West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 May 1919, p. 1

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rt ts investor GO. Dromore will be closed Holiday, Sat., On account of 'ml Pastry Flour LOR & CO. ' Breakiasl Cereal, HI. _ Cram“! Chicken Carl i Hi scd Chop i'S MILLS n tonic“ ldaV iur Produce. - cCowan , a a aa'asacmai J at Fair Prices remunablc rates ill be lf not madame!" Chop BAR! nay Special Ruined.- MAY M, 19]. "al', savings cl " the work of net.- '. .. year! from new. Jnvestor in (In Ill- --a Guru-Qt VHFHANADDI- Serve Yo- and J Invest The. in " 'soy-bro eeqtt V when esseharae Stamp been" . i',' security In .1 wsil pay you l Sat. nights n securities . my held by cap vemng, od the Gown- 1 lsave saved by ovum vii , each week e. , mural by a open of; STANDARD BANK )ROGRESS can only be [ I assured bylookingar.ead I and preparing for it. FariueFs.-- by exercis- ing foresighgin raisin? cattle, , hogs and other readi y sale- ' able products-can add to j their worth. This Bank aids i and encourages every kind of ; .q'ricultural operation. an t THE f -'-i. a...“ nut, WWI .nl their money if they were a keepitlike they do on the farm the soticttor for aims seldom. how: his face the year round. I mg causes could only hit up the tor tunds instead of, as in not continine their attention to tl street, they uoud Matter the that a few tinanciat Iight-weight/ obliged to hear. MISSES TRUAX Smartly Tailored liats Greatly Reduced Great Price Reductions on Women's & Misses' Millinery lm. Sum m Dc-e.--.; Bruce Imam and Times makes the following Inmme'nt on the usual canvassing of the w. mm: men on the front 'treet.--The A .. t the Iron! street ot Walkenon is being .mvussed for one charitable purEose or mother is enough lomake theinhl hams hereon wonder what thee um.“ an ....uc he I" A .. . R A DURHAM BRANCH MN KELLY . . Ma, M v_ 'VV'r ._r_. . wrl13.--IM earnings of , lg but Simpson Co. foe the past year .7 [ mung all expenses. providing for "r'r mum in the value of property and I" , in; amounted to within a few dol- In million and shall. The belief w...m~d by some people that the de- writal stores sell on: verynarrow " ", ot' profit or no profit at all,is _ Nix fallacious. " r. A.ro Anna C.tyurcH.--The l T much of the Great War vtieranl i: my n will attend service in Trinity ( ‘ _ Durham on Sunday next, June I. I A wcmimii will attend the service in _ and wcyrtlially invite all who have a lllt'unifofm, whether in Canada or t3 rits, to Join them in this service. mm are requested to meet at their I moms at 10.30, from where the par Pi, Cl civilian dress will commence. t ii prd that all returned midi-n A am and viciiiity. “ ' -m. ' Oat Shorts, Feed Oatmeal, Mixed mo. 'CS' Chop. Poultry Feeds and Groatine at " r . h . . Rob Roy Milli and Feed Stores. the $33,} 023:5” Coat ou tor sale at Mr. H..Noble was the lucky fisherman . . at hugenta last Wednesday. HIS catch Markdale Is planning for a big celebra- Included tt trout which tipped the scales; nun " me "Twelfth" of July. at better than three pounds --Standard , Put War Bond interest into War Saw Owen Sound's population I“, um trr.r-sl Hugs Stamps and keep gaunt AMA . -- " . . e'-"'-".... tl,"..'..?',','?) 6rif"if.",v' voiuniary subscriptions towards erecting , basement on . CHLEmun: Jun Isa'.--) monuments owrngto recent legislation' Int 8p m. ' T c, w, V. A. have made arrange- empowering mumiipalitiesto ievyfor this! , celebrate Doniinion Day hm purpose. , LANDnn A 'r"oarintr a big program of sports The two banks in Kincardine now re- I Ford, mum .masion. The edprogram has not main open Saturday afternoons till -irl.trt.rutonthe2 ' iuiiy. arraug ' but keep this o'clock and close Thursday instead att 1rt length, and i the biggest, day's celebration in o'clock. The Reporter says St the public! Acombined rum Were certainly inconvenienced by the old , A. add the l. t .i. 1'l:Pnorrrs.-The earnings of Saturday banking hours and the new J'ublic Library l, :t Simpson Co. for the past year move is very popular." 12nd at 7.45 D. I it. rig all expenses, providing' for "Ar "A... " a“, - ..imn in the value of mum-M" ---- ' VOL.XLII. iiiriii ,AP--836 will buyaxood second- rap Buggy. Apply to C. McMillan. Dromore. Ices will beheld in both Mulock until: Baptist churches next Sun- The pastor, Rev. F. Ashton will be (HP. - "fin" ...- "nu-uncut! w‘hat they '0ng do with tthey were allowed}; Io on the farms, where aims seldqm._)f ever. They include hats of lisere, milan, tagel milan and coarse braid shapes in all the seasonsble styles. Smartly trimmed with flowers, fruits, wings, ribbons and fancy mounts. A most interesting collection, all of which have only been in stock a short time. but have been specinlly reduced in order to make room for new stock. Lea to meet atthexr from where the pa - twin commence. ft returned wldiers of f will attend this ser- roundj-V'lllbesgry.’ tit up the Council P in Amos! cases. al weights aignzw the frail. e burden rum] ”v“. "w .....u.., mm. It was 020090 to ask the Town Council to appoints committee of citizens to look into the whole matter and report back to the Council. I Walkerton citizens are also discussing a solrllers' memorial and Taking about as much progress with it aft Durham is The leading idea there is a wing to enlarge the hospital, to cost about snow of which ;Mr John Rowland and others thought the doctors should pay a substantial share. Mrs Wisser. I o D. E. regent said that if this scheme carried, her socie ty would co ahead themselves with some other kind of memorial. She considered something which would directly benefit the boys and promote their welfare 3:; moat suitable. Lieut. James said that in I France no memorial scheme was allowed) to be considered for seven years and in: England for three years. The best arch. I itects are deliberating on the fittest kinds! of memorials and it would be bet er to i await their decision. and not rush the) mattler too groickly IP"" __lt was decided I t On Monday morning Turner. a highly resm Eugenia, went out to assist him in the tteding, '--â€" _ - ’71- -..- -u x . . -- "In Hunter "arrow I "gets. mums“ he urban is ,3houty3 (313376 £232? "If? w,2t,'Peg"eirtct boy, 8On of Wand Mrs. “W returned trom ow f f, Si}\'ERE Kp.crr.-rhrring the absence l Lt. I'en.io.n Pt a former Conservative sup- boat as fitl7'saritdirenrif (in the game this week at the home of ll 'y11r'aotllefi,iNg",Z,', Eamon. the mm" I $332,? lirhhought {hath DrCS E Foster here Wednesday noon 1hl2uai,r,trigug Miss Effie Hutton has m. arson, Norrnau- . 19 now ttrt e onservative the 147th . . . qt In beh d . by. undertook to hitch u candidate Wind . . battilion but was tranl t m the Counter tn " ' p a team and! ' roll out. leaving Fenton to the railw . s .erre.d hardware plough the garden last Wednegd to contest the riding in op . . ay troops for active servnce inl . , _ . . 5 . a . DOSIU’m to Wm Fra . . _ ' page unhitchi‘ng after one of the In“; McDonald M. P. P. of Chesley. fi,;))'rt1h'i1"d'geai'rj,itipeij,i,ii, in building . Mr. and Mrs. Norman It ed the lad ttt the face, knocking out 3 sy-u-Gill/ii,' B cing infant es Ire! the advan- ily ot “Wilmer and Mrs “i0"! teeth in top and three in lower row J C Nichol who hiring: 'tttgi-ich/r/pf/r/l', in 'lr'raniiesa'éa'mn" two years Item. visited at his broth a ong with part of the gum With med? dry Elean‘ ' . a pg up a he lth an returns in good och here over the 24th culaerl gum and lower teeth were re la ldrturnin tng .cpurse m Toronto Mnce "'Iolc? . and “Pleased tobeback among Koch who is attendin S" {ert It,-', boy suffered to quite an Eng): 1’ last F5123:niéngiingurfcol‘itzrsre'cilegistgtgn“: ttf,/riendsasriirt as they are to welcome ener, also 'a7co'Up"a"fi'Jftf, Um . _ ' . . C is unfortunate accident. {property next the MK! laugh House, now 7 PTE. W. R. ALJOE Misses Hazy. and Pearl T m Monday morninglast Mr. s,yyrryrri,'tcacit,'.5"i,d, by the .Variety store and uo- Eniisting in January 1918, Wm Ali 1t:,.l.1ryeiiriiidii' overl hum“. a highly respected resident ("fags ly. J LeVine as .r.tsidence. We olGlenelg returned home Tuesda I"d/,'fi"heir uncle ti, Mr. J. W. h f.'yff.1i': Fent (“It .to hisson'sfarm mix" 'ar1t,ar'i'nd, Mr Nic.hol will soon re-open "It: and was welcomed bya large criwdent; Miss Maude Kress 1 5“” him In the seeding, '3ays the Flesh. 5 f te t.a) .orrng cleaning and pressing and I the station. He was not long in Can 3 Bank staff spent fro s For',. 7mm Advunre, Hehad hitched his team! urnishing business he conducted in the; before going overseas, and saw a , a day {with Toronto “'nidnc oa steelroller and when ,tterGtinUiiiiePf standanumber ?t Years ago, andlm°nths service at the front but ff .'i'l . in S. "m round the WW broke and Mr. law“ ”we: The Variety" store conducmno mishaps, and looks well. aft Sign?» Dr Jameson. M P. P. a rum” Y."? thrown in front of the heavy' by ll, L. Saunders, has been cramped "serience, e " ex"! Spn were m Toronto In. K. oller which naumrl mm. .L- .A, _ l forum“. a": ...;.. L, _ A SEVERE Kp,tne.--rhrring tl of his father. Norman Carson H year old son of Wm. Carson, hy, undrnmk to. hitch un a The Department of Education has pro- vided for a Summer Course in Agriculture Part 1 Elementary. at Whitby. Appli- cations for Eleentary Coursesat both Guelph and Whitby will he accepted, even alter 26, providing the limits of ac- commodation of both colleges are not exceeded. All rural teachers should take these courses. ’ WILL MEET Emu Wensasm " W. V. A. willhold their regula meeting on Wednesday evenings at 8 p. m. This is a returned Society and the attendance and taken in the weekly business r, will determine the succees art the local branch, All membersa only requested to be in attem every meeting. "v. i “VHOIUL especially made welcome _ ‘,_e,,e.....a.,= we public! Acombined meeting of the G. W. V. Were certainly inconvenienced by the old I A. add the l. O. D E. will be held in the Saturday banking hours and the new J'utgic Library on Monday evening June move Is very popular." /2nd at 7.45 p. m. All members are ur- Mr Homo! FF FRIDAY AND SATURDA Y-- gently requested to attend. The local branch of the G W. V A will I Mr. Jas. Heughan has purchased J. be "At Home' to their friends on Friday Knight‘s residence almost opposite the evening ol this week from 7 to 10 o'clock Cement Co. oftitee, known as the former and on Silltyrdaz afternooln lrrom 3fto9 Whelan residence, p. m. A riends ant wel -wis erss the . , . . Association are cordially requested to visit ,’ tay.isis l I/uahifealy, I?! g"i/?/,,b.,1C.t,to,.o.! them on these occasions. Ladies areHha, 'u.n. ortuna ey ro e especiallv mm. "rot.,-, V .-~‘-. ll. thq‘ uwen tiound's population by the yre'lsil'gt,, tr,gtaati, Assessor's Roll is 11,765 a decrease' tfiial'l iii"Lil;iia'. H 332trom last year. The assessment 18.9””, suggested asthe 88.0223”, an Increase ot $156,445 'tl' . .- , We fl".-- v. ' nu manners IN IDEdG. 'k , l Liberal leaders. and before coming to 5 o D. E are request to 'setiiiri7iir'ifofll'ielt','o',', 'g, the lf!!, Durham, spent a few~days at his old Ianse at the Libnry. on Mc ttrom last year "he a ccreaset tf 1 home in London. He has been promin. but! at 7 45 p. m. to make at 922 883 an Increase ot 'idlt1'tl""'n ts ,' enny suggested as the coming. leader_o! for a Sports Day, lst July. I ' ' J, V the Liberal party in the Dominion parha- The Ladies' Aid of the Me rood Sumw Wood for Sate at my I Tent, but in response to an enquiry as to met at the home ot Mr and M band D30? actory. ', per cord. tie. I tts Possab,lity, stated he had not been , Shek last Fri lay evening an red. theaper if you haul _It {our l approached to take the portion. _ (them a iG1iiir"dCi shower. , App y to . Z. Lurk ! - - - q------- ( social evening wasspent in pros sr. Mel, hell, I? supplymz for Miss A I Buy War Savings Stamps anlmustc. 3:52;",giseuézskmfiniizfiefiz22:5r iEht.t.yyr:1yypepersubscriptionex. .?jteytzyrw.toid them nee on account L' her father's illn , pures. renew it through the Review office, a rather remarkable Instance of emont d th . ess. I and take advantage of our clubbing rates. (iir, IpltlnClAln lardzwgnigh {our , an Romeo er munici liti . . s a ton n. m a ui t e abandoned the personal cane/:5 It? i I 1hTptt,t $51333 ..Pet19g, 9" the l freight nau- ...L:nL A . _ nary subscriptions toward; pram...- . 1- Wt Syye10ay evenings ofeacfi This is a returned soldiers" Kt attendance and interest weekly business meetings _ the SUCCCiS or failureoi ch, All members are earnn w) on __ 5 _ - iiiht iiliiitititliita as are also dismssing a and Taking about as it as Durham is The s a wing to enlarge the out 8150(‘0 of which t be broken but Mr injured that he is elf in hed and it ie outcome mev be.-- lr. Turner has since . A _"' ,..,. I "-1 nun. aIIu HOW nas mue 'se m griculture Whitby. [mph-I ,rs.t.: l: y. Fenton, N. c f".-......:, _A . -. an .- A Thrift Stimp. appointLa ' were busy. attendant; it form - "in tidit" "or-ite-Fad" iuiii. Picture fihmrand band concert in evening on the grounds. Don't miss it, , at the soldiers' celebration in Chesley on F June 3rd. Lieut Smith an overseas Pilot _ win gist an exhibition of loops, spiral. nose dives, tail spins, etc. A full protram, Parades. headed by the G. W. V. A. with four bands. Addresses by Premier Hearst and Maia Tonic. Footraces. bath", and who was. The two Jays 89d two u Twin patiopal mob-'39 pet- _ --, ___ ...... I'""""". u) town Pour ot in his car and he stopped the animal. and James _ 1 Mr Noble who followed in anather rim Wm on 1 secured it. The horse was uninjured. but and thn the axle of buggy was bent and otherwice t Rcbt I (it was somewhat damaged. It was for-Isadein t [ tunate no one was hurt as there was am- the you, ple opportunity for it. If our constable; voted w: , would impose a few fines on some of these ber of H j thoughtless lads. it might free our main tranafen _ streets of the firecracker nuisance, espec- The re l tally on open nights in stores. "" L- a, t ‘0...“ “an“. a runaway wnlcn mllht 3 l have terminated more seriously The y crackers frightened Chas. McAllister 5 horse. which reared up and down and in ; so doing collided with Geo Noble's bu y itphead. The latter's horse bolted. E l: Noble being thrown out, and animal and‘ rig dashed up main street across Garafraxa I bridge, round the foot of the hill past the ‘C P R. station and homewards on the {Durham Road. Near Hutton Hill, Mr I Norman Mantvre was returning to town in hh, ,..... .r.-. LA -" . . - FIRECRACKERS CAUSED RvNatvav.-- Children letting off firecrackers on main streetlast Friday. night when the streets "w“ ... “"5113" “USP"- ."W"" ___ ...- a...“ "as sown alter I als and in 1918 was returned to the t'l"/tt,i sound asleep. Abont b' a. m. Mr. John 5 ing zone. In the big Canadian drive in! Fallaise awoke him to advise him of the l Sept. last Corp, Lawrence was again tire and then the barn was in ashes. Mr. I wounded in the left shoulder at Bourlon I Alf o Neil and his sister had passed 3 Wood near Cambrai. and this fmished his:' ‘ shortly after 5 a. m. and no fire was then I active service. He is now completely re- l discernible. Judging by the number (iflcovered from both injuries and looks in! _ mysterious tires in centre Glenelg re.cently the btst of health. and principa ly badrns, I:omg (ig', hbug 1;! M.-. - . . a Ntrentl ' engage int is en is wor r _ 32:1 the rgimis oi other farmers would l Death ot Mrs "Ugh McLean,' Jr. 1 rest easier were the cause discovered l --- I Mr O'Neil‘s loss is partially covered by, At their home in a." n.- A-_.- . - l insurance. v. ‘- .--uvv-.u tu new I 'quarters, probably in the Calder block. I l ANOTHER GLENBLG FIRE Alvin-my.- l, Between 5 and 6 a. m. Saturday murnina. {tire consumed the frame barn of Mr John "YNeil, near Tp. Hall. Glenelg, and all moments. Three horses were burned, a I team belonging to his brother, Alf, ty Neil and one of John's. Implements also went up in smoke-a binder] mower, rake, buggy. cutter, 300 bus. oats, 2 tons; lhay, etc. Mr O'Neil had been at recep- l 3 tion at a neighbor's, and returning at 4 a. i ‘m. saw no sign ot fire and Was soon after i sound asleep. Abont (i a, m. Mr. John} Fallaise awoke him to advise him of the fire and then the barn was in ashes. Mr. I Alf ONeil and his sister had passed I shortly isf.ter 5 a. m. and no fire was then discernible. . Judging by the number of ii - 1 H” vuul\.l., an" [stairs by J Levine as reside i undlrstand Mr Nichol will soc 'the tailoring cleaning and prw (furnishing business he conduc same stand a number ot years reside above. The Variety" store ed by ll, L. Saunders, has been fonspace. and will be remov‘ quarters, probably in the Call-In a. - WW... .u. 9.. a returned soldier of Arran township was chosen as the l'nited Farmers of Ontario candidate in North Bruce in the next Provincial election' at a Convention held in Wiarton yesterday, The proportion of rural vote, to [Khan in aka... a .A I g, .. wi - =e. van-‘L uaya [HIS week ' . i as a result, Miss Gun taking he; classes. 1va?iieiia,r,ytlii,i.j, la/d, BOUGHT Foir: RnsmENcE-Mr Frank has had an eventlul army Lenahan was back to town from Toronto enlisted in the 147th t i this week and sold his fine red brick resi. transferred to the 58th l "ience just south of the Ford garage to yervice. He was twice wot Mr J. A. Rowland, Royal Bank manager. In 19.17 and near Arras las The house was recently occupied by Mr hpspital treatment, he is H. G. Mistele. the former manager. Mr. abled. Mack was one oft Lenahan is steadily disposing of Ins prop- on his battalion lacrosse erty here and now has little left. Fran,, M., t--c, -. . See the Aeroplane my next the Midjaugh House, now '. ,. P.TE, W. R. AI lied by the Variety store and uo- Enilstingm January " by J Levine as residence. We pf Glenelg returned home ‘stand Mr Nichol will soon re-Open mg and .was welcomed by E iloring cleaning and pressing and I the station. He was not hing business he conducted in the; before 80mg overseas, ttl 'tand a number ot years ago, and I months “NW? at the from above. The Variety" store conduct- 1 no mishaps, and looks Wei ll, L. Saunders, has been cramped I penence, ace. an'd J/ll. be removed to new [Pp (mun um - - ra nr1.\>l w.2-=',, P"N.. - Friday night when the stregls pause? a 1PMvay.whirh might i Premier W M. Martin of Saskatchewan Rev ,ASMO" of Bantimk preacheda a {is visiting his uncle Dr Jamiunn and Mrs very edi)y1ng trertnon o {Sabbath alter- Jamieson' here for a few days this week 'noon, which was much eniyyed by ttttttel and taking a little recreatwn fishing in 'present.--Ceylon cor., Fleshertim Ad-;' Mrs our famed troutstreams. Mr Martin has E vance. I of Hor; rgcentlv been in Unawa at conference of; All members of the G. W. V. A. and I, 'Mrs. R Ybtral leaders. and before rnminn n. n " ', Premier W no A Bu; ONtt -Master Willie south line. Artemesia. caught a n the 24th that measured 16; inch. h, and weighed over 2 lbs Premier Martin in Town in this fiendish work ther -larmers would a cause discovered partially covered by DURHAM. THURSIKFAEYEIIâ€"é 7 - . - '"'"'e"..-. ”warm nocn and tam- _ ......‘ wulllu tne Trenches and the advan- ily ot Kitchener and Mrs Koch of Cones- " Herte --Mr Fiiii(Gl'l't'ruy.' He sawalmnst two years togo, "sued at his brother's, .Mr ll. P. en takin. u ajserVIce in France and returnsin good Koch herepver the i24th. M155 Myth: [mm was; I health and as pleased tobeback among Koch who is attending school m Kitch. irned to town old friends again as they are to welcome ener, also accompanied them to her home. sed his former him Misses Hazel and Pearl McKechnie of 1 House, now '. ,. P.TE, W.R. ALJOE . St. Thomas. visited over Victoria Day I) Hare and uo- /?f,igi/iprct 13:32:13? 19?. f,,',') Aljoel their uncle's, Mr. J. W. Mckechnid d M . 'e , enelgreturn ome ue ay even. ' ' , gamma; mg and .was welcomed by a large crowd at ’ Bliss Agaqde Klress [gildthe Standard, pressing and l the station. He was not long in Canada d 'yy), It T spentt from d" ay until Mon- ducted in thelbet'ore gomg overseas, and saw a few in Wit own 0 rren 5' i ars ago, and l months SEN/ICC at the front, but suffered Dr Jamieson, M P. P. and Mrs Jamie. l tore conduct- 1 no mishaps. and looks well after his ex- son were in Toronto last week attending een cramped perience, l the festivities in 11'l'."rc,taig,1 with It re- noved to new ception to General . a en owel ' the llder block. LCE CORP. JNO. A. LAWRENCE 1"e"lt, of Mateki. g and leader of the Boy g M l/ft, ft,",: Jihn l Lawrencehson of! Scout movement b YSTIJRY.‘1 r. an rs, C as. .awrenre, uttonl lay morning. filill. arrived home Saturday evening. and! Mr. and Mrs. C L. Grant .of. Durham 1 " not Mr John r spe, t a busy night meeting old friends in 1 3mm?” the "T/ye,',',',.".',? of _t,'"ti,r daugh- Ielg, and all , town. Corp Lawrence had been in Kits- ter, ' largaret Josephine. to Mr. Alex-l [ ' . i . r ander Stewart Muir, son ot Mrs Muir re burnt d, a l Coty, Alberta for some years, before en- d l l l . M . f Ce ,1 ( her, Alf, O' during in 1916 inthe 15lst Central Alberta an tlie ate A “end? ulr o . t 9!"; Implements i battalion He went overseas in Oct. and I The marriage will take place quietly ml der, mower, l to the front in Nov. 19ttt and after five I June. oats.2 tons _ mos in thetrenrhnc um e-....'.,,, T, - . _ a returned VVVV. .ulll EMU“ ' tons _ mos in the trenches was seriously 'ecep- led in the hip at Vimy Ridge in Ap: t 4 a. f He spent about 8 mos. in English after I als and in 1918 was returned to th John 5 ing zone. In the big c-r,,,.,, - nun-luv belle McGirr. - -_-. Jessie Bell, Ethel Derby, Margin-t Mc- Ho -- Romud, are in Palm to-day. Thun- IAIIIID daygnen‘dig s'tegtrtt,iitiErt'.i ' . enuo I. c In c or: -lm-At the Prabytenan mange, Rain-m. on Mt In" «M " I The remains were brought to the home Iof hm parents here, Mr and Mm Hugh ( McLean. lor interment Wednesday in [ Durham center n News. Whaley and McEwen conducting the services, her for- mer pastor Rev. Mr McLean of Hampden not ltr available. Much sympathy is extend the bereaved husband and rela- tive: in the premature calling my of their loved one. Viarton PTE JOHN DERBY 'al vote This Bentinck boy, son of Mr ce. As Andrew Derby. returned on ve sup- boat as Mack Saunders] also !',.e.t.iy/ .ltrty.en.aja.vfi9T. John e e. ....- ..0. \AIIUEll. mre Rrbt Johnston and Mrs And. Fulton re- sndein Bentinck. The deceased lady was the youngest in her family and was a de- voted wife and mother. She was a mem- ber of Hampden Pres. Church, afterwards transferring to her new home. ,__. .1" Vanni-w I.an _ _ "--e '."- men-ls last week and returned to Toronto Hum“ Iy"mu?a alittle dayghter two hom whence her aster Vivien, who is years old survives, also her .mother Who not in good health, will accompany her is with her son Andrew m Biggar, Sank. to their" home in Eyebrow, tiask., about Fourother Lrothers'of deceased, John, Juneast. James Thos. and Irvine are in the West, _ . . Wm onthe home farm in Normanby.l .Pr.Ed. Lauder of Cleveland. visited and three sisters. Mrs Alf Corbett, Mrs I his brothers here 0"" tha. """"‘" Rcht lnhne'nn and "-, . . - - I /isGiir, "' unit. me death took "CNOD‘C' . -"-i_._f." an an“ ( place in un ay tttornin of Mr '., . l McLean, Jr, m her 2Sthli'ear. g/he 1r,hvt'tserl'lrn,fotige W. L. Fairingham (.t.reep illsince the Tuesda previous and a this week g erence m ltcher.er little son who died after 13mg. few hours . only, was brought to Durham for inter. Mr Geo. Kress, Toronto, is visiting his ment, burial taking place on Friday. home here. Mrs McLean was former! Miss G a Messrs Howard M ' i ( Henderson of Hampden, ans, was wedges? Alex. McQueen' and ceeuiall2) 3133:1233 ‘ here four years ago next June. They liv- the Listowel celebration on Victoria Day ed in Durham for some time. then remov- Mi c ' ed to Hespeler and latterly toGalt, where to. Jean rawford, recently re.tur.ned he hasa good position. Bes:des the be- :rom overseas duty as "my" ”my town reaved J"e,t,y,.t, a little daughter two .lf7t1)tl.2."'tpeSriciivri1ij,'ii “in?” year: 0 survives, also her "motile w ' ' - ' . _ tit [t with her son Andrew in Riaaa- rent-[o not m ttood hraith """ _---- _ m ... " mnwll 5 ana brother . t --N_e.... v: VIII WIIIICI5 Mr. Dan MCUonald. , ----- Mr and Mrs. John Lang and lamily are a SERGf, MACK SAUNDERS removmg to St. Marys tlus week where he i One of Durham's native sons to return has a good position. Mr. Lang has been Wednesday is Sergt Mack Saunders. who _ here tor the past week packing up. Mr has had an eventlul army career. Mack E. D McCMckitn and iauily will 9ccupy enlisted in the 147th Greys. and was the resudence tn upper town which the transferred to the 58th batt. for active former are vacating. §ervrce. He was twice wounded-at Avlon Messrs John and Rex McGowan motor. m 19.” and near Arras liuit,year, but after ed to Gait Friday to witness the Victoria hpspital treatment, he " In no way tits. Day races there. abled. Mack was one of the Mar players . . on his battalion lacrosse team when in Mr. and Mrs. John Mckenzie of who" France. He looks the picture of health, [and Mr. and Mrs Duncan Mckenzie. no taller but somewhat broader than Montreal, motor ef to their fatlt,etfs. Mr. when leaving here nearly three years ago, i puncan MCKWZE- here on Saturday. I an: is b.eing warmly welcomed by family; I he latter rs still T very low health. hav. A an citizens. _ ""' Wit- ' r navance. . m" w Pm: ‘I ---e --_-- --- I f The Return of our Soldiers , ------ SERGf, MACK SAUNDERS I I One of Durham's native sons to return 1 Wednesday is Sergt Mack Saunders, who. ! i has had an evpnnnl ........ -w---, _ _ ,_...._, “an“. M Asd, we do not know. The stated and can be sworn t ployees at Fleshertod static were hatched before they the mother bird must have the car moved ircm place Advance. With which ts incorporated the A letter {tom the pen oiC is held over till next issue. yer, May 24:53; hw- m'.Id Rie to La" both orEtruGri w .uuau rnaay to Witness the Victoria cm, ne lfs fl', no way tits. I Day races there. was oneo t ester 1 ers I lacrosse team J'I'g, in Mr. and Mrs. John McKenzie of Milton toks the picture of health, [and Mr. and Mrs Duncan Mckenzie. somewhat broader than Montreal, motored to their father's. Mr. " nearly three years ago, , puncan Mchnzje. here on Satuxday. l 'mly welcomed by family; I he layer 1s still m verv low hpnlth 5-... the car back just to ac, Robin, or whether in the way traffic it just happen- now. The has are as; be sworn to by the .enrl :rton station. T he birds 'fore they returned and ( must have fed them as; Item place to place-i Briously woond- i :e in April 1917. English hqspit- I - messrs John and Rex McGowan motor. C, but after ed to Gait Friday to witness the Victoria ; r "Ill, d:- Day races there. s . t Jl'g, in Mr. and Mrs. John McKenzie of Milton of health, lend W. Aand Mrs Duncan MPKn-n-nn For June C. Ramage tender, L E. D McClocklm and r the resudence m upper _ former are vacating. Messrs John and Rex ed to Galt Friday to wu Day races there. Mr. Hunter Harrow of PI ceplly returned trom overseas this week at the home of Mrs. - -- “a... mulcl u. All Duncan McKenz_ie. here on Satunday The latter is still m very low health, hav mg suffered another stroke. Mr. and Mrs N Sound Wt re guest Iuster's, Mrs. H.J Mr. Dan Mrt )nnul. - ""- -_..-.,..... umca at the lormervs home here over the 24th, and made a tlying can on Pricevitie and timntou Park mews. visited at "it; io/iii; 24th. and made a Hm . ,V_ -.......,.~ unulrr and mend Mi:Ii brsue Matheson of Owen Sound Collegiate Visited m Hm In...“ 't " . TORONTO ' 1919 Holstein Leader (re Neil McDonald of Owen guests over the 2lth at his “J Lawson s and brother 1,_....I.A (oil: worsen. is a vusilor of Mrs. Stephen as taken a positiop in A. S. Hunter"s of Pri.ceville, re- Ind daughter Miss he 24th at the home l Mrs. Frank Bunce. ck. spent from Sam Review. Commencing Thursday, 15m inst, Dr. Hutton will visit Priceville Thursdays of each week. Office, Peter McArthur's store. Hours 9 a. m. to 4 p m Store where S. F. MORLOCK Our Glove Department is CI nay-IN stock I lull line of bun-Ir. white, or silk clnvao. also ttali line at kid and we)! kept on hand. Ladies' Gloves we nave me correct ”Hes in Ladius Ask to Ire than out time you are in. pattern. to amuse from. Ladies' Motor taps We take (rut pride in kerping our bnsfery depart. ment In to the minute-rd can npplv our customers win: tho but and mules: grade: of hosiery on the mar hot. tIsl/tet/tiii/iii/ie", Iyle,couta] nd m silk hm III-3| kept on hind. Full no" ofyurd wide silks III-yo In!“ in nook Ladies' Hosiery We haw- j'u' unpack-d a large "ammo"? B'nnnsin Silk. Crepe do elaine and tine Voile, ot thr loudlnz tmtrttttturrrtrrr. in Cnnnd! nnd you they are correct In both style cud warn Ladies' Blouses We have just rrceived our Ladies' vairv “uninc- Ibieb o'vnsiua of the very finest of .u I " I a; rum: Col. on include (rev. brown. green. bin and blunt. If ttht unthinking ab: at creating wane" to tt new Spring can it will pny you to drop in and see our material. be- fo. e boy he elsewhere Spring Suitings Ladies' ll ctmplnu- and Mn nowin ' white, (new and b no» anim- ot kid sud chnmuis ulovu " Ct In pl"". . pd British Columbia all classes. Alo Shingles and Lath for Sale iff Publish“ "at” cl ll WNW c, BA-AG! 6 SON PI Inn-In "unmet" of Lotiea' I tine Valle. trntat mm mad! Ind or. "rritre and Wurkmguhin s" Motor "pa. Tm, ditrerent Notice I and Ontario Shinglr HUI!!! Pine um. N. Murdock. Durham

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