West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Jul 1919, p. 5

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an!) tttter fmzu have Humid“. pm; a: Mr l’ougtld McDor blush. Maud-y ot this wool. into IcDougull Ind - Lu Slow-n ot Hamilton, In loo! Hr 5nd Mn John " Ihu root. no Twamloy "turned trom " lineman Collage Scum” , passing I)" ell-D I“. totem) your man“ " U and cum-u I.) m be. in. pron-nod l I. but boon no. In»! Mucus him-lo has I. moot I“, " (In!!! van on-.. h M JULY 3, 1919 M It Mr we cannot let you do um. you ”In. "5600:; k. We Hi you Mr Ride". has haudovu on" ot Ilhhl, rd Japomu not welt. no u u ”mm. I.) you hon [mini-by And Igull "(In In ‘1 tench as for the can“. duo of S. ti, No. Q h at Morrison sothleen Ray 74%, lame Manley 'N. Human! Ray "r. why summon. Chas hchater "t. Veksh 70"... J. tic Hartley Ms. 1 rd. Lena setagrr Black. Teach. “HOOK MI '0! !.aurono “Will-u. I. Elma Adi... HMS). manly by "rreioe " by such kind...- Mr Rudolph 3".- tt d n surpriu In It... Rudolph on FM. 'l, . In din-III“, "thr d to uh biopic. mun than of tho I'- I-unl r,"",',',"',',',',',,):".: , ' w! 0 an 114% wk welt. m y rah! by BYOB... r, t “mun Ind the 1%” Bo.e. Fei. BENT At ya! winch ,0. n us you have a all i0teregt m In by It. at II, In II)... a. at to never from anchor tad school. w out "no. Ind mg you to no.” ‘ as . small ' Mar happinm u. 9 " boo! hon Juno m. on» who. ”who "one.“ a liuthtmdE'tm. 3 of mono, god e" mu rend by resented which " on negUestfut “d animated to I. I. L" or I Vinita! 'l'wamloy 0nd l'resbyvorion Mn] and "out Ind In Kohl. have» Mrfhsett = Ledingbam of Nu Ill.“ and A "n won vio- [ h Inst no», "er8". Point u Sunday " Teacher the uhool NCK he gel ttal, J. runny, ttgald H860. In) Muhtrald I the school I... ' mob to u... xp'essm. to ’0. p'reotul um 1 among an a g Reay. John avurne Me. Unruh, Er eq Lottie [ Reginald d , "when. ton, Edna Bradshaw lton took ttt " Hmnpden 'n Ind tro Headry at has mum am. Hagel r Humor Mrs Wm. tug-god to " “on." 'red, Hi“ Clifford m on: Jeo Profit I one 7 I 2"."t John McGowan All kind. of grain l Low Grade Flour, Rolled Oats, Breakfast Cereal, Bran, Shorts, Middlings, Corn Chop, Cracked Chicken Corn Patriotism Sovereign, Eclipse and Pastry Flour BOO) tons of No. l Mixed Chop WHEAT AND HARLEY Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop-ks JULY 3.1919 can be bought ' In Juno W-S s. Cogt ”.00 am thi. in in If you need Feed, now is the time to get a supply, as Feed will he scarce during the next sixty days. Highest price paid for Oats, Barley and Peas. TERMS, CASH. Feed Feed Feed THE PEOPLE'S MILLS CR'MPED OATS for Horse Feed at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. . .. very reasonable rues We have a good stock of Feed ROB ROY MILLS, Limited Every bag guaranteed. If not satisfactory bring 1t back and got your money. Peas, Barley and Oa-t Chop ClansmanStock Feed (75/ Corn) fhitftain_Mixed Feed (50.° Corn) Poultry & Chick Feed, all Lu, Buckwheat, Corn ty Feed Oats Oat Shorts Feet §arley_ and Oat Chop Business Hours.---) a. m. to 5 p. m I bought at market price. ( on “on: and Feed is ton Iota. Make Your Savings Serve You Serve Your Gtmtry-invest Ge War Savings Stamps. This is the biggest opportuity ever af- forded to wage em to become in.. You don’t need to be a capitalist. You can “art with 25 cents. Buy a Thrift Stamp for a quarter. When you have skim of them, exchange them for a War Saving: Stamp, and you will have laid the foundation of a solid invest- ment with your odd savings. Ye-add-hui-tmean-a, as you save $4.00, and in 1924 tho gov?! will pay $5.23ny Td'. If m Stamp ou new or $4.00 on" y Buitkakorrrotiubutotmrwar Savings Stamps because you are in- vesting in Government Bonds yielding over 4% ("o. Feed Oatmeal on hand, consisting of The Children's Aid Society desirea home for two baby boys aged three months; alsoa baby girl about three months old, All are healthy and bright. and may beseen at any time. Apply to the Shelter or Jr Pr to Sr Pr-dns, Eckhardt, Martha Eckhardt, Alice Curdt, Allie Eckhardt Katie MacKinnon, Total marks in 3rd classes 450. Marks necessary for a pass 270 Jessie F. Black, Teacher No 5, GLENELG. Sr 4th-Evelena Cook, Hazel Firth eq. Jr 4th to Sr 4th--Willie Edwards (H), Mary Beaten. Jr 4th-Charlie Robson. Sr 3rd to Jr 4th-Marjorie Firth, Clara Greenwood. Jr 3 to Sr 3-Cameron Rob- son Gladys Firth and Bessie Beaton (eq). Jr 3rd- Martin Haley. Jr 2nd to tir 2nd -Norman Haley, Zorra Beaton. Jr 2nd - Katie Haiey, Irene Hastie, Arthur Mc. Clocklin. Ist-Graham Timmins, Charlie Timmins. Pr-Catherine Timmins. P. R. Ireland, teacher. Pumps & rump gelatin Jr 1 to Sr lst -%riirijGrrer,YiG"Eck. hardt, Mabel Kennedy, Annie McKinnon Sr Pr to Jr I-Teresa Walsh, Francis MgEgcherQ. Chas _Kent_19dy. A - - Enter any day. Write, call or phone for information. Central Business College tgrathmt-AMngttaen--Mt. Fara: Jr 3rd to Sr 3rd --Pearl McCuaig 272, John McDougall 265, recommended. Jr 2nd to Sr 2nd-Gordon McEachern Ne.il Maclfiqnon. Marggget McPhailL Cement Tile and Brick E. M. McCuaig. Teacher S. S. NO IO, GLEN & EGR'T Jr 4th to Sr 4th - Philmena Walsh. Sr. 3rd to Jr 4th--Elton McLean (353) hon. ors, Kathleen McLean (334). Annie Me Leod (274). Margaret McDougal (258) racommended. have been placed to date and " the re are call. for more. Get your Course NOW. If you do not get it you par for it anyway in small- er earning: and look opportunities s/ 2nd -to Jr 3rd--Reginaid kiGey 85_p¢r cent. -.-. - _ - 7 - - Primer --Frank McArthur, Marybel McArthur. Jr 3rd to Sr 'ard-Hazel Beaton 90 per cegt, _Mgrgare§ Mfarlrpe _84 pgr gent. Jr 4th to Sr 4th--Margaret Smellie 71 per cent. Ada Brown 70 per cent, Neil McArthur66 per cent, Marie McArthur 63 per cent, (Arab McArthur 48 p. c., raqomrpendtd) Jupe Promotions All our Graduates lst-A/chit, Greenwood, Arnetta Horst, Primer A-Christena Anderson, Johnny An.9!rsom..Nay. Bell._ _ - -- __ Ptimeri-WaU" Paylor. Lena Bell, Arthur McNally, Ralph Staples, Pearl McNally, Myrtle Glencross, Peter Mor- JOHN SCHUTZ lst to 2nd-borothy Ritchie, Armonell Grencrors, hlbert Morrison. Sr 2nd to Jr 3rd--Marjorie Ritchie, (hon. J Jno. Morrison (hon.) Frederica Staples (hon). Glenny Firth. Milton Horst, Ada Paylor. Sr 3rd to Jr 4th-Reta Glencross. Mar- garet Anderson, Mary Morrison, Wilbert Greenwood. i Primer to Ist-Jean McLean, Jean 'Ford, Alice Reiley, Kathleen Everist. l Sadie McDonald. Teacher ( GLENELG NO. 9 9 Sr 3rd to J r. 4th- Ethel Hargrave, lHunter Ritchie. Jr 3rd to Sr. ard-Harold McFadden Sr 2 d to Jr 3rd-Mina Hargrave, (honors) Adolphus Lawrence, Isabelle Davis. Sr lot to Jr 2nd-Geo Collinson. Sr Pt to Jr l-Roy Hargrave. A. E. McGirr. Teacher EDGE HILL Jr 4th to Sr 4th-Ethel Anderson. Met- ville Anderson Ella Ritchie. _ Jr 3rd to Sr 1rrd-Leroy McDonald, ‘Murray Nichol, Doris MacLean. Violet 'McDougall, Murray Watson, Leone Me- Donald, Mary Carson. Recommended ', ngrdon yclntosh." " n l -.. . . Sr 2nd to Jr 3rd--Rebecca Nichol. Norma McDougall. Gibray ;MacLean. Jack McMeekeri, Leonard McArthur, Hilda McKechnie. Alroy McLean. Olive McMeeken, Donald McLean. Get your Flooring and House Furnishings, Doon and Sash from G. h. WATSON t SONS Sawing of Lumber and Shingles other days. Planing Bone to Order done Tuesdays, Thursdays. and Saturdays of each week only during the months of May,June and July NOTICE I Custom Chopping Promotion Examinations bromptly atteiided to" Box 169, Priceville PRIOEVILLB Pusuc Scuooc. always on hand. PRIGEVILLE mm: Homes Wanted A. E. Trout. Agent C. A. S ' Owen Sound NO. I, GLENELG E. A. McKay, Teacher Whitmore's Old Stand frm Hutchinson lelHor her home " Mtrkdale. She is re-entmted for out your. Missal M. Knox and M. Aldcorn! letttor Munich. Mine: Annie Knox, M. Campbell and J. Aldoom are home tor the hol ide. -- _ _ Mr John MoMillsn and Mrs Donald McMillan of Weblmood Ire visiting " Mr Hugh MeMtllan'e. On Friday In: they motored to Fergul to ave Mr Hugh Millnn who racently under. went a serious operation there. They were uccompnnied by Mrs Hugh Mil. Inn and Mn G. H. Par-low. Mr Wm. McCormick pun-mud 1. Chevrolet our tron: Mr L. anu. Mr and Mrs Proudly and tunily spent a few days " Laurel. Mr 1nd Mn N. o. -wiuon hove rs. turned from their honeymoon. Mrs Mnrtin, Humour. in visiting Mr and Mn John Porter. leans Wm. Scour: and Eddie Wrig In Snuduyed at Irarney. And Freetiom'ottitstto never die We have leltnod the lesson that yo much: In Flunders‘ fields. As I alight when of 'ppreeituion of the pun you plnved, accept this pane. Amen Pierson, Thou Campbell, John Piertuu. Harold MoDermid Iiu Stunt: in visiting friends " Varney. - -- - - Mr ind In J. L McD maid are visiting in tha vicinity I f O.mu with Mrs McDonald's people. The torch " thrdd ii/i, ii GGiii Ten migyou _hnqd|__w_ill my it may. The name that Cenade’e noble none have nude for her mm, live on in the bent. of her sons and deughtere. May we everyone be able to uy u in America's Answer "Fen not In” ye hue died for naught Even though the turnover. In us well as you, have still a aoldien’ part to play. The principle. for which our men to brIVely (blight 3nd many even paid the “prone “crime. the” principle. of right, honor and tree- dom mint be upheld throughout our fair Dominion. By doing your put intbla world wu- yon have mode uerileee that low ot no hove been celled upon to make. You an" up your loud once your home, your liberty in order thet we. who remained ethome. might be tree. We nppreeiete whet you have done and we ehull not forget that it in through the maiden nude by the young menhood ot our own land we Ihere the glory of liberty, the joy ot victory end the peace of home. 1 We, your friends 3nd neighbors. I are here thin "claim: to give you Igloo-n on your mum from our l an. We rejoice m: you have been] kept from alt auger and deadly por- i “I of mm Our prayer: and whim! that you might be returned toyonr triondl have been stunned. I A number ot friends end neighbore eeeembled " the home of Ir end In Donald MeDoneld to welcome hune Pm. Jno McDonald end Jeke Weill. ‘ Then hoye were trained together, went avenue together. were together over there and seine home together, one ot the rether eingnler instances. l The crowd wee celled to order end Mr John Weir wee mede cheirmen. A program or verioee number; in. cluding epeeehen recitation and eoloe wee cemed out. The boye were preeented win: I puree end en ed- drree which wee reed by are John Porter. Following ie the eddreee t ' Dear Bora,--: _ - I SWINTON PARK c. SMITH & SONS, THE DORE“ REVIEW Whatever model you may as- lect, your Briscoewill more than "hold its own" with cars of much higher price. The addition of the new and 'stunning Special Touring Model rounds out the Briscoe line. THE CANADIAN BRISCOE MOTOR. COMPANY, LIMITED Head Ofhee, Toronto Factory, Brockville Less Gas ari.jii,ijj"jjiiiii, . ~ v . I lll' uoo. when" II on” Putting ul'.1'e,ir,, Jd fe, Longuo te. ttttt 1" oemout Boom In his sublet. . . win 0 " um tour" Iona. I . . . art the big 4 would not sum. Gen. The Methodist church ll unending 'Smnlz of S Africa ligned but ". to hold I garden party on the 10A of 'corded I profeu against what he oon- July. Everybody welcomo. Hi)umrd undue nun-nu in some of the --.----- tun". “Germany will than good NO 9, BENTINCK 'fulb in tttb8rrtttg out the o1'C;.l'i2'i') Jr. toSr 4th--Grayce Lowe, Stafford the wisdom of the nation hue plum] T Teasdale. Jr. 8rd to Sr 3rd ~Richard upon her. ralantions wall no doubt be tfel', 5;]?an 2thtsept 333%: l u . . ' n r -- o e [gladly made._ All hono; m 1'.,'e.ey'i,1'lll'l, Alma Schlorff, Fergus Flanigan, Iona of the brains". men 0 our time, I Roy Heagy. Monica Flanigan. Albert who knows what general" "sullen! ; Shewell. Jr 2nd to Sr 2nd-Louisa Sub. I by Britain did for hill country, amen-Pisa. 132d“) Jr. fge'ftt,g Shlcwell.‘ a . I " arry gson, o n m ey, .orne ',',11-y1?cuhf,,:2'l,iel,'e',-_,,.e,i, l, SchlorlT. Primer to tst-- Lillian Heagy, _-__----.------ -- _ _ ___ - Charlie Sheweh Clara Subject, Eddie THE EXPLANATION lGonder. Clarence Schlorff. i Through the “In, of notnb'ol. ,nnd tho trapping' of grnndeur. the ‘lGormnnl delegated to Inga the page "any. had to run an gnun‘lol. “the FiirGii of I" “when." Their cup of humi when I“ lull. Ono dung I In licking ". the ex-Kniur should shave been given . kicchen ohm: " I witness the humulinion brought upon nhll country by him And " like I _ Blended Pun I W. have our doubts Gormnny is in u eulky mood, It in n pole. tot force. Everyone b lien- tttat if opportunity o6red, Gummy would wuntouly nuke thin gnu nu- ty moth" soup of paper. Sb. bu shown not I sign of repentance not nonunion. and it mil need the watch- ful eye at the League of N mom to age that Gummy u not attain allow“ to clothe hem" with the pnnoply of In. ' I Scott tigaltia is so definite in its het to a child of an . Latter-(Ly science mean the "vitamins" are Nature Placed the nthrt mating 'vitamins" in the on of the cod-fish-this explains why needful for normal growth. - m - m - ee W,- l The "setting" for the signing. In an elnbornto "tir .' " the stat hm, totio Hail at Yen-ill“. hung with ancient nnd modern “paltry, with op- portunity for may notables to Im- (fiii the great deed. lien. 48 year. [.80. the Germans, dict-ted the prone dine, and humiliated Fauna had " sign over Mince-Lorraine. had " ngroe to I [use indemnity. nod bid to, gun and bear many insulting onudiu tinn- imposed by he: cougaerou.’ Than aha In. alone : to-da, Ibo hei the bucking ot tho lending union. if _ the WORM. I “Blemd Pence." rem in tho Inb- it of "ring, and we hop. the Ponce signed on Sunday [on will be of that char-cur. The DownTown Shoe Store Shoes sold here give comfort to the wearer and are the'dependable' kind that everybody likes. we are proceeding on life's journey until we reach its end. Be good to your feet and Step by Step Make Life's Walk Easy by Wearing Our Shoes m t iownc. mm. on. MF-d For Stylish, inexpensive Shoes, buy them of us. .. More Mileage Cars of true eeonomr- proven economy -with a record of 29.35 miles per gallon of gasoline on a 10 day non-atop run. The following prices (f.o.b. Brock- ville) are subject to war tax: Standud Touring ... ......... ... 51.225 Special Touring...................81,350 J. B. McILRAITH Durham, Ont. Lot!) and 6, Con. 16, Proton, 200 euros. Ibont 100 acre- cleered. Con. venieut to church. Itore end school ; dailv moi! and telephone service. Will sell very reeeooehie with or without crop. Apply on the procaine to Donald Cempbell. R R No l, Proton Sutton. Mr Goo. Funchor II but, puuing cement Boo" In his sublet. It Thom" Bailey in visiting Month in Wren Sound this weak. Mr Herbert Heist and son Wesley of Toronto viuited in the burg Int week. l “in Jeni. McDonold of Toronto {accompanied by her friend. In Wm. 'Needhlm [nee “in Elm Blah)‘iu [bone for the summer months. The trustee- of S. B. No 9, Ben. tinek have re cog-god Ilia- M. Dori. ing tor the coming you with an inure-u in Inlay. Mist, Celia Bonn. returned to Tor. onto an" tttdang I (on Itch holi- are " her homo. Mr Duncan leLeun [In purehnud a u m ot bom- dw . young colt. In Smith Ind never-l of the family motored to Dornoeh on. dar Int week in Mr Dunn lulu-o'- on to m her brother-in low. It Duncan Mor. ncon who got hurt at Mr Vnoy‘n ruling. Ir Jar. Even. in cementing " atublo Boo" sud puma in Inhabitan- toe the cattle. It Ind In John choehnio of Crawford visited on Sand-y of Int, week with Mr Ind In Dan McLean. Buying in the topic of an day a pron-u and I for has commenced buzzing. It in not ttoiug to be a bony a crop an Inn you. TORONTO CRAWFORD For Mabel Bowling. Teacher art'SrrH ' - tc. L. GRANT t ,'il;'nar canon t mm ii,' Mile t " MMiltf ii,)rttrserortrostrtrtrrtrrir3, eon- having claim. againat the decenned who died on the let day of March I laat at Durham, are required to send to the uttiteraigned, .olicitor for the Admin. i'atratria their name. and addreuel. with particular. of their claima and the na- ture of the aeeuritiea. it any. held by them. After the tom in] " "tr next. the Adminiatratrix WI” distribute the auetl of the aid estate having regard only to the claim. of which the haa had notice ; and the will not be liable to any peraon of whose claim. ahe then had no notice. Dated the tttth day of June, l9l9. TBLPORD & CURREY, IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- TATE OF GEORGE CRAIG. late of the Town of Durham. laborer. deceased. Every graduate in a position. Enter any day. G. D. Fleming. C. A""e'Hd'if,ii,ti Beer. - 'nciul Occupies its own three story College building. over one-third acre floor space providing proper accommodation for successful school work Only school in and: with such facilities. Get the t. Full intonation from I" Grad Trunk Ticket “on; or C Elwin; District Punnger Agent. Toronto. Finlny Grub-m. Town Agent. Telephone No. 8 The Double Trad Route Sleeping can on nifh! Tram. Ind ParlorCurl on princitm Day Trains. - "-'-----V -.. -... I“ - I man.- than; Inn's-4'.“ an um on It. . or Complianc- nut-II than? at Ceylon P.0. will be M W M, "mtroetsrsitunttoi, " D. lePIAlL. Coylon one c. MIMI: Darn- - It l-P'ull bu a sol-phone la In l. NItqttttg, Cuba. - - - - m. n. v a HONOR GRADUATE of To»... Unlunicy. at: of Boys! I', 1'Attri,1',e.l.ttlk3ftpt,l Waco- W. C, PIQKERING B. D s., L B S 80103 GIADDA'I'I Mme on“. h 4-0. In (all... Don I in" aluminum. no... u J. P. Telford NOTICE il hereby given that all per- DUIBAI cm HAM-o... Houu: 7-6 Ivan.“ IRS. JAMES!“ & M11559! Ottige and residence. corner Count. and Lambton, opposite old Pout on. Glace Hours: 0 to II a m., Home A, m., , to O p. m., Sunday: and madly afternoon excepted. oft) and _ -."e. .-._..- ‘m (”Inn-MI - 0..- was..." noun. 0-1! Q, I J. (4.mrrrotrM.o., o . um Auu;:ul: tor 00. J. tenant o. a... Enron) a cmuai LMoPHA n. mouhunm a“... um: 0m h P. “Mouth-on. - Pf P, - “(My 0 In. in White and Mach ' Owen Sound - ”Ontario Uncxcelled dining car service. " - ... Jacqui-v 'tmo " no” in Post 00100. I "rrifiiiiiiGi"ia".'a= SMITH. M. B., M. C. P. 8.0. have my. In Black, White and Grey Durham. Ont. Solicitors for Adnuniqtmtriet . lcl: homom- um uuwuum: Toronto Detroit and Chicago 10RTttEits between i. Bttit to", Rte. 7 to 3“. r'... '-" I I". to! - A BCumy

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