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Durham Review (1897), 12 Jun 1919, p. 8

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A. $. HUNTER & SON for Stylish, inexpensive Shoes, buy them of us. * soc J. 8. McILRAITH Make Life‘s Walk Easy by Wearing Our Shoes Shoes sold here give comfort to the wearer and are the ‘dependable‘ ind that everybody likes, Pumps & Pump Repairs we are proceeding on life‘s journey until we reach its end. Be good to your feet and Garden Seeds Central Business College Cement Tile and Brick Step by Step Enter any day. Write, call or phone for information. have been placed to date and still there are calls for more. Get your Course NOW. If you do not get it you pay for it anyway in smallâ€" er earnings and lost opportunities Electric Lamps Sratford â€"Wingbs mâ€" Mt. Forest Field & Root Seeds, all kinds All our Graduates JOHN SCHUTZ Is a good paint for the money, eqâ€" ual in quality to paint sold at higher prices. Per.quart .......... 90€ No 2, 80c, No 3,1.50, No 4,285 Capital Brand Paint is 100 per cent pure It will cover more surface and last longer than paint mixed by hand, used inside and outside for all purposes. Put up in cans : No 1, 45¢. Martin Senour Paint Tungsten, 10 to 40 watt promptly attended to Sy bies|eb|or|@ovx| 22|# 414| 5x oo ob op uy o ue e apaengenge Curtain Muslins, R. J. ARNILL always en hand Groceries of all kinds in stock Fresh Fruit on Saturdays Boots & Shoes, New Styles Call and see samâ€" ples and prices. Men‘s, Ladies‘ and Children‘s Hose Also Ladies‘ Summer Underwear. Men‘s Shirts, Ties and Summer Underwear Floor Oilcloths and Linoleums MEN‘S SUITS Orders T aken s 4 4 Ladies‘ Patent Pumps, Slippers, White Canvas Shoes, Children‘s Running Shoes See our stock and get our bargain prices. We have a fine large stock. Come and see what splendid choice awaits you here before buying. for Whitmore‘s Old Stand AMMINILL Holstein d d e e t estestes t s reg. 10¢ pkg. for 29c 5¢ The Misses Rogers & Kilâ€" gour will have a full line of Millinery on hand Thursdays of each week. (_ _ Mrs Robert McMeekin attended the ) Wanamakerâ€"McAuliffe wedding in Durâ€" | ham last week. MrHoward Meade took in the Soldiers‘ Day in Chesley and report an enjoyable time. Mr George Pollock and grandson Clarâ€" ence (Gliddon are spending a week with friends in Southampton. Mrand Mrs Robt. Lewis of b-fchard- ville spent last Sunday with Mr and Mrs John C. Queen | _ Monday last, John, the eight year old son of Mrand Mrs W. J. Allan, underâ€" went an operation for appendicitis being performed by Dr. Groves of Fergus. At time of writing he is in a critical condiâ€" tion but hope for recovery being under the skilful attention of Dr. Mair of Holâ€" stein and Nurse Fettis of Dromore. 1 Mrs 8. J. Kinsey of Chatham is visitâ€" ing friends around Durham and vicinity | and is at present at her brother‘s, Mr | Robert McMeekin. | _ Dr. Mair of Holstein is attending the \ children of Mr James Kerr who are ill | with the measles Our Aimâ€"Reliable goods at moderate prices. Highest Prices Paid for Produce. Millinery ALLAN‘S CORNERS soOUTH BEND **..a . tss nÂ¥ 4n C Lot 25, Con. 11 For Saut.â€"Two Registered Short horn bulls One 15 mos. old, one 12 mo old. Apply to o o Wm. Fairbairn, T h6 9®% mss LC E0C IOH lect.reon War Lessons and Exper. iences in France where he has #pent a few years of active service and has been wounded. Some other piogram will also be provided. All those who hed the privilege of knowing R v. Mr Ward formerly will find a great pleasare in being privileged to hear him again. Come early and secure a seat as church will be crowded. | _ Mrs E. McDougall, Yeovil, has had | a phone installed. Her No. is 9 â€"25. _ _Mr Joe Bilton arrived home on Monday evening after over two years ta Francedoing active duty. Joe bas seen some of the heaviest fighting and was wounded and gassed. _ After a period in hospital he was again at it until peace was declared. It is a pleasure to welcome him back to his parents and bis many friends. He was accompanied home by his two siâ€"ters, Misses Lela and Buelah Bilâ€" ton of Kitchener. The Orchard Anniversary will be this Sunday. Rev Jno. Ward, a forâ€" mer pastor will conduct the services on Sund+y morning and night and on Monday _evening be will give a The S. S. Convention will be held at Fairbairn, Wednesday the 18 h, afternoon and evening. Everyone interested in S. S. work should arâ€" range to be present at both meetings. The son of Mr W. J Allan of the 2nd Con., Ba‘t.. a lad of eight of age was operated on Monday morning for appendicitis by Dr Groves of Fergus |__At the Graduation exercises held at | Nurses‘ residence of the Oshawa Genâ€" ‘eral Hospital, Miss Doris Irwin of Hoistein was awarded the Hamilton pin for neatness (which is a most coveted prize) also the prize for Surâ€" gical nursing and the prize for Bandâ€" aging. _ Miss Irwin‘s many Holstein friends extend to her their heartiest congratulations and best wishes for ber future success, After a wel‘â€" earned vacation at her home, Miss Irwin will do private nursing in Osha wa. f During the heavy electrical storms on Friday and Sunday some of the ifarmers bave had cattle killed. Mr \Geo, Aiken had a cow get its back | broken on Friday by lightning and | was forced to kill it On Sunday Jno. Brown had a cow killed in the \ field Mrand Mrs Wm. Rife and children motored to Wiarton Saturday to visit the latter‘s parents, Mr and Mrs Sadâ€" dler. Mrs Jas. Eccles and Mr Robt. Ecâ€" cles visiced the former‘s daughter, Mrs Gillies at Conn for a few day s last week Will all persons interested in the care of the "Private Plots‘‘ at Reid‘s cemetery attend to the same at once and oblige the caretaker. Mr and Mrs Joe Dyer of Dornoch visited their son, Mr Bert Dyer and also the former‘s brother, Jno. Dyer over the week end. Miss Jennie Morrison, Miss Helen and Master Donald Yeomans of Mt. Forest spent Saturday in the village as guests of the former‘s mother, Mrs Walter Morrison.; Mr Robt. Long and son of Kansas arrived here Thursday to yisit his brothers at Varney and Yeovil after au absence of thirtyâ€"six vears. HOLSTEIN LEADER ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO â€"N. Schram, H. McPhee, K Stephen, E. Troup, G. Schram. Sr 4thâ€"E. Schenk. Jr 4thâ€"E. Ellis, E. Alles. Sr 3rd â€"E. Alles, J. Brown, M. Ross, F. Ferguson. _ Jr 3rdâ€"E. Ellis, D, Alles, M. Eccles, J. Eccles. M. Troup. Sr 2ndâ€"M. Walmsley. _ Sr Istâ€"A Haas, J. Stephen, M. Schenk, W. Ferguson, M Ross. Pr Bâ€"E. Ross, L Schenk. Pr A We had no church service last Sunday owing to the funeral of i o late Wm, Hunt, Hols:ein. _ We exâ€" tend sympatbhy to our mail carrier (bis eldess son) and to the other membera of deceased‘s family. Mre John Reid has returned bome from her trip to 0. Sound and exp: ote to go to Swinton Park this week to visit her daughter, Mrs. Lane. Thos MeDougall has treated him self to a motor cycle. P. Mutch and family spent the King‘s birthday near Hanover with his danghter, Mrs Crispin. Mrs McDougall had a phone in. stalled in her home last week linz 9 ring 5, Miss Mabel Hopkins bad the pleasâ€" ure of entertaining ber cousin, Miss C, Wilton of Varney over the week end. Miss Mary Alles has returned bome after nearly a fortnight‘s enjoyable yisit with her sisters in Toronto, Bessie was very ill this spring with the flu but is able to resume bir duâ€" ties. Toâ€"night the Dromore Patriotic Society and friends are having a lawn social and presentation at W. J. Pbilps‘ in honor of Maj. Bg‘t Jos, Gates. livary and Joe â€"B'II'l.o‘n“u-r'ivvJed";\!;ly last night (Monday) Deceased was a faithful member of the Methodist church and took an acâ€" tive part in all church work. He.was a Conservative in politics and was a citizen loved and respected by all. The funeral was held Sunday afterâ€" noon to Mt Foreat cemetery, Rev Mr Lovegrove officiating. _ Pall bearers were his four sons and two sonsâ€"inâ€" law, W Tyndall and Wim. Coliins. We extend sincere sympathy to the bereaved family and especially to his life partner who still survives him. On Friday evening last at his resiâ€" dence here, William Carter Hunt passed away at the advanced age of 83 years after a month‘s illness, Deâ€" ceased was born in 1836 in Summer. setshire, Eng. and came to Canada with his parents at six years of age, They first located in the township of Vaughan, afterwards moved to Norâ€" manby and from there thirteen years ago they moved to Holstein where he has lived till the time of his death. In 1864 he married Mary Davis of Ayton. To them were born five sons and four daughters all of which surâ€" vive him but one son who died in childhood. _ The sons are Charles on the 12th con. ; Geo. and Orme on the 2nd ; and Rev, Win. Hunt of Lfona" Head. The daughters are Mrs (Rev) | Dixon of Roseburg, Oregon ; Mrs W. Collins of Toronto ; Mrs O M. Seim, Bradford ; and Mrs Wm. Tyndali, Holstein. All the family were pres ent at the time of his death but Mrs| Dixon. One brother, Mr Geo. Hunt| of Normanby survives him. Six ’ years ago Mr and Mrs Hunt celebratâ€" ed their golden wedding. | Mr Will (Billy) McKenzie while bicycling on Saturday night, was knocked off his wheel at the curve near Mr Matthews‘ store. He lay unconscious for a time, the wheel on top of him until some people passing rendered assistance. He was later assisted home by Messrs Geo. Calder and H. Alliugham. Outside of a few bruises he is quite himself again. Welcome home! Pte Messrs James Hunt and Roy Mcâ€" Gillivray alsoarrived home this week from overseas after being absent for over a year. These two ‘‘Soldiers of the King" are warmly welcomed back by their many friends. Mrs Wm. Hunt accompanied her son, Rev, Win. Hunt and family back to Lion‘s Head on Tuesday where she will visit them for a month. There will be no service in the Holstein Methodist church on Sunâ€" day morning owing to the Orchard Anniversary . Mr De Cue of Chatham is a guest of his uncle, Mr Alf. Buller. No. 10, EGREMONT, TE DURHAM REVIEW No. 9, EGREMONT Death of Wm. C. Hunt. YEOVIL F. J. Kerr, teacher Roy McGilâ€" Alles, C. SAM MUNRO The Juvenile Harry Lauder Appearing in ret engagement, T. Hall, Dmhanl: Ju:emw, 1919. Ali o::t.: reserved, 50c. Plan now open at The Variety Store. Miss Edna Mclivride is the possessor of a new Bell piano. Mr and Mrs Elémore Rawn speat Thursday with hber mother, Mrs Douglas. . Mr Adam Douglas of Ayr visited friends here on Saturday. We are sorry to report Mr Jas. Mcâ€" Ilvride very poorly at time of writing. C y o o ns p. m. Rev. John Ward who has reâ€" cently returned from overseas will preach on Sunday and will deliver an address on Monday, June 16 at 8 o‘clock. Admission 25e. Every body welcome, Anniversary services will be held in the Methodist church, Orchard, on Sunday, June 15 at 11 a. m. and 7. 30 in Jns uy e 1 CIeE: & L 2 We appreciate your noble efforts and in token thereof would ask you to accept of this club bag and we extend to you our best wishes that you may epeedily be restored to bealth and atrength and live to serve your counâ€" try in some good and noble way in tbe paths of Peace. Signed on behalf of Red Cross Workers You fally volunteered when still of a tender age to eerve your King and Country but eircumstances _ ruled otherwiseâ€"your epirit was wiiling but physically you were not fit. A sh rt program was also rendered after which games were indulged in until lunch time. _ All bad a nice time, To Weeley Pollock : Dear Friend,â€" We bave taken the liberty to as. semble here at your home this eyenâ€" ing to show to you our appreciation of your brave and noble effort in attemptâ€" ing to do your "bit" in the Great War. _ Below is the addrese which was nicelv read by Mre Jos. Lennox, The club bag was presented ty Mra Jobhn Queen,. _ Miss Edge read the Egreâ€" mont tp. Certificate in her usual good style. _ The yourng man replied and thanked the ladies very nicely for their kindngse. A very pleasant evening was spent at the home ot Mr and Mre Geo. Polâ€" lock on Thureday eyening last when their son Wesley was presented with an addrees and club bay by St. Paul‘s Red Cross Workere. This young man enlisted in the 147th batt. when he was a mere lad and was not strong enough to cross to the field of action. The Ritchie Bros. of Duarbam are busy erecting the new residence of Mr Jas. Kerr. Miss Jessie Allingbam, Mr William and Miss Isabel MceArtbur were reâ€" cent visitore at the bome of their triend, Miss Carrie Wilton. Mr Harold Barber has purchased a rubberâ€"tire buggy from the agent Mr Jack Noble.who is doing a flourishing business selling buggies and implemâ€" ents arourd Varney. We are pleased to report that Mrs Moantain is recovering from her reâ€" cent illness. Miss Carrie Wilton was the guest of her cousin Miss Mabel Hopkins over the week end. Mrs Melbourne MeKay who has been visiting at the parcutal bhome here, left Friday las: tor her home in St Marys. Misses Winnie Blyth and Margaret Leeson. V.ctor Blyth, Mansfiecld and James Leeson motored to Port Eigin Suoday where they spent the day . Address and Presentation ORCHARD Mre J. Allen, 3 Mre J. Queen, Mrs R. Maithews proud All Hndno(.ulu bought at market price. â€" _ on Flour and Feed in ton lots Low Grade Flour, Rollied Oats Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Every bag guaranteed. If not sati bring it back and get your money. Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop â€"â€"> 500 mss John McQowan Phone An Investor Need Not Be a Capitalist War Savings Stemps can be bought wherâ€" aver this sign is In June Wâ€"8.8. Cost $4.05 ® mss â€" TAYLOR & CO. % Store closes 6 o‘clock excepting Wed. and Sat. nights : BC .. . «BC BC 3C BC JX BC 3X BC BC PC BC BX B6 BC B4 BC PC EK NP 3P \Ic > i The De Laval Cream Â¥X@AFNA Thevery best Canadian at..................$1.90 per lb Sceotch Fingering at........................... 2.80 per lb Blankets xo : large grey or white, at....... .$4.50 per pr Underwear Men‘s all wool, regular 2.00 at...$1.59 â€"each Prints Now just for wool season at.............29¢ per yd Linoleums and Oilcloths A large stock, No 1 patâ€" terns, 4 yds wide......$5.50 Congolenm Squares Prices according to size. Slgar and Groceries Anything you want and our prices are like the qualityâ€"No 1 WIRE The genuine Frost Woven, or Single Crimped. Also the Black and White for rail fencing. THE PEQPLES MILLS CR!MPED OATS for Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. ... very reasonable rates ____ Now customers, we have a very large stock in every line, and it‘s a stock in every respectof Number 1 quality. If not as we say or if you are dissatisfied with any of it, let us know. We are here to make it right. We could no give you a list of all these different things, but here below are a few of the things that generally sell during the woo! season. We are in the market as usual to handle all the woo) that comes our way, and expect to pay as high a price as the market will allow. _ Last year we handled more than we ever did previously, and this year will be larger, as in this district alone we know the flocks have greatly i: creased in numbers. TAYLOR & CO. Dromore 44 7 x/ 4 tons of No. 1 Mixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY WOOL Make Your Savings Serve Serve Your Countryâ€"Invest War Savings Stamps. Thus you can start being an investor as soon as you have $4.00, and build up as big an investment as you choose. Pogds, , A Thrift Stamp costs 25 cent:, :nd ‘l‘l"“ellcofthen‘..m be exchanged YouuncatanrSavinpShmp for $4.00. It is a Government Bond, bearâ€" ing interest at over 4%%, and in 1924 will be redeemed for $5.00. Thrift Stamps help you to save up the n$409 necessary to get one of thes» earn him more money without further can be an investor and get big returns They envy the Capitalist because he has money to buy bonds and shares thai Many people think it is necessary to !ny_e_n_lqtofponeyinorduto invest and Pastry Flour Savings Stamps have made it posâ€" , Breakfast Cereal, Bran. , Cracked Chicken Corn 3PIC3IR 3P N@ 38 n-n.i Special Reduction JUNE 12, 1919 satisfactor7 Need one ? ou and fus $A cTANDARD B velop ance Dusiness Savings. JOHN KELLY Forest (Riley Canad Not m turn. youny Hil) i night. D a seas nea: in the 14 seen mos Over s Dan ham Lib The Pres wil be p Conventi Gardner . address, Breanches will be se *% AVI N South C will hold renewed 1« bear with will do us a number remitting : erc an anima couple of The Coun: a few days a taking in ca any losses. a Wox 1 for the Pre Tower and n is to begin at Well done one thousan The \ annual pi July 3rd. hand. E. lnsse week we the the Ford C Mam M G Hut ftoundat In h vour oOF CanmaAama DURKHAK BRAN I} &A D ¢ Britis} VYOL . XL ma <\ yA 1 anda ent THE $» Ay»

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