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Durham Review (1897), 1 May 1919, p. 1

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mu, Ins. and I Curtain muslin. his. Those are ings an without Ill., ants " from. On t Cerea op in add-lint, in: “and to =a't Shh ”Body. 4.36 owan 'Io Zulu-d CO :air Prices It“: rates a); {MT-uni“; hey in” a. Icy In. the .iliiiiiili,i.tiij" Momma: r"hl'l'"ld'a'l d! - an... woman ll try Flour ‘mh~ pint in}? wow” Chop m “(I thick - who (to. tho &CO.§ ad Eggs 47-Ju- Gum-il- 50c. 75c. SI wonder who: ant-“ad LS at um " 191! l, Bran. ttt Corn men ghts "on are On Tueedey evening Mrs A. S. Horton was pleasantly surprised when about forty of her mends from the Epworth League of the Methodist church raided her home and presented her with a bot. tie shower. During the earlier part of tho evening a most hilarious time was spent hy the merry crowd while indul- ging in games. Later on an impromptu program was given The splendid duets rendered by the Misses Smith and the Mleees Lawrence were certainly appre- ciated. The Misses Cole sang several clever little duetts and the violin solos by Mr Earl McDonald were greatly en- joyed. Mis: Rita Irwin captivated all by her charming instrumentals l the routing by Mrs Cole caused gelee of laughter. Suiizptuoue refreshments were served by the young people. dainty and pleasing to the palate. After spen- dinge delightful half hour singing such lesions songs " "John Brown‘"“Wsy down upon the but!” River" ind"Oid Black Joe." they extended their sin- eere oortgratulatiorta to the happy couple and wended their way homewsrd sing- ing “For they are Jolly Good Fellows. Yunnan) A Dzuvsmr CAR.- "our: Cam. McLachlan and D. C. Town wont to Toronto last week, and momma home on Friday in a new Ford delivery on which the former bought. It was a cold windy day for the home trip, and the boys were chilled thru before reach- ing Durham after a nine hour ride. Mr Town was nine. oonMod to bed for 4 or tr days with on attack of Imndicieis but is now much better. The management of Durham Presby- terian church has decided to redecorate the interior of their edifice which was de- heed last summer unavoidably by rain while ropf-repairing was in progress. The tt has been let to Mr Van-der-fven, of oronto. who did the work 19 year' ago It is a work of some magnitude and will necessitate the closing of the church for four or tive Sundays. A Hard TimeSoahul at the Orange Hall yttruer on Friday. 2nd of Mav Will be of Interest. The admission is " cents an inch. neck measure. and any sun of opul- epce, such 3% collars. cuffs. jewelry, rings, situ. Ac, will have to pay fine. How b g " your neck ? The Ladies' Aid of the Baptist Church will hold a ale ot home made baking in Calder. Mock. next to Central Drug Store on Saturday. may 3rd. A cafeteria lunch " be served also. .Conmlt F. A. Graham, eye-sight I " alut about your eyes Central Drug go; 72e to 7.5c bus. [or good Milling Oataat Rott lg; Mills Elevator. Come and enjoy a cafeteria lunch at the Baptist Ladres' Aid, Saturday May 3. Bring in you: tilnm to' be enlarged up to any use desired. Work promptly deliver- ed. Kelsey Studio Pure Feed Oatmeal " per cut. Best Feed, [at calves and young pigs For sale at mill and teed sores. Rob Roy Mills Limited. PBED ran SALL-Marquil wheat 82 " a bushel. o. A C. No 72 out. " 90 eta. n bmhcl. Also a quantity of feed cats A. 8. Hunter & Son Canon m G. T. R. TIMI --After Sunday next, 4th of May, the afternoon train will leave Durham for Toronto and points between at 3.55 p. m. instead of 3.40 as formerly. Nurse Murdock. graduate, will attend Oil-omen. Make engagements early. Box 65. Durham. VOL. XLII. NO. 18, The New tur....) iashion ' Distinctive and Alluring Tho very -t---and ornarte.t--nnd meet becoming. Flower trimmed-ribbon trimmed. Wing trimmed-the gunmen: winge. Every new color-Greet Lakes blue, sunset rose. dust color. clarion. thing. in all bleak, and the moat fascinating oombinatiogm of bleak and color. ’ Everything fhat is New in Hats in MISSES TRUAX IIV'D '07. $nlllllllrlll.llr8h" showrooms. k. Money Orders and Drafts are issued by this Bank payable in an all parts of the world. '34 DURHAM BRANCH, b. a a a 7 "my: ELITE MILLINERY In the evening be dealt with the now famous Rev. Ben Spence case who was charged with circulating a book banned by chief censor. The examination of thin well known temperance advocate has revealed nothing irregular in his charac- ter or conr act unbecoming a good citi- zen. b, . it has evealed a biased animus against him in main circles that would lead to the belle: 'hat the liquor interests are behind the persecuting procedures, (for they are n01 hing else) trying to find a flaw that would help them in the com- ing campaign. The carry mg of the case from court to court, the long delays in the case and especially the refusal on his claim for a trial by jury, has roused pub- lic opinion gia,,'rne'il the urrBritish meth. ods he has an cred from. The book in question "The Parasite" is a strong indictment of the liquor traf- fic an evil always but especially calcu' lated to hinder war effort in a time of stress. Instead of being branded a die loyal book. its whole aim and purpose was to promote truest patriotism. 1 To bring the matter to some definite Alliance Services I ncss. a committee has been formed to re- -...-r- Gniis suggestions and bring in some con- Rev. Mr Kettlewell, of the DominionG'e'ti proffsal at ameeting to be held Alliance preached Sunday last, mornlnglin Town all next Wednesday evening and evening in the Baptist church. In Meanwhile relatives of the fallen toittiers the morning he dealt mth the temper- are to meet by. themselvts on Saturday ance situation as it was likely to beaf- next to give direction to the movement thug the coming referendum. He and report to the general commrttee .explai the fcur fold ballot and t..?igt,?,.1,i,t as fallen, Mater MCKeclpie, Importance of all lovers of the best in chairman: mum: of our country voting "No" to alll Mai“ MeKecltnie, James Loyd, four propositions, W. .Falkingham, Allan Bell, . In the evening he dealt with the now A c. Wolfe, J. ys Mdlmtho famous Rev. Ben Spence case who was A. H. Jackson, Dan M.c5uli.ire: charged with circulating a book 'i'i'i1?) Besides these on the committeels de- by chief censor. The examination of sired one member from the I, O D. E., thin well known temperance advocate has l the Veterana' Association, and the Worn. l revealed nothing irregular in his charac- ' en's Institute. l Rev. Mr Kettlewell, of the Dominion Alliance preached Sunday last, morning and evening in the Baptist church. In the morning he dealt mth the temper- ance situation as it was likely to be af- fectett by the 1:omingIeerepdum. - He A prominent citizen-- prominent espec- ially aboutthe waist line, or where the must-line should be-consulted a physi- cian. The doctor, after taking a prolong- ed look at the "bay window," pronounced his decision, "You'll have to diet." "What !" exclaimed the patient, "What do Y98 think you’re tteating-an Easter egg ?" A Provtncial Liberal Convention will be held in Toronto on June 25th and 26th for the purpose of deciding upon a per- mament leader and adopting a definite policy. Further announcement of the details wlil be made in the near future. There are two hundred and fifty thous- and words in the English language, and most of than were used last Sunday by a lady who discovered after coming out of church, that her new hat was adorned with a tag on which was written, . Ieduc- ed to $2.75. " Humorous. pretty and captivatingis the Japanese Operetta. "Yokohama Maid" by Durham Pres. Choir in the Town Hall, Thursday, May Ist. Plan at Central Drug Store The monthly business meeting of the I. O D. E. wilt be held in the Public Lib- rary basement on Tuesday, May tith at 8 p :3. All members are requested to at ten . The Canadian national debt in 1914 totalled 846 a head. It is now over 8270. Increased trade (my. says the C T. c., can help us to carry the new burden. Films promptly finished at Kelsey Studio. Work finished twice a week. Glossy or dull finish. . The slaughter sale of Spirella still con- tinues at reduced prices at the parlors of the corsetiete. . Mixed Chop $250 per out. sacks Included. Rob Roy Mills, Ltd. Don't forget the homemade baking sale May 3rd. Special attention given to Hats, f or Children; Seed Buckwheat for sale at 25 cents buys a Thrift Stamp. THE (We - T030“. Mrs J, C Nichol Rob Roy Mills maid Tilly (Mrg F Irwin) getting out the Monday washing Seth Rankin, Co constable and “ceased detective (E. D, McClocklin) rippers. seeming crime, and ever on the look out for evident-e. Mrs Weston, an impoverished aristocrat (Mics McWilliarnir) and non Richard. an idle rogue (J. L. Stedman.) are looking for menu: to bolster their finances and decide that Richard must woo and marry Boss. (Mien Minnie Limin) a wealthy adopted child of Captain Ben! The latter is teen bidding farewell to her nilorlovu (Harry 2t'l and Hiram, mold tutter- mm“... (J 8;“: et r, v e ' . t man appar- ;livdeformmt Hannah's band. and an fuel“ has In prevented by Seth's uric-Ind interwar“. V _ In Mr: trertpeottmn.e Act I“. laid. Hrtten Mn meighty nouety woman (my s. Vollett) and Mrs Web. I College graduate, (Mrs Korange dig to enlist her aid on some trivial minim. Thelma-mum: m butler, when the detective Seth Rankin mind an: he may sock further clues, bee ad! Camden (Min Dame 11min) Men "Long Point Light" undoubtedly shows more versatility iwecenes and characters portrayed than any other production. he stage setting of the old lighthouse made an admirable picture, and the cos- tumes of the occupants added to its real- istlcness. Another tine scene was the faked auto accident on a lonely country road at night, where the only illumination of the principals concerned was the light- ning flashing upon them The rumbling thunder and vivid lightning was later vw idly portrayed in a storm at Bea. The twelve characters in the drama each fulfilled the rolel assigned to them faultlessly, and the impersonations and development of the plot were equally well enacted as if on a professional stage The smoothness of the performance throughout ts a tribute to the training of the author- manager, E. D. McClocklin, who appar- ently inspires all with his talent. Equal to any of his previous produc- tions and surpassing all in the opinion of some, was E. D. McClocklin's comedy- drama "Long Point Light.' preserved here by the Anglican young people on Friday evening Mr McCnocklin's origin- al plays won their fame three or four year: ago when several were given and their high standard at that time assured avood house last week, even though weather conditions were most unfavorable. The scene is laid at Long Point light- house where Captain Ben (Eric Kelly; is the keeper. It opens with his sister Aunt Hannah (Miss Alma Jiugtsey and her May the interest taken in the meeting of next Wednesday, show that the town is worth fighting for. Ladies. ever for- ward when war work was to be done,are urged te take equa 1y prominent part in this Peace work, but " any sake don't let the town stand by and look on while relatives of the dead plan to honor their dear ones who have fallen. ( The idea of a Hospxtal as first mention. _ IS not weaved w.ith favor, the Ict of maintenance lo mm; up as a dnhcult lprop( anion. let alone the heavy titst cost lot a guitab‘e budding. Ano.her proje.t ' meeting with more lavor. i, a new Mem- ‘orial Town Ha.l in the vestibule ol which ‘could be placed memozial when to "he fallen. The proposal meeting w.th ( most favor, huwevor is a memorial manu- ', ment, pillar or man ot some kind, paced iin a park capable of adornment. and;at lan accessible and conspicuous part of the I town In favor of the Hospital it should be said tkat Mr Calder l a; the bearer of an offer from the I. 0 D. L. chapter here, to undertake the cost of maintenance. a proposition showmg some courage. Against the Town Had proposal must be set downlthe tact that it would not appeal as do the other tschemes-to the district around Durham. He invited full and free discuslion and most of those preseqn. about twenty, took part in the proceedings. The meeting in Town Hall on Monday night to orgamze for a mem orial to fallen soldiers, was very poorly attended. Mat- or McKechnie Wctt's made chairman and explained the situation giving reasons tor the deay in taking the matter up asa town. chief mm: g these being the iegret- table il ness of Reeve Canon. " The removal to Toronto of Councillor F. Lenahan made another gap at the council table, and both gaps ate to be fill- ed next Tuesday evening, as will be seen by officiai notices calling for nominations for the two positions. At 7.30 p. m. Mr. A. A Cotton, though recovering slowly from the illness that ha: kept him from the Council for three months, has decided to throw up the seat and handed his resignation in last week. 1 he whole town regrets the necessity of this action but will wish the ex-Reeve complete ear- ly recovery to normal health. Local Play was Excellent Reeve and Councillér Wanted That Memorial Meeting DURHAM; THURSDAY MAY 1,1919 -0- aluminum. -. thaitttt With which ig Incarnate! the Holstei- Lender {played their Iarsrersartednesss on Tues- _ day evening, when they presented Pte Murray Hoy. recently returned badly ’xaued from overseas, With a purse of $105, Rhich they had collected The l presentetion was made the occasion of e moi-l evening in his honor in Verney Orange Hall, which was crowded. Pastor Falknngham was in the chair. and e bright progrem of speech. music Ind leans wu rendered The main event wee inf course the presentation to the cx-eold- liar hero. made by Mr A. McCebe, while ‘Miee Florence Kerr rend the address. ', Murray "encoded with e eplendid reply i‘l'hoee contributing to the program were nevi ler Meg-en e eddreu, reeitetione by Mil-ea Reta Bubour and Annie Graham, duett by the Minu- Kerr, violin number by Mr and Mrs Moore, mouth- omn number by Mini Lon: Riwhie. solo: by Min L. Whiter. Mum Allan an and J. L swim”. the two mm with Pte. Sun Lavina aim, oontrittutirte middle-bu. A - enjoy-bk oun- iu was spun: lunch Min; and at the gym. up! it In: nearly I p. m, More Pte. John Davis son of Mr Wm, Davis 2nd Con ' Egremont, returned as far as Toronto last Saturday and is now in Hos- pital there. He ttutfered two attacks of the 'tht ' in England and at Christmas was seriously ill with pneumonia follow. ing it. He will yet be some weeks in the Hospital not having regained his strength, At Passehendaele on Oct. 26th, 1917, the day hit brother Cecil made the great sac- tice, John was wounded in the left arm. but had fully recovered from this injury. Handsome Presentation to Murray Hey PTE. NASSAU WHITMORE A returning lad whomade greater sacri- fices than most, is Pte Nassau Whitmore I of Glenelg, who reached Durham Monday noon t ain and was welcomed by a num _ her o6llw9dietris.olddiiettis, as well as his relatives. He enlisted in the [nth early in 1916. went overseas in Novem- ber, and in April 1917 went to the front with the IoarthC M. R.batt in which many other Durham boys were enrolled. He was lightly wounded twice at Pass- chendaele. and last August 27th was ser I iously wounded in the leg, at Arras. He' was removed to an English hospital, and l the leg later had to be amputated about ( Sins. above the knee. He will receive an artitiiial limb later on. With the aid of crutches he moves around freely now and looks well, though still somewhat nervous PTE. FERG. WATSON Last Saturday night Pte. Ferguson Watson reached his mother's home here! after over three years army service Ferg was one of the old 147th batt. boys who went overseas in Nov. 1916. and next June he was sent to the lront with the 38th batt. Joe Warmington of Durham and some Priceville boys were also in this battalion. In March 1918 he was wound. ed in the foot and spent four months in an English hospital. On release from hospital he was placed with the 2nd Div- ision Emglgyment Co. till Nov. 15th. He was sent ck to England Nov. 30. Ferg, islooking well and is completely recovered. On Saturday evening this Aberdeen hero returned and was wricomed by his parents, Mr and Mrs Hugh McLean and a number of friends. le tetciur was a stu- dent at the o A. C.Guc:ph. 1shen he signed up with {detachment from Queen's University. Kingston. and after a short time in training 'crossed the pond ' and from {here be was drafted into the 15th Highlander's batt. and was soon over m Fiance. He suffered gas attacks and in the early days of the drive last tall, was wounded in the arm and chest He was a patient in hospitals of France and Eng- land for some time. He expects to re- main home for a season. I I Tn Act 3, Hiram has worked up his case to the point of pr. posing to Aunt Han. nah when Dr. P:l.berry burns in and quashes it. The latter turnshr,' affections Ion 'l‘my but she is tmpcrvious to his high- itiotvn languege The detective Seth con- lcealed unuet a table, overheats a dastard- ily plot ot Mrs Weston's whereby Captain Ben, the keeper is (hugged in a storm, the light w, out. his daughter Jess and sister muted to Mrs Weston's. Jess' sailor lover is in danger of shim red; wi:h no light lrom Long Point to guide them, but Jess saves her lover and the ship by breaking away horn Mrs Westonswheu the detective reveals their- villa ny and [she carries up the '.uht to guide them to port, alter tinding Captain Ben lying help- i lean drugged. Jess and Harry are again I united, and Genevieve, who has a pench- l, ant for detectives and heroes, rewards) I Seth with an expressive embrace. _ Mik Rita Irwin supplied fine instrum- entals between the acts. The proceeds were 8110 00. With the finished work put on, the time spent and scenery prepared, it seems in. adequate that one night's presentation should recompense this, and we believe anoiher night would draw a full house Thv'ilierof Vqrney and dinning dis- in him her aftmny. Mrs Weston and her son wan to compromise Jess by inducing her to lakea lonely auto nde Nth Ric- hard at n gm. Jess accepts and he plans a breakdown near their country house m a storm. She refuses to go to the house. and the detective and Gcnevteve who overheard the plot, toilow m a othsr car and toil his scheme. The Returmn g Soldiers. FLETCHER McLEAN ONTARIO ARCH TORONTO The material in then prits in excep- tion-l u it h the an: an Inn and (or Government Powder Bomu. Call and act one " \ The Variety Store 3. L. SAUNDERS. Prop. The Board of Director' If South Grey Agricultural Society at tt recent meeting finally fixed the dates of the Fall Kir on SEPT. 30th and OCTOBER lat. They are making decided er.orts to make the Show of 1919thebestever. They have secured a large number of new members and expect many more. The Field Crop Competition in cats will he held this year. Competitors must be; members of the 8oriety and must also; E“ a tee of one dollar at time of entry. ailing to win a price. this dollar will be refunded. Severity-tive dollars in seven prizes. me winners must show a sheet at the Fall Fair. for which large prizes use uttered. Send applications to Secy. Geo Binnie. It. R}. Priapville, before May 20th _ Speedin'a on the trick will also be a feature at the Fall Pair. Mr J A.Graham attended the meet. ing: of the Ontario Educational Associa- tion in Toronto last week. He was a delegate from South Grey Teacherl' In- stitute and was there elected Chairman of the Rural Teacherl' Section of the o. K A. His paper on “The ldeel Secretary of a Tmushera' Institute" read before the Institute section on Wednesday afternoon will have the honor of being included in full in the printed minutes of the o. E. A. About I500 teacher: Attended from the Universities, I'ollegiete Inetitutee. High Schooll and Public Schools of On- terio. The meeting luted three dare and were qreil-tsttmtded end inspiring throughout. Miss Marguerite Kelsey left Monday to enter Fergus Hospital as nurse-in- training. Mr Wes. Morton left last Friday to take a position In Central Butte, Sash, along aith his brother Tom. Mr Will Howie, a former teacher of Edge Hill School, is renewing old ac. quaintances in that action and at Mr Wm Ritchie's in town. Mr Howie has recently returned from overseas when he spent three years. f'laisfisralhgerhllfair Mrs B. McComb and daughter, Mrs Miller of Brantford are in Chosley at- tending the post nuptial reception of the farmer's daughter, Mrs. (Rev,) Moore. Reg. 75c Galvanized Pails for $9c Mr. John Colvillo left loudly for the West to return to bin duties " conductor on the C. N. R. lines. His many old friends were pleased to have hun with them for almost two weeks. Radiant news comes from Toronto that Mr J P. Telford is doing splendithy after the recent operation for the malignant growth on the throat. He can now eat well and sleep well and We feel as if the town bell should jubilrrfly tell the good nqws to his tomtsmen, who sincerely re- Jot e. .aMis‘I Susio'Kelney left. for Janson, Mutibownn In} in when the has taken a school for a your. Q Mr A. D, Browning was taken sudden- :Iy m on Tuesday momma with some- I using ot an epuettsc nature His son l Witt “a: sent tor and at latest accounts 'he Is improving and all will Wish the 1 family mic! Hum the anxiety. Mr John Ferguson, B. A ' new High School Ptincipal,has been on duty since Tuesday morning. He is favorably 1m- pressed with the school, the students and surmu dings and seems to be making a good impression hims; If. Pleased to learn that Mr W D. Mills, St Catherines, is recovering after a se- verei ness with paecmmia. Mrs. (Rev) McEwen spent a week wnh her parents in Arthur, returning this wrek. Mrs. McEwen is one ot ten chad- ren who honors these patents. all living and the youngest over 30 A wonderful record. About 60 neighbors and lriends of Mr Thee Collier. tsdgr Hill, met at his home iast Wednesday evening to Welcome Mrs. Ckllier to their ocaiity. T he evening was spent in social Intercourse. games and music. Mr. Lhris. Firth for a week back has been very sll, and ms Me has been almost despaircd n! We hope his cheery tttndly countenance may soon greet usou the streets again. Mr, Duncan McKenzie at latest ac. counts is more than homing ms own. Duncan Jr ' and Wife, also John and his wne camelast week but the two sons have rammed to only again. Mr. Jno A. Black, Chesley and daugh- ters waned lnends m Glenda white (along ms daughters ban: to ttttat respective schools. Mr Alex and Miss Mary MtQua‘n visi- teu lioolhvmc menu's me beginning of the week. Mr. Thos. McArthur of Ceylon, visited town menus over bunday. SPECIAL I Seven roamed house. all modern con- venit mes on Guatnxa St South Durham Must be sold as owner is leaving town. Apply to J. Knight, Durham NEW Store "where Quality Reigns Supreme i Fine Shirts Hats and Caps Draperies Fancy Collars Gloves m}!!- Wise-rm! M-W'M a!" nu. How about your Easter Shopping , Our stock is now complete and we can supply you With 'Snr- thing in General Merchandise that you deeire. V IF" --M. -%GrirdGirture, J. a. mum, u House for Sale Easter Shopping REFUSE TO " m The very newest in Easter Headgear. When you buy one of our Hats, you are assured of getting the best value for your money. Freshen up your home by getting New Draper- ies for your Windows. Came in and ask tosee our line of Scrims and Fancy Drapenel in Ecru and White. Prices ranging from,................. Nc to TS: We have the very newest in Fancy Calls". Drop in Ind see our range and be cunvinusd of our values. A full range of Silk Gloves, especiallv bought for Easter "tth, Colours include IN hm , G rey Beach and Blue . Prices - ranging from................... 75c to la", 'Save the surface and you save all Aigiliiisit TWICE! PIN-bod Wash“ " It in“ O BANJO! 0 MN p, mun-u British Columbia and thtterio St of I" clashes. Algoma Pine Late Shingles and i.ath to: ti; le and Ride! Mmdock. Do ham

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