West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 27 Feb 1919, p. 5

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.nges (RRY" WARE B. 27, 1919 ts STORE tange is "How hat is the fuel :11 the reliable a of what they he Company's Ranges. made "inn. and are itil MDL’HANBV NI for ionized Iron iver Extract or cold in Ihe Head ? RDIOIIIIO. much or udilv "V .[emahish enamolod rllmmelgr, is patent' 73.00 rat pl range " trim- tive, the tr." . 2.75 I and prov. poised manta] " diwh‘ tes Till trt, ‘hi “he Mr h. E. HOCKRIDGE (' _, Itvview and Woolly Foo In“: for JD?)9I.........‘........ tio now in clooa try outing how! udny of tl,e good old pom-rs In" pH ed uny .ha winter. 3) their “Hasty nnd mm name " In no we at“ unknowing and unknown I: a n Minna an imag'nnry nail '0 LI 0 1'l.tyl , :11 homes in Glenda not) Armani. Mr; 21nd the good old manor nnd an.” pretty mil gone and Ion. inc-n A Mi where joy and gladueo were ' ' pus! years. [mid on the old homeluod Ind tho well-known Arch B. McDonald, ht" 1lcltortuld was well-known to the mun, She txlmstts proved beruil I lull lady, a laying mom” and I la will life pmucr. The funeral on Hazard n. the 22ad 2 ft ' w " one of the Ingest soon be" Mr 4rJrt"to time snowman the "spec: the W” .1] one was held by all clauses 1! ll.» vulnlhuniay. The Rev, Mr Ki llll".~U-'|. m r old pastor and now of Alum Mulls: mnrlucted the tanmp ob. ., on a m bra usual solemn manner on . a l; u... and grave. Mr Molheson "rd lo be back to the 4 30 mm to lnrunlo an" Conduct.” the perm». The lull have" were six ohlo 'l "as: nsigubo", W. G, Wot. ll I dew-her. The rem-ins . I. laid ', rest beside her bulb-ad in McNeil'l i't tuner]. ' We noticed from Toronto mm t ephews of the dawned. on. od the me Ml'colm Column ond a her lnendi from osbupgns of Ontario. FEB 27. 1919 Med " her old home on the oldl l urban) Ilotsd, Ammo-m. on the Ahty, lab 1911:. Ann Cameron, "lie: “I 'm- late Dannld "coon-Id. in ttee H L you. Mrs McDonald us anal st the old pioneer. of Glonol'. coming I with, bar Who: nod “may to tut, North lune an Coo. 2, "ruling on lot, il and 12. in the year 1852 when the. "ubiwet of our Willi". wu- Iieue girl.) l not .1) yum .30 lbs murled that We Me McDonald who only wade-i mum he: Int October. To them. were but" three soul um] on. laugh 'rr Maggie. ‘st -----i oiO. Soundl I he com um Alex "my somewlnre. ATLANTIC SUGAR mums "tl., Store. Property, Stock and General Business for sale. Apply to clsrvnauln loving memory of wthcr {man MacArthur) who de. arted this life March Ist, 1906, cf "Kaine. Ontario. gmnnt forget thee our own mother I’RICEVILLE AND LIMITS cat Lanna: return so tears would be vain t this. we nae sure. we shallmcet . re again. 122 memory grows sweeter, year after SPECIAL PRIGEVILLE tmg,Ji,i' Ilopeville, Ont. IN MEKCRIAI Daughter. Tenie Gibson TEA'is good ted' Sold only in Coded pack.“ REDRO Mi Its ASSAM quality give. it that rich flavor We thank God for the tenant. on or, Peace and pray that war: may cease to _ be no more.' that Pruuianiam may pull into oblivion and that harmony may l exist over the length and breadth of the! whole world through the countless ages I of rternity. _ m this heinous warfare of the Hans. battling for a good and noble cause, chat we might still enjoy that freedom liberty and righteousness that has tend- ed to make our Empire the banner one of this great world. To us, you have always been a young man of sterling qualities and noble characteristics and in the ordinary course of events make your mark in the world and no: up and be a model for your fellowmen. This you have anain- ed toa very marked degree in civilian life as well as a Ioldner of our King and Country. You have run hazardous risks Your heroic work for our allied forces has been indescribable and beyond com- p ehension and we rejoice now that the suspense which has caused so much an siety among us is over. You did your part freely and the part you played in this great struggle will never be fully appreciated. The address : To our Returned Hero, and Honored Guest, Pte. Hector McDonald, We, your friends and associates of this Vicinity and surrounding commun- ity are here assembled on this ioyous occasion to welcome you and rejmce with your aged father and the rest of the family, on such a reunion. Short and appropriate Ipccchetwcrm made by Messrs Jno Weir, W. McLeod, Arch. McCuaig, The: Nichol. John A. McDonald, A. B. McArthur, Malcolm Mclnnia and Neil MacMillan. A wlo was given by hire Wm. Mather and the p'ogrammc closed with the National An. t tem, On being presented tsith the address which appeared below and a purse. Hector very appropriately replied ex- pressing his complete surpriie and thanking all for their kindness and con' lideranou for him. He also wished to thank very heartily the dsfierent Red Crou Sometiee of this part, Priceville, Ebenezer. Buncuan and GlenelgCentre. also, individuals who so kindly and gen. e‘oully remembered him with boxcl while he was overseas. After spending the earlier part of the evening in dancing, Mr Peter McArthur was voted to the chair. which office he ttlleg with hie usual ability. Mr Mc. Arthur announced that the crowd had assembled tor a double purpose, first to celebrate Mr and Mrs McLeou's Ill‘ teenth wedding anniversary and second to welcome home Pte Hector McDon- old. The latter part of the program was a complete surprise to Hector who had come With only the former inten- tlou in View. I The happy tenor of the merrymakers, expressed more than u rds, their grati. tude in having another of our soldiers return home safe and Bound, after giv- ing of his best service toward the ach. ievement of such grand and glorious victory as they have won for us. The doom of the hospitable home of Mr. Wm McLeod were opened wsde on Tuesday night, Feb. 18th. to the large gathering of friends who met to wel. come home Pte Hector H. MacDonald of the 193th Canadian Butts. Reception for he ll McDonald l7 The program closed by all s‘nama "Gsd Save the Kine," a tastv lunch was served and than the dance 1mm on. We expected to see an account of this presentation in the humane ot the Review but low we are in. eliuod to think some one has blund. Miss Nellie Duhenv. Misses Ellie and Mary McMillan amenained with well rendered ml- s Although we spenkers claimed the occasion to be a night of rejwicing. they nll found wmdl of sympathy for the bereaved whose loved ones will never return. He also paid a tribute to the Can- adinn soldzer who proved themsel- you equal to the beet troops in the world and was pleaud to say those weratbe men the 147th Grey Batt. um compo! d at. T. H. an) sang a couple ot comic songs. Wilfrid manlily replied thanking all Cr their kindness. also the Red Crosslsdies who so generously re- membered him while in France Good addresses were given by such fluent speakers as Councillor Melo nos, W Barnett of Hopeville, D. Me. Leod of Ceylon, P F McArthur, " I'ritstrville and ‘l‘. ll Binnie. the lat- ter being credited with the speech of me evening. He dwelt on Empnrer William gain: to war Iilh the insane idem! conquering the world pninling out when Britain mined the war Canada was " war. Mn Peter O'Neil s few days ago. rect ived a gill which she appreciates Very hitthl.t-. thimbla. Izwusunt by her grands ocPte J. C. Lenlhnn Hum lie-1mm. The gilt ll of a very rich quality being silver with gold plating imide. J. C. in an Owen S land Loy bat is well and lsvorably known here and all are pleased to lelrn of hus welfare. Wednesday night, Feb 12th, the home at Mr George Campbell. was thecentre of interest u all roads our!) to hive led there and well over 100 people Humbled in his cosy large dwelling. The object at the cceneion was to Welcvme home his son P e Wilfrid of the 147th butt. ngb to midnight Reeve Nichol was made chairman drawing the merry makers to 'rder. An interesting progrem extending well over an boar was disposed ot, The chm-- man in a neataddrese explained the object oftheir meeting there. he Wilfrid wan then called to the Cont where Mr Will McArthur olCeylon read the address ot msle, me and Mr John McMillan presented the soldier with a purse eontainiog over $62. We are pleased to welcome Mr and Mrs Ch»: McKinnon of Guelph into nut trrcial lite and neixhbortship Mr McKmnon tad experieneed two years ytench warfare in France, was woun- ded audgnssed. the Inner dihhling him Mr further service. [la is a machinist by trade bat owing to his health be will farm with his hsther. in-law. Mr Michael Burke thin com- ing season. i Pulle- are in order. Monday, the l7.h, Pr and Mn John O'Neill wave a very anj~yahla party toa large gathering of friends, when dancing and euchre playing Ina :cho ohiehmusement. “can Archie McDonald. Johnnie Mthllan and Gorrie McTagg-rt furnished excel lantvlolin music. Tuesday night iollorrintr another grand party was held " the ht me of the McGillivray family. Singeen Valley, " which several from here attended. Mr. Campbell Dnnsmoor and the Me Keown brothe a tarnished the dan. cvrs sweet l iolin music, while Mr T. 11 Bionic and Miss Annie IleCsnnel In tum clmrded on the (”18". This Was a merry and live eient through out the whole Light. 1 Milo leo O'Neil In. a memo! Dornuch friends for a low days ree. ently. . Ilia Nellie thoherte, Sepurne School lumber here, disdained her school» midday Friday allowing her pupils in hull holiday " a mark or respect to the late [ham Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier. In conclusion. on behalf of your friends we ask you to accept thin pane. not for " intrinsic value, herewith en- closed, but " a token of our apprecia- tion for the great service you have ren- dered in this great yet victorious strug- gle through which we have Jolt mused and strength and iive J, "Peace uhich one": I" in', _ Now that bind Providence ha. in His wisdom-and [count-o spared you to re. turn home, may he bins you more and more and restore you fully to health and strength and give unto you that Further we my that the Great Rain of ell thing my in the Peace Con- terenee windm- ud solidity in the weighing up of intonation-I athle- nod unis: them in the readjustment of right and title to the respective shied coun- tries who we imolved just now. We have gone carefully over our mailing list this week and would like to know if we have made all changes correctly. We try to be exact but we are humah. Wm McLeod F. McCuaig D. L McArthur Watch Your Label Renewal Season GLENELG CENTRE " victorious “my e have Just pied Signed in behalf, Chas McKinnon John Shortreed understand "To Mother And I look on her face, changed, though lovely to me, And I look at our and glass, and there tool we . . Thaw sands quickly pawng. oh which will it be That receives the first shaft from Death's quiver ? I hope that the Master may first call me o'er For then I could linger along by the shore Until that you ioin me to part never more And I'd help you my love o'er the river " life i Continued from page I. I Mr Browns death ends the last original male pioneer of Holstein and he is the I last original founder of the Holstein 1 Agricultural Society He it was who wrote the notices calling the first meeting now over tio years ago. His interest in the place never faded and though not a I continuum resident, its progress was ever gratifying to him. Deoeaeedwaaa manof more thanav. erase intelligence, a etudent of current events to the last. He was Liberal in politics. a faithful member of the Preaby- terian church and in health his pew was seldom vacant. He was something of a naturalist also, and the writer matinee memories of an intimacy that began only late in lite but will be abiding. He had in him alto a poetical spirit. and a mark- ed ability in rhyming. and a fair and touching sample of this is appended to this article. lines written to his wife on the last anniversary of his wedding day. He has passed on _before her, he had on the whole a beautiful old age and was a Me example of "A life well lived. a fight Felt fought. True heart and equal mind." Here are the verses referred to 2 can one imagines more exquisite valentine trib- ute than this after 67 years oiaweddetil, Death ot Adam Brown Sr, One of the louder: ot Holstein TBS DURHAM REVIEW m of more than av. student of current He was Liberal in . ”we”. ”OMOW”“OOO 00m 0 TfGrpei Gli /y. Mann-mt. I l i " s A_., " . E " ( i ,. .d h at . ' t mr 1 l - l, Ilu' l . s'. V‘ . ; . I . wr _ ' 3 Ad _ ‘ = ' El x , _ _, "e 't' (ril C I KI t , v g rr ll 58.; ' , _ _ I “ ‘ aNi il w- 'iak - Lv, 'tsit 'LTC [ fr' " .a' - MEN . au" _ . ' ",f. " I” a - __ s' f ‘ itl - B, c, _ ' f . .-'s y- if ‘,; ' _ x a h' T.' "‘ ' illMll " "o ' , 1 'i'd W _ Sr-' Exit": e al _ 3»: 'kd LI s '2 q . I . "IN ;J.~». - wr fall, x ‘K” V “ _. 4: . e" 3 o " 1“ m " al > > . _ ..\,{§;; iN " J ' " " I " V x ii" _ ( , I ' (f _ I i _-rt"" "i, ".-"- ii. --..- "', _ a»... ,.--e- 1/ win; “4... a3... . -' "irAac, a" "Stir. in. Damn. Feb. 27, 1919 gall. 1ive,rob..... Durham Markets. Appearing in Town Hall. Durham. Wednesday, March Sth HENDERSON'S KILTIE LADS AND LASSIES ...r. 39 tn 89 ... 640to6N .... 510 525 .... 240m325 '.... ‘55eu " .... ssto " _..... 00:0 85 .... 165 tttiN TORONTO 1800 Serial Story. Homewife's Fu- Crop Queries. Featured in This Issue 'A 031-923 Ind Aura Detmrtmeot All Sent: R"erved,----so cents. Tutu! My“ “a Helpful Hm. for the my Holuvlh. New! Man In Won-t- Won 3'3?" unaware! " Prof I." "or, It not." form, Girls and he” who have been work in. herd on the farm during the m machould have I chance to impact their education thin winter. Circular: free to any addreu. G. D. Flsming. C. A. Fleming. RCA Mention this pnper when writing WIITII TERM at the lulu flu-my. Jul t, mo Plan at Variety Store.

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