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Durham Review (1897), 17 Apr 1919, p. 8

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M e § § R. J. ARNILL Hoistein J Msm en exenpenperge ns wp en on n ogne » 3 Srefnpspspxpap spxpspapare up IN MEMORIAN In loving memory of Mrs Joo, Ball «who departed this life April 21, 1918, We loved her, yes, we loved her ; But Jesus loved her more, And be has aweetly called her To yonder shining shore Whe goiden gates were opened. ( A gentle voice said ‘"‘Come" ; And with farewells unspoken ' She quietly entered bome. FulliLine of Wall Paper in stock $ Spring Seeds, Field or Garden : Call and see samâ€" ples and prices. Now is the time to secure your Spring Seed. Come in and see our prices before buying. Hats and Caps Below Cost Regular $6.00 to 10.00â€"just the thirg for this time of yearâ€"â€"all go at bargain sale prices. Ladies‘ and Gents‘ Raincoats C. A. FLEMING, F. C. aA., Special Sale Snaps It is expeeted that Capt. G. D. F turn to the staff for the Spring term Spring Term opers Tuesday April 22nd in Bu hand and Typewriting Departments. Itis your Catalegue free on reqrest. Se1d fcorike kecklet MEN‘S SUITS C 10 e OSE PCR T on HuWHTess moous to be able to transact business successfully and to have the necessary confidence in your own ability to secure you from fraud or imposition . A special training along these lines is necessary to fit you for business life, and it may be obtained within a short space of timeâ€"a Business Course at the Northern Business College, Owen Sound, Ont., which has been arranâ€" ged with a view to giving young people a broad and practical insight into modern methods of commercial activity. It is possible within a few months to put yourself in possession of a fund of special knowledge that will enable you to get in on the "ground floor" of Canada‘s reâ€"constructive period, to face life with the utmost confidence, and which will be of the greatest assistance to you, no matter what line of endeavor you intend to follow. Orders Taken Men‘s and Children‘s There are no Entrarce eximiraticrs â€" you have neglected your c«arly education paratory Course where public school sub stivcticn is largely indivictal :o that ver The Prircipal is a Chartered Accountant be ;p Ip a 7 ... ; "CNUilacturing, mercantile life, agriculture, etc., as there will be in the coming reâ€"construction period in Canada. Business during your absence overseas reached a new and higher standard of activity, and it has never before been so necessary to be thoroughly trained in business methods; to be able to transact business successfully and to have the necessary conficence in vanr mum ahiliae Lalll L. _ _ _ Shimes â€" HAEAE CHH :. & Do you feel that you are going to be under a handicap when you reâ€" enter civilian life? Are you fully prepared to take up your former occupaâ€" tion or start a new one? Have you the knowledge of business affairs that is necessary if you are to compete successfully with your fellowsâ€"in any line of occupation ? i..\__, ’-ifl Husband and Daughters for e, Northern Business College The Misses Rogers & Kilâ€" gour will have a full line of Millinery on hand Tuesdays LCE en ooo aps and Thu'rsday§: Reg 25¢ Salmon.........2 for 43¢ Reg 15c Mustard...... 2 for 25¢ Reg 18¢ Pork & Beans 2 for 25¢ Reg 15c Pumpkin......2 for 25¢ 2 lbs. Dried Apples............25¢ 3 1â€"lb bars Gold Soap .......25¢ Jap. Washing Ammonia .. 10c All Tobaceos............2} for 25¢ o Soldiers Returning rom Overseas Service A Few of our Grocery Bargains Our Aimâ€"Reliable goods at moderate prices. Highest Prices Paid for Produce. Millinery Mr Richard Irwin is of potatoes this week. potatoes to dispose of bring them in We are again chopping and will continue through the summer. HOLSTEIN LEADER Open Letter mraticrs and you are not debarred in case y education. _ In fact there is a special Preâ€" _school subjects may be taken up. _ The inâ€" so that very rapid advancement can be made. Accountant and supervises all instruction. April 22nd in Business, Preparatory, Short Enits. Itis your opportunity. Fleming will be demobilized in time to reâ€" necessary to fit you for business t space of timeâ€"a Business Course Sound, Ont., which has been arranâ€" a broad and practical insight into It is possible within a few months Established 38 years ago Owen Sound, Ontario aps i oats YJ# time of zt ""The Road to Toâ€"morrow‘ ~®= _ The Methodist W. M. S. held their Â¥J8f annual business meeting Tuesday at *3 the home of Mrs L. B. Nicholson. § # The new officers for the ensuing year ; are : President, Mrs Petrie ; rst vice S Mrs R. Irwin ; 2nd vice, Miss Maria » s Brown : Secy, Mrs. J D. Roberts : r! # Treas., Mrs Hershey ; corresponding Becy, Mrs John Orchard : Organist, & g Mrs Nicholson. # _ Pte‘s Wesley Pollock, Clarence Ross of Yeovil and Fred Rawn of # Souch Bend requrned home this past 5 week from overseas, We extend a # hearty welcome. g Death entered the home of Mr and Â¥ Mrs Scott Recles last Friday morning ? and claimed their infant daughter 3 Vera, aged 8 mos. _ The funeral was f’ held on Saturday, conducted by their & pastor Rev Mr Scott _ To the berâ€" i eaved parents we extend sincere 3 sympathy. â€" The floral tributes were ‘»' beauntiful and showed in some way 2 the kindly sympathy of loving friends i"and neighbors _ ‘‘Suffer the little 3 children to come unto me and forbid $ them not for of such is the kingdom a | of heaven." * | LOSTâ€"On the 2nd Con., Egre» mont, near John Stevenson‘s, about two weeks ago, a bag of flour, Findâ€" er will be rewarded on notifying Thos Brown, R. R 2; Holstein or R. Tayâ€" lor, Dromore. : Mr Harry Strong, who has spent ] the past few months in this vicinity ; with relatives, returned Monday to _ his home at Lambton Mills. _ Mrs, : Strong and children wi.l follow in a couple of weeks, ‘_ _ Mr. Collins of the Montreal Bank has been transferred to Tavistock . Mr Collins was very popular with the ; public here and they join in wishing him success and prosperity in his new field of labor. Rev _ Winfeld Hunt Head preached very acd the Methodist church . morning . Councillor Geo. Swanston, Alex Calder and Dave Long over the week end in Torsonto Mr Russel Scott arrived home last Thursday from overseas where he bas been in active service during several years of the war. It is a pléasure to welcome him home, A full supply of Paints and Calf Meal on hand, LOCAL AND PERSONAL 4%â€"aus Dave Long, spent C Drumm int of Lions acceptably in i on Sunoday , Messrs gacrifice. . You and your by splendid bravery and pi camp and field have won t! â€"Men of Kbaki; you went out not| . A‘ knowing what the dark days of war | The: beld in their sombre bours for you, «<A whether to suffer or die, as maay| Lo have done in the noblest cause that ever exacted such a great baumau| A hearts are full of pride and joy at your return, our only sorrow is in seeing your ranks broken. At the close of the program the Fl returned men were called to the /‘ platform and were each presented| ] with an appreciative address, a copy | 9 of which very neatly printed is to be fll‘! given to each of the men of the the township returning, as a memento. nigl The Township of Egremont Patrioâ€") M tic Society to her soldiers returnâ€"| take ing homefrom the Great War ; |bac | _ Welcome! When you went out to | K0 1 the war we sent you forth bidding | brol | you God speed for we knew you bad|his taken up arms in the cause of Justice | ofat and Righteogsness While yon get were overseas our feare found relief | apgj in untiving efforts in Red Cross and other patriotic works in which we engaged, hoping thus to serve and comfort you, but now the crowning day bas come. You haye done your part in winning a great victory. Our | Now ONTARIO ARCH TORONTO The Holstein Patriotic Society gave their returned soldiers a welâ€" come in the Agricultural Hall on Friday. The room was well fiiled when the chair was taken by Rev. G. S Bcott who had been asked to preside and a light program was put ‘ through. _ After singing a quiet ; chorus, at the suggestion of the chair, the audience stood with bowedl bheads in silence, in honor of the' fallen heroes. Miss Wilson of Proton was a éuen of M.ss Helena Calder over the week Miss Maimie McPhee of Proton visited her grandmother, Mrs Mcâ€" Phee the beginning of the week. ’ If you haven‘t taken advantage of the bargains at Allingham‘s big sale, don‘t delay longer,. _ The services on Sunday in the Presbyterian church will be of a special Easter character. Special music is being prepared by thechoir and verv heipful services are looked forward to. Plan to be present. Mr Jim Barber of Varney spent over the week end at the home of Mr and Mrs Ed, Johnston. _ _Mr. Percy Ross has been assisting Mr Allingham during his sale and Mr Harold Baird is behind the counâ€" ter at Mr Arnill‘s store. Business in Hoistein is certainly brisk these times. The W. M. 8. of the Pres. Church on Tuesday enjoyed immeasely a splendid report of the recent convenâ€" tion in Guelph ‘given by Mrs. Peter Murch and Miss Stevenson. Mr, John McGrath of Priceville viâ€" cinity spent Monday in the village. Rev. and Mrs Scott went to Owen Sound Tuesday morning. . Mr, Scott retnrned in the evening but Mrs, Scott remained to spend Raster with her parents in the city, Messrs Percy Ross and Eruest Mcâ€" Girr, former teachers at Allan‘s Sch, House, were each presented on Wedâ€" nesday night at the home of Mr Wm Allan with a gift of appreciation for their seryices overseas and a suitable address. _ _Mr Arch Baird of the Hy dro Eleeâ€" tric Construction Co. is spending a couple of weeks at his home here. Mr. J. T. Lovegrove of St George, spent over the week end with his brother, Rev. Lovegrove at the parâ€" sonvage. Allingham‘s big Sale closes Wednesday April 23. Don‘t miss the bargains. R. T. DODDS, $5897 58 â€" $g5897 5s 1 Audited and found correct with veuchers : Com. not reported oy other Bociâ€" , etieg:>:.;. .. .11 Balanee reported on band ... iHolstem +. +$1 ‘Dromore...‘.. 1 Fairbairn...... Yeovit:*;..:...": Woodland ... _ Varney......... Orchard....... 8t Paule...... : Ebenezer...... â€" Rec‘d by Central Annual Report of Egremont Tp. Patriotic Societies, 1918 Receipts Expenditure Holstein «.....$1598 77 $1140 414 Dromore ...... 1577 84 896 99 Fairbairn...... 360 24 860 24 Yeovil ......... 212 87 172 85 Woodland ... 445 94 215 52 Varney.......... 777 99 635 54 Irchard....... _ 65 83 50 00 t Pauls...... 372 45 842 16 Sbenezer...... 872 87 283 19 [B%. Lau‘s do 4 Mo, .2:.:; ;.« : :s ~...s ~AlQ 00 : Varney do c Res‘d from Orchard Society _ 55 oo Ebenezser â€" do C Tateress """.,."_ ;;.**‘.:= ~*~* 2 7g Woodland . do C , Canadian Red Crose... ‘Printing Reports _ ... Bank and letter stamps ’Telephone is ‘Balance on hand â€" ... RECEIPTS | PAYMENTS ToBdmbo-lutndlts 6 15 Dromore Patriotie Meciety $155 00 Reseiyed from Council for il!olmin do do 175 00 Patriotic Societres ... 1000 00 X*°"! flo _ ‘ais * 11000 3 Orcbard do do 55 00 Received from Allau‘s 8, 8. ‘ Bt. Paul‘s do do 100 00 Nfl, 0 sim am 2C â€" Egremont Township Patriotic Work,;. 1918 TE DURBAM RRVIEW have won the admirâ€"" Preasden‘. 112 78 Report of Egremont Central Committee $1173 93 1688 16 112 78 ’ KASTER SUNDAY Now Nature awakes from her winter _ Aund ‘neath Spring‘s genial showers The earth will soon be robed in green And deched with starry flowers. Then hg' can man .with a deathless DL3 0 0 00_"0 _ T0*} 2600, EABEEI000 JF. Mr and Mrs Ben Harricon bave moved on to Mr Crawford Harrison‘s farm on the town Iine and entertained their friends to a aance on Tuesday night, Mr Crawforda Harrison attempted to take a 200 lb pig to market in the back seat of his Ford car tut d:d not go far till some part of the engine broke and be was compelied to tak: | his car »im»to town behind the demn | ofat. _ On arrving there too late to get ‘his ear fixed be purchased an aucient phaeton from Mr Will Lander. | _ Mr and Mre Jos. Harrison of Priceâ€" ville have mnved into the house on Mr sohn Weir‘s farm, formerly beâ€" |longing to Mr Jacob Halpenny. Pto. J J. Weir and Scotch bride arrived at Priceville last Wednesday and was welcomed by a number of ; friends, Miss Belle Weir accompanâ€" ied them from Toron:o and ~will re-} | main for a week. Mr Erpest and Miss Sadie Evie of Hanover visited last week wih the Harrison families, Mr Harold MceDermid has sold bis Ford ear to Mr. Thos, Harrison Jr. _ ; (LC® _00C" CHReReu #U Mapager of the Holstein Shipping Association, he will discontinue bayâ€" ing Stock after that date. The H»lstein Coâ€"operation Live Stock Shipping Association purp se shipping hogs and cattle weekly comâ€" meneiog Saturday, April 26tb, 1919 Aoy one having hogs or cattle to ship mast report to the Manager Mr Gen ESchram, or to the undersigred three days before shipping day. Stock will ‘ be shipped for any party, whetber a member of the Shipping Association ) or not. Neil Calder, Secy. | N. B.â€"Mr Schram wishes to intimâ€" | ate that baving been engaged as| Mess s s t ae m o P Following this was a short presenâ€" tation address accompanied by the gift of a club bag to each after which all enjoyed a supper and social hour. _ ation and gratitude of every true son _ and davughter of the British Empire and those also who took part with her in the titanic struggle. _ The magnitude of the victory in winning which you wrought so noble a part can only be measured when we know the loss that would have been ours had the enemy subdned us, a losg at | once political, material and moral. | Prussian militarism has been deâ€" | feated Autocracy has fallen from ‘its long established throne. _ | _ Welcome soldier of the king. : Welcome back to home, friends | and ciyillife. _ You bring with you | laurels from the field, laurels in winâ€"| ning which you bhave endured hard. ’ ships and our fallen heroes died We are justly proud of you. Come| join us with all the vigour of your |; noble manhood in building a greater | Canada than the one you helped to' save." $8099 70 a : A. R. Henderson, & Ww. Fairbairn, }Aud"o" PETER MUTCH, Becretaryâ€"Treas. 478 Day Shirte ............ 685 50 579 Towels.................. 202 65 630 BHospital Shirte ...... 630 00 185 Wash clothe............ 9 25 200 Bandages..... ...... .. 30 00 14 Vermin Bhirts ......... 10 50 78 Handkerchiefe ......... 7 8C 50 Parcele .................. 25 00 218 Bores .................. zon on ren‘s Garments ... 247 Pillow cases...... 22 Pilowsa ............ Farmers ! Attention SOUTH BEND the altars bright with GLENMOoNT * <p+ oble a part ’ And from each choir songs of joy ; en weknow | â€" Float on the sweet Spring air. j been ours Oh our blessed Lord 1ose on this day | 8, a losg at| _ And from death took all its gloom : and moral. | For his love can brighten the dying been deâ€" | bed, fallen from| And break the bands of the tomb. te.. * king. ’ Golden Wedding Address 700 00 ‘ God has always provided for you and has given you a fair measure of health and strength, an average share of this world‘s goods, and blessed you with six children, five of whom are alive two boys and three girls and are with you in person, and the Aungel one is on the othershore awaiting us Thirteen grandchildren also toâ€"day rejoice with Grandpa and Grandma. | _ Few people are so favored as to reach this notable period in life, and we feel it a fitting time for joy and |gladners, when we can with deep |emotion express our gratitude and )uflection. Fifty years ago toâ€"day you joined | heart and band, and the Father nbovei | has blessed your union in many ways ! the bond you formed that day has " grown stronger and dearer, and alâ€" | though you have had your trials and | struggles and sorrows, these have onâ€" , | 1y had the effect of welding you and | yours more closely together, | Holstein, April 8th, 1919. To Mr and Mrs Edwin Johnson : Dear Father and Mother,â€" We, your children and grandâ€" children, take much pleasure in asâ€" sembling in your home to celebrate this your Golden Wedding Day. _ WELLINGTON PRODUCE co. D8 «.. S A large addition to the Plan built and mechanical refrigeration new building will include a mo Plant with latest equipment for ; the highest grade products. Our I on the market by June 1stâ€"W A 17 ‘The business will ir Wellington Produce Co . L Mr. B. Whitmore, at Gunns Limited, will be Ma new Company. A new Company has been formed to take . the Wholesale Produce business in HaÂ¥rie conducted for many years by Gunns Limited. ‘The business will in future be known Wellington Produce Co.â€" Limited. mss TAYLOR & CO. Store closes 6 o‘clock excepting Wed. and Sat nights Announcement ! Men‘s Shirts & Ties *‘ TAYLOR& CO. Dromore 3C Dt JC J BC BC 3G BC 3C PC BC Highest Price for Choice Buiter and Eggs i in the latest colorings and shades. They are out a doubt the best range we have ever shown. & We have an exceptionally large and lm well assorted stock of Curtain muslins in Madras, Scrim and Nets. ‘These are very artistic and colorings are without A large stouck of these to choose from, Greens and Creams with insertion and also lace. 1NOTe, At present Manager of will be Managing Director of the _thG lf’.llntr is now Price Range 35c, 50c, 75c, $1 ECCC repalcetictcts Lcciudh. s 48 mento of our love, and we pray that God may long spare you to us, and to each other and that your last days may be your brightest days. Signed on behalf of the family , Mrs R. Barbour, Mrs J Lennox. 2C°7°! 2€UG molner and to each other | _ You have been @ble to bestow on | your children. of this world‘s goods \a fair start in life, but better than all and more highly prized an honest name, honored and respected and you have left home influences on our lives that should lift us upward. Your care and lov for ushave nev. er ceased. _ You have rejoiced with us in times of success, and your heart‘s love and sympathy have been with us in times of trial . Toâ€"day we have met to rejoice and be glad and to express our affection in some humble way, so ask you to accept }he-e' chairs as a slight moâ€"~ manta af nulglll 0s - The t1es are strong that bind father and mother and to each have been placed to date and still there are calls for more, Get your Course NOW. 1f you do not get it you pay for it anyway in emallâ€" erearnings and lost 0 »portunities Enter any day. Write, call or phone for information. Central Business College Sratfordâ€"Winrhamâ€"Mr Eaâ€"..+ All our Graduates â€"d5¢ to $1.35 A large stock to choose from and in nice patterns. at prices that wilj make you wonder when APRIL 17, 1910 being â€"Mt. Forest us to United S for is ne mal Jamy remi M for the nu words exp had been t which he 1 good cause tion a han Ch thr the dev John Kelly. We th Mr E4 and h: Board lectec don. i have store used are n office tab #10 mus unck, 3 cow imp e Term gredit The most Mond Lalde Store lunch 3 w\ at m nd MI 18 1 is to get a and s sunset ro the most «martest Lome the Bap () The N Have on wom Box 65. VOL. £®%T‘D +# T uced OM lower t T it The ve H Nurse M very s. and nents At ised th H sho H 1» sel

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