West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 Feb 1919, p. 4

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I)! " WALKERTON, Thurs., Mar. 6 W. A. TOLTON. N, C'. MacKAY, President, Secretary. Wslkerton R. R. ' Walkenon Ofresring consists of Bulls, Heifers, bred and open, Cows with Calves at foot. The largest number and best Lat-4 of Short-horn Cattle ever gathered together in BruceCounty Catalogues on request of "" In!) SHORT - HORN: to be sold at C. SMITH d; SONS,--Ford Dealers, Durham The Policy of the Ford Motor Company of Can" ada. Limited, to sell its cars for are lowest pos- sible price consistent with dependable quality, is too well known to require comment. Therefore because of present conditions' there can be no change in the price of Ford Cars. 9iord Water Company of Canada These Prices ate F. 0. B. Ford, Ontario FORD PRICES Wal kerton Runabout $ 660 Touring 690 Coupe 875 Sedan 1075 Standard Chassis 625 l-Ton Truck Chassis 750 A // Prtves Snider! to War Tae Charges Er"ept Turk and Classic . FOR0, . _ ONTARIO l At a caucus of Liberal member- at Ot- I , “In D. D McKenzie. E. c., CepeBreton i I North, was appointed Liberal leader fol" i this session with an advisory column”: of liberal members. the chairman being: I Robb. M P, the liberal whip. The per-f , marmrdt leader will be chosen by a Na-l l tional Convention to be held the coming' I summer or fall Asutnrestion that Judge: Ridden would be ecceptable as perma- I ment leader has been made. He is 8' 1vilmuliii man but of course snggestions j lead nowhere just now. l, Hear Charles McCarthy, the clever boy Cornetist and Piper at the Town Hall, March 5th. A new. worthy of Lauder. will be one of the adornment: of Parliament) be- fore many years. Parliament will grant to Lady Laurier while all. lino the annual emoluments of her late husband. The Canadian harry Lauder. appearing at Willing Workers M.B. Concert. Town Hall. Durham, Thursday, March nth. ford, Limited Nuns 'Sc0TTIE" PROVAN tc",,",',',',:',',', The Rev " and Nrouto Duly t “d”; M m turl Eturirtttbr l yuan"... permu- I . . He is at [he Br may sud Toronto Duly bid and Weekly Star toe 1 your The Review an] Toronto Daily The Review and Weekly Sun tot t "ar..---.--- the Kevin! and the Fumilv Ber. Tho Ruin! sud Wail, Wane- lor 1 "M.-.......-.-.- The Review and the Fu.non' Ad. we“. toe I you... .. ............ The Review and Dnily Free Pun fort "v.................-....... The Review and Daily Advanis The Ruhr Ind Toronto Daily Glob. tot Ir-..................... to, Roman on] Tomato Daily New: tot one "ar.................-. gun not I "tsr...,.................:. or tor World tor "tw............,.....: ou)""-...--. Clubbing Rates 275 635 4-10 525 Tr l Always at tor the latest any [calendars since they are revised from lune to time, and new and better new“: added in pace at the old " noon as they have been madam” ‘umed. _ _ an an "rar eaiettdam be ob. tained? Send s poem to tho Do. nnnont at Antennas-o; with I to-' qttqtet for one. Writ? t'llgitrll2tt “A“. -.-. M.., - A. o. A. Gone". Guelph; --_ -- -', ' 2. Beau-e try following the direc- ttone given in the spray mum, “not: perfectly clean fruit and much mop. of it can be obtained. 6. Because several Ipray mix- tures, 0.5., Bordeaux mixture, (an be made at home. The Jpn: calendar tug- how to make these. 5. Because the spray calendar antes detiniteV the mixture or mix- lure-to use In each can and (he; the proper strength. Too strong a mixture would mean lotta ot money and sometimes burning ot the tollage or fruit; too weak a mixture (allure to _control the pest. 4. Because the spray calendar stntel drrtinitely when to treat the dit- ferent pests. A week too early or a week too late would in the one at some of our worst insects and dis- tance mean utter failure. There is a. good reason for each date ot treat- ment given in the calendar. It ll not cues-york. 8. Beeline the spray calendar will prevent costly mluakes due to lllps ot memory. _ 2. Become the information given in the spray calendar is more reli- able (hon he can obtain' tram " neighbors or any other source. It 1: the best “damnation that can be ob- tained anywhere. 1. Because " will save him time in finding the necessary information on the control ot lnnecta and plant - Every firmer should have n spray calendar for the followlnx "ttsons;- Calendar. _ Before giving the reasons why every tanner should have s spray calendsr let us state whst s sprsy calendar is. it is the gathering to- gether into tt small tstttuMr--utsuotilr just one sheet or mum-ot all the necessary knowledge for the control ot the various insects and diseases that attack our fruit trees and bush fruits; so that instead ot having to search halt a. dozen bulletins the farmer can obtain the required in- formation slmost at s glance. A spray calendsr is theretore a handy refer- ence sheet on the Eontrol ot insect pests and plant diseases. Farmers are reminded that the De- partment of Botsny ot the Ontario Agricultunl College is It their A','; vice st ell times tor the testing’ , seed as to purity. in submitting samples tor purity teat send at least one pound of the coarser grains, one ounce of altslta or red clover, and halt an ounce of alslke or timothy. A full report on samples will be tur- nished. Samples of seed should be carefully peeked and addressed with postage prepaid to the Botanic-l De- partment, Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, Gueuth.--Prot. J. E. Hewitt, 0. A. College, Guelph. 4. High serminntive capacity. Good clover or grass seed of any kind should have a high germinative ca- pacity. This cannot be accurately Judged by an examination of the need and can be ascertained only by a germination test. Purchasers of seed can have such tests made for them by sending their need to the otBee of the Seed Commissioner, Department of Agriculture. Ottawa. 3. Good size and color. A good sample of seed of any kind should be large, plump, bright, and have the characteristic color well developed. Plumpness. brightness and good color are ulually indicative of high germin- ative capacity. 2. Freedom trom dirt. ttrit, broken straw nnd other inert matter. A great many "tnplmoteloveranOra" seed Contain far too Inge I. percentage ot such inert matter. Those buying ouch need are paying a high price per pound tor dirt. 1. Freedom from weed seeds, esv pecislly those weed seeds covered by the Seed Control Art. The weed seeds can be properly seen only try spresd- In; out the ample ot clover or - seed on s clesn white sheet of psper sud looting carefully over it with the aid of s tripod msnliler or hand lens. No ismer should he without s lens ot some kind. Everyone who her to purchase seed should endeavor to become familiar with the common weed seeds and know the stand-rd- of purity required by the Seed Con- trol Act tor the various nudes ot eloyttutd, gnu seed. Rev. Mr. Cole of Durham, conducted the sacramental setvioes in the church hem Sunday week. A number from this vicinity attended the (med of Mn The Reid of Durham on Monday but." We extend empathy to Mt his!!!» is beaten. , Mr Gordon McDonald of Proton visited " attttt In In. Mesthmo one day lately. a few days with ber sister. Mrs. john Bailey. Mia Ruby'Hulett spent the week and with her liner Marie nod comm: ttr Ind Ilia Euler: OIGlenelg. Mr and Iran-o Knisley and fun- ily at Durham went Sunduy the 16th with Mr Ind In In Hula". “can Jae. IcDonuld and Dan Ile- Lean each laid a bone " the huir 1atCrluyttiars _ _ - . Pinned to report that Mr Arch. McLean and Illu Florence are able to be than: main. Mr Huh McDonald in visiting friends in Proton this week. _ Mr 3nd Mn Jno. Ritchie and fam- ily of our Durham spent Sunday evening " Mr W. J. Derby's. Mn Jon. Ilium-n andhmily Vinit- ed In: Thursday with the tormen'l brother Ir T. annhnll. north ot Durham. - Mr John Corbett was in Owen Sound n couple days thie week. Mu Rum. John-ton spent I luv days In: week with her Mr In A Corbett. - 1 . _ A number oi the inner: of am vicinity have again invented in For- zilizer tor the trprintr crop and helped to unload two cm which were ship- ped to Allan Perk ration Saturday. Quite a number tram thin but: at. tended the tune"! cf the late Walter Geddes of Hampdon last Wednesday. mum " [under Ind Ev: Red- ford ot Durham visited rmmlv “id: their friend. list Mary Tutnbnll. Rev. and In Whnloy of Dublin visited nlong the line Tneuday of Int week and conducted I prayer meet- ing in the evening. Mn J no Mather and daughter Mill Lizzie of Pricenllo visited with triendaon mum tut-weak. _ - via-71nd In A Derby ,isttrd mth the Gilmour family of mtrtpden Wednud-y of Itat week, A Missy. McFadden of Durham, spent Tho "Kootenay" is a. high grade steel Range. moderate in price and economical on fuel. It has a burnished top, is easily cleaned, will not crack, warp or bulge. The oven is made of the best materials and is spacious. square and deep. The lin- ings of the fire-box are made of semi-steel and are practically indestructible. This For'all kinds of Hardware, call on us. We have it, can get it, or it isn't made This range is furnished with a high warming closet and shelf. a reservoir of best pressed sheet steel with best quality enamel and with thermometer in oven door Out'rrice this Week.. $89.00 "Pandora" in Canada is a household name. It stands for the best. The “Pan- dora" is equipped with large quick baking oven ; the fines are "ientifioallr construc- tedin order that the fire box, flues and opening into the smoke pipe will work to- gethertohive the best cooking results, with the minimum amount of fuel. The triple barred grates of the "Pandora" are so constructed that each bar may be shak- en separately. the bars are three faced so that all may alternately be turned to the fire and are of exceptional durability. The fire box linings are made of the famous semi steel and are practically indestruct- ible. These and many other exclusive features make the "Pandora" an ideal Range for home use SOUTH BENTINCK .. McINTYRE, Durham ABERDEEN The "KOO'rliilNAr' for Coal, Coke or Wood VICKERS TORONTO .1 and Mr Edgar Boyce is at pGent On an extended visit with friends in Hamilton. Sincre sympathy is extended to the relatives of the late Mu Boyd who died Tuesday last. Interment took place last Thursday to Hanover cemetery. Rev F. Ashton is attending the Bap. tist Convention this: week in Toronto. A public meeting will be held in the church March 12th, in aid of Missions bet eyeryone plan to attend. Mr and Mrs Wm Brown and daughter Laura who have been on an extended visit with their parents and many other friends left on Wednesday for their home in the West. Miss Eva Rudolph of Elmwood was a visitor It the school on Friday. Mr and Mm. Jas. Tumbull visited Mr. and Mrs In Alexander near Elmwood on Friday last. Mr Alexander had the mis. fortune to have his foot badly cut but is improving nicely. Mics Beatrice Thirtiewaite of Fleeher- NORTH'EAST NORMA MW ton teaching in the I Mrl Rocksol Toronto is vi itin t comm“ H ' . at, g M a wink ago Monday. We Wish her: week with her sister. Mrs D. Lrith. Mrs Reginald Sharp of Durham - Mutations to Mr. and Mrs Album I tew divs last week with her parents' Morrison who were married last vm-L Mr and Mrs Frank Wise. . I They are leaving Snturday for their hunu Mr and Mm. Jas. Turnbull visited Mr. in Saskatchewan C. P. R. Tomi oaa. MacFARLANE’S DRUG STORE """"“" bargain. We ttarent very may let: to one only. Our new paper- are in. They will interest We also keep tenants i.tt my: la. .3, - "£‘4'u I Do your " Papering Now Dorn Ink for spring eleanirz when it'd n'lnou impoulble to get help. Do it now. - The ttores no o expected home In lurch. Brighzen " tor them. MULOCK Window Shades One only on Stove; 13-burner Clark Jewell for. . . . . . 17.00 2 only "Hot Blast" Heaters, ea. 2.75 Ask to see our 0th letters. We have them in three size, ins closet and ahelf. reservoir and oven thermometer. This Week one Price Is .. 73.00 We have on hand Two Second-hand Ranges for quick sale. The “Gerry" is 5 high credo steel range at e popular price. It has nickel trim- mings so euy to olenn and which give the tense e most sttrective nppesrence. A large quick baking oven, 3 spring poised oven door which falls into a horizontal position for drnwin'g out hot pens end dish- es. is most convenient. The famous du- plex antes are supplied with this range end the fire box is large and ro my and "untMetulr proportioned. With this stoverere also n high ennmeled bark warm- The “GARRY” Serg‘t Ed. Iiey "rived from France Ill Monday looking well. He, with Mr, Hey. Elie and Bernice. intend 10mm; (or the wed in I few days, We welemrte' Mr and Mrs Porter to tht Corners to take Mr, and Mrs. Lenhk Mr Ed Fee. Mn Ed. Hey, Mr and “aloha Moria spent Thursday last withMr and Mrs John Vessit atthi Rocky. Mill EDIE Maidmem spent over tls weekend with tsermother, Mrs Volltstt, Mn Archie Thompm of the Rocks, visited [on fewdays last weck mm friends around Knox Comer: Mr. and Mn. Walter Clark and Mr. Earl Veda of the Rocky visited one day Int week with the Fee family. Mr and Mm. Roll. Kinnell of Swinton Park, Madam day last week with Mr, and Mn D. bath and took in the sale Renll Pcptonizcd Iron with Cod Liver Extract Combining in. in . [arm which t. non irritating to the ram-M: with and liver own: “New anaemic subject mchroniu cough or mm. n oouh many tre shale- "it 16tz, tt25. A new preparation and one which is bound to prove s boon tomrr one requiring u (and blood Ind general tonic is Try Benn Cut-"h Jollv 3.U Ben" Cour!!! Spray 50e or cold in Catarrh the Head ? Are you "cabled with Come to It for rates la' Tho Review uni PM. tor mews. , felt - wt"ire tin put your We notion] “pl-ew- of the In. “t'ro'm ((6004: Item oth So now we elm many of we good pl. " " " _lt memory and m. " Ollh unknown“: I taking an ienw m "Id bonus in (in We and the gum “that pre'ly m " MAclN'rmn IN Died a In cl Dub.- Bud. bb., 19ty, Al tho In. Don-l 78:11 you. In! of tho old [none 'rith - (when North hoe on C) 41 and 42 in the "who! of our vi Aboqt tro you: late Mr '"?e can“ hee In: con born threre J (or loan». In The tom u. Alst "tvid on the old well-known Arch McDonald um writer. she .51 kind 1sdy, I 101 Githful his [null The [unrrui z-u I'rb ' “as mw m1 The put I Inst In Undertaker t , mt booi cemetery. nod to be hock a Toronto the: con for some mm depInId um of the row Hahn-on. h Motto Mill» parted t Tr ATLANTIC © car Store. Pro; and Gene for sale. PRICE“ In mm! thi tt " [HE SPE Hopev [NM I91 hear, "

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