kress, Lorne Smith, Chit Buschlen, Irving lil- vidge, Willet Snell Clarence McGisr. I FARM: CHANGE Haos.-Two fine farms adjoining Durham have recently changed owners. Mr. Chas Lawrence nas rusposed of his property west of Dur- nam Ccmelen to Mr Wm. Langnll, also oi Hutton Hill Another young man, Wm ' rm \'ol!elt or South Bennnck, has pun hast-d Mr 'l‘hos. McComb's 100 acre 'urm just tast _or town on Durham Road and is uneady m possession. There are no fewer than twelve applica- tions for a hearing at Alma and Cumnoch nth a view to a tall to be minister cf that charge, tormerly occupied by the Rev. John Gray Reid and the Rev. D. Currie. the present minister, Rev. Mr Hunter. preached his faxewell sermon on Su tday and the pulpit will b: declared va ant] next Sunday. V7.7 --"e__v v. a will “my . the roads We Jnesauy were in such good cunrhuun M motonug that Agenuiu Smnth that day ran his little Fordun a ousmrss trip to Walkman Mu'dmay, Cuffotd, Harriston and thence home I mt. "on quueen ot South East Ex" Messrs Moore McFadden and Howard _ rfmom was enacted a Dyepor of thel McDougall are in attendance at a 2 days Grey and Bryce Insurance how ty at the; Reta” Convent on in Toronto this week gnnual matting m Hanoveron Wednes ( Mr Alex McCormick SaultS e e ay. isi _'..'..'. . _ .. , Mar. Rev. E S. McEwen, Baptist past Jr, in ’ m town and neighborhood "le". moving um week to the Laminar y'ir,d,,',r,i. and Mrs Park and two cltildrenof deuce recently vacated by Mr W . L. f amilpyt, went from Saturday to Thum- r'altintrnam, and Mr ddnttg .Clnrk win i day with his mother and sister here. _ Crea." own house whmh Mr Mcleeu! .h.1iss Florence Barclav of Toronto k1 Mr. Don McQueen of South East Eg- remont was enacted a Director ofthe Grey and Bruce Insurance Sod: ty at the gnnual meeting m Hanoveron Wednes ay. Kincardine Ccunci! by a vote of 4 to 3, refused to rent the Town Hall tor dances. W. W.. Provan. the Canadian Harry Lauder, in the Town Hall on March mm. Mr Frown made a sp.endid impresion at his sast appearance here. tttati, Don't forget tho Carmval in Durham Rink, Fcb 27th. Bee bills. !ater Talk ofafxne winter l Who ' considered idiGi"iil midthe of. February 1'} 'nder references we and Belgium fine poem "In " mans 70f Kim enza, after an illness of It days. Those who attended the funeral from a distance were Mrs In. Coleridge Mrs Helen Dis. on. Toronto: Mr Ind Mrs R. H. Isaac and Margaret Mr John Snell and Wilm. Durham ; Mr and Mrs Geo Binnie. Gim- elg. All the members of the family were present. at the tuners] except Earle, who is overseas. 1tttenneat took place at Amos _cemetery Dromore Sunday. Feb. 16th Deceased diet! of pneumonia whitih irsllowed infV After a short service at the house con- ducted by Rev. Wm Cooper, the L. O. L. led the funeral procession as far as Sign road. The wreaths from the different Societies were placed on each corner at the hearse wiuls the rema.ns paused through town. The deceased was 20 yrs 2 mos . 2t days. He leaves to mourn his lass father, mother, four brothers. John at Markdale. James at Mt Forest, Earle over. seas. Franklin at Toronto, ' Iso one sister Jean in Toronto Lorne Murray Baird, beloved son of M, and Mrs Hugh Baird formerly cf Mark dale, now ot Toronto, died at the home or his brother J. R. Baird. m Mt Forest on Friday evening, Feb H T he deceased was Captain ol the Mt. Forest hockey team and also Manager of the Girls' Hoc Key Club. Floral tributes were a wreath from Mt. Forest Hockey Club ; the brok- en spoke from Harriston Hockey Club ; "The Arch" from L o L. ; a pro from Mt. Forest Girls' Hockey Club ;an¢f’mny other tributes from relatives and friends m Toronto and elsewhere. The pallbear- ers were members of the hockey team. Deceased was a Lberal in politics. Presbyterian in religion Rev. W. l. McLean, his pastor, conducted appropri- ate services and many friends paid the last sad tribute. Mr Geddes was born in Dumfriesshire, Scotland, about 82 years ago and came to the bush" in 1860, and Hampden has kmmn him ever since and respected him as a man of honor and integrity. Some tifty-five years ago he married Miss Eliz, Leonard. who survives him and to them were born one son. Ebenezer, on home farm. Margaret, alto at home, Mrs Jan. Park, Bentinck, Mrs John Laidlaw, Pitts.. burg. All were home for the funeral weeks of ilmikFairsiTi tvJraG'il:"strr'ii; Interment took place on Wednesday to Hampden cemetery. One by one the pioneers pass. On Mond'axlast. .17th inst t Mr Walter tted. Conmmvm Pai<’cy. on Feb. lllh, to Mr and hrs D H. Cooper, a s n Bonk On Wednesday. Feb Mb. 1919. to Mr and Mrs Frank Boyle, of Strong,- field, Sash., a son. HOME AGAIN -Two more Durham boys who had been active service and were wounded at the front reached Dur- ham Monday night-Frank MacKny and Wilfred Lake. Frank enlisted in the old 147th, going overseas in Oct. l9l6 and to i France Feb. 2.1917. He In" out of the ‘ lines 5 mos. through illness. and ll mo: in action. On Aug 9th last year. in front of Amiens, he was wounded in left leg below the knee by a bullet, the bone being splintered. He was two weeks in the tnd Australian Gen. Hos-i pital in Pmnce, and since in three ttoapitaUirt England. Frank-5e now look- ing quits well. but still has a slight limp and uses a cane. On March 3rd he goes o Burlirurtott hospital Yer further treat ment. Wilfred Lake. who was also sev- "rely wounded. is the son of Mr M m. Lake, torme Ir of town now ol I Brantford. He Hyman in sp'en- lid health and has developed granary since his enlistment. Both boo 8 received " warm welcome at hid in] and from I, itizens generally. Indulginz in reckless driving: week ago Sunday in town, Mr Dunning had a runaway and cums " with a smashed cutter He appeared before Magistrate Laldlnw and settled without court trial tor 57.00. including costs. Capt IiCillivray, an aid Gfenelg hay Who has hm: in military life m Ballad I. , tyo year. and three ma. as a its- mn in the Salvation Army, returned to '.anatta.tari' week and is now visiting old head: In town and in Glendg. He will be on duty tor long time yet meeting returning ddiers. either at Toronto or St John,the point of diaembarkatioet l Skating party in the Rink Thursday l night, Frb. 20. Band in amndance Admission 25c. l i plan T ___ - -.... . n-Lu-Dll "aunt: uesday after speptdine eight weeks um friends in Essex Co. mday last. no: inst . Mr Wsiitertted. torl.1a,.tnpden pasttd away, after th ee to 6 p. a: Mrs. Guy Kearney will receive with erg. Betas on Friday'. Feb. 23th. from 3 Obituary WALTER GEDDES LORNE M. BAIRD Holstein Lou" BORN TORONTO Specials for Saturday. FEBRUARY 22nd Store where Quality Reigns Supreme O.H.M.S. and um " 433... '8.'iihhri.'sttgST,t"'tt:ac: .. WHOM . . . . . .. sun-mic manhunt. . . . . loo-IIOGui-I warmonulo . . . . . . mm WONT“!!! ..... . . .. WORM ...... . . . QUEBEC............II It! "WWI“ . . . ' . . . .err muscom . . . . . . Jaws. lmumnnlsulm. . . . . . Provi JOHN BLUE. Edam-Mon M. A. ALLISON. Couarr HON. GEO. A. BELL. Ruin- JOHN GALY, Winnipeg GEO. M. my. Loni»; “new ma mums mum .' 0mm 15 [aim Womens' patent and Dongohs Button am] Blacker, sizas 2% mu! 3. On "u......................... SI.” S. F. MORLOCK We have still afull range of Pvnman's Polar & Arctic Brands Underwear for mvn Polar Brand Penman's. .8t.35 per garment Arctic " . . 1.75 per gu‘nwnl We have a full range of MenT Suits now on hand at prices which cannot be duplicated to-day. Drop in and see our range of Worsteds, Tweeds. and convince yourself of the values we are offering, as compared with other Clothing of the sumo grade. Now is ‘your chance to prowl-u " Winter Coat at a Special Discount. The above Coats consist of Tweeds, Velours. Beaver cloths and Plush (Runs. an at spe- cial discount during the next two weeks of Stock-taking. SPECIAL DISCOUNT ow about {hat New Suit Repairing a Specialty J. S. McILRAIT} For Information ) LADIES' COATS "Savings Stamps UNDERWEAR Silt HERBERT B. AMES, Chairman r. Vance“: MR GEORGE BURN. Om " W. M. BIRKS. Momma-l HON. NUIDOCK MCKINNON.G MR 1. mucus mm. s; a. uring Stock-Taking on all 36t $.29 , I I v“ all”... "

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