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Durham Review (1897), 6 Mar 1919, p. 5

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lax gratosmhigh with enamel“ thormomotor. nay" in num- attached or do. nickel "ink which give tho pour-nee. A spying poised o I horizontal puns and dish- q famous du- ith this range ml to my and . With this " bark Warm- air and oven u the reliable , of what they he Company‘s Ranges. made ica, and are tango is "Bow tat is the fuel 'ottt tfe Mill RY" arner hrs. thrr, Mo noel any. RANT t soooot i£$$fimfi rs: d values ces tmeals isn't made lattes iosiery ed ittt wear tlt ges . 37.00 m. 2.75 a, 1919 73.00 Lhand 'ttr t5litF your Gitlo and boy. who have been worl- in. hard on the (arm during the num- marnhould have aehange to improve their education this winter. Circulm free to any addrcu. G. D. Flgming. C. A. Fleming, RCA. any." __ - "'"Fr'h Mention thin paper when writing. Alla-tic Sign RM”, LIL, We no planed to but Prieovillo und vicinity In" Hind $1800 for s memorial in honor of out who boron. (“Id to no Humid Earned: but m the store again. Ghuito no Hanan B. IcLoIa ground We and looking» much honor, Mn Webb“ from Winnipeg in via:- ting be! parents. It and In Angus McDougnll. Mr. Geo Simpoon of Vancouver. died recently of hurt hiluu. sumo. - . “HG “on" John Stub": and Jock Us Mach-n 'meteo the on, this Ink. wmmt TERM at the - “not”. In. A "I! Store, Property, Stock and General Business for sale. Apply to . E. HOCKRIDGE MID. .m- an lab!!!) gun I very Inc- ceslful cord party the other "coin. m honor of Po Don McLeod. Min M. Wright spent . couple of "on m Durham with bee am". In J. Hutton. mm. -e i Mr War. T. Braviwnnended Jury Mrs J sek McLean g." I very s',.zlitft1'2ii,'.id tnet Monday, "Utrtt eeofuleard only the other evening . . m honor of Pa “on Islam]. ' 1ttda, tfeet) "med It. Mi" M. Wright f?tut 1trottpl, of later Archi- lcCula and "ter weeks m Durham with he: utter. Mm E. It. visited " Ir Donald Ianr J. Hutton, l-no'n, "Monday night. We are glad to out. Mr Doogal Mr Angus nod “in Laura Moe. McCormick Is keeping-bout the sum. nine..." Ct-a, ,, . . -- - Mum Bods. M, Hello McLean Uh Uroggl' Busing“ l "He. Pu Dave McLeod unwed hon. Maud-y In: Ind In who“ by his many Manda " the union. W-lho Aldconn open: the not and rub friends in Toronto and Gnolph. _ Capt. Bernard A. Ron. and the purveyon who '00 born 'etten our mire-d In: built died recently with pneumonia in England. sure of a perfect result. Buy LANTIC "line" granulated sugar in the original packages for MAR. 8. 1919 My' Jack Holman SPECIAL 1lopeville, Ont. Elna Boston span: lot Inch Marmalade and be Tlliuririiiiod ted' 11159110315 Fr ti full- .eelg,te,,tee:x.ee ' . . . use recovetrd nicely after to attack 'f..f.'mv/.r'"'/'o'r' Bronchitis. A eleighloed trom the Glen I m " Tnleonburg. a plenum evening at Mr and 'dell) s. Ewing‘s, Monday evening. I." 'ihtnt l Mr Jack MeKeowu returned to'l‘or- "ok- :ouco Monday, when he bu secured I Hill. prolob. I wanton tor a lime. ‘ncipnl same ever, timd I Mr Jno. McEachnie. Billings, M o after an absence of 27 years. is visiting his mother. brothers and sisters here. Mr Robt McPherson. Strongfield, Sada formerly of Cedarville, called on an old achoolmate. Reeve Hockridge last week and inquired for old friends. l Miss Florence Ferguson accepted a pos- ition in Saskatoon. leaving Toronto Tues. day eve. The Circle wish to thank everyone who so nony assisted in this work. Officers for 1919 : Pri-Mrs John Fer- ris ', Seec.-Treas--Miss Flora Rune". Next meeting March 6th at Jun. Russel“ (quilting.) _ Sewing: 5 quilts, 47 work shirts. 62 vermin suits, 113 pr. socks for Circle, " pm. socks for Miss McPhedran, Toronto; yarn on hand 20lbs. quilts o---..................) 30 Donations.................... .....m...... 13 00 Bal. from t9tr............ ..... ........ 39 68 71 boxes were um overseas to our gold. ierboys. The last few hours of February v quite a change to the previous days, ' unuing cold and rough tor March list, winter mini. mild 3min. fionip Mr, I. B. mm. Lrii,' united “Munch. Alex Wh I Mr. Arch. White and II [In uniting his puma hon. HOPEVILLE ttnt it bu uGidiiiri.G were MeKtg.-hg During an Tue-Ila . 4th Partttet tam Mu. a Jan- oaum on Treunrer were u tol low! ; The Auditors $15 "on ; Mal. colm Melanie " 50; A. H. Jnchon 75 come for earl-h re 'l‘reeenror‘e enniee: lurch leClymenc $1.h0 re. Innd otdoe an ; Angu- ueLsehlin O2 repair of brides . Jamel Wuhan .300 work on road; John McBeth' " 60 no of Cement liner ; Jouph Balt " 63 for error In Ann-me n: ; Dan Edge 85 00 preparing Deeeuber 8tHers"ttt, Wana- annbnll retnnd‘ oldo' a: St 50; the Clerk on celery 880 ; John Fell-lee $3 In of home. The Council ad) and to April s. J, S, Black. Clerk. Blsesk--Mebmu-Ttt" If PM" my to the Treasurer $1 oo received trom lilo: Duo: tor a tree on road. Carried. Blaitk-Petut--'rut Lot l, Con. a. E o. It. beaten from Hood Din-loo No. l nod added to Division 61. Car. Pears-Blast-That this Council with the Treasurer and Clerk be. Committee to initiate urn- tom- momma tho gun-m trove wbo hue mule the supreme "ertticNt In [fr-nee Ind Flanders. being out". of Glen- elg. Carried. Peart--Merania-.'I'tmt Thou. Nichol and Mr Melanin be upwintod to we. returned soldier: " Pricevillo and ubeGlen; Daniel Edge and Mr Turnbull " Durham; Ind Geo E Pear: and M. Black " “undue. Carried. . --. _-- -- -.. ----va-Ilul'i B. H. Spence. Municipal Amiuion; A. E Amen. Bondl; " E. E Wat Ion. Mum-la High School; Porter & Clark Arohlteotund several omen. It. ; W. R. Scott. Rum Mmhmory l The Pane Fondly Co; The Spam. r Honing Co " The Globe Furnitme Co. ; The Interprovincinl Brick Co I rho Osman Bond Corp’n l The Dom- inion BudnaurCo. ; Tho BumPum- in: Co :The Philip Carey Banding 00.4 D, R Ben, an: tl Association _ Communications " follows t Cur dim Del Home. Steel Co. J A. a. Garner. (fog roam-i my National Art The Council met Feb. 22 as per ad. imminent. 311 the members present. the no" in the chair. Minutes of last meeting road and cottfirmed. and pusy. business one side we feel iGi our Imagination was in error. Ttmes are pretty dull in the city this winter. There was no mow to shovel off the sidewalks all winter. We saw a number of Pricevilleites and it makes a person feel when in company with them that Priceville became a large city at once but when we hear the hum and busy business one side we feel that our imagination was in error. sure. In this city a person cannot make a mistake on Sunday' as to where he goes to church Yesterday, Sunday we anew ded Bonar Pres. Church to hear the good old Dr McGillivray who served over 40 years ago as student hr Priceriilet old kirk. The years are beginning to have their effect on him but he ls yet slow but I We saw from Durham Mr J. P. Telford for treatment again and we hope he will get on well. From Durham we see Messrs Ed McClocklin and Peter Patterson and John McKeown and Alf O‘Neil from Glenelg. GLENELG COUNCIL T M 7"" ai;: 'ttttttee/slide,'."'" -7- -iC"'"9'"%r. ennui, mm" Stewart, Willie Levin. Mae McVIin. Katie McNamara. Jr tad-Norman 'ltlltta Ft Ji.rltu2d1i5'e II. mddie Scom. In“ In Feet "divide. “at Sharpe. A--, Jr Sr 'th-Wane, Seim. Bliuheth Stew- an. Jr 4th--rnorenee Mellnide. Sr Std-Jennie Stem Mar-am Ini- Jr IV -Marie McArthur, Mutant Smellic. Ada Browne. Archie McArthur Neil McArthur. Jr lit-Haart Benton. 'lla McFurlane. 1iH3eggie Finney. I- If] Benton. J. D. McAnhur. Ann. Ibgl MgAjthur.‘ Lily__Moorc._ frimer A ctGirtFiiihiir,hii;;i,G 51337.; No on roll " avenge attendance 12. B. M. McCuaig. teacher Jr iiki 3:"qu '."i'."i'.2d i2'if2','l"sT. ' . A y. . " ' . "thats, C. Martin. Jr lgt--D. Mor- rison. Sr Pr-L. Schafer-, I. Stafford. Jr lt-al, 35%? Ray, T. Meloah. Avenue for Fib.2ii.ii Sr 4th-uG Gibson, "s. l.edingham, "F. Gibun K. Morrison. Jr 4th--K. Ray. "P. Monkey, H. 2t% "A. ' er. Jr 3rd-D.' Schafer, . . Ray, A. tl..eltt Katy-15. Mg]o_oh.fC, Schafer. Sr 4th-Evelena Chok (H ) Hazel Firth (H.) Jr 'th-Willie Edwards (H,) Mary Beaten, Charlie Robson. Herbie Hollis _ Sr 8rti-Marjorie Firth, Clara Greenwood. Jr 3rd-Canieton Robson. Bessie Baton, Gladys Firth, Martin Haley. r 'dnd- Iona Beaton, Norman Haley equal. Sr tst-Irene Hastie, Katie Haley, Arthur McClocklin. Jr tst-Graham Timmins, Charlie Timmins. Average attendance F/ Sr 4th-A Ritchie K. Davis.G. Lind. say. Jr 4th-M Bell, J. Bell. Sr 3rti--E Hargrave, H. Ritchie. Jr 3rd -H. Mc. Fadden Sr 2nd-l Davis, M Hargreave A. Lawrence. Jr 2nd-B. Ritchie, H. Amen. F, McFadden Sr Pr-K. Davis. A. Amen. Jr Pr-R. Hargreave. o. Hopkins. Average attendance 16 NO. 3, BENTINCK Primer-Wilbert Mlghton, Loel John. ston, Ethel Mervyn, Robin Reay. Jr l- - Eva Adlam, Milton Bartman, Christena McCulloch. Mary Hopkins. Sr Ist-- Pearl Alexander. Howard Hopkins. Jr. 2nd -Lillie Mervyn, Nellie Mervyn. Mil- lie Charlton, Bertie Hunt. Sr 2nd-Geo _ii.cGiiiiiiir, Marjory Charlton, Wilfrid [ Alexander, Wilfrid Adlam, Jr 3rd--Sarah McCulloch. Willie McCulloch, Aylmor Bartman. Janet McRonald. Sr 3rd - Laura Bartman. Myra Retry. Lydia Ad. lam, Harry Reay 4th-Helen Milligan, Daisy Mather, Arthur Derby, Arthur Corbett. l Sr r-M. Alexander. G. RPchie, M. LangrilL P. Noble. Jr 4th-H. Rosebor- ough, A Knisley, H. Lawrence, S. Sqarp, W. Grierson. tir 2nd-L Sharp. C. Rode, borough, A Noble. F. Hopkins. E Noble. Jr 2nd.C Roseborough. A-Lawrena. M. Hogans. N. Ritchie. Pr Sr-C, Hopkins, A icken. Pr Jr--C. Sharp L. Hopkins, E. Voile". A Hopkins. V ALJOE, Teacher _ Sr 4th--Wilhelmine Collinson, Adeline Graham, George Watt, Annie McCallum, Amelia Blair. Incentives ; Girls cooking l Ist, Clara McCrae 2nd, May McCaughey l _ Sr 3rd-K Milne, B Levine, F Hopkins, 1. Sharp, F. Kress. Pupils attending irregularly, Annie Clark Mist A C McKenzie. Teacher Sixth Division Pupils enrolled tir 4th. 30, Jr 4th 15. tot 45 Aggregate attendance 27 42 Jr 4th-Edith Willis. Sadie Levine, Es- ther McCombe. Clara McCtae. Donaldl Graham. Jr 3rd-G. Hay, I. McKechnie. B. sic" Farlane, W. Marshall, E. Falconer. Pupils attending irregularly, Walter Miles Miss L B Walker, teacher Fifth Division No pupils enrolled Sr 3, 24 Jr 3, 12. tot 36 Average attendance 32 Sr 2nd claarr-M. Yirrs. H. Boyd L. Dean and C Marshall eq, M Traynor. A. Collinson, P Willie, _V - -...... - will“. unnue Saunden. Ra McGirr, Fred Le. fever, Noun: Elggl Miss M. McKenzie. Teacher Third Division NopupGmtr'dSr1, lll drag. TOMB Sr Int elm Cull: MPAuiiife, Chris/ T tena Goodchild. ManinaSmpoon. Blanch Murdoch. Freda Falkingharti, Jr 2nd Clam-Seaman Havens. Irvine 'li",',,'.,',,:,',,':.)) McAuliffe, Elyubeth Livingstone. Cation Miss A. D. Hallway, teacher Fourth Division Jr2nde1am-i. M. Dean, E. C. Me Caughey. W. McClyment. B, Vessie, M. Pickering. No. " NORMANBY No. 8, GLEN. & BEN. NO t, GLENELG No. 5. GLENELG NO 9. GLENELG NO. ll, BENTINCK B. B. Thistlewaite Teacher A. E. MCGIRR. Teacher Andrew S Morton, Tea :her Katybel Black. teacher. P. R. Ireland, teacher, 1'»me At Noam: was" to. has“ has“: the laminar: " otie."e.ae Feat. C. T. 'iW,5,,thT, r . T pm tsth. '" “WCordonh 1% 1.52:“ m t I . _ e The President nddreued the meeting and the General Mange.» n- yt'tttd Ite Statement, after which the nun] "ui-. -- __-A,. . Mcii Grad' m. - -- _ - - uuwl " -jTaTdiiimi " "tn-cum (ion mentioned. the en h and sec-arith- " the “a "u. and “ruin of the mind basebo- ven decked tlt veri6ed no " ma time "'ltnttgtt', “fawndwbginmrdwah'thcbod‘colmh mk- u um. required e been 9. "In“. of the Huh-hilt": cone I!!!" my 3015a Ian. tl",,','; L"ltLrul - " mm ‘- run-urn July'- AUDITOR’S REPORT so THE SHAREHOLDERS. It wraith.“Balucesbeet'khthcbookllndlmnulkcm emu: Sul'.' Standard Bank of Canada. and the eertitred mum "and from in bunch”, and "ter chad-{'51 cash and verifying (he nee-mien It the chic! oftitre and -tair, of the prim-ind “do. on lunar, am. 191’. t entity the in I opinion, mBmenequpmpdmdvkvdthgmdtb L'lld4"'lll'tl'd Wfimmdqufmtthmmvnw-guduamh “I q Bank mil IttPg 'fs%g't,tftfg', 1'f'e,","a%e,f:t puritie- It the diet can and“ nude. were ten“ It M time “H*¥&.Jloun7lmkhmmmn.m- -147?!" a W. was, _...w m--.“ .'.... mu ",'51=1rvt............,........._ (433333 Bum Pr.“ " not more In: can. In. man when ol........... 1.346.556.“ are with m um for (hr-mun at the Circulatio- Plld........ 175,000.00 And. not included In the 0mm............................... WI “"- Other Current Local and discount- bt Canada (in. we of Inland) 1si+%iesoeciiiGGG dc Lean-91M mum... tltt"ilretrci"ptlrg,1 Jrlh"r'fdti2,t..c.'?.t'..t'..eettiir: rink Iecurib’ei aiGaii, TaairCC.T.'.'.".".'f."f.'.'?.' In mung-loan bond; debenture. and M not can“ ci0esto.rtiritiwra'rtii thi dun) Lon-hm.- bond; debenture. and 'llul'.'.'.'t'."..e.e.tf.t.Ee, wh‘llznzuflgrfcn.~..(g;4¢}inn4-£us.é‘;cfiiiéoa&ttguunnnu.“ Canadian Mamet”! Scam“ and Brim ionic- Ind colonial mrhtie near-’0‘.- nh. a..- f ___1:-- Current coin held by the Nate..............., 1.772.059.“ Dwight: New. _erd..s.......r..1.:r.r.'.".r.y..' 10.51312!” Dem in the Central Gold banana-nun 8.500.000.00 ---- Note. of other Pe:c--...........r..C=."". Educ:- u y in orr-d.atre . n {if i Hm?" iii i] ' Dividend No. I" pay-hie In Petunia. "t ............................. You." lid“ 'e.'"l,eef,rsciv.l.l..l.."."..'.'.'y.y.y.y.y.::y.: granular: 'het', Band B in t'e,eiiccSiikiiii,ic"dic'i'i',i1'ii:i"i'. we“ to sun mm - a u a I: I 1 tear,',: nude! Letters otU it-"..-....".".:.:.'.'.".".-.-."."."..".'".".'.".". paid a CCI"'----..-...................: Bounc- of PM: and Lose Anew-t carried '-d........=r.r.y.IC Hull-0713. Note. of the Bank In f.rtts,tetecv,ir.vv,-......v..........,..... .1 Donia bea hterut and“! interest new“ I. ”0.41.5319”! Df-its" sud-Ln“ 'iurl'l't'."."fC'l'fTfff1Pt 'BS-tet-rs-. Toronto, 3trt January, 1919, am: we outlet ot the staff have been faithfully and efficiently performed. The regular audit of the Bank's affairs has been made by Mr c. T. Clarkson, C.A.. and his report is appended herewith. Mr Clarkson'-, name will be again submitted at the Annual Meeting for re appointment at Auditor for the ensuing year V - 8019.309” Your Directors record with deep regret the death. in October last, of our late President. Mr. William F. Cowan, who had been closely associated with this Bank for the past forty three years. orcupvmg the position of Vice-President from 1875 to 18&3, and President from IRSJ to 1918. The valuable services rendered by Mr. Cowan durtng that time have materially contributed to the growth and development of the Bank. The vacancy caused by Mr. Cowan’e death has been filled by the election of Mr. Wellington Francis, KC., who has been a Director of the Bank since 1902, holding the office of Vice-President since 1913. Mr. Herbert Langlois has been elected Vice-President.' Purine the year Branches and Sub Branches have been opened at Bindloss, Alta.; Ban Accord, Alta.; Cosldale. Alta.: Parkland, Alta.; Raymond. Alta.; Stirling. Alta. (sub. to New Dayton): Warne. Alta.; Paynton. Sask. (sub. to Maidstone); Gray, Sack. (sub to Remnai; Ashe-m, Man. (sub. to Eriksdale); Eriksdale, Man.; and Goodwood, Ont. (sub. to Stouffvineh The Branch at Paisley Ont., was closed. The usual inspection of the Head Office and Branches has been made, andmtkhe duties of the stat? hare been faithfully and efrierenrtv mam-ma _. _.__ u...“ mu. WWI Haw. George Wale. Melina McLean. Jr 'd'eE'2f, McCannell. Billy McLean. Ist-Eva non, Effie yeaithneit.tjiiG. Hay. Bestsie Wale. Pt-Russel Haw, Alice Broughton. Sat-h Black. _ ,‘_.7. .._ee.....9. I"'."'.."'", Umy' per. 8',',,t'irlt't, Mam. Lily Moody. John oultet. Sr 'Ind-Waiter Black, Gordon Haw. George Wale. Melina McLean. Jr 2nd-t.t.., “Mn---“ hr" -- - lStlt--Seytnour Heard Jr 'tk-James Black, Mari ie McLean, Mary McLean, Myrtle Mean. Sr 3rd-Albirt Bunny, Bella Mchnell. Charlie Manon. Mary Wale. Andres. Watson. Jr 3rd - Robbie Petm,ur?eiiiti, McCaAtrfeti, Gladys?» tntqrto .I- _-._ I SB, I- - -'-". mu.-- u. we nuance or erorit and Loss Ac brought' forward from last year together with $46,7lt new Mock issued. makes the sum or,,..........'...; This has been I propriated u follows: Four quarterly diviJznds at the rate of IC, per annum. Contributed to thtieers' Pension Fund ..... . . . . . . . . . . Contributed to Patriotic and Kindred Funds.. .. . .. . .. . War Tax on Bank Note Cireuhtion to Slat Dee.. 1918.. Premium on new 1t1ttir.v..:.....".Cy.y..T.T.'C.'.'y. seduction}:- Bgnk P.rttnutAeedGi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. - V....-.-~.vny. The Net Earnings amount to $697.443.7t. after made for bad and doubtful debts. interest on depost bills under discount. Provincial taxes, and cost ot :mount. Mded to the balance of Prom and I an - --_ .--u m: quowlng repo In presenting the Forty fourth An affairs of the Bank for the year ending have pleasure in stating that the " "tit,.iaettrrv. __ The Fortr-Fourttt Annual Meeting of the ltd Bank wu held a the Head Otfice 15 Ki: day the 26th in“. A large number of Sh: The char was occupied by the Presiden KC.. and Mr. E. A. Bog, Chief Inspector. Meeting and read the following reports- " I.n 'yfet,i,ne.thy Forty fourth Annual R a J. '...A~T B. I)... L...‘ "e----""""'-"""'""'-!---,"--- [1i1'9hht/il'tgg:i.trataii, h SI d d B I of l ada " "a “nasty 'tmea, " no. Alte Forty-j of paTiaid" TGi 13233;? 'iiiiici REE: I I _N_ c-""' nun. |IIC wnenl Hunger re- ement. titer which the usual motions were passed. and '/.."ht.d: reported the .f.qi1oeipe Directors elected for g: " elli.nrtu. Fraang. KC, W. F. use... " 'J-nlnh No. 12, PROTON r: Wellington Franck. K.C., w.""rr." '. H. Wood: Ite." 11trdr, T. 3. G A. K sitiGit, -otiikJiiiis't'r"i, “£33. o't-enhecmur.w .- _Prudg, a'"ii'raz'i"iiitri'i!2hirfiCt TORONTO tnnual Meeting of the Shareholders of The Stand- " Head Office 15 King Street West. on Wednes- lar e number of Shareholders was present we: b the President. Mr. Wellington Francis, Bog. Chi“ Inspector. acted as Secretary to the following reports-- orty fourth Annual Report and Statement of the he year ending 3lst January 1910 van! 19trectors is that the results lor that period have been """".........o...r.... "_-"- -. -V... WWII! uuuug will ume to the growth and development of the Bank. Cowan'l death has been filled by the election K.C., who has been a Director of the Bank " t! 1net?res.id.e.r." sinceVIOIJ. It“: l Me",'; l I FEM. . . . . " "it,s,itte'll.1't; P UM PS l '.firrirttitr, ................. " A [EMENT " any/34.5.“. ttlter provision has been I. interest on deposits rebate on current taxes. and cost ot management. This rf Prdtit and Loss Account. “7521583. together with $46,710 tor premium on Arc:.:-...-'..".'..;."."..'.".".)';','.':';':'] u follows.. Ite of [3% per "tttttm...... 343780299 FtTtt..,."....C.C.T.y.y, 2mmuo fred Funds................ 3051000 on to an: Dee.. 1918....... 34.83964 '_-............. 46.71000 'te...-............: 10000000 we carried {ohm-4......" 227.3:090 WELLINGTON FRANCIS w p.- -""............. '""'-........o... Ll.flIllmietsim "humans-aw. iiir%7il="Jlllt'i"ll'l 'ifec.'ishi..':::y. 'tiG;iiCy..'y.'. c. n. 2555094. ' 362,061.00 2,597,090.27 1.07.211.” 4.521.!“19 $473,705.” ”7.27:.“ 1.133.030: 151365585551" “HEB? 35 0.595.354 " 272.25.. " t.rNat - -9999” ”6.081.610... 2.321.655.” 933.5%.»5‘ an ' 6.697.353.“ 65.96955: 42 “use 00 01.75 my. not a 1.150.889.“ "o, 272.59 i i 3.500.000 00 4.500.000 00 President. 227.3206 " IEW FIBRE 30m 8u'etir,ttl'esttters saint-ind. 9-70.”.- Wuhan! - yP.tintrhrhttreices. 'tfld'll so'2att'tEktgu' fl'll'tl"At _l'l)il'l'llti%'t 'ttttttitil' “a: m a u. an“... DURHAM PLANING MILLS an Rttltflr. 7' "_.'- -Eriiiiiiii Imam-um - that‘- mhm‘lm-MMMIQ M - “than... In. school In “mum, Nun-i m an: . In cu“; m .m I" Wlett “his: an. mm: Jun: 'i1Tl'ttt'f'li%%1't tUMhtn m. f. 1.1”“ m u m ll out" n "r" ALLAN. Much-u In I‘l-_-n,~..‘ r ENDS CLARK Pall information Em any and. Trunk Ticket “out. or 0.193le 0mm: Plunger “at. Toronto. Sleeping can on iii, Parlor Cur- on princip- im, MOM, "It! all kinds at HOUSE FITTIIGS DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL The Double Track Route - If land! I.- o Colophon. irc. " - In Oahu. 1tAIr , =Ifu-il _ -"'* "I... ma Ame-om lor on. . " te ' g t a 1le15%tti.'iiiitSi,i",iE,'it5ilrre'tlll', -. MOPHAIL Finlay Cuban Ill tt"iaiii"'i"7G'"i. Orland-01cm --'""__- v- " 0-. I. a; [lemon GRADUATE of Ton-n. "MW" . Num- of " 'lfdkh"s,Td,tt of 'Mgt 0-h- Ovu I .1 HUNTING News“. -- 'a-a-i, W. C. PICKERING B. It s, L " “nun-3 an - --- ' - Icon. 0 W In.“ “a“ 'atmt'Aeiaii."." J. £121.me oe't'lt,tztr'1ttra,t "In. 9-H..- WET-3.7:.» Oo. J. '!rirrrato B Unerreetted dining cut maul BRS. JAMIESON & Jameson In.-. 3'99”...- .'ie's"hfS'ett"ttargrpdrar. "-s'tmoo.,idiGLc - -'""Cum. -., " - 11Ct""""vaaic2ha"2". . . , t a. P. a . D !,l.i,iiA'n'c2i.7ttr-d n t mm“ . 'a"MuriiiFiiiiitu- M - “W or P2trFi'.6.G7rti"T, "N. "a'd'lddja"gg, B. 'htPRhtL. c or P c. nun: .w “I" - . l. . mama. mm, I uwn. 'Na%ttpt,g,eriah". i :91. e.", I...‘ TuepGUiii. I u 3.1“..."- ht Train. 1 Day Trains. _

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