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Durham Review (1897), 8 May 1919, p. 1

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”new ran-stat Dromore Butter and Eg ls Chop ms! aosauas= tti" Cereal, Bran. ‘Ked Chicken Corn d at Fair Prices whit rates lixed Chop It BARLD plot: Cowan mt I. Starting blush: "ordears pment Coupes d Lighting I he. at: tuning and vie min; Esp-"put. WW5 'nstry Flour mam dbl-Ill At DI) MILLS fl! IN " Bpe SONS In) Ptwem W. 1-. 1910 :1 Reduction stisfaotor T 1N A Lucxv "cams.-itle returning tram Elmwood Monday evening. Mr Alex Hobkirk and sister Miss llohkirk turned in to visit a sick Mend One of the hone; wasinclined to go straight home and refusing to turn, caught its head un- der thatof its mate. lifting and breaking the tongue. and overturning the demo. crat. Both jumped out. and fortun- ately Min Hobkirk mcaped injury. while her brother uttered severe bruins only a far as we have learned. He will be con- fined to bed for a few days. They were driven home from the scene of their acci. dent m a car. Gustavus Netoootttr.-'nro weeks ago we recorded the disastrous fire at Mr Hugh Firth's, 6th Con., Glenelg. by which he and others were heavy losers. The c immunity. tilled with the milk of human kindness. got to work to bear part of the burden and in brief time collected $750.00 in cash and about 'too worth of hay, seed grain, he. to help Mr Firth ih the enter. geney. an action rehecting credit on the neighbors and no doubt appreciated to the full by Mr Firth. Three oi the parties who lost horses in the fire were insured in the Grey and Bruce and will get their in- surance a clause in the policy, inserted, we believe by the late H. " Miller providing that the insurance tollows the horse, if owner or servant ts with it. The preliminary group of teams in dir. trictsut the Ontano Amateur Lecture Assn. pieces Durham in Intermediate Group No. I, along with Owen Sound. Orangeville, Hanover, Shelburne, Dun, dalk, Markdale and Mt. Forest. It is very unlikely that all the" towns will be represented, how many of them will!» seen alter the final grouping is made on Monday. May w. Durham has not yet decided to enter a team. A number of the older players are available, but very few of the younger lads here haw any lacrosse experience. Sum; BaAL'nlzs.~ On May an. the openrrttt day at the fuhing sen-on, Shir. Icy McIntyre landed a mce me» of the Cpl skied beauties, from the Susan. He had on: of the trout which weighed over! lbs. on display in hie more win- dow for a few duo The largest was "l "II. In length and weighed " lbs. Fauna-In Durham. on Saturday In! a sum of money. Owner may have it on proving property. less Mc for this notice, and 25c to honest finoer. A memorial drive of English oaks. with bronze name plates on the trees. will hon. or Woodstock's MO dead heroes. Pte.Alex Hay has been promotedin England to the. rank of Corporal. Con- gratulations. He is not expected home until summer. Nurse Murdock. graduate. wmauend cavemen. Make engagements early. Box M, Durham. 72c to 75cper bus. for good Milling Oats at Rob Roy Mills Elevator. VOL. XLH. N0. 19, DURHAM BRANCH, 'outatir, an!) l MISSES TRUAX smmnn BANK The New tiat-in fashion Distinctive and Alluring Everything amt is New in Hats in to be - in our nhowtooms. The very nernrei-asnd smartest-end most becoming. Flower trimmed-ribbon trimmed. Wing trimmed-the smerteet wince. Every new eolor--Grxrat Lekee blue, sunset wee. duet color. glorious things in all block. and the most {summing tsornttinations of block end color. "T'tt an SAVINGS DEPARTMENT u on" Brunch. 235 ELITE M =LL|NERY This Bank offers every facility in the conduct of accounts, of menu- facturers, farmers Ind merchants. OF CANADA D arm: - rename Save the King was sung A well attended and interesting meet. ingot the Women's Institute was held last Thursday at Mrs Jno. Burgess'. As this was the annual meeting the President Mrs Mcllraith gave a fine report of the year's work, the Institute holding ten meetings (owing to the flu) at which/O papers were read and addresses given. A great deal of knitting was given out for Red Cross work. Mrs Irwin gaiethe financial report, showing the Institute to be in good standing with over 852 on hand. Mrs Knechtel and Mrs Cole sang a fine duet and then the election oiofh- cers for the coming year was held : Pres --Mrs s. Patterson; Vice Pres -Mrs Ramage ; 2nd Vice-Mrs Metcalfe '. Secv. --Mrs Irwin : Directors -Mrs Nichol, Mrs McGowan, Mrs T. McComb :Audi- tors--Allie McGowan and A. McGirr. A dainty lunch was served and alter God Though Durham's population is practi- cally stationary, the public school attend. ance is on the up grade with about 280 on the roll, The primary classes, since Easter especially are over crowded, as 22 young hopefuls have just began their edu. cational career. This makes an enrolment of 73 in Miss Rebecca McMillan's room. and as the higher ones are not ready " next classes which are filled up anyway. she has to take half her classes in mom- inzund other- in the afternoons to ac- commodate all the youngsters. MANOIIAL TABLET ran Gt-us.-- Mr. A. J. Corbett, In Forest, has receiv- ed an order from the Glenelg Township Council for a memorial tablet to be placed in a new porch oi the Township Hall. The tablet is to be of granite, The names of 16 fallen heroes are to be placed m the centre of the tablet and the names of about mothers who went overseas are grouped around these. T he cost of the tablet is to be 8t.200.--Confed.-Rep. Work has commenced on the construe _ tion oi the provincial county highway between Owen Sound and Meaiord. A tractor mth a grader started work just outside the limit' on the St. Vincent road I and is making fair progress. It is expect-l ett that the road wul be completed as tar as Woodfurd by the tau. Wonder when, operations will commence on the provin- I cial county highway in Durham neighbor- l Duns won mu Exaws.-The Depart- l ment of Education has announced the; dates of examinations as follows ; Juniorl high school entrance, July 2 ; junior pub- l lic school graduation, June 3'; ; lower 3 school, July2 : middle school, July 11 :\ pass matriculation, July 12 ;upper school and honor matriculation, June ao. These dates are two weeks late, owing to the de , lay due to the inttuenga epidemic. The l. 0. D. E. intend putting on a "Trip Round the V odd" fair, to be h Id in the Rink nomclime in July. Good Summer Wood for Sale " the! Sash and Door Factory. , t per cord, de. I livered. Cheaper if ycu haul it your-l selves. Apply to Z. Clark. 25 cents bum: a Thrift Stamp, Special aeention given to Hats for Ch ildren. iiht iiliitttttt(tiitt thtgitttt mumm- For the first time in several years. Dur. ham was treated to a comic Operetta en- tertainment on Thursday last and this form of concert, a change from the usual line, delighted an appreciative audience which Med the hall. The play was pres- ented by Durham Presbyterian Choir, assisted by several other young people of the congregation. the musical part being under the direction of the leader. Miss Margaret Hunter, Mr J. H. Harding had charge of the stage work, and that all went off so smoothly is a tribute to their training. To depict an outdoor garden seem in KybOeho, Japan. where the plot of "Yok- ohama Maid" is laid. the stage was trans formed into a bower of beauty with the aid oi evergreens as a background, plants in foreground, and above head cherry blossoms and hanging baskets. "hluham Maid" At the clone of the statutory hour at the Nomination. on Tuesday evening Returning Odicer Vullett had before him only the two names abmete till the vacancies in council. and declared them elected. Bah have ample up re ce and wnlladd stnngth to the come”. There was ttoapeaking, but general lat intaction that In election had bren avoided and the canned once more com- plete, The costumes " well were striking ; all were in Japanese garb (with the exception of principals who had come from America) and some beautiful cesium of both lands adorns! the stage. With Bower ornaments in the hair and the aid of a little make-up,come of the young ladies would have been mistaken anywhere else tor typical Japanese maiden. We have space for no more until next week, meanwhile let everybody thinkit over and come out to the mass meeting on Monday, 18th May, when final shape we hope will be given to the movement. Will be Repeated tor 0. W. Y. A. Next Tuesday, May u. Mr. Calder, Reeve, S. P. Saunders, Councillor If Mr Calder is correct in this it should be a very strongargument in favor of the monument. A monument would receive support from the rural districts near the town, that could not belooked for Iota hall, though it might for a hospital. The central figure in the operetta is the Japanese heiress, OSingva Song, taken by Mrs A. W. H. Lauder. She Is a born ac tree, and with Fateddo the mayor (taken by J. H. Harding) supplied much of the humor of the Operetta. In her musical numbers, Mrs Lauder appeared also to fine advantage. the'moet popular being her reverie in "Back min to old Japan" and dinette with Fateddo. In this latter role. J. H. Harding appeared tsSingq- Song‘s unwelcome lover, vbo as mayor of Kyboeboloet 0min the contest his; hand to in America m. Mr med, in; is new on the no... and hi- can team e to me audience lib-"Inc. ' tiirtra-Soetg a nonunion. In: M“. Wd A proposition by Dr. Jamieson, Sr., to combine the hospital and monument idea met with favor. hut a vote showed the meeting divided equally on the idea The vote taken on the three straight pro- posals showed a minority for the monu- ment, though Mr Calder stated his belief that 28 at least out of 30 families of Dur- ham and neighborhood who had lost sons in the war were in favor of this form oi memorial. The community is divided in opinion on these three objects '. l A memorial monument. 2 A memorial Hospital 3 A memorial Hall While having their choice all expressed their willingness to assist in the scheme favored by the majority, though an un- pleasant impression was created by the stand of the local branch of the Veteran's Association. Asrepresenttd by Mr Sted. man, their delegate, they will consider nothing but a memorial hall, an unfortun- ate attitude, to say the least, at this junc- ture However, we believe their heart is in the right place and that they Will yet share in community of feeling. More interest was shown last night than at previous meeting in the matter of Memorial to fallen soldiers, yet there is great room lor improvement, Mayor Mc- Kechnie again presided and invited freest discussion. Considering Memorial. I;, The Nuinations DURHAM THURSDAY MAY 8.1919 Made Big Hit With which in tarpon!“ the IMO“ lulu As the G. W N. A. require cash to furnish their new club rooms. the Choir have agreed to repeat this Operetta under their auspices next Tuesday. May Wth. so that all who missed it may then attend and also assist the returned boys organiz- aim, Rev. Wm. Cooper. B. A., of Mt. Forest will, by appointment of Presbytery, oc- cupy the Presbyterian pulpit here on Sunday next, and will advocate and throw light on the great "Forward movement." Rev ‘Mr Whaley is engaged elsewhere in the same purpose. Mixed Chop 82.50 per curt. sacks included. Rob Roy Mills, Ltd. Congratulations to one of our returned soldiers. Mr Pearlous Sherk, son ot Mr and Mrs J. H. Sherk. who did not fall a victim to the charms of the British maid- ens. but on Wednesday took to himselfa fair Car aJian bride in the person of Miss Nel ie Anderson of Chesley. The fanfry here motored to Chesley yesterday for the event. The young couple left on a honey- moon trip to St. Catharines and will re- side in Durham. The citizens will extend to them best wishes and a hearty wel- come. ponder] to: hearty encore. Others ap- pearing in the many choruses were Misses Edie McKenzie, Mary McIlraith, Jessie Bell, Winnie Blyth, and that their vocal talent was appreciated was evident when some opinionated it was equal to the best chorus work ever given by Durham talent. Miss Margaret Hunter accom- panied throughout and had a busy even- ing. With other duties, she had a stren- uous time in devoting so much attention to training at rehearsals, but her reward comes in the success of her efforts. The proceeds were nearly $133. and of this nearly Mia clear, which goes to chair funds. Though not appearing in a principal role, Mrs M. McFadden contributed much to the success of the evening in her splendid ioto "Japanese Nodding Doll" splendid eolo "Japanese Nodding Doll" with nodding effect by chorus, and res- Not so closely connected with the thread of the plot were three other prin- cipals. Tasaki the herald, was represent. ed by Mr Grant McComb, who in re- splendent costume, heralded the story in tine baritone voice, "Listen, 0 ye people." Ag an omcious policeman Mr Thus. Bell was right on his part, and created fear, and trembling, and amusement among the chorus in his solo "Attention ye!" Ah no, the Chinaman represented by Mr Frank Mellraith. was a hit of the even- ing, and won a rousing encore for his solo . Suki Tong," with chorus, in his initial appearance to a Durham audience. CADET IttspccTioN.--La" Thur-wan! Col. Barker cf the Toronto Military dis-3 trict inspected the local Cadet corps.! There were three dozen cadets on parade l and in their military tactics they acre I put through by their company and half company leaden. The Colonel pro- _ nuanced it excellent, also saying it we. the beat corps an regard drill, etc, he hes inspected. considering the time since their formation. He paid compli- ments to Instructor Morton who is well deserving“ them. He wishes larger boys to join and has given them the promise of rifle. so that s as: phtoon can be formed. Fifteen more “an" rill auotteeettttofueat- quip” A: Harry, Mr Guy Kearney, realistical- ly performed the part and won merited applause for his ballad "A heart once went through the world alone." Fateddo is so disconcerted and digusted with the turn of events in losing o Sing a-Sung, that as a climax he commits 'Iocial sui- cide" by announcing he'll wed Tung- Waga. and the Operetta closes with three couples in line and all in a taking chorus "Wedding Bells will soon be ringing." die Caldwell who well played aditticit and amusing part in making all the ad- vances to the mayor's secretary. Knocudi ( Mr Peter Ramage) with whom she was In love. The latter like Fateddo. bestow. ed his taectiom, on O Sing-a-Sonz. but after losing her, was finally won by Kitts- imee's wooing. Tung Wags. o Sing-a- Song's nurse was taken by Miss A.'ice Ramage, who gavea4ine alto solo with chorus 'O powder puff." She with Kis- simee accompanied the hride-to.be to America to "learn everything" and all returned Americanized after two years absence in 2nd act With() Sing-a Song's party was an American lawyer-mayor, (Harry Cortcaze) whom she had wedded. and two American tourists Hilda and Stella (Mrs Guy Kearney and Miss Jean McCowan ) Harry breaks in on FateOo just when he is performing his own mar- riage ceremony with o Sing-a-Song, and proves she is legally his bride. ONTARIO ARCH TORONTO 3 Mrs Jno L. McDonald and sister-in- ‘law. Miss Janet McDonald of Boottwille :were visitors Tuesday at Mr Jno Mc- IQueen's. i Misses Mable and Elzie Beaton,Price- i ville, were caliers at Mr Jno. McQueen s ; Tuesday, the former on her way home 3 from Mt. Forest where she completed her , Business College course. I Mr. Wm Browning. of Detroit, came 3 home last week tming to his father's Ber. 'iiousillnettsr. but asheis now moth im- paved in health, lel returned on Tues. _ day _ Mr. J. H. Robertson. tnrmerly Srcy. of the Cement plant here, hut recently I department manager of the Wool. worth atom in Toronto, has opened I smullwnvc'n “are on his own account in Chulcy and no doubt will make good. "THE DA,Y."--Germany hound by hand and foot is accomolished by an Peace Treaty likely being signed to- dav. No such letters were ever forged to bind a turbulent nation. Get your ttago ready. Don't forget the Concert " Yoko- hama Maid Ft under the auspices of the boy. who fought for you. On Tuesday 13th May. Plan new open at Central Drug Store. J. L. Stedman. Sccy. G W.V.A. An mutated address on "My two year'. work with Dr. Grenfell in Lulu» dos"ttll be swan by Mrs. (Dr ) Ron Jamieson in the town hm. Durham. Fnduy. May um. under I. O.D. 8 amp-ca. Adminlon Mum Mc, child. ren 15c The choir and other friends in the Bao. t'st Church held a nodal last Friday evening in the school-room in honor of their returned boys Mean Ronald Giles and Alex Graham were present but none other boys home were unable to attend. A happy social night was spent with Mr Allan Bell presiding, in music, con- teats, etc. and a tine lunch served. Rev. N. Stevensrm, former pastor of Dornoch and Rocky Saugeen Presbyterian church. but recently of tnnerkip, Oxford Co ' has accepted a call to Burns' church. Delaware. Middlesex Ctr., and the induc- tion will take place the last week in May. Make in point to attend the music] play, "Yokohama Maid" to be given by Durham Presbyterian Choir and given under the auspices of the G. W. V. A. in the Town Hall, Tuesday, 13th May. Tickets Mc and 25c. Plan at Central Drug Store The Women'u Guild of Trinity church will hold a. home-made baking and Lad' ien'worlt Dale. and alto serve I New England tea in the Cnldtr Block on Saturday, May w. Mr. J. P. Telford came home oo Satur. day, much improved, but is resting from business for a while All hope he will soon be at work again. His nephew, J. C. Telford and Mrs Telford, accompanied him home. Miss Etta stcAurdte left on Wednes- day to visit for a couple of weeks with friends m Detroit and Chatham. Miss Jessie Black v.sited over the week end at Mrs J C. Nichol'o. Mrs (Rem) Mom; is visiting her par- emu. Mr and Mrs B. Linin preparatory to leaving tor her husband'. new Ip- pointment in London. Mr Morris has recently received word of the death at his mother m Ireland Mrs. Law ot Galtis visiting her rehr tives, the McGowan families. Mr. John McAlpine of Butler, Penn., wasa visitor at his sister's Mrs. Ed. Bus. chlen this week. Mr W. McGowan, Toronto, was up on a bnsincss trip the past week, Mr. Ins. Geddes of Dromore wasa week endvisitor at his nephew's, Mr. Rubt. Isaac. Congratulations to Rabi. E. Laidlaw B. A., son of Mr and Mrs Wm. Laidlaw' on passing his final exams. at Osgoode Hall with honors-not only so. but he stood second in the nix ol, winning the Christopher Robinson Me morinl Scholar- ship silver medal and MOO in cash The first standing was one by J. A, Johnston, a returned soldier, who received a gold medal and "oo in cash. Out of the 1100 marks, "Bob" was only 2 marks behind the leader, and the lat er devoted his whole time to study. while the former was 'lstterly encased during the day in the law once of McCarthy & Mchrthy. with evenings only free, Bob headed his class when in his would year and was re- cently the winner of the Robinette Gold Medal at the Annual Oratoricnl Contest He intends making arrangements with his ttrm McCarthy & McCarthy, to open a lawattit:e in Durham one day each week, on Saturdays. when he will himself be present. Ihht. E. Laidlaw, B. h., :qum Won Sher Medal-GEE Feed for calves and young pigs For sale at mill and feed not“. Rob Roy Mills Limited FEED ran SA Ltt.--Marmtitt when " " a bushel. o. A C, No " on" at We“. a bushel. Also a qungt!_of {ad 'YH? Consult F. A. Graham, eye sight speci- alist about your eyes Central Drug Store Bring in your films to be enlarged up to any sire desired. Work promptly deliver- ed. Kelsey Studio Pure Feed Oatmeal " per “L Bert Store where Quality Reigns Supreme We have "" waived our Ludin' vaim- Guam." ‘hieh Coolin- " the vary finest “I all In I mm. (HI mu inch“ grey. brown. new. bla" and Mack If mu unthinking than trading Mum“ m a up. Sprint ttttit it will pay mm to drop in and sue nut nun-mu. h - bre buy ine etseget,ere Spring Suitings Ladies' We haw- j'm nnpnoked I hum summom " L Mira' Blonnsin Sm, Crepe de china and tine vnlilh tr, m an» ot the, India tmtotttt"sturerg in Cwud-t and an "up: "tt they ate correct In both It, In and wmkmauump. Ladies' Blouses Wu have the comet my!" in Indies Si k Mator cape. Auk to In III-In out time yun Are in. Taro different puma. to chemo Iron. Our Glow Department in oomph" and haw- nuwin stock I "all line ot black, white, any and hunch enunr silk nova. “not.“ line ot kid 3nd chumo‘n uluvu " ways kept on had. V We take great pride in keurirtt nor hs‘ery depwt mm: I; tu the minute and can Icpplv our alumna-4r- wish the but and highest grades of hmioty on the Inn has. F'tsuwettttettMtttrre, 13k. Cullen ard trunk hole ohm: kept on band Ladies' Motor Caps Ladies' Hosiery Ladies' Gloves S. F. MORLOCK Full rungs of yard wide silk! tl'IYI kept in mock. A. 8. Hume: a Son My so. trut he1 The Sehoot in thorouehly equipped to 1, winning the take up the follow-n. cunt." : mom] sciiour/ I. Junior Ian-alum: 0 in cash The E Imam to the Koran lemon J. A, JOhnston. ' lulu $"trtetttatttttt received . cold. e um tome Funny oi Bttttttatitttt Out of the 1100, Buck member of the um I: . Unrv. 2 marks behind erwty qredunte Ind nu clpenenced - 4...._¢-A csl tuck“ “NiMWNIn " I] Slum-v 0. BAIM‘K b AON r'". "my l Intending pupill should move to en- ter " the beginning"! the fall term, Inform-lion u to Contact may beob- iuined from the Principal. Durham in In ant-dive and hthhy tum! and (and accomm'mntmn mm he obtained n (climable rum. The School ha I crcdnabk record in the out which It hope. to mamtnm In the ftrture. tytzl(t)X0)h Seven mowed home. oil modem con- veniences on (Emanu- St South Durham Must be sold an owner " leaving tow n. Apply to J. Kntght, Durham British Columbia Ind Ontario Si highs of all classes. Algoma Pine Lam. Shingles and um for Srle J. Poul-on. B. t. Principal Br. " Grunt. auteur! lull lama. Chum-n House for Sale J. N. Murdock, Durham m

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