West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 May 1919, p. 8

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Cd 'il' Toronto. May 6.--Good heavyf steers. $14.60 to $15.50: choice but-i the! steers. $14 to $t4.26; butchen’; cutie. choke. $13.50 to 814; do, goodi I!!! to M3.li0; do, med., $1'd to $12.50;: Montreal. May f'r--oattr-F',xtra No. I feed, Ere. Ftour--Bprintt wheat new standard grade. ttt to $il.t0. Rolled onstagw. 90 lbs.. $8.90 to $4.00. Bren .341. Shorts. $46 to $46. Hey -.No. 2, per ton. car lots. $32. Cheese _-- Finest entails, 24 to 2tre. Butter --t'hoieest creel-cry, 58 to 69e. Eggs -Fretrtt, " to Me. Ptttatoes--hr hag. car lots, 31.90 m 82.26. Dressed hogr--Abattoir killed. $30.60 to $81. t.ariV-Pure, wood pane. 20 lbs. not. Smoked meats-Hams. medium 37 to 39et do. heavy, 33 to Me; cooked, 62 to Me; rolls, 82 to Me; breakfast bacon. 48 to 47c; backs, plain, 46 to 471-; boneless, P?, to 3rrc. Cured mutswLong clear bacon, 29 to 13Oe; clan? homes, 28 to 29c. Lard-Pure tierces. 32 to 32%et tubs, 32% to 88e; pails. 32% to 33%; prints, 88% to 34c. Compound linen, 26 to 26%e; tubs. 26% to 27c; pails. 27V. to 28e; prints, 27% to Maple t,'Pt.,,t.titTi..'i per im- oeriat tttd on. 82.45 to $2.520: per 5 impel-in! gailons, $2.35 to $2.40: sugar, tb., 270. if; 60 lb, tins, 'ti to 25¢; buiekwhiat. 60 lb. tins. " to 200. Comb: 16 om, 34.50 to 85 dom; 10 oz.. $3.50 to " Potatoes-Ontario. f.oh.. track Toronto, ear lots, $1.70 to 81.75; on with outtride, $1.60 to $1.65. Beans-Can, hand-picked, bus, $4.25 to $4.50: primes. $3 to 83.25; Imported. hand picked, Burma or In, diun. $3.50: Lirttcse, tee. . Horter--Extraettrl clover: 5 lb. tins, '35 to if.” IIs.; 10 lb. tins, 24% to 25r; 60 lb. tins, '.?.d to if“); buckwheat, -iive poultry-Spring chicken, 60 to 66r. - 7 Dressed pou1try-Chieheata, 40 to 46e; spring chicken, " to 80e; mos- ters, " to 30e; fowl. 87 to Me; turk- eys. 45 to Me; dueklings, Ib., M to Me; square, dor.., $7; geese, 28 to Btttur---Fresh dairy, choice. Mt to tw-, crummy. solids, 60 to 6tet prints, 82 to 64e. Margarine-AM to Mc. EgghNow laid, 47 to 48e; new my in cartons, 49 ttt M)e. _ Wholesaler. are seeling to the re- tail trade at the following prices: Cheear--New, Inn, " to 28%et twins, 28% to 29e; triplets, 29 to 29%c; Stilton. 29% to 80e; old, large, 8130 32c; _twin, 3_2 to 323/59. ...- Live' iroorr-atooasrs, 22c; fowl. " to Me; duckling, Ib., Mc; turkey- "tretpiekrna, Pte. -- _ @ucidipzs, ask; mike”, A,. squabs; Butter-Dairy, tubs Ind rolls, " to 40e; prints, 40 to 48e. Creamery, fresh made prints, " to 60e. 11tttt--NUw laid, 43 to Me. Dressed poultry-Chickens, 30 to 83r; roosters, 'Me;, fowl,_.')0 to 8tle; 'op, lit-it'. 1,126 ‘co 'ttfree ton; nix: ' $20 to 824 per ton, tuck To. ronto. Ontario thmr--Govermnent sun- dard, $9.65 to 89.76, in bags, Toronto Ind Morttrenl, prompt shipment in thrte up. Mitifeod--Car lots, delivered Mon.. treal heights inclmhd. Bun, 842 per ton; short». $44 yer ton; good feed ther, 82ff to, $235 per Jygr, _ Pe--No. 27 32.05. momma, Be- cordinf to {night- outside. Bar er-Matting, Mk to $1.08, nominal. Buekwtmtt-No. 2, 81.15. nominal, RyemNo. 2, $1.68, admiral. Manitoba Bemr-Government star any]. 811, Tyronto._ American com-No. 3 "1}", 31.17 ', No. 4 yellow, $1.74. new, "KHTS’WWF PIMP! "tyte.k _ Ontario wheatt--No. 1 Winter, per car lot. $2.14 to $2.20; No. 2 do, $2.it to $2.19; No. 8 do, $2.07 to $2.15, Lo. tr. shipping potato, According to hoights. Ontario wheat-No 1 Spring. 82.00 to 82.17; No. 2 do, 32.06 to $2.14: No. 8 do, $2.02 to $2.10 f.o.b. shipping 'roiys, aggordiy ff treitthtt. _ Ouflrio tsd-ti-UG/Fir-Wire to 'e accgrdin; to fyeiehta_truuide. Market: of tie Work! --No. l Mm, 32.2495; No. 2 Northern, 82.2159 No. 8 Northern, 82.17%; No. 4 when, 82.11%, in tttore, Fort William. Mnnitoba oats-No. 2 CW., 'S3te; No. 3 CW., TOV, extra No. 1 feed, hae; No. 1 feed, 6tt%e; No. 2 feed, '6lie. in store Fort William. .tlitt.jttrhi1iirtiiiJ2' cw., 'lofi, tNo, go _., 31.0014; miter Straw-Car lots, $10 to $11 per Country Prqdttee--W hole-ie, Prov uiores--W holesale. Live Stock Markets “antral Marketa feed on, in" im 'ut " .‘mr THAT (ifisliij.i.'i.jj1f,, " _ f T a? (was DAUWKE . " ( I l , ll, w .t) My A deapatch from Paris "rar-The Belgians have asked the Council of fhree for a first advance of two billion francs on their share of the German indemnity. according to French circles. and it appears that they have roceived definite and sat. idactory usurancel. 7 l A despaich from London "rr.--. The British Government announce- that the Bolahevist Government has made a proposal to exchlnge the members of the British military mis- sion to the can-us for certain Rus- sian subjects now in the hands of the British Government. " is also announced that negotiations are pro- ceeding for the exchange of all Bri- tish prisoners in the hands of the Bolshevists. TWO BILLION PRANCS TO GO TO BELGIUM Great Britain to Exchange Prisoners With Bolshevisu There is a showcase in the British Museum that is proving very interest- ing to soldiers who are waiting tor their discharge certlticateg. It is s case in the Romsn British section con- taining the discharge certittmteg given to soldiers in Britain in the time of the Romans. The bronze Certificates are quaintlly worded, and record the that that the holders. "discharged hon. orably after 25 years ot service." are granted Roman citizenship it not al. ready held, “and the recognition of their marriage with those who are their wives, or, in case of unmarried,) any wives they may subsequently marry. provided they only have one each." The last sentence. in particu- lz-n muses the khaki visitors. I Under the Roman republic the use of precious stones was prohibited ex- cept In may, but in imperial time- ithey were worn in nut-h 1avirh prom. lion that succeeeive laws were nude [in an ettort to correct wild'oxtmug- ‘ance. Pliny describes a girl who " In" betrothu ceremony was covered , with pearls end emerald. from head to feet. Bracelet. were .130 worn in large numbers, the design of I coiled nor- pent being very popular. This is be- lieved to have been In importation " tpr Romney's Oriental conquests. Retiectimt the d.ereadence of thin period in the tact that rings were worn by men in senseless profusion. Mar, tlsi ”can at n exquisite who wore six on every tter, and had diluent sets for wintor and summer. 3 They Were Them In Rome In the Day. . of the Empire. I The seal ring worn by the modern , bushels man and ocuuonally and to i' lea! important letters and documents, ,3 had its origin in the only empire and Hm come down through the centurion virtually managed. Compared with the Jewelry of other ancient nations. the distinctly Roman Jewels are held to possess the advent- age of color and strength in design and workmanship. its teharaettsritrtie features were broad surfaceI. manure constmction and the use of large stones. the vualon for engraved gem m plainly stimulated after Pampers vlc- tones in the but. The conquest: of Gwen. and Emma are 9|:th reluct- ed in the Infusion of dellcato handl- eraft and Etruscan ttrtiatg, taken up- tlve to Rome. I da, $10.25 to £10.15; bib. Lete. 311.76 to, $12.50; do, not. ”10.50 to .11; do, rough, ttt to ttuw, Puncher tatitttu'..' h as: l,fsgtodct'ftr?to8t -do.nod., as to 310;“, can... "id to sun: “when, 88.75 to 212; feeders, $12 'to $13.50- camera and erttters, " to 16.75; mike". good to choice. 890 to ”159; do, com. and med., .65 to 876; spnngen, $90 to $160; light ewes, 313 to $16; yearlingI. 812 to 14; choke hint». $18.50 to $20; I ring ‘lmbs, $12 to 815' calves, goo: to 1choiee, .14 to iii,. hogs, fed and watered, $22.25; do, weighed " an, $22.50; do, Lab. 321.25. 1 I' Montreal, May 6.-Choiee select} hogs, $22 per cwt., off an. Calves/ " to $11 pvt ewt. Steers, $11 tol "18.50, according to quality. Butcher Hattie, $7.50 to $12. The“: jewels spew phlnly the man. ence of times and conditions; trace victories and conquests and retiect the successive graduation: of the early Roman: from the summit ot world power to decadence. For Instance. Etch ring bean In intulllo the coat ot arms or crust, duplication of which by any outsider can-muted I crime. SEAL RING AN ANTIQUE. Relic ot tho Roman. I The B. C. Manufacturers' Associa- tion have passed a resolution to give I iinattcitgt aid to the Returned Soldiers’ ' Club. Robert Kyle. who has recently re. turned from overseas. has been given his former position as foreman car- 'penter by the School Board under Eamon-.5 Inspector Barra, at Van- ' couver. A resolution before the Mantoba Legislature urges the Federal Gov. ernment to " soldier-3' pensions at not less than $1,000 a year for total disablement. with proper provision tor wives and children. Lieut. J. H. McKenzie and Major F. w. Bonltbee. of Vancouver. have re. cently returned from overseas. By the time the Manitoba Pttrlia. ment Buildings are completed In mit. lion dollars will have been spent. The total amount ot the Increase in the Vancouver teachers' salaries for the present your amounts to $17,362. Vancouver Island Indians are pro- testing against the settlement of Great Wu Veterans on the Indian reserves. chiming that their own men also helped to crush the German. Nanaimo and Ladysmith City were the winners in the preliminary game: for the McBride Shield, emblematic of the football championship ot B.C. Alderman W. A. McAdam of Duncan bu been chosen " publicity commis- aioner for the Victoria and Island De. velopment Association. The British steamship Cyclops, " ter several years' abgence from the route and braving the dangers of sub- marines, has returned to Victoria in command of Captain W. C. Lycett. The Glen! Wot Veterans " Vittoria. have endoned the attitude ot the In- ternational Iatntpshoremeu's Associa- tion and also a suggested agreement that veterans be given preference tor positions in the mills. Calgary School Board will spend half I mllllon dollars this your. Plncher Creek in going to enforce It: curfew brltor. WHAT "I FROM SUNSET COAST The first buttercups of the mason “a. . v"u." vr n '5" UULLAI Consider the POWER of I Ten Dollar mu when it is spent A'; LATES. It pay: " a HUNDRED oblignttona. It cranes BUSINESS ty. But the ten dollar bill that in sent any to the mat-ot-ttrm, house comes DEAD to Ute. It In out of commission forever as hr " OUR t Let US. then, (he POWER to the money we SPEND. Let Ill rem POWER-MONEY that we spend at HOME. BRING-ING- U'P FATHER bat/murmur A47: er ”Edit-Tn ONTARIO ARCHIVES I d tho or... w... I. l I"! PM All DOING. TORONTO HUNDRED PEOPLI THE Foresters are being trained and the necessary uplings are being pre- pared. If the experiment is success- ful it is promsed to increase the acreage of reforested land to 1,770,- ooo acres within the next forty years. Elglend is Preparing for Tan]: at' Con of $17,000,000. i Two hundred thousand acres of I forest land in Great Britain are to', be replanted at a coat, for planting; and maintenance the first ten " rm! of $17,000,000, according to an an-i nouncement by the government. The; trees will replace some of the heavy; timber cut down during the war and‘ provide additional forests, so that: the country may be independent of other timber sources in cases ofJ emergency. Assuming full responsibility tor the returned soldiers after they have been released by the military authorities, the Department of Soldiers’ Civil Re. eatablitshtneett at Vancouver has re. gistered. up to February 22nd, 715 men, 106 of whom have been placed in poaltlons. Trout tishintt opened in Vancouver: on March the 26th. and a number of, anglers celebrated the occasion. Mea. 1 wring 42 inches in length and tipping I the scales at 27 pounds was the re.), cord steel-head trout. I Two hundred and eighteen munitlon I workers, women and men, with about, forty children, arrived in Vancouver: from overseas, and were given a warm 3 welcome. --- 1 It in announced that the proceeds ot the ooncert recently given in Van- couver by the French Band exceeded the guarantee of $2,000 necessary to secure the services ot the bond by $600, making a total contribution of $2,600 from the city to the relief work of the stricken districts ot France. are anxious to see the province de. yoloped. In the menus conveyed by James Ram-y, wan. pmidont of the British Columbia. Manuaunrl' Associluon. during the com-lo of his address It the man! meeting. That the people of Britilh Columbia must display common-ably more w operative clog-t and initiative if they There have alreadfnboon seven] bush tire. in the vicinity ot South Vul- couver. were gathered at Grand Forks on Sunday. March the 23rd. "Me9ed9-gr-rar "kcEi7aFr" FORESTS TO BE PLANTED POWER OF A TEN DOLLAR BILL tf-town house doe. NOTHING for OUR town. It be. hr " OUR town is concerned. We NEVER see it again. Let Ill remember that our BEST Investment in that fl! - 'NETtttMta " PO nk new Proteatsor--"Eht Br Jove. l~nslly, my dear, l'm afraid I left it an the train." I Is cutting round tom and bottoms out ot tin sheets in the tntutttttMtttgrtt lot tin cans there remains a certain ,amount ot scrap. Men have sat up Inights tigurtng the maximum numb" lot such pieces of various size that can T be cut from s sheet ot tin, and still I there is the waste left over that can- jot be worked into sheets again. Re. iliet is found in the demand of the _ manufacturer of silk. who needs some , substance to weight his goods. A silk fgarment hens and tits and holds " jehupe better if weighted. Everyone , knows how soft and light are the un- [weighted pongee silks. Bo the maxim} 'i?yi8TT' of tin cans and of silks co-l I operate. One dieposee of " tin wute i and the other converts the metal intol f tin chloride and works it into the wow [wen silk. Virtually all the waste ot I (tin-can factories is put to that usel i' Some silk stockings contain as much| as thirty per cent. ot tin. The use l l entirely legitimate, since the trade de- l “and: s silk that is Arm and has"! for certain garments tor which the! purchaser desires a perfect tit. I it now?” ProttNmor--N vent to the railroad once today and got that umbrellu I left on the train last week." His Wite-"That't, good. Where I: Silk mte, such no worn-out and cost-oil gnrmento. become- in turn a source of tin worth attention. Rag pickerl give little heed to silk rem- nento, but carefully collect linen Ind wool. The rug-pickere' union. it there is such a body. might well take notice of this information. The tin chloride in the silk is - converted into tin oxide by burning the material. end from the oxide the metal can be re. solved. Many Pomona We" Them Uncon- -y--Di-tt With INk. We hue adopted may foreign ideas of comfort or "may, but no one he: sought to introduce the wooden shoe from Holland. The tin stocking ta even lug Inge-ave of luxury, and yet may of II weer them. Ot com-n a ”not! ttottWnot wear I nook ot “eighteen-cent" tin and be uncon- lclona of it, but It the tin is Illnyed and disguised with wk he can wear a considerable unount ot it without lu- pectin: it. TIN STOCKINGS. luau-able. A dun-sch from London sayaz- The Banter correspondent " Ptris nys it is expected that Lord Robert Cecil will be appointed British num- ber of the organizing committee of the League of Nation, mun: Gor- may will be minimal to the Lou-u: GERMANY MAY JOIN LEAGUE AT EXPIRATION OF ONE YEAR [m Imposed on Genny by Term of Allie. A demtch from Plbil sun-The term. muted to Gummy include I Ion of seventy per cent. of her iron ore, I third of her coal deposits. twenty per cent. of her potaah, and between 7,400,000 and 8,000,000 of her pre-wer population. A delpateh from Geneva says:----' palace for the permanent seat of the League of Nations will be construct- ed on one of several beautiful site- along Lake Geneva near .the city. In the meantime the city Buttttyritiea will place the Palaiu Eymrd. near the University. " the disposition of the delegates. A deepetch from Peri: 'r.yr.--The German thet in not to be destroyed. but it will be distributed. Final‘do- cilion has just been necked on this point. Great Britain, whleh " first wu inclined to oppose the plan for the elimination of the German croft u war machines, shifted its position and came to the support of France and Italy, which had desired the pu- tition of the craft among the allies. The American peace delegation op- posed the plan of destruction from' the first. i Pnhcc Alon. Luke Geneva As Permanent Seal of Immu- GERMAN SHIPS 10 BB DISTRIBUTED AMONG ALLIES newsmper correspondents strolled far aiieid. Their upon-moo excited Adverse comment Among the Versail- les citizens, end, slehough the hostile display was limited to mounted hiss- ing and hooking, M. Boudaille, who has charge of the police err-enge- ments, (ave the indium“ nap hunters e severe warning spin-t roaming bound the mull-ta - roundlngs of their billets. _ A mm from Versailles Bet-- Germany's pence delegates leased the best part of their first day here bhspheminx the weather, in common with other resident: in this rainy, windy, chilly township. The second preoccupation of moat of them, from Count von Broekdorfr-Raatmu down. was the acquisition of soup. The barber shop; neu- the three hotell where the Garment are quartered were emptied of their stocks of mp before noon. In seen]! of the pn- (:in substance 1 prty of German Order-in-Council Prohibit: II- nigrution of Doukhobou. Men- nonites and Hatter-ital. 2,iiiiiiril"u, assume the duties and mssntomsibi1iti" of Candi-n citizmhip within 1 reasonable GERMAN DELNATES AT .. VERSAILLE BUY UP SOAP an...» "Twain- W..- iottg .or the existing 'inktiety.tshr.Aat ,midr' A despctch from Ottun Bet-- Until further order, min-scion of Doukhobon, Batteries. and lemon- ites is prohibited. AI add-inma- eil to this emit wu lined by the Governor-General on Thundly. It - . ' t_-, " The order Iddl that numerous re- presentations hue been received that Doukhobon, Mutteritm and Mennon- ite: are of this class 3nd character. ...“ --...-__, -- V The order recite. that “owing to conditions panning u a result of the war, a widespread feeling exists throufhout the Dominion, end more partieularly in western Candi. that steps should be taken to prevent (hr entry into Canada of all perlons who they be regarded as undesirable. be- cause, owing to their peculiu' cuc- toma, habits. modes of living and methods of holding property. Mary are not likely to become readily u- iiiiiGiiriritr go'thi- period of probation. "Mi; dents strolled w. "Can you trll uw “I" 't re - te, mum?“ quarried llw wt. .u'r. m “M took the cigarette' c,' m " I!” Md calmly replied Ity' a litter of met, Mr. l Im the from line.' “at. m. nttt kttors: M!“ ' ‘1' m a: mlcllt’d u rt ”In: V " Y” Maodtaq try a rim mwimw: a And the m to thrill " (MN: r, “to her to her [an And the ttad no dream of aim) that honors vouhl rho an " tt I“ nattttht but gimp}? 5mm» love ot home. or lit- .'r', I m- That ttna kept her ll tho hw.‘ sl, her vigil: with tho mm Ott, the newt-ending “my .4 _, lr t-gthttqd h wart au Wile - that us hr. od an! “I" 84th to hm- Hml mm ' M3070“ the mean 11...“: And . doubie health rorcver In Mr. Philip Gibbs. th., 'rir ' corn-pendent. roman; 1~ l 'l I use”. I good Blur) 1 VHH “I. of the Hull' tir.0 1m , " " 's CM to the theubmx; l H” ul “I “new to my it arm-.1: ' tt “I. Mr. Gibbs L.» (In! ,, w W. In" In“ with ndorntxon m. lulu our-on. And their My deod- of um justly brought us to our knees; ihtt that“ can mother Idol and "f' more In to mam - 'T'U the [M who nursed the old D...“ And the babies here an 51 mp Hora tho that to tteat tho aged _ 1 '5er children left behind: H." the lot to render rumh it uh , those ot techie- mind; Herito serve in ward and lI-tusvh .. In this had from =en lo Cr' l, TPhtte Mr sister Dunn‘s sersrH - In winning: v.- lors The death took place recently of u-Bergonut John Banquet u Putty mouth mimosa. who won the vietv.ria Cross In South Aide... The ”ll-hell ot the Law Union .ill'\ Rock [nuance (‘ompnny has been an»: over by the Landon and Lanes lhlre “no [our-ace Cumpnny. The omnibus "nice between 1' my and Mnrvool street. mum w suspended during the war. has be revived. OI I recon: Sunny in Suulhwurk Cathedral Sir Melinda Mach-nun and out the hum ot Professional mulch“ killed or wounded in HM When n vu- - of Reigate. with ttee children. was fitted live thIruLN for not sending her oldest child t,, achool. one of the magistrates paid 1w Inc. The Cooper-live Wholesale Son. 1y of Macho-tar have decided that Um. micron. numbering 30.000, aim-m join a train union. tttr he “do. ttaa tavered his "tr' necthll with the North Eastern Ila! way Company owing to his In)“; thttiee. Lord loll-too. in started on a Fry no to In“. and the dominion: w‘m u will mohair Int for Brteea mom In The new principal medical amt-m , the hoe-l Oovmmem Board. Lon-I ,1, In " Goon. New“. an: Arthur Yup bu remix-M f the Km . cheque tor 21:30 Y.M.C.A. work abroad. Sir Arthur Evans has given to t 311th Mama: the Polka-tun: Ancient Celtic can collm'tod by v late W. 'llrtgeet Gum. ot Mitidltvutrrrur " was ttned as tor wasting food m throwing a a“ on the tire. The m Wholeule (50-0)" 1; m My in are“ to lend L'Munm to tbe "I“ Society. Without 2-7 tmost. m MIMI of London Park " II rr', Illl - private managvmr-n: rut will b. "can.“ and subs vii ' l by) the [Aldon County Council, The cmnnn of Hunkspxml :w- 2- l “up: (ha-on] at the ture. l "'Y, m (In .tntirm" thrrrts. on up (round that may In a nukmnvo, g-tttrs' he ul- and mam M ("I a.“ Meme-ts Tl. In"? OI Bum“) i, .mw con, Um“ the “no“! of 4." “cm mm ""0 worth of "rpm Govem..x~m " ltsh' new In the country. The Palm-Gwen! has mum. - W postal (Minna “M1 other Militia! shortly. m “In of EM0.000 has been M by Mr In“! Ca-'. t'r Lit- - d We: (“1810614. for '-!ura “on! F”. The luau-y of Sunni) i, Mr con, " “(In the Army Chaplains Ihr 'raetattatltt till be (unnamed thr. mm m cnpluu Departuwnt. All "atHt2ittt" have been withdrawn with"! tmttan are being run to m‘ and the north, but Pt) ht'Irrr is ttald out tor the nductim of new; ms MM ENGLAND I." " mm. ABoc'T may BULL AND ms PEOPLtt Oct-um In the um Thu Reign icon- 5 the (banner. (it! Well. The Mum Who - tqqme tt.rqtq who stayed m h The Fn'm cud. Mature mum-d rho it ll " new with we: be we cloud) mm "Spams-g?" "In a lull my 8 m; high And we in " to: birth ' "tenurt Mtttesst By all “new sturdy a From humming-bin! t They like no. and I II Ravi: um Bower, a bond- And touches me. new Firm comrades. down I The out": a him I l have so many W The And "tnt grow» al No“ “my. " The Main; t All limidly m: The mm ship Wave to mo ' I hats Sprm Join: HUI C Ride TO And all I Charmed The lurk Till an 9m. "vo an empty “not! with I vmulblt which nu tempted u “'0' the dub Md te. The mused light. Am I!" 011s IO!" of yt, know trom pm our plane“ an no of Motsy st “no” comair Beea-trly meteoric pa . - Mm body an m: neg-lions I themseh’vw I MRI! mum: realize that apparent through which In med to m pk- 01mm: I. November in." thwart all In Aura-i ----tties ha u made m any obsw'rr “an." tt I: meteor captured. while in c, later [was batman whence w "my do r ordinary ‘ the mute can of Int A My mm W Men " and "mes-om." u.- "o have I . at we. ttot mo In dumrwhux Jupiter out of the that dragged into Jupiter tn Um ' Rood many wm-I out! would uroml Ml nttractit - income a - nvolvtnx l 810 that as " - o! In tour My larger tht a. Ar, what w El "f I! cue hand of It I. a question " " Inuit with the " u h pr Pinyin the I It: “um " an mm wucuce The Home V1 d The Com" tht " won “an )inll out d N10?” ntt t the call 'Me." Bert “I though Q In th "eratgret our“. nuns: nod-inc III: MRI " ll the pt 70201 1'qu

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