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Durham Review (1897), 1 May 1919, p. 8

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w; "i tit The ll "stein Convention Lin annex Shipping Assoemion purpose shipping hogs and cattle weekly ohm- neueina Sunni", April 26th. 1919 Any 0 :e ht yin: bogs or cutie to strip - report m the Mam-gar Mr Geo “chum. at to "in undersigned three day. before shipping day. Stock will be shipped " an v patty. whether a manner ot the Shipping Amiation “The Road to Tomorrow”: NORMANBY COUNCIL will do tor any ynun' man-or woman. Wrste for It. Individual instruction. Enter any date. Sptcial attention to returned soldiers. G. D. Fleming. C. A. "u"'inig,'didi Sccy. 'ncipal W. u. "ulnar. President Neil Calder, Mercury N B. - Mr Senna: umbe- to intim no that having bun engaged Is Inner (t the Holstein Shipping Awociatioo. he will di-cominno buy " Swot a! " that date. Invest Victory Bond interest in War Savings Stamp- Buy War Savings Stamps have been placed to date and “in there we ea“. tor more. Get your Course NOW. " you do not ttet it you pay for it anyway in small. ct earnings and loot opportunities _'s" R. J. ARNlllLL All our Graduates Central Business College srattont-Wingham--Mt, Forest Enter any day. Wme. can or phone for inlwmation. ANNOUNCEMENT ! I beg to mun-unn- to the public ot Durham and vicinity that be In: nopemd " the old and m n mama's Mill, the Pump. Tilt and Brick business, Ion. carried on there I an prepared to tahe coo- "an ot II“ kind for Bclm the two leGow-n It". Geo!“ I. ' - Duh- Tile and Brick, and Repairs will receive best mention Tile supplied ttd dimensions, a”, 18”, I6”, ”and min. Pumps of all kinds tells you what a count in the Pumps, Tile and Brick «warrfirmn’wwtwmwgg Special Sale Snaps 'iii Farmers ! Attention Full Line oflWall Paper in stock Spring Seeds, Field or Garden Ladies' and Gents' Raincoats Regular 86.00 to 10.00--iutrt the thing for this time of you ----all so u bargain sale prices. Now is the time to secure your Spring Seed. Come in and see our prices before buying. _ _)-taf'r8f,mh'f( -,r.f 0.01/2)- 'i'i'ik'iay 1t,'l'l'.'.1efs-e,'litl'fi-i,til"'iti'a';tt-, The Misses Rogers & Kil- gour will have a full line of Millinery on hand Tuesdays and Thursdays. Reg Me Salmon.........2 for Me Reg 150 Mustard...... 2 for 25c Reg 180 Pork & Beans 2 for Me Reg 150 Pumpkin......2 for Me 2 lbs. Dried Apples............25c 3 l-lb bars Gold Soap .......2Sc Jap. Washing Ammonia... 100 All Tobaeeos............2 for Me A Few of our Grocery Bargains The fulluwmg pound-keepers Were appou.ted: A. Weppler. Geo. Dicker: Jae. Anderson. Jan. Neville, Jul. Williamson, Dan Haatinzs, Fred Weiser, Wm. Carma. Jul. W. Birth, L Urvin. Dan Kraft. Wm J. Morris, Sun Kuenie, By. Leisemer. N Wett- butter. tir. Schilling. Geo. Sockeu, Val. chhor. Geo. In", Adam Wal- ter, John Werner, can. 8; Jno.S Bseta. Broth-Miller-That Conrad Fits. cher bauiven the contract of makina cement ule " the name prion n In: year. Mr Fischer Is Inget free on at the Township park to: the current your by looking that the eartsttUtitstt of the Tp. Hall, loading tile and im- proving um upponrnnco of the park tre "pinning ttll and trees. cm. in: weeds. etc. The following were "pointed Fence viewers tor the 7 Divlalons .. No l-Chair. thl, H. McKinnon. No 2-Jno. Widmeyor. P D 'ylo. No3--Pa, Finnegan. Wm Little. No 4-Alf Widmeyer, Wm. Sharp. No, 5--T. Wulluce. Geo. Seim. No 6--h'. Curran, ll. McPhee. No 7--W. Scavenson. Joe Salmon. Enoch Lua was tttyptrinieMtrmutt ulliccr in place at late Ctus. Dietrich. Com. Booth, introduced By-lnw Nay 5 ot 1910, re statute labor and regal am the price (It gruel which WI! given its proper rendingo. Highest Prices Paid for Produce. Our Aim-Reliable goods at moderate prices. Miller --Nsiogesr---T'ut the follow. ing aeouuuts be paid : “eating ot Council " date....315 90 Com. letting And looking alter municipal businros, Fllainaer $3 ; Fischer 83 ', Booth $150 7 50 Jan. u. Ellinaluy us treuurer I In! quaint...» ...... .... '3175i R. B. Fortune. ulary as glen: ; m outrun... .... .... .... 75 00 By Brown removing timber i from river at Ptefrer's budge 3 00 Br. Weber t1lliotr in none " shamanism! Pleifer'l bridge 7 20 o. Wklmeyer. printing t6patres ot Auditiu’ report: " 1.50 a I page uud p inning 300 math: pupa" .... ...... ...... .. 26 M) Philip Holliuger to parties till. inte in “one to Abutment: of Krrllerru bridge. . .... ... 40 20 The Council adj named to meet it {the Town“: p Hm, Minn nu Red “madly, May 28 tr in 10 a. m, *coun nt Revisirn I: d tor gene" business. MeCaw-To Mr trt d Mrs Fred W. ICC-w, It Avonlee Salk . April nth. a daughter Jeanie Kethleen DIED McArthur-In Biremnnt. April 17th Mr Neil McArthur, aged 9r yum listened in “Medina (can: ry on! Tuesday. Not Sold --ve boned with the in4eatrtnrtitsk Spire": star-the moot pliable and re. ilent comet boning in the worid-- gun- antecd not to break or nut in one yet! of com! we". Goods cheerfully demon-traced by cilia. " Pam. MRS. J. C. NICHOL, Box I, Durham Met 'itll April, all present. Millinery Spirella Corsets Holstein R. ll Fortune. Clers in Stores Mr and Mrs Scot: Iiccles left on Tuesday morning to spend the sum- nnrat Eyebrow, Sash. They were accunpamed as far as Toronto by st Brown, Sr. and MissJean Brown Mr and Mrs Wm. Freeman Tees- Wale: and Muss Sophia Freeman, Mt. Forest were vittittmg at Mr lid. John. slon's on Tuesday. Mr and Mrs Saddler ot Wianon are guests of their daughter, Mn Rule Our main atreet is undergoing someimprosretnents these days. Mr Jag, Brooks has pntnnew cement ib or and railing on his verandah ard Mr Gibson of the “Grand Central" has tom down the old balcony and verandah and purposes erecting a new and up to.date one in its place. MIJohn Ross of Yeovil went to Toronto on Saturday and expected to psoceed West on Tuesday with Mr and Mrs Scott Eccles. Mr Turner in the successox to Mr Collins as teller in the Montreal Bank. We wish him pleasant associations with the public. Muss Irene Drumm went to Toronto Tuesday to spend a few day B. liq Buelan Hilton left Saturday morning to return to her pomtion m Kitchener. Mrs Mason spent part of last week ttt Mt. Forest the guest of Mrs Jro. Durant. Mr Robt. Keith has engaged With Mr R Irwin during the seeding Pte, Brooks who has recently te- turned from ovetseas spent over the week end with his brother, Mr Jan. Emu. The election of officers for the Methodist S S. are as follows ' Supt. --Mr Geo. Hun: ; Asto't.--hir L B. Nicholson ; Bible Clatus--Mr W. J. Sharp ; Home Department-M" Pet. rfe : Cradle Roll-ti" John Orchard; Orgtututt- Min E, N. Sharp. The other teacher: were " elected. A number ot the youth and beauty enjoyed a pleasant time " the home at It Geo. Schism on the nth last Wednesday night. - Mme: Cole Ind Scott returned Saturday from their respective bonnet. School opened Monday with . number of new pupils. In She Her and dunghtet who have been vistintt relative. " Rivetview and Shelbuxne returned Tuesday to the home of her when Mr Jan. B Hunt t , spend a shun time before e ilnlng to her home in Detroit Mrs Gto Hostetter is assisting”: In. Post Offise this week dining the m " of M " Sharp who is ettaiined ' h , room. Muss Shaw’s mam I lend: vi 1 hope to soon learn of her omplcte Iecoveu. M Geo Hogans: retttrned home or Tmadly mght from Toronto here he went a " den T e Trail Ranger. held their re gular meeting la.t Wednesday night n the baeen e t t f 'he Methodist church As I special lemme of the program for the evening. th y were “dressed by Mr Herold Baird who has recently retnrmdlrom menus. The address. In very interesting and aptreeiated by the Ranger. HOLSTEIN LEADER While paying Mr Nichobon for his chop last Wednesday morning, It Chas. Lewis' teem ot bones ot Ore. Bard decided there '93 "ro piece like home." so started down the street at a lively gait. 'eatrlog Mr Lewis to boulevard plod " weary w". The home broke the tie poet in front of Presby terian museum nplot some ot the be“ of chop}, A No action: te- Inlu {allowed hymn It Orne Hunt has been unfortun- ate in losing : couple of very titse cattle this spring. Geo. Robb‘a Ind It Hurley'- team. of homes both tried some run- ning {can last week, each team tak. lng I notion to nan any. A sum}! fire occurred Wednesday morning when Mr Joe. Hunt’s Tile Factory bad a blaze. The very prompt action of those nearby pre- vented any serious results. Mrs Rabi. Roberuon went Ifew days with her sister " Brewery and mother Mn Smith. Mr and Mrs D. Cnrmrum visited " She home of Mr Tom Kirby on Sun- " Mr Chnrleo Lewis' home run uny from Holstein mill. and drew up ulc- " in " own sud. none the wane, excepting for losing the bags and wagon box on the way. Mr 1nd Mn Alex Bryn: at Toronto and Miss Elsia are anheir home here, Mr Blyth being in poor health Miss Florence McIlvride visited " the home of her gundmher. Mr J. Hoefrut last week. tim, Mary Dmglu spent new days with her uncle, Mr Geo, Schram. Mr J " Horsbura has disposed of his [arm to Mr Bert Dickson. Mr B. is having s sale Monday. May 5. and intends residing in Holstein. Min Eon Blyth visited with A friend near Mt For“: last week. Ree Lovegrove visited in this via- iniw lug week .7 7 _ A meeting of (In Bandav Schcol and church of1ieios will be held in the church on Tuesday night to dis. cuss bnzineaa. Mr Archie Smith visited with " brother Jacob here on Sunday. Miss Bela Sharpe returned to her home recently after spending seven! months " Techmcli School. Toronto. Mrs George Bum nelebrucd her eighty ninth birthday on Easter Sun. day. She received many oongnmln- “one and presents from old friends. In the early days of Egremom She nobly did her put And bore the grief that come: to all With a womnu’u trusting bean. Mrs Houbourgh, we raglet to he“ is all. Mr J. Huutand Min Lnnrn of Hol- stein. Mr Nelson of Owen Sound Ind Ir nn_d Mn Albert Hunt of Winghnm. motored to Mr John Hunt'n nnd lpnnl " owning recently. On Thursday evening over seventy l friends end neighbors met " the home ( of Mrs Ire stn to welcome homevher son Fred. who srrived on Mondsy. A I most enjoyable time wee spent. Mr George llunt use elected cheirman and opened the meeting by eshing all to sing the Doxology. Be bed e lengthy progrem at music. singing. l speeches. gemrs. etc. The menu l thing was the presentation of a beauti. 1 lul gold watch. lob and set of cuff links to Fred. Mr Harry McDougall read the addrets end Miss Marguerite Kelly presented it. He replied very suitably but brash, " he wee entirely taken by surprise. The following is the address : To Pte. Frederick W. Ilewn '. Deer Fred.-- It is with mingled leelings that we. your friends. have sssrmhlcd here to. night. We ere proud to welcome to _ our midst again one who hes gone l forth at the cell cl his Country, Wei ere pleased to rejoice with the new here of your family thet Providence restored you to them. We sympethize with you in your "thsring your heve. undergone apart liom your wounds. which not only speak of pun endured. but at danger bravely laced Dwelling as we do in a country ttttttttttttt d m a sense by wer. understand. though scarce can realise. the loneliness end pnvetions endured by our brave boys st all titnecand amid it all they kept . s breve. even cheerful front. To you es one of them, we wish to convey our appretGtion ot your loyalty. and u e alight sesknt"rudgtnent of the min we i feel you have lsid upon us. We ask l you to accept this we ch. fob end 'ruff links, not for their scluel velue. but it“ the emotions which prompted the _ giving of " You any feel muted that the but with" of this people will {allot you m whunoovor alpha" your margin may be dmcled. Signed on bounll of vow friend.. Margarita Kelly, Om. Hum. Wail Cohan. ,, During the aftermath of in- bettza gr Any pttry new illness, the idgicat tak: is JintIffi)0 ADVICE, which enriches the blood and strettgtftensfltepyhok body, via Tim 003“! BMW nouriittment. If would ml new your 'u'dedl' Scott’s. Seott&Bt"me.TumKtrAut. MFI SCOTT’S EMULSION ONTARIO SOUTH BEND ORCHARP TORONTO Hurry IcDehgoll. The choir nt Arno. church we augmented on Easter Sunday to the number of a! by the addition of Mia- ses Nellie Atchinon, Em: Beetle and her friend Jenn Fiche. all tron: Tor- onto, the two Inner contributing- dnett " the evening meeting very acceptably. Ilia Main Image of Hartman. also home for holidays, lent her assistance to the choir. The electron ot elders going on for the last two week. culminated yes- terday in the election at Alex. Hend- exson and Colin McMalleu, out of " available men at lent. An At Home was held at the home of Mr and M15 W. annge on Tue.. day last on the occasion of their daughter boniu'a visit home, when some 30 or more of the old time triends of the young Indy gathered and spent a good tune together. Mr Chas Reid hsving recently sold the east iiity of lot 7 to Mr. Thog. Daly, he sold the original old home. stead of 100 sores to Mr Wm. Wells. Mr Reid purposes going west next spring after s five weeks look there this summer. Another old neighbor going. We are truly sorry to report that Mr Albert Hum is very poorly being eontused to bed now all the time. 'Tis and nyoung mm In the prime of life to be time laid low. Mr W P. Watson. elder of Amos, appointed " a delegate by the, Plea. bytery, Journeyed to Esph'n Monday to win in winning some difficulty than. Master Harold Lawrence is still suffering from an abscess in the neck causing a slight touch of blood pois- icing Mr Reuben Watson expects to have the phone installed in the old John Lawrence farm having the poles out for that purpoae. Mr W. H. Hunter is greatly satis- fled with his milking machine and recently received a cheque for over $33 tor two week's cream, testrng pretty high. Welorget the per cent Mr and Mrs Emu: have sold out to Mr Robt Taylor. We are sorry to lose them so soon as they were mak- ing themselves very popular. Mr J. M. Lawrence delivered a fine young heifer to the beet ring this Monday morning, the second to go in ot the 32 Mr: Arthur Backus is again on a visit " her grandparents, Mr and Mrs J. B. Tucket. Mr. Holmes of Ottawa, brother of In J. B. Tucker was up recently on a visit to hil sister. Miss Edna Scott, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs Wm Scott, of the Toronto Line, Artetnetria, " at pres- ent waiting upon her grandmother, In Ttun Icott. townline. Glenelg, who is Coutiued to bed tor some time now mtiferittg from I severe cold. Mr Barry tytlorel1 and Miss Rem Cur-on waned ovorthe Enter holiday with friends " Prawn. Mrs Thou Munster received word recently of her mother, Mrs I umber- ford‘u unions illness at her home at Highland, Oregon. Mr Dung“ of Toronto delivered a tim, temperance sermon in Knox church In: Sunday. Mr and Mn John Bachm intend moving this week to their house in mu which they purchued from Mr W. ll. lander. In G. H. Green of Guelph and I!" Wm. Pottyof Bentinek visited In: Wednesday with their brother, Mr John Moria. " In lurny Boy and Giboun Watt upon! our the Week end " the Maui-tor homo. Min El" Inrice spent last week with In Alb. Noble ot Durham. In E I lookridze in: in Tor. onto Balm, for can» millinery. Lint. 3W! Noble welt to Toron- to 1btarday -rntattt; lowing for " bone to B O. Light snow flarrtes loll during the Week and and washer continue- cold lie-In Joe and Fred Clarke, Sm um: nod E E Boekridge motored to Guelph Thur-day to mend the Hydro Rubi meeting. Reeve B abridge w" in unma- nm " 3 1mm mam meeting call- od in the South of Proton Mommy on. We are ttind to hear the ques- tion of the railroad again being revived. Born on Sands April 2hh to Mr and lir- Wlll 'lll7at I son. We are and to welcome home Pte Reuben Smith. "thing Tue-d.) moo Ruben has been ovarian sin. only in the war nod 'u given a bum mum u M. hon. Ion- doy "at". We no ulna glad to welcome home Pu. lulu lacuna: Alubough hr in nouo won-known in chm vicini.y. bio puma MOI-g moved here since " going a M. Stanley receives a - - “can Ho In". noon £03013 " wile In the West. “mi... '19 he 'tou'.',',",,",,',,' r"d'd I " I. " to. Duncan will 2a% the T/a','. M. A. GRAHAM Paintel Ind Ptsperhanger All Work Prompdy Attended ta. NORTH-EAST NORMA NBY NORTH BOREMONT HOPEVILLE DURHAM. ONT. t -‘MI tt o W tt Mushns w I in a ve TAYLOR8c co. Dromore BOO tons of No. I Mixed Chop All kinda ofgnln bought at market price. Special Reduction on Flour and Feed in tonlota 2rt John McGowan Low Grade Flour, Rolled Oats, Breakinst Cereal, Bran, Shorts, Middlings, Corn Chop, Cracked Chicken Corn Mens Caps t Spring Hats WHEAT AND BARLEY Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop -stc> Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour Men’s Shirts tl Ties Men’s tl ladies' Hose 2; Phone " Ring 2--It Storecloses 6 ,' .. mmm’macxmanacas ‘5 Highest Price for Choice Butter ad Eggs Electric Starting and Lghting CR'MPED OATS for Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at very reasonable rates THE PEOPLE/S MILLS Every bag guaranteed. If not satisfwmn bring It hark and eat your money you see the quality. i', TAYLOR & co. in the latest coloring: and shades. They are out pdoubt the best “use we have ever shown. --Consiatirtg of Generator, Starting Motor and Siam Bella-y. tAnelectrie-mndeturrordear, Canada in their AG riAGTtluirt into the Ford motorwhich has been redesigned for the purpose. --Controied from a complete huh-u. meat bond on the cam]. A large stock and Creuns , Standard Equi meat on Sedans and gonna All dud mold: not: have deal-k: 'tsrette "'diiehtiive-stamurdiaiiGGt". Ford god... $1.175 r91 Came 0075 grtt5','N r2"i.tt'.1"gt1'dttgdroi, 3%. Furl Cloud Mod- - a the, (ah tteye “may?“ Starting and By Jxrrte ut. 11teter. M1 rump-n _A -MAA_ -- ,rifrteeiiiiaiicuGiidi "want u and high; a Called Ero- at We huve an exceptionally large and well “sorted stock of Curtain muslin- in Madras, Scrim and Nets. These are very ertistic and eolorirttps ere without equal. __ - - "_ BA.. Te.. (l Price Range 35c, Mc, 75c. ti :of those to chem from, Greens with insertion and also lace. ._.35c to $i.35 A large stock to choose from and in nicepattems. at prices that will make you wonderwhen Wed. "rd Sat nights 1, I”. 1 MT)” ty that new the h whol the (1 John Kellv. In gram c In! kind: burd all. “0' ately Miss hr broth” (or as we h M to ha driven hum dent in a c Hugh I We and in to , homes and ref der tha the tor “0ka [mu tacr tr de " tty Group , thug" duh. M rem lr ever. Ibo on an... dow for u kw day ll} mu. tet length I um " He ie to he lied showroo! The very In Flower Irina: mums! vim mane! rose. d the most fuck Everythi is New i, or U. The New ism-w. 't “l VOL. Tl mda IOY'D II1. [il/ii? Nate Mum " had but VI " M tyt Hutrkirt tiutfe EL " h " M " " Ma ll

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