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Durham Review (1897), 13 Mar 1919, p. 10

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p " F'fitil Friday evening Inst . number of neighbors and Mend: gathered " tho home of Mr Wm Dickson to pre- cont " our, he Bert with I purse of money. The, sddreas wu road br" Ir Rvdven Finder and tollotu lie-1 lor.. MrJ. Smith made presentation and In "coins ot - And music no orj, yod by alt. The nddrou ; Mr Bert Diehym, I Deer Bert,-- We, your neighbors nod lriendl. have tttuttered here this evening to trr to express to you in some small manure our gruimde for the ascri- Mr John Taylor of Novmnnbv In“ pmchwvd the Brown [arm from Mr. Thu- l-l'm of ML Forum We no glad to report thank. Tho erby‘o family "a out “pin. Snail." tir 3rd--Gexx Hooper, John timail,Viola Henry, David Hooper. Jr. .3rd-Murray Smail. Geo. Ronwlck.Gor- don Adams,“ Gordon Uith,' Janetta Hedda. Sr 8rd--Harohi Morrison. Jr '2nd--.lames SmaiI. Clifford Henry, Walter Renwick, Arthur Leith,' Bert Adams . Pt A-Wilfred Daley. B-Jean Renwick. c. 7 Roy Tucker. Average attendance 20. - indicates perfect attendance. l Sr 4th-- H. Alles, E. Schenk. Jr. 4th-- F. Alles, E Ross. E. Ellis Srard-E. Mics. M. Rosa. T. Ferguson, J. Brown. W. Long. Jr 3rd--M. 15ch. J. Eccles n. Alles. M. Troup. J.Whyte. E Ellie. Sr md-A Walmsley. M Walmsley. Sr. t -d F Stephen, W. Ferguson, M. Ross. A. Haas, M. Schenk. Primer-E Ross. L. Schenk, H. McPhee. F. J. KERR. Teacher No. 13, EGREMONT. 4th-hene Hooper." Edward Smail.. _A.lex.9fclr1iliatt.1 Murm__Allan. Itptst ev -- - _ 'tysPIlt'at,,i1'ii- 1355 fi'-), ?lt..?lt?ltflt?ltil,'lt,?lt ltt8s?lt?lt:8t'itaeiijd Stratford and _ Mount Forest With the resolution to improve younelf during 1919. Our Cour-u are thorough I Our Instructors are experienced ; Our Graduates are in demand: Our Winter Term open- Jan. “I Our Catalog in free on request. Start the New Year J. S. MOILRAITH Central Business College Men's Working Boots from $4.00 to $6.00 Prepare for Spring S. S, NO 9, EGREMONT Jeanette E. Livingstone, teacher kUd Reports Buy early end get your boots in shape for the m Spring weather. Now is the time to buy your heavy Boots for Spring wear. W e have a Janteavsorttnent of Otehud ORCHARD Repairing i ”an", T808 BROWN. B. BRIGHAM P: up' iet, r Auctioneer nod cream can. qtuntiry ct grid has. and many other nnielel. No reserve; "erxtttintr one: be sold " proprietor 1! moving to town. Tarmac! Saln:Snml of $5 and under cub. Over that amount 12 all")! etch; on npprovod him not". N, discern. I McCormick binder 6 ft cut. Frost & Wood lower, 13 hoo Bearing S. ldrlll nearly new. Peter Hamilton cultivator. 2 furrow gang plow, Henry plow No 21 nearly new, Diet 'plow, turnip aowor. miller. nearly ,new. a-t iron narrow; pea harveat- ‘or. sulky rake. bay rake, 2 wheel. barrotu, turnip pulpet', ttrindtstomt, buggy. Jackson wanton. act now botr, ialcigna. cutter. not heavy name-an! icollan, aetplow harm-3a. act single ,harneu. numb r at cattle chains, mock rack. furnace kettle, fanning 'tttill. neck voltoa and whippietrou. act l200 lb weigh scales; bay tark and sling ropes. Cr. Separator De Lu. val No 12 nearly new. cot bed, boat- or. 4 dining room choirs. (lain churn 4 cow: with out " foot, 3 so!" append in a”. heifer using 3 3 n. heiier rising 2 "an. ulcer rising 2 yrs. 6 calves rining l vear. collie dog 1 " old, now in pig. 4 pig” mos old, 2 new. 1 gander. 2dncko. l duke. about 70 Plymouth been. Mare risioe 4 us old, bom'rislnz 5 yrs. hone rising 16 yrs. driving horse 8 yrl old, aged horse. " [o‘clock sharp the following ; The" will be told tion " L): 7, Con. 20, Credit Auction Sale Farm Stock, Implements, Etc. We uh you to weep: this mm " a small token of our 2'tggl."io't of the "rrher you hue ran and. Signed, Juob Smith. Ruin Glad. Ices yonfheve mode While we of u heve been unable to fight in the trenches. still we have bed . - Interest in our breve boys, eepeclnllv thou from our community. You have proved yourselt true to your conntrv. to your the and to the 'NUM, tor which no many of our gul- lent lode. your dear brother among them. hove laid down their precious lives on Fleuder'e Fields. be" will be sold " public Ine- " Ln 7, Con. 20, Ezremout, on Thursday, March 20, l9l9 F, 1 Last Friday evening. the home of nir and Mrs Richard Irwin was the [scene of a happy gathering when iahnut 151 guests assembled in honor ‘of Mr and the Bert Iher "ho have 'reeently vclurred trom mewseal. Mrs 1' Dyer is the tirrrt wrr bride be: e and as they purpooe taking up tonne ‘immedmlelys shower of homebold dict-ts were donated A about and spicy program cor “wing of speeches rtscitarimm, M106 and immanent-l selections made the evening pus pleuemly. A Tote o' the“ In extended to It and In Irwin. Be- [regiments being rerved.the cloud dispersed about sunlight. To Mr and In Dyer in evaded the but with“ the eon-uh, [all and happy wedded me. It by“: "gntiid with It 1min he the enn- h‘ym and will “anthems! I... a the I... A meeting of Fame" will be held in the U F. o. Hall in Yeovil, on Tuesdgy. 18th day of Much It a o'cloc,s p tn tor the purpose of organ- izing a ' Co-operative live stock tthip. ping Association " All persons in. teresud In the shipping of livutock from Holstein are cordially invited to be much! and shale in the bene. fits of co-operation. Dtomme Patriotic Society will pre- eent their new famed play "in Plum Valley" in the Agricultural Hall. Holstein. on 1'siday evening. March 113'. Popular prices. Further par- ucnlnre next week. Let evenone plan to attend. MI'L. B. Nicholson he. acaxload of red tile brick and slime pile of Ian:- ber on the ground for hi. new mill. The L. O. L. 1296 met in their new lodge mom on Monday night for the first time. Mr Arthur Brown we: initiated In the Order " the meeting. Mrs Allingham returned last week end after a lortnight’a visit with Courtright friends. . Rev. Mr Lovegrove went to Dunn. ville Tuesday morning to visit his sine: and expecu to be accompanied home by his mother Mu Lovegrove Sr. Quite a number from here attended the sale on Monday at Mr. Wm Pat. terson's on the 8th of Egtemont. Mrs John Gordon and baby of Lia. towel came Tuesday to visit with her parents, Mr and Mrs Alex Hamilton. Mu Robt Nelson left last Thursday to wait her daughter in Proton. She has been staying with Mrs Pennock. Setvicee In the Presbyterian church next Sabbath morning at tt o'clock. Subject; "The Unseen Captain of Host of the Lord" and at 7 30 p. m. Subject ; "The Second Command- ment " S. S. and Bible Class at 10 o'clock. Mr and Mrs George Campbell of Toronto who were married last Wed- nesday. spent part of their honey- moon " the home of the bride's aunt Mrs Jno. Manny and were also gneltl ot Mr and Mrs Elijah Smith over the week end. Mrs Campbell was for- merly Mm Ray. They intend gong West to reside. Last Sunday we had the were: bliz- zud of the winter and as a conse- quence few attended the church Ber. vices. The Executive of the Patriotic So- ciety met " the home of Mr] R. Ptlilp last Monday evening. They request all sewing for soldiers to be brought in to be packed on Thursday Inch aoth. Mr and Its Walter Spencer moved this week to Mr Alex Henderson’s neat Dromore where Mr Spence”: engaged for this year. Mr Gilben Durant made ashort vim with Mend: lutely betore going West to opend the opting and sum- mer. Mrs J. E. Wells, N. Egremont visi- ted Mr and In Jas. Lewis over the week end. We were pleued to ace Pte. James Renwick one day recently on hie way home to Dmnoxe. He is the first of It Robt Renwick'. sons to arrive home from overseas. Mr and In Wm. Burrows of Mt Faust upent over the week end with the fotmet’a parents, It and Mn Mush." Burrows. A Miscellaneous Shower. Min Rosie Ichnzie went to Tor. onto Wednesday where one has I pooition uniting her. - It John McGnth at! family mov- ed Monday "on the Grand Cum! to Darla-n. It Glbaon of Totonto. expect: to we pouuoion at on“. In Geo Button and mu Roger of Mr Forget. were - at the home of In R. Irwin one day recently. In reoponla to a amaze Mr. Jaa. Smith went to Winteeburne In! Sat" an!” to via} his tuber who in tll. In. Ju. Dunn: of It Forest and her daughter In John-tom tad two children of London visited Mn In. Durant neatly. It Ind In W. Lawrence attend. ed the wedding in Blue]; on Wed- nadly of the one“ sister. l LOCAL AID PERSOIAL; HOLSTEIN Litfh"triijiF 2%}, L1“ run-urn o-InI I pl IWHI. I, was]: CNN". " Bosdere., " pair thteG use in haste. to be" over-cu, It a total value of $1429.95. To Belgian Raid, tmdeee1ettttirtr, quilts. etc , "In $48.75. I... hook: wen cloned. the an o! $14.00 " punt: "tteeiorrs, lug been donated to Soc“). J. It. PMP, Predict: _ _ . Ema. N. SHARP. Sun-I'm. on 'ttares..."..... .....i.. 5 " R Farm. yuan-d bale.... tos " W B Rite. “was on yarn NplLonn Aug. " '18 .. .. .. Mrs J S Mellnith. re concert expense: Sept. 6 " ...... W B Rite, express charges G P Leith. toods.... ...... C Ram-ac a Son. printing.. R Sham. pmtn'e ...... .... Funi Yelgh. lacture and up. T Elton Co .Vlru...... .... Bert Ercles. month organ .. Lorrte lamllv. conceit .. .. W. 1.9mm ice cream re Wm H Allipzham, goods "dice cream............... ....1 can and Trotspla ten Mrs Eccles. cuppiun. Concert. .May " 't8. . Ten. 1mm ar, 't8...... Picnic, July 3rd, booth Picnic. union . . .. .. .. Geddea and Misc Biown'a in Mead-mtg 31mm”. Fergu- Women’s Institute. . . . . . . . . . 170 oo Mey’ggnea Hamilton. Reid. Bruce, Mu Jan . Bear. ...... .. Hilton. Jost. .. .. Bve, Geo. ...... Burrows, W. M. Coburn, Wm.,. Christie, Robt.. Coleridge, D. P. Chrirtie, Misa.. Cameron, D. W. Cameron, Annie Cole, Lila C . . . . Council. grant.. Campbell Bros. . Cent's, Frank . . Crewson. Mrs . . Calder. Geo . . . . Collins. A. J .. Cornish, P..... Durnnt. Mr: Ian Dingwlll, Edith Dingwall. Earl. Dingwnll. Mrs T Bowling, Jog. . . Drumm, C.. .. .. Durant, John.. Dickson, w. C . Dickson. John.. Dilgwlll, Thou. Rodeo. Jan. .... Ecclen. Mu Jan. Ecclel Mrs W. J. Ellis. Mona . . . . Ellis. In Geo, I?rward..r...ts2 " Aitken, Alex Sr. 5 oo Aitken, Robt. .. 5 oo Althea. Geo.... 5 oo Aitken, Wm.. . 5 oo All". David. . ' 3 oo Allen. Geo..... 5 oo Arnill, R. J.... 5 oo Allinttham, m. 5 oo Butrown. Geo .. 2 oo Brown,Miaa Math: oo Burrowo,Mra Robt " Brebner, Bert .. 2 oo Brooks, In. .... 75 Bullet, A. J.... 6 oo Brown.John.... 5 on Brown Mrs Jno I oo Bilton, Milford. so Financial Statement of the Holstein Patriotic Society from the lst February ms, to the 3lst December l9l8. Ba_lnnce b_ronght 'who ttaveiijife ""' -" -- ”m” Through the darkness of death, to the bright home above. Athoumd sweet memories are holding them still To the places they blessed with their presume and love. In loving memory of Mrs Lothian who died on Mich IO, 1918. Ther2elrtr_fpite leave us, the friends t. run. my _ _ . emit. N. SHARP. Sup-"I'm. Anna-u tom china m when t In. a. mantra “a P. amount. Amman. A “abet from out burg lauded the reception for Mr and In Dyer on Ptldly night. Me, Mm Hue] Ecclu visited with the Itmu in Heinlein our the week Mus Bertha Dillon. Holden. vial- ted over Sunday with her sister, In Drinmic. Mr. and In Thou. Atchlson, Dro. nete, we" recent visitor. at the home of Thou mu... We are pleased to heat that In D. Bruce is getting sing nicely diet he: nee-t illness. Ilia bile Hilton visited hertriend Bezel Eccle- lut week. Ila Lean Eccle- yisited as the home of The. Keith one a, [at HOISTEIN PATRIOTIC SOCIETY exsr. 500 tbt... 500 0.... 500 'm... 500 rid... 300 l..... 500 J.... Soo ,H.. 500 Jett.. zoo IN IE! tau" MAPLE Rom .032 MeDoura11,Nieh'1 , 00 Moore, John .... 4 Main, John A.. 13 Mickleboro Robt I Matthews, J. I . 3o Mair, Dr. W. L. 10 Legge, Gordon.. 6 oo Lawrenee, Wm. 4 Leith, G. P..... " Lovegrove,W. M ' Leith, John... I leont. Merb.. I t.enritr,Jatr...... 2 Love, Frank . ' . . a Eurig. John . . . . 2 oo Eddington. Geo. I oo Farrell,M...... I oo Farrell, Jul . . . . I Fidler. T ..... 2 Farrell.- P...... I Grier, D....... zoo Geddes, In W. s Gardiner. Edgar 2 Gadd, Robt. .... I Holliday, Wesley I oo Hunt, Orme . .. 1 Benny. C..... t Hunt. In ..... l’ Hershey. A J.. "'"t Hamilton, Alex. I so Hunt, Thou . .. 50 Hunt.J.R..... so Binock. Henry I Hunter. Andrew 7 Hunt, Wm..... " Boston". Geo. Io Han. Edwin. .. I oo Hunt,J. B..... " Haas, AH...... m Hor, Ed....... I Hoy.Mra E.... I Haaa, Mrs E... I Hunt.Geo..... 2 Hoeflitt, J. W.. l Hunt, J. W.... I Irwin, Rich.... 5 oo Jordan, M. J. . . I oo Jordan, W. J. .. t Johnston. MIL. 2 JohtttrtortJtdwln I Keith, Thou . . . . a .3631 or . 134 " . 1515 . The young people who held each a are badmglaucceufnl concert in the Hell on . t . Feb. all: hevebeen asked to (he d with heir their play "Plum Valley" in Hope Family. mile on lurch ttth EXPENDITURE TOOO I700 25 oo " " 16 4r 24 64 RECEIPTS SS " t5 " u 70 79 from Ittttemrl1...,.. ...... G tr. Scott. tum... .... .... 3 Mn B. Meeker-u, re-cleenlug I thatch after Fair ten .. . . .. 4 John Corley, meet for meals Fahd". . '.......... It W J Sharp, postage overseas boxes ... .... ... .... :8 LT sum. napkins for bazaar 2 Confederate Mire, priming. . 2 In Tuck. nationery‘. . . . . . . E. Shem, ice cream for bazaar 8 ' 3‘?37-a.A! Concert. August " '18...... Booth,Auemrtr6 '18.... .... Concert Sept. 6 't8. .... .... Music sold " Concert Sept. 6 Meat laid from mule Fair Day Tags sold on Fair Day ...... Pair lulu. Sept. " ‘18.... 1 Donation...... ........... It.... zoo ‘Geo. I oo ..... 100 I.... I .... 2 ..... I ..... zoo qtW. 5 Edgar 2 ,'..... l Wesley I on e... a ..... I b J.. 4 The ulcer- ot the Society would also like all Inhomptlou still un- paid to haunt to the Treasurer " early " possible so that the Itdte can he published before the annual meet. mg. The Patriotic Society undo n ellip- nento! supplies last qreeit,-to the R d Crone Society a box containing I9 units of pyjama and at pains of loch. To the Belgian Relief went " garments, " p in childten'n hone and 4 quilts. Value of total ship, meat 3:51 3-5. The Society would like all sewing to be tent in by the 25th of Intel: u nun-l meeting will be held about the end of the month Danna in bank .. It e J. kn. hath-It. open! (to. Friday to My it madam. Pte In Todd of the Runway Outp- nmveu home from Fun: on loudly. he In H. Ste-wick who had he: op the ml of lotion. Hound. hue. tor some months. unwed home on Friday. Spr “any Find- lay came over on the lune boat, the Bugle, ind reached " home in Toe. onto on Wednesday. The Women's Institute had a "v niece-elm! netting Int Wedueodey " the home of In tutn'l Pattemn‘, and: con. The report of the Provin- cinl Convention In: read by In W. Hattie end Ilia Elsie Scatter. Manny, John.. Million. In M.. McCall, Geo . . . . McKenzie, B... Match, Peter. . . Mather, Inc A. . Mickkboro, Mm Main, Adam. _ .. McGnth. J. D.. McPhee, Mr: I. “CHVlide, In. . Mighton. Mrs I McMillan, Thou. TORONTO an" " 458 33 8'598 77 $1598 " . 7o . t60 f,", 4o H3 lo " so M " 5 2's 3 45 7o 40 20 " 5" 55 " At the conclusinn ot the nddreee In Brown replied very feellugly and deprecated "mtrot the tlm, semian- ‘enu expressed and and men Illbrd 1 he had been able to do Mote. Be app-tciiled their prwnce In thrir' homelu but than f-re-vdl and re- membrrinz than " they Ind. nth muse be-mifm an... wtich arc-um .lwnu remind than 'tthe lbw) mes spnn; 'oxothrr. " y bed nun Signed on bob." of four o.iiaii, Mrs Wm. Hunter, tir., Wm Wilton. Mu Thou. Atchisogv. J. o Johanna. Mrs David Handball. W W. Run-n er u neighbor. are Downed to en- denvor to expreu to no our nppreoi- ation ot your Inlay good no noble qualities' which hue undo the» do. Very teal indeed. Yd: have wept with as in our erom ; you hue laughed who " in our Jo" , you have borne the ham“ and heuof the day and now we rainin- with you that , our industry bu been rev-ad ed and blend in ouch I anhmnml‘ Ily " to emble you to an “to en- ior aud to permit you to ooior um round out» “honor your bud-.1 " a m tau ot our liner. regard tor you we would an you to nor-pr “or. chain. and little Mary to may tttit necklace. n . remembrance ot the happ, days In true spent b ttether We can this opportunity, heme the ties which has bound as togeth- er u neixhbou Ire nun-d u. - i On Wednesday evenlnc In: " on- nounoed in onr lnu Week‘e budget a |rlght royal crowd ot lrlende end neizbora to the number ot 90 or more equally dwidtd alloumgauhered " the home of Mr and Ira Tho- E Brown to give then I pleee ofthelr mind and mher thine below their departure lo Durham. With Ir Welter Hallie in the choir he teed lonely called upon for aaeieuoeeco handle the lune program Mr Ban: Patterson, Br.. In Win. Hunter 8r ' Ila. Valve Daly and In Florence kennels. the Utter radio; the (ol- lowlog addreea. the other. es the proper time preeenunz Mr end Mr! Brown with A: couple of hendaome chain and little also nary witha beanlllnl necklace and pendant, which came also and tins birthday preeem the! day. ‘Dear Mr and Ira Brown : We. your neighbors and friends, have nuclnbled here lhle evenlng to; tnd lerewell to you in your old home _ and to tatetttt to you on beat wishes 1 t r a lone, happy Ind prosperune Illa in the new home to which you one] about to go. 5 3.33.1; TAYLOR & GO. it Store closes 6 o'clock excepting Wed. and Sat nights I mmmmmnmaumxmgg Hoax-cloning I. "Go. If you God you would like something new just come and nice! it and we will de. liver it at you: door. i TAYLOR&: co. Dromore femt'eriaare P "my! artd MIMI, i. McMILLAN, Dunno; No. 1 Figs Pitt Pie Delicious FIGS per lb. L,r.rr.'.r.r.....ae These are Luce Meaty Fellow. Try Prunes Prune Pie. They ere , lbs for $6: Raisins Seedless and seeded, Also Inge Muscatels D Both Brands Choice Drome- ates Raye] Excelsior 26, darn only...wc Peanut Butter Choice quality. Just tine for .0 Mince Meat 'I Canned Pumkin FIGS No. 1 Fig: This sage advice is applicable st this season of the year when housewives are wondering what they can get to make up into pies, &c. We have In Inge Cadt% very choice. Enough APPLES in one can for g Pics. Only 'lie . We luvs this in Bulk and very Mince Meat tine. Only, per lb.......17c , . Now these ere not all Inter Canned Pumkin they ere Pumpkin. , tins 2lk NORTH EGREMONT Highest hire for Choice Butter and Eggs ‘urm'ture [DENT WWW Bunnie: Choice quality. J net fine for Sch. dinners: they'll relish it M’IFIMIt 8.25 a pail to.“ “in; and all them if you wish. We militants}: Harness We have a large "ttortttunt ot Her e Collu- for swing M. t2a "Pi, Dromore, Ont. forgo Collar: (I you with to buy Victory Bonds. last yenr'os. this. or tell those you no“ hiss, It him market price for cash, tall a! Tiuorottoese the Review (mice ahvml In“ In, Findlay. teacher at A I. to- Public School I“ I recent WCCK and Home: at lino Bessie Dnmunc. In. W. Orchard and daughters of In Forest and Pie Damon, we ard. little soo, nee ntly teturntd In m ounce“. new guests the put new: at It quh‘o. Nor-u Drimmie and Earl too who will“! in the mos turned sand-y. In W. Clilpin Ind little sons. "est the week at her parental hum “don loudly accompanied in Lu Biater Kory. went to hot new Insult lent Hanover. We are sorry to have Mr and In Ctiopin leave us but wish them success and happiness through the coming years. A of our boys Ila-n}; loo: Several Yeou'litei'were in Ho'steir In: Friday evening amending the "allowel";iven B. Dye" and nude. Welcome to Pte In. Todd who te. ttreed last INK. We (anew mun - '--eei- _.-... uchulOY: ready and Il l a; to help In ttttte u need. and alumni: they Iowa 00! [your hr any Ibev exprcued a ”in: that they may often meet, and anon” be placed to have n vim from any ot their fri ndoln their new bone to Durham. AM the chair-en's Imam ry ad arc-I. mu were can: .r."Reotiseo Iin the order named by W w Run Let by the Glee Club of whlch Ir bad In B. were old time members. Valve .04 label Dal]. Ir Thur Atesttiato.,totsat Brown ard A-rhu: 1I... and It and In T Dull 'ttreesttm were glue by Hours” Patten-Ion Br., than"! Hooper, .nv [mil-n end In Rom. “mm-w: ‘Rocltulooe toughen tse Miss Iran lobe Reid. In Ambhwu. and Imam; soon. A plenum this In mummy 'Mtmtt in In!“ connotation both be, fore and utter the In. lunch gerved, There arrived on Friday last Mr Anna: Mull-on Dental College Toronto. It In. home of Mr Ind Mrs In B. Tucker. " wilds grnndpur mu. They left on the Snurdu) lollowlng tor his home in Benn: ck. on t_hoir port Round Musteritre March ! “I03 18, 191. We have YEOVI L 'U uu U U I this season of modeling what , M. We have no. Enough . Only “C k and vary per ii,..C..We ot :1! wnter kin. , tin- 2ik Delicious 15c lows. Try I a , lbs for tlk f o Inge Muscatels a Drome- darn calluwc . Just fine for r'll relish it 32c r and Eggs 'I-ees-ee"--, R " Todd who te. Wo "pecl more Iad Earl Buni- the moving te. 33.. mkhbou “Us tttAk and over ed. tl ham [ma (whom "an "The Part Hr Great Warr," " 2tth in lawn} mum-K Milan is t known lady day and a at cl than publ Du were bend mm Irv RPI "Have had a In it INN! qrMtrner we ha snap at the l up u the end In. The 'ths' h II Swift Current The soldiers are o (II! to ere had letters in the Mei Delia: Advertiser I Mrtroy , ' M.()'Neil n mm [10an ttl liar“ ll MrsU'Neil wen-en lie was mm in wt) ”in; & Brewing Co' [the in the Grand Chm] in the D. C. Buck's " far the grand aggrrpatu. Writing from Wehh, l, Boyce "tee Minnie disarm to leave my I Clockhn at th, Won ol its _ All; Nance " dug bu-im I Head to Mt the In All“. Kind tral Drug Sh Wim cry aim an: thr mnble cl Tte with” aid! 0 nodal dance in the halt M It“ quite I sue: ind. the net promedst hockey club's denm. If.“ [mm I potato“ and other M bred Dark: III. Ion-mun old, " Make your renew Wu only 36 boon T by tttec P. R. and I R Mad “on on L. VOID. that ”at Conant F. A list ahout you onlv We Ire mm busil WM for brain: It VOL. XI, Mr W. J V Tunnel Puma “Glows Just "a an! win art 6i',LEh.4 Wan In ll ll bl Having Md In M rFarl I N Id h handed leit II light " h thee ,vely 1 dry, I' Md M act Ma d 0m (Juli ex _ es am “PW R ll "

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