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Durham Review (1897), 20 Feb 1919, p. 3

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is Food But Will Mat; "-ipresests " I. ml. of Papal.“ -' "tA-'cRr'o'rraTattte " or 31:7me CANT no": It F _ " brain. to M Jepreeiatioat at thq aresenutiv. of the food prim in I. normal. In m are " so mug} feed Midernble my”. u"tsportatims, a expomibh x- a. in Russian em. " to L015. ‘13.. with but. IOU- n eaten wheat. Siberin, with brine Ion than me from hand stlty humus rt for luck of to make (in. English a. A. (M William'. interesu in " donpatch, It. y returned fr.- he declared, "tt ' country, at a rage of food, tom of -. stare- th- r villages. The Inc to the dig. !ways, the In. Mann: In le has the not. The h Varying other pro. proletariat a German. C found to en in tho e Run“. choou to 1 (infill. he found iam Mu. in tho rats ago. :h n dia- who“ he was I'Iill a. " tmag. uni: and t. r-Gen- 'else in tho " nor eatt. war in the 3 (many ate border. of the arts of In. " his food l MM I work- ang is him: to " hm ‘cy. but 'an My ta tight " wheat vvisition vhen be n pound be got. Moscow ‘Yon iirty ni first ed Si peo- WI! I. The " iron. her at hat the he pot. of tho hunt! no!“ ' would went to ed for on not gilt b on h ho ”out. I fifty as son- an: in rearing ht ’bym stinth. he mm which "r- ilk h despatch from Amsterdam ---'ru City of Embers, German Poland, has been napalm-d from the Poles by German troops. after bub]: "tsting, according to advice. receiv- Germans Recapture Bumbag In Brink Fight With Poles A despatch from Eris t'ass:--/Ne Supreme Wu Council will meet at Vol-wines on Friday to take measure-9 to impose on Germany "the full " of the ILB’es," says the Marin, became of the tanwi'ayn.stttoss of Germany to can out the armistice tarma, except under mrtain conditions. Them bu been a change in the attitude of Gerr- wy, according to the newspaper, and it in being manifested by .m- ram toward the Emma. i mun, nor to a hot-box. The pru- enco of the obnoxious gases in an)! mankind. Both couches were con- sumed by the Barnes." Full Will of the Allies To be lmpoacd on Germany An official statement given out by the milieu! company says: "Ne fire in the coaches was not due to any data: in the lighting or heating up- Of the 16 injured, all of whom wen better) at the hospital at Chateau Thin-l1, eight suffaod only from the afoot; of uphyxiating gas. Train No. 47, bound fcx Metz,"had Just entered the tunnel 3: MM! when tho passenger: occupying the two couches handed over by Gamany hem to experience trouble in Eating ma strong obnoxious tam bot-I to an up the coaches. “to passengers smashed he win- dows. but as soon n fresh " came in concoct with the gases the coaches homo I mus ed ilm. The reuse!»1 ms. in terror, tted to the tracks An} the ‘11: tunnek A train going in the; Who direction crashed into Them sad five were killed. I From Fumes. A despatch from Paris sap'.---') "ihrar couches, menuyhnded over to France by Germany, p'oared a most imparting pun: jn a puzzling accident on the Pat-indict: railway tin. on WM)’ aight in which tho per- sons host their liven. Sixteen potion: wore injured. -. POISON GAS STILL DOES DEADLY WORK magih' 'ummu'a- has“ iiaiii union and In Mano: of m. national order. Passengers In German Coaches Handed Over to France Sulfa! wtofimembvmhho 'r-etetatlietetinm-rf-t "(8y-itsidarimr and: in.“ with tho moral minim» of m- mama was, tho top-sum" "'r'tmtDLY-'ro ambush In inter. mtimnl court of frantic: charged with "he duty of denim; all Jurtieiatdo disputes and to cm the qxneutiort of its decisiona by all appropriate in.. un-tlonal sanctions - diplomatic, We. ermn‘c and, if w, wintry. "F01umua---t tr-To ambit}: an trrtamat- the cow a, a... m m... m. PROVISIONS or memos moons muons common momma tion in nit (“590%. without Mn; the limitation of mu m . min of ”We: against Indon- 'eovolumt war, and . mm M. m is made for the emulation of . 300M! of Nations. to which .11 eotmtrus Chin! mute“ cl lays! huntin- m mud. The text of the Iranian: follow: "W1tSTLY-To “that?! all dutmus wit Mun-n Much» to me- thods of Puccini mrttlement. "MCONDLY-'ro prevent or may we: Jointly by the use of all new: " their Ml my attempt by any state to disturb the pace of the world by act- of w. Suits of Penalties AeaGiTi"iii'iiii7i"i Provoking War-admit- of Armaments-tremade; Commit“: of Cmteitiati- Secret Treaties Not Allowed. h m: for I Tho original intention was that the marriage should take place in the ’afternoon. but now " has been de- l cided that it shall be a morning came. ! many, probably at 12 o'eloek or 12.80. _ It was on December 28 that the announcement was mademhat Prin- cess Patricia was engaged to Com- mander the Hon. Alexander Maule Ramsay, brother of the Earl of Dal- howsie, who was personal swede- camp to the Duke of Connaught) 'when Governor-Genera) of onaa.l, 1He is thirty-seven and Ptincess' "'tstrida is thirtr-tmr. I This wedding will be the first Royal one to take place at Westminster Abbey for a great many years. The King and Queen and Prince Arthur of Connaught and the Duchess of Fife were married at the Chapel Royal, St. Junee' Pelace. The marriage of other members of the 'Royal family, with the exception of Phineas: Beatrice, who wan married at Osborne, toolt; place at either Windsor Castle or Buckingham Palace. I 'Princr-zy Patricia to be Married in _ Westminster Abbey. I The King has named with the Lord "hatttberlainu Department the com eral lines of the arrangements for the (, wedding of Princess Ntrieia of Con- ) naught to Commander the Hon. Alex- ander Ramsay, R.N.. at Wminswr Aber on February 27, says the Lon- "on Daily Mail. I t awn- - s"."-", Inna-plum The Union of locomotive Engineers bushel, $4.50 to $5.00. . Imported and Firemen issued notice; " mid.. ti'gt'ttf Burma or Indian, $4.00; 1itt,,tett.g, the mum I I Honey-al-ted clover: tMb. tins, Bromfey said all tho men would be tn, to 29e H) . 10- tina 27 to 28et wrrek, early Fridny. Ho 1ddett that 'fit/Lt,'. tins, iiii'to' lite'., i:ireiiisGt,' iii! consideration had previoody ”when: 21to22e. Comb: 16-02., $4.60 when to the physical disabilities ofiii, 35:00 don; Ibos., 3350 to t4.00 the men working in continuous "r-liiiU. wire the strike never wottid have] Maple Drodaetr-Svrtm. ner union. © l Men on Underground Ry. Are to Work 8 Hours Per Day. A despatch from London aaytr.---rt has been armed, pending considera- tion of general conditions, according I to a was: bureau strike baWtin tan sued on Thursday evening, that the) railwaymen on the underground up: viuea wiil work for eight hours per, day, exclusive of meal time. The com-5 parties} the bulletin adds, will 1rireri reasonable facilities for the men; meebinz their crd'rsary physicnli eoundl wit mute the execution and, In an of need, promote the dank»- mm of intermtiond covenant. ne- - for the protection and pro- gram of those new. "(4)--A permanent committee of conciliation lb! take in hand " dit.. fem bottom the Anointed No- Ito,ts. The committee will at, in the Brut instant, " cunnilingu- or modi- Mom of var, having regard to the requirements or! the lemma. "tmtNLY--To renounce the mak- ing of stem ueae-. "NNEN'rBLY-...'ro admit to the 'reuto1tttteramuofotruatNhtbe- fore the law all peoples ible Git Wm- ing to give eiNetim gamma” of their hrrrt intuition ta observe its LONDON STRIKE HAS BEEN SHIT LED case of violsnrc or aggression. i.thljy.it,tkt. - Nee ' ' " "FIPTf1LY--To limit and msperpfye: Millfeed-Car lots, delivewd Mont- the was of and: nation and the mal f_trUhta, bun included. Bran. manufacture of nu material mud mun- 337-25 pee ton; Chm. $42-25 per ton; mom of war, mm: regard to tst,1tliru,r,r8e,?,er_htirr. A, __. , covenants." ttor,sad,iftt-rv,ttmrt'iir- the dilemma, according to their In- turi, either to ”Haitian or to I court of justice. It will b. chant! with making web enquiries u it con- .iders useful 1nd win demo the necessary limits of time and condi- tions. In every and my state refun- Ing to obey either the award of the arbitrator or the dodlkm of tho com- mittee of toNicatiou of appropriate sanctions win be proposed to the rep- renntative council and the AuocMod Government: by the mince. These sanctions shall be obligatory in the can of violent or aggression. T0 WED ON FEBRUARY 27 no gang - Potistoecuhiiarios, f.o.h. track plxymoal Toronto, car Iota, 90 to $1.00. . t Byaps, f; Canadian. hand-picked nun." nu. a "In 06 to me, Will .. in the to (nights oubido. F ' mei-l Ontario ,rhett--No. 1 Winter, pct 'll refer ear lot, $2.14 to 82.22; No. 2, do., bob mv 82.11 to $2.19,. No. 3, do., ”.07 to a. to $1 82.16 .f.o.b., shipping points, according chanted l to freithts. - i Cheese-Finest easterns, 24 to Me. i,'Butter-4?,hoieeist Creamery, 52 to Me. iEetre-Stleeted, Me; No. 1 mock. 53 ite, 54e. Potatoes-Per bag, car lots, !$1.65 to $1.70. Dressed hors-- Abattoir killed, $23.00. Lard-Pure, [wood mm, 20 lbs. net, 25 to 28c. BRINGING UP Toronto, Feb. 11.-Choiee heavy ex- port steers, $15.00 to $15.90; do., good, $13.75 to $14.75' choice bum steers, $12.75 to iii.iiiri butchers’ candle, choice, $12.00 to $18.00; do., good. $11.25 to $11.75; do., common, $9.60 to $10.00; bulls, choice, $10.60 to $11.00; do., medium buns, $8.75 to $9.25; do., rough bulls, $7.50 to $8.00; butehims' cows, choice, 810.00 to $11.00; do., good, $9.00 to $9.60; do., Montreal, Feb. 11.-M9ats--Extra No. 1 feed, 'Ne. Flour-New stand- ard grade, $11.25 to $11.35. Rolled oats-Bags, 90 lbs. $3.90 to $4.25. Bran. $37.25. shorts, $42.26. Mouil, lie, $68.00. Har-No. 2, per ton, car lots, $23.00. Maple product s ' , Annnn DIIII " Dvl‘n I). HIIL‘m $2.25 to $2.35; 'lta'r',"g."igT, £8.30". WITH LOSS OF MANY LIVES Provul I Wholesale A despatch from South Shields, _ .Eng.. sayr.-<he British sloop Pen.. to3'lttlo.','"it,tv-f'g'"t,'?geQ a, dl nth has been sunk " the Tyne 49 to Me; 'rollla, i', to 82e; ,b'relkfaat River by . mine. Forty members of bacon, 41 to 4lk; backs, plain, 44 to the crew were picked up by tnwlers. 45e; bondage, tro to 62e. ‘The Swedish ship Sphynx, coal laden Cured 2tt.ttcir,,,.eyr clear bacon, 28Hrom England, hit a mine " the “H.290; can: It.??.?.': 27 to Me. ‘Scotch coast and went down with 17 ard re, nerves, 27 to 2759::01‘ the crew. A Norwegian flishintr tubs, 27% to Me; pails, 2Mi to 281ke;i, . . prints, 28% to 29e. Compound/ steamer was blown up outside the tierces, 25% to 2Mie; tubs, 25% to/ Norwegian port of Stavangcr and 261he; pains, 26 to 26%e; prints, 27% l eight fishermen were killed. to 27*c. _--.------------------ -,-,,__-A+~ --V.n,_y -W6Heh'%N& - . 0-H). Lulu, 28 to 29e lb.; 1091). tina, 27 to Me; 60-th. tins, 26 to 2 lie; Fuckwhent, 60- lb. tin, 21 to Me. Comb: 16-02., $4.50 to $5.00 dom; Iboa., 83.50 to $4.00 Y N won‘t}; (iii-lit,),'", ie,iiiii,?,5tt. 0. ye , . ,prompt mm 'cottttrio, ottyr-thr. 2 white, 69 to 1 'hu)itaAVGrGU-fid"i c.w., mac No. 4 C.W., Hie; rejected, 661.he; Wad-1%“. in Mott Pyet Jfiiruyy-, ; 62e; No, lliiriretoftle%rit Pear-No. 2, $2.60, according to freightl outside. 1urhy---Md1une " to Ttte, nominal. Boekwheart-n-Nd. 2, $1.00. min-l, 2tid2. 2, $1.25, nominal. nibbu r8our-uhrvqrnment stan- dard, $10.85 to 814.85, Toronto. Ontario ttour-War quality, 810 in Yrs, Toronto and Montreal, prompt v tur-OG.' -i,4e'i" iii; _ ton; mixed, $2t.Ltir $21N_m_tmk Toriruto. Tatum, Paibl new” M Norm}, 't '33:”?! 'fa'. . 1136' ar. 0 sum; No. 4 win“, $2.It%, in store Fort William. Manitoba oat-No. 2 C. W., 65e; No. , C.W., Sk; at! No. 1 feed, 60V;c; No. 1 feed. 66e; No. 2 feed, ti2.lie, _in_s'oqre Fort William. Ontario "heat-No. 1 Spring, $2.09 to $2.17; No. 2, do., $2.06 to $2.14; No. 8, do., $2.02 to $2.10 f.o.b., ship- m1ttr rainy eeorAintLto heights. to to $21 um. track Toronto. 'i4'ee-'dhlt', $10 to $11 per ton, Country Prod-Whole) Live Stock Markets Montreal Markets A Ruined Coal Mine-wut the Hum, could not Ital they ruined. NI Its what they did to a mainline at Dons-cu. Dozens of use: of this kind explain why it is that, although France bu recovered har Men territory, stfe is suffering from a fuel famine. The mines are tmworuMe. THREE SHIPS SUNK BY MINES WITH LOSS OF MANY LIVES A despatch from London ttapt."--. Under the heading, "From Clyde to 1rruteouver--Gradual Transfer by Messrs. Yarrow,” the Times announ- ces that this widely known ship- building firm intends to diminish its output " the works in Scotstown. near Glasgow, and to increase the produc- tion of its smaller works at Van- couver. The main impelling reason appears to be the incessant labor troubles. PATHS R medium, $8.00 to $8.50; do., comm. 87.00 to $7.50; checkers, $8.00 to $10.50; feeders, $10.60 to $12.00; owners, $6.26 to $5.50; m9ksrs, good to choke, $90.00 to $180.00; do. com. yy) "M. $5.90.? £75.”: torinaett, M From Enemy thob-MI. M. B. Broke has I hand new brrtt. It um nude from the lid of the torpedo tube of the German U-hoat c-e, which was rammed and sunk by the British sea flghtev. A despair}: from Pub tKWtVc-- theat Britain loaned 2220,000 month- ly to the Hedjas Government to an- able it to take an active part in the war against the Turks. woording to a letter from Nexandnia, published by the Temps. The letter adds that 2105,000 monthly was paid to Prince Faisal, son of the King of Hedi”, and, a leader of the Arabian armies, who is now in m. A I 000. “Van: sums," he lays, "have been used for sheer destruction and mat public debt: have been incurred for which than is no corresponding property." $1,200,000 LOANED MONTHLY BY BRITAIN TO ARAB KING th/indirect cost of diminished trads and iittatteittl disturbance at £50,000,- The direct cost of the wir in estimted ct M0,000,000,000 in u meal article in the Daily Tole- A despatch from London aeer The Canadian Press learns that Ad- miral Jellicoc, in the course of his naval mission to the Dominlons, will reach Canada in the latter part of October, remaining there until Janu- ary. Admiral Jellicoe will leave Eng- land on February 20 for India, where he will remain one month. Then he will spend four months in Australin 1nd New Zealand, "termtrds visiting Fiji, Samoa. Bonolulu and San Fran- cisco. From Canada he will go to South Africa. DIRECT COST OF THE WAR PLACED AT $500,000.000,000 ADMIRAL JELLICOE WILL BE IN CANADA IN OCTOBER A dupltdl from ondon tlaFtV.--- TORONTO The intent antitank is that 28,000 Carmina soldier: haw been ,narr'ted our“ aim. the Mum of the wt, In! that colds-f dependent- Ind other Mm In Brit-in out- lid. of the military who desire to re... turn home number 50,000. In connection with the listing of Ilien holders of Cmdinn stocks, it is aid that pen-mm of enemy nationality hold sham of the Canadian Pat-me Railway of I put value of $14,500,000 upon which some $7,000,000 of divi- dendl have occrued during the period of the war. The Enemy Debts Committee is pre- -‘ poring Ive different lieu of chime by I and against Canadians. First, in thei, list of chime Mining out of illegal' methods of warfare; secondly, chimli by Canadians for debts owed by cor-' pontions and persons of enemy na-' tionality, and by Can-dim holders of ' shares in companies in enemy eoun-' tries; third, clahns by Canadian hold-3 era of Russian securitie: and owners of property in Bunnie and by Cana-l diam having account; against Rus-l aims; fourth, claim: for dunge- arising out of the allies' black list of , persons and flrmst with whom trade: w” prohibited, and Mth, claims by persons and firms in enemy countries tagainst Cnnadinna Ind by enemy alien hoWrs of shares in Camdim cor- [ pontions. to (hands. . (so-plot. collection should be retained In the wt museum to be estebllehed in Ottawa. It is not expected that the trophies will be ex- hulhd by the eotuetkao in Ottawa end Won. On the contrary, there will be enough left to give practically every city, town and vilhgo in the country I war souvenir of some sort. Applications for these have already boon received from hundreds of town: I end the requests run the entire range. yHow these will be dealt with has not ibeen decldod, but it is understood the 't,s',ir,et,t',iiilr?,'i'i',i' will recommend that an advisory committee with one member , from each province almll be appointed 5 to pus upon the applications, and the 1 provincial representative" recommen- i‘dation will be taken as to the distri- chtion of the trophies." Over $16,000,000 Are Claimed Against Enemy For Illegal Warfare. _ A despair-h from Ottriwa uyez~ Canadian claims for ccmpcrssation for lowed due to illegal methods of warfare employed by the en- emy during the was an mount- in: upwards. Already a mu. meat of such chime toutline $16,- 000,000 he: been forwarded to Paris for erstteideration with diatribe demands for repara- tion by the Peace Confmnce. Additional linemen“ of claims are daily being received by the Enemy Debts Committee here. CANADA ASKS FOR COMPENSATION “Standout wilt be reserved to nuke an adamant; Bad npreunutive din- play in the Imperial War Museum to be Wished in London. I should that any that of the Article: brought “he trophies matured by Cam. dluu form 3 meat intending nnd plastic-ll: " humane colloctton," nil Gm Claw. "Ther hem Many o-thiss. from huge German guns of the heav- iest type to Indy: and records. Some of then trophies have ulrudy reach- ed Ottun and are stored here. There will be novel's] shiplouds in I“, judg- ing from the information we Fave re- ceived to far." "What disposition will be mede of them Achupu¢ {mm "Fr.-- 'heOtetttrsimittet one-main War 'toetmtnartdTterhie. hum. mpoettartheGome-rtqhtielteott- t-ir-imert-tdaeent-toth.exri- 1eetioetandhstd1htqxtft-hi-eap- tumdbrt1te%dinetrdtre'ineute Proposal to Distribute Cultured CANADIAN VIILAGES TO HAVE SOUVENIRS '" tt,',t1.s'ntuQrgt,t, twan- am “Quinn.” Ioumuohotdsdrvdu. H, _ Pouttrgdmgqrittixr'dectodastdug* by at!“ will tua- I The Echo do Purl: publishes 1 uk- mn from “Menu; on the sub- joct ot the Own: Prince's sojourn " Wicrinm. This ig the pleura given of the otst4.ttttt hope of the Holma- album “The populnion reproach him for " undue-I in the cafe- of the island, where be in trying to calm hit mamas. The Crown Prim. in continually playing billiu'da with the landlord of the cute and hu pot. run. He II n poor player. And bears “out My, qettiU he somctimu about: in the cm” ifttt-httrdtthrttteeanrea= Hombibtocpmdanhouru Whoa-my morning that In -eftnmsaiheep,nadereryrtie" “than... 'eoeoovur,ttisotartewtltirtgtwith him. iuh.admsettu-ttolelife. I Emu paid small attention at flrsrt tousegre-rt,tmtwa"rruriottato into him land in the church, praying. '11). minutes puud until {all thru- quuta'l of " hour had Core by be. 'foro the any nun arose from hi) “um. Minions of "mad men eroutheri in (mocha of Med across blood- dmdxed and: " hha command; Ren- enh and no” WI, winery, unity. and”, hub. {ovum Ind wrought - the cup of Europe Ib- Ioiutdy " In commanded than to do, endirsnoothermnnner,uaheweeA into he an. dual; to my. Nor m it an unusual thing for Ge-l6ehtode. Thsenrianod" thnttsedomrtotdotho-thirtg During the ”Imam-ten of an hour that (he mauliasimo of all the Allied-Miamon hiskneoodn humble supplication in that quiet dutch, ten thousand gum wen roar. ttttr at his word on u hundred hills that meted with death. It was Foch. And now Evans, of hi! Wino, counts the experience u the mt in hit life. Then Evan followed him down the street. and w" surprised to no no!- diu's salute this man in meat excite- ment, and women and Wm stop- ping in their hack- w/th awestruck {you " he paused. Onl'y one orderly acmpnnied the quiet, grey nan No [uttering out of off-can, no mums-In od tterH-Ueed side: In. with him; nobody but just the orderlr. has bu! gone into m old dtuedt 'ittt-trsWatit,aa_estood than with lured hood ravishing Mn WI curiodty, n are, m, with tttrt-of-era',--. of his shabby whom, the entered the dumb. l A My.” {all Ottawa "tut-- IN his. one” WM- qrith tho Canadian Com, write- from 't-totuDimetoe"ieiii,iie' In. {with to the alert that since the 'llt and 2nd division. and the carp:- . troop: (in. into Gummy them have 'boen only " deaths, due to aickxzen. {neatly pneumonia, following in. than. Gaul-ll Foch PM: “no for Devo. tion Alan Sue“ of Far. A cam-m boy-Eva- by name mm the American Eme Forea- in France. has recently swim 0 letter to NI plums Jn Sun Bern. ardirgo, in which In an; of meeting Gcneul Foch at close range in France. “A. to the queston whether meld coalithm of two or seven] people could be formed Aside from the lea. ore," Mr. Balfour added. "the confer. ence done an decide." "The constitution of the League of Notions.” wounded the ForeIgn Sec. teary. “will involve no modulation of the treaties of nlliume previously concluded. A MI: from Paris 'ue-AI. lilac-a between the val-ion unions Vin not be of“ by tho extant-e of the My of Nations. now in PM” of formation, it was (Iceland by Arthur J. Balfour to nuwopnper Interviewers hem. The British For in Secretary “a asked the direct, question u to whether the formation of the world society would imuive the abolition of alliances. My that little hallowed up! 1rt'l11teeioi'tt1smaoutmeanu that the nation! emblem of Cumin will mud n monuments to the hon- ored do“. ALLIANCES T0 REMAIN AFTER THE Lr. AG ur, 11.. India of Canadians wb have dial in Genny m buried In Bonn h: I m: plot not nut for Canadians. Anna-gnu In now completed to but. the grave of every Canadian who has died " I prisoner of war tn the territory on both aides of the Rhine occupied by an corps and thc other British forms. As soon as this in done tho remains of the deceased ”Mien will be exhumed and re- intemd by Canadian (sh-plum in the mom in Bonn. ultlilirhltaimis Camera-y at Ben e. be Planted mth M Trees. l MAN or PRAYER The SOD. Willle.

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