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Durham Review (1897), 10 Apr 1919, p. 5

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ES for the sal=, Ste r "" T signing of e to again . After Fooms l5tl‘:, to ket goods date nor R. 10, 199 our large the store. ilcloths rks t more 23 1€ We have it, can get it, or it isn‘t made seed :. Sse them before tuying. Special prices on thess if purchased early Turnip, 3. McINTYRE, Durham We have a large quantity of the Seed on hand for the Spring trade and can quote you interesting prices. Rememberâ€"we handle only seeds of best quality. We have a full and selected stock of these Tted Clover NMMammoth Clover S weet Clover, AHalfa Adsike Timothy Seeds. See our large assortment of first quality seeds in APRIL 10, 1919 Clover & Timothy We are headquarters â€" in Durham for Highest price paid for Oats, Barley and Peas THE All kinds of Cattle We Rob Roy Rolled Oats Chicftain Oat Flakes Rob Roy Wheat Flakes Standard and Granulated Oatmeals 18 just what you feed to build you up when run down and PRexalt Cod «bolver Oil with Sron PACKAGE SEEDS ROB ROY MILLS, Limited buy and sell all kinds of Grain Mangold, Carrot, &¢ Business Hoursâ€"â€"8 a. m. to i and Garden Seeds * rsae TERMS, CASH. , Hog and Poultry Feeds for sale at the Mill Durham, Ont. ¥¥®a o Sugar Beet, FRONT HARDWARE If you want SC ticularly nice as special bnoks. will bE delighted. Are much admired by ali who have seen them. The knowâ€" ing ones are making selections early. A full line of Hardware, both Shelf and Heavy, always in stock Our prices on these canrot be duplicated anywhere. Get them before buying elseâ€" whass or Chevrolet look like where. with Sherwin Williams Paints and Varnishes. A1l colors and Shades in Floor and inside and outside house paints. Auto Enamels Brighten up Your Home something parâ€" ask to see our We know you in all heights,. We are in a position to quote you special {prices on thisâ€".carload lot and would advige anyone in need of fencing to order now, These prices cannot prevail for any length otf time, more especially after our assortment is picked over. If we are obliged to order in less than carload lots, the prices will be corresf ondingly higher. Give us your order now and save money, Frost Woven & Coiled Spring Wire Fencing We have just received a cafload of the celebrated Frost Wire Fence Is Best â€"â€"It is estimated that the war claims against Germany will take her 85 years to pay. Some recent revelaâ€" tions show what Germany would have done had she won. Shbe wanted all of Belgium, much of Northern France, including Calars, and several cities on South coast of England. As for inâ€" demnitiesa ? Eyery German expense and debt would have had to be pnid} and largely by Britain and hor overseas empires. ‘ Between the two McGowan Mills George St., â€"â€" Durham â€"It is proved beyond a doubt that the excesses at Rby! camp were largeâ€" ly due to the influence of liquor, though that does not relieve the offiâ€" cials there from the charge of gross usage of the men, that caused the exâ€" asperation . ‘ I beg to announce to the public of Durham and vicinity that he has reopened at the old stand near McGowan‘s Mill, the Pump, Tile and Brick business, dong carried on there. â€"The ex Kaiser in an interview says the order to shoot Edith Cavell was given by an officer under the influenee of liquor. One more nail in the eofâ€" fin of the trade. | _ â€"â€"Lloyd George promises the conâ€"| â€" NCH E. * s !clulion of Peace by Easter. "May hd!_‘ e DORNOGH‘ . +o C | «~ NO r & ® Smminscieumssums. _ & e | % â€".tho]Cnnndums who were sent to _day in our burg. > 'phnse " Asratic ussia, now known to have . Mrs J. Boyle otS; fiel & been on a fool‘z errand, are now about J,comgghied the';e:,nx}mfil;idfihcgfir f;s:rg; [ to leave for home. _ Mn‘ ‘I iAm i Ledingbam tquj.leg cemetery |ing the 1 â€"Allied troops in Northern Russia| 18 4t Present visiting her ‘brotherâ€"inâ€" 1 bave been hl'lnpn ;1“178 olrm:-rnhnfule:::l '." Mr Jas. Ledlnxb..' _..?:Ah?! l I am prepared to take conâ€" tracts of any kind for Tile and Brick, and Repairs will receive best attention Tile supplied of dimensions, 24", 18", 16", 12 and to in. â€"Allied troops in Northern Russia bave been having hard times, but lste news tells of a smashing defeat of the Bolshevist forces. Pumps of all kinds Just the thing to els make your Ford a Packard twelve,. ANNOUNCEMENT ! Pumps, _ Tile and Brick JOHN SCHUTZ tions : the proposal to enci;n;o-;evfl;;;; d inking of liquor is most repulsive. Both suggestions call for condem:â€" nation by every good citizen, and sboald make temperance â€" workers more determined than ever to see the last of this business in this provinse at‘least, The license to sell beer and wine, would be a return to old condi. _ This from the Distillers : They al. Jege that they have dissovered the public driuking bar and the saloon to be wholly bad, and would not think of urging its reinstatement. Botâ€" butâ€" They do advocate that for the Onâ€" tario Temperance Act there should be substizsuted legislation that would enâ€" courage liquor drinking in the home ! 1¢7 just now is the open 7bu'; -w'unrt‘ize- privilege of selling "barmless‘" beverâ€" ages such as beer and wine. k . w e i e e aiee e me en her sorrow and lonelinees has the sympathy of the community and a wide circle of friends. | _ Mr Stewart was a man of friendly | and cheerful disposition, ever ready 1[ with a good natured joke ; quiet and unostentatious in public, a lover of (his own fireside ; a regular attendant, consietent member and generous sup porter of Latona church. Since the general breakâ€"down of bis health some two years ago his wife has undertaken courageously the duties of the bhome, the sick room and the farm. Being gilted with strong, skilled, tender and willing bands Mre Stewart carried out faithfully her labor of love and now in ucPd io ki 200 W | _ Nothwishstanding â€" bitter weather 1and difficult driving, the funeral cor. | tege of the late John Stewart was imâ€" | preegively long. The service conductâ€" | ed by Rev. Mr Sillars of Latona was }made brief in view of the triple memâ€" orial gervice held in the church on the !!ollowing Sunday, Neighbors carried the remains out of the home where Mr Stewart bad lived all his life and | bore them to rest in the family plot in Latona cemetery. _ Friends from a distance who attended the obscquies were Miss Mary Stewart, a niece from Thamesville ; two nieces from Toronâ€" to, Mra Batho and Miss Kate Wade. worth ; Mr Arch Melnot re and Mr and Mrs Augus MeInnes of Paisley. ’ Mr Stewart was a man of friendly |. merAMiK in ies Frck, 01c s ce » This from the Brewers : Their pol » imak «ki 12 se x k ls day. Mr Bert Ledingham disposed of his driying outfit to Mr Reay of Durham before leaving for the West on T ues, Mr and Mre Fred Heft attended the social eyening given by Mr and Mrs Wm. Smith at Dornoch on Wednesâ€" day. M â€" Bpring brings springy epots in our swamps and some epringing logs in the corduroy sprung a gurprise on a spring of a brand new rubberâ€"tired buygy which sprung from Dornoch on & cold spring day. «*Hope springs eternal in the human breast" chat the Township Counc:l will soms day apring to its feet and in mending its ways eyince as much "snap‘‘ as zhn‘ buggy spring had. We understand MrAngus MeIntosh has been appornted to teach in the wee brown school after Easter, taking up bis former position after an interval of about ten years. _ The board is to be congratulated on securing m teacher of Mr Mclutosh‘s experience, qualificaâ€" tions and ability, Our teacher, Miss Glenna Campbel has resigned her position, her resigna. tion to take effect at Easter. Miss Campbell is one of our own girls and has endeared herself to the pupile and people of vhe section. In leaving she will carry with ber their sincere wish. es for her further guccess. Truax and Son are i:eepin'g their saw humming, reducing their stock of logs to lumber, k Mr Chas. Shewell entertained a wood bee on Baturday, not by any means the first of these busy, buzzing insects to appear in the yicinity. Mr and Mrs Robt. Wade Are returnâ€" ing to their former home ot St Mary‘s, Mr Wade‘s impaired health bas ren. dered him unable to keep pace with the strenucus life of the farm. Our meil courier has our sincere sympathyâ€"not for the length of the road but the depth of it. Miss M. Dowling, teacher of Crawâ€" ford school spent Sunday with the Shewell family. Mrs Bryce Dargave!) speot a couple of days in Owen Sound. Mr Jack Ray Sandayed at Dromore. Mr and Mrs CGbas. Mortley and family spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mro Asket Allen. _ Mrs Yangblach and little son of Hanover is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs Jas. Allen who has been ill for some time. y Mr and Mre Lueek and family moâ€" tored to Owen Sound Thm‘lgly to meet the latter‘s brother who has reâ€" tarved from Franee. | Two Suggestions ~~ ~Chi> DORAANM EEVIEW â€" Welcome home Reval Boyce ! WELBECK . â€"It is going to prove dificalt for Hartiev Dewart, M. P. P., to blacken the ieclharacter of Inspector Ayearst who bas been reckoned one of the most conscieutious offeers of the Li. cense department. _ The revelations of the extent of dnetors‘ pregcriptiona for the sale of liqgaor shoulid m.h‘ every honest doctor blush. â€"There is danger that Italy may withdraw from the Peace conference unless she gets the port of Finme. Italy‘s stand in the war entitles her to much conerderation. have not missed a day. 01 &6 02000 ATCTSIOT PRUOUCH, Sr 3rdâ€"Jessie Ledingham. * 2ndâ€"John Ledingham, Raymoftd Waish,* Cameren Corlett, Royce Noble. Sr 1stâ€"Murie! 'l:left. David Boyce. Those with stars _ NO. 13, BENTINCK. Sr 4thâ€"Morrow Riddell, Myrtle Boyce Marie Walsh. _Jr 4thâ€"Gordon Riddell. Misses Reta Bailey and Rhena Livâ€" ingetone epent the week end at their homes here. Miss B. Thistlewaite, owing to illâ€" ness, left Tuesday for ber home in Fleshberton. _ We hope she will soon be able to return to her duties again. Mr Grat Wise has purchased Mr Harry Reay, Jr‘s. farm, Rev. Mr Lovegroye of Holstein conâ€" ducte1 the service in the church hbere last Sunday afternoon and deliyered an excellent sermon, Mr H. W. Huot raised a shed las; week for his threshing outh;. Miss A. Wright, teacherri lash, epent the week end Imord Miss B. Thistlewaite (Intended for last week) Mr and MraJohn Reay of the north line have exchanged farms with Mr and Mre Geo. Reay, both parties hav. ing taken possession last week Miss Barbara hilrlbnll“spem last week with friends around Knox Corâ€" Detr‘s, _ Mr and Mre Palmer Patterson of Egremont yisited recently with Mr and Mrs W. Porter, | Mr Collinson finished cutting wood | for a number of farmers around the | corners last Friday. & | Mr T. Wallace had a gang of men one day last week hewing timber for bis driving shed which he imtends to erect this summer. Miss Jessie McVain of Varney spent Monday with Mrs 1. Alian at the home of Mrs Wm, Bachus. den. Mr Thos. McAlister delivered a fine young horge toâ€"day (Tuesday) which he sold to Mr Thos. Young of Hampâ€" q2 The W. F. M. S, of Knox meet this week at the home of Mrs Don. Mcliâ€" vride. Mr Andrew Picken bougbt a new manure spreader last week. Mr T. Wallace spent a few days in Toronto recently with his daughter, Mrs F‘d. Smith and also purchased a fine horse. Mrs Robt. Johnston visited her sis ter Mrs A. Corbett one day last week Mr _ Henry Ford and son Ross of near Neastadt called at Mr A. Derâ€" by‘s Wednesday last while enroute to Durham. A number of the tarmers here shipâ€" ped live stock from Allan Park staâ€" tion this week. Mr Albert McRonald bas engaged Mr W. J. Derby for the spring work. Miss Annie Grabam of Durham spent over the week end with her friend Miss Mary Turnbuil. Mr Hogh McLean of ‘Wr;;et_eâ€"r_i; visiting with his cousins, the McLean family here. Mr John Corbett has puréii;;i va new Fairbanks Morse gasoline engine from Azent Mr Geo. Smigh, Darham. Miss Bella Grierson has retnrned’ bome after spepoding the winter months at d;essmabing in Darbam. ' Mr Chas. Clark, who has returned after a two years sojourn in the West, 18 getting settled once more on his farm, Mr Clark has purchased a horse from Mr P. Hepburo, Durham. _ ____ _3 _ E_ ZÂ¥oraock, oecurred at lmnfiem.,suk. . Hig remaing were brought to Paisley to be interred beâ€" side those of his wife, formerly Miss Hanoah Crowe. Mr Jos. Bogle who accompanied the remains later visized Dornoch relatives. Mr Lodinghnmj was very popular with the people of this community who will mourn hil, early demisa, _ \ NORTHâ€"EAST NORMANBY |__"Dripping with aweetness" is the ’phnse which suggests itself to the pagserby at the sight of twinkling spiles and shining sap buckeis "milkâ€" 'ing the mugles." ‘ What‘s the matter with Duarbam markete ? The Reyiew quotes butter at 37 cente, the slate at the Corner store offers 480. Problem in substracâ€" School Reports. Tlu_l duk!: of Mr Arch, Ledingbam « Wright, teacher at Lamâ€" Glenna Campbell, teacher NORTH: EAST BENTINCK SOUTH BENTINCK VICKERS week end with hber TORONTO All kinds of n bought at market price. Special Reduction 3 Kss on Flour and Feed in ton lots. Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour Every bag guaranteed. If not satisfactory bring it back and get your money. Low Grade Flour, Rolled Oats, Breakfast Cereal, Bran, Shorts, Middlings, Corn Chop, Cracked Chicken Corn Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop â€"â€"â€"> 5SO0 tons of No. 1 Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY s John McQGowan RPAINT thor REPAMR Its Botter to THE PEOPLE‘S MILLS CR!MPED OATS for Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at.... very reasonable rates BRrangram Whenever you paint, use Erandram‘s Genâ€" uine B.B. White Lead if you mix your own paint. If you want to save the labor of mixing you can ensure the use of this quality pigment only by getting Bâ€"H *"*English" Paint, MOnr sn m is different from any other white lead. To beâ€" gin with, it is corroded by several secret proâ€" cesses which are then merged into a pigment of marvellous smoothness. This pigment is ground no less than five times, first under huge stones, and finally between heavy steel rolls. In this grinding process, it is made into a pulp by beâ€" ing mixed with pure refined linseed oil made in our own linseed oil mills. Brandram‘s Genuine 5.B. White Lead Every step in its manufacture is closely watched by chemical enginâ€" eorsâ€"nothing is left undone which would help to maintain the quality of the world‘s finest white lead. 4 tributing warehouses stand back of Brandram‘s Genuine B.B. White Lead. FOUR large factories and five disâ€" tributingo warehnuceas ctamd La i1 The Outstanding Product of a Large Manufacturing House MEO4C NE m AT maiirax sr â€"{{ENDERSON wonre vomonre winmeese somonton vancou vee 3 Cmone $ 20 Pof parch 'r.:'sfi, ¢ parts exposed to the Plaster Cellings and Bâ€"H "Plorlustre," interior floore, For Barns and Ou Flnhfla‘ @ Floor 2ling Lac," the perfect varnigh Stain, Staining the Roof For Interior Fintshing nd O: 1 '“'-n'.n «Qutbulldings ~H Porch Fi Paing Pof sarch 'x:'m bel Bâ€"H "Freteo;au;; oil paint, "Bâ€"H" Products for Other Purposes ferent colors Shingle Stain, in 19 qif FS, teilings and ) the weather, and Walls excellent for A flat tone

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