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Durham Review (1897), 3 Jul 1919, p. 1

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all tho wool " . price " I! more than larger. .9 in greatly in.. I! wear“ EWIVI VICE III 1; half; more mun. M, 191. CO. n "or, it Ile STANDARD BANK *1 seririce ls available tt all times forthe benefit of our cus- tomers. Every well-grounded business man appreciates the importance of tltecooperation, guidance and information on financialmattersof his Banker. THE m Anniversary . rvices will be held in Knox church, Nmmanby. on Sunday. July lath at 3 "id 7.30 p. m. conducted by Rev. Mr Sturgeon of East Normanby and Bethel congregations. The unveiling of the tablet erected in the church to the memory of our brave young heroes fallen in battle will take place immediately fol- lowing the afternoon service. On the following Monday even ng, tables will be set and tea served from fl to 8 after which to interesting and varied program will be given in the church. A cordial invitation is extended to all Admission to supper! 36 and l5cts DURHAM BRANCH JOHN KELLY - . Mm _ . _ .. - .._._,. 1...; can", luv F __-__. = "" ..%r. “1"" IV. WI Varney A good pr ram is in re ra may: and had a delightful reunion and al lion and re'/rd'i'2,l'trA.'i'll be seprvrpdaon; revival of the memories of youth, . the Rwandan Admission to grounds} The Canadian Bankers' Association ot. adults 15c, children l0c. Keep this date fer cash prizes to boys or girls under " m mind. l years of age who exhibit one calt or two] No fewer than tir, Entrance candidates pigs at South Grey Fall Fair held in Dun, are writing in Durham this week (Pity;ham on Sept. 30th and Oct. Mt. The} them in this hot weather.) of these 29! calf must be of the beef breeds or grades} are from Durham Public School, the/ and pigs ottthe bacon type. The prizes others representing 14 other schools of offered are 1st " 2nd " 3rd " 4th " the district. Examinations for Normal! 5th " 6th Reserve. For particulars ap- Entranceand Junior Matriculation begin, ply to either of the Banks in Durham. i on Monday next. There pro.rtetrtotreiene on boys and girls, now is your ', about “It C,',','.'"'?,"",'; Paincgpals Fergus n chance Ii and Orton, u the lig and ublic , . Schcols. are preriding this week. Lee/ae 5,": "1512?”: Irs' Cain il All account, muln Finle Graham mustI Finley Graham. eyesight specialise, will be paid on or moi in; P2th as they, be at the Central Drug Store until July pone into other hands for collection alter: ”l," only to test eyes. _Hours Jo a. m that date. I to 3 p. m. unless by special appointment The Durrarn District Loval Orangel Mr Thos. McAnulty retu.roed.ort, Fri. Lodge will hold their annual churchpar- , day from a 10-day visit toa sister m Sault, ade to the Presbyterian Church on San. Ste Marie. who was critically ill. but day morning. 20th of July. Members are happily was better when he left His us- renuented to be at Lodge room at 10.30 a. I ter Mrs. T Allan accompanied him, and m. Full attendance requested. l she is remaining for afew weeks, Mr Mc. W.J Ritchie, Rec. Secyi'Anuity went on from the SooAttglseeda; f ' . . brother and another sister in s an Varney u O. L. No. (:89, will holda, . . ' garden Party on Friday. July 18th.in $150999: KM“? J.seAaAnot 99.9" tor 35] The Dun-m District Loyal Orange Lodge will hold their annual churchyar- ade to the Presbyterian Church on Sun- day morning. 20th of July. Members are requested to be at Lodge room at 10.30 a. m. Full attendance. requested; C. P. R. Town Office MA0lli'ARhAmilS DRUG STORE COWS and note a); increase in milk supply. All accounts owing Finley Graham must he paid on or before July 12th as they on: into other hands for collection after that date. 81.25: cm. Horn Fly Oil - Mc a quart bottle Keep the Horn ily oft your in powder form applied dry, gives good satisfaction, Zenokun Fly Skoot G In. Wann-To do hwusewmk on the farm. Good wage! Apply to Mrs W. G. Firth. R. R. l, Durham. church's Bug Finish user-Quart size thorium bottle. cor. rugated nickel cane. finder will kindly leave at the Review Office The kind that kills the butt. Get after him early ind have a bigger potato crop. R. Simeon" film” - Rob Roy Mills A Sup-835 vi!) buy a good second- hand Top Buggy., Mply_to Strictly Pure Paris Green VOLXLII. N0. 27, ERVICE.-Our hig.hly-deovt1.opep P: PAK'AHA C. NIEMillan. Dromore, --5calb Hume" 1 After six weeks' exclusion while the iwork was in progress. the congregation willasernble Sunday at usual hours in the renovated edifice and after the eye has been satisfied and gratified will take earnest part in nervrces conducted by Rev lCapt. Christie. of Chalmers' Church. ,Woodstock. who spent three or four strenuous year, at the front in Chaplain service. Mr Christie has been a growing power in Woodstock as a minister of the _ gospel, and with much war experience, l will be an inspiration to listen to. -___ - s _ -_-- L"".T.TiLjAL.C u, 3m, ( Pleased to have a call from Mr Jno. " I Lyons of Han9Ter 'Pt, .O'W" s, 'AP: died of Ceylon. Sask., who has been visit-lH Hunter “mums Sidney Jd, and 1 ing his sister. Mrs. J. W. Blyth. and other Chas Niels Mth Avenue 'hry. Three l relatives and friends in the district that)!eats decided the winner to be Lyons knew him so well until l4 years ago. when f though Hunter was a good second. ' l he went west He is an interesting expon-l The matched rare between farmers I ent of the value of church union. as it has horses was won by Robt. Wilson. Arch 1 developed in many parts of Sask. His I Allan being a close second and Fred (visit now was occasioned by him being Staples third. l appointed a Commissioner to attend the Fear RACES ifec.ent General Assembly of the Preshy- TheN0yds. dash was won by Cliff 5 tertan church In Hamilton. a long step Buschlen, with J. Kearne at his heels, and from the days when he was the standby l in the mile race Alex Bell was an easy g of the little Methodist Mission at Varney l winner with a good lead, the tussle for l T Mm" he did work perhaps ttot secypd 1 2nd place being the most interesting part an importance to.that of his now wit)er of the race, Buschlen winning narrowly i held. As he sees it. the broblem of min- i from Roy Dickson. :isterial siipplvis to have more and still! :more union of Protestant denominations.) SHAH BATTLE Mr Vanderfeem Church decorator. has; completed his contract in Durham Pres- byterian Church. and the effect is certain- ly most pleasing and artistic. Capt. (Run) Christie Will Con. duct Services I Jos CAIN Rttrcrtsrin.--Pte Jos Cain,' formerly of the C. P. R. staff here re- i turned from oversea! Monday Duals! I l week and spent from Wednesday' to on- I _ day with Durham friends. He enlisted i about three years ago in London with thel Engineers and saw many months of ard- l uous service. He was once slightly , wounded and twice lightly gassed. but to!‘ facilitate his discharge, he waived all F claim to a pensmn at he expects soon to r, be entirely free from the effects of the gas.‘ I Joe is looking robust as ever. and will tti l back an Durham next week to resume his lormer position at the C, P. R station. I B " your Tickets here Flags, Banners and Chin. es: Lanterns Decorate your homes for Ju!y I In.” 8'!- Can 35c up Lime Juice and Grape Juice- --thirst quenchexs Int“! l... mu:- 25c, for note and acoing lee: [cull that um Mc & 66c Keep the liver right and takes away that "what's the use" feeling." Sharing 5wa --e'. Rex." l_lcc_25c for excessive In! 331::- 2.5c Keeps Jonteet In“. 35c JOIICOI tun-s 60c Keep the skin in trim Hot WEATHER NEEDS Good Summer Wood for Sate at my Sash and Door Factory. 83 per cord, de. livered. Cheaper if you haul it your- selves. Apply to z. Clark Since assuming the Briscoe Agency three weeks ago, C. Smith & Sons have sold three of these tine can: to Robt. Isaac, Durham, to John Burnett and Alex Whyte, near Pticeviile. _ For Sale-A thriving, well bred Polled Angus bull calf. Apply to John A. Graham, Upper Town Mr. George McMeekin. Durham's only soldier in the Siberian contingent return- ed to his home here last week. Oat Shorts. Feed Oatmeal, Mixed Chop. Poultry Feeds and Croatia: at Rob Roy Mills and Feed Stores. Church Ree-opening Me iiliiihitlinptir Review. Mr Dewar! made a would in the nickle investigations bringing to light much that had been hidden. Utterry"he has been The decision was given in no uncertain tone by the aelectton of Hartley Devan. M P. P. ' his nearest oEponent being Maj- or Tolmie followed by tl'oct of Midleaex Proudfoot last with " Votes. Dewart 158. Devan won a Toronto out with a tory majority of 4000, which he turned into a grit majority of 400. He had the support of the liquor party. strong in the Riding. but they were at that time in a pout with the government. and to spite them voted Dewart as a punishment. in spite of this there is no reason to think that Mr Dew- art will not stand loyally by the temper- ance plank in the Liberal platform, a platform adopted before the Leader was . Though not a delegate we had the priv- lege of attending the Convention in Tor. onto last week, the outstanding feature of which was the Idection ot a Provincial beeral Leader. held since the retirement of N W. Rowen by Wm Ptoudfoot K. C Provincial Liberal Convention ‘ The heat' of an ideal July day made the demand for ice cream abnormal. Though this had been anticipated the large sup- plies laid in were exhausted before night and other tel eshments except banana; was in the same condition The booth takings amounted in all to 869l, which added tothe 81650 M at the gate, made a.total of 82312, the largest sum ever tak- en in at a Durham Demonstration. THE RINK In the evening the Rink presenteda gala appearance on entering when the "Fair of the Allied Nations" took place. Toe booths of each respective country were well carried out and showed the re- _ suit of much preparation and work. I Various sideshows did a mshing business and at the close of the evening, the sum I o" about $400 was netted. which after ex- l p:nses are paid, is divided equally be- I tween the I O D. E. and War Veterans under whose auspices it was given. l About two dozen of the returned soldiers with rides formed themselves into attack- ing and deiending parties, and aided by some bursting rockets to imitate explod- ing shells. gave a mimic display oi modern warfare, going over the top, advancing a stage. squirting. and up and at 'em again, till the enemy yelled "Kamerad." MUSIC Abundance of line music was supplied by the three bands. Hanover, Swinton Park and Durham. The visitors won many compliments and the S. P, Pipers made a decided hit _ 1 An Owen Sound artist named Huff per- I formed on a slack wire, . without the aid i/ef, balancing pole and did some very good , stunts. Most novices would have preler- (red a taut wire to that jiggledy thing. l BASKET BA LL ( Played between the young ladies of l Form ll and Form Ill of the High School was a novelty to most of the crowd and l was enjoyed. Form ll won 4-0 I House Rac no I The 2 50 race wascontested by "Kelly" Lyons of Hanover with “Oliver S," Jno. l i H Hunter with his "Sidney H," and _ Chas, Allen with "Avenue Buy." Three heats decided the winner to be Lyons though Hunter was a good second. winner with agood lead, the tussle for 2nd place being the most interesting part ofthe race, Buschlen winning narrowly from Roy Dickson. The matched rare between farmers' horses was won by Robt. Wilson. Arch Allan being a close second and Fred Staples third. BASEBALL A very interesting game of baseball Markdale v Durham, was a feature of the afternoon. The play occasionally was brilliant. and the visitors ran off with the honors 12 to 5 ‘I However this tine promise for the mor- . row was doomed to non-tilawnt, for on ', attempting to land on the show-ground ‘just opposite the poultry house and f: c- (ing north, the distance from landing spot 1 to fence proved too short to stop the im. petus of the machine wh ch crashed into i fence knocking a post out, and damaging the machine beyond hope of repair for the i following day. Both propeller blades i were broken, one of the tires injured and (tlefhrted, and some other casualties. All ‘day Tuesday the machine, a two seater. l was an object of much interest to hund- reds of spectators An attempt was made to secure another one from Toronto for Tuesday but was unsuccessful, It was, the misfortune, not the fault of the G. W. V A. that the' great' atiriita%rs" a put on. I The disappointment of the day was the wrecking of the aeroplane the evening 3 previous. Mr Wright, the man in charge, , came up on Monday in an .ts-cylip.titr.bi" 1 plane, and was generous m exhibition I work over the town and n a: by country, He rose dipped circled, &c, “in: the mac. l hine under perfect control and the most ’timorous must have ben assured, that l the element of danger is largely eliminated, i The 52nd Anniversary of Dominion Day was favored by the very best of weather. The G W. V A. celebration here was very successful, about four thousand being on the grounds, and on the whole had agood time. most of the program bung carried out. il. W. If. h. Celebration Drew Big Crowd OTHER FEATURES THE BooTHs 11hrttt WALKING DURHAM, THURSDAY. JULY 3,1919 Tenders Wanted Tenders wanted for Painting School. house ot s. 8 No. 3, Glenelg. For Imb- er irtiorretjop and 'gteeitiritioet. amlv tn {rod tid GiiiGi." er. succeeded by Em e McDonald. N. Zimmer was on defence rust. period and was changed for Fred Fallrngham : Burnside of Markdale was replaced by I Allie McIntyre during 3rd quarter. The l teams were Durham Hanover E. McDonald goal Kramp H. McDonald point Henning i B McDonald cover Beamilh _ J. McLachlan Ist def. Dankert Falkingham 2nd det. Boettger Kerr centre Henri: Graham 2nd h. S. Wendorf Coven lit h 0. Wendorf M. Sapnden outside Pepplcr Burnside inside . Hanan Referee-- Hopkim, Orangeville. The same dag Omigevme won in Owen Soundby4to ' and on Dominion Day Hanover 9h? trimmed the Sounders 16 to , 1t?tf.i..e'e,ttr Owen Sound already total oi 9 to 5. Under I ex nnes, a team may way 13 men during a game. but only 10 at a time. substituting between quan- ers Durham took advantage of this on- portunity Kr a trial to more than the 10 Mercer of Magma]; kept goal first quay!- The first goal went to Durham but the home defence did not t'ghten up till Ti, I on in the first period, Hanover taking he lead with 3 goals Our boys gingered up and came back with 3 more,--a 1 goal lead. Every period was similar in that Durham always scored once oftener than their opponents : in second q a ter it was 2 to LVthird 2 t.o,1.and feurth l to o, a ’ Durham captured the first league s/ ‘crossc match played here in tour years! from Hanover' last Friday by a u to of score. Under these conditions it wasa} well-played game, an] almost as fast as- the lacrosse of 8or to years ago, The? Durham team are mainly veterans of thel game ; Hanover's team with one or two; exceptions have much less experience but , are a fast anch of youngsters. Hanover", showed as pretty combination as the} home team. perhaps smoother, but the" Durhams. some of whom are not yet ini condition. came out on top because they! are strong individually. displayed fairI team work, and made experience count, l On motion of Michael Byers and Jas. Mather a hearty vote of thanks was tend- ered the choir and all who had assisted. Won Opening Game A feature of the evening was the pres l cam; 32%|? ehce of IO members of the Dromore choir ( Da with their leader, Mr Wm. Ramage. ; y. Their eight numbers were a notable con- I Mr. Cecil tribution to the orogram and the harmony l to Durham propriety and general excellence of their days arro 1g pieces, was shown by hearty applause and l Messrs Ar many private compliments. Tang", m. With which I: tneoererated the lolstcin A patriotic solo was given by Mrs Jas, Park and a recitation by Mrs Rev. A’ th Lean which ygre both warmly received. Monday evening last the Presbyterians of Hampden hadoneof their,most success- ful anniversaries, not only financially but lin the fine harmony and spirit oi social union prevailing Pastor Rev W. I Mc- Lean was happy in the chair and to men- tion first things first we must record the enjoyment of a sumptuous sup r provid. _ ed in the usual abundance 'augf'gJ'e'flevn"c'ii of Hampden ladies. ( Addresses were given by Hon. Dr Jam' , ieson and Geo, Lothian, reeve of Egre. l moot. and brief talks by two local l standbys of the congregation, John Cooper , and John Milligan. l We are intormed Constable Cook is busy in the locality in the endeavor to discover this atson fsend, and other de. tertives were to be on hand The farmers of the district have still the strain of fear and anxiety and will n 't rest easy nor will the search he allayed, until the cul. prit is behind the bars. I The barn was a log one, a fine comfort- able structure. With it went a can some fowlpone large pig ready for slaughter, 11 small pigs, a mower. cutter, sleigh, har- ness and several other implements. For- tunately at this season the barn was comparatively empty, most on the stock being out and the grain low. The loss on both barn and contents is partially cover- ed by insurance in the Grey & Bruce Co , The centre Glenelg lirebug is still busy, as last Saturday morning at the early hour of3 a. in, Mr Pat Haley's barn on the 6th con ' was burned to the ground This is the sixth tire in recent months in ) the vicinity-- the fourth barn in less than l three months, and still there is no trace of the much wanted Incendiary. It is not two miles distant from the scene of the last Beaton tire. The barn was first not, ired when entirely ablaze by a near neigh- bor, who was awakened by his dog, and then rushed over to awaken Mr Hal av and o' her inmates from sound sleep. A few minutes after the house caught fire, but their efforts, assisted by other neigh- l bors who had just come, saved it. Another Glenelg Barn ,i' Goes hr in Flames al Platform" We shall in a week of less crush give tte.,tlhynt points of the Provincial Liber- That he has courage is shown also in the fact that he rtood absolutely alone when hin party made agreement with the Hearst government to have no election. attacking the liquor policy of the govern- ment. bringing to light the grave fact. among others, that no record was kept of liquor seized. Anniversary " Hampden . nation and ioeeitiraiioA Uiirio W. J. Ritchie, R. R. l, Durham. gqal pomt cover Ist def. 2nd den From Hanover . 7 - -_..,.--, excellence of their ( days arm lg old friends, Kramp Banning Hamish Dankert Boettger -- .Helrie. _ Mr. Bert Stomouse open: from Friday to Wednesday with relatives In Dundn Mimlyrtle Falkingham and Ruby Cum left last Thunday toepeod the ',t1'le"-ttts fruit-picking near Burl- ths Am and Grace Petty, teachers ttf We"? a.nd near Since: an holiday- iiiwitiititeiraiG iGtUSiG'rnTii E Mr Harry Lavelle and wile ol Colling. (wood were visitors Tuesday at Mrs E [L Knight's. Mr and Mrs W L Falkingham and fam- I ily Ht Tuesday for his new pastoral charge at Vienna, Elgin Co. On Thurs- _ day evening last the congregation of Nancy circuit remembered him witha I fountain pen and Mrs Falkingham with a l, hand painted chocolate get. In. Hugh Baird. of Toronto. was a visitor the tirat of the week at her broth- er's, Mr. Rom. H. Isaac. Mia Marion Calder, who has been at- tending Moulton College, Toronto, is home for the holidays. Mr and Mn Roy Vickers left Monday for Saskatchewan where he willenme in tanning. Mrs Frank Horton and son of Owen Sound were guests of her sister, Mrs Guy Kearney over the holiday. Mr J. A. Black and daughters of Ches- ley, ard Mr Doug McKinnon and sister, Miss Kate were Dominion Day visitors in town. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Russell of TI r mt', were gueslsat Mr. Thos Allan's ttte b. - ginning of th: week, Mrs. Russell remain- mg until Thurslay. lt is nearly ten years since trey left Durham and they renewed acquaintance with many old friends. Miss Nellie Hepburn of Toronto is holi- daying at the parental home. l Mtssrs Alex and Kenneth Findlay of _ Toronto were guests at Mr. W. Calder's l over the holiday. Their broth: r Wallace ; has just returned from overseas. I i Mr. and Mrs Wm Merchant, Mrs Jos. I Merchant and Miss Irene McEachin. 1 of Lake Charles, Keppel township. and l Mrs. D. Clark of Amabel. visited at Mr. C. Ramage's Tuesday and Wednesday. i Mr. Geo. Binnie went to Guelph yester- 1 day to takea three-day Judging Course at i the O. A C in tteld crops and other asso- "' dated lines of the farming industry. Mr and Mrs. A D. Knight of Co'ling- wood were holiday visitors at Mrs. E L Knight s. l Mr. and Mrs J. H Rob; ‘ called on old [own friends i, Day. Mr. and Mrs Frank Norwood with their daughter and son-in law, Mr. and Mrs Thompson from Norwich. New York State, motored to Durham Monday and were guests of the farmer's sister, Mrs. Alex Beggs. Miss Maude Kress (em from a fortnight's vacation Toronto. Mr. Russell Currie of Buffalo, is holi' daying with town relatives. Miss Jessie is also home. Mr Robt. Hughes of Guelph, visited his sisters over the holiday. _Mrs Geo. Tolchard and daughter Edy Ritchie of Chesley. spent the holiday In town. Raymond Search of Toronto is holi- (laying in his old town with his friend, Brysoh Morlock. Mr Levi Morlnck and son Wm. of Guelph. visited his brother here over IA,- minion Day Miss Mae McKechnie of Toronto came home for holidays last Monday, her brother Harold also returning from hosp ital there over Dominion Day. Signaller Watson Gray of the Highlan- dem, Winnipeg hart. is visiting at his aunt's, Mrs S. F Morlock on his return from overseas before proceeding to his, home in Ft William. 1 Miss Agnes Ramage, teacher of Wel- lard Co., came home Monday, and in company with Miss Mary McQueen. leaves next Monday to visit among friends in Alberta and Saskatchewan. Mrs. Will Mchwan left Monday for a two month's visit with her parents in Saskatchewan. E Mrs Arnold, her two soldier sons James l and Morgan. also her soldier brother I Archie Skene. all ot Wiarton. visited at l Mr and Mrs R. H. Ledin gharn's last i Tuesday. The three returned soldiers be. f longed to the 16 Jth Bruec Batt. i Messrs Jas. and Alex McQueen, Nor. I man Buie. of Stayner, visited at the for- l arm's. sister, Mrs. Jno. McQueen's on _ Mrs Alex McDonald and Mrs McLean of Priceville were guests ot Mrs Jno. Mc. Queen last Wednesday MriQecil T?wnetot Stratford, motored ,, -r'- v. . -n-uuuua nil III: M C R in Detriot. We were pleased to have a call irom him on his visit here in seven years. He enjoyed a fishing outing on the Rocky, well-known to him in hoy. hood days. I Mr, and Mrs. Jethro Knight of Listowe ( were back to town over the holiday. , Miss Mary Findlay of Toronto. recent- 9 ly of Ayton. is holidaying a couple of " weeks with Miss Marion Catder. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Laidlaw and young- est daughter Miss Grage. of Detroit. spent over the holiday " his brother's Mr Wm Laidlaw. Mr L. holds the responsible position of Supt of Terminals for the M f" I.. “A, A .__ T uesday: Saturday aitriiiGiiTiiii. Rorertson, Chesley {pturrgeg' Mppday leader at Kew Bealj, on Dominioh Mrs. Jno Osborne and son Wm, Shallow Lake, are visitors at Nurse Catmount's. Mr. Fred Search and son Raymond of Toronto spent a few days among Durham friends. After removing from town where i he lived 17 years, Mr. Search resided a year in Georgetown and then removed to , Toronto. where his family found more lucrative positions. Mr Search is now _ furniture inspector for the T. Eaton Cu. _ Mr. Gordoanun of Newmarket, is holi' daying with his grandmother hem. MISSES TRUAX Smartly Tailored hats Greatly Reduced Great Price Reductions on Women's & Misses' Millinery Store 1Unman's and Puritan Maid for Children We handle nothing but English prints, the be on the market. Why buy cheaper grades when get English prints fora few cents more which wear the cheaper prints. Different patterns u from in light and dark grounds. Full range of the famous "Ll Deena" comets just to hand making it possible for us to supply any size and style pou want. All ‘Lo Deere' corsets are made from strong white coutil stayed throughout with l'u*tpr0nf steels. Different styles to choose from, including the new front lace corset prices ranging from 01.15 to 2.75. We buy nothing but the merchandise procurable and customers of the best value fa TORONTO For Good Service- able Merchandise S. F. MORLOCK THE "LA DEESE" CORSET where Quality Reigns Saprem c y nothing but the best and highest grades of se procurable and at all times can unsure our of the best value for their money. WHITE HOSIERY They include hate of Iii-ere. milan, tagel milan and coarse braid slums in all the seasonahlo styles. Smartly trimmed with flowers, fruits, wings, ribbons und fancy mounts. A most interesting collection, all of which have only been in stock a tehort time, but have been specially reduced in order to make room for new stock. unable for us to supply any Jae, uni All 'Ln Deese' corsets are made from il stayed throughout with I'llinrohf on]... g- -L_,A, " . _ PRINTS :neaper gnaw when you can Ar cents more which will out- Different patterns to choose Two good milk cows for sale ther particulars apply m -- Applications wili be rrmived up in July 7th. 19ttt for the ottie of Town Cmuamr funnier of 1an Hall. and Sammy lnspééidf, umbinId his“ Inn! a 0) “has. c. ennui a so» POW.- prints, the beat print" Municipal Notice both Women nud McIntyre Block Lawton Street For Sale W. B Vol1et. 0ch of Durham A. Md:onnick ry Us Glenroadén For fur

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