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Durham Review (1897), 24 Apr 1919, p. 4

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Bo 98, es 1 Girls Shoes rham proaching, Ay Seed te URH A M aranteed. "da’/l'n!: est Price [ dacek "ole ale ole" olp * »| TEED W n fit all your i in easyâ€"fitâ€" comfortable. Shoeman fit n 25 24, 1IMQ SHOES & T 11 the home are well #l1t y Wodeâ€" wants § will are so U Ir ise iIne 1s nt is : the NaVvs Ekiven to | him tor . hospitalâ€" to lead a a cheery t bespoke ty thail hose near DrOâ€" 1e 1 1d Rev. 0o lamily 1 Latona imber of gatherâ€" mory of and ser give na Mr Flour per ewt ....... 5 25 Jatmeal per sack..... § 10 Chop per cwt........ 2 50 Oats, feed............. _ 60 O$ Un( .. « «+««+ ««. * 6@ BAIGY . . .. .« «ée€szceses WOWk APRIL 24, 1919 â€" Durham Markets. Durrax, Apr. °4 919 Hogs, live, f o b..... 21 | DUKKGE ...««« ««rre«««se * MB . www w n e t e eb e w e a+ m Hon. Caompaign Chaowman: National Council, Young Men‘s Christian Associations of Canada We ask now your continued sympathy and support for Red Triangle Service for our Soldiers during demobilization, and for Y.M.C.A. work for Canada generally during the Reâ€" construction period. ‘The Annual Red ‘Triangle campaign will be held throughout Canada May 5th to 9th, 1919. The objective is $1,100,000. * P CC EERCOECTY, CE L WERARL COO, 4A ARCE now it is coming back home with them! For the support which has made possible the war work of the Y.M.C.A. we thank you. Your money has been well expended. We have rendered full account. Overseas, dependent w#n- Canâ€" adian soldiers, and for Y.W.C.A. work in Canada generally, a sum of $175,000 from the Red Triâ€" angle Fund will be set aside for the Dominion Council of the Y.W.C.A., which is caring for the soldiers‘ women folk, and their little ones ou the long jourâ€" ney, from Liverpool to Canada, and is also extending its work for Canadian giris. now it LL the world now knows that the Red Triangle of the A Y.M.C.A. was the " Sign of Friendship ‘‘ to thousands of your brothers, sons, nephews, cousins and neighbours‘ boys in the last four and a half years. _ Wherever the Canâ€" adian Soldiers went, the " Good old ‘Y‘" went too. And Help the"Y" Construct the Manhood that will Reâ€"construct Canada Help the Y.M.C.A. Finish its _â€"â€"Work For Soldiers For their sake also be genâ€" For the wives 7. Tickets entitling soldiers to full Y.M.C.A. privileges for six months at any local Y.M.C.A. furnished. In addition to our work for the returning soldiers, we have to maintain the Red Triangle service to the full for the soldiers in Siberia, as well as the work of special secretaries in Northern Russia, Palestine and Poland. 5. Red Triangle Clubs in the principal® cities of Canada in the shape of large Y.M.C.A. hostels to furnish bed and board at low rates and to be a rendezvous for soldiers. 6. Seventvâ€"five Secretaries to 4. Red Triangle free canteen service, information bureau, etc., at each of the 22 Dispersal centres tyal at Halifax, St. John, W and Montreal, including cofâ€" tl:e stalls, with free drinks, free eatables, cigarettes, czndie‘s, etc. 8. Red Triangle men on every M troop train to provide regularly .. free drinks, eatables and cigarettes, "Chimg. CM organize games and sing songs, and â€" furnish information. ; Where possible, also & piano or an organ. _ Lectures, concerts, :‘n; romgs, instruction re Government repatriation plans, and 1. A<Red Triangle man on board every ship when it leaves Great Pritain, with a full equipment of games, gramophones and rg;uds!,l -q‘h ?m, literature and writing materials. For the soldiers and their dependents, returning from Overseas, we have provided as follows :â€" For Our Men Returning Y.W.C.A. TEA‘s good tea REDROSE Nownoldinam. 3 W“thcoldlegd ib 0 e t l ‘a‘ eventyâ€"five Secretaries to superintend Red Triangle in Military Hospitals, Camps and Barracks throughout Triangle Campaign is being conducted under the distinguish The Red The Duke of Detonshire, K.G., G.Câ€"M.G., G.C. 21 50 45 to 45 42 tm 42 5 25 tw 5 85 in sealed packages idns uceA 1. Avenue, Toronto. _ Lot 21, Con. 2, W. G. R, Bentinck conâ€" taining 100 acres, about 70 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation, the reâ€" mainder in good hardwood bush. On the gemuen are a food brick house, a good in on stone foundation. The place is well fenced, well watered and has a good orchard. _ Will be sold cheap for cash Apply to Alex Fletcher, R. R. No. 2.' Durham, or to John Pollock, 118 Victor Avenue Torant~ and facilities for the ampaign is being conducted under the distinguished patr of His Excellency, the Puke of Devonshire, K.G., G.C.M.G.,, PC. * & ency Compaign Chatrman: Campaign Treasurer: Compaien Dire G. Hgraszat Woon, Toronto THomas Bravsnaw, Toronto . _ Cmus. W. B p shop; for the sake of lonely men and boys in our minesand forests; for the sake of Christian Society and Canadian manhoodâ€"we appeal to you. Give us your contribution, little or big.. Be as generous as you can. Hand your contribution to the canvasser when he calls, or if you live where it is difficult for him to call, send it by check, money order or registered letter to the National Treasurer, Red ‘Triangle Campaign, 120 Bay Street, Toronto. 4A their dependents, and the happiness of their homeâ€"coming; for the sake of our future citizens, our teenâ€"age boys; for the sake of rural life in Canada; for the sake of the social betterment of the toilers in factory and workâ€" FOR the sake of our victorious soldiers and their denendents. and the hanminece af Red Tri Farm For Sale ~â€"~ _ Canadian Y{\V_.'C.A. m \' o, am”@‘. 5 $1,100, r"f"", ay p to 9"~ Canada Nide Appeal on arâ€" As. °K 5. Besides these main fields of increased activity for 1919, we have to provide for enlarged work among railway men, college students and for our campaign to encourage physical and sex education. Under all our work we place the fundâ€" amental foundation of manly Christianity. 1aly ) 10 °J 3. ‘The promotion of Y.M.C.A. , M work among Canada‘s army of workers in industrial plants, both in Y.M.C.A. buildings and in the factory buildings, organizing the social spirit among the industrial workers of our cities by meetings, entertainments, games and sports. 4. The establishment of the Red Triangle in isolated disâ€" tricts where lumbermen, miners and other workers hold the front trenches of industry. 1. _ An increased service to 300,000 teenâ€"age boys in the Dominionâ€"the development of Canadian Standard Efficiency training; Bible Study groups; summer camps; conferences; service for High School boys, for working boys, in the towns and cities; for boys on the farm and for boys everywhere, who have lacked opportunity for mental, moral, physical or social development. 2. Inauguration of Y.M.C.A. work in the country, and the smaller towns and villages lacking Association buildings and equipâ€" lan. ment, on & g_lan of county organâ€" izations. his will include the establishment of Red ‘Triangle centres for social, recreational and C @4 educational work among boys and The Reconstruction program of the Y. M.C. A. includes the following vitally important developâ€" ments:â€" For Canada‘s Manhood [ P hok s 22n l gf 0 06 CC CC "Ig Bs SAHe SorvyOq 1unca ing8. and ':n;v' MO-::‘III“"'O h”;l:n‘;f The balsnce of the nl:ht' till the % ta:.;, | trench life, roug wee sma‘ hoars t in es A few from this place and vicinity severe b.g_u“p:itbult a scrateh. He | angd Irip.picg tbe'lie;;t :'aP::ntie‘:)?te spent a most enjayable time at the feels hale and hearty and dressed in | music of the South Line and Gravel gomo °:| Mr A. B. MeArthur Wednesâ€" bis kilt is a fine speeiman of the Highâ€" road orchestra. ay night. land rase. Following is the address ; Miss Jean MoFarlane of ’IE‘:oronto ?ticr ;p:lldi;l! & ;::l:': °l'q='.°.“°‘i' L'; To our Hon‘tz:red Guest iei th ter. soeial chat etc., Sergt. Arch. McKi : :il(;:.d st bef home over the Eee Glenelg called the meeting to order W:‘ure ::o-bfié‘dnbm on this joyâ€" J %_â€"â€"____â€"E ou. m..im to rejoiefl 'i'h yon .fld your family, whom you so nobly and bonorably represented, in your home eoming and we are taking this opâ€" portanity of paying you a tribute and an lnfofmll welenma ta hama 2. _ Glad to have Miss A, M. McCannel back to the Glen. after visiting her people in Proton for some time. Mr Jack McKeown arrived home again, after filling the position of polâ€" ice in Provincial Parliament Bnild-] ings. Miss E. M. McCusig spent last week end with Mr and Mrs R. J, Lawâ€" rence of MeWill:iams. 1. An increased service Mr and Mrs Chas. MeArtbar bave returned home after spending the winter months with friends at N lagare on the Lake. roads. _ Of course the season is later than usual hence we expect more pleasant epringâ€"like atmosphere. "Ve sre baving record Easter wuflthor. beautiful warm sun and dry rnuda ing .22 22c . PRICEVILLE &« The Y.M.C.A. will keep its â€" chain of Service unbroken till the end. men, in churches. maximum for some months, financially provided for by not terminate till the last man has sailed for home. the France or We are not asking for oney to carry on our Please Note : __Friday evening, April 4th, a large eoneourse of triends and neighbors gathored at the home ol Mr and Mrs Hugh McKinnon to welcome hsme their son Sgt. Archie MeKinnon of the Cameron Highlanders. Archie spent over three years as a soldier Sergt. Arch,. McKinnon Honored Mr Ohas. Kenvedy accompanied by a friend from Toronto Sundayed at Swinton Park. Miss L. McGillivray and Mr K. McKenzie of Toronto epent a pleasant evening at Mr D. J. MeArthur‘s. Mastér Charlie McQueen of Swinâ€" ton Park is epending his vacation with friends here, ll:l E. McCuaig is bolideying at TRE DURHAM REVIEW at its the 150 ONTAR! D _ |and began a very lengthy program When the time carx e tor you to don khakiâ€"to have the privilege of fight ing for God and Rightâ€"you did sâ€" with the cxruu purpose of belping to destroy military agroeracy aud in plaee giviog to the wrld Freedom and Justice, A‘th:ugh you hadn‘ the privilege of getting into the tront line trenches we know that you were ready and anxions to go where duaty demanded you. As a resu‘t of the spir‘t of sacrifi:» manifested by our snldiers, we :t home enjoy jastice and civil liberty, for which our good old flag stinds and has stod for centuries Asa meaus of showing you omr apprecia address was made Mrs McCormack read the address and MrChas. Forâ€" guson made the presentation. Mr McDonald thanked all very mach tor the weleome and presentation and re ferred yery tenderly to the great grief that is so near to their hearts even in the gladness of bis returu. Following is the address : To Pie John L. McDonald : ‘ Dear Friend,â€"â€" We, vour friends and neightors of the immediate 1 cality surroundâ€" ing your bhome, have assambled bere to nms to welcome you. a soldier boy, back to Caoada, our Homeland, and we wish youto accept hearty good wishes of welcome on th 4 y. ur retarn to home acd loved ones. uceum;.::nied by Miss Florerce k«amâ€" age. Miss Ramage also gave an instramental solo _ Messrs Ramage, Lthian, Weir and others zave short speeches. Mr Lothian also gave a resitation. _ Miss Esther McLean of Priceville gave a recitation and a _ Mr Gordon Geddes was yoted to the cbair and we may jast remark that it was an apt choice and Mr Geddes pertormed his duties well. _ His reâ€" marks were of a telicitions nature in wishing well to Pre. MeDonald and «lso his wife. The program was good Mr Wm. R«amage favoring with a couple of rousing patriotic solos, the Glee Clubâ€"Mr and Miss Lcthian, Mr and Misses Ramage and Mr Dan Campbell. Priceville, sang very apâ€" propriate seleetions. _ Mr Thos. Ic-‘ Dougali farnished instramental musio Oa Thursday nigbht a crowd of friends inyaded the bhome of Mr and Mrs A. B. McDonald to join them in welcoming bome their soldier son Jobhn C MceDonald Their many triends rejoiced with them in his reâ€" turn and also rejoiced that his mother a. d sister had been restored to healib. service rendered to our King a1 d Country. Signed on bebalf of your friends Frank Rei ey, Jobn Nichol, Angaos McMillan, Arch J. McDonald Our earnest prayers are that God may pour out on you H‘s richest blessing and may He guide and dirâ€" ect you along the pathway of life and success may crown anew efforts in whatever walk ot life you may pursue and when lit« is ended, may fie say to you ‘‘Well done good and faithtul fervant, enter iuto the joy of thy Lord. ‘ In bringing this our agdress to a close we ask you to acorp this purse as a mere recognition of your valued Oar anxiety for your safety and preservation was a means of exciting us to a very high tension and now the reaction hbas come. _ The scene is now changed and we greet those who are coming home in bealth and strength. A presentation ot a parse and an We recognise in the ftact that, at the Country‘s eall you responded, goâ€" ing forward with a determination to assist in saving our Empire from desâ€" truction and gullgo of the barbarity of the cruel Huos. Words are inadâ€" aquate to express the high honor in which we uphold you tor your beroism and stability in figbting for a grand and noble cause. We know you did your par: that we might enjoy that treedom and liberty in cur fair doâ€" main that we have a> long cherished. an informal welcoms to home friends. Archie replied briefly thanking his many frh;z for their kindness shown him here and while at the front. He also thanked the Red Cross S.cisties in the sarrounding dis:ricts f 1 boxes of ‘‘eats," tobacsn, and so forth that he received. He extended a high land weleome to a‘l, puttiog it in his own words ‘"bere is the house and the floor, hop tojt." _ Aiter the proâ€" gram the ladies who are alwave ready at the right time ser ved lanch TORONTO others. Mrse Aermic Mel ean of Priceâ€" ville who sapg a beautiftul solo deâ€" serves special mention in the musica! ‘Line. lil' being very much appreciated y all. Sgt. Arch. McKinnon was then calâ€" led on and the following address read by Thos. MeDougal!. At the proper moment Arch. J. McsDonald present: d him with a purse containing $24 McCunsig, Jno. Weir, Robbie Patton, Frank Reilev, Maleolim Melanes and SWINTON PARK rendered to our King a1d Executors Sale of Lands by Tender Written Tenders are asked for the purâ€" chase of Lots 6 and 7 East Garafraxa Stieet, and Lots 8 and 9 West Albert Street, Vollett‘s Survey, being the lands min(tom Estate of the late Jane alsh. Tenders will be received up till 18th of April. Lowest or any tender not necesâ€" sarily accepted. l Dated March 28th, 1916. _ _ Beinfioompoud of Lot No 10, Con. 3, W.G. R.. containing 100 acres, 70 acres cleared. the balance timbered with cedar and hardwood. It is well watered and convenient to school. On the premises is a comfortable dwelling house and bank batrn 50‘x65‘. Also Lot 8, Con. 2, conâ€" taining 100 acres, 50 acres cleared. The remainder, 25 acres of it is well timbered swamp and the other 25 is hardwocd bush. This farm is well watered. Posâ€" session could be flven at once. Apply to rs John Stewart, R. R. No. 2, Durham. The roads are in pretty poor condiâ€" tion being very rough. â€" Needs a litâ€" tle touch of the guod roads sysem along the 19th con. _ Pretty bard on vebhicles What ? A tew of the youth and beauty atâ€" tended a ball given in Dromore hall Friday night. Wedding tbells are ringing. Miss Hutchison, teacher here, bas left for her bome in Markdale and Miss Tarney to Dandalk. Two delegates from this congregaâ€" tion go to 0 Sound this Taesday to the Owen Sound Presbytery to conâ€" sider the cali given to Rev Mr Jones. have been placed to date and still there are calls for more. Get your Course NOW. If you do not get it you pay for it anywauy in emallâ€" erearnings and lost o>portunities Enter any day. Write, call or phone for information. A s cial evening was spent in the Hail here on Thursday evening, the Metbodist Ladies Aid preserti g all the re:urned soldiers with a purse of money and two pairs of socks. Sratfordâ€"Winghamâ€"Mt. Forest On Wednesday last a quiet wedâ€" ding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs Donald McDonald when their ycunger daugbter Effie was married to Mr Thos Collier of Edge Hill. _ Rev. Mr. McCarten was the officiating minister. The happy eouEle carry with them our best wishes. Mr and Mra Wm. McMillan and family visited at Mr Jobhn Aldsorn‘s Master Jack is spending the week at Swincon Park. All our Graduates Mr Howard Watson bus a sale on and in order to handle his business has Misses Maggie Knox and Magâ€" gie Aidcorn helping him. Mr and MrsSam Gobeen and fam ily visited Mr and Vlro Don C«mpbel! _ Miss Rath Stewart is boliday ing io Torort». Among the Easter visitors we see ; Miss Annie Knoxk, Wm J. McLeod, Neil McKincon, Ethel Campbell, Toronto ; Jean Aldcorn, Corbetton ; Maggie Campbell, Kathleen McMilâ€" lan, Maggie and Henry Richardson, Alex Knox, Daâ€"~dalk. Mrs Fred .Ranciman. Toronto, is visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arch Fergason. Jno A. Ferguason (@ rdon McDonald Joba Pierson Dan McCormacik After this program a semptuous laoch was served and an bour spent in social conversation, then the singâ€" ing of Aulid Lang Syne. tion of your part in the world war, mmf in Suprem we ask you to accept this purse, hop. l Commissidhor l:g :-Im you willhoalÂ¥ nme::fber in Sice zh:‘:“- the futare years the pleasure of your on t.. opposite friends at seeing you home again. Q Walpole‘s Stables, the new aid to dnmon" stic T As pleasant and as safe to Keep your stomach sweet Ml;e:nd ward off the indiâ€" gestion of tomorrowâ€"try KEEP IT SWEET MADE BY SCOTT a Bownek MAKERS OF SCOTTS EMULBON: Farm For Sale or Rent stuuon of tomorrowâ€"try KrMo1D§ G. A. WATSON & SONS Box 169, Priceville House Furnishings, Doors ani Sash from Planing Done to Order Sawing of Lumber and Shingles other days. and Saturdays of each w only during the montbhs May, June and July. Wm. Calder, Executor. your NOTICE ! $900000000008 Sleeping cars on night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains. TheDouble Track Route A. S. HUNTER & SON A@> Me M<Phail has none in bis dence in Oulu.. * *elepuons > C e e Ee HONOR GRADUATE of Toromo. Unl'vu-'ty. graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Roome Over J & J HUNTER‘B New Store wW. C, PICKERING D. D S., L Ds Unexcelled dining car service. DRS. JAMIESON & JawMiEsaN Oflice and residence, corner Counteas: and Lambton, opposite old Post Office Office Hourl‘: _0 to 1! a m., 1.30 to & P UMP S J. L. SMITH, M. B., M.C.P.S. 0. 3. F.GRANT D.0.8. L. Nes TCOW M h Telephone Com icatiou between Oflce an I-::.mu;ll hours, J. 6. HUTTON,.M.D.. C af. m ; / i0 9. p. m.. Sund ureday afternoon excepted J. P. TELFORD Chicago D. MePHAIL. Ceylon or to C. RAMAGE, ‘Durham Toronto Detroit and >aiber College Physicians and Burgoose FICE: J. P. Telfo 1 S0, . tovel 2. No Iprdromee, nea â€" â€" 9.50 ;.luunlm?‘ B visizp Pump Jacks, Pumping Enâ€" gines, and five other styles of Pumps _ to choose from. Pump, with 10 inch stroke, revolving top for setting in &ny position, 3 inch cylinder, FEHHOIS .3 s 3+ axzaxxsnm â€"4p a. 1â€"9 m. m

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