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Durham Review (1897), 20 Feb 1919, p. 7

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um is always to live Finess, we think we Call on us any tin. tit. or it isn't made. mun Dunn,” h Lenin) " 1.25 5. acid)". tar, hi 't and. 60ek. [y ‘ 70. In 2 STORE "an 80.ttre tot, Ate. ls, all kinds ight. Feb. 22nd ring are over. FEB. " 1919 'G PRICES I Sale l mind Iro- wr Extract 5". h 60. by or cold in the Mud? 55¢ HILLE would advise lid you may ug- We feel In customer. ve it, tml., so. to. 900.10! 1.00 b. leg LIOhr "'g [.25 " and are pre- [or for, I or was the napkin .1: friends in “b '~n. Also I Die. l. rhes’ Ad and Id " Farmere M! In ml! can, "I. cton, which my 'gumcnt “panic. " basis can my. H'J the new cm. are due to impul- meme. mm or rates 800k: :cheann, Beth, Mr ”Lou's ended to Mr ' death of In N "ttmo, Gb:. c thin, '". ht [no on hr teaching an: I, winked on! as hon. n and mks of it may ld he interga- 'vot's opinion. eral rm d quintl}. " lot, 740 79c 540 540 490 Mo IN SN 34. 4te 480 590 'E. E. HOCKRIDGE A'rLANTTC3UGARRErmErttEs,UhmED 2 Mecunuumq. . . . . .uounmu. Mrs "any Falkingham left tor the city Iccoupanied by her brother Angus. Congratulations to In. Mabel, Burnett and Mr E. Latte who new! married on Feb. lath. 1919. They will reside in their new home in Baa-l sano, Alta. Rev J. A. Mathews alluded An. nivrrsary sauce: " Swinion Park on Monday, r7th Feb. Mr T. A. tt. Ferguson attended the Pair Convention in Tmontolut week. Mr A name" epen! the week end wnth Mend: in Toronto. Esther returned home alter wen-d“); A few days " the City. Min V. Caldwell of Darin-n open! the week end with her friend, Ii» McDonald. Mr T. A. tt. Ferguson attended tho Mrs Colin MeLean Esther returned home . few days in the City. - - -. '"-'_._- Hl'r’ Mr Rom. McIntosh who has been ' isiting for the part month with " parents here, returned to his former poamon in the It“. Glad to ace Bob. leKin-ol in out village again, Vilitio. "hunt-Id hienda here. Miss-m Mount-in and Hunter of Dulham upon! the week end with [in Christen: Dickinson, South Liar. Store, Property, Stock and General Business for sale. Applygto tiavor is indupensa' ble to success. - Yum, ttltiors,t'.t-e_the.u-et-..s.to.att . 4100-5.ng It hit-1.4“.“ “Munich-ad pzmccm'fimL-udmwmm the non ecmmkdqumm. tlavor is i Happily, Peace has changed the whole sugar situation. Unless' unforeseen circumstances should arise the Lantic Red Ball will again brighten the shelves of stores; throughout the country and housewives may have as pa"huaat,ha need of th, WWI-affix “FIE" granu at t e ectsugar or . an e ta l also there will Ffi'i?i' of the [antic delicious Old. 1shi?r.tee) grown . gen for the my dishes in which V V .7 v .. 7-- ‘IIUI-I'l‘v ~v will-I'll] V anywhere near the demand for Canada's favorite sugar. Few ships were available for hissing raw sugar from the tropics and a large part of the pr uct of our refinery was needed for our Addicts overseas. UNDER It'. conditions we were unable to supply gnu“: guns n..-.. AL- J-¥,,, I I n u . SPECIAL PRICEVILLE VILLAGE Hopeville, Ont. PRICEVILLE m": as. so, mo ' “amylase-ham Achy-r rtirra-eS-.eaea- with Mo W1L'lrd our, Cato-0"... Me Lean ttd daughter TEA'iSTood tear Full "Mtoftenin .' _ ' lbWB.06B" warm!!! a pun rrl Some oithe brethren here of t. O. 1 sum of money to Mr Ma L. “92 attended the Royal Arch , Matheson. The address -- menu; on Wednesday night. f Dear Mrs Matheson ; t - - I The Anniversary services at St And. 1 rews Church were conducted on Sunday by Rev. Mr. Thornleigh of Shelburne at 2.30 and 7.30 p m. [be choir furnished special music and were assisted by Mr. W. Ramage and daughters. On Monday evening a tea meeting Wag) held. Tea was served inthe lull and after that followed a good program in the church. Rev. Mr. Reade” of Dun. dalk occupied the chair. Dromore choir gave several tine numbers and Mr Ram- age favored with a solo. Mrsl’etterson gave several good readings which were a Mr A. ‘C. McDonald of town is spending a law days here and is help- in; Thos.. anie with his mill. Mr James IncGillivny'a Sr. home we: comfortably tilled with the youth and beauty of the burg on Tuesday night and a very pleasant evening was spent. Mr Geo. Colllueou received I only cut on his hand when he cune in con- tact with the saw. Mr R. J. IIcGIllivny bu purcha- ed the beginning of I pure bred pol. led Angus herd from Mr Lenin. a Prominent breeder ot black cattle nee: Waterloo. In T. B. mm; In. his an mill not and will an: work in the near lutute. The Inn‘het continua and Ind most of the inner- ue engaged at bush work. Never Hauler: I better water tor teaming. lull. _ _ _-_-....--, - I" IC- Gilllmy ot Toronto vhited "lathe. here this took. Capt. MeGiuivmr has recently tanned Iron ovmeu where he had and a an "my Chop- hm, Capt. J. IcGillivny and In Ide "u--- A. "'7 - . - A SWINTON PARK SAUGEEN VALLEY “The SCI 1 Put," "__ - __ ""- "--‘- vv- W P. llau HUI. _ "_' -- been fiirh.t.ipg alone men of b'ooé and bone. 3 The soidiers present were then asked to hut. horrible Ideals such " presented by _ places on the platform and theaddressbe. Neitsctse and other authors. He closed a g kyw '38 read to them by Mr C Range. Ii.ne.spetch by a tine comparioon between ,' after which each was presented with a club the lye-ls oi.Germany and those of the [ bag and keepsake COPY ot the address as British Empire. " memento of Durham feeling. An each Rev. Mr McEwen laid there was a l one was called Mr Calder gave the facts f LN TOWN HALL I Every vsttrg1,itleggd,,igirdati1g/httie1itj , Here Mr Wm. Calder, Pr s. . . econtrast . emora t e so t e 1e 3 Association was in the chair 36nd 53:33:}:1 a: qompared with Germany. lie caused i I credit cannot be given to him and Secy l .t. rill as he asked Who to.might wank , Thos Allan. ior their organizing efforts [6' like ty? be a Tyrk, a Bordtevist, a Russia: I make the meeting the success th t it I W a German '1 Hthpped the Cmntttutt, 3 was. The Hall was filled, a rnexssset'lacihoir1 tty would teel the intluence.of the n" l from the churches occupied the platform 9 blood tainted with "crificeas it had been 1 Union Jacks and Old Glcrvs wereon rhéi He _clos_ed an eloquent speech by again i walls and warm feelings sit the hearts ofl welcomtng the returner! soldiers. all, asthe Chair announced "OGodou) The chairman at this stage had some l help in Ages past" as the opening hymn. prcgnant thoughtson the great subject ol l Rey... Mr Cole then opened with a compre- j Restoration. He tte demobilization hensive prayer and the their gave "0 , ,ot_sld not bestopped Y ur.etowyrd events Canada " t in Europe. The boys commg home were Rev. Mr Hardy was first called uponl not ttterame.ttoyrr 88.1mm away :.new and extended on behalf of the Anglican; l "Mm sights. feelings hardships had a warm welcome to the returnin heroes. ( been them. In thr.ee. or four years they andaleo made tactful and tasteful refer- I had acquired the wisdom of a life time ence to the heroes who will not return. l There was a Call to all ot "E tp give lie gave the audience m idea aim f thought to the. best way of aesrstrng the ideals from some rerent reading of Ger- 1 r.eteted ttttwer to r esume hit, place in Fe?. :uthprea'nd said our boys had not i citiyue: -- _ Continued from page I. . son for the ladies after which adjourn- i ment was made to the Town Hall. Z The soldiers able to be present to re- , ceivo this honor were ', Sergt J. Stedman, I Gnr Brock Grant, Cadet Erie Koliy, PM: a'Goleby. W. Morton, N. Zimmer, A. Mc- !Gowan. R. Giles, F. McIlraith. Johnston . Allan, Ernest McDonald. u a“ 5”,»... F an“ .. 'c""".""' muskrat coat with Hudson seal trimmings ond muff to match. Welcoming Returned Soldiers A quiet but pretty wedding took place Wednesday. Feb 12th at high noon, at the home of Mr and Mrs John Burnett, Priceville, Ont, when their third daughter Mabel was united in holy bonds of matri- mony to Mr Ernest L. Lane of Calgary, Alta , the Rev. S. M. Whaley ofiiciatinir. The bride looked pretty in a navy blue with hat to match. After the ceremony the guests parrook of a dainty luncheon. The bride and groom left on the after- noon train to their home in Calgary, the bride wearing the groom’s gift, a beautiful Now duty has called you to a new field of labor where new associations will be formed, new opportunities present them- selves and while you are busily engaged in these your memory will be cherished here by old and young. We wish you every success and happi- ness and earnestly pray that you and your family may be abundantly blessed where'er you go and as a remembrance from the ladies of Swinton Park. we ask you to accept this gift and hope its con- tents may be used to procure something that will give pleasure and comfort an remind of your friends. Ladies of Swinton Park St Andrews' Church, Feb. 17 LANE- BURNETT tfymeaeaI -_------- _ The moral element, he eaid, enters into every struggle, individual or national. and he contrasted the moral ideals of the Allies I as compared with Germany. He caused a ‘thrill as he asked "Who to-night would i like to be a Turk, a Boldtevist, a Russian 1' pr a German T' Hthpped the commun- ;ily would feel the influence of the newl 9 blood tainted with sacrifice as it had bee-ml ', He closed an eloquent speech by again , welcoming the returned soldiers. l The chairman at this stage had some prr gnant thoughts on the great subject of Restoration. He hoged demobilization would not be stopped y untoward events in Europe. The boys coming home were I Rev. Mr Whaley, by arrangement, gave the chief speech of the evening. He re- I rerred to the enthusiasm displayed at the station as the boys entrained, there had been enthusiastic gatherings since, but al. ways a cloud to cast a shadow. Now we can rejoice to the full with the returning i boys, and he was confident that some- _ where in God's universe those who have fallen are employed in work for His glory. It was our part to gather from such meet- 1 ings inspiration for higher effort. He held l, his hand out to men in khaki whether he l lmew them or not.. We were not “coddl- iug" them (applause) but honoring their manhood. and the best we can do for them is to make them leaders in the effort to raise the community to higher levels. warm spot in the heart of all the world for the returned soldier.. There wasa duty also to recognize those who have to suppress in silence the deep burning sorrow of the heart. He welcomed the boys heartily, rejoiced they had come; back pure and sweet and was sure they would worthily face all life's duties, as they had faced the foe. I I Sale Commences and will last for sixty days. Don't money in buying and make your selec J,, LEVINE, " Durham r I: Stt,dg'dttlevtg,ti. I y quality. Scott's builds , a: the body by Nature's li . I Nth-2.1%.... n.- IL- , 1 Serg. J, L Stedman replied on hehalt of ', quauues Ot -the swims in an admirable address. He il, , 'thanktxithetadies and an concerned for 'i' , the warmth of the welcome. thanked of i] l them also for the many kindnesses shown 'ii' ' ' to them while overseas and assured them jiieii"l'ifnii!'s'. gifts had given them much tir /i.i'i'iei.iii'i.i in what were many times try- 'tr ?guiiracrattgteangers. h The] S's'T,'d"gs, had . . . . m eaname or t erase ves an as was )Bemg a nah food and tom, tt well-known We often gate? for dimcult t _ . . . . posirions. ey won " ue thiseven- iqmddy aids Mt the P,'to.pt.i.?n ing's gifts in themselves and as reminders - t of the depleted Vltllltr of the kindness of Durham friends. it) l and ."nl'o'" the . . Theeyepiae was made moreen‘ yable I qualify. M. builds 'by musical pa.triotic numbers by hi? Mig. * , up the body by Name" lteie Mm I.rwin,yemutitGUtGnii by the Q. biit-AGiaiaiiiii7ia". Pe'tet2?y.r,eiy!..e.i, M tt"'tiirttra menu-gm... Out. "-1 "W ttave the King l _i" scans ENE! ll/ill/ly. the aftermath of acute disease, when thysjcal 'strength isat low eh ,the body needs particular, effective nourishment to hasten res- toration of strength and vim. There is no better time to utilize the peculiar nutrient qualities of l To-night in a representative capacity l we want to have a word with you. You represent to us for the time being the force "rt righteousness that has achieved a glor- ious victory over the most barbarous in. , tentions and actions ever conceived or (c_arried out by a civilized nation. Through dangers of shot and shell of bombs and barricades. of mines, submarines and hostile aircrait. of horrors which we May- at-homes can never conceive, you have, under Providence been preserved to enter our homes once more, and given to us the opportunity to express. however feebly, our appreciation of what you have done. During taraltstatt of his enliutment and service, while Mr Thm. Allan made the presentation ac- congaanied in each case by some trite but kin remarks, a number of them being his old pupils. Following is the address : Dear Soldier Friends,--. hm't be slow to secure your wants at the time when you can make selection before the sizes and goods have been picked over. Saturday, Feb. 22nd, 'n TORONTO , Asa memento of thin occasion. and tt small but visible token of our esteem for I you and the part you have played, we ask your acceptance of this gift and close by hoping you will long remain a joy and a blowing to your homets and be worthy Icitizems of our beloved Canada, the land i you fought for, the land your brothers {died for I Dgrham. February um'lm Signed on behalf of the citizens of Dur. ' 'W ham and the Durham Patriotic Asapcia- l 6 non. y Thou. Allan. w. Calder. I . -- - Secretary. Chairman. . This large concourse of friends speaks a welcome no words can convey : you need no aesuranoe at its genuineness. We wish for you a future of happiness and pros- perity, in the mining years over which your prowesrs has helped to win a mantle of Peace. As you have won a victory over the enemy. so ml you win victories over the trials and (ll'iUu1'l'ilv, of lite that may come your way ; always remember- ing also the words of the Wise Man that "He that ruleth well his own spirit is bet. ter than he that taketh a city.' 1 While our thoughts go out to you warm- ly, while we gasp you by the hand, while we rejoice in your return, we know that you, with us. treasure the memory of these partners of yours who will not re- turn, those who fell in the struggle, but whose name and (am! will be enrolled among the heroes who never die, but who live as an inspiration to those they fought tor: they have fallen in the sweet years of youth but then, they will never grow old. (ll', c. L. GRANT t ' - -e_e ' t Flannellcttcs t t and Hosiery . Girls and bore who have been work- ing hard on the farm during the lawn mar dlould line I chins: to improve their education this winter. Carculara free to any Iddmu. G. D. Fgming. C. A. Fleming, RCA. f"t"t"tril"btt+trtetet6 Seq" -. .-. . """"3'r' Mention this paper when writing WINTER TERM at the we are calling your attention to our legu- than”, JG. xhrte In addition to our both good values. Underwear map-u

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