West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 May 1919, p. 6

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p, in all heights. We are in n poeltlon to quote you opeeint prices on thin cnrload lot end would ndVIee anyone in need of lencing to order now. Tune plicee cannot prevail for any length oi time, more especially after our “continent In picked over. If we eve obliged to order in lean Hun carloed lots, the price. will be correspondingly higher. Give no your order now and save money. I bWe hdave inst received a enticed ofthe on e "If Frost Woven & Coiled Spring Wire fencing We have a select stock of Bicycles and Accessories. There is nothing so healthful as a morning or evening spin, and with the long summer days almost here, we know of no better recreation. We sell the “Cleveland" and "Perfect" Blereies----. the Machines of Quality If you already own a wheel and are in need of any Repairs. Spare parts or Accessories, don't forget to call on us. We have them. Frost Wire Fence Is Best We have a complete line of both Inside and Outside Paints in all colors and at prices that will suit your purse. It is astonishing what a little Paint will do at this season of the year in brightening up your home surroundings. This is just as important a matter as cleaning up the back yards or mowing the lawn. A poorly painted house, no mat- ter how uelHtept your lawn and fences may be, is, to say the least, very much out of place. When buying Paint for your spring requirements don't forget to ask for All kinds of Cattle, Hog and Poultry Feeds for sale at the Mill We buy and sell all kinds of Grain. Highest pr Brighten up Your Home C. P. R. Town tMice Rob Roy Rolled Oats Chieftain Oat Flakes Rob Roy Wheat Flakes Standard and Granulated Oatmeals Full Line Shelf and Heavy Hardware always in stock S. McIN TYRE, Durham Tum. 35c. Cold Cream 60g, Face Powder Tlk; Jontcel Toilet Requisites THE RED FRONT HARDWARE are favored by micty every. ‘huc. Lu " thaw you thug wonderful odor. ti irsu tone the Antiseptic ttair Tonic Nyal MACFARLANE'S DRUG STORE 7710 R1esegl: Mr. Stop. 'attiog ot the hair in a w as”, canal-too the 'tttth and is aholutcly 50 unless. Large bottle . iee out ‘Cluk Jewel' and 'riorinee Autonttic’ on Stoves You'll need one this summer. Better order now. ROB ROY MILLS, Limited Business Hors----) a. m. to 5 p. m. Sherwin-Williams Paint - It is the Best ice paid for Oats, Barley and Peas. Buy the Boy a Bicycle TERMS, CASE, "We In": it, can get it, or it isn't nude. Inuit- For all the home at reaoonably low prices. Farmers I Treat your Seed for Sat! by min. one of that: Steam'. Mommy Salt.. . . .. Rural! Health Salts. . . . .. ... Retail Liver Salt... Mc, 66q Fun! Saline...“ .-... .... Wcotco Health Salt...... .. Wntco Health Salt ...... .... 15c New Wall Papers 'r','ea"uihdt,r,eT. l0 & 25c Start the Day right Rexall Straw Hat Cleaner utt our fhrmartrvutd ror'tret Buy your Tickets here Telephone 52 35c. ti%id 96:: Turnip, Mangold, Sugar Beet, Carrot, etc. We have a full and selected stock of Flower Seeds. See them. Buy your Field and Garden Seeds here See our line of Poles, Reels, Hooks. Lines, Baskets, Waders, Etc. Get your outfit now while stock is complete. Fishing Time Don t simply read but study every one of the following articles. They have been compiled with great care for your henefit Learn what you ought to do to avoid fire, and do it now, Neglect may mean sot. row and suffering, even loss of life-loss of valuable stock that money cannot re. pla ce-lose of the savings of a life-tune. Vast strides are being made in the pre- servation and improvement of the health of the nation by educating the children in hygiene ', and let us hope that results of equal importance to the wealth and pros- perity of the nation may be obtained by educating the children in fire prevention methods, so that their careless habits, as well as our own, may be changed. i Unfettered fire is one of our worst en- emies-it kills, devastates, and destroys in a ruthless manner. If we can make as good progress in our fight against fire as we have against the Hun we will have won a great battle Aggressive action is needed. Everyone should co-operate in the work of Fire Prevention and help to educate and bring prople-young and old-to a realization that they must be more careful about their "habits." Statistics regarding the cause of fires show that we are the most careless people on earth In normal times the fire wacte in five of thanincipal countries of Europe aver- " 33c per capita. In Ontario in 1918 there were 9588 fires, causing a loss of 014.856 329, and instead of 83e per capita as in Europe ours mounts up to $6 for eyery man, Woman and child in the pro- Vince. Taught by experience and the serious lessons of life, as a progressive people, let us strive to better our conditions. Canadians have proved themselves "great fighters" they have the heroic valor and resourceful intelligence neces- sary to overcome their enemies. The next war, though a peaceful one, should be none the less strenuous against the strongly entrenched demon "F ire." It also shows how ,to treat wood and clothing to make it tire resisting and scores of other useful hints that if follow- ed up would surely stop the dreadful tire waste of Canada. Send for it at once we urge. Here are a few sentences from the in. troductign to this splendid pamphlet .' the Bath‘nm 3tetsiets, One of the most interesting ttnd-useful pamphlets we have seen of late is one deal- ing with "Fire Protection on the Farm and Elsewhere" published by the "Attor- ney General's Department,' Toronto." Send for it to this addreu today. Read it and hang it up for constant perusal. It deals with Fire protection very large- ly, than the danger of carelessness of Men. of gasoline, of oily waste. of dust danger in factories &c, &c Gives full instructions as to installing lightning rods and why, points out some rommon electrical dangers, and much else. is Almost Here fhe Prevention MAY 3. tfrt9 Imports in the last analysis can only be paid tor try expxts. The Dominion war debt Mayan so that an increased g; port tr 1: unwauve, a . to a_dvisen of the Canadian "rh"feiE,tg,t,t,e. am. a. fiuTuuc..UPttfe1,tteesy.ttrtieyt) --Leoitt and Trotsky. the bud. ot the Boleheviet movement In Rank. no having nu undone time. God be puma. Their armies. alter some unbound-l 'ttMF no 00' heat in; with defects elm: everywhere Baltic: the port of Archangel in " mou loo nee Ind supplies get thm'. .--thn pt the turmoil of III Canad- hu gunned I nap nearer to nation. hood. Sbe will now be represented " Wuinmon by " tuba-odor ot her own, than noidiuz the red-ups. round-thou: way ot doing everything thlough mo loom onion. Wham um you aid? ' No truck or sud. with--? Hath. TORONTO -F'itttrte, tho Adriatic, city that It, ely covets acumen. In to be mede e tree port tor 10 year- and then fell to Rely. So the Peace Conference bu deeided and we suppose Jngo Biaein bu to agree. -" I hue done an beat. I think it is I ttood peace." is e remark nude by the French premier, Clemonmn. A second plot saline: " lite we. frustrated. Mr Ed. Bliech bu purchased . new driyer. Girls put your beat bonnet. on. In F. Whieldon of Amen in spending I few 1-,. mm her father, Mr Jno. Collins. Mr Junk Bury of Dornoch sue the village . friendly ttttll on Saturdly. Hope he didn't got wet on the journey gomg home. Mrs E. Connors returned to her home here utter spending her Enter yncntion with friends in Walhtton. Mr Russell McKuy of Toronto re- newed ”quaint-noes in this burg Thursday afternoon. The y. F. A, held their monthly meeting on Thank] evening and about titty members Were present. Mr M. D. McGrnh attended the MoEoelin--Mohhlltn wedding on qudnj. - __ -- Min Gertie Bronze of Usaboro Ind Mr Wesley Emlne of Eltmeood spent Sand-y It the launch home here. Me and Mr: T. F [unison Ind little can of Crawford spam Sundsy with the farmer’s ailter, In T. Moore. Min Emily Rebut- ot Toron " spending In: nation It her home here. Mr E. Leach motored to Owsn Sound on Sunday. Earn will soon be tuning " saw mill which will nuke some stir around our but". The Immune will be held Mar 14 " In thiford's. A tall meeting In requested. New miners will be elected. Mr Ashe: Allen lost one! of " boat com on Saturday night. Messrs Fred Stafford Ind. W. Running: also lost a cow each. Quite I number from here attended the presenuuon for Pte. Melville Me- Kny of Morlbomugh who bu lately returned from manna blviug been ohm through the um, Hm Mend- and neighbon presented " mth an nddreu which In. red by Miss Mo- Cum; and n pun. oonnining than: $35.00 “to! which oval-yam enjoyed themaelvu with main and "tttting. In Lunch upon: I not In Owen Sound with her puma and other lriondu. We no lorry to upon an illneli of Mn J no. COHIDI but hope to hear of her speedy rzcovuy. In Jones of Owen Sound spent weak with triondl here. Quito. number Hound our burg In“ qua-y. Who wee the young men that mo- tored to Cheney vim eome 01hr tel. owU girl. Better be ceretul. Hi. I. B. Dnrgnol left on Thurs. day afternoon for the city that upend- ing I week with no: unmov- hero. A tor of our young nun no fouling quite proud on: a. tttte catch of trout “so, had on I“, let. Mm Ruth Lowe Opel“ Sundny With her sister, Mn B. Dunno]. O ugruululonn to Mr and In Walter Middleton (no. It“ In, Glut) Abernathy. But. on the um"! of I too. Fishing in the order of the day. Fume" us buy bu owing to th. was rather th " no" muting um. head way. Hill lube" Ichnie in visiting her not. In Stool-it u Kandy. Sal lino. before going to College in Owen Sound. In not! In John Brown ol Ehn. wood opem Sunday with It sud In 1Ugh Mylo-n. It Hath Hopkins " for British Columbus but took " viii: " father who u lotions], ill. It Etiat, Edge in home spin from London whom he but you. to he pru- em " his oouoin'l funeral. THE DURHAII “VIE“ . new ___ Tarii7riGiii7. amyuv only ema- WlLLlAWiF0R0 v" -- -.-. w - "I. m a." and G"iiiiiiil'i"eTla"l m0. Ho eaten the deep rum or be climbs the mad but t he venture. onco- the but sunken. hill dmared log. or he any nature on we rock eleutlon. known " lot-loch point. tron. which he In: the smiled mandating. tin "or direc- tion, " it mulling In the bran-no) at . hula-Ia- day. with old Sol this. " -6--up-, u ,,,_7_ vi and uullu I"). be bu not to the one: 'G"a'"l'lli would beautie- “and! Another echetne of great impor- tance unite them and one that is largely interesting to mother clue oi citizens. We have already reached the man who cautiously counts the coetot hie tigh an " item of house- hold expeneel. Now we are aoingto deal with the sport-man or angler, n different type of citizen. Not but what they eppreciate to the fall the ldvanteaee derived from the reduc- tion ot nah coat an brought about by the government. but their thongbte‘ go beyond this; they want tish aleo, but not the clan alone that pleaae the other lellowe in the catching. They are utter sport end duh combined and they have made up their minds they ere going to have it, If possible and available. The angler doee not de- spite the clueee of an: to be found in mud or marl bottomed inland lane, but that lo not the clue he in week!- ly efter; " la alter a dlh‘ereut clue of lab altogether. be is utter t beeetlinl, eparkllng. epeehied trout, and itndiott' it, he. or thinke he has. reached the climax of bin ambition. h. In. one on an- M.--- _. - Thin clue of creek or river th" epeekied trout must hue. ncreek with n mad bottom they hare no use tor, a nook bottom suits thetn all right. Hence. tor the reason I have cited the County ot Grey in recognized nthe home of the speckled trout. Ind I" will (as! us proud as the gov- ernment tor the good work done, it they will yet titOh their Job. In the counties of Enron and Bruce and other counties lying to the south of them, until the shores of Luke Erie ere reached. they are not favored with u runny smtll streams Ind rivers, as sre to be found throughout this district of country, and whsr creeks they have are eltletly of the clsss ot black mucky bottoms, differs ing in this respect trout the county ot Grey where small spring creeks Ire extremely mangoes and heve gravel bottoms, and the larger rivers belong to the same clue. l After eliminating my further _rer. ference to the futt for food problem ot the greet Intel and leaving their Brit ticpteted further increue in the bend: ot the government. let me expreee the hope that in whatever lotion they any “he. that it will have the the: of making e general end meterinl re- duction In the price to Inch en extent that in future centre! points mnv not be the only pleces betsetittod, but that the suns privileges mey be extended to other outlying tonne Ind village. and other eectione. The not are: of those greet lakes to draw from abnuid certainly be made e great source of wealth, being so loceted u it to give any ocean to all portions of the Province. and other portioneof the Confederated Provinces end . good work accomplished the: will Int I'ly in the mum. A great lutnle in uniting them in this respect. The wwnl and villages Ire anxionely waiting to reap the benefits reached in the past and It central places. and Ire snare that it the great lakes are properly handled can be nude to produce unlimited quantities of figh food, at prieel with- in the grup at the poorest citizen ot the lend. The citizen applied ere evidently pleated with the "orta they hue put torth. Then let me urge upon them the deeireebility at Inning (renter effort, to develop fiat, production and by one. path. preeevereuoe and " tertninatiim the: also an be ecoomp- liehed. and with e plethorl in the market. brought about by increased production, can reach (It Number. and bring in the highway: and br- mtye not yet reached in the pest. Thin any to I eerteln extent be true, " they have evidently been do- ing . good work no In no it goes. end ere entitled to credit for whet they have been trying to ”complicit. Bit otter ell they hue only been oer-etch- ing on the eorfeneof when might have been uncoupliehed yenre ego. or in other words. eentrel point: hue been benefited. But outlying town and villages and rare] aietrieu hove not yet found the etfeeta ot this centre! dietrihnting tUh mine-e. because they hove not yet been reached. therefore here not yet reached my benefit therelrom. end not! einee the Government hue taken the fiNtiur tietory etc-pa. let no hope that they may continue the good work they hue nnderuken until it in proclaim- ed 3 (rend Inooeee. Cheaper Fiah Wanted. Organize to Re nook oat Banana. A recent tune of the Globe devoted en editorial ehowlng that the Pro. vineeot Ontario doee not teelin n teir pmportioemte share of the tub tor food hnelneee ot the Dominion. u compend with other Province. end ehowlng up notional evidence at their eonteotkao. end eleo citing that the Ontetio Government "sitiatrir (eels somewhnt proud, at their Bah die- triontinz bnelueee dnrinz the put you. It given them credit tor whet they hove done. lento; greet mm top muted improvement in the fotnu. h Semable IrislrStary By Gilbert McKeclmie Put War Bond interest into War Suv- inzs Eiieieyind kee p saving. o--e.va : Adam Browrtfpostmtmter at Humiiton is hale and hearty at 94, and not only superintends his post ottice, but continues to take an active interest in railway ex- tension. [ Sub in the feeling- aojoyed by the tuner who be mow the climax of " ambition. The rive" in Grey 'rltitfV have their source in the eastern put ot the County and flow westwards. " Inc fiodiott refuge and rest among the waters of Luke Huron. The leading highway between Guelph end Owen Sound is known as the Ger-Iran Rand. end such oftho following nim- ed rivers croseee that highwev. lut- land, Benty Sunken. Big Seneca. Rocky Sauzeen. Styx, Snble, the Sydenham and BeeVer river. ttow in. to the Georgian Bag. During the tUhintt mean it In quite e cwomery women“ for Inlay at the people reading in the enemie- ci- ted to none full of mirth end joyful entieipetione to the county at any to enjoy I good an sport with the rod end tir. They are here but . short time when they dieeover tnnt the 019 "ot, when the trout war. 00 plat! fat in the pet, In being [runny depleted. The ma have been - to such ll an: an they no nearly "lubed out." Why to thin m can? Why gar-l: such a -=-_- " .LI--. on .-3.0 Ru-nl' In. note of lung- to “in? Supply tte. eattMt no properly devleed scheme has been adopted. either by the m- len thenuelvel. " by the local gov. ornmenz. to hove the creek: end river. rte-rooted. lie-noon»; would ensure 3 apply for the lntnre u " bnndnn: " In the put and n day'l “the; enjoyed cqul to old “me: when their - wu promoted equl to the demendn nude on than. Then let the urge upon the people' the neeeenitv of tanning none kind oil n Club or Annonintion. tuning for an, object the leying ot the nutter in the! hnndnof the Government end work- i ing in uninon wl h other eonntien. I similarly nttln‘ed, end hula; ni-ilnr objentn in view. Union in ntren‘tli. end n greet deal niny he mmpiieh- ed by intuion of energy end penev~ entice. but wtthont n ttetutitq cont-no ot netim mutton they rennin inde- lmtely in» " th ' ere. Benian. now seem the moot opportune time tor the formation of e an Minion to bring thin qunion to the front. u there will be en election ht no dhtnnt due. end an All polities! pnrtien should be eqnnlly interented in thin quentlon. n held united push ennnot do otherwine then pre- the mutter upon the nttentteu ot the aov't. The Gov't. in return will neturnily recog- nize the juntiee nod neoennity of the one to each " extent " to nuke them think why didn't we attend to thin mutter yearn ego ? If you are going travelling at Easter come in and look over our stock of club bags and suit cases. We have them " all prices and very best queIity. to your feet. Our cushion sole SINGS are so easy and comfortable to the feet that in feeling the ease of walking you forget the effort. Pay Less Attention War Savin§s Stamps Pay More Attention When you cash-in those Victory Bond coupons on May lst exchange them for their par value in War Savings Stamps. Your Country needs this money in these days of readjustment and recon- struction. The purchase of War Sav- ings Stamps is an easy way for you to save, as well " , patriotic duty. What Will You Do With the Interest? The Easiest Method of Sunni to your Shoes and you will find you can . B. McILRAITH [Minded church here Sunday. I In... 3min and ammo " Gull-- moo-paid try It- Adeline Graham at Dunn vblud " the Fai; at Ir “a In D. cum. I [rm-um- Lunacy.“ mm In: lure-m Bond-Va at the home of {Thou Hopkins. Abortion. Pu J. F. Hebe-n who bu manly renal-nod from oversea upon: lon- dar yup. " ttieytd Jehn Quit. alto Bov It. not! In hallo at Chulay nu welcom- vtmon in um part My own. week and enjoyed “I: may at their old Molds. an. Em Time! but returned to I: Fault Begin- College after trading. rock at to: home here. Mr. and In nah. Baptism: and tail], It 004 In Panama and (all!!! all It Anthony Lawrence. were "than at Mr. Findlay Me, on!" many. -' Ir John ladle! wt! dunner. Iiu Rom - My with Ir. an! In D“. What. Sorry to report “in Edith Water: is seriouIy in with pounce“. " der the Iktlfnl autumn: of Dr Jun- iuon we hope to but of her speedy recovery. lute: Dania Hum lpem u week’s holiday with " (“and little It“ lynlo McDonald. Mr Alex IoQilllmy. Cutuworth. and hi- m. the J. B. leuillivuv. recently homo tron averse-I, were welcome winners here Monday on last week. It and In Will Maren and tan- llyuownd on from “one: and upon: " afternoon In: week with It and In Win, In" . lulu Baht. Grid-Ion sud Wm. Noble at Aberdeen. with then- wives, Sauna! u Mr h'daeiet Noble's. We extant! ”-wa to the ttianda of the late It Eduard lime Sr who died That-day at the bone of an daughter In Andaman of Cravfu-d. Only "at rack It Dayna “mad at the bonus at Ileana Edward and Richard Boyce. lumbar Wright Tiitted the school hole recently. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Spence Hopkins into out but u nelgnnurs. also Mr and In bovine on Darn-u and It Dunn at Toronto. a". It. and In. lie-tutu: and childm ot Ellwood agent “and" afternoon a Ir met union. We no Meant! to but little Min Eda. Bum- vrho bud pneumonia is now 'stateidtt_rpf_yet, of danger._ "a". Mr. aim has boon hid up win: would the pa: week. Mr. A C “about“ not the union here Sunday norm-g. “Y tt, 1919 Wrinu'mSI-np “kWh- cmthhd‘ain A ttoodly number at "I people attended [be slum-.4 and Mrs. HUN. I. he Mood: tanner len Thursd-y Inf link. to win his comer e Mr Sum Bryce receiwd I H. brother John m tisath, seeding III sham comma surely have had all we was and them mo. Mr A U IcDmnld and M were gtieeo I rccvp'lnu m Wednesday Pvetlltqr when try the 'soq"m"u'ry and tt cue and um pars ct at} Beth; Cll’cle were give Ir Wed and Mme I had a narrow " 1w deal on Sunday amen. Iron clutch When tlt Mg” and shifted t-, Fred out. Furnunun" "Io lines and Wttts than Ml but [unmixed Um of mind to pull mm turning the lt War to (In the “Ir! (naked we te tau-om. I" It. Sam. " J duo: union Bt Ewnu " u 7 30 p, m, I Ruin followed M on. w“. was!" ad cred mg In mam was hon-by her out“, I can. “a Tlrairord and 'shrid W " tree home uhcr , - in tGtniium, '0 ("and l't"f.rfty/tl Lam Melieown up I lollillw who Wrte “ml - “no Monday m1 idea-o In Helium“ m Mr Howard McArthur qrettt Mr D. J, MCAJLLH Carried all the time Jewels and Jewel Flw Seed Corn. Turnip n Everybody is busy l nay wall pnper. fl nor c Martin Senourn wally): have a full stock nnd l Now is the time to In Learning Seed Corn. Beret and Rape. Richest prices purl c Kindly take notice. KARSTEDT Our stock is oomph “en's Work or tine t Hutu or Caps. Wr an! this spring and FiU mm are closest. Make em Flour, Feed) Housefu rnis We've just placed The famous “Save lined and are sure fi Let an fit your boy eoat 1nd bloomers. Now that we're Rrttl nothing so comfy he I child, little girl or bot We have a full rant? Men's Hats, Men's Read PRICEVILL Maple Leaf or A consignment [REE “OPEN” I THE GLEN 1919 24 0. Sun an " "

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