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Durham Review (1897), 29 May 1919, p. 7

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08 AND 'NSTRUCHON EXPORT the 20th .t""TN.--ara-.-- -iHDfr. "‘ dun: gun-13 i/Till be unwound. Ty: ins;:e%;ioh tt. ott0trtis.of dol- Qais' wordn ut Itotnnanian' nod. bought under tttg' g1tM. tte. teverUhly carri on_ . _ an tfr. C. The mt ahwmnq manutaetur the war (L tkin R. E, !i'i,'ih cam Spanish paper money but: tho portraits of not: literary m, pamters, muslcinns, generals and other notai4es of the nation. Every time a Pan utop- work he "In-w; 2M; mucn extra burden on others; he create. 3:: much non poverty fcr the wor . I ('ztntulzl must inn-mo “PM! “I The word meander in derived from Muiandros. a winding river in Asia Minor. "My good wishes for the happiness of all my young girls. both thou who have graduated and thou who are still in theochool. ind I thank you for the courteous conaidontion you have “ways shown me. "If anyone ot you hat, ti.trriemutee against me I proy you to forgive me. I may sometimes hue been too so- w-ro but I was - willingly unjust. and l have loved you on tttr more than you rehlize. “One word more. Beware of un- charltehle speech. In these eight years I have eeen " much unhappi- ness which could hart, been evolded or lessened if I few words had not been whlepered here and there. per- haps without evil intention. but which ruined the rermtntion, the happiness, the life even of nomeone. My nunee should cultivate among themselves loyalty and esprlt do come. "Two or three of you will remember the little talk: we bud. Do not forget them. Having already travelled so fttr thrbugh lite I could perhaps see more clearly than you Ind show you the “night path. in growth and its power tor good. I lf the war had been won without "l speak to you of the past became the aid of the U s., the settlement it is wise occasionally to stop and would have been along the old lines. llmk behind over the road that we Europe would have been carved in have travelled. and to note our errors) accord with the exigencies of the and our progress. In your beautiful war. Italy would have received her building you will have more patients," share according to the London pact. and all that is needed tor their com-r France would have made the Rhine fort and for yours. To my regret lithe new boundary, with at twilight was not always able to speak to you I zone, perhaps, on the eastern side of individually. You know I had much to' it, as added guarantee against an- ut't'upy my time. bat I hope you will ( other attack. Poland would have re- not forget our evening talks. I told ceived Danni: and other eoneetusionts. you that devotion to duty would brin Jugo-Slavia would have been com- yuu true happiness, and that the pensated for the loss of Fiume from thought that you had done your duty, another quarter. Instead of the) mrnestly and cheerfully, before God l League of Nations there would have um! your own conscience, would he been a balance of power. l your greatest support in the trying Naturally the Italian representa-l moments of life and in the face of tives at Paris are calling for the‘ denth. fulfilment of the Miami: treatv that Walt! "i'hwat's thot noise. Mn. Mutiny?" "Mary Ann's phmetieitt' th' Deb-lei." "Begorro! she mush! welsh I ton.'" supplied the institute of Dr. Depage.‘ the aanntorium of Bttytsintrhtnt, the} dime of Dr. Mayer, and how many arol called upon. as you may be, perhaps,) later. to nurse the brave wounded o I the war. It this past year our iork has decreased, It In due to the lad days through which we no pulling.I In happier days our work will renew: its growth and its power for good. I "I spool to you of the past because. l was so happy to be called to hel m the organization of the work the; our committee had just tounded, on October l, 1907. There were but n luv pupils. Now you are already quite tiumerou_ any or sixty, I think. Eight Years of service. . "I have told you on dilerent oe. czmions the story of those early days, and the dialculties that we encounter- ed. even to the choice of words for your ‘huurs on duty' and ‘oil duty.' in Hr-lgium all was new in the profession. Little by little one service after an. other was established. graduate nurses~ for private nursing, pupil nurses. the hospital of St. Giles. We The letter, which won oruimmr written In French, I: trout-ted no rollows. dated October 11, 1915: "Prison of St. Giles, Brunch. "My dear Nurses: I on writing to you in this and hour to bid you taro- well. You will remember that Sop tember " brought to an and the etg1tt years of my direction ot the school. Your devoted direetrmm, Urge. Devotion to Duty, Warn. Again- " quantum. MN and new”. Put Work. The body of Edith (hull, the Mttr. tyred English Nurse. W. root-ti, con- veyed from Belgium to its lat resting place in her native land. In this con- neetion it in intercom: to mad the m murknble letter written by the doom. ml nurue on the eve ot hot execution. ortober It, 1915. to he: “no: at the l-Imle Beige 'VNS-e- upiomm in Brussels. Belgium. ’11: tt Min‘Cavoll nwuiluns the eight year: in Which tthe “1:4 directreu of the school, and, in words uurcharged with pathos. Iho nt- .i-rs her farewell " In eloquent touti- umny to the nobility of name ot the mmic “Mm-n who tell a victim to Ger- um“ ruthlecssmess. It will take rank m history as one of the most remark. able documents left by the great war. EDITH CAVELL'O FAREWELL TO HER BRUNELI PUPILO. Be Charluble and Lorat. Q good: to tt_, 'tue 'rt, the Can. . go o . 1ej,t.g,,ef, ,st'iit'lhii1 w increase expats ot "Edith Cavell." Germany is talking defiantly as to what she will and will not accept from the peace conference, and some observers in the European watch- towers seem inclined to take serious- ly the threatening talk and attitude of German lenders. But it the newly-created Southern Blav nation is to live it must have an economic outlet. She asks that Fiume be given to her as her "window by the sea," hence the hitch in the peace conference. We expect to see Italy give in and abandon her claims as soon as she realizes what it means to perish in her olmtinaey. Naturally the Italian represents. tives at Paris are calling for the fulfilment of the secret treaty that brought Italy to the side of the Al- lies, and Clemenceau and George feel as if their hands were tied. Mr. Wil- son has a free hand, however, and he is opposing Italy’s claim: on tluuspe- eifie ground that they do not fit well with his fourteen points and princi- ples contained in the League of Na- tions. When the United States went toiis to Ger war against Germany it was not as an I argue-to ally of the Allies. Diplomatic cor-lacon. If respondence places this nation as "as-'; upon the sociate in the war" with the other dicted by nations. In other words, Washing- and state: ton retained a free hand; she was not interest b a party to the secret pacts and troubles cl understandings between the Allies. Von B1 Mr. Wilson, as we know from his sd- Minister, dresses, had his own program. after a co mom Three months after the Great War began Italy Joined the Entente on e quarrel with Vienna over the future disposition of territory, end in the belief that the success af the Teuton forces would interfere with the tem- poral authority of the Quirinel. Be- fore joining the Allies as against her, former associates, Italy made Cer/ tain, as she thought, of her future. l two in the war against France and Russia. Her King and cabinethook the position that the var was one of aggression on the part of the Cen- tral Powers, and the Alliance re- ferred only to were of defence. The Alliance was formed a genention ago, the aint at the time being to keep the larger Continental powers from getting mixed in the Balkan imbroglios. Italy. in 1914, the “Triple Allin acmny. Austria, .-. but she did not """----. " CHAS. M. DICE. BA.. Lhat., Bt-att.. combo. MORE GERMAN BLUFF. I (iii., ‘a rich,tasty beverage} . ' . _'tl,tii1i_,t,'t', free‘f‘mm af ' . l--' _i'iit?',ri:it,e,tgiriit, M51395. ,". 36.91417 1685 Sagan {'“A‘m'ntn Danni-Ari" ', Instant Postum BREAKING THE PACT. y, 'yystria-Huntrar, ind ink 1e did not Join with the other the wa_r against France and Wm. So satisfying. " that the change is (easy when one 'glglii. that tea or coffee . 1safrees. - 77725ére§a Reason” 914, was . member of AP.iar.ee," campoud of Two cable despatchea huge been received, one from London, the other from Paris, taken conjunctively, did not make very pleasant reading, and one cannot be separated from the The situation is not only diffleu1t but menacing. It is of vital import- ance that the Allies should display firmness and eonfidenee. Any weak- ness in handling, for example, the Hungarian situation, may prove dis- astrous. It is a teat issue. The in- competence of the Allies to deal with Russia has lowered their prestige in, the eyes of the Huns. The war is‘ not over until the peace treaty is signed. Against the likelihood of Germany following a policy of “passive resis- tanee" is the consideration that she may inflict dire evils on herself. Is she willing to run the risk ot de- priving herself of all food supplies, all raw materials, and intensifying idleness and starvation so as to make anarchy certain? Her answer to this may be that the world cannot permit anarchy in Germany; that the Allies will be compelled to occupy the coun-‘ try and feed the German people, and) that this additional strain will pro-) voke disorders in Allied countries and force the making of an easy peace. His conclusion, we think, is wrong; but the fact that he reaches it is the serious thing. If Germany acts on this conclusion, it will occasion grave trouble. The Conference and the Entente will survive, but they will be faced with a problem of a molt Milton“ and disturbing nature. Von "rockdorfrRantzau, Foreign Minister, is reported to have said after a conference at Weimar: "it is a question of whether we have every- thing to gain and nothing to lose by passive resistance. Neither the Peace Conference nor the Entente would long survive our refusal to sign the peace terms." 1 argue-to prevent peace coming soon. If a delayed peaec will bring upon the Entente the troubles pre- dicted by some of its newspapers and statesmen, then it is to German interest to delay peace and let the troubles come. If the" Allied countries are in such sore need for an early peace, then it is to Germany's interests they may A few weeks ago Germany was pleading for an early peace. Now we hear no peace pleas from Berlin. The tables are turned. The hurry-up cry comes from the Allied countries, and Germany issues threats. German leaders have read with satisfaction the accounts of labor disputes in Great Britain-the at- tacks of Socialists on the French Government, the profound investiga- tiong of Bolshevism by American Senators, ete, THE ALTAR OF IDEALISM. ‘ Bluff itcnay all be. Bluff we have been inclined to regard it, but a bluff so defUnt, so outspoken and plain " to make recession difflett1t on the part of the German leaders if they fail to frighten the Allies into modifying the peace terms. They are arousing popular feeling to I point where they may have to stand by their deihutee. Why are these leaders so bold? ont; obvious reason is the encouragement they have been given by a section ofi the Allied press. and by events and conditions in Allied countries. Thei clamorous demands for on early peace have stimulated German iiii) age and ettontery. Behind these de- mands is the reiterated argument that social and industrial conditions} in the Allied countries are perilously] explosive; Jf peace is delayed, sayl the advocates of haste, there is no I telling what may happen in Great Britain, in France, in Italy. i just. Ebert soys Gemny will not yield Danzig; Demberg says Ger- many must be admitted pt once to the League of Nations on an equal- ity with the other nations or she will decline the peace proposals. Behiffer, Minister of Finance, makes oath that not an inch of territory east or west will be surrendered by Germany. One after another of those who PM“! to speak for the new Ger- many declare the peace tune will not be signed it they fail to conform t.o the Bun idea of wh'at is right or “We learn our grandest lessons from the unlikeliest masters-Agnes Laut. -- What has Britain done? On every trout, her my unfurled. Fought a world-war round the world; Then, when all I: aaid and done, Ask her antes. ask the Hun, "What has Britain done?" What had'Britaln done? Err he; gltlrt Britannia ,F66tr8--- What has Britain done? Given every seventh eon. . Met the challenge of the Hun; Placed her men on every field, Proud to die, too proud to yield. This he: Britain done. . What has Britain done? Answers every fur-flung breeze Blown across the seven lees: "Wateh and ward secure we keep. Vigilance that never sleeve." This he: Britain done. . What has England done', Kept the faith and fought the tight For the everlasting right; Chivalrouaiy couched her lance In defence of Belgium. France. This has Britain done. Lu for Inn-C'- In. an no other. A "tsoft" peace means an early re- sumption of war, and France knows it. But a League of Nations " to be founded. Yes, but if Germany gets control of Russia and Austria she can establish a league of her own. If it be contended that the loss of Alsace-Lorraine and parts of Polish Germany will cripple that empire, the answer will be that through the disintegration of Austria-Hungary, Germany will train in territory and population more than will be taken from her by France and Poland. Ger- many will be suffleieat of herself, and will draw her raw material from) Russia. I Ruasia is out of the game now, permanently, many fear, for a long, long time, the most optimistic con- cede. What is to take the place of Russia? A number of “self-deter- mination" States, newly hatched, un- stable of necessity, and liable to fly asunder. - t he alga Britanhla ,F66tr8--- litr, EL t cat who silence keeps. But when all is done and said, Cull the roll and count her dead, And know what she has done. --Rer. Frederic B. Hedging, BA. The Peace Congress has nothing to do with the old lines in Europe. A new Europe has been created from the convulsion. Just as it stands, without any interference from peace cartographers. it Is all In favor of the enemy nation. Cannot the ideal. irts see this.in time to avert dis- aster? Before the war Russia was the buttress that saved France. Ger- many, until a short time ago. feared Russia. The aim of Berlin was to break the Franco-Russian A.uuee/ and the moment it was broken the German armies would be ftocking over‘ the border. If terms are to be made with the Bolaheviki regime, it will be only I few years until Germany is the "man- datory" in fact of Greater Russia. Germany will not have to send arm- ies to accomplish her purpose; she will be appealed to to cross over and save the empire from anarchy. If sentimentaliam and idealism are permitted " the peace table there win be another outbreak in less than half the time usually separating con- tinental wars. The whole issue rests on Russia. The Wilson terms were too vague when published to be closely scrutin- ized " this time, and conditions have undergone a mighty change since they were uttered. Germany did not of her free will accept them until cer- tain defeat stared her in the face. From all of which we beg to dis- sent. Germany we; whipped to I standstill, and her armies would have had to surrender in I few Week: at most if peace terms had not been asked to save them. Germany we: beaten internally end externally, on land and sea. The countries she had dragooned in fitrhtine her battles were deserting her; she had nothing to look forward to but defeat and a) nation-wide revolution. l It is chimed for Mr. Wilson that he gave his word to the enemy m- tion what would be exacted in terri- tory, and in what manner the terri- torial de1imitationa would be made, and he csnnot recede from that po- aitiou. Once again it is intimated that the German armiu quit thrhtintr, under assurances of kindly treat- ment. 1 Jan. 8, 1918, and his torretspondenee with German affleinh, previous to the signing of the "minke. "W "rho Paris cable conveyd in guard- ed language that a deadlock had been created at the Conference because of the imiatcnce of France for boundary protection and guarantees againat another German attack, together with the refusal of Pres. Wilson to, go beyond a certain point outlined tir him in his fourteen points' address of; were LineotrrMtettena and “Imam Bullitt. The {owner in pretty well known through his mtekrakinq and "butttnakr" propettsities. The latter in local to his Southern State. Where Mr. Steffen, in there is bound to be mischief afoot. other if we would keep in touch with: What Has Britain Done? Mr. Campbell any: that Walnlee is seldom has trom run clouds, and the recipitation is almost incessant; hence the whole surrounding region la n bog, bearing low trees thickly draped (i/G 'dripplng masses of moss and "iverwnrtss. Sup luau-fl We“ In tho “In. Tom, the country six-yelr-old. pre- senting himself one any in even. more than " usual state of dust and die. order. was Asked by " mother it he would not like to be I little city boy, and always be nice and clean, in whit; suits and shoes and stockings. “Therm not chum-en; they're pets," he answered scomfully. I So tar as actual records so the rain. _ (all at the Indian station is surpassed by that recently reported by D. H. Campbell, of Stanford University, as having been measured at Waiaiee, in the Island of Kauai, Hawaii, though the record (rovers only tive years, and the men: might be reduced by a longer period of observntion. In 1912-1916, inclusive, the Hawaiian station, which is 5,076 feet above sea level, recorded a mean ralnlail ot 518 inches, or more than " feet. The latest OMC) value, based on a forty-year record at the Cherra Punt, Police Station. is 486 Inches a year. Blanford, the widely known authority on Indian meteorology, thought that the mean in some places: " Cherra Punil exceeded 500 inches. but no. where amounted to 600 inches. Hawailan St-tlon Recorded a Mean Rainfall of " inches. The' reputation ot being the rainiest place in the world has long been en- Joyed by the Hill Station Cherra Pun. Ji, on the slope ot the Himalaya, in As. sam, with a mean rainfall that has been variously stated, according to the length of the record and the particu- lar rain gauge in question. Had ship's anehoftan on my knee and leg, and knee swelled up and for six days I could not move it or get help. I then started to use MINARD'B LINIMENT and two bottles cured mo. PROSPER FERGUSON. Moreover, their efforts did not cease here, for they took not only the best from Norwegian methods, but introduced improvements adapted to their own special needs. Today it is the largest and most progressive whaling company in the world. When once fairly launched upon the new venture. the Japanese proceeded in a characteristically thorough way. They Becured-trom Norway the finest equipment obtain- able, and hired the most expert whale- men to teach them the modern meth. ods of killing and preparing whales. But whale meat did not become I really important factor in Japanese daily life until about twenty years no. when modern shore whaling was in. troduced into the empire. The Japan- ese had watched closely the develop. ment in Europe of the harpoon gun and the swift little steam vessels with which whales could be taken in great numbers, and the Toyo Hegel Kabut. hiik Kaisha (Oriental Whaling Com- pany. Limited) was eventually formed to carry on operations in Japan. Japan Has To-day' the Large“ What. lng Company In the World. For hundreds ot years whple meat has been used for food In Japan, any» "Asia." In the earliest books ot Japanese history, there are accounts ot the capture ot whales wtth nets and the ceremonies and feasting which followed a successful hunt. Bo I travel to the village I loved when " a kid, And I look the old town over But it don't seem like it did 'Till at last I turn the corner. And get started up the lane, Bee mother at the window, Then I feel I'm home again. Walnut- and as...» the That baled es stop all at. _ We'd never will the hell bat Tint lay beside the cote. Nor stop to see why Jimmy l Was I whistlin;\ us to watt. I We never thought we's home, then _ "rm we’d seen mother's smile 1 Ot welcome et the window. It seemed the longest mile Until we reached the corner, That turned into our lane But soon's we saw her smiling We'd feel we's home min. Our mother at the window _ Just smiling at us there, Was 'bout the sweetest picture You'd and most anywhere. And it as seldom hsppened She wasn’t there, well, then, We'd heye to hunt and and her Wore we'd feel we's home again. Ott’tlmes I get a thinking Ot boyhood days ot yore. Of scenes and home-town races. And yearn for them once more. The village streets so shady, The kindly people, too, Who always took an interest, In the things I used to do. ATE WHALE FOR CENTURIES. EARTH'S RAINIEST SPOT. TORONTO City Pets. Your grocer has the lemon: sud any drug store or toilet counter will sup- ply you with three ounces of orchard white for a few cente. Squeeze the Juice ot two fresh lemon» into I bottle, then put in the orchard vhite and shake well. This nuke: I quarter pint of the very best lemon "in whitener and complexion bummer known. Mange this frame, creamy lotion daily into the taco, neck, Irma and hands And Just see how freckles. tan, sallownees, redness and roughness dis, appear and how smooth, suit and clear the skin becomes. Yes! It is harm. less, and the beautiful rennin. . -- prise you. Make a Manly lotion for a few cent. to remove tio,'freesktes, allowneu. GIRLS! WHITEN YOUR ‘KIN WH’H LEMON JUICE When we've turned the old world over and put things right I‘lln I'll come caulking .towlr--o down the Water Lane- I may not have to whistle, just like I used to do, For some one will be waiting»and surely ’twill be you. It lend: to Dead Mm'l Corner-and when I'm there, I know, There'll come n sudden can to me. and over I shall So To pay old Fritz's little bm--ttmt then come home, to you. Maybe you won’t be acorntul It I wear n bit of blue. Up Water Lane I'm going ttow-my pack upon my back, And if I sing or whistle, old Fritz In on mf track - But It lead: to Dead Man's Corner and not to Severn Bide, And I couldn't stop to tale to you. V however much I tried. When the world tum over And things come right again, I mean to so a-wulkinx, all along the Water Lane--- It I pan the gate and whlltle, Juli like I mod to do, Will anybody come to me--tutd oh.' will it be you? mum'- uunont inborn-um mu. “Because then I could loo it It was wormy." "Now, Bobbie, which would you rather have. one apple or two halves t" The little chap promptly replied: "Two halves." "Oh, Bobble," exclaimed the young woman. I little disappointedly, "why would you prefer two halves?" The teacher had been explaining fractions to her class. When she had (licensed the subject at length, wish. lng to see how much light had been shed. she‘ inquired: "Too much equipment to keep clean." The soldier looked at the showy ar- ray, carefully selected one knife, one fork, and one spoon. The maid had placed an elaborate “ray of knives and ter and spoonl beside the. guest's plate". ,Ehovlng the rest of the silver from him, to the surprise ot " boat, he re- marked: A soldier Just released from the ser- vice was the guest of friends at a dinner In celebration of his return home. "All right, my can. You have two too many,” said his hither. getting up and reaching over. "Here, mother, you take one and I'll take one, and John may have the,two that are left." "How many pears have I on my plate, tathert" asked a smart bor. "Two, my boy," answered his tamer. "No, sir; I have tour, and I can prove it." "How do you make'that out?" "Well. air, haven't I two pears, and don't two pairs make tour?" grinned the urchin. the coclmey cook, 'rd like io 'nve u quid for every one I've made a puddin' Lord Reading talked st a dinner party tbout the cockney meant. "A coclmey cook," he Bald, “came over and settled In Canada. Her mistress. who was a widow. told her one day how she came to lose her husband. 't lost my husband on the western tyrafrimr,' the woman Bald. 'He wn killed by a bison. I suppose you know what a bison In? Lurks, yer.' and "Oh, he’s got so thin. You're thin. 1nd I’m thin, goodnes- knovs. but pore Flanagan. share he's thinner than both ot us put together." "Why should ho diet" inquired the other. "Poor "tttttteats." said one. "Nth I'm note atrattt he's going to'dle." "Sure." replied Blddy. “you're hotrid, in' your m." Two lmhmen were discus-In; the Illness ot I third. Paddy slipped his um Hound Bid. dy'l "In and and, "Am I Pro. grenln'?” Would Get a Good One How Thin He Wu. An Irish Proposal Water Lane. Too Smart! Army Life. She Knew. l 6 m - l ' th, 'de: l Fl, on: I It diuolvoo E necumuhtia joint- uo the t expelleddhu . q scream. & ', t known In . l 'ate, tg l - . q no". thee, in! W. tune/u This drug II lucky but drlu " one. cud I: claim“ to lust [11'1le up my corn without manning or even trrt. taunt the) lurroundlng [lune or akin. " ____ _.l‘_ -_------, I . . . _ _ You simply apply a few drops of hexane on s tender. u-hlu; corn and soreness ls Instantly relieved. Show tr the entire corn can he tttted out. root sud Bil, 'rittoyt pun. "It5rii"iriirGriG"tGir"iUiL'"i'tri will be glad to know of this. Hospital records show that every time you cut I corn you invite iock. jaw or blood pollen. which is needle", can . Cincinnati Authority. who (all. you that a quarter ounce ot a drug “lied treetone can be obtained at lit. Us cost from the drug store but in nut. Idem to rid one'l mi of every hm or sort corn or callus. It hu been discovered that in the later stages of the war the enemy was reduced to the use of think- fibre, which is only approximately half the strength of linen, for hu aeroplane coveiinr, The Siamese drive to have in them houses In even number of windows, doors, rooms and cupboards; for they have a 'n-tttion regarding odd numbers. M's Links." load by Physical-In. HONEY ORDERO. A Dominion Expreu Money Order tor Ilve dollars costs three cents. The dog came home the renown. any. . “Lou or run "Br.w-4hte llvver cul- end but! dog all“ Jim. Will chow Ilsa. at hydertobby In about three days." The 0.. Cam lack. A bird dog belonging to a man in Mulnne diuppea'red. and the owner IIIIDOCM tt had been stolen Bo no put this " in the pnper and ttttriBtad that it be printed exactly as he had writtnn it: 1"itGiii1ti'itii'kig,"ii, o O) . Rheumatic Pains t . A... all-..) " - ., 3--.. l a "'Mrtu-esyitcttr.ttimt, "td.Nrtuttt-eo-edwith (W) II" Plan M. Bottro, 0cm. lam. Dee. 36. 1910. Hub; ohm a elm hunky “than an of Ctnimtre,heepit d-I ttr_thefkerior .1110th Mu mead. be not can to 'etMtade a. My "etttC Cm:- m‘rlln- In your tour. pupa:- w. Srhodid the: humus. .Fcrh-g6. worms”. " “:52... # w'"aTnuttt/, "There bothered no nutty-n "" ttgore I urdfhrteyrfoqtnd08tt- "ent.ndwttmttttuu.atisrer.aise. 0‘03an soap and tim holes ot Guzman O'uttgtteett I Wu healed." _ - - v" In; plant In “I [ Ontario. mum; curried 31,500. a a tor ".300 on quick ale Box 1 lion Putrtuhtne Co, Ltd. Toronto, Tells How Gtiiara Headed Her Pimple: YI‘Rsm rum " To In A h tau-n al,'yl',ey,fh. ..._._. tGi "I: ldenrc The poet than 'of God! and the sweet earth, With night'l loft tenrdmps wet upon her face, Opens her sleep-eluted eye- cnd nroahi'rtine thtda God in a "n-tUlu place. --ntttml Beelestoms Mackny. Per My“ on. " Man Isa-OM An 1'.qu in I low dun by g akin. ”drop. of Mother Sehrel's . Syrupdtor-u-h and on retiring. OJ " diuolvoo the limo ind acid t .eeumuutimttnthe nude: and . ioints Io the” deposit. an be. 0) Med. tanking puin rd t mac... ' e'a Syrup, n no to known In “Bugatti Rook." ., -lrtorr'-orother- t dwakillornukthepni-of (o 'hair-ua. or [Indium it re- t my“ the - soc. I but]. - Mf'ortBoyko ”die/nus“ we“; iii' but. “(HER YG WG 3.2;..." "i tree bookht. Rovtit Colin. In ' " -_,_,., - - ILL NUII‘I‘ED NE‘VSEAPIR and tot, prlnllnn plant In 1Gt 'lo.._lefgnnce cgrfied 3:109. Ill I'20UE 2r--'tb. -v--.n.. - "- DOM. " retr2iiilrettf,'."& mcnnnnnoii We! ar -tiii a.

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