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Durham Review (1897), 20 Feb 1919, p. 4

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iift'/ rr' i " Pt tr, I m3??? 5 TAYLOR & CO. fl .Storecloses 60'clock excepting Wed. and Sat. nights 'a-,... i‘. 'roi-ea-ea-rare Make The Returning Soldier Welcome Highest Prices for Produce of all kinds MENS RUBBERS We OVERALLS ty SMOCKS TAYLOR& CO. Dromore SUITS 3:: Our New Spring Goods my arriving in all lines. gatherings to give ammo In returned they have been In addition. many other towns are organizing: Sunni In must towns cmnmillees of citizens have trlr:'ad.v been organized to mom tre soldiers and their dependeuis a! the station. to provide lml meals. supply amnmnhilrs, afford ternporary ttt'commtsdaiion whvn necessary. The tPt'tt who Wottl from Ila-w parts to fight in Fland- crm' deserve n real welcome Iumw tlwlwst Wt'ctttt give. ft gin-x him a pension-where his usefulness is impaired by his servxce. It teaclu's.a man a new trade when his service unflts him for his former trade. It give: him frce medical fragment when ill- ness recurs, and supplies free artificial limbs and surgical appliances. It is brin'rin back to Canada at the ublic K . g ' expense the sold/cry depcndentr now overseas. lint Hm tiovvrnmvni, how.. After he has rested, the tun-r willirrcr. (unmet provide soldivrmust he provided with Ilu. [wrmlml lumh needed in an oppurtunily for employ- Ihi, work hf rcpatriation. mom. In towns of 10,000 That must lu. given by the pnpuluiimi. Public Employ- pi-uplq- ”mum-Ives. mm]! “Hi: m Lo,..,?,,,,,., ws_.I.,t. THIS is an important hour for Canada. The nation is entering on a new era. It is passing from war to peace. Let us start this new era right. There are thousands of sotdiers returning from over- seas. The Government is doing all in its power to get these men back to civil life. It is giving a War Service Grqtuity--more than any other nation --to keep the soldier going till he gets " job. , u 1\U uuu1\u We have some rubbers left in all sizes and kinds. These are the Lifebuoy Brand and we wilt clear them out at a discount. We bought these "me time ago and can show yon excellent value and we willguar antee them to give you the best of wear. Price l 1 D We have received the new Spring samples, and are read: to take your measure. They ate excellent quality and the fit is guaranteed. The prices are teasonable considering the quality, Price from (ttDA A_ at: nn TAYLOR & co. 5 VP public wel- ml men after MI home a few days. l 2.50 and 2.75 ea. , The Repatriation Committee $24 to 65.00 Don't let the welcome die away with the cheers. The fixhlingjoh is done. It has cost many a heart-burn- ing. But it has‘been well dune. The Vast we can do is to show our appreciation in no Inu'mnin manner. Anvr he has rested, the soldVrvnust ho provided with an opporlunily for employ- ment. In towns of 10,000 population, Public Employ- ment (Mm vs have been estab- lished to help soldiers. in: well as war-workers, secure good jobs quickly, Where these mint. ciiizens should ('u-opeh ' Whore [troy do not exist, the cit izons tlu-msolvcs should help put the soldier in touch with (-mpioynwnt. I "I! “only vm i' .’ It ad Mm 3 jCona Bautrdar fpmnu. ' I Mr Joint Sui . "leo Bell. but I Am I church th , proton w atom Guard, (be lat ) firm. ii) Th la-r L " In. ttart, d " d 'oo Sand-v not: y',tt'dt, It Wanker E I trip In lukdnlc I A author trot led the Anolvon jton Part on th meeting on I. I "For: it I am! Human» chair or ( Mr W. W. Rumgo returned frrm Toronto on Sllurdny when he bad been attending the Contention ot the bull F5." Ind Exhibition Aegoesmtton 0nd upon: I Inge and enthusiasm gathering of fellow tairmen. He was p‘eued to meet with Mr J. M. Findlay} lure of Dromore, who is now comfort-i up, 1..-: waif-7““. Mr and In Chu. Dunbrook at Sukuoon. Sank" are spending u tow dlyl with their friends. In and In Eailn in Dromom. Walter Hum Jr., s" hm Bunyan: College in on on Sound A play canned "Plan Valley " u to be given in Russell Hull. Dr mm. on hid-y evening. 21st, by wine of the young people at the neighborhood. J A author tron Mi. mick: attend. led the Anchor-u] services " Swin- iton Park on Bunny and the in Hunting on load" "gain “d ‘npon is I ("It sum. The Anna church choir provided the music " the Monday evening containment. Illa Jeni: Gemini] ot Ayr, tanner tougher " No. 13, in a unite: with the Labial: many. l 1'"1 and nap-cunts; than“... _ I: but! Inc.» Blah. Blue-nu ;Im Mount it, Rank“ Jun: 'teV and tttttmud Am church foo Sunday was“ In Jnm Snell. _ Mr and Mm Dun Ermtee drove to 100m: Snatch; to visit the iatterrt puma. Mr Jotm Bull and not! Durham. Moo Bobs. uane, and wife nun-d I Am I church 81-day main. being‘ place! so “and the [new ofttteir "have the we Lorne Baird ot W. Fl to“. 5 Th ln-r L we Wird of It Fares: nu ban, a " Amo- bnrying [mud l on Baud-v morning, Rev. It Cooper ottiesutistg ttr Walter Hattie wot a business trip to Mtttlutate an. Incl. NORTH EOREMONT OTTAWA l, it.. "teydintt - h, -_-u. uvtri . that amount, anytime up to 10 month , Mr D. MagshtU1 Ia busy 1stg,i,ti.tr','ettil, given on furnilhing approved. home his C',',',',", supply of wood from Joint notes bearing int. at 6't, per annum the "per mu. ' _ ttr “a Mn, Con Ereller and and. Fred. Shove". Chas. Shewell, ( I re. left [at Saturday for their home Prorrietor. hum--- Mr Ian. Elder, Am. in on his rounds this week . Council adjourned to meet on Tues- day March 25th " 10 o‘clock I In tor general bnainesa and u an adjourn. rd Court of Revxsiou on Mdu'l Drain No 1. Court open! " 1.30 o’clock MeDtmgtul-%earuston - That the following Haunts tire ; Farrar Lawrence sheep kill" “5; Mun'l Wand supplies 86 62 J W. B Rule, expreu 55¢ ; Registry odiee re tren- urers' aunties 8t 7.; ; Treasurer def. icit re food $316 97 ; Councillors ply sheet 319 70; J. D. Rxbarts. use ot ball S-', Curlied _ By-laws were passed fixing the remuneration of members ot C inncil at 83 per day and 103 per mile one Way while “tending Council or than IE ixtee meetings and 30c per hour and IO one per mile 0 ,e wav tor oversee- ing rend improvements or any ohm- servlces in connection with munici- pal maven, also increneing the clerk‘s and treasurer“: salary $25.60 each per yur. distributed. Carried. MtsDmttall--hieEae,hern=-Tut the Reeve be nppointed I delegate to the unnusl weenie: of the Rural Municipal Aucciatim to be held in Toronto, Feb. 19m & ar.h. Carried. McDougaii - McEnchern - That the Clerk be instructed to intorm Messrs Clarke and Moon that a copy of the Auditor; Report will be tor. warded to them when sums are being distributed. Carried. Amos Church Choir this Monday evening 3mg: " the Anniversary Ber. vices " Swinton Park. Miss Louie Bum-gs visited her home over the week end from Harris- ton where she is clerking in the Bell Telephone ottiee. Min Jessie Gemmell of Arr, former teacher in No, 18, oume up on Baum day on An extended "an to her unclto Ind not. the Lamina family, looking in customary good health. NORTH-EAST NORMA NBY ably settled. tho Mum W. J. Lmao,", J B. Coleridge. D. Molnau,\V. Bock-f an, Christopher Renwxok and their! (undue, all in good health, forming u; substsulisl Egremom colony right in} the heart of the gun city. I EUREMONT COUNCIL Umdinued from Page 8 From present indications, all lines of Hardware will keep at their present high pr.ices and we would advise all to lay in a supply of all necessary needs at once. You certainly won't lose by buying early, and you may save money by getting your needs supplied now. Our immense overstock to our reason for selling. We feel that we would sooner hsve the money just now, and in order to get it, we are prepared to meet our customers half way. If what you want is not in the above list, call and ask for it. We are almost sure to have It. This List contains only a very few of our lines. Remember, we carry a most complete stock and we pre- pared to offer it at the Lowest Price. Dustbana. reg. Mit no. for Suit can. regular $6 for... " " $4 for... " " 8 50 for..., Talenopal “an!" $2 for.... 't 1.00 for..., Ironing Boards, reg. $4.50 for Home brushes. " 909 for Children', sleigh, reg 1.85 " In -stih, tor '............ Klondike Mun! polish I“ Mo latch“. Liquid Glam '8. 853 Luumlino Gold Enunolwu 40tt Anything in no". or nova pipe enamel u grmly minced prim hp. our a. DAVID ALZAN. Clank Bonnie Bright IGteben Cknner You will find Bargains every day of the week at The Red Front Hardware. Our aim is always to give the people what they want at the Right Price, and from the increasing volume of business. we think We are convincing all that this is the place for Good Reliable Goods at Lowest Prices. Call on us any time anything you’ want in our line. You can always rest assured that we have it, can get it, or it isn't mad“. Though our big Executors' Clearing Sale closes Satan!” .ni-ght, Feb. 22nd it must not be inferred from this tfiat the days ot Bargain-giving are over. HARDWARE AT MONEY-SAVING muss Here is L P. McINTYRE, Durham _. McINTYRE, Ont. reg 1.85 " " " 900 tor 60 ', TN tor 1 M for l 10 for 1.50 for - iat 1 o'clock. the following : I I mare 4 year. old, mare 13 years old, : , mare l2 years old, . I thoroughbred Shorthorn cow 5 your: ' old, due to calre March 27th, fresh cow 56 years old with calf at loot, 2 fresh llcows , years old with calves at foot, I wcow 4 years old due to calve May In. I "cow 9 years old due to calve April Mth, ' I heifer 2 yeais'old supposed to he in llcalf, 4 steers rising 2 years old, 3 heifers ,lriuing 2 years old, 5 calves. I I7 well-bred Lcicester lines. l Brood sow due April 16th, store pig. l, Masses ~Hairis binder 5 ft cut, with ‘truck. McCormick mower 5 ft Cut, Me. Com ick hey rake ll ft, Steel roller 4 actions, Massey-Harris cultivator near. ly new, Massey-Harris Ithoe drill led'.?! ly new. cutting box, turnip pulver, "ufrler, Noxon disc barrow. iron hat-l row 5 section... iron narrow a nectione. l democrat, Verity plow Nogt, grindltone I fanning an". act Renfrew males. let bob-sleiuhl, lumber waggon. hay rack, feed boiler (40 gal J, - kettle. “I of waggon Iheelo. ' cutters, shoe Waggon lock. net double huroeu. ' double he". f neckyoke with twins, amen law. chums. forks and other articles too nu. meroul to mention. A quantity of good hemlock lumher. I Dominion Organ. _ No Reoerge. Everything will be Kid I " the farm II rented. I Terms '. " and. under, cub. Over furt..rrtuynt, any time up to to month! ”non: are seen hauling logs en route (for Seitn'a mill, Hampden. Good Per, good measurement and Eood at Credit Auction Sale price Thursday, February 27th, l9l9 Some from this part attended the funeral of the late Mr Walter Geddea Wednesday of this week, We extend sympathy. A number of farmers from Egre- moat are seen hauling logs en route I..- tau-Mn, ... -.. Quite: number from our comm attended the Pteaentation to Victor Caisley at the home of Mr D. Mell- vride last Monday evening. l Mr and In John Iotioe visited re- cently with It and Mrs D. Hamilton Lake View Farm, Egrcmont. The w. F. M. S. of Knox met last Wednesday at the home of Mrs Wm. Carson. Farm Stock, Implements, Etc. Miss In lush.“ has ion to Dur. ham to learn dtmmnking. There will be sold by public auction lot 32. con. 12, Btnunck, on in Disk-y, Sash. alter a two IOIthI visit with friends In this part. 24 4.48 2.25 1.98 1.19 35 79 M 1.10 250 Shem", Chas.Shcwell, Proprietor. . Auctitmee. 40 " lg Small List of our. Specials Now on- Ctio for ..J...im Bnuhl. regal“ $17t5tor...110 You will need 1 good Scuba and Soul: thin spring Why not. boy new And sue you. money '.' m in" hem " Scythe; regular Scy_thes gen. tag. (65 for ............ 6000 Begt70torluuo Two only Brian- uiu Kitchen un- Kitchen Ranges Iron For” Pump“ Holler All" make) tag. $18. for......... 18 95 Two only Kellen: Ally 8 II] -- _- pumpi, :23. $85 tor.......-.. 27.50 Wflip8, good MU value. cub...25o Fro only Congolenm up (very slightly damaged) to“. $14 tor...................-....... One only Not-thorn Baldy."- tor. - $14 for........... Connonvulth Barn ml point (in sullen tine) reg $4 for Prion brand job paint F........ Per quurt......... ....... Boyd Purpl- Pouluy BpesilU, mus tbr.,............, " Wrinpu. reg. $6 for........... 4.98 8:01. pip”, reg. 80tt tbr........ 18 Throooly My hammock: with etaatd,reg 6.00 me............ 2.75 Huh: but.“ reg. 850 for.... " 8m ”in. reg. 750 for ...... " I Tuesday of this week another slump _ took place in N Ontario, but this time ithe clump was of luch dimension as to wipe out the previous Cottscrvative ma- Monty and give one on the other aide by about the lame figures, Wudttiot, the “inner. wan the candidate " last elec. tion also, against Hoyle. Then he was the liberal candidate but this time way the nominee of the U. F. o., and the l rcault II stem end; nee cl the power MI the Farmers' orgamaation. l "um; ulc 'ruce agreed uprn by the leaders early in the war. The govern- ment force: however did not nhow apathy, for men and minister. covered the riding and made Predictions that now fall on tle It With crushing weight. This it the third government defeat in four months and the fifth since the last general election. The Liberals, " Liberl election...“ back and loo serving the truce agreed t leaders early in the war. ment fore" however did afathy. for men and mini“ f Lincoln on Saturday lut elected the ‘Coverument candidate Parnell, try I“ majonty. a malt not planning to the winner. tor them muiontv " In: elec. mm was about IMO. and the Riding has been Cortaervative for 40 years. The cause ofthe great clump wan thein. fluence of the Labor vote, which in1 urban populations. mutt now be taken Into account. I MacFARLANE’S DRUG sirdid "It We also keep Remnants in room let. u . bargain. We haven't Very Bully left BO e ttte, early. Our new papers are in. Thaw win a......._. Do your Wall Papering Now Don“ wait lor spring cleaning when m n'mos: impossible to gel. Inlp. Do in now. The bore, an all expected home in March. Brighten " for them. The Bye-Elections NORTH ONTARIO Town Office. r. Uurnew papers They will interest LINCOLN Window Shades and noon}: "@533; Wm“. in both Def Strain" poi]- reg 1.10 for do reg 1.2.; for do 850 for.. ... do minimum”. Tin pail' (Quon Damn; for do (amulet) a; 1.25 for do (Iron clad)». 1.'2,5 tor Galvanised [nib D qml. BOoior Tin Psi]. - 800tor....... Our lympotby is extended I';. M: and In Jo. Love in the death “I Mr, L'ooter, In Grant, It ngpn, (m: III. I Mic-icon, of uorce [Luly 31- De sod In Gum were urine ttl hit “Rh Int anmmer. In R. Men. Durham, Hair " (Mr the week end with relatives herc. If: and In Saul" Mehesov, Ir M; M, “pen; the Int. week u Mr Ill,,v, - Lieut. E. Gobun In the realm“ '. ot I tit" purse from bu friends in tin.- vieinuy and on 14th can. Also a rm» token from Salem Ladua‘ And an Grimm: Park Red Cross. Ilia Ell. Paalow in teaching " tt Chmwonh. Why: Pee-lain Huntthinks of n m, N been!” (M. " would he Intcrtt,t In; to have Leader Proudtoot's npnm: 1 8501.1“ Labor Ind the Farmers' party unite their (men. they will carry the county " the next election. which may not be {If off. The Iligumcnt of partws on the old Grit and Torry bams Can n. t er be quite the lame and the ntw cm» ditionu without doubt are due to Imp- m caused by the w". tymttaiot Iron in u f rm which i am: min-Li. p, r the Imam-Wu with cod luv! enact. I: pale or mamm- "trieet ft chronic cough or contact . snub rmdilv " ' I bottle. Full 16 va,'ti..1 A new prepsurtion mu 006 Which in [mum to gun l ,. n boon nanny one rrtlairy ' . (and bhod and genem' ”his l, Ran" Peptonized Iron with Cod Liver Extract Come to IS for rates Try Rexlll Cutarrh .le-llv lieu" Cnurh Spray do St Vslontine'o Day pained quietly do or cold in Catarrh the Head? Are you "cabled with Pails, all kinds HOPEVILLE F (IO-L. 80tt for do 900‘for do 1.00 for do 700 for 800 for ' 1919 350 50e 79c 69: 540 (He 7“ Me 890 Mte 89. Me 190 2% tue, " a 480 590 69tt he ATLANTT . than. BUILDING. “E. E. HUC city . Angus Coeteratulat Buraett and ' named on In will Inside m I “no, All; 11% niversaly h" on Moudav, "tr Cortvettti, It A Barn with irierds u “in V. C4 the week end McDonald. It Rom. Mclut visiting tor the Iris we“. here, 1m: pounc- in the m In Colin MN liather returned h, a few days " thcr “but Mount.“ Durham ape-n! tbet Christen. ”(1(1an Glad to ace tr,hd village again. visit friend. here, Store. and G for Nah HIT. A.tt oetd mini} ”the! not: mic-l Bt Red Ball will throughcut the much is they granulated, tht also there wsll fashioned Bun fUvor is indisn SPEC) ll il PRICEVII. PRI opovillc N19t x id 7' att/r' a " 18 nto when AA ya " ttt _ ll

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