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Durham Review (1897), 12 Jun 1919, p. 5

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_ 90 T95 * JUNE 1%, 1919 ... _ e 3A o C n C e tm waye the Cash First June IPEG th urham £ chool Reports this tI 0 Vancouver. to Winnipeg. A gom* W ay dronto. 1 xt _ City T eranto; 1.39 s LawWâ€" Bertha igie Arâ€" Jr 19¢ Sr Prâ€" ~Lan ndâ€" Louise Davis. Hunter en _ Sr acher nson Iacy rd â€" Davis acher «h R d 1€ Pr mM M Choice, Fresh Groceries KARSTEDT BROS., Priceville Dougall was born on lot 46, con. 2, North Duarham Road, Glen«lg, about *4 years ago. _ He was a regident of UDuluth since a young man. Seven years ago his wife, Mary Aon Mcâ€" !uarrl», was laid to rest in the same w«metiry and now they are both lying wde by aide where fathers and mothers ire reating qu @ly since years ago, Four years ago another brother was Clothing, Pants, Overalls ‘‘be remaing of the late Neil Mo Dougall of Duluth arrived on the noon train Saturday, the 7.6 Juve, and wese taken «0 the Presbyterian church where the pastor, ttev. Mr Jones Houseâ€"cleaning Requisites 90 / 95 per cent Seed Corn PBRICEVILLE‘S BUSY STORE GG. A. WATSON & SONS on the tongue before retiring and enâ€" y refreshing sleep. The purity and goodness of Kiâ€"moids guaranteed by Get your Flooring and House Furnishings, â€" Doors and Sash from Planing Done ~awing of Lumber and Shingies other days. done Tuesdays, T and Saturdays of e: only during the n May, June and July _ Sawing of Lun JUNE 12, 1919 SCOTT & BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTT S EMULSION NOTICE ! Custom Chopping PRICEVILLE AND LIMITs Box 169, Pricevillte 125 We aim to carry the best lines of Grocesies that can be had. Everything is fresh and clean stock. Our prices are right. (Owing to the scarcity of cloths due to European demands, the prices of these commodities are fast advancing. _ We have a nice range of Men‘s three piece Suits in Navy Blue, Grey, Tweeds and Worâ€" steds=â€"all medium priced clothes. â€" Boys‘ twoâ€"piece Norfolk and Bloomers. And a full line of Pants, (Overalls and Smocks. Painting is the order of the day. These nice bright sunny days show up the faded paint both inside and outside. Martinâ€"Senour‘s 100 per cent Pure Paints can be applied at once by anyone. Kasy to apply and lasts longest. Also Alabastine and Emâ€"esâ€"coâ€"â€" cold waterâ€"Wall Covering. Floor Varnish & Stains PRICEVILLE &5 Also Turnip Seed in Kangaroo, Derby and Canadian Gem. Lots of time for a good hoe crop yet. We have on hand Compton‘s Early, North Dakota Leaming, Wisconsin No. 7 Seed Cornâ€"nice plump even looking seed. & TEA]s good ted : REDROSE 4 _ Use only three level tes L spoonfuls for five cups Highest Prices Paid for Produce. , Thursdays, of each week Sold only in sealed packages to Order months of is offering 19â€"2A The weather took a decidod- change and an occasional shower i+ ours durâ€" ing the last few days. Cropes are Mr Neil McPhail and family of Torâ€" onto came up on Saturday, Mr Mo Phail to see his brotherâ€"ivâ€"law, Mr Aogus McKechnie wno is not improy. ing much and Mrs MePhbail to see her aged father, Mr Jamee Brown Sr., who is failing fast and other relatives, brothers and sisters of both. Mr ard Mre Jones, father and mothâ€" er of the Rev. Mr Jones, spent a few uays at the manse, visiting their son the Rev. Mr Jones of this place . Mr Jones is making his firat yigit through the congregatin with his fine big Chevrolet car. _ He is receivâ€" ing the best of reception on his visite. The Sacrament wil} ba dispersed in the Presbyietian church hbere next Sunday, the 15 h June at the usual hour in the ftorenoon. Preparatory service on Friday night at 7 30 old time, the pastor, Rev, Mr Jones conâ€" ducting the services. Mr Colin McLean is away to the West to viart friends and take bis boy who has been there for some trime home with his uncle, Mr Neil Meloâ€" ned, sN!d io the same cemeery that of [Dunean MeDougall being a young | man, laid in the VICINITY Applications will be received up to July 7th, 1919 for the office of Town Constable Caretaker of Town Hall, and Sanitary Inspector, combined. Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing In Calder Block, Durham. All work promptly attended to. And unless the principal money, inâ€" terests and costs are parid on or before the said tentn day of July A. D. 1919. We shall sell the property comprised in the said mortgage under the authority of the Mortgages Act. Dated the 3rd day of June A. D. 1919 TELFORD& CURREY, Solicitors® for Mortgages And we hereby give you notice that the amounts due on said mortgage for principal, interest and costs respectiveâ€" ly are as follows : Principal $ 300 00 Interest 45 70 Costs 40. 00 | _ We hereby require you on or before the tenth day of July A, D., 1919 to pay off the principal money and interest seâ€" cured by a certain mortgage dated the 28th day of March A. D. 1917 and exâ€" pressed to be made between Emma Braithwaite and Robert Braithwaite, mortgagers and Ruby Scarf, morgagee, and covering Lot Number Five North of Durham St. ard Lot Number FiveJ south of Elgin St in the village of Priceville in the County of Grey, which mortgage was registered on the twenty eighth day of March A, D. 1917, in the| Registry Oftice for the south riding of | the County of Grey as Number 13520 for the Township of Artemesia. | For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to _ _ _ _ _ =___â€"â€" Telford & Currey, Solicitors for Mortgagee Dated at Durham the 3rd day of June 1919. NOTICE OF TERMS : Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid at the expiration of thirty days without interest. when posâ€" session will be given the purchaser. Lot Number Five north of Durham Street and Lot Number Five South of Elgin Street in the Village of Priceville containing one acre more or‘less. UNDER and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction, on Thursday, the Tenth day of July next, at the hour of three o‘clock in the afternoon at the Middaugh House, in the Town of Durham, by Dogald McPhail, Auctioneer the following property, namely : \ Times A Stupy in Sames.â€""Squee" Huck and Bert Cartwright. familiarly known in their battalion as "The Siamese Twins," returned to Wa‘kerton Mondav last after being nearly five years in khaki. Roomâ€" ing together at the same hotel. sidesmen on Sundays at the same church, chumâ€" ming together after hours on workdavs and kicking together on the same football team on holidays, they demonstrated that even the turmoil of war, which hai just broken out, couldn‘t disrupt the unâ€" ion, by enlisting together in October. 1914 in the same unit the old 18th battalion of London, with which force they foucht throuch the entire camoaigr, and after marching side by side into Germany reâ€" turned without a scratch on the same ship, with the same unit, and on the same train back to the same city _ If there is anything in the war that can beat this we‘re open for suggestions â€" That they both returned single, when men shorter in the fight brought back brides to remind them of the turmoil, is probably so‘e‘y due to the fact that they both couldn‘t marry the same woman at the same| time. and as they couldn‘t think of r‘ninql anything that wasn‘t alike thev didn‘t| break the union on the matrimonial rack and come sailing in anv different than f,.h."" breezed out.â€"Walkerton Herald ie in o e e ie against it hard. Could not get it through my noodle. _ Fell down every time I went to class. _ Finally I says to myself, look here, old kid. it‘s up to you. You‘ve got to cut out the funny business and take a brace or you‘ll see your finish, surest thing you know. Well, I studied, believe me. _ And say, when it came to the final exams. Did I lose out ? Not on your tinâ€"type. _ I was right there with bells on. There was certainly some class to the way I answered those quizzere. A cold mark of 95 when it wa: all over. Not so worse eh ? Can you beat it ? How did I do it ? I don‘t know. You can search me But anvhow it‘s going some, eh, dad ? None of em‘s got anvthing on me when it | comes to grammar, that‘s a cinch." â€" And perhaps it is not at all surprising that all that father was able to gasp was : "Get the hook !" ._ A youth just returned from the boardâ€" ing school, says the Oshawa Reformer, upon being asked by dad how he stood in Rrammar at the end of the term, came back with samething like this : "Say, dad, take it from me, grammar was not my long iuit‘.. On the start I was np amminar Is 1. yea is 4 amids This week Miss James is still in bed for upwards of 15 years and bears her troubles patiently knowing that all is well when the suffering of the body is over. _ She is always happy and cheerful. Miss Mildred Scott visited at her grandfather‘s, Mr Hugh MeKinnon‘s Bouth line, for awhile. L e M e O eea 0 be an abundan; crop by all appearâ€" ances so far; . Fruit makes good proâ€" ises also by the appearance of blosâ€" soms to be seen. Bob Fisber is in great demand to shear sheep. _ Karsted brothers are buying wool. D. B. McFARLANE Municipal Notice MORTGAGE SALE OF _ SALE UNDER MORTGAGE $385.70 W. B Vollet, Clerk of Durham. Hay crop is going to The Durham Institute was held in the Library last Friday but only a fair atâ€" tendance was present t hear Miss Wiiâ€" liams, the Gov‘t. delegate. As she spoke on the same subject in Durham as at Zion we will refer our readers to our reâ€" port there. Miss Winnie Blyth sang a fine solo and Mrs McGirr and Mrs Mcliâ€" raith each gave good Scotch readings. As A couple of good recitations by the litâ€" tle Miss Firths, and a fine bountifual tea served by the Zion ladies in their hearty pleasant manner closed the proceedings The new President is Mrs Jno. 0. Greenâ€" wood and Secy. Mrs W, J. Greenwood. She toid of the requirements for women to vote and that a new law was passed last year whereby women can sit in muniâ€" cipal councils and on trustee boards. As to commuhity halls government pays 25% of cost, if built as a social centre for a place. | _ Country children need inspection more than city or town children as the latter {are taken oftener to the .doctor for their teeth or throat troubles. Trouble may be prevented, in later life by attention to eye sight, tonsils, teeth and throat. After an inspection a card is sent to paren(s' telling what is the matter with their child ! so he can be at once attended to Often | the parents or the Institute get a doctor and nurse and a convenient room and get | all the children attended to at once as it comes much cheaper and they can get ] home easily afterwards. ’ We hear a lot about medical inspection of rural schools, the health of the children being the most important thing in the I fe of a nation. A new law has been passed making it necessary to do so, but if in a hurry it can be done sooner by schoolâ€" board writing to headquarters for it. Mr Putman wished the lady Institute delegates to be,able to answer and talk on about 10 subjects but Miss Williams dwelt chiefly on Community halls, Dom. Federation of Inst., Medical Inspection of Schools, The Franchise and Institute classes in cooking, sewing or nursing The Government delegate, Miss Wilâ€" liams, is visiting the various Women‘s Institutes in South Grey last week and this. She visited Zion Institute last Thursday and to a goodly number of ladâ€" ies spoke on "The Canadian Woman as a Prospective Voter" in a pleasing and inâ€" teresting manner. She said the Women‘s Institute was the largest and most imporâ€" tant organization of women in Canada,1 having started 22 years ago in Ontario, We may think there isn‘t anything to do now since Red Cross is over but there are always local conditions in every place we may work on to improve the place and people. _ New Institutes are starting all over the world, even at Sandingham, Eng. Queen Mary is the President of a new one started there _ In Alberta they have been especially beneficial, bringing the foreignâ€" ers (the women) together and anglicizing and making better Canadians of them Glenelg, June 7, 1919 Women‘s Inst. Meetings at Zion and Durham : oÂ¥ are expected soon to râ€"turn : | Alex Bell John Kennedy : Ernest McGirr J. W. Greenwood ; | Llioyd Matheson _ Herbert Atkinson ; | A. Connelly Thomas Gray | Harold Watson . Archie McKinnon |Frank McAssey Albert Davis | Louis Newell Archie McComb R. G. Lindsay Percy Davis Ivan Edwards Frank Sullivan Nassau Whitmore _ W. E. Walker Noel Nicholson George Young G, A. Ledingham _ John Mortley (navy) Coarald McArthur. Daniel Ray Wilfred Campbell _ William Aljoe | Thos. Lauder Chas McGillivray Lance McGirr Angus Dunbar William McGirr John McTaggart Charles Havens W. J. Arrowsmith Lachlin Dunbar H. J. Whitmore George Tracy Joseph Allan . Elmo Edwards Edward Burke Stewart McGillivray George Arnett James Mcinerney _ Joseph Kenny ‘ ; John McKeown Sr Donald McArthur Hector McDonald _ James Atkinson Joseph Young Elmer Sweeny Cecil McNally J. L. McKinnon Angus McDonald _ John McKeown John McDonald Stewart Thibaudeau The Councii of Glenelg would be pleasâ€" ed to consider any corrections of above list. Should any person notice any errors or omission in the list please notify either myself or J. S. Black, Clerk, within a week l or ten days. ’ N. J. McMillan Albert Sewell Goldwin Patterson J. M. Ledingham Thos. Mather William Falkingham Wallace Mathewson Duncan Black Leonard McFadden Frank McFadden Alex McVicar _ â€" Fred Clancy John R. McDonald (A. Wright Stanley McNally â€"; Names of Soldiers now returned home John Weir following young men who went over never to return. Of the gallant young men frem Glenelg who went overseas to fight for Liberty and to help Chain the Human Monster of “A!'herrezretabk part of the list are the Killed in Action Daniel Edge, Durham DURHAM REVIEW | __Don‘t, if you happen to have a verey | pistol or a few rockets among your souâ€" | venirs, send up flareâ€"lights or "Red over ] green over red" from your front lawn. It | is more likely to bring the police than reâ€" | inforcements. ; Don‘t expect to punch your late serâ€" | geant the moment you are out of uniform. | You will have to fall in at the end of the | queue. | _ Don‘t refer to spurs as "gutâ€"hooks." It | might sound rough to the members of the | District Staff who wear them. Cemoy T oiz c ie oc mds ce here" it is regarded as a gambling device. building Don‘t "bum‘"‘ too many cigarettes from | p'°""";.“ your neighbor. There is no issue in Canâ€" 8U°°°8® Don‘t start a Crown and Anchor game on the main street of your town. "Over here" it is regarded us a ocambling device to strengthen as it is for your food to nourish the body. If you would conquer wmx- by keeping your powers of resistance at highest peak. It is take Scott‘s Emulsion often. CONQUER WEAKNESS | When at meals, don‘t say ‘‘Shoot us the punk," or ‘"Once on the du pain." Neiâ€" ther is it good taste to ask for a "dip." Messtins need not be brought to the table. When leasing or buying a house, it i n>t necessary to examine the cellar first ‘"He" doesn‘t bomb now. Scott‘s Emulsion Don‘t say "dangle " **Dangling"‘ goes with shellâ€"holes. BY ONE. Cut out the "Ah, oui," and "s‘il vous plait,"" people know you‘ve been to France without that. Above all, Don‘t Scratch Mrs McFadden was a member of the Methodist church and the mortuary serâ€" vices were canducted by her pastor, Rev. Mr Cole. Interment took place in Durâ€" ham cemetery. | _ Deceased was a native of the north of } Ireland coming to this country in youth. ,Over 50 years ago she married Mr Mcâ€" Fadden, who survives her and still in fair ’health. The union was a happy one and a family of one son and seven daughters were born to them, of whom one daughter is deceased. The son is Wim. John of Glenelg ; Mrs Machesney, Owen Sound ; | Mrs Jno. Bailey, Bentinck ; Mrs Wm.| Ryan, Durham ; Martha in Toronto andf Minnie and Victoria at home. These with the now lonely husband will feet the separation keenly, | Mrs McFadaen (Nancy) was a member of the wellâ€"known Bell family, her brothâ€" ers Robert and Alex. and sister Margaret (Mrs Matthews) having predeceased her. Her surving brother Andrew is the only one left of that family. Don‘ts For Returned Soldiers _ Tuesday, the 10th inst. there was laid to rest the mortal remains of Mrs Jno. McFadden. of Durham. She was in her 87th year _ The infirmities of age had been telling on her in recent years. but it may truly be said she died of old age. Sunday morning early she rested on her elbow and told her daughters she was dyâ€" ing, shortly after she lay back and was gone. Miss Williamg wished to catch the train to Hamilton she shortened her address and after some queries and answers on Demonstration Classes in sewing and nursing the meeting closed by singing God Save the King. â€" The new President Mrs S. Patterson filled the chair very acâ€" ceptably. Death of Mrs John McFadden ONTARIO ARCH TORONTO Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont Appearing in return engagement, Town Hall, Durham seats reserved, 50c. . P‘an now open at The Varietv THE MUNRO CHILDREN gement, lown Hall, Durham, June 20th 1919. All an now open at The Variety Store. , it is l‘ A good man at Durham and Grey |County to represent the old reliable , Fonthill Nurseries. Prospects tor busâ€" iness brightest in years. We are offerâ€" |ing a complete list of all lines of Fruit ‘and Ornamental lines in hardy Canadian grown stock. Start in now by beginning on new season‘s business. Exclusive | territory, highest commissions, handâ€" | some free outfit. | _ STONE AND WELLINGTON,. | ‘Toronto, Ontatio | best. uky â€"wef Every graduate in a position. Enter any day . G. D. Fleming, C. A. Fleminf).rF.C.A. Secy. incipal | _ TERMS: Ten per cent of the purchase |money to be paid down at the time of |sale, balance to be paid at the expiration _ of thirty days from date of sale without | interest, when Deed will be delivered to , the purchaser. | _ _For further particulars and conditions of sale apBly to William Calder of the | Town of Durham, Executor of said Esâ€" ‘tate, or Telford & Currey Solicitors for the above named Executor. | Dated at Durham this 3rd day ofJune’ 1919 building, over oneâ€"third acre floor space providing proper accommodation for successful school work _ Only school in (Eanada with such facilities. Get the Lots Numbers Six and Seven on the East side of Garafraxa Street and Lots Eight and Nine West of Albert Street all in Vollett‘s Survey of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey, containâ€" ing one acre more or less. _ of the Town of Durham in the County of Grey, married woman deceased, _ The surviving Executor hereinafter named, pursuant to the genera‘ discretion vested in him by law, has deemed it adâ€" visable in order to wind up the above estate to sell by public auction on Thursâ€" day the tenth day of July 1919, at the hour of two o‘clock in the afternoon at the Middaugh House in the Town of Durham, by Dugald McPhail, Auctionâ€" eer, the following property namely : Occupies its own three story College WMaLocse LC O c uk & W In the Estate of Jane Walsh IN THE SURROGATE COURT OF THE COUNTY OF GREY sons having claims against the deceased who died on the 1st day of March last at Durham, are required to send to the undersigned. solicitor for the Adminâ€" istratrix their names and addresses, with particulars of their claims and the naâ€" ture of the securities, if any, held by them. After the 10th day of July next, the Administratrix will distribute the assets of the said estate having regard Only to the claims of which she has had notice ; and she will not be liable to any person of whose claims she then had no notice. Dated the 10th day of June, 1919. IN THE MATTER OF THE Esâ€" TATE OF GEORGE CRAIG, late of the Town of Durham, laborer, deceased. Glossy or dull finish. â€"are boned with the indestructible Spirella stayâ€"the most pliable and resâ€" ilent corset boning in the worldâ€" guarâ€" anteed not to break or rust in one year of corset wear. Goods cheerfully demonstrated by calling at Parlors. MRS. J. C. NICHOL, Films promptly finished at Kelsey ’S‘t'uqu.“ Work finished twice a week. Not Sold Owen Sound â€" ‘6nt;rio NOTICE is hereby given that all perâ€" TELFORD & CURREY fntontcli d hedc ts t inbickc cA & 1 Durham. Ont. Solicitors for Administratrix WANTED !ORTHER Spirella A Corsets Box 93, Durham in Stores , late of _ Intending pupils should prepare to enâ€" ter at the beginning of the fall term. Information as to courses may be obâ€" tained fro m the Principal. h'l'he Sch:plhhl_l a creditable record in the t which it hopes to maintain in the future. Durham is an attractive and healthy town and good accommndation can be obtained at reasonable rates. Each member of the ersity graduate and teacher. _ The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses : 1. Junior Matriculation 2. Entrance to the Normal Schools 3. Senior Matriculation 4. Entrance to the Flcmty of Education EMNGIB SCHOOL £ C. L. GRANT %# $¢¢a¢*¢*m*¢¢$ * Voiles * Taffeta Silk 3: Blaek ‘Si!k o#> Wool Pullover Sweaters, we * «.+++.. at $5.,00 we oo oo ofe oo ofo ofe ofe ofe oo ofe ofe oge afe «s + «s @ 4* Sweaters *# British Columbia and Ontario Shingles of all classes. Algoma Pine Lath. Fall information from any Grand Truok Ticket Agent, or C.£. Horning District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Finlay Grabam, Town Agent, Telephone No. 3 Sleeping cars on night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains. TheDouble Track Route 8@> Mr MiPhail has a telephone in his dence in Ceylon. there, of «to Geylon P. O.. will be p . or ylon P. O., p attended to, Terms on appication to Terms, moderate. Arrangements for saios a :om hac must be made at the KReview Of na Tmwham sum o e d ET HONOR GRADUATE of Torono. University, uate of Royal of Dental Bnrgoon‘M s of Ontario m Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Store HO:OI GRADUATE Toronto University, Ora en lu:. l:lnl.oouoa Dental Burgeon Of :oâ€" ver Jewellry store and oppo . gite Post Office, W. C, PICKERING D. D S., L Ds D2S. JAMESDN & JAWMEsON ©FFICE 2â€"â€"5 Afternoons HoURS: ?â€"8 Evenines TVE and residence, corner Countess and Lambton, opposite old Post Office Office Hou'u‘: _9 to 11 a. m., 1.30 to 4 Office and residence, S ut d hmd 2l.... Telephone Communication between Ofice an Residence at al} nours. Â¥â€"ll a. m ds aLl c 0 U . HENBOTE LORE _= _ Iy opposite Recisiry Oflce, _ RESIDENCE : Becond house south offlce on east sige or Albert 8t, of Registry J. 6. HUTTON,.M.D., C M. Shingles and Lath for Sale Art Silk Sweaters .. . L. SMITH, M. B., M. C.P. S. 0. Licensed Auctioneer for Co, 3. F.GRANT D. 0.S. L. D. s. Member Oollege m- QMV.-- (JFFICE: Over J. P. Telford‘sofice, neas TELFORD & CURREY . MoePHMAIL ; "¢+ 7 0 2 p. m., Sund ‘hursday afternoon excepted Unexcelled dining car service J. Ferguson, B. A., Principa Dr. J. F. Grant, Secrotary Hugh McCras, Chairman Exgept Sunday s in Black, Navy‘Brown and Silk. Great value at $2.00 worth 2 50. D. MePHAIL. Ceylon or to C. RAMAGE, ‘Durham Chicago between Montreal Toronto Detroit and J. N. Murdock, Durham Blue, Green Grey and Rose staff is a Univ= 1â€"0 o. m

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